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tv   News  RT  June 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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is the best of part of the the, the un security council passes a resolution for peace in gaza, including an immediate cease fire. a prisoner swapped on the wreck instruction of the rubbish, and it will apply reaction on that meant also it had a plane carting that malawi, vice president disappeared shortly after take off a search and rescue operation is under weight on the you know, being election is an opportunity to just slow down and still get up and forward. if you're being politicians, if we cannot win this much against the wall for the benefit of the beast bodies, we will soon be tied into warning you the message from the hun, gary and prime minister following you. you parliamentary elections though, on the establishment parties, made strong games in both germany and from supposing
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a challenge that brussels, let's fuel and hoping ukraine conflict with weapons. and after all, ahead this news hour the fly from our international youth center in moscow. this is our to you. hello and welcome to the program. the un security council has adopted a long awaited resolution to bring peace together. but by in, from israel looks far from guaranteed. let's go through the, the plan outlines 3 phases to ending the conflict, starting with an immediate cease fire and the release of hostages from gals as part of a prisoner swamp of israel. the 2nd phase would see the complete withdrawal of idea of troops from the enclave. on a permanent end the facilities, the final phase is in that reconstructing the devastated palestinian territory. i'm returning the remains of all the seas hostages. the resolution also rejects any
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attempts to make territorial changes to the kansas trip. with no votes against the draft and 14 in favor, russia was the only nation to abstain. here's how the country's un ambassador explained that most customers are very few months up. it's not possible to put a logo cuts out. in this case, we essentially proposed to a captain a bag, and we were given the many statements from israel on the extension of the war until her mass is completely defeats. it's the truth. and what specifically, as israel agreed to, we are convinced that a security council should not sign up 2 agreements without bringing her head with vague parameters and without guarantees, alternative transportation on the ground. but without the slightest clear understanding how the politic themselves are, what they want to to just towards it. so essentially the council is giving a call long. she senses to signing up to this planet with details that they don't have to do. who knew where they need the pool? repub you them? well, joining us from over a mile and know is palestinian alice called do not bark. good. see good to see you
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today. count, tune how much has said it wealth comes the resolution. but you've got the really government to yet to officially respond. and speaking of the un security council, israel's and boss for we know, suggested that up the world will continue until hamas returns all hostages. so with that in mind, what is the reality of this at resolution today? the problem is that the how most wanted a guarantees the and the word and goes and does what i refused that and the, this is what, what the biden uh plan if we can call it uh in doubts. that is what i have said. they would continue or, and with the, the width of the guns and get as input from the cabinet. and is that a, i think the problem of nathan, you know, is to be a, been to best such
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a solution or to accept this one of those lucian, would it be big problem hand this week coming if there was a solution of the day, good book senior teneo in front of a big problem if he accepts that he will face a refusal from his. but notice in the development coalition specially that lead just as soon as my thought is that it's might have been via and bits of land and smoke breaks. so that's why i have been trying to find in these that are a little reaction they have just the publish it is that only media published the solution and tennis would come in without saying anything of is it a, in a splint i'm filling out? so i put the delta, that is what it is going to accept this process. that is what i execute this plan is only the united states in this sort of the lucian. so i use it's, that's the,
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that's the important point here. i'm just the lincoln, with the rush, abstain from blocking the resolution, saying that moscow has an urge caution and how it's going to be implemented. and as you say, whether israel with a pull that the just to surmise that russia is saying that it's all very well for countries to vote for peace. everybody wants peace. but it's the, it's the ins and nights. exactly. how is it going to be done because other than not, how would we know how that will be sustained? and that's the important part. yes, as it is said, sit down heights between the difference between the lines or the dance. and this is what i think it will be the most difficult part of this solution. this plan will, is that a, it will be committed to this plan and, and is this war uh, with the beginning of the 1st to stage. and if it, let's say they will not pay bills to uh, agree on something and they have to continue or to
