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tv   News  RT  June 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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and the u. s. list is bought on supply web, the c plains new not c, as of the security council policy, the resolution for peace in dollars if imposed by the us. but most of the boys is concerned about the implementation of the plot. plus we do put a little concerned cuz we are essentially being offered a cat and a bag. in essence, the council is handing out a card to launch and signing onto a plan, details of which it does not even know. this is why is a, is a, the deliveries through the american made to, in cause of june. so security can often either rate in the region to maybe
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$300.00 products. the also if we can off when this much against the will for the benefit of the beast, bodies we will soon be tied into war in europe. right. or in coming from a really hung there in 5 minutes. so as i see establishment, all these like strong games elections throughout the youth degree in germany. and for the last guy, this is all the money is worth a mom in 30 minutes of news i've used starting that. the last we start with a brake thing is this, our russian, a fight to jet has crush in a mouse as we can in the south of the country doing it for any fly that's according to the defense, massive b s. u. so to full ack off is the length of suffered for all the technical malfunction is cru, died in the incident. the plane crashed in an,
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an inhabited area will keep you updated as we get more details on are about to, to sort this out. washington has approve the delivery of us weapons to queens, meet tours as over. okay, well known for its new not c affiliations that previously on shipments will holton because of the goods extreme. this ties after thorough review, ukraine's 12 special forces, a soft brigade past leahy bedding as carried out by the us department of state as well. so i'm about to, of course, on the ego is done of for more all of these, these are good to see. this is an interesting development. what's the significance of the us lifting and some buying and giving weapons to as of
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oh, absolutely. washington has a start to realistically, it's this long time i'm supplying weapons to be his own battalion, which is now has suffered for days. now just a bit of context that signed was in pounds the under the so complete the news, which is the human rights statute in the united states that finds washington. so providing any military assistance to 4 in the forces which have will attracted reputation. those to the known sci fi rates doors. now these are so battalions for david as a pro, under movies, probably tyria or d as in the inside to be the has been found from receiving us communities since 3 schools from it's very inception. but now the united states, of course, are saying that they have uh, once again reviewed the actions of the brigade, and that they have found no such violations. which is, by the way, which does go in stock contrast with the finding of the do when i think general
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ukraine, of course, has been trying to whitehorse the reputation of the as a battalion for years now. now they have going through a series of re branding sweets, volunteer battalion laser, became part of over ukraine's national guard. and in fact, right now on paper, you will find to me as your there are the 3rd separate, a sold brigade. this is what they're called. now now it doesn't whatsoever means that it's basically those from join. it is some different breed of people that there are some different and they share some different moral values before. and since it's very inception b as all to tally and it has been a little about the nazis in many of his members have been proudly wearing milledge and patches with nazi germany symbols and the general of a among those who took up arms to defend the most nationalist and nazi
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ukrainian courses and politics and sides latimer zaleski, has had problems. reputational problems with the adult vitality. and once in just the case president years ago, that was when he was at least trying under the swell, making it look, it makes me look as if he was trying to bring peace to the east over the country. and when he was trying to enforce, sees, far as you and broken, sees far news and just policies that when that was when he was challenged, when he's authority, was challenged by the head. i'm just really fight as of the result. vitale. and, but it seems that the key of has finally has finally done what he was trying to do for years now, is that as to why it's and the reputation of the is on fights is a, please, to the eyes of the united states. even though, whenever we to, to uh, russian forces to the russian troops and when we just had
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a chance to fill on the positions previously held by the, is all about by the use of sizes they put in, or they could not really complain about the sort of equipment that they have to sort of weapons but they have including nasal in us made equipment and weapons. yes . interesting video. you go to this uh they listen. listen by being there. if it is a power is also for some mobilization of severe is throughout inquiring. i mean that's what i'm trying to pull. it's cool for desperate measures. what can you tell us about this mobilization? this new for us now? well over the civil folders, but you talking about these are just pieces of a big puzzle because when you, when we say that the united states have looked at the bad on supplying weapons to the as all fight says that these, mainly because the ukrainian or social security, ukrainian officials,
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you can ukrainian authority as they have the adamant that had this brand not being in place in the 1st place. then the brigade and the battalion, they would have been way more effective way more effectively valuable. and in all the fighting is all the, all the conflicts, uh, all the parts of the front where it is being sent now because it is sort of a fire brigade that is sent to the most difficult parts of the front fence. lately, it has failed to live up to the expectations. are you ukraine lost? the town of updates outside of the nets, you paid last the town of what your day to. that's the all those places were parts where you print into mont pin. its hopes on the as of flights as to kind of well to wayne to, to die with the fire and to stop the rest of your problems right now, by the way, these are fighters that'd be noticed on the how to cook region. just very close to the china folder where i am right now. as for the mobilization,
