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tv   News  RT  June 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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in your opinion, voters has sent the exact office that message pro war and meets are clearly out of step with voters. and they have been punished for the meet. the goal is the same that people are in the polio and gather all of you later to feed the russian people and government was talked, if not so gala broke, pulls out the west to fueling the train, saying it has no limits. and the methods, it's using that, that home russia not size washington list since a long time ban on all main ukraine's near nausea as old brigade defied previous st . criticizing with boris records of human rights abuse. and the canadian court rules, the ukraine international airlines endangered its passengers above the tyrone,
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before its plane was downed in 20 to 20. the judge ordered the company to pay compensation to the families who lost loved ones. the good morning, good day. good evening, depending on why you're joining us from, this is all to international life from what h q and moscow. well, top story, this our hoops full piece and ukraine rest with just assessments such as presented by china and brazil, and not by the upcoming one side to conference in switzerland lates of this month. now that's the view of the russian foreign minister who was speaking out of bricks administrator real meet on the side is what is the length there will be soon presented without alternatives. absolutely empty and used as an ascii piece formula . the foreign ministers of china in brazil have said that there should be found
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a new phase for resolution of the conflict that will be acceptable for both sides and all parties involved. because it is clear as the last case regime will not do anything without the united states permission goods. i'd like to say that we value initially is proposed by china, brazil from south africa and the arab leak. we seeing these initiatives, the sincere expression of goodwill and desire to find just ways of settlement. and i've mentioned before that china in brazil is taking into consideration the need to look at the root causes of these crises that have their origin in the deep security crisis. in the us find cic regions, and eliminate these costs as a once again, it is trust that it is unacceptable to divide the world into blocks, either political or economic. and we're wrapping up the circle of rugs. the final press conference of this to day meeting of the foreign ministers of the brakes alliance of some of the main things disco square, of course piece in ukraine and the various formats in which piece for the proposals
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to talk about piece of being discussed. the this a piece process which is a part of the going to open in days in uh you are in switzerland. uh, which is seen by the russian side here as something which is a bit uh bizarre. uh, there's a sense of dismay as to how a russia could be excluded from any kind of plan to end the conflict in ukraine off show that the bottle german chancellor has now suggested that the piece uh process uh in switzerland is essentially a plant that needs to be more for a nurtured system to peace conference in switzerland. this is the plant with watering. now we have as many people as possible will help to water it so that it will become a weld the, the golden, which will then create the possibilities. so peaceful development is not the 1st senior e u diplomat. to suggest the this type of analogy we had joseph for of suggesting that the rest of the world was a jungle. a europe was a guy. now,
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mister schultz suggests that if enough water is put on this planet, that there could be some sort of growth into a concrete negotiation where russia may even be presence. on the other hand, there's a lot of energy around brazilian and chinese a piece ponds. one, gee, the chinese foreign minister who we saw here suggesting that nitty to those and countries that have told china that they would support their uh uh for my, for piece in ukraine. that's something else. interesting of course. a was the discussions around the ukraine in itself. one of the things that sort of a lover of also disclose was the ongoing, fueling, and feeding and funding of the o naziism in ukraine. that the wes desperation to keep the war going means it will get into bed with anybody, essentially when it comes to trying to take this strategic to feed on russia,
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which is failing. and this also comes at a time when the instruments as of photography in neo nazi battalion accused of war crimes and don't boss over a decade that are essentially legalized again, that there's a reversal of the criminalization of, of as ovens and varies purchased with the united states now as legalize the transfer of weapons to this brutal neo nazi but taya needs to announce up with. nobody in the west wants to see the nazi and roots of public effect creating far as advanced because we're james and the west even ink cartridges. the continuation of such a nature, the grinning government for to use a key regime and the war against russia is difficult. the goal is the same, the hitler and the polio on had so. so, you know, gather all of you and the later defeat the russian people and governmental, i've read yesterday, that was a care be said in an interview that why didn't make clear that us will do everything to help you. greatness protect itself and that the united states does not seek world war 3. it would have heard the consequences for the european