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a prolonged with any confusion as well as that. i looked at that and say, please keep seizing. claire is what i said, we won't have that on the light and put them in the back door. but this is what time the subject did, and that's what, how much to then demand the guarantees the to in this war. nobody wants to have this the end of this world more than the police stance. so uh, everybody know is weird thing the, is it really oh for sure. uh, the extra noticeable to this sort of solution that i think colors ago. i saw that this is what i was going to do, this sort of solution that i do know that i know anything you how is zillow. and in the past, he made it, he was able to use the assistance of it being against and get and get those things within the company. now they are not there anymore. so who will be facing the solicitor? and the smart that agent is, might have been viewed and maybe other so on the work to continue in order to achieve its own goals of this was that none of them was that you've done to know
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and, and failing to achieve these goals means that is what i am, but i think equally last, this was the us voted in favor of the resolution. the american embosser though, took the chance to once again the holy plain from us at for what's happening now. we can take a listen together to what linda thomas greenfield had to say of the palestinian peoples have george here held in this war? started by him us. there's an opportunity to charge a different course. some us must take it. egypt and katara have a sure the united states that they are continuing to work to ensure that hamas engages constructively and the united states will help ensure that israel lives up to this obligations as well. assuming from us except for deal. well, the spike, knowing historically to the country,
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the usa is cal doing that they can guarantee israel will implement this binding resolution from the security council. do you think you'll be able to do that from the experience? i think it will be very difficult to get the whole business and political interest is to reject this deal in this time. so we feel like this evening and they can, they said they are now discussing the military and listening low and the that. and it has, it is a big problem for those that our lives and the sort of things the, that is a legal issue. anything you know, once the stability of his government coalition and the, this, the solution and go into a c, c, f, i out of that, put in the word good for his, uh, well machine and able to buy that and then, but as of that, it's uh, it might have been viewed about if this war ends with this deal and he will whit from this government. then this means the end of nathaniel has political life
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because he's with think, inquire, is to investigate the war of or the events of the 7th of october and this war. and he has also, uh, but i think i am a good option. and this most cases put into his political life this he doesn't want to have been. so i think it would be a big problem for him. and he made it go on a class with a united states enables him to accept this solution that we, that was issued to do. the resolution also calls for the respecting of the integrity of the palestinian enclave. let's take a listen as well to what the of jerry and and buster said about that. there's lucian sons missing. know 10 more terms to rouse us. the more about peaks or $3040.00 really be neat.
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so mobile for resumes. we'd be his publisher. even garza, and these are highly or corporation forces must be drawn from the empire, goes us 3. so this is something that the usa usually will get israel to agree to, to leave all of gaza. again, can they, will they? this is the biggest challenge and the, i think also it's them in this for, they are not that for the united states ability to forces that are able to do that if they are, if they manage to do this and they end the war without anything you know, saying no, i think it would be good, but can they do that for them? the experience and it then, you know, went to the congress and he's planning to go again to the congress, the challenge and the democratic. but the administration,
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he did that with the then that when it was the nuclear in, in nuclear program agreement. and now we are going through this and maybe situation next month. if anything ever decides to challenge this sort of solution and to challenge by been administration. i think with the internal situation and political situation and legal situation of that, any else i think he's going to challenge this sort of solution or can you make a risk and lose his government? and just a point on what we saw last your account doing a brief cease fire in guns that did happen. but both sides ended up leaving each other for violating it. who can guarantee the same? what happened this time then? this is, i think it's both of those illusion and of by then plan that the if after the 6 month weeks of the fastest stage, if you fail, if both sides fail to uh,
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reach an agreement, see slide would continue. this could be one guarantee, but it's, is it a little blame that way? they guarantee this in the 1st uh, lets say agreement and the 7 days agreement that led to a lot of deal directly to add a leasing uh. is there any info stand in uh, is there any hostages and for the standing today, but has another nathan yeah, i would have to have him back to bombing against the on the 5th minutes of the, of the a on that it did. he, they, he didn't wait just for a lot of stuff, how much demanded in order to arrange themselves and to find other hostages. in other places. he refused that he was with think in a minute just to go back to water because he was afraid that this is way out of good the going on got and it installed uh the betterment into this way out of this . what if anything, you know, did the implants will have been now if we go back to this case,