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that is part of the same puzzle. ukraine is trying to do everything in its power to, to just boost its military to give it a boost b to through the um, shipment center through military support to as of, from the united states boyfriend for his mobilization. remember, you praise the ukraine's role in this whole conflict has been pretty much reduced to providing a steady flow of cold scripts to the front lines on the well they haven't really been pulling any punches. they're new videos and manage every day of ukrainian draft officials. well, just using an authorized power of the people of those who they suspect of these rating. conscription innovating mobilization and launch the ukranian, ukrainian people that have been resisting this mobilization of that have been footage from the ukranian streets showing how mtv out because many adults men they do. so they're simply afraid to go outside because they are afraid that they would be thrown into
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a minivan and are taken straight to the front lines. and there have been cases like that. there have been cases of people dying well in custody. i have to say over draft officials and all of that happens off to may. the 18th, that's when the new my mobilization law came into power, which essentially a puts it for us to put everyone on the radar. that includes real prison times for those who found guilty of of aging mobilization and so on. yeah, right. this of, and they will have to do with that. but we appreciate the updates all to close on is always that out there for us. thanks again. not satisfied for this for a minute, so has called for peaceful directly between russia and ukraine, as he said, that excluded moscow from those efforts is not viable. now we spoke with caesar to say, so to all the on the sidelines of a british conference in central russia that into it will add info throughout the
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day. but his quickly we would like to see the 2 in the room. and we increasingly working at persuading that there should be a meeting in which ukraine and russia present were concerned that they had been many way it is new crane and other countries that i invited. you mentioned the importance of getting 2 people in the room. 2 people around the table, there's an upcoming peace conference to be held in switzerland. what are your views on this? i mean, asking ukraine to essentially host a peace conference excluding russia. what is your view on that from a diplomatic view point to rational? is that how, how realistic is that? i'm not quite sure what's it hope would be a cheap our own advice was that it may be beta to have
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a meeting of the officials level between russia and ukraine and then subsequent to that, move on to a bigger conference, but before deliberations between the 2 even if it's such a inception stage, we felt this wasn't really a good step to take because it took me p at a rather than a real focus on achieving a cessation, or indeed the appropriate piece negotiation. so we all, we all concerned and it, we will attend at the level of one of our advisors. but our intervention would always be that that has to be the 2 in the room. and great effort must be directed to engaging russia and ensuring that we bring the to into a space where a way forward 10 be mapped out that. meanwhile,
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some less than officials openly admit that true interests lie in queens resources. a permanent u. s. republic. that means the driver has opened, he said, but you claim to madison. that means it's not so rich is a right for the taking what a truck do to get the weapon slowing. he created a loan system. they're sitting on $10.00 to $12000.00 of critical minerals and, and you train, they could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12000.00 are critical mineral last. they have to be used by you train in the west not given to put in china. this is a very big deal. how you train in less helped them when a war we can't afford to lose less, find a solution to this war,
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but they're sitting on a goal mind to give to 10 or 12 tray and dollars are critical, minerals that he will share with china is ridiculous. now, oh yeah, well, you spoke to know a tribes thank. he's a co director of the midwest amongst institute for mazda of steve and political analysis. he said, washington has always seen you find simply as a result pub this has always been what the west wants to use. ukraine for. uh they, they're not interested in having a partner. they're interested in having another source of extraction for the giant financial cartels that are sort of extracting not just from them but from the american people and everyone else. they said that this was the best business deal they ever made to raise their using ukrainian people as bullets. basically,
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these financial cartels could be sold all with human life. as you use these nazis in beginning conscripting, so many just regular ukrainian people into a war. the people they don't want to be in, that they have no hope of winning tenants just for the bottom line. of these, you know, big corporations impacts by a sizes now to them, at least the united nations security council has adopted a u. s. opposed resignation on foot piece in gauze. a fulton country is voted in favor with non against button russia. i've stay and seeking more details on how the plan would actually be enforced a procedure for the categories. here, we are essentially being offered a cat in a bag against the backdrop of numerous statements from israel,
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about continuing the war until her mazda is completely defeated. what exactly has israel agreed to me, but we are convinced that the security council should not sign onto agreements with vague parameters you. in essence, the council was handing out a card to launch and signing onto a plan, the details of which it does not even know to put a piece, but it is already. russia did not vote against the resolution because it had significant support from the arab states. however, they did not feel comfortable voting in favor of it. and this is a us proposed resume. ready asian, it has 3 phases of a plan, but no talk of how that plan would be implemented and it also has no territorial changes between israel and palestine. now the united states assured the world in their testimony before the council that they would indeed make sure israel carried it out, that israel would fulfill this peace agreement. here is what we heard from the
