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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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is zalinski spoken to belinda start to apply some parliament while the div restaurant crashing. electro gaze was notably absent. so lucy was also there in berlin for the ukraine recovery conference that no longer wants to sell the data by as what it's been historically known as ukraine, anti corruption conference guess it just doesn't have quite the same ring to it maybe was once he's in town he can give schultz and back home as well. some tips on how to clean the power when you're getting scared that voters just might not want you there. well for more on this, let's cross lots of stuff. encore dodge, i'm a member of parliament for the old tentative for jump. the party step on is good to have you join me right now. now your party again, 6 more seats compared to 2019. can you explain what the behind the success as well, it's not only, you know, electricity, it's a, it's
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a electrons or bulk of so we know how the situation germany is sold. the bulk of the people in germany are really not satisfied with the politics of the extra government is 3 and they got the invoice for this right now. so the rating point is like a s to be the social democrats, the green party, and the 3 democrats together just reached around about 30 percent. and this doesn't show a democratic leg information of that party. and so that's why we speak in this european elections and we gave a roughly 16 percent. so we a 2nd strong response. and jo, me right now, we are facing 3 state elections in the sum of germany. we are all ponti is so naturally very strong. so in these counties, like brenda book during the inspect for me all parts, yes, between 30 and 36 percent. and it will be a very interesting autumn for us. where the vote does. i'm not satisfied with the,
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with the politics here in germany. and so they voted us now in front, the model of my car has called for a snap election, but he refuses to resign. what are your thoughts on how his leadership reflects the will of the people as well? he understood that's a give me the paper tray and if you don't have the support, or you have to ask for support or change your politics. and this is what mr. mccrae realized, and i would hope that we have shows our 10 slow but do the same and realize that something has to be done in germany. you cannot just continue with the normal every day's business like you did before. so they lost the support of the population and something should change and jump caught it takes people don't want to pay huge money for, for let's try electricity for energy a. so we kind of was southwell, from iris, and guess apply this for very stupid exhaust me. and so people don't want to
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support the ukrainian wall. they don't want more york, they don't want to pay for a well, this is what they, what they invoice for, right? now in terms of all of sol, seems to be in the same boat as mccaul, which is fine to finish things in the recent election. that was the reason sake up, where is german politics heading right now? i think it's quite headless right now. if you look into just type right now, so the reigning part to so i'm not bringing an interesting loss because they are in some situation. they don't know what to do. they believe in the past, they believe that that politics is great. the never think they have changing, especially the green, a few they are transforming. jo many i'm, they are extra destroyed in a german companies and companies are going to have a country. this is a big, huge problem. they didn't realize and no avail for us to open the eyes there and
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did so very pay for the waiting for them. and not in just a day that the me is the last key gave a speech and the bundis diag and the bill. of course you'll positive the was opposite. you and can you tell those why as well the different situation? we don't we actually we don't think that that the president on the train is mentioned to me to buy the hotels because they didn't ask for the elections. it's just a special look, all they did because of the situation in your pray. so she has no link informational for people to be present to you. and we don't want to open the door all for someone to speak in a democratic or in a plenary. when he's not blended to major business, the 1st problem, the 2nd one is we don't support the board, we don't support your train, we don't want to pay freight and we want peaceful solutions. do you have to 2 opportunities for us? it's just when he speaks to walk out,
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we're just not to be there. and we thought it wouldn't be too hard if we are inside and then we'll go what we've been assault solution. we decided not to join join at all and recept mr. floods. it's not so important that we don't kept you there. and so we didn't join mr. sealants, get a speech. and we didn't want to welcome a break. i just begging for money banking for, for weapons, for killing people. so we don't support this. so we have the best, a kind of research. now, in terms of low solve, this problem is to send to ukraine, more weaponry, despite geminus voting for anti war parties is the out of pots. is that how you see it? oh yeah, i think he's a little business antiques, but i know said realize betsy's times then they we have the february elections, the bonus talk electrons next year. and they realize that the parts are gonna be over for them at that point. well, they tried to support you, prayed,
