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tv   News  RT  June 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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it's the, the washington doesn't need a peaceful euro died, which is of the us deep states on demanding even little blog. they need to flop with your team continents with a moscow slams. washington saying itself is, policy is put the whole of europe into chaos. and that's us made to his chief lobbies for old members space to make mandatory 8 payments to create disturbing images from guides of where 38 people have been scale the news release twice in the past 24 hours. distort locals say you're not physically now demanded and to the bloodshed enough, we are exhausted. every day we are forced to relocate to a different area. our young children are deprived of floating water. we have
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nothing enough is enough. the rouble along with the chinese, you on top, the trading markets in russia. assumption see the dollar and euro head out of the door and that's according to the russian central bank. the, well, this is our team to national reaching you live for my new center with moscow. i a michael porter with the updates that nato is preparing for a war against russia. man, that's according to the foreign ministry spokeswoman, who claims a peaceful europe is nothing. the washington's interest, their luggage scheduleonce was made to, has been preparing for potential on cost with russia for a long time made to declare the country quote, the most significant and the threat to the security or may to members state labor as well as piece of the military in the us line to create transaction when it's
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done perfectly well, and that's the washington doesn't need a peaceful. you're awesome. doesn't provide all which is of the us. the state of the mom thing, even more blog, it leads to florida. your team continental. that is what i think that pushing your piece to the edge, it typically which will help them supply the car and collapse of us politics. while this comes, as washington has been laid, key of using its weapons, including long range ones to strike russian territory. and the fat guns also went down to western countries as set themselves. the goal of transferring f 16 find the judge to you. great. by this summer, they to his chief has feel the rhetoric further by claiming it's time for the alliance as members to stop putting the money where the amounts are and make fun commitments in bolstering keeps defensive. a free turn this into not voluntary to come to visions, but nate, the commitments of course, it will become more robust. it will become
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a more reliable and especially combined with a commitment of spending at least $40000000000.00 euros a per year. and this will ensure that we have a more long term, more predictable support for ukraine. however, not all nato member states. i told him the blocks line that despite of called a palm more ready to ukraine. poland has refused to try as far as patriot air defense systems. the key a. the american battery will be replaced by a battery from another parts of the world. opponents did not agree to transfer the powders, battery powders, patriots defend the pony skies. and this will not change now set off loud as from the anti war group, the international action center, i believe the washington's war mongering policies are making billions for us alms industry, but costing 0 daily. so there's
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a gun to the head of every member of the e. u. every nato member. and it's intended to be that it is a threat that they have to pay and pay to us farms. the industry it confirms once again, this is a war, it's for profit. that's why us fights towards a war from markets for control of markets. it's a war to, to actually tie the you benefit in publishers. so people tighter and closer to the less if it works, to their disadvantage. actually that's to the advantage of us industries and the corporate giants. so are they imposing it? absolutely, and it's, it's all supposed to be through general corvalle, who is a us on, in general, nato is always a us, commanded us dominated alliance that has always worked for the benefit of the
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us and captured other countries, dragging them in to continue concepts. and they pay, they pay in losing pensions and health care and all the deterioration of so much as we also do here in the us. all the data chief has called to make 8 zekia mandatory for block members. the slovak defense minister has accused his practice of treason for standing, fight a judge to ukraine, and says he's filed a criminal complaint over the matter. would you give any sense of running? pulled up the ministry of defense will fall a criminal complaint for several facts that would violate it did not matter. i think that there is no longer any reason to tolerate any lies that some politicians show here weakening the armed forces in this way. country to the constitution cannot be described and not political dictionary is anything other than freeze and there is no other word for it. so i don't know if it legally constitutes a crime, but he is
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a person who betrayed national values will also be good. so voc at hand at 13 soviet era font a. dex new trend. lots. last year, on the basis of financial governmental agreement, signed in 2022. at a previous defense minister has rejected the treating claims saying all legal considerations have been taken into account when he's produced as a a. he's success a to the office in october last year as part of a rabbit fits as new government. so of august sadie would no longer send arms to you trade from its own ministry, spots of the countries from a prime minister. i believe that the ex ministers defense might not be as bullet proof as he thinks of the for me. so that's as you add this up not to saturday day or do you guys in the systems do 1000000000 as a member of the. busy of the very mean of the government after the
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after the loan, the collapse of your former government. so talk. yeah. and that's all due to both additional slovakia, such as the government cannot do video the seizures involved in, you know, and for your policy and sending to complete the research system, a sort of guide me to, to wednesday for the gentry. in this case, you gain, of course it is a cdls and or to get meta. so at the end of the minister of me. so for the 1st d, a in that time it was in february or march last year he solved in the d, v. a paper and the dog that he has it is a very low and the eyes is that he goes to do it by denial. nobody can
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find this. the so called that eagle enterprises. and he goes to the former minister, so definitely installed a lot of data. that is we are sending, they said this just that we just es 3 and 300 system harassing the system because we really get you're a better assistance from the rest. everybody. good bye. to but we did not get so now we have no and direct me. so system and we have a we had to get money for this as $300.00 send it today is sites do. ready you gain by the they didn't get anything, but i think it is the largest damage you ever got
