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tv   News  RT  June 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions asked, the better the answer is will be the . the headlines that need welcomes russian troops for the bid to strengthen west africa. as far as the gains terrorism problem, the us was unable to score that the best ation right to your end. the area, as the direct result of such as is really operation which was on the pre suggested and the gaza strip. the death toll from an idea rate on central guns on south today rises to $274.00, including women and children, friends as well. loads the mission, a successful having listed for the best with the plane was bumping at random. they struck houses and rockets. people's bodies were on the streets. i lost my family. 14 were killed. there's still people under the rubble. the streets are
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filled with bodies in hungary, today, the people have clearly expressed the desire for peace. they have to choose between one piece. they will choose pizza. that's the message from gary employment is to victor over the eager hall events re election sub empty will policies make strong gains in both germany and from posing a challenge to russell this for longer and the agenda. the a very well welcome to you is just to and t p i'm here in most go and this is on the international with the lights as well as news out. days, as always is great to have you with us. on top story this, our nisha has invited russia to setup a full fledged military base in the country is the only way counselor is hopeful. the operation will make strides in the 5 games terrorism in the region. i mentioned that the us failed to fulfill we cannot say that the security situation has
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improved. our state is doing everything possible to at least reduce the number of terrorist attacks. we are interested in a full fledged russian military base and we are ready to accept it. that's cross live now to last a correspond to the icon, gay to find out more of a very what kids tell us about the current situation in asia and how these plans will address west africa's terrorism issue. that one is here once russell, just did talk briefly. millage, she based on it's to repeat, this was stated by a concert of the russian federation in the republic of i do, you will, according to him, this has become necessary in the context of to be to risk city. because also long ago, russia, n j, a breach a sprint, then military corporation following a believe she could not be a visit even in the security agreements with the european union. in fact,
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countries across the. so how is each and stretching from senegal to the risk the will tend to rush to for security assistance in the face of brewing regional instability and with no change to the increasing instability for years. now some of these countries have issued for the removal of problems and the you is a security width and from booking of the bus. so tomorrow the news did to chat as well head. so states of those countries of also tend to rest. yeah. um, so help all of them driven by the oh, just to address gaps that fonts and washington previously failed to full us. the 1st goal is to try to work out a deal with the new z, a government that would allow them to stay in the country posting if need is to a breach to a road map. but that would eventually lead to a return to democratic rule. but none of that has even worked out so much so that the russian and american soldiers that have been residing in the same location um, at a base called base,
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what no one which is attached to miami international airport, the russian village. we began arriving in april at the invitation, talking to his government and seen off the cold for the dissolution of the agreement that god been to the you is to presence in the country. and so far, the u. s. has just begun the process of withdrawing forces and assets from missing age. the process has moved from preparation to actual re deployments have listened to this. it does more than $269.00 elements out of $946.00 and several tons of equipment have already left in chair. does this june 7 flight of the c 130 global must over 3 of the us air force from base one to one in yeah, me much the beginning of a series of several large carrier rotations for the rebate creation of personnel and equipment. in accordance with the agreement of may 19th, 2024 on both of these and the u. s. a 5th to the 15th of september as the
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deadline for the complete withdrawal of the american social is the withdrawal. what is the latest action by so how region countries to expel wisdom forces off the a put it in july 2023 frowns was also off to withdraw its troops and it did withdrawal its forces from new jersey in 20, 23 december. what about all of that is taking place you is, and friends, officials, i'm more concerned that to russian forces will seek to exploit, to missouri and people and resources as they washington and frogs have been doing. in many of these other stable african nations for quite some time and big cases of misguided use intervention has a really laid the highly states to take steps to resolve this offering to from wisdom monopolies. expanding foreign ministry is a from of bronson and do you is and wanting a full fledged russian army based and it's still retreat. has been one most of the ways of doing so. the increasing interaction between russia is it is also confirmed
