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tv   News  RT  June 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the, the, the un security council passes a resolution for peace and gals that proposed by the us, but rush of voices concerns over the implementation of the plan. the procedure for the customers, we are essentially being offered a catch can a bag. in essence, the council is handing out a card to launch and signing onto a plan, the details of which it does not even know. a plane carrying the middle always vice president disappeared shortly after take off a search and rescue operation is under way. and also the european election is an opportunity to slow down was still there up in the water for you to be in politicians. if we cannot win this much against the will for the benefit of the
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peace parties, we will soon be tied in a war in europe. the message from the hun, gary and prime minister following the parliamentary elections, empty establishment parties, made strong gains in both germany and from imposing a challenge to brussels. fueling of the ukraine conflict with weapons. the this is art international. my name's you know, no legal and 30 minutes of news and views starts not the united nations security council has adopted a us propose resolution for peace and gas. it 14 nations voted in favor with nothing against but russia abstained. seeking more details and how the plan will actually be enforced a procedure for the categories. here, we are essentially being offered a cat in a bag against the backdrop of numerous statements from israel,
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about continuing the war until her mazda is completely defeated. what exactly has israel agreed to me, but we are convinced that the security council should not sign onto agreements with vague parameters you. in essence, the council is handing out a card to launch and signing onto a plan, the details of which it does not even know to put a piece of corresponding caleb, nothing can tell us more from new york either or caleb along the way to the resolution but still no unanimous votes of the security council on it. tickets through how it went on the main sticking points. sure, russia did not vote against the resolution because it had significant support from the arab states. however, they did not feel comfortable voting in favor of it. this is a us proposed resume. ready asian, it has 3 phases of a plan, but no talk of how that plan would be implemented and it also has no territorial
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changes between israel and palestine. now the united states assured the world in their testimony before the council that they would indeed make sure israel carried it out, that israel would fulfill this peace agreement. here is what we heard from the representative of the united states. you just in katara have a sure the united states that they are continuing to work to ensure that a mouse engages constructively and the united states will help ensure that israel lives up to you is obligations as well, assuming from us except the deal. now in the past, israel has not been willing to cooperate with diplomatic efforts. efforts at diplomacy and resolution of the conflict have not stopped israel from attacking refugee camps and engaging and ground operations. and though the united states
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assured the world, the israel would fulfill this cease fire agreement, we heard israel before the council saying they wouldn't stop until. busy mosse was completely destroyed. here's what. ready is really representative said, which sounds like it kind of notifies any talk of the ceasefire. israel stands firm on our principles and they have not changed. we will continue on to all of the hostages are returned and until from us military and governing capabilities are dismantled. these have been our goals from day one, just as president biden stated on may 31st. come us must not staying power. israel will not let her boss re arm or regroup. so the guys a can pose the threats to israel. this is the unwavering goals that we are determined to achieve. this also means that israel will not engage in meaning less than and less negotiations which can be exploited by some us as a means to solve for time. now other countries just wanted an end to the blood shit
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. there were a number of countries that spelt the. ready of the council talking about how there needs to be a ceasefire. the killing must stop. and furthermore, they would like an end to the conflict that does not involve uh oh, pressing palestinians in which there is no more land grabs. and there's no military supervision by israel algeria to up to the for more expressing what we're pretty widespread sentiments in the 15 meg. ready bonded that leads the united nations and throughout the un member states. here's what algeria had to say. there is a nation, sends clear message, smooth turns, move tends to gauze us, the more profits. all $3040.00 will be per meter. so mobile filters ohms. we'd be his publisher, even guns,
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and these are highly or corporation forces must be drawn from the empire, goes us 3. now a mazda announced it was willing to cooperate with the ceasefire proposed in the un resolution. uh, however, at this point uh, we do have a resolution that passed the un security council uh, and that resolution was full of rather empty promises. and what many see is wishful thinking from the united states as well as a solid amount of skepticism coming from russia in china. but regardless of the universal sentiment in the world, is that peace should prevail and that the violence and onslaught should stop so many are looking at this moment in which this resolution passed. despite all its flaws as a moment in which there was at least some glimmer of hope that the bloodshed should be brought to an end. reporting from new york city ortiz teal up not been
