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tv   Documentary  RT  June 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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the question, did you say it's even closer to the the way you guys have processed those quotes of the couple of uses qual digits of laid off and the said well shit to do. good to go to the session. hey, do you prefer mind me just
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to say move? well, sure. and that sort of fits in one of the issues of the no, but still stay on pretty minus lower the bureaus for us to use this process. smile goose to the music. was a comfortable to go to them. frankie, yes. need to know if i was to use a through g is acceptable or can you go to brands if i'm not going to have less than equal towards them on like a group of producers of box but initial researching and with the core puts it on the back, is it something, am i supposed to question the? yeah. what's disney is the most close to just press just those do most the global struggles,
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the model here with them is that why don't you more about the was see man on the blue for sure. full, the full share sort of she knew over to cover about the hold up pretty good, the promise, particularly your vehicle interested of. so what do you look through each one bills? i need to just say just for your spine, it even loses. you come in the remote rules are very powerful deal with reduces music. got these are for most commercial, so show you both of us. here's the, in the with the
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blue link to process the process of finding us to go as human services. so it is the, by the way, the kind of fight on this oh, there's a lot of pressure on numerous movie channels and shows from what that's what the
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deal is. i could have somebody open these plans via general for you just for got some of the discount, almost most of the claim or be able to develop more . you've got to the depth of homes that you should you might of this year should have credit is a lot of ambling stuff i'm giving you call on you of obama stuff when you want me to talk to folks from you that you don't a, she's listed at the moment it's a little more cool, but i couldn't room. yeah. and you know, she's to, somebody's the producer and you know, she's kind of me the sort 3 but that he knew about jenny costello also become available that a new device. i'm gonna use the old daughter, olivia boulevard, and still doing the partial and the play more good on that. some of the definitely going to cover it, the more your girl honestly,
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because you're the one i just looked at is the bottom solutions for formative a month. but it was funny as them usually, and you're gonna click on those clips to just talk on the course 2 more, you know, sort of kind of a show back mission as the school year he is on that, of course. and those are gonna have that with those orders mastercard, or she and little girls that profess config the when you go on, you would like me to look at them actual because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex complex complex more any less, less the next time
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that is done, come on progressing here, which core dice pushes more on performance because i'm going to take this is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form because not even the grid and there's not going to apologize, but we're still in the blue the a solution with a new reference to load as possible is that it would show up just because i used to put the money up just because i because of them i thought of the mobile open brain, which admission proceed to the position. i don't mind the expert as professional management. i'm going to say i'm you please repeat carefully. it is a confusion the 2nd, but our form for the smart and simple which has conform as when you have to use the
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creative of this bowl. was the root. i'm sure back from the neck, which of the social on the table there so. so here's the thing. come on, let's come on a for. so it has to be social and it was always per month. plus the liam is a new one. you sure? did you buy a new machine? come on the new quote from us because it was 10 years mission, national of supplements, you come to the phone. we're going to just look at the showing we police as well as the garbage stuff, a refrigerator. and there's this machine moses, we should start with to flush that spin menus, boys on the farm of just going to groups on us with that our lives are putting in the
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yard of the blood. sugar was 2 on the other 20 more. so the 1st one was if she got the decision here, look good, i hear you. so we have to, we would have to phone to see. so you know use is just the washer more support for me. uh, you know, the, uh, the was it of just give me a plus i get one new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was. it will move, watch will move forward, you know, go to a new number is unit to put it all for us to, to know what to do is up there. so
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feel free to choose who you might be a vehicle. so this of the to the work i'm sorry gosh that the thing about the answer, the most the 2 of them are gonna be i'm sure lots of scratch are we just signed
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booking for this just because of egypt to cease or was tom. yeah. the only, i think the guy, the guy cheated nobody who wrote the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play, he's going to of course the scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle . and if there's a bad use more, i have a sense is more and more when we book a piece them use the this is keisha sleep. but during the month, the what the month of single if you have to move, why not deal a blog with you post the lady, just go to chicago assuming which to show for sure. well, here's out a model. both parties, the maxim owns that he needs in west portion, city of novels orange stores. on the 1st month, the cartoon, it was by fishers,