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i think it would be difficult for them to send me a hook, do accept the date. and he may try to make advantage of any of sticking uh, in this uh see, it may have been the 5th to stage. i have to go back to blooming goods and all of the tools that display his. but notice in the collection, if it dates for exit the deal and, and an engine of delving into the reality behind the resolution today. thank you very much for coming on a short notice as well. palestinian unless calhoun bought a booty live from ramallah as well. speaking exclusively to our, to earlier south africa's top diplomat lindy, pandora told us the crisis in galilee is a test for humility. she sees the world's being failing to protect innocent civilians can watch or full interview with south africa's top. different not throughout the day. here on there, in fact it arrived 15 minutes time at or also an hour to come here just snippet the
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no one should breach international in the manner that israel is doing. no one should preach international humanitarian law in the manner that israel is doing. you cannot have such a large scale killing and the world just allows you to get away with it. so i believe this is a test for all of us as humanity to stand up and really fight against such abuse of human beings with respect to the i c. j. we believe the court has clearly indicated on the provisional measures that what should be achieved is an end to hostilities, a permanent ceasefire. and that's in the cause of the conflict. the people of palestine should have access to humanitarian aid and their rights should not be abused. the court has also been very clear about the responsibility of an occupier
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to those that they occupied. because often when we discuss what is happening to the palestinian people, we don't refer to israel as an occupying force, which it is, and its responsibilities as an occupier, a well set out in the united nations, a job to. and these have been neglected and disrespected i c, j has called for the establishment of an independent you in create to investigate, to body, to both collect and retain evidence on activities that have been underway against the palestinian people. for me, that was a very, very significant decision. and i hope that the united nations will act on it, as well as take you then to the aftermath of israel's hostage rescue operation in central augusta on some of the 274 palestinians, including 64 children,
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were killed here. and about as, according to the end clips health ministry, want to show you as well, by the way of warning, you may find the following footage and disturbing over here on our news world video, published by the adf on the left showcasing forces taking part in the operation to recover a captive held by a mazda total of 4 were rescued. by the way, when we hear journal is helping, documenting this footage at local footage, the many civilians killed and wounded during the incursion. locals have at be re counting the deadly. it's really rate what happens here is something i have never seen in my life. israel said the rescue for people here and what did they leave behind? it's a devastating catastrophe. so you can see these really forces we're taking the lives of these palestinians for the lives of the 4010 needs a lot of english, but on to more than 2000000 invest in gaza, hostages of israel and a hire. today we will be to town a bomb, killed or arrested whenever they want to. and the watchful eyes of the
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international community in global media wants to not stop them. we heard a big bang from nearby. so i looked out for the window, and some people wearing black uniforms in the army cast, got off the truck and set up a ladder and climbed up the neighboring house. i rushed to tell my family that there was a special operation force. just of that moment i heard an exchange of fire and bombs dropping. we hit in the kitchen in a corner of our house for over half an hour before a flight continued. so we could only hide like fast. after half an hour the gunfire gradually waved, but was still there, did not come out. a few minutes later the is really forces started incense bombardments on this street. after that, we fled to school. we found that they had destroyed everything in this area to last weekend's mass killing of gas and sparked a global i cries, so that africa condemned israel for quote, targeting hundreds of civilians for the sake of freeing for hostages. the
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organization office on the cooperation slum they attacked to leveling another sample of organized genocide and the un special robert tour and palestine also weighed and angered bias really tripped using ation monitoring truck for cover during their deadly rate. relieve that for hostages have been released. it should not come at the expense of at least $200.00 palestinians killed, including children, and over $400.00 injured by israel and allegedly foreign soldiers. well, per city, a slave hiding and in a truck this humanitarian camouflage. at another level, israel could have fried all hostages, alive and intact 8 months ago when the 1st seas fire and hostage exchange was put on the table, get israel refused. in order to continue to destroy garza and the palestinians as a people walk present in bindings. national security advisor jake sullivan has confirmed that the us assisted the is really hostage rescue operation. but the