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by the visits of the russian deputy minister of defense of the country with both countries and parties, confirmed the comment desire to consolidate the strategic partnership based on mutual respect, to ask them to search for a great solution to regional and international problems be i kinda gave many things to bring his up to speed on the situation. the correspondence that i'm going to be a con guy speaking to his live a from janice beck. thank you to you. 2000 now, $270.00 for palestinians, including children, were killed in a massive idea of all peroration in central garza. as, according to the enclaves health ministry, a warning he might find the following images. all the of the most disturbing video published by the idea showcase of a huge number of so i'm just taking pause in operation to rescue for him as a captive. meanwhile, journalists in dollars, it documented the many civilians killed and wounded during the incursion. locals
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recounts the deadly is really right now to best select. the plane was bombing at random. they struck houses with rockets, people's bodies were on the streets. i lost my family. 14 were killed. there's still people under the rubble. the streets are filled with bodies. vehicles with bodies tn number plates came as if they were bringing a but they were soldiers in an area filled with displaced people. it's a 10 city that has no resistance and all our civilians and children. first, the car entered and then they were walking looking like civilians. they threw a grenade and then they were clashes. then another bump and then an f. 16. something unexpected. more than what you can imagine, within 10 minutes, they were in the entrance of our tent and in the tent next to us. the 10th next to us was filled with dead bodies. one soldier came to interrogate me and asked me, where is the resistance? i said, i don't know any, i'm just a displaced person from kansas city in new say, right. i don't know any resistance fighters or anyone. then they asked about where
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my weapons were. i should have no weapons. they told me if i don't confess, they will detain and shoot my kids. i said i have nothing to confess to. i don't know anyone from the resistance nor do i have any weapons. within a minute, i heard gunfire in the other room. at that moment, my 2 sons were shot. my 12 year old son was killed. and the other son here, may god hear him. it was the idea of officer was killed and the rescue operation is so a russian national, freed from us. local journalist, why me on the got re sensors this report from these threats widespread divest ation and the area whereas, ready like bill it to rate was able along with those really intelligence where we're able to evacuate for off of these radiate hostages. while i've been here since october 7 bought the station right to your end, the area as the direct result of such as really operation which was
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on the pre sit dented and the gaza strip of following the assembly letter one and drop off a few months ago. this is done as a right to repeat. you can one of the most densely populated neighborhoods, all river g counts. and the middle area of the gaza strip were as well was able to carry out this, especially at military and intelligence operations. a part of the station is that you might see here and the camera is about number as house as number of houses of the population have be destroyed, a there partially or completely because of that as really military operation. right at this very particular location. and then no, so right or every g job very close to the marketplace. well, it's not,
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today's not killing have gone since has spock's a global outcry south africa condemned as well for quote, targeting hundreds of civilians for the sake of freeing for hostages. the organization of islamic corporation slams the atomic labeling. it's an example of organized genocide on the un, special level to on palestine also weighed in on good spies where the troops using a humanitarian truck for cover during that definitely right. relieved that for hostages had been released, it should not come at the expense of at least $200.00 palestinians killed, including children and over $400.00 injured by israel and allegedly foreign soldiers. well, per city is slay hiding and in a truck this humanitarian camouflage. at another level, israel could have fried all hostages, alive and intact 8 months ago when the 1st seas fire and hostage exchange was put on the table, get israel refused. in order to continue to destroy garza and the palestinians as a people all season at least, bureau chief maria,
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for notion of delves into how the idea is trying to justify such a high number of casualties. for the full cap tips. rescued of these really leadership sees it as one of the country's most daring operations. now, it is called a known in memory of the special police force unit fighter knowns, i'm or father of to who fell secure in the hostages. this is just a small extract, told the many praising words these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu sat about this operation. let's take a listen, no matter what our heroic warriors charged as one man into the fire, they illuminated the terrorists and fried the hostages. on thursday evening, when i finally approved this complex and dangerous operation to main consideration stood before my eyes. first, our commitment to return all the hostages home called a 2nd to by the knowledge that you can trust our fighters. there are not better