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representative of the united states. egypt and katara have assured the united states that they are continuing to work to ensure that come us engages constructively and the united states will help ensure that israel lives up to his obligations as well, assuming him us except the deal. now, in the past, israel has not been willing to cooperate with diplomatic effort. the united states has repeatedly given warnings to israel drawn red lines about his rails behavior. but none of that has stopped israel from attacking refugee camps, targeting journalists and medical workers, among others as it continues its onslaught and gaza. but you heard the us representative reassuring us that israel will fully comply with this resolution, despite a lot of record to the contrary. we heard israel before the council saying they wouldn't stop until the mas was completely destroyed. here's what. ready is really
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representative said, which sounds like a kind of notifies any talk of the ceasefire. these are all stands firm on our principles and they have not changed. we will continue until all of the hostages are returned and until from us military and governing capabilities are dismantled. these have been our goals from day one. just as president biden stated on may 31st . come us must not stain power. israel will not let her boss rearm or regroup, so the gods a can pose the threats to israel. this is the unwavering goal that we are determined to achieve. this also means that israel will not engage in meaning less than and less negotiations which can be exploited by some us as a means to stall for time. now, other countries just wanted an end to the bloodshed. there were a number of countries that spoke to the. ready of the council talking about how there needs to be a ceasefire. the killing must stop. and furthermore,
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they would like an end to the conflict that does not involve uh oh, pressing palestinians in which there is no more land grabs. and there's no military supervision by israel algeria took to the floor, expressing what were pretty widespread sentiments in the 15 member bonded. it leaves the united nations and throughout the un member states. here's what algeria had to say. there is loosen sens clear missile mo turns more turns to gauze. us demographics or $3030.00 will be permitted. so mobile films, we'd be his publisher in does. and these that are really occupation forces must be drew from the empire, goes us 3 now as a mosse announced, it was willing to cooperate with the ceasefire proposed in the un resolution.
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however, at this point, uh, we do have a resolution that passed the un security council uh, and that resolution was full of rather empty promises. and what many see is wishful thinking from the united states as well as a solid amount of skepticism coming from russia and china. but regardless of the universal sentiment in the world, is the peace should prevail and that the violence and onslaught should stop so many are looking at this moment in which this resolution passed. despite all its flaws as a moment in which there is at least some glimmer of hope that the blood shed to be brought to an end the day says well, food pro, but i'm decided to pause a do the route from the you estimate doc and gaza june to the security concerns. meanwhile, the well food program colleagues tell us that we are temporarily pausing operations at the floating docks until a thorough assessment of the security situation is conducted to ensure the safety
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of our staff and our partners. now the u. n. a well, a food program decision to hold a delivery to the us via the temporary you estimate if you pay a comes, i'm in dire situation within the region. i need my head of the side of my a ride. so for i'll do 0 is blogs. are end of the golf and so is the website from northern gaza. describes the disease office living conditions that locals have to enjoy a 9 year with suffering from a full scale war. not just as strikes and other attacks. they follow a policy of trying to force civilians to leave the alonzo mer road. well, we want to live and i'll own home like everyone else, nothing more. the story of displacement is a huge issue. not everyone understands that you can just be in your home and suddenly have to leave. suddenly there are foaming sleep, lots of dropped these things. a terrifying, especially for children. most of the houses in northern garza are completely
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destroyed. so where would people go? they tell you to go to shelters. that is the biggest media deception. i feel these shelters. a basically destroyed a bunch of schools with terrible living conditions, especially pull sensation. this is a major part of the suffering we're into or even in the remaining houses in garza, we have sanitation issues, most have problems and of course at a tricity which we have forgotten about. they are implementing a real simon on us just a few days ago. there was no flour, like during flower assignments. that was nothing. then they started bringing and flower to silence the world. now the world things defined and the problem is eva. we have no means no poetry, no eggs. we have no food available in north except for canned goods and even those this costs and expensive children, hey, what was who have victim and deficiencies? think about pregnant and nursing women. think about the sick goals is not just a disaster zone. it is completely uninhabitable. the will prove to us that we're
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not treated as human still, even this animals, we're treat it as if they want to eliminate also forced us all for line human rights. i no longer believe in such a concept. everything we studied in schools and universities, or teach or children to smell it exist. there's no right to life the most fundamental right. these developers say face i made the continued all preparation in gaza by the idea image is of hostage rescue operation in central gauze on so of a $272.00 full policies, including 6 people in children were killed according to the regions. health is a joy, borders and national security adviser dig some of them confirmed by the us, assisted in the operation. but he declined to provide details. the united states has been providing support to israel for several months and its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages and guys and to support efforts
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to try to secure their rescue or recovery. i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related, matters associated with that because we need to protect those. i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the adf. uh so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages, who are still being help me with ribbons, as well as the civil, the e, when, when it comes to deadly rescue operations and the end of a when idea of sliding some of the southern gauze to the roof, i killed at least $45.00 policy, and this is the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu labeled the incident. a tragic mistake went off to comment us 12 officials, bailey had anything constructive to say, and we take the initial statements and nothing else that it was a tragic mistake. and there has been a lot of headlines with that was the same comments, right?