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they realized step by step, that the wall cannot be one for them. but they tried to mobilize move and put in small money, but the voters, the techs pay us don't support this, and that would probably sell it in, at least at the next uh, february lick since next september, next year, september 25. or why we have to leave you here now. stuff on quite time. job and member of parliament for tentative for germany party. thank you so much for your insight here. thank you, mike. by great bye. now in january 2020 tragedy struck in the sky above iran. and now with canadian superior court in ontario, it has rules that you create an international airlines must pay off the, the compensations the families of victims who were on slide 752 that was brought down over to ron. at the judge ruled at the airline was negligent, and they responsibly endangered it's a pass. and just now for more on this, let's trust live to
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r t courage. but then you said july the joining us on terra and you said it's good to have you join me and not, not bring us up to speed all the incident and the reasons behind the court's decision. a for spot for yours after the tragic incident. finally, ukraine international airlines is the one that's been found accountable for the loss of $176.00 passengers on board, but don't flight p a 7 foot $52.00, which was shot down by the islamic revolution guards core in january 2020. while ukraine has been a, the fail front of litigation against their want to hold the r g c accountable for the tragedy, the ontario superior court in canada has shifted the blame to ukraine itself. arguing that to ukraine airlines is at fault for negligence in granting fly permits under hazardous conditions. i declare that the defendant has failed to prove that
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the plaintive was damage was not due to the negligence or, or the wrongful act, or a mission of the carrier, or that such damage was solely due to the negligence or other wrongful act or admission of a 3rd, by of course, back in 2020. and the escalating tensions between the one in the west are the i r g c mistakenly shut down the key balance passenger jet with to surface to air missiles shortly after take off from debt. run the r g c. back then, the admitted that its units had mistaken the playing for a hospital american missile, attributing the tragic incident to human or it occurred while it was on high alert . expecting a potential attack from the wes hours after the r g. c launched a missile strike targeting to us air basing. it was in retaliation for the us assassination of top, what's force demand or general? so the money, so are the i r g? c said it was expecting a reaction from the us and
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a i saw that airplane down by accident following the tragedy. there was a wave of a public anger in and outside iran demanding apology from the i. r g c. the command or of the i r g. c. aerospace division did express way more sun, extend it condolences, so the brief families into on a course convicted 10 year warranty and military personnel for their involvement in the downing of the plane. however, it seemed that certain western countries had found something to latch onto uh to lease a new april lane game and finger pointing against the wrong countries who has a nationals were on board the plane, including canada, sweden, ukraine, and the okay were quick to pursue a legal action of the international court of justice are seeking damages from your want and attempting to portray the incident as intentional in 2022 of the group jointly requested that it was submitted to binding arbitration. arguing that the
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missiles that had the flights were launched, quote, on lawfully and intentionally now, the recent verdicts by the ontario court must have caught key by surprise. as the presiding judge has is, of course not said following the issuance of the court order that the decision sends a strong message that drink times of conflict. airlines must exercise caution. i'm prioritize the safety of their passengers. or august of july, the hop correspondent into ron. thank you for bringing us up to speed on this and to allow we now the vice president of the country has been killed in a plane crash, all dine, all the people on board. their crowds also died in the incident, the east african nation, and that's according to a gap in statement. i am deeply saddened and
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sorry to inform you all about it. it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy. the search and rest of your team has found the aircraft in the hill and that strung out a forest and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors. as, as all passengers on board were killed on the, in fact, the vice president saw less that should be met. and 9 of those were killed in that spain crash. so we know that at 7 o'clock on yesterday, yesterday morning, the across departed from the long way and was in tombs was for a 45 minute flight. how if i do to pro with the conditions and no visibility, it traffic controlled individuals who advised the pilots to return to the long with a capital from a now we saw a key also that communication contact with the across to was lost and it
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disappeared from a radar, the last known position of the claim was tracked to using telecommunication towers within a 10 kilometer radius in one of the presentations in the mountains. and we also know that base last night to the presidency of the neighboring countries that had offered supports, including the use of specialized technologies that, that would help find the please do not. unfortunately, this is what it has come down to. for now, the president says funeral plans will be announced later on today. and of course the people of malawi, i'm not taking this well. and socials are saying that to be a country as last a few to president as to the most value for peace can see the next is the week since the accident mid least. now it was pointed as a game changer for the situation in gaza when the us build humanitarian po was
