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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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stop the war in gaza as well. of course you mention that has left nearly more than $37000.00 palestinian debt and which is now the world's most important security issue. thank you and what their, the fuser and so it's double veiling solutions. in my introductory remarks, the during the discussion of international issues, we focus specifically on the garza's tragedy. immediately off to october, the 7th. and last year after the terrorist attack that we can do, and so we can dump the message that's seniors. israel started to plot as it responds to thomas actions. these actions are not acceptable. you've mentioned $37.00, sultan's palestinians that died over half of them. a women and children, and some 100000 well warranted. and secondly, that is not acceptable. we assume that this helps ration should immediately stopped
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. what's new, what needs to be done is tracy's fun and immediate resolution to the daughter humanitarian problems and done without any pauses and delays. we needs to start implementing the decisions on these stablish mental, the palestinian state that was leaving peace and secuity with israel and to have all the neighbors. boshra was the 1st country to propose the relevant resolution. and the security council link to the last year of to that similar attempts were made by arab countries, by african countries. and all those attempts were blocks of noise except for one job. when we use at least managed to adopt a resolution containing in coal to cease why it's germany holding mazda from and
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done the americans did not to veto that project, additional 9 bucks by accepting that resolution. the claim that it was not a blinking 3 and binding yesterday un security council adopted yet and knows that resolution goes by the americans get the resolution when you send that to an agreement was supposedly reached between homeless and this route to declare a ceasefire at the 1st stage for a certain period of time, for 2 days if i'm not mistaken, which ceasefire is supposed to be accompanied by an exchange of hostages. and exchange for the palestinians, held in his riley prison, told him by a 2nd stage. the resolution also contains a call to solve humanitarian issues. we've been trying to receive confirmations of such agreements. but we were told that we should to refer to the text of the
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resolution. when the security council was adopting, got the resolution, these rather delegation made no reference to any agreements that have been reached . these rather delegates only said that israel would not suggest to fate in the endless and meaningless pox. and that the thing you have to be say objectives will says by the prime minister, the complete destruction of how most still remains on change. this is a record, rats about develops menus. today, the brakes countries have unanimously you have spoken out in favor of immediately applying pressure on east ralph this top, the block chat which has already reached overly tragic forms. face position remains on change,
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so the international community shall use all the political and legal tools in our disposal in order to achieve these co speaking of the work on the comprehensive corporation agreements between the russian federation and the stomach republic, gulf iran s. so far, it cannot be signs yet, although we have found the agreement on the entire itself. the text, however, in order for the text to be adopted and signed by the presidents of our country's worst to expecting a number of procedures from iran, including legal procedures and legit specific procedures on the mattress does have already been stated in the agreement. so far they have not done tests that suit during the meeting was acting for administrative. this funding for public off the wrong the can you,
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we have confirmed our adherents to this document which is meant to elevate the russian iranian relations to in due level. we will be able to do that as soon as the ron young colleagues managed to settle certain technical issues over to china. wanted to loop the china media corporation. what are the things you distinguish, the minutes task of these things? i am here. can you see me as the yesterday session was the long heat, cold breaks, literally make my phone go break number the pro doc 6 lease to witnessing the west. now throwing brakes, developing centers of the future. multiple the world, the,
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the building 3 calls using this sections. how in countries and west have common interest, especially in the areas of global importance? in your view. how can we build a bridge out of breaks to make sure the west can corporate with us? and this makes sense. i think you a very well aware of the fact that we're not the ones building walls most literally and figuratively as we use now. see, for example, at the border between the russian federation and the numbers of nate to members. we are not the ones who split and divide the world into blocks. we are not the ones who say that those who are against us who has been punished. no, these actions are taken by our west and colleagues. i will not go too deep
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into detail. future space has become a part of their genetic code full of to 500 years of global domination. we took off their long periods of complete disrespect and disregard for the great civilizations that had existed before the west started come on, the globe meetings, the the ultimate of civilization, the india, and the chinese and the arab civilizations and abroad. the sense that you sticky, our west and colleagues are not willing to build a new bridge is stored so they can only use the brakes to build new walls or even hips sell us won't go against our choice. so. so as i mentioned, we are not closing alice house or the west, the west to down this time and realize that the actions of few child,
