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tv   News  RT  June 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, as russian will shifts, including a new to the supper routine arrive in house on a most goes to talk to tip the mouth and his cuban counterpart, reject nato expansion and denials. washington's efforts to maintain its clear. but it is an absolute and normally what a state includes cuba in the list of sponsors of terrorism. and the same time this state itself, the united states, together with its satellites, a trying to keep the elusive haitian many by methods of outs, right. sarah, nature's shape says that blocks members must pay up, pay the amounts prepayments to you pray, and i'll be only way to and show what he pulls predictability for kids, and also have the
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tensions porter by in on media web. please use a stone coordinates on protest as who, according on the nation's prime minister, to reside the hell me out almost every out the day. this is all attempts national thanks for joining us. it is with good to see while starting us off this hour, let's head straight to the power band. what a naval detachment of rushes moving to feed arrived in cuba, off to conducting military trails in the atlantic and onto the spanish correspondent has the latest from have on. a russian naval detachment of the northern suite arrived in the city at the entrance to the bay, and one of the ships of dismantled detachment, fired a salute, shot as a sign of time to sit out which the cabin armed forces and also responded with
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artillery shot by this naval unit, including forget, don't add, no, of course go as well as a new killer submarine cause on it to auxilary shift. this visit attracted the attention of the international media and the cuban government responded by saying that this visit corresponds to most friendly ties between russia in cuba, which is carried out in accordance with international net, was signed by cuba, as well as that it's normal for military vessels from other countries to the island . this naval detachment does not carry mister west. uh yeah, mostly there will be a visit by canadian washington to help on it as well as have been as well and ship to the city of santiago, dakota. i see it in thought in the why, so it is a fast time, a russian for a good on with hypersonic missiles has entered the car, been unable to touch one is fresh off drills and yet non check with the new to the submarine. cause on taking part in a coordinated computer simulation to strike targets 600 kilometers away. any horses of the atlantic ocean, the ship's combat crew practice,
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the actions of launching a missile strike against enemies stuff. his tongue is using long range precision weapons to combat cruise act. accordingly, we receive a signal from all called a map and analyze the situation. we determine whether the target is within reach or not. we also look to see if we pull into the enemy's drawing grange. we select an optimal starting point to foreign position and we carry out actions according to the following cycle. and in the conditions of how we would use the weapons. swansea today on a press conference with his cape and counterpart in moscow, the russian foreign minister pulled out washington's policy of unilateral sanctions . i think. so for an states saying that it's worthy reminiscent of new colonial practice. it looks like it is an absolute normally when a state includes cuba in the list of sponsors of terrorism, and the same time, the state itself, the united states, together with its satellites,
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a trying to keep the elusive haze your money. and well, the fast by methods of outright tara, the using methods if economic, financial, and diplomatic terrorism, along with direct financing and support for terrorist attacks, of the nazi regime in kia, have to get the civilians on russian territory. but we will continue to support cuba, including admit the a negative effect that the illegal embargo is imposed by the united states have owned the country. we will continue to work together for the formation of a just poly centric world order, which should be based on generally accepted principles of international law. the un shots are on the silver and the quantity of states on the admissibility of interference in their internal affairs. and from these positions, we are actively fighting to ensure that neo colonial practices remain in the past forever. and obviously, we extend our phone supports in russia, in the face of the politicization on the west policy of isolation in cuba. strongly reject the expansion of nato to was rushed as bold as we will further condemn west
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an attempt to replace the existing international with the so called new rules based order. together with russia, we will work towards building a multicultural world in reading lessons. she only had from the head of a civil or vince church in vienna. alex on lock cove, that's all. he says. the developments in cuba highlighting regional pushed to counter west and lead one going around the play idle is 3 steps. this also increase it in spots that's this was actually planned all along in order to strengthen deformation of a multiple world. on the one hand spend on the other hand, um, so called the western interferences all around the world. i think this will be a very, uh, positive developments all the people around the world, most robbing 1st opportunity for independence and especially for a stop or for some wars and receiving changes all around the world. because from now on, they have an i live in russia,
