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tv   Documentary  RT  June 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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on the hydrocarbon energy light toilet and guess similarly, the steps of the filaments, government is similar, but it isn't government because we have difficulties. we have barriers to finance the. it'll get, the message is to blame and the energy like i do hide, will get energy. therefore, we need to expand our capacity in, in high regard with energy, and at the same time, fostering the nobody that'd be like, deal metal o f also how to get energy. so we can go in the wheel. uh and the get the nice agents at the same time, the promotions of the fossil fuels energy and at the same time increasing of the mix of the percent they've sold. so either way, that'll be an hour, but the end of the mix, well is the loss of torturing your windows. so just do not work or skype. and what happens is you introduce lots of uncertainty because in the metro fluctuations you use of doing that, the lows. so the complex it to you,
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maintaining continuous image goes consume. what happens as a quizzes, if you have, he's a very different you can purchase in size, for example, is a message. the surgery is cities for certain european countries here and tell us to do what they do because they use for the countries while that i was out, this is out as always, is very top of your company with us here on ok. see international. let me back in about 30 minutes when feeling the the
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way you guys have processed the quote of the couple of uses qual digits of labels. and the, like i said, you just said well shit to do the good to go to the organization. hey, do you prefer mind me just a few moments just to say move. sure. and that sort of fits in one of the issues. the no, but still stay on pretty much slower or the the bureaus for those kids are going with the money to use this process. smack goose, to the music. music. comfortable to go to them. frankie, yes. need to know something i've told you read a through g is
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a got total from you go to brands. if i'm not going to have less than equal towards them on like a group of producers of box but initial researching. and but the core are present on the type is sometimes am i supposed to question the yeah. what's disney is the most close to the 3rd year she was on the printer and it was just a few months ago. struggle she model, year with them. is that why the me more about the was see me in on the blue for sure. full. the full share sort of, she knew over to kind of worried about the hold up pretty good to columbus particular the vehicle instead of. so what do you think the interesting part was bills i need to just say just for your spine,
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it even moves you come in. the remote roads are very powerful deal with music. got these are for most commercial. so let's see if they do both of us. here's the in the with the
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lender to process and i think the process of finding us to go as human services us these total it is by the way the cover on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure on numerous movie channels and shows from what i spoke to the deal is i could have somebody open these brands via general for you just start off with some of the discount almost most of the plans or be able to develop kind of more, you've got to the depth of homes that you should you might of this year should have credits for out of i believe you're still stuff i'm giving you call on you have obama stuff when you want me to talk to folks from you that you don't
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a similar state of the move. it's a little more cool, but i couldn't remember your actual, somebody's on the visit and you know, she's kind of mean they were in the show 3, but the, the nimble a genuine, a phone call. so the gum normally bodeo vitamin use, the old daughter olivia, but we're still doing the partial and the pretty more good on the mobile and definitely going to cover it, the more your girl honestly, because you're the one i just looked at is the bottom solutions for formative map, but it was funny as them usually, and you're gonna click on those clips to just brush 2 of them. of course 2 more, you know, sort of kind of a so back mission as the school year. he is on that of course, and you're going to have that, what does what it is masking coverage. she and little girls that protest can pick the
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new born. you would like me to look at them as well because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex complex with them complex more and much less than that. but i'm still looking at a time for them to keep them come on progressing here. you know, which course those courses more on performance because i didn't get it fixed is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form because miles even the grid. and there's not going to apologize, but we're still in the blue. the a solution with the on your reference to
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load as possible soon as possible. that would show up just because i used to put the money up just because i because of them i thought of the mobile company, which is the issue proceed to the system. i don't mind the expert as professional management. i'm going to say am you please repeat the issue for confusion? the 2nd, but our form for the smart example which has come from when you have to use the clear books. visible was the root and sure enough which of the social on the table that shows. so here's the thing. come on, let's come on a for a. so that has to be social and it was always per month. plus the liam is the new one. you saw a new brand new information come on the new portfolio because it will stay as mission, national of supplements you come to the phone. we're going to just look at the show
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. and we also gave us as a refrigerator and there's this machine. for moses, we should throw it the bushes, the menus boys on the floor from officers can eclipse, honestly that our lives are putting in the yards of what to do is to on the other for numerous. so being for some was if you got the distribution here, look good. i hear you. so we are going to do the phone to see says your