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they can only leads to continue confrontation and continue to integration processes within breaks and on the groups. so she should have that credit attached to the rest of the world from the arbitrary actions and aggression by the western mazda, so to speak of the global market in order to build a bridge furnace. examples linked together with china, we build the bridge over the almost re much expression build its huff, trying to build his own path. however, in order to stop the construction of storage, you need this come from both passions that you cannot build one half of a bridge hoping that someone else would some of the build fee on that hoff this approach would beatrice of productive. this wouldn't be a waste of physical us do. an intellectual labor. the west has built
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a wall between itself and the rest of the world. if they want, they could bring down that they could explain the conditions in which they could come back to the civilized world. and then we will see police over to the united power for its original homage. can use our a be a good option. even though hold right dimensions, the got to the topics as a representative of the our speaking media, we pay much attention to the middle east chapel of mountain events in gaza. so i come home with contin to this topic. my question is, what, what was most close use of the recent is riley operation to liberate hostages, sending us a route to campaign the gaza strip, which killed at least $250.00 philistines. and the 2nd question on the related topic is russia preparing ending you additional proposals to settle the situation in the middle east? recently,
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you mentioned the preparation for the meeting with the 5 our colleagues and most code coming shortly. thank you, sir. so as for the 1st part of your question, 1st my thoughts are just like we react this through the terrorist attack on the sounds of october. the methods that were used by israel and responsive, which i believe it is unacceptable, but it, most of the sacrifice use hundreds and hundreds of shows the civilians and all that. to save all this civilians, especially in the united tire of amorous saudi arabia, carter, egypt, jordan and jessica, who have been participating in various negotiation from that seniors. and some of them were dealing with the topic of hostages, which we were also involved in that workforce. and it was not about the russian
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citizens, but also biology. you citizens of the congress as well as these efforts have brought search and results of an element of custody. these groups also called intermediaries between hamas and his route. i believe he has a better understanding all the issues that i guess to be a result in order to find a peaceful solution for this situation. as i mentioned, our position has been read to rated the numerous resolutions of the united nations security council immediate ceasefire. so by doing here see the liberation of all hostages was the end of the palestinians held in these route as well as the solution of the items for military initiates young. and the resumption of the beginning of the talks to establish a palestinian state. you should put it in moscow. we have held any truth that listing and meeting, and several meetings are in fact the last one took place at the end of january,
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the beginning of february of this year. it involved all of the palestine impressions, including how most of the toxic for the 1st time for the meeting of these kind and attend the adoption of a joint declaration of goods. and for the 1st time, everyone including hum us, expressed their willingness to bring the ranks of the palestinians to get to using the palestinian liberation organization as the platform forthcoming efforts, this was on president the goals and the resumption of palestinians. unit $22.00 is explained by the fact that only a united dependence time you're with it. it can be a part of the switch you're in. detox aimed at achieving the necessary results while the palestinians are in disarray. so would hardly return your results . you can see that so that should deal with sarah already initiative. so on the
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future of gossip, i don't know if that helps us with all the sudden protect rays of our countries or peacekeeping forces, or to adjust to adopting your declaration, saying that faith would be sit offering by the posting of national authority. these are all the initiatives that are being imposed by outside players, while the palestinians themselves are still in decent rate when you are 6 and a house to depend on various external, your conscious thoughts, our ideas, as well as if it was to bring all the sponsors together for one of the countries that have financial and other influence on got really to have a stain enterprise just given yesterday. and we wanted to find the agreement between all this external plas uses, so that they tend to get there and make a call for the palestinians. use use a new one. so we're not to play into the hands of outsiders to make sure they could
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tend together during the talks and fight for their legal rights. and the recognition in the united nations beautiful because we're still ready to continue this works. you must, now you see that all the efforts but of you are taking just the top, the tragedy. this is the immediate priority. as soon as that happens to be a major component to follow long term strategy on this track is good. is the support often moving this top of the ship that listing in the state incomplete compliance with the united nations resolutions? good and so do you re being please i'll shut up and drop out a letter would be nice. thank you mr. lover of good afternoon. previous the said that law school can see that the need to nuclear capacity as a single arsenal aim to get to the russian federation. can you imagine the situation when the west would have to concede is a combined nuclear arsenals of russia, china, and perhaps north korea?
