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tv   Documentary  RT  June 12, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

8:30 am
region, well, after the continuation of these on these crimes in gaza, the resistance stood for the oppressed all across the region and confront determines whether it be in the resistance of a rock, siri or lebanon, and also the resistance in yemen. the key to stability and victory, all the resistance, even in the face of the western coalition flight by the us and u. k. and human is that the resistance has roots in people. the main characteristics of the resistance is that he's based on the needs police and will of the people who did you, you could never consider the resistance as a group. this is what the west is trying to do to show the resistance is a certain group or movement. but the reality is that the will in gauze approve the resistance is the people designed is to have time and time again, attempted to depict the resistance in the international opinion in this way that there is a distance between people and the resistance and cause about they failed to prove this fight claim in the past months. right. that's the news now. hold the right back with more. are bates of the top of the?
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i see you again. the, the the, the most lights the, the,
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the just exactly escape the rest of the,
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the, the cheap old name was the middle of the social or the indian corpus movies. issue of, of the who that was one of the guess it doesn't pull to back of it. i get all the hard truth up until
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the moist with the the whole when you cause the 0 for the instructions, there is only right now, but you should have gone to the sounds that was on them very frustrated. some very new one visit with me is on the chicago issue. so phillip, no additional to show song and for go wish no issues. and why should philip come and do y'all do more talk so used to come get it done? pretty guaranteed. so right now, to move this here just that's going to do the i'm going to get them to want to just have them get them by pretty quick, a good time to get them booked. when i enter my phone to then you by, you could have them, would you tell me do a so if and you just that i see somebody who doesn't d as in simmons of see in the, in the 1st page of the author of the,
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the pretty straightforward list for each of them course in the 1st one put through the post. let me. ready put you off the original movie. okay, welcome to the full 2001 for all the warranty disk. and then if the did that give you a monitor quite a bit with the code. yes, i'll send you a fuck with which i think we should. we should have because we put in your book goes to long and so no, so no, no, no one with the sky. sure. for progressive already. most of the top of the news, if you will just go to the up the phone good for the for with you. but i mean, all of us 1st because we have to 0 and we won't even though, since it's most of the mom, i'm just, you know, you know, come get it looked at and she did with good sort of them for the how long mean? yeah. you know, truly tired from doors rush little thing and the 3rd was that for this course
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because you could boot the boot the you must is for i'm just most of the initial she's thinking most of the many of the show she to show the smart to use manager needs means the spice to of supervision. the source of software that was from last time with budget this year started based on the boot and bumper funding crash. the goal is to be losing you and we live. so was wondering who grew up with you to think of so much i'm almost basically human look weird or is this a good time when you're here? because i know the region very much. look, philip of just come is like you the resume from the group or leave a voice from national show me was little. i mean, i met with them that i was my thoughts by them was the chance for the task which i
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pulled up for the summer for you. so i was thinking for much of it, there was more of this wasn't equal there, but we believe i'm said no, but you said you who world for funding. if i'm pulling up from the machine, it finishes the floor and the colors from our best customer with us keywords saw the men will do so to the rings. but to their score approval from the bull we might city ocean forces to with i'm bad. sure. with my senior wired losing for support, the shoulders are still correct on the proposed stores, most of issue with america searches, and that's just a matter of addition to the something did you find them on the surface or no. yeah, we're moving north fulton. yep. one year old with the wisdom when you see what's cool, cannot use in the machine to see this issue. it's not the uh that you did is just you look at the was it said the level of the filter. what was it we just showed you? did it says no, so do you mind when you have that or did you listen you lot, no ability in most of what you needed to move does a bus as a video,
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nonsense video or something which is a little something for july? i'm sick and again, that doesn't end up on you much to move he way in what's doing you for the on the phone, this is for the bottom. same to any other for slight boy you fiercely. that's d. c . i a signal for and use more efficient. uh, but she cooled cool, greasy. well, that's what seemed to let me have her 1st guy here. wants to charge me a benefit of 6, even though out of it. i'm. what's cool buckeye. you and you got one. you have to deal with the hard coupon. okay, because i could pull the hartford last test something suitable as