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but the journey boats on this best megabytes were used to move more of the blood, vs from us. like you said, the combined gross megabyte, but yeah, most of the stuff that come on from so she'll push it. that's just the full chassis of the woman who thank you with the phone just now just to be the one of me. so i should have good, you'll see an order for the 3 i'm, i'm interested in your when you pull chairs on the back, what's presents is that gonna ship on today? i'm going to shut the junior and the sound of the every of the animal that yeah. yeah, so for the versa, yeah. well, if you ever have listed just as a few of those 2 mirrors are just all buses, felicia, exclusively on the bus, this is starting the 3rd when we come to the colors the other go. and you could actually just for the initial was pretty good actually going with the basic up
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little bit that's it was listed because the engine was published and spawning i terminated. so some of them you said you'd become very impressed. yes, i can sort of thing the concept in both pieces and it has been a 3 a ship with some of the yeah, new blue of ships completely new g was yeah. you purchased coupling energy and asking the boy populous invest, offers all the of the me on the way people stand, the photo shape looking for some of those 3 store supports. that's a good novel. this company was i a solution thoughts? and i'm going to do a bunch of store them. it's a smart way to store them in some way. did you not the do, said i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw some of these i'm interested. i always recommend the funds gift of the commission. i spoke with a vision, referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st and then i'll just go by with the who just will never feel like i will just got the in the show for sure. all still mission last was i guess the thought it was this was the apple or most restaurant was the but sensitive style for your cousins storm. so smart it replaced with luke about this i
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always thought was pretty quick about 50 miles. the less plus a flush to push it out, it took me, you've got me come temple, negotiate time comes to deal with the powerful government. god bless you this almost the shape of a hold of open position you really found. suppose the story is doing to do, but ideally, we're still in the news. i never saw so far because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with the deal sketchy, that you, what the issue is? you have to pull, move along the lines set. oh gosh, you got the machine that you see mark b as you. what's the bottom of to the 1st? computers are yeah. you don't, you store. you put something,
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i'm flame for sure. what was the bulk of the furniture that should be less than performing scratchy with the beauty of it showed me lot of other things to is mark . this is the if i give what it's looking for slipping, the deal is that in your box and you called me last night, but what most of the, the more the 3 lives a scheduled phone, usually bunker, which has given you a smooth proof of fan and we'll talk to store them on the
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dining room, which will not talk to people. most of what are some of them seem about him for the he will so that coupled he was the by you to me and use i mutual talk about us. many of the in the past the. busy total potential
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annual stores are critical to do i have because it was fighting she had told by someone one of us and the shipping automotive elizabeth was about, i know of course your religion was his own. this will be difficult at the george compared to that as a graduate of school. when we live in the cold, such a sort of cause musical to close deals. but can you do somebody to love chest, to have the browser to show you for the 1st time to costco? the joke on the so is up and we just muse are so i'm us may have dealer from hospice day of approach like a couple 0 most board. but when you're sort of a farmer as a very specific believe the thumbs up just as the one that is done, but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me do that. i'm in the gym from desirous of feeling me a look. i used to come see them. would you demo deal is because this book 5 and fold. oh gosh, the more than the comfortable what you like visual. i will store the severe i'll be
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able to point me in the car to them, but which could be more i'm actually questions lately for some of our i canceled our capability to agree with the additional commercial garcia. what was easy in yours? does the news or the the only is yes. you will just get the hope. you're well, you know, we're owing you guys to do so. if i were to not do a filter d, this was, this was the issue. you need to do the former. what do you see on the under 200? i'm sure there's enough. how is this if you're so sure. village
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george now go ahead of my goodness. it was a split 2nd from glover not from the start of able status. when corner you kind of ash platform the some of comes all apart or is this blast? i believe that's a conflict to confirm of this is just the washer and what are the some oh yeah. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm what to do, who is here to talk about barbara shelves to swing voters. somebody has a question that you have to go see and let you know. and here's why no gosh, full or the gigabyte of suits on the choice. you know, so let me give you my the go to mr. my 3rd year of, of the women of record my us from uh, do you mind with own shows, do you me, i used to do this, but so much to get them. would you restart 3 of them, which did you wanna do?
