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tv   News  RT  June 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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in existence was on the status of the cloud use from p q. and roy use of the us of lift is known fine binomial, create a new not as of this light. that roots new toy is history is given right to be this wednesday is a and it is through the american made in 1000 units of security concerns often the idea rate and the random field. hundreds of 1000 sealants are good to go. so boss is a reservation of a piece in dr. prefers by the us, but most of the boys is concerned about the implementation of the plan. for the murder, we are essentially being offered a cat in a bag. in essence,
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the council is handing out a card to launch and signing onto a plan, details of which it does not even know. if we cannot win this match against the wall for the benefit of the beast, bodies, we will soon be tied in a war in europe. that war and coming from hunger. if prime man says i am the establish on the policy is a big strong gains in the u election, particularly in joe and farms as they include for pizza in nuclear, the life a lot international news center in moscow. this is all the welcome to the blue me is up on top, sorry. washington has approved the delivery of us weapons, 2 queens new taurus, as of brigade, well known for as near nausea for the agent that previously um, shipments with hold to because of the groups extreme is twice, it's at the beginning of the dumbass calls the,
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the early stages of the thing crisis, the lesson media was least somewhat honest. about the as of the tires to colors, the new not see, the city ations will clear to all us this legislation known as early a little vacancies, supplies to the group as it was in, located the human rights abuses thought for today. and the usa, the problem claims the, as of the grades announce good the lee a little without any issues. after thorough review, ukraine's 12th special forces, a soft brigade past leahy vetting as carried out by the us department of state. the us has lifted its years long the band on supplying weapons and providing training to the neo nazi as of flight. there's just a bit of context where you see it won't, that was under the soap of lea heats low, which is a human right statute. that's the bids washington from providing any sort of military assistance being in the equipment, weapons,
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or training to for an armed forces who have a check of reputation. and especially those who have been found guilty of human rights violations won't even so much. so as suspected as human, as file agents, human rights and committing will crimes. now for years be as of the thailand fell under these criteria, now a special committee has said that they have conducted yet another review and deposits. now the reputation and of the as of the gate is a clean slate to these. by the way, it goes in stock contrast with the findings of the united nations. now this follows a lengthy campaign with spearheaded by key of to white push the reputation over it's as of fighters. now the group went through a through several stages of rebranding. first, resolve the tale and we started as a volunteer initiative. it's still being a battalion into basically joined the ukrainian national guard and now you won't
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find what is of on ukrainian military papers. now they're just a good separate assault brigade, but it doesn't mean that the people who make up the is on fatality, not any different. they all know to have repeatedly branding, just wearing proudly patches with nazi and nazi in spite. and cynthia, when i say nazi, i mean that of the nazi jeremy back in the forty's, the over the preview is the same traits at the same time. these people, they, well, they have been known to be a subject of control. this the all over the world back in 2022. when the siege over as of styles do works. in march, april ended with his own fatality and surrendering in september some of its veterans. they traveled to the united states on the, went on to, on the little to around the united states, just to addressing ukraine inconveniencies over there, going to creating charges,
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to deliver speeches and be sort of a crescendo. it'd be probably moments of, of that, of that to, to was of them going to be us congress. so they literally stood together, stood shoulder to shoulder. and right next to americans. roommate is on the, so that was concerning for many, many people. now at the same time the all of this comes and made a larger you premium, push to bolster the capability over the basically even those, the shipment or weapons. this lifting of the bat is the pause of the same strategy that is conducted by key of for years. they have been saying that the use of fighters being provide that access to american weapons earlier at the if they had access to american framing. this would have made the group more effective because right now this brigade is used as well as a fire brigade, really because they are being sent to the most part and the most difficult parts of
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the front and the they're expected the would expect to buy the printing tomorrow, just to stop the rush, you push that. that was the exploitation one that was sent to a big cuz that was the expectation when they were sent to the village of attributed to the right next to up dave off to of d failed despite all the efforts and many experts have the say, that's what that was not because as of they did, probably not because they did their best to stop the thoughts, but rather big change. that's and they said, oh, well, we can't really do anything here. we don't have access to with funds preparatory to american environment. we so, sorry, no can do. this was the sort of the something that the military experts, especially in ukraine, what they've been saying. yeah. so the, to all the neo nazi as of the time has problem to the strongly actual, her top russian segment. them is the washington is now closing himself with the
