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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 12, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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maybe lose the rocks and tons in the, the greatest and in these countries and many other places. if a person has no money, if they have no health insurance, even if they get injured right on the territory of a hospital, let's say a heart attack happens or whatever. it will be left to die, they're on the spot. no one will come to help them. this is what prompted us to go to such places. we mostly find ourselves in public hospitals where the hygiene and sanitation conditions are very problematic. they don't even have the basic conveniences that we are used to. so we always bring our own medicine,
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wound dressing, materials and tools, and they always come in handy the well, so from may from today. otherwise it's going to have your company, my colleagues, my question will be with you at the top of the hour. so i bid you a very good the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered. i'm peter live out as western leaders recklessly talk of escalating the conflict and ukraine, european voters, it's at the exact opposite message pro war and leads are clearly out of step with voters, and they've been punished for in the cross section ukraine. i'm joined by my guess, daniel mcadams, in lake jackson. he is the executive director of the ronco institute for peace and prosperity in washington. we have richard cook. he is a former us federal policy analyst as well as author of our country then and now
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and in montreal, we crossed to matthew and read. he is a senior fellow at the american university in moscow and director of the rising tide foundation of canada. gentlemen, comstock girls, in effect, that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate danielle, let me go to you 1st. i mean i, i woke up this morning finding out that you and i were the same enemies west. okay . i still, again, um you and i uh seemed to be highly profile than these enemies list. again, another one of these lists that are funded by the us government. good money. i used in this fashion tax k or a pay or money, your thoughts a? well, i'm just obviously hanging out with a route wrong crowd. i go to the bathroom close on me honey. i think this time they may have stepped on it a little bit because um, you know, there were 390 some of the prominent americans, myself. excluded of course. but you're talking about donald trump, you on musk, tucker carlson, you know, and the fact that this uh,
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organization um text is affiliated with the us government through the us state department. and with the project they did together and through the usa id, which funds in a project with them, it's going to, i think, make it a little bit embarrassing. as i mentioned on our program yesterday. if i was a member of congress, i'd go down to the floor and say, i would like to know exactly what's going on with our foreign policy. why do we subsidizing a country that is putting americans on lives when they know that they've had other list? they put people on that have been killed. so i mean, i think somebody like a marjorie taylor green could do it. you know, the mat gates could do it. any of these guys could go down there and make a real scandal out of this. yeah. but the very fact that it's happening is a scandal in itself. i mean, again, you know, they, they do us, nato is supporting ukraine because of its democracy in our form is, is we can just even pull the media with his account above him. give us
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a long time and i, i like, oh, last the net is missing and pennsylvania, my daughter, 97, i of so i presidents 2 pallets in the victory parade which is a very good thing. and of course, we would like to talk with the same i used to to sign co friends, sincerely. my father is interaction on economic issues and on issues of preserving historical memory. and that's the sand and admission of temperature of a nation of that. so is when our planet overall is a disability. it's in the switch. so that's rejuvenation. the 3rd sadly took to exist as a result of the policy of the united states. you would a piece because they use their european allies professor. so let's just trying look their best to some of these teach q one to the promo guessing that i yeah, he may not say he's give us the storm spirits in cocoa, this cause of the weighting the project for us. he's configured us not actually. so
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using the hostilities in ukraine, so use, i guess the russian federation, you load, somebody said less than 0, but i see that i, but i just do my. and so if i'm not safe movies and some of you are being staples assume you're done, i would like to point this out specifically to you some yesterday to go to my front burner driggers and i says, thoughts and drink some glasses eventually it's not. and usually novgorod odms that grateful tell, or schuman partners, or as joining excellent work work up to this and for the great contribution. got sick, given delegation, most important to us. because unless i made sense of the work of the day with age, but it's again for, for the concerns attention to the agreements reached by our president for this each that's expanding our political dialogue. and then expanding our ties and trades are going economy and your cultural instrumented tyrants fears by serving the money. and we're not done with that to do that. at this stage, we are focusing