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been while in the caribbean. naval detachment of russia's northern fleet is docked in the port in cuba after conducting military drills in the atlantic. it's the 1st time a russian figured to armed with hypersonic muscles in his answer the caribbean. apply to the fleet also includes an equally, i saw marine before arriving in cuba. it took part in the coordinated computer simulation to strike targets 600 kilometers away in the atlantic ocean. western media claim the washington is keeping a close eye on the moves of political scientists that i'm on the mendez revise believes that any concerns i hypocritical bother us giving. it has its own military basis all over the world. in the us has always been in high alerts. they don't like anyone being on their back yard a. they call it weekly, then those types of words. yet they're very easy to put an alert in on the news
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that there is naval ships and submarines and whatnot of russia in the caribbean, but they don't mention of the help that russia in other countries give to tube. we see american troops and american bases all over the world. it was speaking about latin america in the example of cuba. we can see their presence, the columbia. we can see the price, the oppressors in jamaica. we can see the presence in cuba. we have on time so it's very hypocritical of the. ready us to stay on high alert when the world is already occupied by naval bases by military bases of the u. s. over the world. if this is a problem that they're rushing ships in cuba right now, then, and it's a larger problem that there is military presses of the united states all over the world. what are the leaders of g 7 nations gather in easley for the court? the last key at midwest in the hopes of escalating the treaty in conflict. european leaders are still reading from election lock this romantic incumbent sentiments. that's what the confident. however, it seems they're still holding onto the idea that they are the ones to offer the
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weld quote, shared values. see tanya, she really chose to host the summit of the leaders of the g 7 and polio and it was not a casual choice. we did it because it is a region the in the self of the, the lease. and the message that we want to give is of a g 7 that under the tale and presidency wants to strength and dialogue with the nations of the global south. the g 7 is not a close in fortress or that has to defend itself from someone, but rather an offering that we make to the world of values that can be shared by for more on this less cross live to our, to contribute to rachel mazda and rachel is good, just have you join me now. so tell us what should we expect from the d 7 summit as well? it looks like the g 7 fortress is. the new e u garden got to go out and meet with the rest of the crazy world. but without getting too close, wind you, the south of italy will do that's about as far as the d 7 can actually go in the
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direction of the global south without actually loving anyone from the global cells into their doesn't fuck, well, except japan of course, which is more the wes token friend projecting the g seven's interests in the west interest into the global sales rather than representing any real effort to take the global south interest on board in the g 7. also the working language of these g 7 summits is well, yeah, pennies. so why did a yapping about this particular meeting of ukraine mostly biden just absolutely was his usual competence and confidence getting off air force. one in italy is reportedly using the summit to cyber security agreement with ukraine, which will only last as long as by and as president, which may not be too much longer. it also doesn't commit american troops to defending ukraine or anything like that. it just commits to buy them ministration for as long as that happens to last to work with congress to find cash,
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to sustainably support you freight, or rather the american military industrial complex, under the pretext of helping you frame. similarly, canada just announced that it has rummaged through its closets and found some decommissioned by the way. that's fancy, talk for dusty rockets that it's now sending to ukraine because having russia below them up is i guess easier than taking them down to the local recycling depot. maybe justin to know can even get the tax payers to pay to replace them. but not the great kind of like the americans are doing. the problem is though they're all these g 7 countries are running out of tax pair goodwill to keep paying for all this they're kind of onto the racket at this point. so these guys are trying to figure or out how to nail down an agreement at this summit on how they can just get russia to pay for both sides of this new. busy or a conflict by using interest on russian assets are frozen in the west and taking
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that money and quote, lending about $3000000000.00 a year for the next 10 years to ukraine. zalinski with ukraine featuring prominently in the corruption index doesn't wanna give off the vibe of a guy who would give you back your loans. lamore, let alone 30000000000 bucks. there's some other g 7 greatest hits on the agenda, like climate change and war in the middle east. things that seem to be getting worse, the more these guys me to talk about them, or at least they are not getting any better. even the west or mainstream media has noticed what a bunch of checklist losers to put it mildly. this particular group is except well, from maloney who's anti establishment party just one big and last weekend's european parliamentary elections kind of the tendency right now across the use, particularly in the west where these guys are actually holding power. the others have one foot out the door and the other on a banana peel biden is in
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a tight race up against a guy. trump, who's rocking up felony convictions like he's going for some kind of high score. a record to go keeps doing interviews with podcast is the 2nd time now since march in which he wines about how hard his job is british prime minister issue sooner paul. the election in looks like he's in deep trouble. francis michael last huge it to the anti establishment party. national rally run by the nothing depend last by doubled the vote in these you elections and in a total tantra and called the snap election nationally for the end of june. and that also looks like he could be in trouble. schultz, the german chancellor also lost to the anti establishment right there were showing ever for his party, came in 3rd, and is under pressure now to prove any shred of remaining democratic legitimacy at this point. japanese prime minister for me. busy because she has bottomed out in the readings and faces a tough upcoming leadership context in
