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tv   Documentary  RT  June 12, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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is who currently remain in gaza? the only thing he constantly thinks about now is that they must be saved, rescued from captivity and achieve their release at any cost. be the deal or be in another operation to save them. but people who are in the same conditions as he was in or even worse, they must be released. well, while in the west bank he is running a forces killed 6 young man on tuesday, according to the policy in the forty's gone shots from these really almost vehicles way ahead through all the day i on tuesday on id s quality and failed to rate at the village and surrounded one of its homes before opening fire in what was claims to be a cab. the terrorism operation locals spoke about the heart. i saw the attack last . i looked out the window and so soldiers. then my sister started shouting. they told me to surrender and started shooting at our house. do you rebuild it with
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bullets? they started arrest and everyone and told us to put our heads up. the soldiers found us and pulled us out. they interrogated my family and me. 6 young man from the neighboring home with taken away. oh if you would like to buy them. oh boy, the rab less that several hours and was very violent as it was from several areas during the day. you would see bullets all over the house and the neighboring houses . there wasn't a single person for good type from there. they were demolishing houses and moving vehicles. they occupiers exec pressure on every posting and they don't just target one person specifically. and then they claim that your resistance fighter may not know about you runs the enter room for administer claims. so what's happening in gaza right now is a genocide against palestinians. ali about kerry county made the comments and an exclusive interview to our teams, tables. you can watch the full version throughout the day here on our international and on our website already does come for now. here is
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a short preview. the other means that they, i have to stress what is going on in guns. it is not the dispute. it is a war crime and, and explicit genocide, the oppress people of palestine. all victims of course designed to solve the invaders occupies and criminals. the main culprit in this crime and america and the main support of design is in this crime on the reality in the region to the whole world is witnessing today is the resistance movement on. during the past 8 months, the resistance has stood against honest with empty hands, and does not allow these honest to achieve even that tiny as goals in this region. well, after the continuation of these on these crimes and goals, that the resistance stood for the oppressed all across the region and confront determines whether it be in the resistance of a rock, siri, or lebanon, and also the resistance in yemen. the key to stability and victory, all the resistance, even in the face of the west and coalition lead by the us. and you can hear me is that the resistance has roots in people. the main characteristics of the resistance
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is that he's based on the needs police and will of the people who did you, you can never consider the resistance is a group. this is what the west is trying to do to show the resistance has a certain group of movement. but the reality is that the boy in gauze approve the resistance is the people you the design is to have time and time again, attempted to depict the resistance in the international opinion in this way that there is a distance between people and the resistance. in garza, but they failed to approve this fight claim. in the past the other raised to go green is picking up the pace and at least according to the international energy agency. if it says investment in this, hector has his new heights. we've reached an important landmark clean energy investment is setting new records even in challenging economic conditions. hava russian oil giant roll snapped his issue to note of caution, saying an overly hasty transition will do more harm than good. of the green
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transition is not secured by cost effective sources. its implementation is an illusion which leads to the withdrawal of investments from traditional energy. that is, there will be neither traditional nor green energy, despite the fact that around 10 trillion dollars has been invested in the energy transition world wide over the past 2 decades. alternative energy sources have not been able to displace hybrid carbon fuels. today, wind and solar power provide less than 5 percent of global energy generation. and the share of electric vehicles is about 3 percent of the green trans session is providing or proving that right out to be up devices issue. while it's being largely driven by the west, the global sound is more cautious of the idea with concerns renewable energy is currently 2 weeks pensive. the natural resources administer of as that by john, which will of host the upcoming cup $29.00. you, inclement summit says his country remains focused on fossil fuel production. we are
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planning in several years to increase the volumes of natural gas, but at the same time, a renewable energy projects. i think in power, little natural gas production and renewables possibly will move together at the same time. of the global south is proving as resistance to renewables. of the latest example is the philippines, which is vine to become a natural gas hub for the asia pacific region. with this across the issue with a panel of gas or it is not to be said to be just the best thing to do, but just thought i'd use my gas tank wheat at this point. but what do you see happening in the past 2 years? is that the significant under the income and she's in the resources, and that is a really busy day for me. the whole thing, i just got to talk to somebody in india just in the last 2 weeks. let us do monthly passivity. i never saw the mean so far because we have not been busy. so we should
