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tv   News  RT  June 13, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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is the best of part of the the largest value as renovations across has been reported off the coast of miami, florida, as russian brussels funded by the caribbean. the images of garza was 38 people have been killed by the idea of over the past 24 hours. local policy is demand immediate seeds far enough. we are exhausted every day we are forced to relocate to a different area. our young children are deprived of food and water. we have nothing enough is enough. the thing is right in the see the cash drive south american con, to set it up to the quote to the reform pushed by the president plus
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the most to exchange assist fund trade in dollars in euro's or the new round of us sanctions. the central bank said it worked affect regular people. i'm comfortable the lines of from our and so actually sent a most of this is all the international. welcome to the global news. i'll tell the story. u. s. a movie ships on the golf have been reported off because of by i'm florida and the russian bustles on, in, by, in the caribbean. now this video, so here at the online portal, so shows the deployment of us many people this of the congress, se them, cuz we're not able to independently verify that information. early a russian enable full arrived in nearby cuba. also conduct the monkey drills in the
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atlantic. this is the 1st time a russian free it over with 5 people it. and this also has entered the caribbean and then live and say to a russian nuclear submarine to pause in a coordinated computer simulation. just for positives, 600 kilometers away of this little kind of those nathan ship pushes for the west and men fuel lines to prepare for nuclear war. he says, and that is the only way to ensure things need to is there to prevent or to prevent the conflict. but we do that by ensuring that we have credible attendance on by making sure that there is no room for missed calculation by a most. ready or in the older of the so we have to be able to quit, failed to communicate that to our new, to the turn is effective, secure and reliable. and that's what you are making care by
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mobilizing, by exercising, and communicating a lot to do with the threat of nuclear confrontation looming, large and foot gathered in washington for discussion panel, i live, tied to the danger of the war is real. i must be stopped now. they issued a dia warning. you know, there was a time when nuclear weapons existed for the purpose of deterring nuclear attack. the same time we were seeking to gain nuclear supremacy over the russians so that our missiles would hit russia, the screeching in balance. and after $911.00 we went further. we saw a transition of nuclear deterrence doctrine, inter nuclear war fighting doctrine, where we embraced the doctrine that said that we could use nuclear weapons preemptively gets a non nuclear threat establishment, seek something else. and that, of course, is american nuclear supremacy. we live in
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a world where other nations will no longer tolerate this. russia is one of them, so it should should greatly distress us and concern us that we have a white house official saying we need to be prepared to execute if the president makes that decision. this is a great deal different from russian or trying to use doctrine. the russian document doctrine is it's based on the defense of use of nuclear weapons. so i can use them if they are eminently about to be attacked if they are attacked. or if the cohesion of russia as a nation is about to be destroyed by the attack of an enemy, or the slight escalating time. soon data shows the move signs of cooling down the head of the estimate as it is put in for in member states to make mandatory
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payments. take you to bolster is offensive against russia, a free turn this into not volunteer to come to visions. but nate, the commitments, of course, it will become more robust, it will become a more reliable and especially combined with a commitment of spending at least $40000000000.00 euros per year. and this will ensure that we have a more long term more predictable support for ukraine. earlier we add from a co director of an american, i'm to organize ation the international action center. so finally said washington's when policies are making billions for the us often to industry, but a cost in your daily. and so it is a gun to the head of every member of the
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e. u. every nato member and its intended to be that it is a threat that they have to pay and pay to us farms industry. it confirms once again, this is a war, it's for profit. that's why us fights towards a war for markets, for control of markets. it's a war to, to actually tie the you benefit in publishers. so people tighter and closer to the less if it works, to their disadvantage. actually that's to the advantage of us industries and the corporate giants. so are they imposing it? absolutely, and it's, it's all supposed to be through general corvalle, who was a us on the general nato is always a us, commanded us dominated alliance that has always worked for the benefit of the us and captured other countries,
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dragging them in to continue concepts. and they pay, they pay in losing pensions and health care and all the deterioration of so much as we also do here in the us over to dollars an hour, at least a $38.00 pass ends up being kill a 100 others wounded. but idea of a tax in the past 24 hours. one is a swipe. so if it does a city in the north of the enclave. a warning, some views may find the funding and we just the 7 its home all day passed away. and my date was tom, the 2 full members of his family were killed as several others were injured. 2 of his children all believed to have been trapped on the level of the law. and in central garza 5 people killed in 17 others in june and the native idea of a tax, according to local authorities among those injured with children, including babies both sides targets in the news, this right,
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the refugee camp less than a week off is ready for the field, $274.00 people in the area for you and has said it these. the idea of mike's committed woke joe in that right? yes. of children in gauze. i count as the nitty full 2 percent of all mine was killed in confidence globally last year. that's according to the united nations to, to 6, june to be issued this month as 5 years by some media outlets. meanwhile, the world health organization, the side of the law, about the number of children and go the suffering from a chief mountain nutrition over 8000 children under 5 years old had been diagnosed and treated for acute monday to should including 1600 children with severe acute monday tricia, despite the reports of increased the liberty of food, that he's got into the noisy, those, that those who need it most are receiving sufficient quantity and quality of food.