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near, not secret. in the 3rd year of the armed conflict in ukraine, the american supporting key of seeing a series of defeats of the ukranian armed forces have gone to distribute weapons to the very opposite of militants whom they themselves recognized as nazis in 2017. thereby equating themselves with the nazis of oz off the militants, of the ukrainian armed forces. and the key of regime, which has lost its legitimacy. another shameful entry in the world register of acts encouraging nazis. i'm right, let us cross live now to me to general signed a fool connie's, a full indian instantly though, right? the more on this. so thank you so much for taking the time to joining us. i've also been telling me about this bond as the hey, bond with you as lifted 9 years ago. they put it on the new craze. new nazi as a big gate. i mean this is of cause initially imposed because the,
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the group was no leading to, excuse me, mister ideal of these items, human rights abuses. now with all this bang, all this in mind, when you heard that they lifted the bomb, what were your initial thoughts to thank you very much. uh, i think it was something but yeah, the band imposed by the us senate and also the a lot that existed uh, because of their and disaster humanitarian uh and the kind of book i did not seem to have done that. i posted it to you that uh, almost an act of desperation and active disconnected because it doesn't. the ukrainian conflict is only about 3 years or the band is over decade, or it's a clear indication that there is a diagram of wanting to buy the bike was suspended by the already got the loan. so i've been involving in an extreme, not lose them because in a pop out the are the kind of right because the president will say no,
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you and as use this patient operations primarily launched this to do away with that . but uh, ultimately finally giving it up even if it is so hard, the task of finding a memorial part of that kind of, uh, lots of stuff this i forgot about it 1000 people because at this time to the token $900.00 of those. so didn't any, to the russian indicated an act of desperation. i don't think any organization which i've been buying and not just bond, even facebook and bond them for years on because of the kind of activities that there's a lot of that. and uh, definitely i think the volume and wayne that is just re now supporting them. i'm allowing them directly to them saying that they have not found anything against them. i think the probably the us administration has gone a bit before i go down to the rep and they had been data and then also, but it wouldn't be analysed, declaring that the, the rapids could be supplied with this. a lot of deal organizations on the press to,
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especially the forces of that and then allowing them to like the russians. because if you know in the back, put the ukraine. and i think this is an act of desperation, just of the wind of diamond, things through ease is uh, definitely as the one that told me that this isn't that at all. it's diamond again . you know, getting weapons. these are new and as use it, not a good thing is budgeted because the americans instead of that it was the restrictions of it not know what that they came back. it was a sections or no communication of that the people and i'll do that. i think it's not good, not in the interest because these kind of things, you're good spread on the racism. oh, you know, being again under the white nose, blaine. what have been all about. it can be dangerous, and i think the use of destruction should have waited such an open declaration of supply or weapons. with the new analogy, you may say a survey study,
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those scream hit, publish a search for error. i'm gonna see might, i mean the timing is it is per pops desperation. and could they make a difference? do you think uh, on the battlefield? which definitely no, definitely no reason is, you know, even at a mario quality above or to see for 2 months of cdn, the amount of losses that this up or the 900 of those up with the russians as prisoners and some of the ones that skipped as you were mentioning, had gone down there tonight, is states declaring as to what i'm putting, i'm not trying to get sympathy and support for the uh, you're great in part to i think it's really not what it is. definitely this part of the time when my loan is a very rare, it's the move of the 3 years of war and the pianos are fighting it, style girl don't. you know, it's better to accept the reality rather than. 1 reinforcing failure because it's
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absolutely what they're made by b. is there a certain things? another kind of thing that they've done the uh, the ag btn you coming to be done. room of community that they went about is a, as all fi to all of it does indicated that the they are extreme right. absolutely. new. and as you know, the value in the water is a do great is of the buckboard. the americans also realizing that the just reinforcing failure when the need is put in the conflict and not a person to pick the conflict. and i think these kind of that so definitely precipitate also bring in division. a lot of people who say, look all along the democracy, just get for a gauge that i've used. i just thought is the department of the us. so putting, what did the quote now these i didn't says that it was about it isn't that somebody as it goes to back them, says it pulled the back end of instead of the back take that there's nothing