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than them in the world, but the number of casualties, the rest of the operations lead to may many raise questions about his success, of course. and as we understand it didn't. 2 as planned from these really side to these really on the referral to bash forces were confronted by not smell, attends on with our p, jeez. but the jets provide an aerial support for the ground forces eliminate them eventually allow in the troops to bring the hostages to another helicopter. how much has accused israel off committing at complex war crimes. with this operation to free for captives and claimed 3 other hostages, including a us citizen, were killed. israel has denied these accusations, same, the number is given to the media. if i have mass, ron health ministry garza how largely inflated according to their estimates. less than 100 people were killed in the operation and the idea of can i cannot say for sure whether the cavities were caused by their bombardment and fire that by the way
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came from the air or the land and the sea, or by him mouse challenge. back in february, how do you have carried out as similar operations rescue 2 hostages and rough songs and southern dogs. that's the area where the 10s of thousands of thousands displaced on the north sled earlier hoping to find shelter. a mess of air strikes then provided cover and support full ground troops to free to men. and again, that time, cuz the health ministry for to that around 70 palestinians were killed, including civilians with him as claiming that free all their captives lost their lives. also were member one of the most heartbreaking incidents of friendly fire. when in december, the idea of killed 3 is rarely hostages. the people, it declares it is fighting to say you are in a combat and gaz on demand took off their shirts to show they were an armed, while one of them was even waving a white flag with the army anyway. and besides,
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i defy them as millison opened fire and all 3 died immediately. so yes, the rock questions and concerns, of course, as often rescue operations leads to disproportionate number of casualties. that's close to the you. well, position policies are prepared to do the major below to the ruling policies in gemini, from sand, austria, challenging the mainstream goal mongering, rhetoric and european parliamentary elections, and gary and permanent civic to open states. the vote presents people with a choice regarding the ukraine conflicts a little poly as well, the masters of the political content of the european parliament elections. it can be summed up as follows, the deed, hungary, today, the people have clearly expressed a desire for peace. if they have to choose between one piece, they will change the to follow me one more as little countries a said depends what was pace with germany. one of ukraine's taught weapon supplies
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. now among them voted in germany, chose the alternative for germany policy. you have a chancellor schultz is ruling social democratic policy earlier the, the rejected issue sanctions against russia over the ukraine, conflicts and for on some crumbs when they phones. ponti goes only 15 percent of all the national riley pulled around 31 percent. and it all 3 of the freedom policy gains 25 percent beating the ruling peoples policy. i'll tell you that shortly. do . buskie has no, as we've seen, people voting towards more nationalistic policies, but i think it's fairly clear across the board. the idea of, i'm ti, russia sanctions on to sending weapons to you quite see ukraine joining you is being a sentiment that is being shared by many europeans who being voting in these elections . and we've seen that for success for the policies that have come pained on that, that still in fonts wherever to spot the national valley. this is a policy that's being heavy by moving the pens, put the shape jordan by data,
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who has been very clear how he stands on the who in the way he has said that he doesn't want french trappings to be used destroy within russian territory. his policy taking over all around the food of the vote, which is incredible to me is as clear as i say, this clear message address to the menu and i'm a chrome in european leaders. marks are countries determination to see the european union change direction and move towards greater democracy, protection and consideration for the people of europe. a window of hope has risen in front of this and it's only just begun. so around the 3rd about is voting for the national riley. despite that, there were protests outside the headquarters. it was sunday night, as those results were coming in president michael as a result of his policies. many of said he's been going over the last few months with those suggestions. french troops could be sent to queen to fight against russia, with the fact that he's between the facts that french weapons can be used to strike
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within russian territory. that's not resonated with the vote is and as a result, he went on tv on sunday night and said something pretty extraordinary. he has cooled a snap election, dissolving the national assembly because he said his hood to punch people for the plastic. but also, you know, it could, the main lesson is clear. this is not a good result for the parties to defend you, including the presidential majority, which is a situation to which i cannot resign myself. the rise of nations, us and demagogues is a danger not only for our nation, but also if we do event for fonts as place in europe and the world. i think what we're seeing here, it is clear that the older of us, we knew it is pretty much gone. and let's discuss germany because it was a difficult night for transfer. all of schultz was an as yeah, the worst have the results for his party. the social democrats, i taking 114 percent of the vote, and again, this is a person who has been storage seen support a few quite recently has said that yes to him and weapons can be used against
