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tv   News  RT  June 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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of the news, the russian warships in creating a new can of submarine arrived and have i not, most goes talk zip to my account is cuban count upon reject nato expansion and denounce washington's efforts to maintain its global dominance. it is an absolute and normally what a states includes cuba in the list of sponsors of terrorism. and the same time the state itself, the united states, together with its satellites. but trying to keep the elusive hageman a fine method of outs, right, and cera given the cold shoulder to parties and the job and parliament to our gainst all main ukraine. boy called an address 5. not him is lensky saying he of needs and needs a looking piece. also, i had the
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attendance for the in on media web police years, starting coordinates on protestors who are pulling on the nation prime, minnesota suicide. the build fee of the private and independent new ed investigation concludes is ralph has broken. international conventions involves a view backed by rhonda in trend foreign minister. it is a clear will crime and explicit genocide that the oppressed people of palestine all victims and zinah saw the invite as occupies and criminals, the fly from my h q here and what's good. it says the international thanks for keeping me company this well, 1st up to the car, then what a naval detachment of russia's northern fleet arrived in cuba off to conducting
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military trails in the atlantic and onto the spanish correspondent has the latest from his on of the russian naval detachment of the northern sleep arrived in the city at the entrance to the bay, and one of the ships of this naval detachment fired a salute shot as a sign of greeting to the city to which the cuban armed forces also responded with artillery shot this naval unit includes the frigate admiral of course, cost, as well as a nuclear submarine, cause on into auxilary ships. this visit attracted the attention of the international media and the cuban government responded by saying that this visit corresponds to the close friendly ties between russia in cuba, which is carried out in accordance with the international rules signed by cuba, as well as that it's normal for military vessels from other countries to visit the island. this enabled detachment does not carry me to their website. this week there will be a visit by canadian worship to have on it as well as the venezuelan ship to the city of santiago to cuba. i see it in thought in life. it is the 1st time
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a russian free. good. and with high foot sonic missiles has led to the tower. been enabled detachment, like i said, is fresh off drills and the non tech with the new to a submarine cause on taking part in a coordinated computer simulation to strive to target 600 kilometers away any losses of the atlantic ocean, the ships come back crew practice the actions of launching a missile strike against enemies stuff. his tongue is using long range precision weapons combat cruise act. accordingly, we receive a signal from a mock on a map and analyze the situation. we determine whether the target is within reach or not. we also look to see if we fall into the enemy's strike range. we select an optimal starting point to foreign position and we carry out actions according to the farming cycle and in the conditions of how we would use the weapons. what we heard from the head of the civil war of institute and of he and others have gone to
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mock cove, etc. he says that the developments in cuba really highlight this regional push to counter west. and let's move on going around the play. i those 3 steps. this also increase it in spots that's this was actually planned all along in order to strengthen the formation of a multiple world. on the one hand spend on the other hand, um, so called the western interference is all around the world. i think this will be a very uh, positive developments all the people around the world proscribing for. so i rented to for independence and especially for a stopped off less than wars and receiving changes all around the world. because from all, they have an ally in russia and russia actually wants to defend the freedom of all these peoples. also now, especially in that's in america, in order to stop this western wal mongering. earlier today at a press conference with his cuban counterpart in moscow,
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the russian foreign minister pulled out washington's policy of unilateral sanctions against sold for an states. so i can hold a little reminiscent of neo colonial practices. a website. it is an absolute and normally when a state includes cuba in the list of sponsors of terrorism, and the same time, the state itself, the united states, together with its satellites, a trying to keep the elusive, has your money and well to fast buy methods of outright tara the using methods if economic, financial, and diplomatic terrorism, along with direct financing and support for terrorist attacks, of the nazi regime in kia, have to get the civilians on russian territory. we will continue to support cuba including admit the a negative effect that the illegal embargo is imposed by the united states have owned the country. we will continue to work together for the formation of a just poly centric world order, which should be based on generally accepted principles of international law. the un shots are on the silver and the quantity of states on the admissibility of
