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tv   Documentary  RT  June 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
it will not file vanish into thin air at the end, just several days. a blessing, young glance down on opposition aggressively in a certain way and pro actively because it isn't for the best time that he sees so many people coming in groups descending to this feeds, protesting again, squeeze policies. but at the same time, we see that he's very capable of politically surviving in this to melchor's water as off or median politics. well, right, so listen, these as always is great. have your company was here on a mob. see international, the chicken all to come a little of interesting. so is that will be back in about 30 minutes the the
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the way you guys have processed the close of the couple of uses qual that is laid off. and the, like i said, you just said well, shit to do. good to go to the session. hey, mind me just just remove both mutual and that sort of fits in one of the issues of the no but
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still 3 on pretty minus lower the bureaus. those kids are going with the responses to the music. was a comfortable to go to them. frankie, yes. need to know sort of to use a through g is acceptable. can you go to buy cheap? i'm not going to have less than equal to 100. not like a group of producers of box, but additional for searching of the truck or present on the 30 something or am i supposed to question the? yeah. what's disney is the most close to the present? and just as do most the global struggle she model year with them. is that why the me from troy was see
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me in on the blue for sure full, the full share sort of, she knew over to go about the pulled up pretty good. the problems pretty good. they are on the vehicle. i'm interested of. so what do you look through each one bills? i need to just say just for your spine, it even loses. you come in the remote or variable store, deal with music. got these are for most commercial, so we'll just show you both of us. here's the way you see. ringback
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the link to our process, and i think the process of finding us to go as you know, this is us these though it is the by the way, the cover on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure on zillow and the best movie channels. yep. i mean shows from what i spoke to when you move it, but the other ones i could have somebody open these plans via general for you just for got somebody else come almost most of the plan or be able to develop
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more. you've got into another little depth of homes that you should see might of this year to should have credits. so i'm going i believe you're still stuff. i'm going to go on. you have to buy more stuff. when you want me to talk to folks from you that you don't a similar state of the move to the little more quote, but i couldn't remember your actual, somebody's the producer and you know, she's kind of mean the sort 3, but the, the nimble genuine, the phone call. so you come on in the book that you divide them and use the old daughter, olivia, they believe you're still doing the partial and the pretty more good on that. some of the definitely going to cover it, the more you're good. honestly, because you're the one i just looked at is the bottom solutions for formative my. but i know it's funny as them usually,
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and you're gonna click on those clips to just brush took on the course to maria. so those are kind of are still going to should have that level he is on that of course, and you're going to have that. what does what it is masking coverage, and we'll go over that. profess config the newborn you would like me to look at them actual because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them complex more and much less than that. you can use mine, but i'm still looking at the time that it's done all progressing here. which course does pushing more on performance because i didn't get it fixed. is that 5 of what you're going to perform
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a spanish spanish form because miles even the grid. and there's not born a factor for which i so we saw on the blue the a solution with the on your reference to load as possible is supposed to do that it would show up just because of the put the money up just because i because of them i thought of the mobile company which it nation preferred to the system that i'm on the i started professional management. i'm going to say i'm able to be careful the reason for confusion. the 2nd. but i was looking for somebody couple which has come from avenue 2 years to clear books and this bowl was the root ensure back of the neck, which of the decision on the table that shows. so here's the, come on,
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we have come on a for so that has to be social and it was always per month. plus the me and the new one, you're sure you bring your permission government to move the quote from us because it was 10 years mission, national of superman, ship them to the phone. we're going to just look at the show and we believe most of us as a refrigerator. and there's this machine. moses mission fell it to flush and spend money as boys on the law firm of just going to groups on us with that our lives are putting in the
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email the sure do is to on the other for numerous. so the 1st one was interesting, couple of the discussion here. look good right here. so we have a go to google to phone to see. so you know, just use is just the show more support for me. uh, you know, the uh, the truck, the new plus i get one new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was it? well, we'll watch. we'll move forward, you know, go to the noise unit to put it all for us. it took me, you know, to go up there so i'm going to
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choose you might be a vehicle. so this of the to the workers, right. gosh, that the thing about the answer, the most that you will see for us for we just find booking for this just because it easy to see the movie or was tom. yeah. the,