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against them. i think that is something a white it was because it brings in a, you know, disappearing the administration and positively. i posted it to you. so it was a white with a white glove because in any case they would have been green, whatever. that'd be great. and then it fighting and the fighting at dr. dr. 3, in the months of the agent model for the past. and that's the law of talk to you or the average of the 10 squared coming to our new phone, the spite this time they lost everything. and or they lost the sea of us all the good i'm doing there. so what i have to do is the, i'm sorry, so i didn't actually read my apologies. so i'm gonna have to ended this sadly very informative indeed. very, very interesting. thank you so much for joining us to, to in general sunday, to kindly full indeed ami infancy brought to a pleasure. sir. thanks again. thank you. thank you very much. so a queen and here with links to the us state department have lashed out to senior
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american officially though it was in a po, sending more a to keys. now it posted a black purse, including a republican governor of florida. wrong decided, as well as says mike, leon published a john mullen there. now in total, it includes more than a full $150.00 entity and including individuals and organizations, saying that they are the same quote, credit in propaganda. now in the v is against using titles, the money, it's as simple as that as his regime international sudden decline. preston is one of those on the list that he said he would that, that but the as a bunch of all the while i'm proud to be on my list. my position has been and, and will continue to be that of our tax dollars. not going to be funding this conflict in ukraine. so i'm proud to be on that list. i'm on that list for some, some big fund. i'm already on the mirror for it. and i'm already banned for me,
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brian, so i don't know who the printing government can be much more of to me other than maybe kill me. but um, i don't expect to be any repercussions here. united states, we have the constitution that works. most of the time and um, we have a 1st minute ride and to speak our minds and split freely and associate for you. and so i feel pretty confident that you know, i won't have any problems with united states. i've been outspoken about what's happened in the price for quite some time. um, i haven't had any repercussions less far. but i, so as i just now to the middle east, the united nations world food program decided to pause a little bit from the us and they don't in gaza due to security concerns. and
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meanwhile, the well food program, colleagues to tell us that we are temporarily pausing operations at the floating docks until a thorough assessment of the security situation is conducted to ensure the safety of our staff and our partners, the humanitarian project that costs america $320000000.00 and was suppose to ease the sufferings of the guys in the civilian population, which has been suffering from months long. food and water shortages is not functioning right now, but we cannot say for sure why you as world food program confirming it stops. it's deliveries to the us, build dog side security concerns and concerns about the safety of their personnel following these really operation. and then the say, rock refugee camp and the central parts of the guys as trip that's killed. nearly 300 pounds speed is according to gases, health ministry, while the rest screen force really hostages from a densely populated area. so media reports speculates that israel used in american
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floating peer for subsidies attacks, although the americans have denied any involvement. these really side hasn't commented on this, and here is what the un has to say. we've seen some of the media reports. we've also taken note of the very public statements by the us of think central command said that the, the floating p or had not been had not been used in the, in the operation by these really forces regarding the hostages. um, i think it's only normal uh after such a such an operation takes place with, with such a large number of, of victims that our humanity and colleagues take a pause, look at the situation and hopefully it can be, it can be returned to use as quickly as possible from our end,
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the punch i'm going to see you to the social media and media allegations stating that no aspects of the dog awaits equipment were involved in suffolk days. milton, reparation of the idea of the added stats and areas south of the pier was used for returning the freed hostages to israel without specifying exactly how reports say that toll for how woman and 3 men were taken out of the gases. 3, by how the culture is us. national security adviser confirmed us assistance and what a 0 calls a rescue operation. but gave no further details. the united states has been providing support to israel for several months and its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages and guys and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery. i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related, matters associated with that because we need to protect those. i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the adf. uh so that we can try to get
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all of the hostages home, including the american hostages, who are still being help. well, whatever the reason behind it, bottom line is that the american build dog is currently out of work on such a day before that necessarily, the proration started approximately 450 tons of food were delivered into northern guys or through the pier. but the idea of attack stops distribution, the us military now say they plan to stop pile a shipments. wanna secure beach and guys a deal. we're in a un pause, and this is not the 1st trouble. the multi $1000000.00 project has faced, as you remember earlier in may, it was damaged by strong winds and heavy seas just a week after becoming operational president joe biden, old and the construction of these floating platform to provide an alternative maritime route for delivering aids to palestinians to ease the sufferings, but it is actually difficult to assess its impacts on the ground right now.
