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tv   News  RT  June 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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3, and became an important milestone on the weight of the final independence. the independent due and investigation concludes that he's role has committed war crimes in guys that the un human rights office also suspects these or validated the rules of war or fat, with a hostage rescue mission in which hundreds of palestinians were killed. the manner in which the right which conducted in such a densely populated area, seriously called, seem to question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, or respected bodies, riley forces, and endow ray. the idea of force is rescued for hostages. have by him as soon as i'm told, but we have the exclusive comments from the father of a russian national,
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freed during that operation. the most important point that under a constantly talks about the hostages, who currently remaining garza, the only things he constantly thinks about now is that they must be saved rescued from captivity and achieve their release at any cost process. as the us decision to on ukrainian new nods, these will be disastrous as when washington supplied milton's in i've gotten this done trade. during decades of the conflict and 2 german political parties that are against albany key f boy cards, the landscape speech in parliament. they say he's escalating pensions in europe while ukraine needs a leader who can restore the, the continuing coverage of the latest trends, shaping the well right now. this is our,
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the international i of michael courts. now on independence, you and inquiry has concluded that each role has committed war crimes in gather, including quote, extermination of palestinians in relation to israeli military operations and attacks and gaza. the commission found that is rarely, authorities are responsible for the war, crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or willful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention and outrages upon personal dignity the commission found that the crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution, targeting palestinian men and boys murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment were also committed. is an extensive 21 page report compiled by the you and commission of inquiries. incredibly dining.
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we've heard of the unambiguous language use accusing as well as all kinds onyx donation of published dignity is now this report is due to be presented next week to the un human rights council. now it does impact type hom, us in the october, the 7th. the offensive, i again stays why, but his main focus is, is miles a siege against a goal is that um, crimes against the palestinian people that are in the proceeds and claims. the commission determine that israel's imposed a total siege which amounts to collective punishment against the civilian population is rarely authorities have weaponized the siege and use the provision of life sustaining necessities for strategic and political gains. although israel issued hundreds of evacuation orders to people in north casa and other locations, the evacuation roots and the areas designated as safe were consistently attacked by israeli forces. now of course you were cold, the israel ordered essentially,
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palestinians to move south to the suppose safety of a rock for. and now many critics have said that this forcible forcibly removing palestinians amounts to a genocide and a war crime. the report also accuses as well of committing jen to base violence. the report found that specific forms of sexual and gender based violence constituted part of israeli security forces operating procedures. it made the finding due to the frequency prevalence and severity of the violations which include public stripping and nudity, intended to humiliate the community at large and accentuate the subordination of an occupied people. and it comes that made this deadly right on the beside that refuge account, which many people have described as a massacre. this is a place that c populated many displays people that will lead to getting to global outreach. now this report has been loading the whole thing, of course has been a lot of investigations carried out. this was really started on from the october
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the 7th. so the, the how much the tact but is focusing on the as ready. i mean, it's the response to that specific a reference to the, the right on the camp. do you in human rights so face is accusing as well of no respecting the rules of wolf ad tubing. not right. the manner in which the raid was conducted in such a densely populated area, seriously called into question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, as set out under the laws of rule or expected bodies riley forces. what does it say of these conflicting reports about exactly what happened during the doing the right, including the is why the defense force using a trucks to enter the refugee compound pump was quite dining the for the united states. they said that during the rescue operation, the is waiting defense policies use the american by paving calls or of course, this was a pay that was supposed to be billed to allow humanitarian eve and relief to get