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a lot on supporting the activities of into governments on the russian cuban commission. so don't economic and scientific and technological cooperation, but the level of competitiveness of this commission is working on top priority joint projects is about sydney video with bowman funding left on the pins fire by full scale schools, the legal framework of practical corporation. let us show in your district a new sense. boosting supports and escape view. escape stimulating sustainable developments of cuba as a condominium afford, it's a soap. but it said that's. and i misplaced these days, the co chair of the intake of a mental commission on the table notice the slate parts. ricardo companies who with his arrest encounter part vice prime minister community, which hasn't shown you call surface, is looking specifically at until all aspects of the current phase of our little sticky me system. let me show goodness and along with which the roster stomach starts that's, that's our,
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that's most important. this for mid some long term cause any prospective? well, they'll continue providing humanitarian aid to our cubans or friends us a little bit. there typically is when they're also in connection with the natural as officers and senior cities to various corona, virus infection and because of and the harsh outcome of the illegal of the legal embargo is stuff imposed by doing that. it states shifts in violation of the surface that make sure that the against the position of all other members of the world community thought so. so here's what we'll continue fighting together. spring to do is form a just fair, multi look at us in the polar world holder. we're relying on the commonly accepted principles of international law city. and remember to you in child support, i suppose of silver and the quality of states in the admissibility of an intervention in the home affairs. eccentric, but you'd see
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a few. this is the position what it has to be for renewal cooling. yeah, definitely stand on to fights to make sure that neo colonial practices are specifically for other things and possibly agree to boost our political coordination was issued within the store for the friends and production in the u. n . child. so this, which is especially important to us, i mean it's growing for years and confrontation and international affairs across the street. and that's it. and that's, looks to them. and rates are for us to the security of our countries. russia confirms its commitments to the was the strongly firm and so it does look like goods and supports colonaze requirements thought of the models we've looked at to lift the trades and economic and financial located east machine. yeah. of coupons that made accounts cooler space and we are in favor of excluding come up from americans, the list of states sponsoring terrorism. absolutely the allow my dear,
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this is both an absolute anomaly. so that's the, a glitch that is called when essays includes that easily puts kula on the list of the forms of states. that's most of the terrorism. while these sites, i mean the united states that the exit or satellites is doing their best to clean one to the new aging. hey, good morning, in international affairs using methods of blood cetera. can i meet your score using so economic financial with you ladies and people in that sector as such? because it's pretty moving along with a few non pseudo and you have 3 more if i do have the director of financing and supporting of terrorist attacks as good as in whiskey of the key of neo nazi origin against peaceful civilians in the russian territory. okay, so, so i'm not sure the new section of the as for our further steps maturity but not to shoot and you come through those i go into includes we might, you can let you know, send me any kind of scope. i see. and that was the expanding cooperation of what i
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see on the aspects of the inquiry bins. so we'll countries, we're interested in expanding our relationships for the select countries. williams give or the football is already in the line. so, but yeah, so let's see, because people's are less than the american association of caribbean slates. uh cool bookkeeping of a supervisor and all those truck. but the structures in cuba has been actively assuming advocating expansion of cooperation with the russian federation. and we are grateful to our cubans, friends more or less full. so this positive process is but we in turns vision, you will do our best to encourage all of us. so give it to you, but it's getting closer with other states. you can see all the member states a bunch of them the most, and the originally cut on the accounts over cuba is an observer state national and can contribute to strengthening ties between our integration structures and other countries of the, of the good of the caribbean. we talked about and put his thoughts today,
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but his yeah, be grateful to or cuban the friends for their full suit to have some wavering stance on the situation around ukraine. since the very beginning of simple and ask, i guess your says was a name outside of the for the clear evaluation east. and that's pretty cheap for the is going on on the troubleshoot system. got the is up with the state thing. clearly the reasons of what had been prepared by the west for many years, please. i'm not saying that we have us getting those here. i'm grateful to our reading cuban friends. because even if i stood before pursuing this consistent and objective line storm to see that different forms we proceed in the next step or more in we see what the below sions were. so i think we had a very timely meeting today. and once again, i'm thankful to my counterpart here and it's over to you which i don't see is empty metal out of the say, oh,
