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tv   Documentary  RT  June 11, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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the defeats in the european election, addressing his country macro on said the results of the vote on that for his government were grim and could not be ignored. the 1st casualty of the elections a week and french president emanuel mac chromes party was trounced by candidates for marie le pins nationalist party. what? surely, just a coincidence of the party that's routinely expressed the least interest in indulging zalinski is incessant demands has the best of luck to all result in france with the anti establishment national rally party trouncing mac holes establishment party by over double the votes. last september zalinski dropped into the canadian tournament and fis pumped in actual world war 2 ukrainian nazi who served in heinrich him. lawyers watson s as alicia division canadian primary suggesting true though also stood there smiling next to zalinski and cheering.
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while the house speaker from tree goes on liberal party. he prays on this nazi for killing western allies in world war 2, because they just happened to be russians. i read to read my profound regret for my error and recognize in an individual in the house during the joint address development by presidency lensky, that public recognition has cost paying to individuals and communities, including the jewish community in canada and around the world, as well as to survive as of now, 2 choices in poland and other nations. shortly thereafter, the same canadian house speaker volunteered to make himself into a speed bump for team through those bandwagon as it seemed to be heading straight for the political wilderness at full speed. but where would western leaders be if they didn't have zalinski hanging around? well, maybe still in power to start. check out all the western establishment leaders, whose careers magically just kind of ended after they ended up in zalinski is blast
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radius shaking his hand. former us, how speaker kevin mccarthy. mackwood zelinski them was suddenly dropped, kicked out of his job by numbers of his own republican party, which is the 1st time that it never happened in history. so yeah, by all means go hang out with a lot of shots in germany. sounds like a great time for zalinski to go there and work more of his magic. well i back was on the east shame bose as he spoke with the lady upon the south. i've been the fm for man, so that is on it. will the back of the top of them the the well minister. it's a great pleasure to have you with us here at our tea. uh,
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thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule. you know, you're very, very busy and, and very interesting time for the breaks association if you like to. and one of the big challenges in many ways i'm exciting things about this week has been about expansion for new countries, have have joined many more have registered interest in joining what are the challenges and opportunities associated with the well, oh, thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to t today has been the 1st meeting of an expanded breaks. foreign ministers, a grouping. and i think they've been some important lessons for us. firstly, we a from the importance of the brakes for him as a global of forum that brings together very different ideas, opportunities and objectives. but also, um,
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i think some pleasant memory of how easy it was to reach consensus window only 5 of us. and now that we launch the debates a longer agreement takes a little while that has to be creative persuasion. and i think it's been a wonderful opportunity to actually reiterate why brooks exist that we're a body committed to monte lateralism. that we are very strongly advocate transparency . we want to modernize the global governance system to more democratic, more representative. and if you share those ideals, then brooks is your home. it's where you should be and way through. but beyond the number we have now, the minimal countries showing an interest in becoming full members of brakes and others that would like to be partner members who may participate in some of our
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activities and the old. so i think a, you know, today was really interesting and i'm sure, in the months ahead, we're going to get to understand each other a far better than we may do now. and really came from very careful thoughts to the level of expansion that we should submit. so it's one of the key components of risk scrolling and a huge portion of the global population looking to breaks with, with a sense of hope that we can do things differently in a more fair way. one of the big challenges of course, is that dollar dominance, really, and i suppose one of the big discussion points globally is now when his breaks, going to emerge as may be, somebody's can challenge the thought i'd like this challenge to a dollar dominance. and we've heard the severe level of today talking to trying to
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build platforms to trade in each of those currencies. how much of a challenge to that dollar had gemini, can bricks represent? and how important is it that the bricks move towards a sort of solution to that long time dominance of the dollar c. i think i want to just say that with respect to breaks, we've always been very careful about behaving like uh, the well known powers of the world who tend to be n t something and who behave as big hours. that can clamp down on you. we have more positive and i intention, we wish to establish systems that allow development to proceed as smoothly systems that i inclusive, the systems that don't act against a weekly economies as seek to destroy them or hold them down. we don't wish to behave like