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according to official data. at least half of guys are still continuous experience and catastrophic food and security and the situation for a 2300000 population. allstate and claim remains dire to this as, as the united nations security council a has a don't to the us are both resignation of a beast in gaza. fulton country the voted in favor with non against the russ. i've stayed seeking more details on how what plan would actually be animals, a procedure for the governor's q. we are essentially being offered a cat and a bag against the backdrop of numerous statements from israel, about continuing the war until her mazda is completely defeated. what exactly has israel agreed to me, but we are convinced that the security council should not sign onto agreements with vague parameters you. in essence, the council is handing out a card to the launch and signing onto a plan, the details of which it does not even know the purpose of it is i don't see russia
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did not vote against the resolution because it had significant support from the arab states however, they did not feel comfortable voting in favor of it and this is a us proposed resume. ready asian, it has 3 phases of a plan, but no talk of how that plan would be implemented and it also has no territorial changes between israel and palestine. now the united states assured the world in their testimony before the council that they would indeed make sure israel carried it out, that israel would fulfill this peace agreement. here is what we heard from the representative of the united states. egypt and katara have assured the united states that they are continuing to work to ensure that hum us engages constructively and the united states will help ensure that israel lives up to his obligations as well, assuming him us except the deal in the past. israel has not been willing to
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cooperate with diplomatic effort. the united states has repeatedly given warnings to israel drawn red lines about his rails behavior, but none of that has stopped israel from attacking refugee camps, targeting journalists, and medical workers, among others as it continues. it's on slot and gaza, but you heard the us representative reassuring us that israel will fully comply with this resolution. despite a lot of record to the contrary, we heard israel before the council saying they wouldn't stop until. busy from us was completely destroyed. here's what the is really representative said, which sounds like it kind of notifies any talk of the ceasefire. these are all stands firm on our principles and they have not changed. we will continue on to all of the hostages are returned and until from us military and governing capabilities are dismantled. these have been our goals from day one. just as president biden
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stated on may 31st. come us must not staying power. israel will not let her boss re arm or regroup, so that god, that can pose a threat to israel. this is the unwavering goals that we are determined to achieve . this also means that israel will not engage in meaning less than and less negotiations which can be exploited by from us as a means to stall for time. now, other countries just wanted an end to the bloodshed. there were a number of countries that spoke before the council talking about how there needs to be a ceasefire. the killing must stop. and furthermore, they would like an end to the conflict that does not involve uh oh, pressing palestinians in which there is no more land grabs. and there is no military supervision by his rail. algeria took to the floor, expressing what were pretty widespread sentiments in the 15 member bonded at leeds, united nations and throughout the un member states. here's what algeria had to say
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. there is a loosen sens clear miss. a more turns more turns to gauze us, then we'll get about 6 or $3030.00 will be permitted. so mobile films, we'd be his publisher. he does all and these are really occupation forces must be drew from the empire, goes us 3. now, a mazda announced it was willing to cooperate with the ceasefire proposed in the un resolution. however, at this point, uh, we do have a resolution that passed the un security council uh, and that resolution was full of rather empty promises. and what many see is wishful thinking from the united states as well as a solid amount of skepticism coming from russia and china. but regardless of the universal sentiment in the world is the piece should prevail and that the violence
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and onslaught should stop so many are looking at this moment in which this resolution passed. despite all its flaws as a moment in which there is at least some glimmer of hope that the blood shed to be brought to an end and all the ink to stop the queen called her that is highly trained problem is the victor oberon carpenter. why is the port of entry election, which i'm to establish on policies, a strong gains throughout the block? among those is fonts where the hung gavin leaders has a real uprising. how's a good? a are making sure that all the same fronts, which was the country most strongly in favor of the war. there was a real political uprising. the european election is an opportunity to slow down, was still there up in the water for you to be in politicians. if we can off when this much against the wall for the benefit of the peace parties, then we will get involved. we will soon be tied into war in europe. and falls where