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and russia actually wants to defend the freedom of all these peoples. also now, especially in the america, in order to stop this western wall mongering. mutually assured destruction the need to talk to and of super powers to ensure the walls and the weapons and has been used seems to be a deterrent of days called by. as washington crosses rushes red lines. thinking that moscow is last thing with its security each month, us as engine close at $12.00 to $9.00 nation when i was a little discussed in the american press conference on the dangers of new to the west. you know, there was a time when nuclear weapons existed for the purpose of deterring nuclear attack. under george w bush, we decided we didn't want any missiles to his america. ostensibly, a rational thought, except at the same time, we were seeking to gain nuclear supremacy over the russians so that our missiles would hit russia, the screeching in balance. and after $911.00, we went further,
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we saw a transition of nuclear deterrence doctrine, inter nuclear war fighting doctrine, where we embraced the doctor and said that we could use nuclear weapons preemptively against a non nuclear threat establishment. 6 something else. and that, of course, is american nuclear supremacy. we live in a world where other nations will no longer tolerate this. russia is one of them. in russia today is a nation that is it, the pointy end of the american nuclear spear, we've been trickling the russian nuclear bear for a long time, and only through the patients and wisdom of the russian leadership that we avoided in nuclear war. so it should shouldn't gravely distress us and concern us that we have a white house official saying we need to be prepared to execute. if the president makes that decision. what does he mean by execute? he means we need to be prepared to launch
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a nuclear strike if the president decides we're going to do so. this is a great deal different from russian or trying to use the doctrine. the russian document doctrine is, it's based on the defense of use of nuclear weapons. so i can use them if they are eminently about to be attacked if they are attacked. or if the cohesion of russia as a nation is about to be destroyed by the attack of an enemy. the less, the stablish ones have taught themselves into the believe that whatever the site is doing is just bluffing. and you know, this is why, you know, the population is not being towed. that's what is happening from the side of need to is actually a nuclear, a chicken game, which is uh, you know, taking the limits further and further and further causing the deadlines for the
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time. and the we are indeed at the verge of, of potentially catastrophe. we absolutely have to change the entire hour. do we have to go to a new call died and the most obvious that's going on is the piece of his failure, which ended 150 years of a. this is walter in your and it could because the participants of the wall good eyes than if they would continue. that would be absolutely nobody left to survive to enjoy the victory. you should have an immediate news, security and development architecture, which takes into account the interest of every single country on the planet. because that's investment from the peace of the city of that if you do not take into account the interest of the other. and that means for others, peace is not possible. while as discuss is filed with all these correspond decatur
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fulton who followed the whole conference. i mean, dana, it was penny a conference where people spoke very passionately, but also something that struck out to me. and i are new, listen to accept beside was that that was definitely a sense of urgency. um why do you think that was? well, we have scott ritter speaking as a former arms inspector. and one of the points that he made was that, you know, in the united states, we might talk about people being backed into a corner. but he made the point that at this point, it seems like the united states is marching into a corner. they're trying to get closer and closer to a situation where russia feels that it has no choice. uh, and there will be some kind of nuclear confrontation and this is absolutely disaster is now another point that was raised in the meeting was the fact that it
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doesn't seem to be awareness about this among the us public. this should be the front page news story on every channel in western mainstream media, but no one's talking about how serious of a situation this is and how dire the results of the current circumstances could be . you know, we heard richard black talk about how part of the cause of russia, a special military operation in ukraine is the fact that if you crane where to join nato, the usa could use it to host nuclear weapons that could threaten russia. and that there is just not a realistic assessment of the situation and how dangerous it really is going on in the mainstream press. and i think that's why you heard so much passion today. i mean, one thing that also was definitely touched upon and, and it seems a part of this where an agreement was about quote, making people afraid. can you just break down what most it exactly that they was restoring to?