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a big powers do of the law. so i want to draw that distinction. so having said that, i can confirm that we're all concerned that the unilateral in positional sanctions and its impact on many developing countries. and we would like to develop a system that allows us to exchange financially without having to be afraid that they'll be some punishment which will follow such exchange . so really looking at diversifying international payment systems is an important agenda. we set ourselves and i think the conclusions are going to be tabled because the summit that russia will host later this year. so we meeting progress in the deliberations and again, i intention is not n t paula. it is pro use of our own currencies and
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developing their ability to be used in international trade. and if we begin among ourselves as the bricks, countries, this will be an important beginning toward a larger uh, development. but again, for us, it's a positive intention to really ensure that we tend trade. without fact, you mentioned the cuz i'm some of the upcoming big somebody in the, in the task. then how important is this? i mean, given the global situation, there's a lot of challenges at the moment on the global chessboard, if you like. how important is because, um, some of the, as, as you know, it's, it's, it's a space where a and some great powers now can talk china, russia, south africa, regionally, very important countries. it's a and it's also about more than just your apology,
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takes up geostrategic issues or conflict is also there. things like the brakes games and alternatives to a long established northern hemisphere. organizations which are dominated at that space. how important is because um comics on well it's extremely important, especially the expanded bricks makes up a close to 50 percent of the world's population and a significant part of the world's g d p. so we're very, very significant for just 5 that a set of of criteria. then the activities that we have in the sometimes i can't either conceive of the notion that we have over 213 working group meetings. this just shows you the level of interaction and then to face the people to people exchange that we have built as the bricks countries. so i think increasingly we have a stablished,
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a form that is taking its place in the global community of nations. and the, i believe that we will grow from strength to strength. but as i said, the intention is to grow in a progressive manner to pursue a democratic and progressive boats to ensure a launch a voice for the cell and to address equitably the interest of or a person's. and so the wall of inhumane execution against the palestinian people in garza and the occupied palestinian territories would of course be a great concern to us. and our approach is both support to for the just cause of the people of palestine. but also ensuring that we reform united nations so that it is able to play
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a more impactful role in enhancing peace and security in the world. and so i think because of the summit, because on summit it's going to be very important in allowing us to advance these very significant ideas and ensure that as the brakes uh body we really have great to wait in the world because we emerge from the summit was a set of consensus points that we can then take into the various small to the actual floor in wichita countries. play a role. you mentioned palestine of course, which is a huge issue particularly among made a muslim countries who are now in brakes and south africa has taken a real championing role in the i. c, c, and d i. c. j. it's been and remarkable as an irishman in orland, we've seen huge support for south africa stand. um 1st question in that regard
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would be, you know, what sort of support among the south african people a d. c for it, for your stand for what i would consider many would consider justice in, in palestine. and the 2nd part of the question would be, what is a weird and what is the success in the c i, c, j for south africa. slow in terms of support. i have not had any negative action toward me with respect to the question of the people of palestine. it has been scientist, organizations in my country that have expressed the position to the position that our government has adopted. and we're not surprised because they support israel, whatever israel does, but it's important to stress that this is molten religious a my to so it's not about muslims and none muslims. this is
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a human rights issue. no one should reach international role in the manner that israel is doing. no one should preach international humanitarian law in the manner that israel is doing. you cannot have such a large scale killings and the world just allows you to get away with it. so i believe this is a test for all of us as humanity to stand up and really fight against such abuse of human beings and ensure that when we is lead is say never again, we really mean it. and this is why establishing institutions that have the capacity to protect the innocent has become such a critical issue with all of us as part of the world should pay attention to. i'm really welcoming of the i. c. c, prosecutors, decision to approach the judges of the court with respect to issuing of
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a warrant of full war crimes and minister of defense of israel and the prime minister of israel. for the 1st time, we now see attention to will crimes being committed by persons in the knolls. when often we sold, the icpc is a for the that was established to act against african leaders and no one else. and now we believe is a much more balanced approach and we're glad, although we displayed it how long it took. but we're glad that that stick has now been taken with respect to the i c. j. we believe the court has clearly indicated on the provisional measures that was, should be achieved as an end to hostilities, a permanent ceasefire. and that's in the cause of the conflict. the people of palestine should have access to humanitarian aid and their rights should not be