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well polished, any anomalous count to embark goods. he told us the is really prime minister, essentially houses back to the wall and can't afford to agree to the un security console supply. this is what i was going to do. this sort of illusion that i'm going to have it up. no need any. how is zillow? and in the past he made, he was able to use the assistance of and then again, send and get those things within the company. now they are not there anymore. so who will be facing bits or less and this month or each end, it might have been viewed. and maybe i've also on the work to continue in order to achieve its own goals of this was that none of them was that you've done to now and feelings to achieve these goals means that is what i started equally last. this was nathaniel who wants the stability of his government coalition and the, this is the lucian and go and the ccf i out of that with in the war. good. so it has
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a cool machine and able to buy that. remember that it's of it might have been view of that. if this will end with this deal, he will quit from this government. then this means at the end of so many danielle has political life because he's with think, inquire as to investigate the war of or the events of the 7th of october and this war. and he has also, uh, but i mean, i am a good option and this was the case is good in his political life. this he doesn't want to happen. so i think it would be a big problem for him and he made it go on a clash with the united states. if a bush came to accept this solution and it then yahoo business and political interest is to reduce the steel in this us onto the aftermath of israel's hostage rescue operation in central gaza on saturday. $274.00 palestinians,
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including $64.00 children, were killed here in this area, according to the enclaves health ministry of warning. you may find the following footage, disturbing over in our news while here on the left video, published by the id as showcases forces taking part in the operation to recover account this held by how much a total of 4 were rescued over here, journalists and gas that they have been documenting the many civilians killed and wounded during the encouraging local samples to being recounting the deadly is really right. what happens here is something i have never seen in my life. israel said the rescue for people here and what did they leave behind you? i know it's a devastating catastrophe. so you can see these really forces we're taking the lives of these palestinians for the lives of the 4010 needs a lot of english, but on to more than 2000000 risk and gone to hostages of israel and a hire. today we will be to town a bomb, killed or arrested whenever they want to. and the watchful eyes of the
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international community in global media, i was to not stop them. we heard a big bang from nearby. so i looked out for the window, and some people wearing black uniforms in the army cast, got off the truck and set up a ladder and climbed, dumped the neighboring house. i rushed to tell my family that there was a special operation force. just a moment i heard an exchange of fire and bombs dropping. we hit in the kitchen in a corner of our house for over half an hour before a fight continued. so we could only hide like fast. after half an hour, the gunfire gradually wayne's, but was still there, did not come out. a few minutes later, the is ready to force has started incense bombardments on this street. after that, we fled to school. we found that they had destroyed everything in this area. i will speaking exclusively to archie. so it's africa's top diplomats and the lady palm door said the crisis in gas. it is a test for humanity as the world has been feeling to protect innocent civilians,
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you can watch your full interview with the african nations foreign minister throughout the day here on there or any time you like a r t dot com. no one should reach international role in the manner that israel is doing. no one should preach international humanitarian law in the manner that israel is doing. you cannot have such a large scale killings and the world just allows you to get away with it. so i believe this is a test for all of us as humanity to stand up and really fight against such abuse of human beings with respect to the i c. j. we believe the court has clearly indicated on the provisional measures that what should be achieved as an end to hostilities, a permanent ceasefire. and that's in the cause of the conflict. the people of palestine should have access to humanitarian aid and their rights should not be
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abused. the court has also been very clear about the responsibility of an occupier to those that they occupied. because often when we discuss what is happening to the palestinian people, we don't refer to israel as an occupying force, which it is and its responsibilities as an occupier, a well set out in the united nations, a job. and these have been neglected and disrespected i c, j has called for the establishment of an independent u. n. create to investigate, to body to both collect and retain evidence on activities that have been underway against the palestinian people. for me, that was a very, very significant decision. and i hope that the united nations will act on it. no military plane carrying 10 people, including the malawi, vice president,
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has gone and missing. shortly after leaving the nation's capital, a search and rescue operation has been ordered by the countries leader who sees all efforts are being taken to find the missing flight. are going to arrive on is, is a by one, was unable to land the plane due to poor visibility. okay. john, by bad weather. and they have the issue of heart is advised, they are craft, but they are far to assume lost contact with the aircraft. i am sparing no available resource to find that plane. and i am holding on to every fiber of hope that we will find survivors. the present was due to travel to the bahamas, the for what you visit, but has not canceled the 2 of you to this incident at the moment she is amounting that something bad to mind have already happened to the vice president of the 9