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we let past last 0, right, dominated and pulling in twice as many votes as president mac loans with nissan spots. as opposed to the routing party natural right? it is not a vocal. so both of you paying for in the election court has called for use that boat as a domestic relations is approaching low, who political forces such as the nationalist avenue, euro escape taking patriots by the oh, for me, eliza is the leader of bob, positive gold for my calls but then there's the surprise dissolution of the national assembly announced by emmanuel mccall and on june the 9th aims to sidestep the major debates that the concert needs. do we agree to move towards that? so as was more do, we really won't be repeating union to become a state. we are at the turning points in history. the only way to force the bates on the slide just saw jack's this was the tried by microphone, wants to take everyone by surprise. may want to jump in both
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a sort of preference for the old to us if a gemini, involved in the you and action that positives with various songs is against russia, imposed by it's also the shelves of rooting social democratic policy as the the members were quick to criticize the opponents with the charles of the saying the punch and push back against right wing politics. so while i get this not founded either give us, the results of the election was bad for all 3 governing parties. nobody should be going back to business as usual. the votes for right wing populous parties in our country and the other european countries must concern us on con. questions have arisen about will. what will happen to jeremy's natural policy for the election results, guarded, the german government is hosting by them. is it asking you for a conference about you? plain sight visits have become a regular occurrence in your opinion. capitals over the past 2 years, apparently, the string of bad luck is on think on 2 to 2 months and explains of the german
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establishment that by chance. oh i've shoals is still recovering from a major electoral hang over after voters. just pick the anti establishment alternative for which lands. busy over salters, social democratic party by 3 points in the elections. so what the shots do, maybe decide to step away from ukranian koolaid serve. got as warranty. know instead schultz, this happens when you come in to hand out even more of it to parliament does. you're going to start with the speech right after a shock, search a vote or signal their electronic preference for the anti establishment, f d, which has made it crystal clear. they have 0 appetite for whatever zalinski is pouring, especially because the guy never seems to have his wallet on him when the bill comes. gets the figures hey, why should he, when the european leaders light shots are so willing to just stick the german and
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european tax payers with the cost of whatever it is that he's asking for, usually weapons and money. just last week, zalinski was in france working his magic on the french national assembly, sucking all the oxygen of the french parliament in the very last day of session, before the vote and making all about him a new frame. yes, french president, emmanuel and my call figured that would be a good return on investment for french voters. they can barely afford to make ends meet, but they get to listen to zalinski talk about have great mac holes. policies are for ukraine. so how does that turn out for maxim? money micro cooling us now collection following his policies, crushing defeats in sundays, european solomon's elections present in menu. and my school has shopped from by announcing a snap parliamentary election officers align stuff with a big defeat by the populace. rights in your opinion, election resounding defeats in the european election,
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addressing its country macro on said the results of the vote on that for his government were grim and could not be ignored. the 1st casualty of the elections a week and french president emanuel mac crones tardy, was trounced by candidates for marie le pins nationalist party. but surely, just a coincidence of the party that's routinely expressed the least interest in indulging zalinski as incessant demands have the best of luck to all result in france with the anti establishment national rally party trouncing mac holes establishment party by over double the votes. last september zalinski dropped into the canadian tournament and fis pumped an actual world war 2 ukrainian nazi who served in heinrich him. lawyers watson s as alicia of division canadian primary, suggesting true though also stood there smiling. next is a.


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