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they do better. that's what you see. it does for you only for the rose you, alec dollar, where we in 1st of all and i'm, i congratulations making flash sale pro, which of the government, the country, the russian federation to the people of russian federation on your national holiday . i'd like to use this to find helpful to, to, to, to things minister of foreign affairs mister laboratory, and because the legation sets went along with him, his kind of policy meant for the warm hospitality. well, we're gonna assume the receipt. got a bond, and i'm also passing on this scratch, which you, russian authorities of the last with bounce here in google. hang on very little media involved in organizing this really for visit the to click on those samples and that has taken place, and they also mazda of mr. love rosen's, the group of breaks invitation, that he's done to, to us humans. or if it was, it took a while to cancel transfer game will show any of those the, the
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a he own. so they who him and emily my think. yeah, go hi, congratulate rochelle need not go to successful staging. amazing. administered as a foreign affairs, i the think i found on the 9th and to the 11th of last year of june, boxing the amazing city of nursing over a 1000. no doubt. those meetings who got they will, they will cut out think of each of these go towards creating a new pharaoh and world older. the city based on equal rights and stay in the military. they luckily they don't see him in the day and i'll show you the group, then group up a lot of biases, all this together. i'll make it contributions for further strengthening cooperation and integration among other countries on it. but essentially that is and what i would have left you my check on of weeks w, the has used those and these things are going see things. yeah, that will she, she on
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a closer with me and i'll say going to to express that's interest and commitment to you. only important thing about the what your thoughts are strengthening ties was that on breaks and group up where you have more freedom. and this is a really great relationship, said cuba has with member countries of the script. info lot of the plan will have cease. you looking at actually not an outlet visual, but we also do we with an ad as will grow supports like coal for brakes group with for the same thing. you see, i think there's continuing of genocide, indian in palestine. one of the and palace science for the habits on solver and state is feeling a lot more visual phonetic going because you had a lot of going freedom and say, look for 1961 middle east jerusalem incident. russia just trying to return the phone domain to historical, the official negotiations. we have just completed with the guy who is a minister of foreign affairs level because he had only confirmed the great level
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of bilateral relationships between our 2 countries. when such as russia in cuba and go into one city now me cool they like or what does that have great historical foundation. we so and if you feel some and i have for you to take one home, you cool. cool. my see. i think we're working on prioritize established by the 2 governments and the ministries of foreign affairs, of also countries in that goes to consume or diplomatic size compliment each other . you find out is simply me and many issues that you wish there's economic comes on economy and trades science and tremendous. r initiative company, which is williams. russia is a substantial partner of cuba, that i am in realization don't be a national plan of social and economic development daily. and always someone who go home to be so year 2030 and today you have any impact. so it sounds, you only want it out that there is a wide exchange of opinions on areas like mutual interest, that he has another seal and up for you,
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at least you'll know that russia alone come in to little k u. s. for today's negotiations, we have covered a broad spectrum of issues with shining, you knew it, and of course we signed crusher for those traditional support. what's the bottom line for the fact that it condemned it's the least economic and financial trade? blockades, imposed by the united states against the parties to buy support comment, the federal see now go to the federal to get the any which rich to unprecedented. heights recently bought a lot of the good, but i'll shoot you this. i don't really economical and went through bice, it came back down here was paid on the list of states, sort of sponsor into original money really brings very difficult its consequences and the development of our country. that's also a direct effect on our people who are we in a little bit of lee and cuba and i think condemns the reason. growingly aggressive in fanatics,
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one position of the united states including the industrial sanctions. they impose against the russian federation of police because the i was strongly supports russia include us. so hex, fiona bentley, seals us in or around a most international nice young moms. i guess any attempts to isolate russia you undertaken by the west through even a high ceiling in the bandwidth bottom up and we cold flicked to stop, you know, i saw sanctions and did he come in like fonts against russia on a scale installed roles kicking and stop all major services. yeah. well that's the sort of feeling the pro, monica, or the we also condemn, display like the expansion of nato towards rushes folders which ultimately led to the current conflict. he liked all really that. could i human and think that i'm not sure i'm not q bodies in favor of diplomatic symbol constructs of resolutions about this crisis to hook see then additional things we will send