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into college. now these by the defense tools i'm depends are going to have to know only those problems. i said that the pay wasn't used, but that's been a lot of footage circulating online, which shows the pay very clearly in the background as a had to call is on the beach taking the, the hostages, a way to safety. but these reports was so low, mean that the un i'm the secretary general was forced to respond. we've heard about these allegations. in fact, we talked to the colleagues about these here yesterday. and they are very, very concerning. if true, they are very concerning, because they would put a risk, any future humanitarian engagement in the oppression, and not just on the beach, but further in, in the roads that went into casa, and are alleged for being part of this operation. not like you. i have no proof one way or the other, so all eyes will now be on the un human rights council next week when that's where this report is going to be presented. but of course,
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as well as finding itself increasingly isolated is coming under. huge criticism, of course, arrest warrants are being sold for benjamin netanyahu, and the defense minister a gun on is while itself has been struck by resignations, high profile resignations, including up any guns. thoughts comments about isabel doesn't seem to be listening and there's no sign of its laptop of the own story and goes a during the idea of the deadly raid on the user rod refugee camp on saturday. he managed to rescue for hostages has by him us now one of those former hostages. as off the national artist peter agency, evidently gotten the exclusive interview with his father. the you said this song, the psychological state appears, stable the approval of a few days ago. a special operation was carried out that allowed several hostages to be returned home to israel from guys. and one of them was my son. he feels good,
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which is surprising because it's difficult to assume that a person who spend 8 months as a hostage and gaza retained all of his emotional and physical abilities. and he returned almost as we knew him before his captivity. it was a very emotional, very touching medium. he talked a lot about what happened to him during these 8 months. surprisingly, he tries to convey all his incidents that happened to him through the prism of good humor, probably in order not to upset us or frighten us with what happened to him during this time. despite the fact that the guards assured him that his situation was much better than that of the other hostages, they treated him very harshly and he actually never went outside during this time. i also want to know the most important point that under a constantly talks about these are the hostages, who currently remain in gaza. the only thing he constantly thinks about now is that they must be saved, rescued from captivity and achieve their release at any cost. be the deal or be in another operation to save them. but people who are in the same conditions as he was
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in or even worse, they must be released. but while in the west bank, these riley forces killed 6 young man on tuesday, according to the policy number 4, which is gunshots. coming from almost vehicles belong to the use ready army went ahead throughout the day. i. on tuesday, an id of squad infiltrated the village and surrounded one of its homes before opening fire upon it. are these ready military? sadie was conducting a counter terrorism operation. local spoke about an hour or so i'll be attacked. last, i looked out the window and so soldiers. then my sister started shout and they told me to surrender and started shooting at our house, the rebuild it with bullets and they started arresting everyone and told us to put our heads up. the soldiers found us and pulled us out. they interrogated my family
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and me 6 young man from the neighboring home with taken away. oh if you will not buy them. oh boy, i raved less that several hours and was very violent as it was from several areas during the day you would see bullets all over the house and the neighboring houses . there wasn't a single person for good type from there. they were demolishing houses and moving vehicles. they occupiers exec pressure on every posting and they don't just target one person specifically. and then they claim that your resistance fighter may not know how you runs into room for administer says, but what's happening in gaza is genocide against palestinians. you can watch off full the exclusive interview with ali bacardi connie, throughout the day here on our team to national at all. not website archie dot com for now. here is a short preview. it was that means that, yeah, i have to stress what is going on in guns that is not a dispute. it is a terrible crime and, and explicit genocide, the oppressed people of palestine,
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all victims of course and design. they saw the invite as occupies and criminals are the main culprit in this crime. and america and the main support of design is in this crime on the reality in the region to the whole world is witnessing today is the resistance movement on and actually post them on this. the resistance has stood against honest with empty hands and is not allowed these honest to achieve even the tiniest goals in this region. well, after the continuation all these on these crimes and goals that the resistance stood for the oppressed all across the region and confront, determines whether it be in the resistance of a rock, siri or lebanon, and also the resistance in yemen, mobile, the key to stability, and victory all the resistance, even in the face of the west and coalition lead by the us and u. k. and human is that the resistance has roots in people to main characteristic of the resistance is that it's based on the needs police and will of the people who did you, you could never consider the resistance as a group to. this is what the west is trying to do to show the resistance has