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be the recipe instead of the, the news which they cannot deliver exercise because of the days. so which is what i mean if i didn't step this is almost like this. just one thing is a new set in philippines have similar problems, namely about how to find this. the energy assistance depleting and the energy. for example, it miss. yeah. we need a flat us more and then slice $1555000000000.00 us dollars to finance 3 the end of the seasons annually. so our budget, the government budget came up to suspend the model money. so therefore, the government's ability lice on the hydro, carbone, energy, life, oil and gas. similarly, dispense of the filaments,
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government is singular but it's in government because we have difficulties. we have barriers to finance the. it's just to blame and the energy like how to hide. we'll get energy, therefore we need to expand our capacity, entitled god with energy, and at the same time foster and there is no way that a d like deal metal model and also how to get energy. so we can go on that. but i will look at the nice agents at the same time, but from one can solve the for sale, sales energy, and at the same time, increasing of the mix of the percent. that's hopefully the way that would be an hour. but the end of the mix, well is the, the most of the move towards renewables. in windows solar just do not work or skype . and what happens is you introduce lots of uncertainty. this is the metro fluctuations you already use during the day to the most. so the complex it to you
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maintaining continuous image goes, consider what happens as a quizzes african countries of the different european cultures in size. for example, there's a message, the surgery is city for certain european countries. so here, until the last to do what they do because they use for the call takes the now i made only a parent do like bloom and the well very still some the hope for humanity. i devoted surgeon from russia, has been treating those in need throughout africa and to mid least without ever asking for anything in return. the, the
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sort of booty with our work in africa is sporadic. the decision to go there was not mine alone. my friend, my fellow student with whom i studied together in grows me and then in esther hun most are or should go started working with who many terry admissions and jim. and later in germany, he met people from different countries who told them about the urgent need for these too many terry and actions. he worked out all these matters and we gather once or twice a year to go where we're needed, gammon mauritania. and then maybe the rocks and tons in the, the greatest and in these countries and many other places. if a person has no money,
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if they have no health insurance, even if they get injured right on the territory of a hospital, let's say a heart attack happens or whatever. they will be left to die, they're on the spot. no one will come to help them. this is what prompted us to go to such places. we mostly find ourselves at public hospitals where the hygiene and sanitation conditions are very problematic. they don't even have the basic conveniences that we are used to. so we always bring our own medicine rooms, dressing, materials and, and tools, and they always come in handy the real a whole while there you can get for the details of. busy stories with falling on r t dot com. i'll be right back with more updates that some of the i see the get
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the
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the the mr. it's a great pleasure to have you with us. um, thank you very much for your time. we know you're very busy and uh, we'd like to have a conversation with you. uh, beginning with the terribly tragic events. uh, which took place with a terrible helicopter crush. where you lost several, dear friends on your colleagues and very important people to the remaining people. how has this difficult time being managed in iran, and what is the sense moving forward for the country now as well? i have as far as i seen, i saw you hello to you and your view is the last and most of them of our president and all foreign minister was a great loss for our nation,
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but national unity and solidarity among the people in the country. it is for the leadership of the lead up is lemme revolution could turn this threats into a golden opportunity for the arabian nation and the country on a wrong key. and all people entered a new era with his approach to them more responsible in nature, prepared themselves with more determination and a stronger will for building the islamic around. more than before, have all of the infuse, he asked, it can consistent presence of people in different cities that after the funeral, these mazda is, and also the connected presence of people in other cities, the vendor rating, the names, memory and pos that these monitors show that the a rated nation has a very high political maturity that even in tough times they can make wise and serious decisions that, that can help the country to safely or become the challenges. and the crisis that can be caused by any country, by the loss of such officials in this critical period of law. today, a nation is on the verge of entering a new era that is choosing the new president and god willing for the high turn out
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to me. election can support solidifying the establishment of islamic republic abroad as well as stable peace and security in the region. that meant that our president putin here in russian has recently stated that there is a possibility that a friend of the countries could receive weapon systems from the considerations in response to essentially to western countries. army ukraine and proliferating more, more weapons into ukraine. is there a possibility that around might be one of those countries on if it is, or was one of those countries what potential impact could the have on the region and your point of view have over say you don't have to see of the only one that has to name is around russia, ties on historical iran and vs relation to expand a whole directions. it's natural that the more threats of rome and russia face that correlation in dealing with challenges and coming threats, will increase that iran and brush all single changes the presentation.