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you know, when we were talking about the nuclear arsenals off made to members as a single arsenal. here's what we meant was, 1st of all, that at a certain stage, one is when the united states on the mind, all the basic ideas that allowed us to sign the strategic costs reduction treaty as a target. they wanted to convince us that the war that they started with the hands of the ukrainians would not be an obstacle to the resumption of the dialogues on strategic stability among other arguments. well, you gave to the us colleagues, let me explain that this was not possible when russia was the target for the entire itself, nato anatomy, that perhaps to suffer
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a strategic defeat on the battlefield to. apart from that, we told them that you will. so from now on the on thing is that since here, once you just when the entire itself may to us as united itself against us from, from now on when it's the cost of that video and the full resilience strategic stability talks. so you would have to take into accounting nuclear arsenals of phones and $69.00 to kingdom we, char winters, in the 1st trains of the nato, anti russian activities. so this is how it happened when it's picking of the arsenal of the people's republic of china. the democratic people's republic of korea and the search digit costs and most of the russian federation, we are not in any kind of
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a military alliance. and in this sense, the only thing i can see on screen your question i'm here. what i can say is, although a 3 countries are the targets for the aggressive policies of the united states and its allies, the nation's goods, russia, the people's republic of china. we see the escalation of the situation that around taiwan, the south china sea. we see how they are trying to provoke china on the korean peninsula or the youngest. we see the establishment of in the lines between the united states or south korea and japan, from virginia to the organizing joint exercises with active involvement of the nuclear component and say, i'm an user the situations on delta dental co. however,
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we all tend to get there and speak out against the use of the nuclear capacity is this was said by the president in his speech at the st. petersburg international economic forum and the summer we give the floor the representative of the and usually norfolk or atlanta less than usually enough to rotation. see if we, it's still a rough enough to know is my 1st question is, what was the context for the discussion of to create that the session is that and you have mentioned to the organization of the event and you know, groups what have you managed to see and appreciate the pop from the meeting. so i'll region selling 5 very good relations with the brakes countries. we have good trade in social and economic. i'm assuming it's aaron links with breaks and thank you. and these requests from all the people of the city, please visit us more. awesome, thank you. thank you. as for what i've seen here is something called from the meeting. so i'm gonna say this. it is so tempting,
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i can't even tell everything. so this is an amazing c t. it has wonderful people in great atmosphere on the streets, on the keys, wherever we go, post a so hospitable, so kind hearted i can say that we all have all the foreign guests have fallen in love with the city. its people, its beauty, and the way the city is maintained and how it becomes even more attractive. we have talked a lot with the governor of the nation. they'll go to the regions, neglect location. and we can clearly see that this is his life aspiration to messrs. the see to the region, we see how much his team dos to make sure this city and flourish. speaking of ukraine, the final joint declarations has that all the countries and all the participants
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have reaffirmed depositions. stated during the discussions of the relevant topic at the united nations, the security council and the general assembly, that's all that it says you're viewing the statements, which some countries are not the majority. so you mentioned to crane and said that we has to be rejected. and age unilateral initiatives, so as a settlement is most of we should proceed not through some limited groups . meetings like the one that's about this talking. switzerland is declared discussions would be solely based on the absolutely meaningless, senseless landscape. these forms of the people's republic of china and the chinese foreign minister and the brazilian foreign ministers says that we need to see can
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you approach any new platform for settlement platform that would be acceptable by both sides and start on the overall. all the stakeholders clearly the is nothing what will be done by this length to redeem, without the authorization of the united states, he has no rightful. that's what i would like to say in this regards. during our biologicals with counterparts from china and brazil. we say we talk about the fact that we have value initiatives that was initiated by china, by brazil, by south africa, by the arab league stores. a special delegation from the arab league type visit the task soon up to the launch of the special limited tlc ration. we seen this abuse, which is the genuine expression of goodwill and desired the see. help to find just
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ways to do by solution as a whole range of mentions when it comes to chinese proposals that were launched last year and the ideas that were shaped together between china and brazil, they highlight justly, the need to, to take a look at the root causes of the crisis, namely the crisis in terms of security in the us atlantic. and primarily, we need to address these cool root causes. they also highlight to that it is not acceptable to divide the world into blogs. as a research of the 1st question of the press conference, neither ideological, no political blogs to any good. and the chinese proposals also highlights the need to strike a solution. building a found the ends of