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interference in their internal affairs. from these positions, we are actively fighting to ensure that neo colonial practices remain in the past forever and another. see, we extend our phone supports in russia, in the face of the politicization on the west policy of isolation. keep us from the reject. the expansion of nato to was rushed as bold as we will further condemn west an attempt to replace the existing international with the so called new rules based old together with russia. we will work towards building a multi po, to weld. well our problem condemnation, all of us support for new nazis in ukraine, comes off to washington, lifted about and on on me the infamous as of brigade, the russian, i'm positive to the west, also has helped out the decision and saying that it occurs when me, when america supply to minutes and it's enough down to strong with disastrous consequences of the current situation, including the possible assumption of supply to weapons, to the neo nazis for myself cannot. but remind us of the portable experience of the
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united states in the middle east. the us special services and mailed 3 repeatedly encouraged images to form groups and have got a son in iraq for the sake of flooding, a common enemy. the result has been nightmarish phenomena such as sizes the depths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. millions of refugees included in europe. the problem gave no bloody conflicts for decades. full loose paint decade, washington, his moral stones against supplying as a full says, held strong. but all that was thrown aside to med here quite in struggles on the battlefields. all these were the culture that has been delving deeper into that story to the line the create and i'll call it the end ices as well. dispenser and army, neo nazis claiming that russia is trying to describe that these poor people, the
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yes, the state department found no evidence of gross violations of human rights committed by the 12 brigades as so, which is why they're lifting their band on the units confused. oh, that's understandable because for years they us refuse to supply them with weapons because quote, us officials determine that its founders espouse braces, xenophobic and ultra nationalist views and dolph quote. and here it is from the horse's mouth. however, it is certainly true that a very small part of the printing and military is neo nazi and people need to be honest about that for months. viral image after viral image has been circulating of ukrainian soldiers with various kinds of nazi symbols on them. then this is not
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some incidental accidental. small marginal number of people in the military for us who are openly touting nazi id, ology on our search for the facts. we learned one thing for certain. today there are nazis in ukraine. i guess all those reputable media organizations are all the comments payrolls do, and this information to the masses. it's worth noting that russian, this information has actively work to discredit special forces is offered aid. they have long tried to conflate, ukraine's national guard unit of 12. the special forces brigade is off with a militia formed to defend ukraine against rush invasion in 2014, called the is off battalion. now what's interesting is that it's on clear when think it was actually list that, that bad with the us state department refusing to comment on specifics box there been reports of as all fighters use in american weapons. they didn't all the way
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back suits 2017, a shipment of 100 dsl. our one systems are reportedly arrived in ukraine in april 2017. as confirmed by both the contract leak by south front and ukrainian journalist, you are able to so many of these 100 piece or one systems were sent to military units in the dumbass, including military unit, 3057 base, the mary uber, more widely known as the union made of soldiers from the as a battalion, according to the sale of the company involved that was being done with very close coordination with the us embassy. so he was state department, the pen, so gone ends of the ukrainian government. incredible. considering that this was right after that he was banned the as of battalion. originally, the state department should pressure key to dissociate itself with this group and investigated whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. they were concerned at one point that seems but now all of that is out of the window. and it's the general tendency that we've been observing that sort of white
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washing of nazi is of how else can you explain the countless examples of western officials praising for monopolies and their modern followers. you can remember the standing ovation, so the nazi veterans in canada, which became an international sensation as the prime minister boars. johnson, welcome and the delegation from the battalion. so they use a parliament praise and i'm calling them a heroes and list under banner with a neo nazi symbol. the us state department is given the metal of cards to a ruthless, cold blooded killer, while healthy evacuated women and children from areas affected by war. ukrainian
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military veteran scott secretly documented russian forces committed atrocities during the war. yes, good, easy, 3 in service come through. who's townsend covered in the blood of the elderly women and children in march, 2022, she pretended to be a mother of 2 children who aspiring she had to deal herself in 2014. the person actually participated in the seizure of the power in ukraine from 2014, 2018 to train new announces into don't bass region. she gave me these crimes against civilians. if a leopard apparently contains its spots done, why not list the bad on all kinds of or isis? well, they will when they need them. because this isn't about human rights, it's about strategy. let's have a look at what's happening in our media right now. what political attentions you can say of boiling on this street sign in parliament as well. reports from the