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a new condemning the west attempt attendance. so we don't know where to 1000 to replace the curtains. international law was thankful with us. you have to be that out of? yes. right. let's say you them a problem with certain what a roof you photo mando rule based border because us together a little continue to work with russia. is that a tool to build a more fair democratic multiple world in face that are being 90 amenities, social i would like to say include russia for the greats. friendly atmosphere? yeah, you got i did already info loc. she'll then i commercial, she only hopefully sally got got a lot more of a go. i don't know what he's negotiations, something very construct save and event. so people, so i'm very grateful to administer
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a lover of and his team. so that hospitality. thank you very much. i so while you're back with me while i, the end of the seat is here, and most of that was, that was the original form is the 2nd level of his countable cuban, countable. us a brief explanation of the things i told him of, i'll give you a quick over uh, wrap up some of the things we talked about. they basically congratulated it into those courses, russia day today. and a lot of people outside the building, but they exploded on the political trade tied. the political ties of trade ties, how the both countries are going to work together to come back. uh, no, they had too many. that's uh, the western countries such as united states and the united kingdom avenue in union across a new full thing. and they're looking for a more wide expanded world where it's a free will, where people can do business. and especially along with the us to you and charles the news with you being the solver in states,
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what nobody in to see is in each other's business. so that's hope for the that could happen one day. now, few of, of course, big friend of russia. same the other way around that a lot to talk about. so i think it's fine with russia is of course this is on the expansion of the rich plus meeting that happened just yesterday the day before here in central rush. all right, we're gonna take a break right now and we'll be back in about 9 minutes. all my colleagues will be anyway, micro quarterly with you at the top of the hour with the latest news run down. we hope you'll join us again soon. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by how of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and drained in numerous countries, nor does he have written down that you don't really know why it's all on empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i got that not meant to supply the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee by all right,
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did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's, that's a ways to but yeah, the, the, the,
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what happened on october, the 2nd was a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here. and that would take a ride on the terrace there, there and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship terrible tragedy and terrible revenge because okay, so i am, i know who the me to come off the the on off know, especially the place you'll be
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the good this of being prevented. jocelyn. but it seems to be that we don't want people that needs to be, we want them to peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? and there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth . is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to living on mac. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is will be the
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quietest list to you. i mean, we thought on, i mean i was kind of major was how your safe was traveling since the mid august, a hair dresser, a bus driver, a sales person, anyone could become a victim. that's how private negotiators, faster pen looking for the best i assist you with them and look forward to seeing we started this summer. okay. no, no, no, no. yes. that's the reason why you wouldn't be up by the name on that. on those over those. i mean, it is, you won't be feasible, mentioned it on, somebody asked to be a study sports took over the series,
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the z as in the middle that there's a quiz to in the, the, or the, the rapid collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence, but the colonial power, so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for
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independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i own their hel dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to sized paulding recalls cynically. in his memoirs, the medieval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crush. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of
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a rack and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via rack. the revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the, the, i'd independent you when investigation concludes that these are all has committed war crimes in guys that the u. n. human rights office also suspects these or validated the rules of war or fat with a hostage rescue mission, in which hundreds of palestinians were killed. the manner in which to ride was conducted in such shit, densely populated area. seriously cold seemed to question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, or expected bodies riley forces and endow ray the idea of forces rescued for


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