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abused. the quote is also being very clear about the responsibility of an occupier to those that they occupied. because often when we discuss what is happening to the palestinian people, we don't refer to israel as an occupying force, which it is and is responsibilities as an occupier, a well set out in the united nations, a job. and these have been neglected and disrespected as well. so all bottom line is that the court must proceed. international court of justice to hold for hearings on the merits of the allegations of africa has brought forth that israel is intentionally committing genocide against the palestinian people. we would like this to be heard, wish to have a full hearing. we believe many nations will come forward with evidence. absolutely
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pleased. finally, that the i, c. j has called for the establishment of an independent you in create to investigate, to body, to both collect and retain evidence on activities that have been under way against the palestinian people for me. but is a very, very significant decision. and i hope that the united nations will act on it. well mentioning earlier, you know, this western centric, there's no one in centric infrastructure regarding international bodies, the united nations, even the i, c, c i, c, j. we've also heard that the washington would consider or is considering sanctioning these international courts. um, what are your thoughts on that? what are your views on that? why is the washington happy to be overly have this ala carte
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attitude to, to this is the morality essentially, when it comes to the global. so what do you think is behind that? what's the engine of the position from washington we we have previously expressed the concern that the implementation of international instruments is often done in a manner that exhibits in equity in terms of how we look at countries, but also a double stand it in what we regard as human rights and abuse, and what is accepted as all right. if it's done to palestinian people, it's all right, but if it is done until you repent, then it's not acceptable. and it has this double standard. that drives much of the opinions from a powerful communities. so when a warrant is issued for prison, putin, everybody says we're all and celebrates. but when we mention prime minister netanyahu southern need is
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a victim not to perpetrate that we have to apply international law for every one. so that who ever preaches it, we as the world community, must agree that they'll be held to account. it can't be that for you the top rates in a particular way. but for me, because i'm an african or a woman, it operates in a different way. we are challenging the world and that's why we approach the i c take. we want international institutions to work for the good of war and not to treat us as different. and you mentioned as an african, i mean in africa, in south africa, we've recently have an election africa, south africa is looking at a coalition now for the 1st time and for me, 3 decades. so this is, this is also a new ground if you like. and what is the potential for positives and negatives? there may be instability. i think some people are watching and seeing mobile how,
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how is this going to be handled on the ground? and also regarding foreign policy, your stands as, as we've seen in the c o. u. c. j and what is the potential for, for a south africa's position, even regarding brakes to be impacted by this new coalition issue? well, i think that to the foreign policy positions i hope will be guarded a very carefully by what is still the largest pontine of the african national congress, as it looks at potential partners. and that's a tool to seek uh, you know, to reach agreement with parties that share its political perspectives, especially on foreign policy. because it could be very, very bad for the african national congress to be just as being hypocritical and but when it comes to assuming, oh, well,
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it then shifts position. i don't believe that will happen. i believe it to remain true to his ideals because it is prison monday law. who said the platform for foreign policy of south africa would always be human rights and equity. and so i'm a, you know, really comfortably convinced that the african national congress will not do that is foreign policies as practiced best font and the human rights and the interest of the most vulnerable of months. my life will always be that dr. but, but having said that, a, i don't a negate that it's a very complicated set of negotiations because you have very different parties and see, achieve 40 percent. didn't achieve them majority unfortunately, but the law just the votes of the next a in, in number a very key is
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a supporter of israel. but we all care that all support full freedom for the palestinian people will always be part of our foreign policy perspective. so the leads us to foreign policy a, you know, innovations really from, from an african delegation who visited ukraine and russia last year, which was well received in russia and water of the potentials. to expand on that an africa centric diplomacy and going out to the rest of the world saying look, let us mediate little speedy on this brokers here. i think there's a mouth applied for that interest in several countries. what's your view point on that? is there more to see in that space from so i, i certainly believe so prison, roma polosa has maintained contact with the 2 leaders of leader of ukraine and