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client to expand on the details the united states has been providing support to israel for several months and its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages and guys and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery . i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related, matters associated with that because we need to protect those. i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the adf. uh so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages, who are still being held. let me say that the box to be good so they can sign it. and so how long is it that we can somehow even additional duration because the damage is easy because the you aside in the most. okay. so you can
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involve leasing or is it how is that to justify people use destruction on the area. what are the signs from dc device by the end of the day, 3 their hostages to get fired. this is one of the most important thing that is managed, since it's on this course the their own story of what's going on. only they short themselves as the features. now this thing is now a lot more working as before. no, they're not. this goes on down an option you do. yeah, that goes on the, on the i who says to africa for a military plane cutting 10 people, including the malawi, vice president has gone missing shortly after leaving the nation's capital. a
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search and rescue operation has been ordered by the country's leader or t correspondent and you look for you, come gay has more and what is known of this stage as well. so. so we will understand how that to set that hidden version, search and rescue operation. is underweighed in malawi after the paid kevin vice prison sawdust to be my window off the radar and cannot be typed. it is, see if that's a pain to lift the capitol of my will along with the field to make it so i'm scared to of landing in terms of international airport. and maybe some authorities have also said that they've lost complete content with the play as it did go off the readout puddings to them and all the government statement as well. if it's to me, content would be across the face of the president of my law. we left them as to where i had no audit regional and national forces to conduct an immediate search and rescue operation. to locate with being a craft might be the president wants to travel to the bahamas,
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the for what you visit but has not canceled the to do to this incident at the moment. she is the mounting that something bad to mind have already happened to the vice president of the 9 people. that's what she is supposed to be. you know the government of my law, we have confirmed that to contact to was the profit has the offices 10 am in the morning with them and i would document is also a promise to gave the public updates and information on the situation. as soon as the concrete intangible information becomes available, not much information has been made available at this point. that's all we know for now. the voters in european parliamentary elections have given establishment parties up bloody nose running blocks in germany, france and austria among those nursing. their wounds with hon, gary and prime minister victor or balancing many sold the fall as, as a chance to push back against mainstream hawks understands on the plan conflict. a
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maggie slept out in front which was the country most strongly in favor of the war. there was a real political uprising. the european election is an opportunity just slowed down and was still there after the war of you to be in politicians. if we cannot win this much against the wall for the benefit of the beast bodies, then, but we'll get involved. we will soon be tied into wanting you to know well when it comes to some of ukraine's top weapon suppliers on the voting seen, their german voters favored the alternative for germany party, which has rejected the use sanctions against russia over chancellor shaw says, ruling social democratic party the if the finishing 2nd in front, sabrina depends. national raleigh dominated pulling in twice as many votes as president mcgraw's release owns a small selection has been called their following upsize make result. and austria is freedom party, another group and calling for peace in the ukraine. complex, finish the both the ruling people's party on what's being called the big night for the right. here's our to contribute our mutual marsden, a. hey, look,
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be jo for rubio has been like that guy weaving all over the highway with a bumper sticker on the vehicle that says, hey, how's my driving call 1800 get lost to let me know. and no one ever answers that complaint line because in the use case, they're too busy flirting with their girlfriend, zalinski. so it really did come as a big shock to the european establishment inside the car, when voters decided it was time to force it off the road with this election. because the dry hers were to deliriously drunk on there and ukraine obsession to be allowed to stay the course without pausing even more damage than they already have . the clown car has mowed down the livelihoods of european voters, handing cash out to crane wallace sticking its own voters with the bill when it's increasingly challenging for them to make ends meet in their daily lives. as a result, and with no end in sight to any of it because they really don't see the risk in