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recently constructed on the coastal, the, and ties with friends opening its being the set of problems at one point. bad weather cost it to break apart. and now the un will food program is forced a deliveries. i mean, the security concerns. meanwhile, the well food program, colleagues to tell us that we are temporarily pausing operations at the floating docks until a thorough assessment of the security situation is conducted to ensure the safety of our staff and our partners, the humanitarian project that costs america $320000000.00 and was suppose to ease the sufferings of the guys in the civilian population, which has been suffering from months long. food and water shortages is not functioning right now, but we cannot say for sure why you as world food program confirming it stops, it's deliveries to the us, build dog side security concerns and concerns about the safety of their personnel
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following these really operation. and then the say rock refugee camp and the central parts of the guys a strip that's killed nearly $300.00 palestinians according to gathers house ministry. while the rest screen force really hostages from a densely populated area. so media reports speculates that israel used in american floating peer for such a days attacks, although the americans have denied any involvement. these really side hasn't commented on this. and here is what the un has to say. we've seen some of the media reports, we've also taken note of the very public statements by the us of think central command said that the, the floating p or had not been a, had not been used in the, in the operation by these really forces regarding the hostages um i think it's only normal uh after such a such an operation takes place with, with such a large number of, of victims that our humanity and colleagues take a pause,
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look at the situation and hopefully it can be, it can be returned to use as quickly as possible from our end, the punch i'm going to see you to the social media and media allegations stating that no aspects of the dog awaits equipment were involved in suffolk days. milton, reparation of the idea of the added stats and areas south of the pier was used for returning the freed hostages to israel without specifying exactly how reports say that toll for how woman and 3 men were taken out of the gas. a street by helicopters, us national security adviser, confirmed us assistance and what a 0 calls a rescue operation. but gave no further details. the united states has been providing support to israel for several months and its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages and guys and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue
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or recovery. i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related, matters associated with that because we need to protect those. i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the adf. uh so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages, who are still being help. well, whatever the reason behind it, bottom line is that the american build dog is currently out of work. on such a day before the necessary information started, approximately 450 tons of food were delivered into northern garza to the pier. but the idea of attack stops distribution, the us military now say they plan to stop pile 8 shipments. wanna secure beach and guys, a do are in a un pause, and this is not the 1st trouble. the multi $1000000.00 project has faced, as you remember earlier, a made. it was damaged by strong winds and heavy seas just a week after becoming operational president, joe biden,
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old and the construction of these floating platform to provide an alternative maritime route for delivering aids to palestinians to ease the sufferings. but it is actually difficult to assess its impacts on the ground right now. according to official data at as tassels gaz is still continues experience and catastrophic food and security and the situation for a $2300000.00 population. allstate and claim remains dire whether you and will food programs decision to hold a delivery is via the p. a. come submit the dice situation within the region. i need the ma salim, a ride to for the gather stories website, describe the desperate living conditions the locals have to in deal a new west suffering from a full scale war. not just as strikes and other attacks. they follow a policy of trying to force civilians to leave the alondo my road. we want to live in on own home like everyone else, nothing more. the story of displacement is
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a huge issue. not everyone understands that you can just be in your home and suddenly have to leave. suddenly there are foaming sleep lots and dropped these things. a terrifying, especially for children. most of the houses in northern gauze are completely destroyed. so where would people go? they tell you to go to shelters. that is the biggest media deception. i feel these shelters. a basically destroyed a bunch of schools with terrible living conditions, especially pool sanitation. this is a major part of the suffering we're into or even in the remaining houses in garza, we have sanitation issues, most of problems. and of course, at a tricity which we have forgotten about. they are implementing a real simon on us just a few days ago. there was no flour, like during flower famines, that was nothing. then they started bringing in flour to side as the world now to was things defined and the problem is over. we have no means no poetry, no eggs. we have no food available in north except for tom goods and even those us