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multilateralism frameworks shows that the wrong and brushing tend to use different international capacities such as the shanghai corporation, organizations, all the breaks group for consolidation of the basis of multilateralism. and to have an active cooperation with each of the team in order to secure the national interest of the countries around and russia cooperates in various areas to. but the important point is that around and russia, cooperation in different fields is always a consolidate of stability of security in the region. and well, the quarter ending the era ahead of us around and brush it, try to with the multi lateral cooperation for the account. the threats caused by unilateralism consult with a regional ties to secure stability in the region and in the well. so it's been a very challenging period in the middle eastern region of the conflict in gaza if it can be called the conflict. the assault on the guys and people,
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and we've seen the cookies in yemen at taking a stand if you like, attacking shipping. that why hasn't this grand coalition of very powerful western forces being able to subdue the who these any and what is behind this energy that seems to be within. uh yeah, i'm going to resist this assault on the basically let me just keep going on. okay. yeah, i have to stress what is going on in goals that is not the dispute. it is a clear war crimes and an explicit genocide that the oppressed people of palestine, all victims, and zinah saw the invaders occupies and criminals. the main culprit in this crime and america and the main support of design is in this crime is on the reality in the region. the whole world is witnessing today is the resistance movement in general. yeah, certainly pos. increments the resistance is stood against, honest with empty hands, and there's not allowed these honest to achieve even that tiny as goals in this region. and then after the continuation,
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all these on these crimes engulfing. the resistance stood for the oppressed, all across the region and confront determines whether it be in the resistance of a rock necessary or level, and also the resistance in yemen or the, the key to stability. and victory over the resistance, even in the face of the west coalition, lead by the us and u. k. government is that the resistance has roots in people that main characteristic of the resistance is that he's based on the needs police and will also people on the edge. you can never consider the resistance as a group, and this is what the west is trying to do to show the resistance has a certain group of movement, but the reality is the will in gauze approve. the resistance is the people design is to have time and time again attempting to depict the resistance. and the internet will opinion in this way that there is a distance between people visible and the resistance in guns are. but they failed to prove this by claims in the past month as um, what's going on in here. i mean, is supporting the oppressed in palestine and confronting zine is criminal. and this resistance, as i told you as fruits and the police needs and will,
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if you have many people, that's why implementation of powerful capacities by the us and u. k. couldn't affect the will innovation and direction of the m and the and similarly in northern israel, of southern lebanon. there's been an escalation in this regional conflict, if you like. and hezbollah has increased his attacks against his way, the forces along the border. and this seems to be a focal point now. retention. how could potentially dis escalation if there was a full scale saw for you as well against has belie 1111 on an invasion of 11 on which we've heard rumors about and discussions about into media in the west. how could this potentially to a run into a wider conflict in the region while his job, as i hear me stuff, we never recommend these are and is to check the last is they had in 200201611 designed his half historic defeats from the people and the resistance of limited if
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these honest was successful against the oppressed and unarmed people of gaza, i can fight with the expansion of the conflict to living and they will achieve some things for them. if these on is want to go from the puddle in gaza, to the well in lebanon from the on favorable conditions and goes to the more and favorable condition at 11. and we will never tell them not to make this strategic mistake available for the resistance either in palestine or lebanon, has such the power that will not let these on his reach any of these goals. most of the resistance is evident as an independent, strong and mature force with wisdom would definitely prevent scientists from doing anything wrong. and staying in the region, stay in the close. the power starts with the terrible assault on the palestinian people, the, the i, c, c and the i, c j. we spoke today to the south african minister about this at length about their case, which they brought. what is your view on the outcome of these cases? in the i, c, c i, c,
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j. what's the confidence in around in these essentially western based authorities, if you like. what do you see as a way for there in the breaks context as well as trying to decentralize these things more towards the so the more wider grouping of people. do you think they'll be a no come of justice in the i c, c, i c j. a shy at the maybe a month. so a year ago, nobody would, sick design is, could face the situation that several countries would say about political and economic ties with them. maybe they never thought today, several countries would count. you can make times with the many impose economic sanctions on them. maybe 8 months or a year ago, and he's honest, didn't believe the icpc would cool for the rest of the prime minister and woman instead of the scientists i've over to make the i did also not believe it, they would come to the west and capitals, especially european countries as well as american universities and high schools turn into a place for supporting the people of palestine. and the policy named course at the country of palestine and confrontation with the crimes of design is full. so they
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did not believe the western framework such as the i, c, c o i, c, j could become a place a holding the sinus accountable to move by south africa was a move supported by independent countries. therefore the zine is crimes all sides, boston big. so that even west and mechanisms could not remain silent about table. generally, the truth is the people who have assigned this to never relied on these legislative or political mechanisms when they say duty to work for the realization of the rights of the people of palestine. and the count for criminals of all the people as palestine by relying on their belief by relying on the poet intelligence and innovation that they used to have. and we talked about a bright future of fighting against occupies, and despite the pressures and crimes on the scientists. and there wasn't support as all committing now the, even for a moment have basically gotten a, we'll forget, a steadfast, belief of resisting against zine is criminals. are the age of the heart attack, and we've seen some of ports in the western media and about the new share and iran
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cooperating and mining and natural resources of africa shakes off some of its post colonial shackles and several countries re energizing themselves to assert themselves as independent states, and what is the situation between iran and new share and does a run see itself as a friendly, allied, potentially for other countries in africa and across the world who wants to trade? who wants to do business? who wants to form associations with your country? i wanna talk cash out of kathy, as you mentioned, the islamic republic of a ron as an independent and powerful state in the world of multilateralism moves on this past the different potentials in different parts of the world. by the end of the case and empowerment, in fact, what as priorities that are on support and policy within this framework, different countries in latin america, in different countries, in africa, all the priority of the foreign policy on the atlantic republic. oh, wrong. we have very perfect capacities, but you can only cooperation with bike less than america and africa. all of these
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capacities combine the result and the empowerment of these countries for the development and progress, and consequently make them strong. most stable against neo colonial is our team during the time of prison, right? siegel less than american african countries were among the top priorities to economic cooperation on the islamic republic of a wrong. and this policy will consist of 15 years. we've also seen reports that some western countries i've sent a letter of concern that runs via nation according to the end of 2015 deal regarding nuclear power and the development of nuclear nuclear power. of course, uh, the only country, you know, it has ever used a nuclear weapon in anger at the united states. now, dissing out morality around nuclear weapons globally. but what is around view point on that now it's a, it's a hot topic in the west. so what's your view on this? is the topography, is it fear mongering? what can you tell us about that?