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use is just the show. more support for me. uh, you know, the, uh, the was it of just the new plus the new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was. it will move, wash, will move forward, you know, go to a new noise unit to put it all for us. it took me, you know, took us is all, there's a few things in it to go to choose who you might be a vehicle. so this
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the, the, the wordpress site is actually the, the, the faster we design booking for this just because it easy to see tom. yeah. let me ask the guy that's got you know, pretty handle the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play is what i think was the score. say martin c one story please boy, in the middle. and if there's a bad use board, i have a, does this modem or will,
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it will compute some used by this is keisha sleep. but during the month, the what 3 months i've single, if you have to move on that deal a blog where people stand and the lady just go to chicago, assuming which those shuffles for yourself. a lot of them both parties the muscle on the vineyards in less torsion city of novels orange doors. oh, yeah. go to think about me if i'm gonna guess there's some of the criteria conferences, beth issues, but the jenny, both on the subjects. i'm not gonna have it where you have to move more of the webinar from us, letting yourself come around to most megabyte. but yeah, most of the stuff that come on, well, they're still pushing fast, get the full chassis. otherwise, when you're back, you with the phone, my just me, the one of me is i should have good use me in order for the 3 i'm, i'm interested in you were when you pull chairs on the back, what's presents is that gonna ship under able to ship the junior
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and the the, the every of the animal that yeah, yeah. the versa. yeah. the, so just need to fill those 2 mirrors of just all buses. felicia, exclusively on the bus. this the starting the 3rd when we come through is because the other girl, when you get the message for the muscles, pretty good actually thing with the basic up little bit actually it was listed in virginia, was published and funding i terminated. so some of them, if i just becomes very yes i can sort of thing the concept. they're both susan investment, 3 a ship with some of the yeah. new blue of ships. completely new g was yeah. you purchased coupling energy and asking the boy populous invest, offers all the of the me on the way people stand, the photo shape you would you put you on with those 3 store supports included novel
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this company? was i a solution thoughts? and i'm going to do a bunch of store them. it's a smart way to store room, and some reason not to do so that i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw. some of these i'm interested, i always recommend you love the record becomes difficult for people to commission. i stick with a vision referral store. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st and then i'll just go by with the who just will. yes, you're going to. well, just got the in the show for charles photo mission. last was i guess the thought it was this was the apple was most pressure. i was the but sensitive storm. we all kinds of storms. what the smart it replaced with luke about them is i'll double sleep. look at that. 50 miles the less plus the 1st you kindly come temple because of the time comes to deal with the powerful government. god bless you. this almost the shape of a hold comparable print solution you literally found. suppose the story is doing
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what to do for the news. i never saw so far because the deal was through it. what about, what was the email with the deal, sketchy, that you, what the issue is? you have to move along the way. i'm so sorry. oh gosh, you got the machine that you see mark, be sure what's the fix? computers are you? are you doing? i'm store people, song, i'm flame for sure. who was the bulk of somebody so that should be less of a format, scratchy, which is the beauty of it showed me. lot of other nice is mark, this is the if i give the fear of slipping the to the surface that in your box and you called me last night, but what most of the, the more of the products a scheduled phone, use the bumper. let's just go annual smooth and store them on the
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the yearly so said some 0 increase of dining which will not talk to people most will
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put us down with this new. i'm about kansas for the for the so that's couple of course i do. that's what was, what was the part you told me and you'd like me to talk to somebody on the or if that's the. busy total potential annual stores are critical, so good luck. good. it was fighting she had told by someone one of us in the ship, 300 miles to elizabeth was about. i know of course your religion was his own. this will be difficult at the george compared to that as a graduate of school. we live expensive to go to serve of kids musical to close
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deals. but can you do somebody to love chest, to have the browser to show you for the 1st time really cosco good for the pretty mature on the so is up and we just muse are so much made is dealer from hospice day of approach like a couple 0 most booked. but when you're sort of assignment as a very specific believe the thumbs up just just the one that is done. but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me do that. i'm going to keep the gym from the dice of feeling me a look. i don't see them. would you demo deal is because this book fights and fold . oh gosh, the more than the comfortable what you like visual. i will store the severe i'll be able to point me in the car to them, but which could be more i'm actually questions lately for some of our i canceled our capability to agree with the additional commercial garcia. what was easy in yours? does the news or the the only is yes.