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russia own russian. so it's a following that rhetoric that we saw from the french president and again, that clearly has no resume to the voters in germany. i'm. his party is seen these words step result seduce me. she me aging. and the question now excuse me, that schultz is government isn't a fairly tenuous position anyway. could we see what we're seeing in fonts and his government collapsing in the next few weeks is today. it is very clear to us that there cannot be a woman or a man at the head of europe who can be elected with the votes of right wing populace and right wing radicals. and we are very, very clear on that. what's clay is we saw a marked difference result for the f d, which has been a positive that have been empty when you crank and p sending weapons to ukraine. i'm the russians function was they didn't very well in this policy. and what's interesting is schultz is in a very difficult position already within his own government. and that all
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suggestions that we could state the 2nd government now collapsing in the next few weeks. so possibly these elections bringing not just down the french government, but the german government to but you know, is a very contentious campaigning resulting in an actual violence against politicians and some cases. yeah. so, so a resource, huge contentious campaigning through this. we've seen the f d policy, a politician candidates being attacked. one was stopped last week, but i think is the one thing that is on everybody's minds is that attempted assassination of slovak is appointment as a robot feet. so just last month, this is by a pro and you clean and simple with a 2 point blank shop temp 5 times the feet. so survived the attack. he was speaking to the media in the last week saying that it was a result of the fact that he stood up didn't send the weapons to ukraine and stood up against the sanctions. and is a pro peace precedent. but he was in the firing line,
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a product that means it was not the subject to develop a who's the situation in the relations between my political representation and partners in the un nato escalates adopted the russian attack on ukraine. when we refuse to provide you craig, with any military aid from state stocks, it is precisely the conflict in ukraine that the even nature has elevated, even more literary, sanctified the concept of the single correct opinion. namely that the will in ukraine must continue at any cost in order to weaken the russian federation. anyone who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent. well, it seems that that message from faint. so is the message that we've seen across the board from politicians who have done well in this your opinion election. i just wanna bring you some comments from a slip on dylan who was hoping to get a 2nd to him. his commission president, she has said these elections show a majority of your opinions, want a strong your yes, absolutely do. but perhaps not possibly in the way that sheet views that strong you
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. what is, what is clear is that people across you of different policies that i'm more than going on. this really could change the shape of brussels for the next 5 years. goes washington, steven or co sign on the elections as well? president bind instead phone support, the ukraine could be shaker. and if the european blog chooses to bile, out of the conflicts, us was a blow. edward snowden took to his ex accounts, quoting on politicians, to give peace a chance. independent journalists, nuclear, they say is a big shift is coming to the european political landscape. ok, the old europe is a good plan. they call them making a common market, and they get against all forward. of course, we need a common market and, and to buy things easily across the borders. it, but we don't want the rest of the project. well, they won't. thousands of federal units is the united states of europe with an elected government like the one not with a slot on the land,
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not collected in brussels, doing their own stuff without even a, you know, consulting in the countries, the member states and refusing to talk to 2 people they qualify as it's extreme, and i've seen that assault process, probably the worst way to see model was the top one perform all into unit against russia, being totally diesel filed by history. but we are really fast on the west holdings countries like germany de biometrics and equipment and follow until now we have followed exactly what on washington, what russia has many friends, many friends, some of the spots is what the witness to be in the coming month. we will see probably a shift in the spot is these right wing punches will be moved pro russian that were the mold, the beginning of the construction staff would be on russian time. such was because
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russia is winning this conflict. it's evident for everybody. it's the at the front in the room that nobody wants to speak about. the 3 russian soldiers have been wounded by ukrainian drove and attacking the bulk of old region. us as most goes on me make significances, trying to expanding it. some buses are in the hawk of region on the coast on of takes us to the front lines replacing the this is definitely one of the more on seek tillery pieces that i've seen in this war. but its crew is telling me that one of its main advantages is its range almost see too low, much as so it packs a really good punch at a distance. this crew is deployed to one of the most fiery fronts, ukrainian drones and tell her we developed a habits of 2 men, team rushes boot, the villages, and the major regional city of belgrade. so now russia's new literacy group news is