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while the people speaking are all older folks who could remember the cold war and they described how during the cold war of school children in the united states would practice going down to the basement of their school or they'd practice, you know, putting their hands on to their desks and people remember that as being traumatizing people remember that as being, you know, scary fear mongering. but at the same time, there was an awareness among the general public about what the very serious consequences of a nuclear confrontation would be. and now it seems the american public is clueless and as our leaders in the last, our marching is closer to a military confrontation with russia that could escalate into a nuclear confrontation. russia is a major nuclear power. there doesn't seem to be any awareness around the public about what that would really mean. and so while we look back at the cold war years and, and the civil defense drills, we kind of laugh at them that awareness that those drills created has been lost. and there doesn't seem to be
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a motivation on the part of the public to stand up to us leaders and say stop this, let's not march into a corner. uh, and march us into a situation where some kind of tactical or even full on nuclear arsenal would be used. but it was an old just sort of us and russia a based right. i think at some point they will also discussing the recent european elections, which i think for something was a, a shock for others different the way that the people have been feeding was probably a long time coming. what were the key points that they had on not as well? it seemed like the recent elections in the analysis we heard from the various speakers. they were a slap in the face to the establishment that seems to unanimously go along with the idea of prolonging the conflict in ukraine and escalating tensions with russia at all costs. and it's gets almost comparable to the silent majority that richard
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nixon spoke of that there is a silent majority in europe that does not approve of the status quote that does not want a confrontation taking place in their back yard and does not want the economic and potential humanity are in consequences of this interaction and this escalation i think that that was made clear by all the speakers that over whelming lee. the european public doesn't agree with having a full on confrontation with russia to please the leads of britain in the united states. and that opinion doesn't seem to be well represented on western media channels and in western media discourse, but it is there beneath the surface. i really also how did i think a one point scott risk? so, i mean, he's obviously being a huge promote to of dialogue. on a piece, he's quoting for a massive piece, much in september. i mean, i suppose the question is, is, comes, make a difference between those people and is the same with voting rights. someone says,
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oh, it is just one. so it were, it won't change anything, but it pulls up a 1000000 people think that way then obviously it can be a landslide change for sure. and that was a point that scott ritter may and he talked about when he worked as a nuclear arms inspector, how the reagan administration that he worked for was impacted by the very big anti nuclear rallies that took place. and he is committed to having a major piece rally in kingston, new york on september 28th just stopped in march, 4th world war 3 and have the public vote. not just with the, with the ballot but also with their feet against the policies of the american government that are escalating the danger of an all out nuclear confrontation. and he also said that the voters need to keep this in mind when they go to the polls, because will you vote for it does make a difference. and right now, joe biden seems committed to escalating tensions with russia,
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pushing russia and pushing russia and pushing and russia. one point that scott made is that, you know, in his time working in russia and use his reason, travels, he says, you know, in america there's a lot of lost or we loved to, you know, talk big and wave our arms rest. it's not like that when russia says something, they say what they mean, they mean what they said and that it should be taken very, very seriously. the drills that are going on in this situation now with russia, this is, this is a very serious situation and, and it could have very, very serious results. and scott ritter is very, very concerned. you know, he came and he was speaking at the national press club at this conference put on by the schiller institute in the aftermath of not being allowed to travel to russia. he was getting on a plane to come to the st. petersburg economic forum. and then uh to uh, and our 3 customs and border enforcement agents came on and confiscated his us passport. they did not give him any explanation. and he still to this day has no
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idea why his us passport was revoked by the state department. and he was blocked from travelling, right, has been supreme court rulings on the freedom to travel. he was planning to come to this very important gathering, the st. petersburg, international economic for him. and they stopped him. and that shows how there are powerful forces that are very threatened by scott's message. as somebody who has been on arms inspector, who knows what goes on behind the scenes, he is raising the alarm about the danger to world peace and the danger of, of nuclear confrontation. and some people don't want his voice to be heard. and they also don't want to see a connection between the american people and the russian people. oh, so on, on a new kiddo quest i, there's one thing i do want to go take home because the pundents were talking about how small a tactical nukes actually pose a great danger of nuclear confrontation. the bigger ones. what's the logic the? well, that's interesting because you would think that that smaller nuclear weapons would
