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tv   Documentary  RT  June 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

9:30 am
around the world, as well as this is why this does not say it to us is bowlens and other nations. shortly thereafter, the same canadian house speaker volunteered to make himself into a speed bump for team through those bandwagon. as it seemed to be heading straight for the political wilderness at full speed. but where would the western leaders be if they didn't have zalinski hang around? well, maybe still in power to start. check out all the western establishment leaders whose careers magically just kind of ended after they ended up and zalinski is blast radius shaking his and former us house speaker, kevin mccarthy. mackwood zelinski then was suddenly dropped, kicked out of his job by numbers of his own republican party, which is the 1st time that it never happened in history. so yeah, by all means don't hang out with a lot of shots in germany. sounds like a great time for zalinski to go there and work more of his magic. all right,
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that's the update. now you can go for the details of all the stories are following on the archie to come back again. the top of the r a c again, the of the man the northern haven't read now when you say no, now why,
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why, why, why being can you labeled on monday? so i'm talking about week of told me to do but yeah, i'm to wait until the land on the on the,
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on the to the the, the, the, the the the
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with the, the young lady that yeah, what day? not all i the you could give you my boy . yeah. the i can
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do my best day. i'm come with a couple of people to allow me to in your mind you go literally every single day. right. yeah. the
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yeah. i thought the north like, you know mad those by the code go know, but yeah, go go there. you really don't. i don't want to go back. oh, no problem. yeah. yeah. they look
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the way my temple. yeah. so let me do that and yeah, that, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, i mean, i'm just taking a 2nd. yeah. come samantha . yeah, i know. i know that mazda of the young monday night. well, no, that sounds a lot. i'm coming to my, you know, a long time ago, basically now the
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lobby. i'm going to be offering out the new, you know, let me, let me see. and how much is on how to die says all the mental. why the, why, the way that yes, on the label give me a mountain gets off and they come maybe a lot is on. i just see i yeah. like i'm yeah. yeah. when you see by now, yeah, i didn't. when the phone call the hi, i'm calling you i telling you the got phones i told them how may i get home on the phone? the welcome. coughing. that sounds halfway down
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the 1st thing on slot began in the late 1950 is the republic of vietnam, has had a little trouble in retaining control of the great urban centers. but the central highlands, the one's own corner of the era, are a mountain most largely jungle covered region. remarkably like those mountainous regions in spain, for the term gorilla was born here. everything favor so lightly, arms, fast moving, irregular, and it is here that the struggle for vietnam, like, ultimately be decided into this remote almost impenetrable region. the communists of north vietnam have infiltrated a steady stream of agitators. terrorist and professional guerrillas, 910 o e n b a k y k,
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a dot net. thank. it's. yeah, well, you know how we met him for moment. yeah. may i know. let me know mile my m, i know i hate to something does know the the go to know
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the like. yeah. the movie community was that what we're yeah, not a big deal with that. oh well you, how long the young guy that's gone with cnn? probably the no, no, no,
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no, no, no, p of the most that cost me quite might take 30 uh, let's see how may i help you if you think you may have that i can do ms. massey, bye. so
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the increasingly now americans are functioning directly in the fight for freedom. from this far, far on the corner of your vendors, president johnson has pointed out. it is up to us. we intend to convince the communist said we cannot be defeated by force
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or by superior i have asked the commanding general general westmoreland once more he needs to meet 1st mounting aggression. he has told me and we will meet the black of the the,
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the the, the my,
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the young lady who told me that, you know, i know the fact that all right, what's going on? hey hi ma'am. how so the new guy came by his 11. 0 one 0 my
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god. wow. and nbc yeah, yeah it's, i'm day late. the
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mm the . 2 the pin the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you've done the local by comma edit on if i get to come on. yeah. so i'm just loading up and says you move me in light of the day.
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how hold up that i'm you. oh, think i'm with them. no money to buy a when you come right. but they're not on the sound right now. we have people woke up. yeah, i'm well, yeah, so the team down right now who will few that give them will you be redeemed at the p? i'm not in law down with the wrong model for i'm you now. let's see. so basically the weight seems to be coming down one another. the how we invest people that just of into the
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why being the name back of why the call that gotcha become lee younger now comes on the holiday night. if you come down late. no, don't we have all we can yet those down that way too late. to the
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time. yeah. okay. so when do you at the end of january, 1968 side on was alive with effective spirit. and everyone prepared for the test for the people of vietnam is both enjoy us and the sacred time of the year is what to be the 1st spring of the 2nd republic of vietnam. the temperance proposed by the communist, the north vietnamese, seemed to promise the people of safe holiday for you from the ever present anxiety of war leaves the new year families praise the they offer their and i pray that he might be restored to their home this year however, the traditional fire tankers of this have celebrations,
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became the play over the me all day from the right. you did the pretty uh that clicking it and i bumped on black looked when i completed the the
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way more dollars. oh my god, stop. by the way, like 8, like i'm really a good time really a young be does all that all job get hold on the site to and 9 that i thought you might like to let you know that right now. so i do have stuff in my usa, so let me know,
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my favorite kind of some phone has been sitting me your number. they have to really crazy and then to say he took the class, come up the don't wait on that to some floor. and then
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the call that corner, no, no, no, no, no. you might, you know, how high 30 of the old you might go back to a new book of and then we go back to 99. my mortgage and
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the guy who did all i'm ended phone to build
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a oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the
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the, the need to know. so the goal is the same that people are in the polio and had gather all of you later to see the russian people and the government . moscow stopped at the might say to get a lot of calls out the west to fueling the war. a new trade fagin has no limits in the methods it's using to hom, russia, and that's us, washington left it long time. bad on the, on a new cranes viewed not the as of brigade. despite previously criticizing the groups over, it's victoria's records of human rights abuses and malawi, it confirms the death of its vice president who was killed in a plane crash along with 9 all those the east african nation.


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