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a distribution with these are partners and apologize. you know what i'm gonna show somebody at this point is of course my model for this patient is not licensed social, so you see a force you through this with. so let's use those little songs to moses. i'm sorry, i mean is that the source code to pin was born with computers? i'm a little you read this one for us. these are shirts. the power of the code. you have pets. yes. of course. you mean, and you have when you go course the 1st one bottleneck funding you, those 3 of them, you cause of why you mean, shut them. that means for you, boss, since you know any problems that russians little or no for us for you just need your book categories. i'm shooting somebody or the goal for their stance for you. if i'm, if with newman all you for some of couple of you used. the starters are giving you 30000000 users showing them. uh,
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mostly in you will style. i mean yeah. when we ship, our goal is to keep it from holding us to more cypress and the room for me to see what was showing up on the other from yesterday. where's your yes, the problem? some of them on the more 0 it's got quite a few them for up to got more i'm going to so so so that's our uh, mostly pool would be kind of i believe last year conditions equal the youth. i'm could i ask them within the confines thoughts are we as they are still close night when you must with this just more than the best. so yeah that you start at the personal copeland problem. the problem with that, with the design you for to yeah, well yeah, well, with the web shift cover, can you move to the design, your learning, bush, our customer problem, the customer from by you place where the risk of the person i'm them for the biggest back well, the bridge on pay that they're just, they're not doing treasures uh at the end of the ring quarter daily. the corner bar. my parents. yeah. table. um, did you get the excuse me,
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any of the went go to come across somewhat of january or people just federally? you said that you didn't, couldn't use your the, you know, never mind the mind to the supervisor and that's my. so study for developers can look up personally, but there isn't anybody in virginia conditioning with somebody in the personal month, i think a little silly, but that's in the position of, of use the solutions. good lucel's it was. can you get from your family with as it goes keith? yeah, the company is this is this the website is even pull chance. is it pretty well? listen to this. some people focus, let me just consult a moment please. as soon as i'm option is caught from me to do it for you while
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you're in trouble for which one you're from, of the video card. when you have a mobile through his temperature, the phone is live, you know, couple, it is a manual. and it says, printers and scanners, multimedia scanners videos and do so. every single series on star for her, but most put in some sort of stuff moves that kind of mistake. just be able to stand. us flew up and you left this yard of a we've been pushing wisdom. so i, me of the side, you'll be able to simply carson with our father who's flew on for so far as is human on both of the, the trinity of the concussion in terms of the boomers range with the flavor of
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the news. yeah, there's a serious, how are ya know, most, all the worse fear of personnel, shit. comfortable with me for free. you'll confirm some more for me or best dollars to go somebody me on from appraisals to visual compounds or there's a for progression. we'll look at more money is out of the final yet you'll see big about the might a gave a bias or process new much somewhere else, solution and see if it's on video to show part of the choices. so what do you have for which i have so much over the phone here? i'm sort of nip to the with some sort this out to be gotten from almost one of the room. and i'm not sure. maybe,
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maybe we need you to call you the phone with as a court martial source. but i'm, it should be different this your map of our legal supports and one of them is one of our limits. losing the snack comes particularly sort of standard storage. should that the person, the cardinal, actually search for the sort of ship a rebuttal cause map just by a series coast, almost the most efficient. that's the blue book i told him, would that or motor attempt to reach them? why is the best price on the lowest? numerous audio visual storm, you know, but the most to jermel mode,
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you're going to florida? sure. sure. are you able to be years here from you for any mobile in your buffer? pretty hosting microphone car, to them national as old or for 20 years prints. a bunch of research from, from just told me i sent you over a couple of samples. i'll tell you what i need to do with them. i'm just asking the jim if i'm boy. yes. because they have user story, isn't it yamaha, are you the parties of the swimming pool for the farm which will pick them up with some arm? couple or it's on my mattress, but i need to catch up with the space, but then you can use it for your share. so 3rd party in your shows us on the substitute teaching and that is just a budget, but most of which is the cyber security. so the
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the sometime got some done, not through the mail. so the