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continental. so here is your answer to the question by washington's feelings about you write it on their show that they provoke and euchre worth, and only europe will suffer. and the us will profit just like in the to previous world wars. that's the mentality of those who define american politics and in terms of those who really agreement all the big issues being discussed and in a bricks format. now one thing that's very important is the sense here of the growing importance of for it to the schools. think these great strategic issues such as for russia, china, of course, with taiwan on the agenda as well, in the sense that bricks is becoming an actual for him, for a deciding potential piece forums and for the conflict. and you find it demonstrates the growing and versioning influence of rich, not just as an economic block, if you like, but also as a place where deals can be doing to tackle the big problems facing individual
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members. what on the sidelines, all of that breaks ministerial meeting. ok, he did have a chance to speak with the deputy prime minister on foreign minister of laos. he told us what the block has to offer. i noticed that his country, but really for the global community as a whole, a small country like louse, we uh, observing very closely how break is playing a role in international affairs. certainly, indeed, with a breed countries, has a very good relations with how countries russia is consider, along with sending friends, allow process then with allow p the to many difficult time in history. as the countries as been colonized by outside has been invaded by foreign
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aggressors. for many years, and to those of us russia and at the time was of soviet union stood. what are we to be with the law people provided support and help us to a difficult time to a national struggle for our independence. this is something that's the law people never forget. there's been a sense that breaks offers a different way to do business that this uh, the western for the head. you mom's the position of your either with us or against us. what are the potential benefits for allow around economy and being able to do business with? who would choose us to do business with about to be adopting, dictated by the western powers. rick can play an important role, not only in a political security sphere,
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but also if the economy area break has become a group that's going nice. economy extreme from countries making small. i will say, as i said earlier, breed can be a big market, maybe a half of the low population. you can imagine a market of, of how 50 percent of the global population can provide opportunity for many countries in the world to engage, to partner with. so we see i as allow receives potential and that's uh, brick can make and can play for the world. rena. meanwhile, washington has approved the delivery of us weapons to queens as of brocade,
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notorious for its new nazi lynx. all shipments have previously been banned because of the groups extreme. this ties after thorough review ukraine's 12 special forces . a soft brigade passed away. he reading as carried out by the us department of state cabinets, post posts and meet you. pass code says that the arming of as off shows the washington will stop at nothing to home russian. in utah, we're talking about ultra nationalism, ultra nationalist armed units. and in fact, to have such a southern change in washington's position suggests that they do not shy away from anything. and they were tempted to suppress russia using of course, you creighton, in the ukrainian people as a tool in their hands. they are even ready to float with neo nazis ready for this into and once again confirms the relevance of all concerns for in connection with the trend towards the creeping spread of the idea of neo nazis them in the world. the us has lifted its years long band on supplying weapons and providing training
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to the new. now it's the as of flights as just a bit of context where you see a little guy was under the sofa, the heats which is a human rights statute. that forbids washington from providing any sort of military assistance being the equipment, weapons, or training to for an armed forces who have a check of reputation. and especially those who have been found guilty of human rights violations were even so much so as suspected as human rights violations. human rights and committing crimes. now for years, diesel vitality and fell under these criteria. now, a special committee has said that they have conducted you to another review and deposits. now the reputation and of the as of the gate is a clean slate. to this, by the way, it goes and start contrast with the findings of the united nations. now this follows a lengthy campaign with spearheaded by key of to white polish. the reputation of
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its as of fight says now the group uh, went through a through several stages of rebranding. first 3 years old battalion, we started as a volunteer initiative. it still being a battalion and do basically joined the ukrainian national guard and now you won't find the what is of on you premium, committed the papers now they're just a good a surprise, a sold 3 day doing 5. it doesn't mean that the people who make up these over time united, they need different. they are known to have repeatedly branding, just wearing proud b patches with nazi. i'm nazi in spite and cd when i say nazi, i mean that of the nazi germany back of the forty's or on the previous century. at the same time these people, they do well. they have be known that they are the subjects of control. this, the, all over the world, back in 2022. when b, i cj at all, but as of styles do works,