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a certain group of movement. but the reality is that the boy in gauze approve the resistance is the people you to design is to have time and time again, attempted to depict the resistance in the international opinion, in this way that there is a distance between people and the resistance. in concert, but they failed to prove this, i claim in the positive, i'm away from the middle east. now, the russian ambassador has condemned the us decision to, um, ukraine's the new neo nazi as of the grade his as it's reminiscent of one when the us supplied militants. and i've got is done with disastrous consequences in the current situation, including the possible assumption of supply as a weapons to the neo nazis for myself cannot. but remind us of the portable experience of the united states in the middle east view as special services and mailed 3 repeatedly encouraged images to form groups and of got us down in iraq for the sake of flooding, a common enemy. the result has been nightmarish phenomena such as sizes,
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the depths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, millions of refugees included in europe. the problem gave no bloody conflicts for decades. all the us has band on the ship been to as a 4th is for 9 years because of the group extremist affiliations. but now washington has revive its policy. yes, it's all law you drain and stuff with district of defeats on the battlefield. are the corresponding tomorrow. and of course i have, i has the details here. so the create and i'll call it the end ices as well. dispenser and army, neo nazis claiming that russia is trying to describe that these poor people, the
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yes, the state department found no evidence of gross violations of human rights committed by the 12 brigades as so, which is why they're lifting their band on the units confused. oh, that's understandable because for years they us refuse to supply them with the weapons. because quote, us officials determine that its founders a spouse, braces xenophobic, and alter nationalist views and dolph quotes. and here it is from the horses mouth . however, it is certainly true that a very small part of the printing and military is neo nazi and people need to be honest about that for months. viral and the doctor viral image has been circulating ukrainian soldiers with various kinds of nazi symbols on them. then this is not some incidental accidental. small marginal number of people in the military for us
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who are openly touting nazi id, ology on our search for the facts. we learned one thing for certain. today there are nazis in ukraine. i guess all those reputable media organizations are on the front ends, payrolls due, and this information to the masses. it's worth noting that russian, this information has actively work to discredit special forces is offered aid. they have long tried to conflate ukraine's national guard unit of 12. the special forces brigade is off with a militia formed to defend ukraine against russia is invasion in 2014 called the a's off battalion. now what's interesting is that it's on clear when think it was actually list that, that bad with the us, they department refusing to comment on specifics box. there's been reports of as all fighters use in american weapons, that they didn't all the way back. so it's 2017, a shipment of 100 dsl r. one systems reportedly arrived in ukraine in april 2017. as confirmed by both
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the contract leak by south front and ukrainian journalist, you are able to so many of these 100 p. so one systems were sent to military units in the dumbass, including military unit, $3057.00 based in murray, uber or widely known as the union made of soldiers from the as a battalion, according to the sale of the company involved. that what's being done with very close coordination with the us embassy that he was state department, the pen. so gone ends of the ukrainian government. incredible. considering that this was right after that he was banned the as of battalion. originally, the state department should pressure key to dissociate itself with this group and investigated whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. they were concerned at one point that seems but now all of that is out of the window and it's a general tendency that we've been observing that sort of white washing of nazi is of how else can you explain the countless examples of western officials praising
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former nazis and their modern followers, you can remember the stand in a way shit. and so the nazi veterans in canada, which became an international sensation as the prime minister boys johnson welcoming the delegation from the battalion. so they, you take parliament praising them, calling them a heroes, and less than their banner with a neo nazi symbol. here's the line here with us for the state department, given the metal of cards to a ruthless, cold blooded killer, while healthy evacuated women and children from areas affected by war. ukrainian military veteran scott secretly documented russian forces committed atrocities during the sca easy. 3 in service come