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what they're doing worse, their legs zalinski himself, take the wheel of their clown car by deciding exactly what he can do with their weapons. western weapons with total, reckless disregard for whatever you happens to get up to, including stripes on russian territory, which risk obvious escalation with the west. so voters in france, italy, germany hungry, the netherlands, austria slovenia, all insisted on pulling. the crown will be all in the exact opposite direction from which the establishment has wanted to go. it's being qualified as a hard, right? turn all of the wins and the selection, but in reality is just the rejection of the establishment. reckless joy ride. you guys are using shooting, we use the a f d r strictly against sending arms to ukraine. we have already rejected the 1st arms deliveries to deliver weapons. now that can expressly attack targets in russia. we
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categorically reject this as an escalation of violence that we do not want that we reject and consider very, very dangerous. we are the party for democracy and peace and against war. hey, but you know, a great way to win hearts and minds of voters who have just use the selection to tell you that they are happy. just call those for whom they democratic. we voted a bunch of nazis like this guy did from german chancellor. all i've schultz is party snowball. i also believe that the result of video being elections will wake many people up to the fact that the nazi soon becomes stronger in the selection, i believe. but many people who wake up and fight for democracy. so it will be something different to what is happening tonight. who are you talking about? you know that i mean the f d n you, you just called me in the party nazis? yes. okay. interesting. so a few highlights from some of the biggest anti establishment victories. first,
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there was a really huge victory in a show of support for georgia maloney's party and policies and also in belgium. the prime minister was faith so hard that he actually started crying when the votes were known and the results. and then he ended up basically bowing out and saying that he was residing. i guess it was a little bit too much. and over in france, where i'm asking depends national riley party more than doubled the result. the french president, a menu and mac holes party. it was a big victory for 28 year old job. done that the who headed up that list and grew up in since the end of the parisian suburbs that's been transformed over the years . that there's something that now resembles a wasteland straight out of a grand theft auto video game, and results of establishment policies. to be clear, i believe this clear message addressed to a menu and i'm a chrome and you are being leaders, marks or countries,
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determination to see the european union change direction and move towards greater democracy, protection and consideration for the people of europe. a window of hope has risen in france, and it's only just begun. okay, so how did not call reacts all this? well, he tossed the result of this from like a toddler right after the vote and announced that it will be double or nothing dissolving the french national assembly with a vote scheduled for june 30th guest having zalinski monopolized french parliament on fridays the last day before you voting for france, as one final reminder in the final stretch of the election campaign of the high price being paid by french voters in the daily lives as a result of ukraine's non stop for an interference in hijacking french priorities and the country's economic viability. and that, of course, a french voters as well to blue up, right, and actually space zalinski is a mascot of sorts now for establishment, se in the same way that another clown,
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ronald mcdonald, is synonymous with big macs and fast food. and the deputy chairman of the russian security council has weighed in with a sort of yell for google style review of this whole circus. well, well respected by no one my current on shoulds every soon but the problem and elections results. they come as a reflection of your, in the policy of providing support to the been their authorities in ukraine and because of your own citizens, your idiotic economic and migration policy waiting, see what comes next time to retire to the ash heap. a piece 3. sounds like a one star or maybe a 2 star review investor resigning would actually require self awareness as queen ursula vander lined the. i'm elected still, she didn't stand for an election this time, although they one or 2 for democratic credibility basically, is that right? you are the commission president said right after the boat. she's more motivated
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than ever now to find the people who just won because apparently nothing screams democracy in the u. louder than vowing to defeat the democratic freelance people. we were staying with the story we asked alternative for germany party and p gerald austin. why the federal government housing called us not vote in the country over its election. defeat of president mccaul has done in front as we have a different kind of constitution the and i liked the print, so it needs a predator. and then you can just say, okay, the both the elections and then 3 weeks times it's a different than jumping. so i'm 10 chance a child has to initiate this process. so you have to actually ask for a vote of confidence and, and, but at the moment it doesn't look like they are deducting cause they all know the, the whole correlation knows that they use about 50 percent of the seats in parliament. and that is a huge argument for them to stay at least one year longer. and.


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