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the more you probably end up with the ideas on fatality and surrendering in september of some of its vip since they traveled to the united states. and they went on to, on a little to around the united states just to addressing ukrainian communities over . they are going to increase in charges to deliver speeches and be sort of be crushing that would be probably moments of, of that, of that to, to was of them go, we to the us congress. so they literally stood together, stood shoulder to shoulder. and right next to americans, roommate is, and so that was concerning for many, many people. now at the same time the, all of this comes and made a larger you praying and push to bolster the capability over the army. basically, even though the shipment or weapons this, this lifting of the bad is the pause. so the same strategy that is conducted by key of for years,
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they have been saying that these old fight is being provide that access to american weapons earlier at the if they had access to american framing. this would have made the group more effective because right now this brigade is used as well as a fire brigade, really because they are being sent to the most part and the most difficult parts of the front and their expect to be were expected by the training tomorrow, just to stop the rush to flush the that was the expectations one that was sent to me of the but that was the expectation when they were sent to the village of attributes and the right next to off the off to of the fell despite all the efforts and many experts have been say, that's what that was not because as of they did try not because they did their best to stop the prospect brother, they changed that and they said, oh, well, we can't really do anything here. we don't have access to the funds preparatory to american vibratory, so sorry, no can do. this was the sort of the something that the military experts,
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especially in ukraine, what they've been saying the beginning of the don't pass conflict in 2014. when the media was more open about the as of the true colors, us legislation present and supplies to the group as it was indicated in human rights abuses, but falls forward to today. i'm us state department teams. the picture has changed in response to a request for clarification for monte it actually plain russian. this information it's worth noting that russian, this information has actively worked to discredit special forces is offered aid. they have long tried to conflate, ukraine's national guard unit of 12. the special forces brigade is of with the militia for him to defend ukraine against russia's invasion in 2014, called the is off battalion. that militia disbanded in 2015. and the composition of special forces brigade is off,
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is significantly different. and am i calling my goal push discussed washington's rebranding. of the as of battalion was full. my us army officer kind of soft corpus me a favorite army. these guys from day one. when this conflict started, just now they can actually say, well, you know, there were not harming nazis. professors or not. so yeah, you're, it's, it's rushing this information. it's all, it's all good you're doing. it's just like when is this like when the germans say that rocks are stop so, and i'm not a gas or they are the uh, the uh, the same thing with the other british it who bought gas o n g gas. and after all, it's all watchful. well, i'm sorry, june, but you start off at roswell, the blade, whatever works. you know, if there wasn't a rush or you'd have to make a rush or on, because it's a great way to, to just dump all your misdeeds of a fail foreign policy on to somebody else. the american governments. i mean, let's be frank, the american government. we had by the state department is the root of
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a lot of the terrorism in this world. they've created as lot modern islamic terrorism was our american creation for a dentist then who dated out. and they've continued to control over more or less, and receded, and libya receded back in a data spam from i'll tell you to and then other places this is no different. this is just another form of terrorist organizations that the us government lots to deal with. is there any significance of the timing right now? that's the best bat has been lifted. well, like i said, on the ground, these guys have all reach out on american weapons right. uh, graham loves to go with them. uh, mccain showed up with the other american center. so these guys were in the u. k. parliament, morris johnson. that was in parliament standing there with the guys off flag. right . so these guys are there, they're now. uh, you know, they're now allowed until like company in the west. uh these extreme uh nazis
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because they're now heroes. and it was because they're a tool of the west. what this does, what this motion does is it removes that last sticking point where somebody can say, well, you're hypocrites, us governments, a bunch of hypocrites, that sounds biden's and elections. the last thing you need somebody is picking a finger and going bold, your ordering terrace, one of the tears we just, we designated with the terrorist. it's that easy. we and it's all russian. uh, it's all russian fake information that these guys are murdering people that are guiding nazi that through zillow over up and down their bodies. a lot of these guys, never mind all the photographs that one would aid, so he conformation, it's all throughout the entire process. so there we can roll off. never mind our own vice news, abc news, nbc news, all these different news organizations that up to the end of 2021 reporting on ukraine's far right militia problem a little. that's one of the article titles that came out. that's ukraine has of i