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through whose towns and covered in the blood of the elderly women and children. in march, 2022, she pretended to be a mother of 2 children, whose parents, she have deal herself in 2014 the bus and actually participated in the seizure of the power in ukraine. from 2014, 2018 to train new and that's is in the don't bass region. she gave me these crimes against civilians. if the left for the parent, they can change its spots. then why don't list the bad on all car though, or isis? well, they will, when they need them. because this isn't about human rights. it's about strategy. so, elia i had the opportunity to discuss it, washington's rebranding will be as of brigade, with the us army officer, spend his lives copy of nick, a favorite, harming these guys from day one. when this concept started, just now they can actually say, well, you know, there were not harming nazis. professors or not. so yeah, you're, it's,
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it's working this information. it's all, it's all you're doing. it's just like when is this like when the germans say that rush response. so, and i'm not a gas or the uh, the uh, the same thing with the other british at to bought gas o n g gas restaurants, all watchful. well, i'm sorry, june, but you stop in roswell, the blade, whatever you like, you know, if there wasn't a rush or you'd have to make a rush or on because it's a great way to, to just dump all your misdeeds of a failed foreign policy on to somebody else, the american governments, i mean, let's be frank, the american government and we had by the state department is the root of a lot of the terrorism in this world. they've created as lot modern as lama terrorism. was that american creation for a dentist then who dated out and they've come to dep control over more or less and, and receded in libya, receded back in of get a spam from i'll tell you to. and then other places this is no different. this is
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just another form of terrorist organizations that the us government lots to deal with that's a lot to me is the last case shonda in the job and parliament by 2 parties, but functionally opposed on kids that have also received substantial results. and the recent e will action, they say you tre, needs a peaceful lead to not someone escalating the conflict. you would have used to listen to speak your income with flesh. he's now only in office as a war and begging president. but it, ukraine does not need a war prison. now it needs to be present who's willing to negotiate, so that a dying stuffs and the country has a future. zalinski is currently contributing to a highly dangerous spiral of escalation and is accepting the risk of a nuclear conflict with devastating consequences for the whole of europe. therefore, he should not be honored with a special event in the german boon does talk about the f. d party came in 2nd,
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overall in germans or the voting for the european parliament. a b s w party was faith. although the represent different parts of the political spectrum, both have long spoken now the against alms deliveries to ukraine and charlie, narratives of consul shoals, government are to contribute that retail marsden has more on the electro results. instead, lensky is campaign against your, of the german establishment that by chance, oh i've shoals is still recovering from a major electoral hang over after folders. just pick the anti establishment alternative 4, which lines over salters, social democratic party. so what the shots do, maybe decide to step away from the ukranian koolaid serve, got verizon ski. know instead schultz pads, whiskey come in to hand out even more of it to parliament. the during going to
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start with the speech right after a shock. search a vote or signal their electronic preference for the anti establishment, f d, which has made it crystal clear. they have 0 appetite for whatever zalinski is pouring, especially because the guy never seems to have his wallet on him. when the bill comes, gets the figures, hey, why should he, when the european leaders light shots are so willing to just stick the german and european tax payers with the cost of whatever it is that he's asking for, usually weapons and money. just last week, zalinski was in france working as magic on the french national assembly, sucking all the oxygen of the french parliament in the very last day of session, before the vote and making all about him a new frame. yes, french president and you and my call figured that will be a good return on investment for french voters. they can barely afford to make ends meet, but they have to listen to zalinski talk about have great mac holes. policies are
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for ukraine. so how does that turn out from excellent money micro cooling us not collection, following his policies, crushing to faith in sundays, european solomon's elections presents in menu. and my school has shocked phones by announcing a snap parliamentary election officers align stuff with a big defeat by the populace rights in your opinion, election resounding defeats in the european election. addressing is country macro on said the results of the vote. and that's his government were grim and could not be ignored. oops, surely, just a coincidence of the party that's routinely expressed the least interest in indulging zalinski as incessant demands had the best of luck to all result in france with the anti establishment national rally party trouncing. mac holes, establishment party by over double the votes, lost the temper, zalinski dropped into the canadian tournament, and fis pumped an actual world war 2 ukrainian nazi who served in heinrich him.