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the guy, the guy cheated. nobody here about the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play these are the scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's the bad use more, i have a, does this modem or will, it will compute some use the this is keisha sleep, but i do the more around the what thing with that single. if you put the move on the deal, a blog where people stand, the lady just go to chicago the assuming which to show for sure. for yourself. a lot of them both parties, the muscle on the vineyards in westwood. sincerely of novels orange stores. oh yeah . go to them if i'm just let some of the criteria conferences. bethany sure. so the jenny, both on the subjects, megabytes. we're used to move more of the webinar from us, letting yourself come around to most megabyte. but yeah, we'll just have to come on super should best get the full chassis of the
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ones who want more money back to you with the phone. you might just be the one of me so i should have good, you know, for the 3 i'm, i'm interested in you were when you pull chairs blackboards presents the executive ship, but they want to ship the junior and the voters. anybody ever? you have the animal that yeah, yep, that's a versa. yeah. so just need to fill those 2 mirrors of just all buses. felicia, exclusively on the bus. this is far too maternal and we can police because he go and you could actually just for the measure was pretty good actually thing with the basic up little bit actually it was listed because the engine was published and funding i terminated. so some of them because it becomes very yes i can sort of thing the concept in both pieces and it has been 3 a ship with some of the yeah,
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new blue of ships completely new g was yeah. you purchased coupling energy and answering the boy popular as invest offers will be able to me on the way people stand the photo shape looking for some of those 3 store supports. and for the last couple of us, i asked this mr. voss and i'm going to do a bunch of store them. it's a smart way to store them in some leasing regina produce. and i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw some of this i'm interested, i always recommend, it might be a good becomes difficult for people to commission. i spoke with a vision referral store. you're supposed to have them go with the boss. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st cuz i don't just go by with the contrast or nothing like that. i will just get the initial specials, total mission. i have some ideas here. we thought it was, this was the apple and the most pressure i was the best thing is of storm we all kinds of storm. so this monitor place for loop up on is i'll look forward to that 50 miles the
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less plus a flush to push it out of the home. you can you come temple because of the time comes doing the powerful government. god bless this, almost the super a hold of open position. really fun for 1st of all is doing to do for the news i never so far because of my old while still was 3. what, what about what was the email with a little sketchy, that you want the image, you have to pull, move a lot, moving. so there's the gosh, we've got the shipment to see more picture. what's the bottom of the hopes computers are you, are you doing? i'm store you for some i'm so i'm pretty sure that was the bulk of the funniest with us, with the e last to perform it scratchy, which is the beauty of it showed me lot of other things to is mark the
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philippines, the teal plus button. yes. but then you called me last night, but what most of the, the more the 3 of us scheduled for use the bumper which was given your smooth profanities. effective for them on the water is a part of it that the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without collision. let's go out of
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the it is so sad songs the long cause of dining which will not be available to people more still put us down with them. slew him about chance for the he will
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so that he was the by you to me and use. i mutual talk about us not in the or the the task of. busy the 2 was there was actually one of the do i have good, it was personal. she had called by someone, one of us and the ship 300 miles to elizabeth was about. i know of course your religion was designed. it shall be difficult to just to credit that as a graduate of school. we live in excess of the actual server because our musical talk was just a, can you deal from bodily to love just to have the better service or waiting for the 1st time to cosco get the job on the so is up and we just muse or so much may have dealer from hospice day of approach like
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a couple 0 most board. but when you're still 3rd assignment, as a very specific believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is the template and with a book i just sent it out. let me do that. i'm into conflict. jennifer is asked of feeling me, what is the problem? seeing what kimball is yours because this book 5 in bold talk. i ask them more than what you like. a visual. i will student that i'm going to be having a severe outlook. they will to point me in the car to them. bob, which could buy more. i'm after the class has a $34.00 separate order i canceled our capability to agree with the additional commercial garcia. what was easy, the notion of the the only is yes. you will just give you more room you guys to do. so what would you
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not do? filter to use it so don't know what the what was the issue you need. oh yeah. what the form i was doing the yesterday, i'm under a 100 and there's a nice how is this? if you're such a village, george, now go ahead or move negative. so as a split 2nd, to go over. i'm not from the start of variables status when course you've heard of a class from the from of color cartridge or is this the last to be reserved for conflicts or compare motors means just to go washer and you what is a sophomore year for me? yeah, i'm not sure what i'm what to do, who is here to pick it up? are michelle's to swing voters? somebody has a question. yes. can i see you in this notes? and this one, the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte of system? a choice?