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is extreme right wing. uh organization. sure. it is august to anybody, but it's no longer real. meanwhile be on t will star struck a chord with voters across the you over the weekend with the old established golf spring. don't bloody nose is in europe in parliament elections. the french president policy said so fondly that he is now going to smell collection on her. however, mind will not chrome to know. i basically would quit if things didn't go his way, that the president must take his place. the future of the republic of the institutions of the country of europe is at stake. national riley doesn't write the constitution. the place of legislative institutions to be determined and the place of the president, no matter what the results of the elections to for me, it's inviolable. what black hole is saying there is that he is not going to resign . if he loses twice to nothing depends anti establishment national riley party 1st at the level and then again at the national level and the staff election that he
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himself calls. even though saying that if that happens, he will resign would be totally coherent for a real statement. which i guess would explain why he isn't going to do that. but instead, mccaul is pulling the trigger on this boat. then stepping out of the firing line and leaving the elected representatives of his own party to take any potential hit . he's going to stay as president, regardless, he says, and if you don't like it, well then just blamed the french constitution, which by the way doesn't actually prohibit him from putting his own behind on the line with this boat. there's another plus for mack hole in this dissolution election, gamble dissolving parliament is also a convenient way for mac hold to have a bunch of inconvenient things that were winding their way through. the parliamentary sessions simply disappear, including the electoral reform for new caledonia that is far from rights there. the parliamentary inquiry into the massive hold that he's drilled in france is budget
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deficit. the french farming law reform that wouldn't be in better pay for farmers who have been blocking the highways with tractors on and off throughout the year. the parliamentary commission on the degradation of french public hospital services, which are really in dire straits right now. it's a topic in french tv every day. and the inquiry into frances loss of food sovereignty with the e, you law, seeing the obvious corporate there. all those thorny issues for maxwell simply vanish now. so he tosses the political chessboard into the air and the chaos inside of the halls of power. here and now i closed the chaos out into the street with both causing voters to gravitate to the national around the party. but the european establishment would have people believe that it's the anti establishment parties making huge like tall games that are the real danger. that's why they get this about finding the result of the election was bad for the 3 governing policies. nobody should be going back to business as usual. device for right wing populace
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parties in our country and other european countries must concern us down the top of the gas lighting voters, trying to tell them that they don't really understand journeys. you would like some results which saw sources party come in 3rd and it's worst ever showing behind the a f d. he's saying that german voters should really be terrified of themselves. i guess of their own electoral choices. project much. what it really means is that he and his establishment pals are absolutely terrified that they're using their grip on power. mm. wonder why that might be. maybe because he couldn't even wait 48 hours after the code and the space that he got from voters to start talking about ukraine, again, welcoming you, creating present virus zalinski to berlin. deep. okay. what do you create the anatomy needs most generally at the moment is ammunition and weapons, especially for the defences. and i would like to make a whole felt play to everyone here today,
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support our initiative to strength and ukraine's a defensive with everything possible. so wednesday, spoken to the stack to apply some parliaments while the a f d restaurant crossing electronic games was notably absence. so lucy was also there in berlin for the ukraine recovery conference that no longer wants to sell the data fi as what it's been historically known as ukraine, anti corruption conference guess it just doesn't have quite the same ring to it. maybe was wednesdays in town. he can give schultz and back home as well. some tips on how to clean the power when you're getting scared that voters just might not want you. they're a member of the gentleman pon, was the a tea party stuff in court to says the pro, apologies, last votes because people grew tired of the consequences of that policies pro, but they lost the support of the population and something should change and drum politics,