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avoiding st. you an estimate of a hall of gauze of population that's more than $1000000.00 people are expected to be facing starvation and even death within the coming weeks. passing, i thought he say that more than 37000 people have been killed in gaza, says the comfort to rumsey, last year, the un recently adopted a new c s y resolution, as locals in ga that'd been demanding an immediate and the vibe. i guess they have enough. we are exhausted every day we are forced to relocate to a different area. our young children are deprived of food and water. we have nothing enough is enough. me to ask what truly understands or suffering. tell me, as you can see with love behind all our clothes and belongings, everything people, pd's, we need the world to show us compassion. and i hope for a ceasefire to take place in what has happened to us is enough. it's over whelming
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well devastated police. i call upon all from nations to stand by us. he's writing and he says it has struck several of his beloved military targets over the border in southern leather, and that's off with amazing boot lot more than $200.00 real goods. miss alden drones at nolan is round on wednesday and what is called a we tell us a re move that has a little attack and we got on wednesday morning with a barrage of at least 90 real good for that. know then as well. the idea said it's shutting down many other projects of flies, new rums, it from some impacts, no injuries were ripples it. so you had a child, a suit exclusively sit down with the head of his what his political ways spoke about the conflict with israel orient, garza, his group determination and much more the lesson last not mostly. we are waging
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a brutal war against these rarely enemy. this is not a spectacle, it's a serious and fierce battle. the enemy knows the losses we have inflicted on them. we have blinded them, deafened to them, and disabled their surveillance systems. we have exhausted some of their capabilities that were supposed to remain hidden, but had to be revealed. instead, we're fighting the enemy on terrain where we know their strengths and weaknesses. well, we strike the targets we choose within this battle framework. the escalation might also put them into expansion ambitions. many probably understand this from our actions. another point to note is the apparent weakness of these rarely army. it's frailty has become evident because the army has lost much of its personnel. you will take at least 2 to 3 years for them to recover an army and which according to surveys, 45 percent of officers intend to resign immediately after the cessation of hostilities is not combat ready. the enemy, we face is not a super hero. the times when they were strong or long gone by the year 2000,
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they did not possess the same power. the aid provided to them sparingly by the american administration and its allies, crease, the appearance of strength. we must act based on realities i. e act in a way that preserves our sovereignty and assures favorable conditions for reclaiming our rights for which we continue to fight. and living on there is much discourse. people talk about what pains them. but when it comes to the fate and national sovereignty of the nation, we make no compromises. those who wish to protect the webinar from war should pressure israel and those they consider their allies on the international stage. so that they in turn, press israel to stop the war against guys. but oh, it's a south america that ogden to me is why they didn't the same just the cache. the country is still an approved, clint. so the, so he's on the phone, pushed by the president as thousands of people took part in the protest.