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chasing the enemy away, deeper and deeper into the territory of the high to come region 3, which is just to say that you're not going to the news need to made equipment, hasn't been a novelty on the front lines for a long time now, it arrive who the form is a title change for keys in this conflict. i promise has failed. becoming just
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another target for soviet making systems like this, fixing up to a china as being a triple 7 howitzer was destroyed yesterday. the waves that we fly, the reconnaissance, they give us the coordinates. that's what they reported. now in general, they don't fire back at us as much. we are doing better now, but we worked well in general. i think the enemy, when the shells run out, the 3 sevens probably won't reach us any more. triple 7, so they're gone for you. so we have more work on the front. american made weapons quickly turned from breakthrough to burden. as many proved to be designed with a different type of a fight in mind. ukraine's army health chuck is overwhelmed with afflictions, potentially incurable conditions. so much so even it's elite troops don't see a way out of the van to surrender. how did you get captured? less than that. they started showing,
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pelted me with the coordinates and i surrendered. and also she didn't resist know, and you'll come writes, know, why didn't they use special forces? how come? well, they were afraid. scans of the show. yes. how do you rate your leadership, literate, illiterate, illiterate. why? because when they stormed us, no one informed them they were coming before us. was it as a price for you? yes. did you somehow tried to contact your? come on to tell them that you were being attacked, stormed. yes, we tries, there was silence. nobody answered. so we would just left that bull something it turns out, yes, this man was parts of the whole, the reserves thrown into box. so in keeps bid to push him back. russia here in the height of the region. a push as a desperate, as it proves to be futile,
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i think is done. i'm proposing from the how to confront t o join administer do is the honors put code in finish chief editor of m v. like the many thanks for coming to stay there. always lovely to see, and i know that you've been living in the guns region for quite some time now, which has been the targets of us made a task them's me, solves recently the results in civilian casualties. can you tell us more about the situation that right now, how tens is, is so you know that the gods can drop. it's always so after the russian intervention and the support from russia. we've just been very peaceful. safety became a very prosper of very economic boons, people because a lot of hope. and now these western, as you saw, systems are intruding. the life of civilians like very broad the way because it's a peaceful city. and suddenly we see the missiles striking see the region,
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and there is absolutely no military installation in the capitol into center area. and of course, so all the traumas is basically 10 years ago, 2014. when, when the training and troops of the circle it regard succeeded and it will show from all directions, you know, thousands of feelings were dying on the streets and it was a huge, okay. of on the city. it brings up all the so fears and trauma since then years ago and people are just hoping that lease god don't give this hell back to our lives. but there oh to one month we sold there. one we sold there. don't most people are very, very powerful people they, they know they are, they have a long experience from the brand new civil war and, and they have very strong, you know, the big keep their mind cool. but of course, for little children,
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for the just normal population, it's so sad to see how these measles are striking to their life. and they don't have a deal from that. and the latest drive came just days off the west. the need is green lids. the use of michelle's day supply contribution soil. what's the significance of this decision in your opinion? and yeah, they want to show that they can do it and they, they are doing it it's, it's continuation of this. there are tactics of them. i don't know what they are trying to achieve with that. certainly shelling of peaceful safety over the gauze and doesn't change anything on the front line. but, but we have seen these going on since 2014. that when they are having a military defeats, the revenge is on the see really and population shoulders. and they have dining for the belgrade they have done, it. donors will gone. and there are some forces which see
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a benefit from this. they want to have the war on the head lies on the people's minds. and by that controlling the, the arm flow through the creating intrudes. they don't care what they are doing it, but they want to see explosions. they wants to show that the, the hostilities far wide and some military solutions are needed. me want to talk about mobilization tactics was we've, we've seen being used in ukraine. we've seen these are risk videos, terrifying videos as much as being snatched off the street. so these isolated situations or a, you know, how come to places this and how, how willing all ukrainians it to go to the front lines. and if they are just being snatched off the streets and this is widespread. how effective could force recruitment big. you know, it's a steel of serial more and it has been since 2014 when the west made to go.


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