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prison. putin of the russian federation. and he's always had a very, a good reception from both. we would like to see the 2 in the room and were increasingly working at persuading that this should be a meeting in which ukraine and russia present were concerned that they had been many way to. so new crane and other countries that i invited, we believe if we all to have a successful negotiated outcome, the 2 must be in the room together. so we would like to work toward that one's. we settled down all the issues related to the coalition deliberations as part of the program agenda list of present from a pulse up to continue this work. because you recognize that it's very important, not just to the 2 countries, but to all solve this africa as well. cuz our own continent has impacted both by
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the sanctions against russia, as well as about the issue of food security. so a peace and security a critical for africa's progress and development. and so we must continue to be a fidelity to these a piece efforts. you mentioned the, the importance of getting to people in the room to people around the table. there's an upcoming, the peace conference to be held in switzerland. what are your views of that? i mean, asking ukraine to essentially host a peace conference excluding russia. what is your view on that from a diplomatic view point to rational? is that how, how realistic is that? and um, you know, is it more a cs or the actual piece making what, what are your views? i'm not quite sure what's it hope would be a cheap our own advice was that it may be better to have
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a meeting of the officials level between russia and ukraine and then subsequent to that, move on to a bigger conference, but before deliberations between the 2 even if it's such a inception stage, we felt this wasn't really a good step to take because it took me p at a rather than a real focus on achieving a cessation, or indeed the appropriate piece negotiation. so we all, we all concerned and it, we will to attend at the level of one of our advisors. but our intervention would always be that that has to be the 2 in the room. and great effort must be directed to engaging russia and ensuring that we bring the to into a space where
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a way for 10 be mapped out. and interestingly recent, the present, putting himself was wrestled with the idea of who to negotiate in width in ukraine . and i think the constitutional advice in russia suggest that the only valid power now is the whole, arrive is the parliament. what is your view on the legitimacy now of uh, let him use the landscape in ukraine and now that his mandate has passed, essentially, there have been no elections. what's your view on this? you? because we wish to play a role, i don't want to appear to come into the mind that would appear to suggest that one takes aside. our intention is to persuade, toward engagement. and that in the all of you and from my experience, having negotiate to the settlement with respect to a post date,
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we know that you come tell us what the conclusion should be. we are the ones who will determine that. and that is why the 2 present talking to each other absolutely . imperative. absent one. yeah, actually just as an exercise in futility. so i think you have to get real and ensure that you begin to process that needs. you also have the conundrum that exists country and finally to finish our own channel or t has been bombed in various western countries. its output has been pressed the messaging, which is basically the balance of those, trying to challenge some narratives in the west and give the russian side. and this oppression of media seems to be something that's increasing in the west in the european union. we have pre boating from our slave on the line which suggest that
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they're going to tell us things are essentially dishonest before they were even told them. and what's your view on that and what you're the response speech in societies where it's ok to listen to one a story. but the other story has to be oppressed by state actors. what's your view on that? is it healthy? i'm sure you know my own answer to this as an african, i've often had to sitting rooms and be lectured on how i should be democratic and how i must respect freedom of expression and particularly freedom of the media. so we have suffered this in south for many, many a meetings. and for us as sub africa, where we have freedom of expression with the media is able to say and do what they wish, within the confines of us the, of the little of, but with the constitutional protection that is very wide. we,
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i intreat that what we see and we cannot believe that it is possible that over a 140 to and the list i'm murdered in palestine. and the free press is largely silent and almost complicit in the old colleague's being murdered by him in prison. treated in the house of fashion possible. so as africans we are watching all of the sudden, wondering what happened to the lessons and the lectures that we had to suffer on so many occasions benefiting from those lessons. we malpractice, freedom of expression, and we are watching with great interest, but lack of free expression in established democracies that have had the freedom for so many, many centuries. so it's been a great lesson for us as africans. and i sincerely hope no african country follows
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the examples we've seen recently. well, minister, thanks very much for talk has been fascinating. we could talk all night, but thank you very much again for thank you. the the the
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the i have to build fire is the something to learn, right? size the us live this long time by and on the all been do plains new. not as of with gary dislike that with the history of human rights abuses. this is why is this a, the delivery is through the american made here and also includes that security concerns. also an idea of right in the region killed hundreds of houses. if we cannot win this much against the will for the benefit of the beast, bodies will soon be tied in a warning to you by the use of prime minister as i'm to establish a policy is a strong games in the u election. particularly in germany. i'm finding.


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