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you will just because oh, you more well, you know, we're owing you guys to do so. if i were to not do the filter d, this was this was the issue. you need to do the former. what do you see on the windows and there's a nice sitter. so should we watch george now go ahead and move negative. so after split 2nd from glover, not from the center part of able's publishing. when course you've heard of a platform the most coveted parts of oh, this is the last to be reserved for conflicts to confirm. others needs just to go.
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sure. and what are the some? oh yeah. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm what to do, who is here to talk about farm michelle's to swing voters. somebody has a question that you have to go see and let you know and here's why no gosh, full or peek or the super mature. she has told me you might be good on this to remind you of, of the list when it oh, but here's my asked on the do you mind with own shows? do you want me? i used the deepest performers to get them with the old fashioned r streubal home, which did you have an updated can? yes, there's also already. so the programming skills is under the brought to my work number as long as you have to ship that list for what speed did you miss? it was a move and while it was to me, it was a number, but it was cut off at the beginning and initially implemented. and then, you know, was users as possible. you can get more to say give me go to finish. to cut me is
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that, and you're not doing the one i'm, you should the least possible. name wayne, but some of you see him, but i was the cook. was bringing mind to design. then when you just virginia beloved. no mean you more than a religious for opportunities is or they will reduce a woman really to for the whole i'm schools. oh yeah, i love it. i am sorry that i was waiting for the interested in attending together for me. so i'm just going to do most news summaries when she
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was here. this is patty is continuous. who is the machine? was this for you? i called susan. if it is, how do i feel? pretty sure. most definitely the 1st part was right. crystal spoke. then you know, in your the the homework for the sure
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that i want to do, i am said yes. so you're just me not to do this. let's play, i think we should be good please. i was just as soon as i remembered to me and one of the particles indifferent to just all his arm. i didn't go shopping and i was pretty sure
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it's a visa. yeah. but all i use is we ask you why the dog i am for us to know i go to the phone with us for the gun. one of the products is, is the use of the summer little simply just because of a bike. you can restore course of what she quoted because the
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beautiful was it the most? yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is never seem just but i must have business. if it was like, i'm going to put those notes. i go out and i got a new you're not so good because of i am and you want us to come out 1st give me this, this, this tell you that literally if i have the function, leave me to ask them. so got it. so we'll just go in and watch list. what's me about not, i'm not, i'm in the class and both got it's the for the the, the model for the middle of the front of the most affordable plan for the brakes replaced, which is the brother. yes. it
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come in that lives in is what our service we would show for us for more information for both of the smaller this is the, the 2 years the vehicle to go to somebody to talk to someone to talk to them all is mile to come over to them, oh and do the bulk of the car.
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so yours, know those covers the doctor is a loan number of seats available. that's assessable for nothing. and truth, preserve visual. check on that. all, get them. susie, also known as the crib. have you ever missed the girls 1st as though it's a the process, the broken federal minister is 0 is slowing down this year and we're still on attendance or show it's just the store 600 on the system for the stairs.
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but the whole level of security on both ends will increase. i remember to put them on the phone with the g. sounds of stuff she was not going through the sheet or other goodies. sort of stuff on cardboard. designed by. no. it's not just if the size of the but i just, i mean the association i'm divorced on is that is i sure as opposed to a month in which box to the g, the customer, the special this month? the
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the a when i went to the wrong just don't you have to safe house to come after care and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will
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support, we choose to look for common ground the the independent view and investigation concludes as well as 10 minutes, it won't crimes in gaza view and is also examining claims that is very important news and american. and the good thing is that the right the manner in which to write was conducted in such shipped in sleep populated area seriously. cold seemed to question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, or respected bodies, riley forces and that right idea of forces rescued for hostages, held by how boss since on. so the we have exclusive pullman's vote for all the all the russian national freed doing that operate the most important point to.


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