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people don't want to pay huge money for 4 legs toilet tricity for energy . so we kind of want to sell 12 promo or she gets supply this for berries to be to, to us me. so people don't going to support the premium wall. they don't 14 year old, they don't want to pay for a just a day that the me is the last key gave a speech and the bundis died. and the bill of course, you'll positive the was opposite. you and can you tell those why? well, the different situation we don't to read actually we don't think the president of ukraine is mentioned to me to buy the hotels because they didn't have for elections . it's just a special look. all they did because of the situation ukraine. so he has no informational for people to be present to you and we don't want to open the door for someone to speak in a democratic calling of century when he's my blended tomato. this is the 1st problem. the 2nd one is we don't support the wall, we don't support your brain,
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we don't want to pay for it, and we want peaceful solutions. we decided not to dine, don't at all. and we set missed lensky smoke. so important that we don't kept you there. and so we didn't join mister c, let's get a speech. and we didn't want to welcome a break. i'll just begging for money banking for, for weapons uh for killing people. so we don't support this. so we haven't been that state and federal research. and january 2020 tragedy struck in the skies above ron and our canadian superior court in ontario has just the ukraine international airlines must compensate the families of those victims who are and it's down slight 75 to the judge a little bit. the outline was negligent and irresponsibly endangered. it's passengers onto correspondent use of technology reports from tyrone a forced off for years after the tragic incident. finally,
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ukraine. international airlines is the one that's been found accountable for the loss of $176.00 passengers on board. the noun slides, p s 7452, which was shot down by the islamic revolution guard score in january 2020. while ukraine has been allowed to fail front of litigation against a wall to hold the r g. c accountable for the tragedy. the ontario superior court in canada has shifted the blame to ukraine itself, arguing that to ukraine airlines is a default for negligence in granting slide permits under hazardous conditions, i declare that the defendant has failed to prove that the plaintive damage was not due to the negligence or other wrongful act, or admission of the carrier at all that such damage was solely due to the negligence. all the wrongful acts or admission of a 3rd party. of course, back in 2020 m, an escalating tensions between the one and the west of the r g. c mistakenly shut
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down the key balance passenger jet with 2 surface to air missiles shortly after. take off from debt, run the i r g c. back then uh admitted that its units had mistaken the plane for a hostile american missile attributing the tragic incident to human error. it occurred while it was on high alert. expecting a potential attack from the west hours after the r g. c launched a missile strike targeting us air basing. it was in retaliation for the us assassination of top boats. force commander general. so the money, so are the i r d. c said it was expecting a reaction from the us and a shot that the airplane down by accident following the tragedy. there was a wave of public anger in and outside here on demanding apology from the i. r g c. the command are of the i r g. c. aerospace division did express re more sun, extended condolences to the bereaved families into one on a court convict,
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to attend the ronnie and military personnel for their involvement and the downing of the plane. however, it seemed that a certain western countries had found something to latch onto uh to lease a new wave of wayne game and finger pointing against the wrong countries who has a nationals were on board the plane, including canada, sweden, ukraine, and the okay were quick to pursue a legal action of the international court of justice, are seeking damages from your want and attempting to portray the incident as intentional in 2022. how to go jointly requested that it was submitted to binding arbitration. arguing that the missiles that had the fly toward a launch quote, on lawfully and intentionally now, the resent verdict by the ontario court, almost, i've called keith by surprise, as the presiding judge has, of course said, following the issuance of the court order that the decision sends us trying to
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message that drink times of conflict. airlines must exercise caution on, prioritize the safety of their passengers. and it's gone. this time professor tyrone university site, have it. brandy says that the cool position is a major blow for americas on t re new in policy. there was a major defeat for the united states and those western regimes that are hostile towards the wrong. and they were trying to pin the blame on the rod and say that this was intentional, which is a, a, an outragious accusation. and it shows uh that, uh, the animosity of the west uh clearly knows no bounds. things are becoming increasingly difficult for the west. and that the world is changing faster than many western politicians expected. they thought 4
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years ago that they could use this tragedy as a tool to undermine iran. they murdered our war here. all they murder at the person who defeated the isis and to this tragedy, they wanted to instead of being the guilty party, they wanted to focus attention on the run through this tragedy. but after 4 years, they saw that they cannot get away with this. and iranian has gone, become much stronger today, and the west is in a difficult position across the region and across the world. that is uh, housing use as a can you say possible on those on a full sun tool or 2 of them is a nice view with these.


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