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2 days at least to guess i will take them. so it is in the capital. one is the, is the senate voted to overhaul the tags and welfare system. couldn't say the reforms are unfair and violate fundamental why. so let's just say it's impossible and incredibly narrow margin with just one additional vote in favor is still needs final approval before it could become an official. now while voicing the outrage, some protests of bud cause and through the all the spice go this moment. ricardo romero was hit by 2 gas while he was really focusing on the process. he wrote us the details from the center of the demonstration. the unless he may, i see in the, in the vicinity of the congress of the republic of argentina. tension continues to mount following a fierce clash between federal forces and protesters. we're talking about the
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federal police, the national dent army, and the argentinian naval prefecture, which advanced with a certain vehemence on the demonstrators, were trying to break and succeeded in breaking part of the perimeter fence that was protecting part of the congress of the argentine in republic. it is important to emphasize that this advance by the federal forces provoked among other things, a very strong clash with the demonstrators, with rubber bullets with molotov cocktails that flew from one side to the other with the dispersion through the use of water tenants of the argentine in federal police and the use of pepper spray to disperse the demonstrators in some way and in the sense to obtain the complete absence of the protests in the vicinity of the congress. the majority of the participants in these huge demonstrations are about 600 meters from where the congress of the republic of argentina is located. these
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structural reforms have some modifications, for example, the removal of some companies to be privatized, such as aero lenny is argentine us. the argentine in post office and radio television, argentina, the public and state media of our country, they will not be among the companies that can be privatized, or that can be subject to privatization, according to modifications that were introduced in the chamber, in the middle of a discussion that also echoed what was happening outside the congress. there are several people injured. some legislators such as the deputy carlos costs on yet the of the union for the homeland had to be treated in a hospital for injuries to his eyes. as a result of the use of pepper spray by the front will sources before all this. our comrades, diana dig long. and one garcia le, when we're working and collected several testimonies from those who attended and
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also suffered in their own flush, the police repression with these gases and with the fire trucks, the government trust that these modifications made to the build on the basis and starting points for the freedom of argentinians will allow it to have general support and specific support. so that this discussion in the senate will then passed to the chamber of deputies for a new revision. and perhaps they will have a law on this basis. this is a disastrous law for the argentinian people. it is a labor reform without severance. pay where workers pay the salary tax again. what president terminator? javier malay is empowered to take any measure for one year. we're international. corporations are empowered to invest in our country with a 30 year grace period on taxes. this law tax all workers in
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argentina. i'm a retired teacher and i don't want to be the last generation of retirees in my family. no, no, no sort of way that a lawyer maybe we can do then the president is not 0. he's waiting for us to set everything on fire. this man thinks he is an emperor. i didn't see any caught on this. so i'm physical sciences. pablo to die is that a spoke out against the guns is government. say it is a pressing and miss representing the people is suppose this of are you going to be someone i think the vote is very equal and i hope that the bill will not be cost because basically also the constitution. there are so many issues to discuss really tends to change the republican structure, the structure of institutions. and of course, this won't democracy. the demonstration you see on the sides and national congress is about depression and mistreatment until the people told. that's what this government represents. this is not to dictate to ship because the president did not
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come to power to recruit. but even in the initial decades of the last century and 0, the great the tire vents did not come to power. but through free elections was able to rule as if it was here in the, in fact, the leadership has said that such a situation can only be controlled through tyranny. in principles, if approved in general, the bills main points will be considered. but those already change of almost 50 points. that is, the legislation is no longer even remotely similar to the one that initially was as it has directly trump hold on. all life provides vice does have been one over so many years. i think that in college and to you know, there's something that cannot be done. that is to go against the device that $15.00, that goes as an economy news. now the last guys, james, is suspended for today in dollars and euro's also washington put sciences on buses . main financial boards now rushes central by. i said those trades can continue on