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costs and expensive children, hey, it was who have victim and deficiencies. think about pregnant and nursing women. think about the sick cause is not just a disaster zone. it is completely uninhabitable that will prove to us that we are not treated as human. still, even this animals we're treated as if they want to eliminate also forced us all for land human rights. i no longer believe in such a concept. everything we studied in schools and universities or teach or children to smell it exist. there's no right to life the most fundamental right? but that's the all based off of certainly be with you again in just 2 minutes from now until the are you again the, the, the
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the, the the, the what happened on october. the 2nd was
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a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here, and that would take a ride on the terrace there. there and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for us. you know, they knew we're going to scatter like ship the terrible tragedy and terrible revenge because ok, so i am, i know who the me to come off the the, on the floor, especially the place you'll be the good this of being prevented. drop one, but it seems to be that we don't want,
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it needs to be what he wants into peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? the daily, the quarter board and infinity the did you bit the beginning of the when go to come across the order of january for people just fairly easy to use so so i mean if that isn't you where you might be able to move my car for you hey, this got you. so we just wanted to share so bumper to you wanted to to confirm
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for to include the book the solution solution in the newest or is that simply not reminded of getting this is about i know this is cryptic putting themselves but the kids i'm we just found as though it's empty, just the frame. the
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quietest was to you, i mean, we thought on, i mean i was trying to meet you was how you all are safe with the system and obviously address on a bus driver sales person. anyone could become a victim that's how private negotiators, faster pen looking for the best assist you know, what i'm going to go to see we started this summer. ok no no no no. ready yes, that's the reason why you're going to be up by the name on that, on those over those are, i mean it is you want to decrease usefulness soon on from the yes to the studies
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boys took over the series, making the z as in the middle that there's a quiz to in the window. this includes the release of russian states never as tight as i'm wondering the most sense community most all sense and the speed, the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question,
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did you say they requested the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the mother got the king, refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco mail against a war, the french sent a punitive expedition. divorce submission on the island. the aggressors ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlements. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over and madagascar his external affairs, but the french wanted more. a few years later they started a full scale village area and phase and ended 18. 95 captured the capital tent and other evil, the commonest exiled queen, run of all on the 3rd, and our prime minister, rieney a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to declare the island from the
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malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector at over mad, a gas guard, and in $1897.00, annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted, merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences. natural resources were in the hands of french corporations, all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population . the care lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile. a gasp of the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of man a gas car. but violence was never able to suppress the file, a gas gauge striving for freedom. the every spring and summer. the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, the millions of rusty barrels,
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and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move shortly. a customer on both of us with some of the doors at the post the beach. and there's an issue calling to ask for a clean optic travel to heist island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupied go. really asked me for i was in the bush or more you have to do should. so it means it's me when he'd be a we see lots of money and i'm familiar with the summer. stay on the old stuff. awesome. i feel like that are a mess. almost a little know. see mean membership when you to, i've got to what i don't see, i don't know boys the middle of please to join me at that of the arctic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then because he could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice, the fellow who even needed somebody at the grocery system was a multiple and yet forgot to deal with the official
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the, to the goal is the same, that people are and the polio and had gather all of you and to later, to feed, the russian people and government moscow top did something like their get live. rob pulls out the west, so fueling the water you trade say you has no limits of the methods. it's using the hom, russia and not as washington lift is a long time to add on all the ukraine's new and nazi as of the great. the spot previously criticizing the group latoria records of human rights abuses. a canadian superior court rules that ukraine international airlines endangered its passengers for taking to the skies of voluntary rom, before it was doubted. 2020,


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