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lawyers watson s as alicia division, canadian prime minister dressing true though also stood there smiling next to zalinski and cheering. while the house speaker from tree goes on liberal party. he prays on this nazi for killing western allies in world war 2, because they just happen to be russians. i read to read my profound regret for my error in recognizing an individual in the house during the joined address to bonum, and by presidents of lensky. that public recognition has cost pain to individuals and communities, including the jewish community in canada and around the world, as well as to survive as of now to to us is bolan's and other nations. shortly thereafter, the same canadian house speaker volunteered to make himself into a speed bump for team through those bandwagon as it seemed to be heading straight for the political wilderness at full speed. but where would the western leaders be
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if they didn't have zalinski hang around? well, maybe still in power to start. check out all the western establishment leaders, whose careers magically just kind of ended after they ended up and zalinski is blast radius shaking his and former us house speaker, kevin mccarthy. mackwood zelinski then was suddenly dropped, kicked out of his job by numbers of his own republican party, which is the 1st time that it never happened in history. so yeah, by all means going, you know, with a lot of sorts in germany area high spoke to a job and m p for the alternative to for germany potty stuff. and quite a he says, a pro war parties last votes in the election because people grew tired of the consequences. they lost the support of the population as something should change and jump in politics. people don't wants to pay huge money for for electric shortly . tricity for energy. so we kind of was so well from iris and guess apply this for
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very stupid to us. me. and people don't want to support the ukrainian war. they don't 140 year old. they don't want to pay for a, just a day that the me is the last k davis speech and the one this died. and the bill of course, you'll positive the was opposite. can you tell those why? well, the different situation we don't to read actually we don't think the president of ukraine is let you to make it by the hotels because they didn't have for elections . it's just a special look. all they did because of the situation. ukraine so, so he has no informational for people to be present to you. and we don't want to open the door for someone to speak in a democratic before the end of the century when he's my blended tomato. this is the 1st problem. the 2nd one is we don't support the board, we don't support your brain, we don't want to pay for it, and we want peaceful solutions. we decided not to die and don't at all. and we set
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missed us lensky smoke so important that we don't kept you there. and so we didn't join mr. sealants, get a speech. and we didn't want to welcome a break. i'll just begging for money banking for, for weapons uh for killing people. so we don't support this, so we haven't been bad stay independently, such as the will break down into pieces and the number of trying to disprove each day. there's still room for hope. this is a story of a devoted surgeon from russia who has been treating. ready goes and needs throughout africa and the middle east without asking for anything in return. the, the
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people, our work in africa is sporadic. the decision to go there was not mine alone. my friend, my fellow student with whom i studied together in girl's name and then and asked her hon most are she goes, started working with you many terry admissions in yemen. later in germany, he met people from different countries who told them about the urgent need for these many terry and actions. he worked out all these matters and we gather once or twice a year to go where we're needed, gammon mauritania, and then maybe the rocks and tons in the, the
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greatest and in these countries and many other places. if a person has no money, if they have no health insurance, even if they get injured right on the territory of a hospital, let's say a heart attack happens or whatever. they will be left to die, they're on the spot. no one will come to help them. this is what prompted us to go to such places. we mostly find ourselves at public hospitals where the hygiene and sanitation conditions are very problematic. they don't even have the basic conveniences that we are used to. so we always bring our own medicine, wound dressing, materials, and tools, and they always come in handy the well, that's the all davis, our next is direct team conference. vacancies,
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sanchez. i'll be back to the top of the i'll see you again the, the barbara, buddy. i'm at sanchez, this is direct impact and this is what we are going to be talking about. the bar, you just watch 2 different attacks, 2 different explosions, which one of those killings is terrorism. and which one isn't? this is an incredibly important story that i'm going to take you through object sanchez. let's do it.


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