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the over the counseling market. and the house of them, of the exchange will not affect regular citizens and companies, the transactions with the us dollar and the euro will continue to be made on the over the counter markets. companies and citizens can continue to buy and sell us dollars and euro's through. russian banks all funds and us dollars in euro's, in the accounts and deposits of citizens and companies remain safe. the deposits and accounts of citizens and organizations in us dollars in euro's remain in the same mode of disbursement of funds established by the bank of russia. since he, what's happened is the must go stock exchange, which would be that's a way from the u. k. it would be all equivalent of the london stock exchange. it has set and current sees that you are allowed to buy stocks and she has it in, in,
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in russian companies like gas problem, new coil ross. and if any company is listed that what's happening now is you're not able to directly buy those using dollars in yours, but you can use other currencies be that ruble, chinese women be however you pulled up the point of all over the account. so what that basically means is that any russian bond can still swap fuel dollars in your eyes for variables and vice versa. you can hold dollars in your restroom bank account as well as variables. so the average consumer is really affected by it. they just going to have to combat the funds into a car and say that the most case stock exchange will now except why? because it said that, i mean in, in the statement said that the average will, every day russian wouldn't be affects to. so every single russian bank that does accept dollars is still doing sites, the central bank has not restrict to that whatsoever. and indeed we looked at the sort of the, the, the resilience of the banks. and you know, when, when use like this happens around the box, you can see some fluctuation and the price of the country's main currency being the
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rest of the people. we didn't really see an effect until we, so some of the small bangs adjust the price. but every major bang be that the sped bang crushes largest bang for any of the big bugs in a must. a way to keep the right i was looking at the right this morning. it's around i $0.09 to the, to the variable on the dollar value time, which is about the same as it's been all the way through. and indeed, we've seen some fluctuation between label and all that. since you and i have been actually hearing about a couple of years, i'm sure you've seen it yourself, but it always seems to a comp, a back to where it should be, which is around the mom was saying, right now, i think it is a tumor, right? because we're seeing a massive label movement towards the door rise ation. when, if we take care of some news from saudi arabia, i believe this week, the saudi, they have a 50, a treaty where they exclusively have to trade that way of as, as in us dollars. now we know that not going to renew that treaty because they've already agreed with the chinese that they will buy, the chinese can buy a boil from them in chinese women be so i think really the process that's happening now is by the us putting the sections that only just accelerating their own demise
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of, of an etc. i think the don't arise ation. in fact, i think we put upset from president boots and we were actually outlines his opinion on this deal was due to what today's, the american authorities are breaking their tools of success. the dollar is one of the few instruments of the united states greatness with their own hands. they are pushing the withdrawal of participants in global economic activities away from the dollar. this is happening because of a reduction in the size of the american economy and the actions on accelerating this process in a way. so as we can see from not more out of in present pages making that point very clear. there's also another, another sort of ad snippet of news that he mentioned is about the world bank, which is not really a good friend of ross is, has, has changed. it says it's due to the full cost. again, that was 1.3 percent growth for russia. it's now that outside between 2.3 to 2.9 percent. so really, these, the seconds is a completely an effective but let's take this further with the
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us, alex report of why he's doing is like a from china. all right, so it's good to see there's an interesting topic but covering today. but how would you assess this, the new round of sanctions that washington has imposed on the moscow excess? i mean, do you think that they will so status the hut, the russian economy a well 16 and a half 1000 sanctions havent. and this is the typical american play book of bomb bankrupt and once again, ban. and they're using one of their last tools here, their currency. and i gotta tell you, it's starting to get quite comical here to see, to what extent america is going to shoot itself in the foot here. i mean, the world bank is just the said 2.3, g, d, p, revise for russia. the americans are holding a high interest rate right now. still babbling installation. oh boy, what are they done now? yeah, is how many of the china is for?