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a simple secuity of old policies of interest to us. but we often times on such 2 including but our colleagues from asia, latin america and africa, we've of law says when negotiations impressed inclusion has repeatedly commented on that we were not just ready to have negotiations. so we have completed them in april 22, 22 and assemble. we have initials a document that's allowed to put an end to combat activities, such as, you know, the ukrainian participants said that the proofs of the americans and other prophets must is difficult to find them from doing that. less call a spade a spade. those who try to promote some initiatives to launch a negotiating process. i was kindly ask them to take note of the 2
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key aspects visible work. first of the dental office a gets that in september 2022. so since the landscape signed to decrease the funds o your training officials from halting golf talks with the government or for presidents who attend an early may this year, the foreign ministry of ukraine made an official statement that ukraine does not recognize. what do me a, to attend as a democratically elected legitimate president? and secondly, those could promote initiatives and say good things to advise things about indivisible secuity. and that it isn't invisible to establish blogs and the needs to deal with the food courses. they should develop the approaches, choose and at the same time take into account the fact that at the,
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just with this level, the bus and language is banned in ukraine. in flagrant violation of vocal support conventions on the flights of national mind, which is the rational language is find an education, a media in culture. and even in daily life. if you say something exhausting to somebody in the shelf, then you can get into trouble. and another thing that's because what i've just said, family is just the practical implementation and are legal ization of this theory and practice of matches blayton snatches and includes in glorification of those who was sentenced by the noun. the trials when our comets in various countries, it says that those negotiating processes which are good hawks at times they say let
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us pretend answers as to which he is and let us just sell to king 3 similar to those pro. what about the demand to the specs, any national mine which especially such large one as russians and ukraine? is it such kind of an artificial precondition? i don't think says it is, you need to bring the cleaners you may enter the legal fields to the legal frame with wells where all the responsible and decent members of the international community. and that that is something that we talked about. this is something that was raised repeatedly by the president, and i believe that understanding that the situation can not simply be left to and just states have been negotiating table. oh, that's a ball thing to do,
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especially since nobody in the west and we had some teachers on public contacts. nobody wants to see this may says not says the rest of phobic for to created by the nazi regime. not only did they know that, but the west also encourages to preserve the kind of the ukrainian states in order to start to use the key pushing to keep on fighting against russia. basically, they have the same goal that hateful, ahead and previously that napoleon had to bring together to hold you up, steve. and she inflict defeats to devotion, peaceful until the russian state, even ritual. which was yesterday,
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some interesting ideas you know as it but for didn't sleep. mystic could be in charge of strategic communications of the wind has the national security council of recently in his interview stated. and he made as clear as president side and made it clear the utmost so that ukraine should have the necessary opportunities capacities to defend itself. and most importantly, the us doesn't want to have world tools for you. these would have disasters with the cautions for that you would be in confidence. and that's your answer as to how the us treat us to use. they are confident that if they to get and you clear will and that's what they have been actively doing done,
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the only want to suffer would be us. and as usually during world one has during will go to the woods on leave benefits. that is to kind of mindset and so last a few of those who determines the us policy today and test those who who, who claimed colleagues, thanks little to i still needs to see the heads of the delegation center. oh, cellphones that you showed a lot of interest and you promised to kind of have an objective media concert in coverage. thank you. with that, we'd complete oh press conference or rides, the russian foreign minister the said again, laboratory in newton, novgorod fee, was the answering questions from john list at the brakes made meeting of foreign ministers who met in that region that he talked about. the few things, i'll highlight it before we go gap and give the updates. he talked about the fact
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that the amazing had agreed on the need to reform global golf and then systems which he said. but of course, with the western countries, especially with the leadership of the united states of abuse, the global superpower status by a brief survey sanctions. and which has global impact on economies and so on. he talks about the funds, the. busy so touched on the crisis situation, the europe in a to middle east and africa and the need to come together to rally round and see how they can form created resources for, for the benefit of countries. he also said that they know to the urgent need for the multiple r t of the well. and that is where as a recognition of independent states, which is even ratified by the united nations chat that, that so these are some of the things you talked about. he also mentioned that a briggs accounts for braces. the countries accounts for 45 percent.


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