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i wanted to show this have d to, as you mentioned, it was the us with no logical reason, withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal and quit the framework all disagreement report in the past 2 years. europeans have done no positive move in negotiations of this. so as to definitely this move by 3 european countries are among the deceptive action, while they show no determination and will for the reception to talk to them they on just makes use of rhonda violates and gets commitment. and so i'm not within the framework based on the agreement reached in 2015 a wrong continues to move on. that part. the actions around is taking regarding the development of his nuclear program at the moment and in the upcoming period will surely expand. these activities will be within the framework of the nonproliferation treaty under the supervision of the i a. so around has committed no mistake or violated any commitment. and it's the western policies, especially the 3 europe in countries with the ip using the technical and specialized mechanism of the i a e,
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a off to compensate and verify it is in other areas. and in fact, they've turned the i a into a place for the political stuff on them with a wrong with the phone. they will surely not be successful in this possible side of the furniture to finish the minister and run the hell. the record is the most sanction country on earth, i think prior to russia becoming the most sanction country on earth. if my numbers are right of 18000 sanctions against russia, to what extent has this aggressive sanctions regime a warm to iran and russia to each other in our lives we say necessity is the mother of invention. and we see around still is being very successful in development across many areas. the injustice of sanctions on order. you citizens, the entities like the world buying this, apparently very trusted western systems of governance. and the un included happy,
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seemingly to dispense this type of very will of justice against iran on against russia. to what extent has this back fired and so make it to somebody degree against the west, particularly with real issue with energy and with the rock in the development of a lot of technologies. and those that offer opportunities for the 2 countries to work more closely. going forward in year 12, a task it. this is the reality, the legal us sanctions guys have. ron and russia have affected around in russia, but have not been effective in around them. russia, this means the sanctions have created hurdles and problems were wrong. and russia, but have never helped america reach its goals. and you see that as the, as i'm a republic of ron of to dealing with decades of american sanctions, we have more developed than the full i know. so think a long term and progressive outlook today. ron, along with some big countries in the framework of multilateralism mechanisms, such as the seo and breaks on 6 synergy with all the powers to confront. american
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unilateralism is a reality. if independent states and big powers, such as around brushing china and the other powers, share the capacity using the framework of the seo and breaks it wouldn't take long for the power of sanctions to be reduced at can of course the financial and banking mechanisms that americans have made by the will bank or international monetary fund, managed create opportunities for them for a period of time. but the determination of independent states and the framework of breaks would be dollarization of the economic and trade ties. and also the creation of independent institutions, such as the breaks bank, enables these countries to get rid of their reliance on western capacities and these countries have disabilities. so when you pay attention, you say the c a will bricks, the biggest producers of the worlds orland guests that is around in russia are present. and also the biggest consumers of energy and the well that is india and china present to kind of if the biggest producers of an g and the biggest imposes of energy to gather in one groups. and by creating mechanisms among themselves,
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they can cover the economic needs in different areas and the fact and the reliance on capacities that are based on west and mechanisms and become self sufficient. sanctions have cost iran and russia, but it also given them this opportunity is that the solution for success of sustainable development a short and long time progress is to rely on the opportunities of multilateralism and free themselves from reliance. i'm the trust in those that are based on the west and mechanisms and the experience of recent years of cooperation between around russia and china incorporation and synergy, different economic and trade areas. as proved that these countries have this capability and can make a secure future for themselves and an independent well, have to ensure
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the what else, they just don't have to shape house and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the, the as russian warships, including an atomic sob, a rifle drills didn't have vada, moscow's tough diplomat in this cuban conte applaud. reject may to expansion and denounce washington's efforts to maintain the dominance in the world. because it is an absolute and normally when a state includes cuba in the list of sponsors of terrorism, and the same time this state itself, the united states, together with its satellites, are trying to keep the elusive hageman and find methods of outright tara rush. and it says washington's decision to now, um ukrainian, united states will be as disastrous as wendy supplied militants,


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