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and this is for just size the american status, and let's just put this into that together. and then i'll see you a bush football team, which is all china never accepts any unilateral sanctions. the normal economic and trade cooperation between china and russia is not subject to any 3rd party sabotage or interference. so alex is washington is moved into input through think ink on size would say in russia, in china, in any way is absolutely a relevant the, you know, the chinese and russia, they are trading over 280000000000 a year growing by the minute by the 2nd, as we lived here in china, we are seeing more russians come here. more russians doing business. i was it the world largest count on fair, here in april, and heard nothing but deal was being made in russian rouble and the chinese currency. so america is, as i said, relevance here, and, you know, here,
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here's the problem of america. they're trying to, uh, you know, use their forced worldwide, of course, by proxy in the ukraine and nieto that failed. they've lost a half a trillion dollars for their average citizen tax payers, and they have to face the music. they have to tell the american individual be prepared for a lower standard of living. this is reality coming to america. as what, why interesting, you know, many people have done rooney consider when they hear the word science and they think the whole will dispatch anymore. so basically, i'm fully know either of the states straight and easy to know that but a sudden flaw is when i mean why the agree that these western sciences hasn't really affected all proven to be effective against russia. what isn't it says in a sense, as also to why do you think that is
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a i think this is the last blow to of us, the dollar eyes ation in russia. this is it america saying ok, this is our hand. now you play it, russia and russia saying, you know, hey, we're okay. we're getting by on this. and the americans are sitting there scratching their head saying have we used everything in our arsenal while they certainly have this was the last the stand the america can do. they went after this currency and well, business as usual. i something else here where i see, you know, when we see president by know, all the united states. uh for west. the nice thing in the essence, the dollar. well, lou of the country is then look at the united states and the say, well, you know what, you know, every time i didn't do what you telling me to do, i have to now. so the receive, the roster of sanctions is going to move people away in the future from dealing with the united states. well,
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i have to say excellent point that you are pointing this house because this is exactly what's happened as china. be able to say it's one belt one road out towards, you know, we're up to a 154 countries. right now. these are relationships being built by run by china. and of course, across the entire world, a 154 nations that are put me putting politics aside, putting issues aside to political issues aside and doing business in trade. now, do you want somebody on your side that is helping you build ports and prove your economy and prove the livelihood for your people and not throwing sanctions and temper tantrums that you? well, that's china. and these countries are getting more bold. they've seen very clearly that russia can withstand 16 and a half 1000 sanctions in growing and being banned by trading its currency to the dollar. no problem. these countries are going to be just fine because they know
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that they're being backed by china and especially russia. last question audits, before we get here at off let's this phosphor, imagine with 20 is ahead. we'd like you to see the gear pumped into the world. very much different than we are now with the resume of, of the united states. perhaps in the rear view mirror to me 20 years into the future. i think we're looking maybe 5 years into the future. we'll hit that 20 year reality quickly. uh, you know, united states has pretty much cut off russia if the average person thinks that, you know, if this conflict in the, in the ukraine and russia is going to come to an end. and everybody's going to kiss and make up. and these are, you know, sanctions are going to be lifted. it's over. russia has moved on. it's moved, it's a 140000000 people. they are close ties with russia and they care more about what the russian rouble trading to the a chinese r and b, then the american dollars. it is over that relationship is long gone. never to read,
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be returned, especially my life time. that's for sure. all right, one so so, so as always, always very good talking to really appreciate your insights and thanks for joining us here. thank you. i'm not seeing tonight. i see you take care, bye and dislikes the ever growing voice is a condemnation of israel's axes. one global organization that has remained silent is the international olympic committee with the power. so my guy was just a month away move approach as has been painting a stein against isabel's participation. they want oil is what happens to be forced to compete under a neutral flag. and they took the message to the, the big capital itself is the city of new. the crowds gathered outside the eye sees headquarters decry as well as the actions in gauze as genocide. the slight the protests, the committees president has says,
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the gains are all set and ready to go. the process organize the need, does send. it says it's only for the big committee beacon system and it's all, it's the phone number. you must be in utah. stick the same decisions on, on, on the test to get people from again, gillian, bunch of you for the success of the spring when it's been, was a must, must be in the big display munition. all the countries have to be do in the same new jobs and to take the same action against everyone. see this for is to inform these folks out of the issue. the why can decide months of the participants or ones is the mountain bugs. and the coming through is, is that i was doing the jewel side, distributing double relations and keen with t. as in fontes, a guest bedroom, i live. and i know you're probably just.


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