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people. that's what she is supposed to be. you know the government of my law, we have confirmed that to contact with the profit has the offices 10 am in the morning with them and i would document is also a promise to gave the public updates and information on the situation. as soon as the concrete intangible information becomes available, not much information has been made available at this point. that's all we know for now. the voters in european parliamentary elections have given this stablish been parties, a bloody nose ruling blocks in germany, france, and austere among those nursing their wounds without gary and prime minister victor or balancing many sold the fall. it was a chance to push back against mainstream hawks, under sense of the ukraine conflict of making sure that all the same funds, which was the country most strongly in favor of the war. there was a real political uprising. the european election is an opportunity to slow down
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unless still did up at the border. if you were to be in politicians, if we cannot win this match against the wall for the benefit of the peace parties, then we will get involved. we will soon be tied into war and you get back to me. well, when it comes to some of the cranes top weapon suppliers and the voting seen there in germany, b f. d party which has rejected a you sanctions against russia for the 2nd in front of all. chancellor schultz is really social democratic party. morrila, penn national raleigh dominated in from spelling and twice as many votes as president. my colleagues were nice wants snelville actually has been called following that. seismic salt and austria's freedom party, another grouping, calling for peace in the print conflict, finished above the ruling people's party on what's being called a big results for the right. here's our 2 country peter, rachel. marston, a hey look, be joke. real bill has been like that guy weaving all over the highway with a bumper sticker on the vehicle that says, hey, how's my driving call 1800,
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get lost to let me know. and no one ever answers that complaint line because in the use case, they're too busy flirting with their girlfriend, zalinski. so it really did come as a big shock to the european establishment inside the car, when voters decided that it was time to force it off the road with this election. because the drivers were to deliriously drunk on their and ukraine obsession to be allowed to stay the course without causing even more damage than they already have . the clown car has mowed down the livelihoods of european voters, handing cash out to ukraine. wallace sticking its own voters with the bill when it's increasingly challenging for them to make ends meet in their daily lives as a result. and with no end in sight to any of it, because they really don't see the risk in what they're doing worse, their legs liskey himself, take the wheel of their clam car by deciding exactly what he can do with their
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weapons. western weapons with total, reckless disregard for whatever he happens to get up to, including stripes on russian territory which rests obvious escalation with the west . so voters in france, italy, germany hungry, the netherlands, austria slovenia. all insisted on pulling the clam of beale in the exact opposite direction from which the establishment has water to go. it's being qualified as a hard, right turn all of the winds and the selection. but in reality is just the rejection of the establishment. reckless joy ride the then we use the a f d r strictly against sending arms to ukraine. we have already rejected the 1st arms deliveries to deliver weapons. now that can expressly attack targets in russia. we categorically reject this as an escalation of violence that we do not want that we reject and consider very, very dangerous. we are the party for democracy and peace and against war. hey,
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but you know, a great way to win hearts and minds of voters who have just use the selection to tell you that they are happy just paul, those for whom they democratically voted a bunch of nazis like this guy did from german chancellor. all i schultz is party snowball. i also believe that the result of the european elections will wake many people up to the fact that did not cease and become stronger in the selection. i believe that many people who wake up and fight for democracy, so it will be something different. what is happening tonight? who are you talking about? you know that i mean the f z and you you just called me in the party nazis? yes. okay. interesting. so a few highlights from some of the biggest anti establishment victories. first, there was a really huge victory in a show of support for georgia maloney's party and policies and also in belgium. and
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the prime minister was spanked so hard that he actually started crying when the votes were known and the results. and then he ended up basically bowing out and saying that he was residing. i guess it was a little bit too much. and over in france, where am i being depends, national riley party more than doubled the result. the french president, a menu and mac holes party. it was a big victory for 28 year old just that invest the who had enough that list and grew up incense engineered for reasons, suburbs that's been transformed over the years. that there's something to now resembles a wasteland. straight out of a grand theft auto video game and results of establishment policies to business. i believe this clear message address to remind you one of my chrome in european leaders marks our country's determination to see the european union change direction and move towards greater democracy, protection and consideration for the people of europe. a window of hope has reason in france, and it's only just begun. okay, so how did not call react all this?