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pose less of a threat. but the reality is that with bigger nuclear weapons, right? if major, atomic weapons, hydrogen bombs, you know, if those kind of things are going off, that's the end of the world as we know it. but tactical nuclear weapons are much more likely to be used because the explosion they make is smaller. and if one side sets off a tactical nuclear weapon, then the other side sets off a tactical nuclear weapons and then bigger nuclear weapons get involved. and you can ask, relate much more quickly to a confrontation during the cold war. they spoke about mass assured destruction, and we only have major nuclear weapons. but with the dawn of tactical nuclear weapons, that creates a situation where you can have an escalating nuclear confrontation much more quickly. and they continued to emphasize this doctrine that comes out of the bush years in the united states that cognitive, united states says it has the right to use nuclear weapons, without, without a nuclear threat, without provocation, preemptively a destiny
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a lot of 3rd. so. so when you get people of that level coming together and discussing it, you definitely get the sense that people need to sit down and listen to blogs coming to a very dangerous point. i was reading some night for talking us through that. that was all if he's off campus. thanks caleb. well let's also. c check out what's happening in on media what his contentions all boiling over on the streets as well as in parliament, reports from the scene, save that, placing instantly is 10 stomach when aids and attempt to disperse the crowd, the crowds full thoughts throwing fossils in correct local hospital se,
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but they have admitted of 19 people for treatment, including 10 police officers lost count up to a 100 protest, as have seen arrested outside of parliament. they with demanding the prime minister, nicole pushing young hand in his resignation. how inside the government and so things are going to see and just a moment here, officials started that own. well, something much report suggests that the boil down off to the prime minister in some military generals, put tablets and dessert insight on wednesday. pushed me on, said to the 1st time that on media will leave the collective security treaty organization. what we discussed is on folding situation with an associate professor at m g m. i o university's department of clemency. the please west is the, your lease, uh, sides of the story that can uh, read any benefits from, from what is going on for the very fact that, i mean,
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you used to be one of the staunchest uh, allies of russian. now they decided to withdraw o c s t o, i truly hope that this will never happen or uh, because they really believed that in good faith is of us. we the best interest of this nation. if our media decides to uh, withdrawal from collective security treaty organization, they could put themselves in a very precarious situation whereby this country will be so to say sandwich between the religion in cherokee and they are minor ally officer, but yeah, the, the color but john irving you concluded b st stealer, meaning it will face a diplomatic isolation because these, they have long uh, type of war between the 2 countries. it will not vanish into thin air in just several days. a fussing young glanced down on the opposition aggressively in
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a certain way and pro active that he, because it isn't for the best time that he sees so many people coming in groups descending to this feeds, protesting against squeeze policies. but at the same time, we see that he's very capable of politically surviving in this to melchor's water as off or median politics. when i was western states pad, you billions here often yes to you pray. the natured she says the book must make payments to kids. minded free insults and by claims that's the quick predictability which is needed. so in the nature of members need to come up with at least 14000000000 years. i really feel quite and we've always come of course, of a sick voluntary contributions. and they made a huge difference about the longer this war last, the more important news. so if you have more predictability, more comfortability,
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and also fair burden sharing. a thing for you by insuring nato, a big girl. it is. we can achieve this because you have, for instance, seen that i was, i made an announcement, but it doesn't been delivered on a free turn this into not voluntary to come to visions. but nate, the commitments, of course, it will become more robust, it will become a more reliable and for all these reasons, i believe that as terminate, the role will help you create to get the physical therapy that it needs russians. foreign ministry spokesman has a slam. the, the nato keeps running and cry saying that it's all boxed by washington's desire to get to you into a direct conflict with moscow. do you country is understand that washington is dragging them into a direct clash with russia on the mate to flag the historical pumping of the west
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in public with the thesis of the alleged imminent aggression of russia against western countries means only one thing the, by the ministration needs even more beloved shit on the european continent to keep both its own power and the american economy from collapsing. when we add from the co director of the international action sent us our founders, he says, the washing is washington's deliberate one going policy benefits us ons, industry on cost europe. so it is a gun to the head of every member of the you. every nato member and its intended to be that it is a threat that they have to pay and pay to us arms industry. it confirms once again, this is a war, it's for profit. that's why us fights towards a war for markets, for control of markets. it's a war to, to actually tie the you,