2:50 am
yes. so you might be good on this. 2 of them are for you of, of the, on this to when it all started my us to on the you marriage with them and she has to, you me. i used the deepest bustle. mr. griffin was able to restart 3 of them, which did you method of doing? yes, there's also already, so the schedule is under the approximately 1 pm or as long as they go to the lift force between you to me since it was a move while the was me was in the. ready in the mission, i'm pretty mean, you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get the more to, i'm sick, you mean really senior stick. i'm, is that, and you know, i didn't mean the one i'm and you should those least possible mean wayne, but some of them can you see him look was pretty much, it isn't then when you just for getting in the web. no. meaning more than
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a religious for opportunities as a, as a we did as a woman. there, it's a, for the whole i'm the time frames to be. charlie was waiting for the interested in attending together for so who lives with somebody who's interested. he wants here, this is patty is continuous. who was this for you? are older,
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excuse me. that is how do i feel? pretty sure, most definitely the most part was that i can scroll and then you know, and you know the for the, for the for the sure that i want to do, i am said yes. tell me that you're
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not to do those pay it. and then we proceed to the play so good. i was just assuming that the month or 2 never one of the particles is different from your to just dollars. oh sure sure. can you got it yeah. but all i use is clear. you know, i, that all guy and for us to know i go to the phone with us for
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the purposes. oh, of course. then one of the particles is the use of the summer leo. so politically, often just needs of the matter. we'll look at it as you'd like. you can restore 1st of all what she quoted because the, the 3 key to the most. yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is made up of seem just, but almost the business of the research. i'm going to put those notes alone and i got a new build up for good repair that i am. and you want us to come up spectrum is this,
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this, this tell you that this is emily. you fired from the can leave is because of the got it. so what is the moist, what's me about not on the model on the across the board. that is for the the, the model for me to open the front of the most affordable plan which is the product that you guys are coming that through. a circle solution is what i was paying who would show for a series to get more information over to the to for both of the
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smaller this is the percentages are still yours to the vehicle to listen this to somebody to talk to someone the actual most mile to come out to them on the boat or is it the car? so yours. no. those covers without the cheese. burrito some other reason is uh the loan number of seats available.
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that's assessable for nothing. performed trips producer of visual pick on salt them. so you know, some of those at the grades or maybe of missed the girls for 1st as though it's actually most necessary, broken federal minister is, is or is lower than this year. and we're still on attendance or so they suspected the store $600.00 on the system for the stairs. but the whole new level of security on both ends will present an image or mean the year for assessments. and with that is the jews of the stuff she was look forward to the sheet that are very good
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stuff on her board design. very hope i'm noticing off the road. so just if the size of the price, i mean, so for sure. now divorced on this of those i sure the supposed online which is in which box to the g. custom. all of those special as much as well. great. and then i can see the
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more expensive and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called direction. but again,
3:00 am
you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state the size of this. so as negative pushes as member say, is to provide mandatory funding for you. great. a v. yeah. processes the us replacing your into a diag conflict with last a while the us led to minutes, the bluff arrives off of the tensions in europe. assembly is across the atlantic, a warning about the devastating potential of nuclear war before. it's too late for establishment, seek something else. and that of course, is american nuclear supremacy. we live in a road where other nations will no longer tolerate this. russia is one of the
3:01 am
origins indians right into this.


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