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well, he tossed the results of this from like a toddler right after the vote and announced that it will be double or nothing dissolving the french national assembly with a vote scheduled for june 30th guess having zalinski monopolized french permit on friday the last day before you voting for france, as one final reminder in the final stretch of the election campaign of the high price being paid by french voters in the daily lives as a result of ukraine's non stop for an interference in hijacking french priorities and the country's economic viability. and that of course a french motors as well to blue up writing and math space. zalinski is a mascot of sorts now for establishment, se in the same way that another clown, ronald mcdonald, is synonymous with big macs and fast food. and the deputy chairman of the russian security council has weighed in with
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a sort of yell for google style review of this whole circus. well, well respected by knowing my con sholtes every soon but the problem and elections results. they come as a reflection of your, in the policy of providing support to the been there authorities in ukraine and because of your own citizens, your idiotic economic and migration policy waiting, see what comes next time to retire to be as cheap a piece. 3 sounds like a one star or maybe a 2 star review investor resigning would actually require self awareness as queen ursula vander lined the, i'm elected still, she didn't stand for an election this time, although they one or 2 for democratic credibility basically, is that right? you are the commission president said right after the boat. she's more motivated than ever now to find the people who just won because apparently not these screams democracy in the u. louder then, vowing to defeat the democratic freelance of people we were. well,
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we asked alternative for germany party and p gerald austin. why the federal government hasn't called us now both in the country over it's e u. election to fate . president mccall has stolen friends. we have a different kind of constitution in i'd like to print so it needs a predator and then you can just say, okay, and both the elections and then tweaks times. it's a different than just some tensions. a child has to initiate this process. so you have to actually ask for a vote of confidence and, and, but at the moment it doesn't look like that he does because they all know the, the whole correlation knows that they use about 50 percent of the seats in parliament. and that is a huge argument for them to say at least one year longer and install them in the collect the money and, and then the hope of a better future next next year. i don't see that that he will step down, but it was actually closely tied with his eh, ken to see you and,
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and his chance to read because he was on all popular intentions and where were shown talking to you. was this a head candidate in bali? so he was always these, these 2 were on the picture. so it is actually his defeat, these people who to talk to him says and, and, and, and brandon says, democrats a, so n t democracy in their behavior. and in the way we split the opposition and of course as they are from see you with the, the, the traffic light coordination and they all support is ukrainians, mom and we, and from from ascii we have a different position. we look for peace talks. we, we look for a ceasefire here and, and this and, and come to an end of the, of the fighting and, and ukraine. and that's why they hate us because he's on the policy all one,
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the more they will, they want to for the support a to train tomorrow is and then we will talk and the bonus talk to. so this is organizing and for a companion of the cell, it is not very democratic. what, what do you see there? now know the story to bring you. the new chief of the pentagon into pacific come on, has made quite the explosive statement against china. i see outlined the platinum u. s. military response to a potential conflict overtime on my job is to ensure that between now and 2027 and beyond the us military and the allies are capable of prevailing. i want to turn the taiwan straight into an unmanned hill scape using a number of classified capabilities, so that i can make the lives of the chinese utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything. but i'd real samuel to borrow