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even if it impoverish is that people tighter and closer to the less if it works to their disadvantage. actually, that's to the advantage of us industries and the corporate giants. so are they imposing it? absolutely, and it's, it's all supposed to be through general corvalle, who was a us on the general nato is always a us, commanded us dominated alliance that has always worked for the benefit of the us and captured other countries, dragging them in to continue the conflict. and they pay, they pay in losing pensions and health care and all the deterioration of so much as we also do here in the us. what i may have been has least attempt to randi support. but any questions about them is the landscape didn't get the rooms to welcome says he addressed the german parliament to parties, the stewardship posed on being she is and who both performed very well. in the
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recent you elections skipped the speech of a plane that you quite needs a piece seating need or not. someone escalating the conflict, i would have used to listen to speak your income with flesh. he's now only in office as a war and begging president. but it, ukraine does not need a wordpress, and now it needs to be present who is willing to negotiate, so that a dying stuffs and the country has a future. zalinski is currently contributing to a highly dangerous spiral of escalation and is accepting the risk of a nuclear conflict with devastating consequences for the whole of europe. therefore, he should not be honored with a special event in the german boon does talk during anti establishment parties on both the right and the left decided to fail on delays. these address to the german hardaman on tuesday, zalinski shows up in the house of the german people, dressed as usual, khakis and flex looking light was ready to go,
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kicking some windows at the local 711 and chancellor off schultz. and his government act like it's the alternative for germany and sarah wagner, next tardies that were being disrespectful because they just couldn't be bothered to show up. but the opposition just said that it's schultz who is being disrespectful to democracy. ones of the for the one here. this selection result also shows that the social democratic government no longer housing majority actually child is the shelves should follow with a very good example of the manual macro and play the way thing you will actions. and that is also all to montana, to ask for a vote of no confidence in the german and thunder stock and to clear the way for new elections. the people are fed up with the current federal government funds. we cannot come in by on zone it is also a very clear vote of no confidence against the johnson. i don't know schultz has came out of without the country. he has no more to do some i see there is no trust among the population in him. not as well as the logical consequence is
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a new election of german voters literally just spank schultz his party into the next don mentioned, sending them into 3rd place for a finish. and there were showing ever behind the anti establishment a s d over the weekend into european parliamentary elections. so after getting back up and dusting himself off, schultz runs right over to his whiskey, who has a personal blast radius for the popularity of his political allies in europe right now. that's bigger than any of their weapons that he's bagging them for. and show starts acting like zaleski is kind of like a kid doing a school recital and that the entire german part of it are kind of like his parents wednesdays up. they're doing new, same gimme money and gimme weapons routine. looking out into the crowd. and if he doesn't see every body altogether tearing him on, well, he just might have another tantrum and the opposition is like, well, you know, maybe this guy needs to stop being coddled because it isn't really doing his people
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any favors. hold on, connected. mrs. alaska spoke to the not only in his own name, but also in the name of the anti ukrainian people of 0. this about 38000000 people don't to show them the extended middle finger. what's the message to send to the society positions? if 600000 young men have voted with the thieves, it means he does not speak for this position for the entire crane and people. if 600000 young man sleep from ukraine to avoid minutes for service, then this shows that this escalation, this continuation of the war is not warranted by many politics presented by the landscape. the bunch of stuff basically leads to an end of this war on, you know, where all this german drama right now over zalinski is it's really just a parenting issue. schultz is enabling zalinski feeding his delusions. it's not doing him any good. the opposition refuses to do that and so stay instead on top. love western political discourse at this point has gotten to the point where it's like everybody who disagrees with you is either a nazi or
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a consumer really high brow right after the election shows these parties. foot soldiers were calling the same anti establishment. officials, nazis so which is it? are they red army or are they nazis today? seems to change by the day or even by the week. not sure what any of these establishment figures are so worried about zalinski hearing some rare western descent. it's not like he's going to be getting any of it at this upcoming. so call the peace conference or i guess you could call it safe space in switzerland, where the west is going to somehow solve this whole conflict without actually involving russia or any of its point of view. i mean, depends when you, when inquiry has compared to that as well. committed war crimes and goals, including quote extermination of palestinians in relation to israeli military operations and attacks and gaza. the commission found that is really, authorities are responsible for the war cry.


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