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scene, say the police use these 10 stone coordinates and attempt to disperse these crowds . the crowds, full back starving full tunes, even rex local hospitals say that they have admitted about 80 people for treatment, including 10 police offices, lost count up to a 100 protest is happening, arrested outside of tournament. and they were on demanding prime minister. nicole pushing on hands in his resignation. meanwhile, inside the government buildings, you can see here the officials seem to start their own shopping match report as the reports were, office suggests that the boy began off to the prime minister in some minute treat
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generals quote, talents and decisive insight on wednesday, passing on side for the 1st time that on media will leave the collective security treat the nice ation. we discussed the unfolding situation with the 2 political ex spots and focuses on congress of the south wilkes as in central asia. now he suggests, who might be behind the prime minister's move to leave the organization with the best of the situation began in 2020. when nicole pushing young's leadership failed to ensure the security of the median states and they're going to carry back that lead to what's been happening for the possible years process waves constantly broke out. and today, this is probably one of the largest protests police use. disproportionate forces to attempt to scare people away from taking parts to the office. it is happening in general. the situation in the media could see dangerous trends as tensions are
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increasing. it's very interesting that person, yeah. statements today coincide with the visit of high ranking american officials. perhaps you received orders to make such statements about withdrawing from the c. s t o. in 2021 pushing young's election program clearly stated plans, data and relations with the ration union and the c. c. o, however, it 3 years later he says this organization is nothing, and i mean here should leave what influenced his foreign policy to so drastically changed course towards the forces that brought him to power in 2018 and contributed to his re election in 2021 and today the same forces along and a g, a political conflict with russia, an independent to you, an inquiry has continued and that is ro, committed war crimes and calls up including quote, fixed i'm a nation of palestinians in relation to israeli military operations and attacks and gaza, the commission found that is rarely, authorities are responsible for the war,
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crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or willful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects. forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention, and outrages upon personal dignity. the commission found that the crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution, targeting palestinian men and boys murder, forcible transfer, and torture, and in human and cruel treatment, were also committed. this is an extensive 21 page report compiled by the you and commission of inquiries. incredibly dining. we've heard a, the unambiguous language is accusing as well as war crimes onyx. busy i'm a nation of publish state news. now this report is due to be presented next week to the un human rights council. now it does impact type hamas in the october, the 7th defensive. i again stays why, but his main focus is, is miles
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a siege against garza on crimes against the palestinian people that are in the proceeds and claims. the commission determine that israel's imposed a total siege which amounts to collective punishment against the civilian population is rarely authorities have weaponized the siege and use the provision of life sustaining necessities for strategic and political gains. although israel issued hundreds of evacuation orders to people in north casa and other locations, the evacuation roots and the areas designated as safe were consistently attacked by israeli forces. now cause you were cold as well, audit as and the palestinian, the see move south to the suppose safety of a rough are. and how many critics have said that this forcible falls have even moving palestinians amounts to a genocide and a war crime. the report also accuses as well of committing gender by violence. the report found that specific forms of sexual and gender based violence constituted
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part of his really security forces operating procedures. it made the finding due to the frequency prevalence and severity of the violations which include public stripping and nudity, intended to humiliate the community at large and accentuate the subordination of unoccupied people. and it comes that made this deadly right on the beside that refugee camp, which many people have described as a massacre. this is a place a densely populated many displays people. they have an electric getting to global outreach. now this report has been loading the whole thing, of course has been a lot of the investigations carried out. this is really started on from the october the 7th. so the, the how much the tax, but it's focusing on the as ready. i'm going to be responsible for the specific a reference to the, the right on the comp you in human rights. so face is accusing as well of no respecting the rules of wolf ad tubing that right the manner in which the raid was conducted in such a densely populated area. seriously, cold,
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seem to question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, as set out under the laws of rule or expected bodies riley forces. what does have these conflicting reports about exactly what happened during the doing the right? including the is why the defense for using a trucks to enter the refugee compound. the pump is quite dining the for the united states. they said that during the rescue operation, the is why the defense policies use the american by paving calls are cause this was a pay that was supposed to be billed to allow to monitor every night and release to get into garza. and now these by the defense schools, i'm depends it going to have to know only those problems. i said that the pay wasn't used, but that's been a lot of footage circulating online, which shows the pay very clearly in the background as a helicopters or on the beach taking the, the hostages, a way to safety. but these reports was so alarming that the un i'm,