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made that statement in an interview to the washington post where he was asked how the u. s. gun the tara china from invading tie one washington. doesn't the officially recognize the island does independent attains a so called policy of strategic? i'm the usc towards military action overtime on. however, president bible has said he cannot relied sending american troops to taipei, if beijing mix and move. this was the response from the chinese embassy in the us. no one should underestimate, trying this commitments, determination and ability to defend its sovereignty. in 3rd, tauriel integrity. we will not allow anyone to separate taiwan from china in any way. we're retired. us are a force intended colonel, a car, and good tell us the told us that more among green rhetoric plays right into the hands really of the u. s. military industrial complex, which is always looking to capitalize on conflicts. so i think the idea that the
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animal is talking about is that you create a huge number of targets using drones and unmanned naval vehicles. so then we'd have all these targets then that would somehow overwhelm the chinese, the target acquisition systems and radars. it's almost pretty much like a, you know, a strategy that was developed out of a computer game, not out of reality or defense, industrial establishments that we find almost to train dollars a year. it wants to make money, the gravy train, less continued for defense contractors in the united states. and this contributes to that in a great way. it talks up more, it, it increases anxiety and increases and justifies demands from the spending. the american people overwhelmingly, both parties and the independence wants money spent here in the united states. they do not want it shipped overseas. they don't want proxy words, they don't want direct source. they don't want to pay for those words, and it's not just the direct costs isn't more of the impact. the orders have on
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trade and the economy and quality of life at home. so americans are, are economically suffering for the most part, not the wealthy, but to the middle class and below are suffering. and they don't want, they certainly don't want war with china. that is where we leave the news run up for not, but they close for a programs getting their start in moment screwed by and thanks for your company the the mouse sooner time. so you're welcome back to going on the ground broadcasting all
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around the world for the u. a. one of the newest bricks, members today, taking part in the economic blocks foreign ministers meeting in russia. this days after the ion breaks, the world's most populated country, largest democracy in 5th to biggest economy in the face attends general election is now longest standing. 5 minutes in there under moody failed to get an outright majority for z j. p. for the 1st time since being in power, what has led to the indian government's waning popularity against the backdrop of its supports fil, a genocidal israel in the middle east. russia as well with nature through ukraine. load a potential new conflict between the us and china to tie one. joining me again from india is capital new delhi is a former advisor to india, is national security council and emeritus professor of strategic studies in new daddy's sense of a policy research professor, rama delaney. thank you so much for a heads up our coming back on it. doesn't say much about exit polls in your country uh carefully, but the international media sent over for me here in most of the world,
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just copied it down and said it would be a land slide. what happened in the so called fastest growing economy in the world? why is they don't go to a majority? that's a good question. i wish we had a clear answer to that. the fact is like a noun, borders live with a stunning surprise, but denying more being so basically a body and all type of georgia, the bottom and sent back is unlikely to affect this template the or direction of more these to tom government. the primary reason is that the b g, b consistent the election in alliance with several small political groups. and this correlation together as one of the job, you know, seats environment is the r i n d i a. what is that? i mean, obviously it spells india, but this is one of the coalitions well, this summer of these bodies,
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they are some of these groups. they are provincial groups based in indian states. they have no national agenda, no, no national vision. so these proven, sure. oops, uh, allied with a b, j b. the fact is that lying on support from some of these groups is unlikely to have a direct bearing on bodies and actually tend on this form policy. how do we know that there's no progress? how do we know what i mean to say we, this is chandra, chandra by move in. i do from the t d p policy in the under per dash. he's currently on bail over ongoing prosecution for a ledge. misappropriation of $44.00 and a half $1000000.00 mentor, unemployed youth. he denies the allegations of the prosecution. who is he and how do you know that he doesn't want anything from the body? government in which.


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