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the, the by the
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phone, just go to the official now the the, the,
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the deal though, can you be cuz the slightly slow no, no, no official for me and usually the flounder. but almost as it started, school quoting was going to be just, i'm just because of all the money to me for invest. kaiser di yahell those are the did the chest choices come up with the juice? me any? yeah. meeting inches wide engine with a view. so you guys might assume, yes. mm hm. yeah. and you have a good a. can you give it to me just do you want me to book it? let's go with this. but when quoted the movie you need to push it out of the way, at least. so i say, can we come in 30 minutes? a couple of she, you know, there's guys, there's a full assess,
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you are full when you've got is due so. so when you come in thursday, mostly due for those that you need the me, my opinion mean yeah. we'll just move out of the show for the simple for your review, but i still get the system. what does it go? so but yeah, the 1st was because of what, if i'm the one you subsidies, you can use floors. so for to your system you will do page and we're coming up to the most of the quadratic not to do. i mean i didn't mention that i get no month, i think least annually. sure no device deal um additional for that yet you did you book as a little early professional to put little you know, the dilemma to i just just thought as if i'm the guy just i'm a little tiny so good. the warranty good for you to come. so the,
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the yeah, the the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the producer for was the possible spirit was 5 years for this month, which is the good news. i do not schools and the to carol. she is week or 2 of like a new year for me to do this samples on you go to the, to the movies that are in your bedrooms, are for almost a year. got you for to me pretty that one of your personal back that the zillow are, the zip codes,
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that's why i'm confident police all the best bullshit boulevard, or avoidable or, or for sure, if i'm on the porch where they to a junior bus stop service, $1.00 to $2.00 to confirm to delta for nissan gloves. i need a referral, the 3rd
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party from city that come under. what was the grad them? pardon? pardon? moved. oh yes. and the . ready ready ready ready the of
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the opportunity to give you just put a user name on the top which is not available at this point. he was able to deliver to the job. here, i'm going to force you with almost what was the boulevard for much of me. let me go make you the with the yeah, the deal of a saw the no i today the . so do you have a good you almost to go from ghost, what was it?
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was it to video apartments for quality, actual director skills book educational grass. somebody show up as low as the 1st bush forget which financial advisor, mazda bradford, your budgets populated trauma. as to jerome i, p and musician cell which is on your mobile client processing just to show them i know most of the product is for to a smart page or specialist clinical somebody. the really, this just happened to me, the status of it to my irritable to me in there's multiple scripts for her. so she left one more variable,
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investment questions concerning mature. so from the plan the
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the yeah. when she was hired people that my wish was to got found at the marks for the values. what's cool, things like that that you just look at way around and was, you know, did just as a follow up call for the subject of fashion for michael. so kindly google, she's doing this for, it's a, i could you, me just q i, but as long as i got the process, introduce the solution. barnett push to see what was the new wish of dealing with our biggest problem trip on the auto guide. so when you're talking about pulled out the blizzard, because you looked at jimmy's list, it's, you know, the, any fisher was,
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is the i do, i do the, the, the, the engine, the syllable. cause let's do it just for future frontier to cause the sofa. jones is moving for when you over the stuff pressure to problem with the motion. you're visiting the bowling season. this is kind of the another to allow for the commercial so that you know, if the commercial, the from owners, pub, it'd be good to go to that because to go volunteer. yeah. unless you are well, it still showed you the summer. we might have to say it was a to know that you won't bill, you know, some of his and this, i say is this,
9:00 am
those guys are the let's go ahead while i'm on the, as rush in the warships including an atomic sob, arrive for drills and have vonda moscow's top digital. imagine is coupon counterpart to reject major expansion and denials. washington's efforts to maintain dominance in the world. it is an absolute and normally what a states includes cuba and the list of sponsors of terrorism. and the same time, the state itself, the united states, together with its satellites, but trying to keep the elusive heads you many by methods of outs, right? sarah process as a washington decision to now arm ukrainian, united fees will be a disaster. this when you supplied militants in of janice 10 triggering decades of


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