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the secretary general was forced to respond. we've heard about these obligations. in fact, we talked to the colleagues about these here yesterday. and they are very, very concerning. if true, they are very concerning because they would put a risk, any future humanitarian engagement in that operation, and not just on the beach, but further in and the roads that went into casa, and are alleged for being part of this operation. not like you. i have no proof one way or the other, so all eyes would now be on the un human rights council next week when that's where this report is going to be presented. but of course, as well as finding itself increasingly isolated is coming under. huge criticism, of course, arrest warrants are being sold for benjamin netanyahu, and the defense minister a gun on is while itself has been struck by resignations, high profile resignations, including up any guns bought content about as well. doesn't seem to be listening
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and there's no sign of its laptop of the own story and goes, i mean, why runs into in foreign minnesota associates what's happening is also right now as the genocide to gains, palestinians. i need to gary connie made that comment and an exclusive in to do to all these shape. thurs. i can watch the full bus and throughout the day right here on ok. see on a pool from our website onto to calm, but for now his a shall preview. i was, i mean is that yeah, i have to stress what is going on in guns that is not the dispute. it is a terrible crime and, and explicit genocide to be a press people of palestine. all victims of course, design is saw. the invite is occupies and criminals are the main culprit in this crime. and america and the main support to all design is in this crime. on the reality in the region to the whole world is witnessing today is the resistance movement on and actually post them on this. the resistance has stood against honest with empty hands and does not allow these honest to achieve even the tiniest goals
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in this region. well, after the continuation of these on these crimes, in goals at the resistance stood for the oppressed all across the region and confront determines whether it be in the resistance of a rock, siri, or lebanon, and also the resistance in yemen. the key to stability and victory, all the resistance, even in the face of the western coalition, lead by the us and u. k. and human is that the resistance has roots in people to main characteristic of the resistance is that he's based on the needs police and will of the people on duty here. you can never consider the resistance as a group. this is what the west is trying to do to show the resistance has a certain group or movement. but the reality is that the will in gauze approve the resistance is the people who designed this have time. and time again, attempted to depict the resistance in the international opinion, in this way that there is a distance between people and the resistance in garza. but they failed to prove this. i claim, in the possibility of him, i told him 1st as qual, despite vs a growing voice is of condemnation over his rouse action, wondering
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a globe open eyes ation. that's remain silent. is the international olympic committee with the power summit games to so for a month, the way a group of protest as has been making a stand as well to station. so they want and he asked names do to take part, they forced to compete on the a neutral flag. and they took that message to the living pick capital itself. that's the switch. city of no song crowds, the gathered or outside the aisles sees headquarters decrying as well as actions and thoughts as genocide. despite the protests, the committee as president has said that the games are all set and ready to go. the protest of organizing a dial, some says it's only sad that the olympic committee applies. it's the same decisions to everyone. phone number, who am i speaking? you try to speak the same decisions on, on, on the test to get people from 80 and bunch of your product, accept them all over the spring. when it's been, was a must, must be another thing that be discrimination. all companies have to be in the same
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new jobs and to take the same action against everyone they just for, to and for the small part of the nation. the wind can decide months of the want this event or one month. but as a result, i was doing the jewel side this. can you see things that were relation and keen with change within anglin fontes, a guest bedroom on life. and final, probably is the one to have to be present to 10, but it will be back to sleeping and so on. and then he'll probably without making what it does with that. what is the size in this? so what's happening before the show and be able to ship. it wasn't gonna be people that you think this is the thing, but i think i do now it's really thick. i'm not too bad cuz i need to talk to somebody in the last pool. it's called them the style and gave his take on the double standards and political games, which now plays sports at all levels. the great buttons you gave me to the holding