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we're all central kitchen killings. we're also a tragic mistake. is the united states comfortable sending this many weapons to an army? that seems to be making a series of mistakes. with respect to each of these incidents, it's important to find out what happened, why it happened and who was at fault. and so it's important that this investigation proceed before we make any assess, we're not on the graph game, we're not there, man. they know, i don't have, we don't have troops that i can look at every single soldier and where they are. what on the ground? i am not the idea of spokesman. this is not tell of these. again, we're not on the ground count noses. we aren't on the ground, we are flying aircraft. we're not choosing the targets. we're not providing the intelligence that leads to every target that the israelis decide to hit. it is
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there opperation. there troops involve their capabilities, their pilots. while the u. s. government provides a as low as on conditional support. americans consume tiven, oppose instead of doing this for the, from the pro 5. seeing why they only use the state of california in los liabilities, but definitely is crashed with ryan, please, honey. my hair asylum again, said the american authorities, i'm the main thing media using everything at the disposal to endorse as well. as you saw a country like the us just everything to protect israel when mass, because or any a trustees happen, especially for the children. they call it a mistake, a simple mistake. what kind of mistake? when you kill a child and the child has no head, what mistake justifies that, watkins to give you for killing children. these so called mistakes are an entire story for a child. this child had parents, a father and a mother. this was
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a mistake, is often used to justify israel's actions, especially the killing of children. you're taking lives. you have destroyed the lives of many families and gaza, innocent civilians. we gods, i have we seen the us, us the health, the instigator, not trudy. anyone who hums us will foster resentment and hatred from us through social media. people from the board started telling me that we show the real picture of calls and its civilians. they said with contradict the media portray, i'm showing the normal people living normal life just like them. i was shocked when i checked for media. i was astonished to see how for immediate, completely mystery presents the reality of gaza and its people bring for immediate cause or to document and see what is really happening. all american justifications for israel or lice window, asking for much with civilians who just want to live like everyone else in the world. not us, no talk children, no to women, no to elderly. i sincerely hope the for media ends. the goals are to show the real
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picture. i have pressed invited to other americans who speak about mistakes and claims. israel does not kill a home, come to gaza, see gaza senior, who's dying here, see what is happening. listen to the children. see the children by now to the you and the establishment of all these wildly. you have made strong gains and all imagery license rooting colors in germany falls and also our own nothing that was under employment. so been to or bands as the but it was a child so pushed back against main civil holds on the stones, lead clinton confidence of making sure that all the same friends, which was the country most strongly in favor of the war. there was a real political uprising. the european election is an opportunity to slow down unless still drop in the water. if you're to be in politicians. if we cannot win this match against the wall for the benefit of the beast bodies, then we will get involved. we will soon be tied in a war and you do not hear me up in front loraina opinions,
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not so writing dominated, so you put in twice as many votes as present. my clothes were nissan's, body muslim has cold for a news not for election. following the purpose of results now being reported as a test of the pens, right when politics load is being held in fewer than 3 weeks signed polls show her apology. they also come out on top. now the national rise col, route fire was spoilt, massed immunizations again as a conservative stones is the, the problems. so the thing is, a power is out of the cities to speak out against brightwood politics and as a domestic good, as it is approaching local, local political falls is all for me alliances for one, the knowledge nationalist and you wrote your 768 to policy is seeking to create
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a sin cool, so that it's blocked. so it promotes a joint candidate with other white clean forces that live either on the policy. because last out my phone calling for his resignation, i would say his controversial strategies have endangered the country. the surprise, the solution of the national assembly announced by emmanuel mccall and on june the 9th aims to sidestep the major debates that the concert needs the way agreed to move towards the world war. do we really won't be repeating union to become a state? we are at the turning points in history. the only way to force the bates on beast may just sell objects to wall. the tribe by micron wants to take everyone by surprise. well, main javi voted to showed a preference for the old son to the gym and he bought in the you and action button party has rejected assignments in the gainesville georgia,
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imposed by charlotte schultz is routing. so soon the most likely positive s p d members will quick to criticize the opponents with a child. so saying the public should push back a games right wing policies. so while i get this not valid i, they give us the results of the election was bad for all 3 governing parties. nobody should be going back to business as usual. the votes for right wing populace parties in our country and the other european countries must concern us. we must not get used to it. and the task has to be to push them back and make sure that they weren't clear majorities for the parties which gave a clear affirmation to our democracy and the state of law and to what constitutes us as the european union. and which represent that 2 questions have arisen about what will happen to amazing natural parliament for the pivotal e.


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