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and yes, there's also already, so a little sketches under the warranty. as long as they go up to the lift force between did you miss it was in life. and while it was to me, it was a number, but it was cut off at the, in the mission. i'm pretty me and then you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get it more to. i'm sick, you me go to finish, to come use that and use them. you know, i didn't mean the one i'm and you should the least possible name wayne, but someone will see him, but i was the cook was bringing mind to this. and then when you just virginia, beloved no, mean you more than a religious for opportunities is or they will use a woman really to, for the whole i'm the time frames. charlie was waiting
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for the interested in attending together for me. so i'm just going to do most news some of these when she was here, this is betty is continuing with louisa with the machine was used for doing that folder. excuse me please. how do i just go to this within the 1st 500 default and then you know, and you know the for
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the for the, for sure that i want to do, i am said yes. tell me that you're not to do this. let's say i think we proceed to the play, so get this part of the words of god just as soon as a month or 2
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. now, one of the particles is different from your to just dollars on his arm. i didn't go shopping and it was pretty sure it's uh yeah, but all i is is we ask you about why the adult guy ambrose to know. i go to the phone with us for the most part. just because a lot of them are just a little simpler. 3 of them
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are 2 things in the matter of a look at i should like you can restore 1st of all what she call it because the the most yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is made up of steam just but almost a business, if it was working and you put those notes alone and i got a new good repair that i am and your phone chest of commerce, which gave me this. this does tell you that this is emily. you fired from the suction leave case because some of the moist, what's me about not, i mean that, i mean that's the cost and both got it for
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the the, the model for the middle of a front of the as much as part of a plane door to bring it replaced, which is the brother that lives in is almost the whole show for a series to come warm, fresh move, which is 2 of the most of the hotel, the smaller this is the remote in the book is
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still yours the, the business to someone to talk to someone the actual mos mile to come over to them on the boat or is that the car so you as not those covers without the cheese for yours matter. reason is a loan number of seats available. that's assessable for not one performed truth. producer of results. so i'll get them. susie, also known as the creator. have you ever missed the discuss a girl? it's far as far as though it's actually the most necessary.
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broken federal minister is 0. is slowing down this year. and we're still on attendance or so it's just after the 1st just to someone don't let us do a system for the stairs, but the whole new level of security on the present. and then it just means that it's just an incident with the g sounds of stuff she was not going through the sheets that are sort of stuff on cardboard. designed via email as an awesome and is, i don't know. it's just if the size of the playlist i mean so for sure, now divorced on is that is i sure i
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suppose the amount is on the bridge, but the g as well as the special as much as we're going and then i can assume the
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the what happened on october, the 2nd was a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against billy jimmy masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here. and that will take there, right. and is there is there, there in just surrounding the entire area of the body became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship terrible tragedy and terrible revenge because okay, so i am, i know who the me to come off the, the, on the flow especially the play shall be the,
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the, the cause of being prevented. drop one seems to be the one, it needs to be what he wants to do, peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? except that i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new shells. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please. as you have the state department to see i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time,
9:00 am
but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside. the russian warship arrives in the head, vada west and media claims. washington's keeping its telescope probably focused on the caribbean. but moscow once again gets assurances that the move poses no threat to anyone. ruble along with the chinese you on top of the trading markets in russia assumptions to be the dollar and euro head out of the door. and that's according to the russian central bank, the disturbing images from guys off with 38 people that they killed. and these release twice of the past 24 hours destroyed local says that there isn't enough is enough at this point and demand an end to the launch it enough. we are exhausted every day we're forced to relocate.


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