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steel. if you guys decide it's well, they should take that of course force, not just what they did in the right for the 2 countries. all right, the role in your informed would have so never shifted assessed even what to do to norton norton by slavery people on. but he's only, for example, listening to get of every single decent human place, but they didn't because they have a bigger stick to swing dust. the whole issue is there's huge, stupid creative, who came on, i think the worst case we've seen has seen the use the use of toby, for example, in motion to, to bind to us and ask each receive, restrict, per se. now we see that person centered spears instead of russian to 10 stars trying to even have their own sign, you know who they're just saying as like most people. and again, it's just the supers and political gestures that have no meaning. is that right? all it's meant to be made for the fact that sport is full. yes. okay. you can on a political level on a human level and a moral level,
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disagree with what is ro is doing and kind of started. but you can also understand that there is asked me to a compared to understands where you saw. i'll place you on the ones who are dropping the rockets. how do we separate the 2? is that possible? don't know if you just so good that we could just set price for some politics, but unfortunately, sports are the best to it better than music, better than any other type of culture. stores are things to she, media continues to bully countries to into the country suited suited cartridge that is appropriate with them. so unfortunately, unfortunately with the way to which he might as with the world, we live with the people who are you holding the leaders of power right now is thoughts or a perfect weapon to help destroy a country. and finally, it may have been his latest attempt to riley's support, but you quite ins. not him, is the lensky didn't get the home. mister,
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welcome says he addressed the german parliament. so the 2 parties, the stone, should oppose all main kids. and he both performed by the way, very well, and we some elections skipped the speech. now they claim that you quite needs a p. c. king need. uh well someone escalating the conflict, he would have used to listen. so speak your income with flesh. he's now only in office as a war and begging president, but ukraine does not need a wordpress, and now it needs to be present who's willing to negotiate, so that a dying stuffs and the country has a future. zalinski is currently contributing to a highly dangerous spiral of escalation and is accepting the risk of a new, clear conflict with devastating consequences for the whole of europe. therefore, he should not be honored with a special event in the german boon. this talk german anti establishment parties on both the right and the left decided to fail on the list these address to the german department on tuesday, zalinski shows up in the house of the german people,
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dressed as usual, khakis and flex looking light was ready to go kicking some windows at the local $711.00 and chancellor off schultz and his government act like it's the alternative for germany. and sarah wagner, tardies that were being disrespectful because they just couldn't be bothered to show up. but the opposition just said that it's schultz who was being disrespectful to democracy, ones of the for the one here. this selection result also shows that the central democratic government no longer housing majority to actually child support schultz should follow with a very good example of a manual macro and, and play of the way for new elections. and that is also all to montana, to ask for a vote of no confidence in the german and been to style come to play the way for new elections. the people are fed up with the current federal government funds. we can i come and buy on zone. it is also a very clear vote of no confidence against the jones about oh no, schultz is king or without the country. so he has no more than just the most
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economical. there is no trust among the population in him. not just why the logical consequence is a new election of german voters literally just spec schultz, his party into the next done mentions sending them into 3rd place for a finish. and there were showing ever behind the anti establishment a se, over the weekend, into european parliamentary elections. so after getting back up and dusting himself off, schultz runs right over to his whiskey, who has a personal blast radius for the popularity of his political allies in europe. right now that's bigger than any of their weapons. deputies bagging them for and showed starts acting like zaleski is kind of like a kid doing a school recital and that the entire german parliament are kind of like his parents once he's up there doing the same. give me money and give me weapons routine. looking out into the crowd and if he doesn't see every body altogether tearing them on, well, he just might have another tantrum. and the opposition is like, well,
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you know, maybe this guy needs to stop being coddled because it isn't really doing his people any favors. hold on, connected. mr. zalinski spoke to the not only in his own name, but also in the name of the inside of you cleaning people up there'll, that's about 38000000 people. so to show them the extended middle finger, what message do send to the society and does it give a shot? if 600000 young men have voted with the feats, it means he does not speak for this position for the entire queen and people. it's $600000.00 young man sleeve from ukraine to avoid minutes for service. then this shows that this escalation, this continuation of the war is not warranted by many politics presented by the landscape. the bunch of stuff basically leads to an end of this war on, you know, where all this german drama right now over zalinski is, is really just a parenting issue. schultz is enabling zalinski feeding his delusions. it's not doing him any good. the opposition refuses to do that and so stay instead on top love western.


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