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a few months as well. so really can't wait to see this particular class. photo of this year's g 7 problem is there just might be not enough guns caps to go around, arrive with ways to see how these things play out the retail mass, then how are they contribute to thank you for your insight here. now he's real attacks on guys that in the past 24 hours have killed at least 38 palestinians. and when did more than 101 slide targeted, gather city in the north of the enclave. a warning that you might find the following image is disturbing. the home of a policy in, in paramedic, was headed. one of the strikes, full members of his family were killed and several others injured. 2 of his children, i reported to be trumped onto the rumble, and then the central gazda. 5 people were killed and 17 others injured in the
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latest idea of attach according to a local authorities. among those when did with children, including babies, those strikes, targeted big news arrived refugee camp less than a week after he's ready for his. ready 274 people in that area of the un has said he believes that the id f may have committed war crimes. during that rate the debt is often sold and engaged, accounted for nearly 40 percent of all mine, those killed in conflicts globally last year. and that's according to you, and just that this makes due to a big issue this month and sided by some media outlets. but while the world health organization has found to the alarm about the growing number of children in the end place suffering from accurate mom nutrition, a significant proportion of goods us population is now facing catastrophe conduct and farming like conditions over 8000 children under 5 years old had been diagnosed and treated for acute monday to should including 1600 children with severe acute
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mileage we should according to who estimates over half of the guys us population that's more than one median. people are expected to be facing starvation in the event. i'll even death within the coming weeks by the scene and move forward. the say more than 37000 people have been killed in guys. this is a conflict throughout that last year. although you and recently adopted a new c 5 resolution as the locals and the and quite if i've been demanding an immediate answer of the got to the complex, they're very fast enough. we are exhausted every day we are forced to relocate to a different area. our young children are deprived of food and water. we have nothing enough is enough for me to have what truly understands or suffering. tell me, as you can see, will love behind all our clothes in belongings. everything people, pdf, we need the world to show us compassion. no, no, but i hope for
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a ceasefire to take place of being what has happened to us is enough. it's over whelming well devastated police. i call upon all the nations to stand by us at the rush, and now the moscow exchange has suspended trading in dollars. a euro is after washington slot, new sanctions on ross as main financial boys. now the central banks, as of the move wouldn't affect over the account of the trading for the public and businesses, the transactions with the us still and your i will continue to be made on the over the counter market. companies and citizens can continue to buy and sell us dollars and yours through russian banks pull funds and us dollars in euro's in the accounts and deposits of citizens and companies remain safe. the deposits and accounts of citizens and organizations in us dollars in years remain in the same mode of dispersement, of funds established by the bank of russia. essentially, what's happened is the most coast stock exchange, which would be, that's a way from the u. k. it'd be all equivalent of the london stock exchange. it has
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setting current, the sees that you are allowed to buy stocks and she has in, in russian companies like that's a problem. new coil ross. and if any company is listed that and what's happening now is you're not able to directly buy those using dollars in yours, but you can use other currencies be that ruble, chinese women be however you brought up the point of all over the account. so what that basically means is that any russian bond can still swap you a dollars in your eyes for variables and vice versa. you can hold dollars in your restroom bank accounts as well as variables. so the average consumers are really affected by it. they're just gonna have to combat the funds into a car and see that the most k stuff exchange will now accept. but because it said that, i mean in, in the same is that we, i, rachel, every day russian wouldn't be affected. so every single russian bank that does accept dollars is still doing sites, the central bank has not restrict to that whatsoever. and indeed we looked at the sort of the, the, the resilience of the banks. and you know, when,
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when use like this happens around the box, you can see some fluctuation and the price of the country's main currency being the rest of the people we didn't really see in effect until we so some of the small buying was adjust that price but every major bank beat up the sped bank, crushed as largest bank or any of the big banks in a must. a way to keep the right i was looking at the right to this morning. it's around $0.89 to the, to the rouble on a dollar value time, which is about the same as it's been all the way through. and indeed, we've seen some fluctuation between moving and dollars since you and i have been actually hearing about a couple of years. i'm sure you've seen it yourself, but it always seems to a couple of bucks where it should be, which is around the mom with thing right now. i think it is a tumor out there because we're seeing a massive label movement towards the door rise ation. and if we take care of some needs from saudi arabia, i believe this week, the saudi, they, they have a 50, a treaty where they exclusively have to trade that way of as, as in us dollars. now we know that not going to renew that treaty because they, but what do you agreed with the chinese that they will buy? the chinese can buy um oil from them in chinese women be so i think really the
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process that's happening now is by the us putting the sanctions that only just accelerating their own demise of, of, and, and etc. i think the, the right agent, if i think we put upset from president to, to move actually outlines his opinion on this. it was due to what today's american authorities are breaking their tools of success. the dollar is one of the few instruments of the united states greatness with their own hands. they are pushing the withdrawal of participants in global economic activities away from the dollar. this is happening because of a reduction in the size of the american economy. and the actions are accelerating this process in a way. and so as we can see from not more out of him presentations, making that point very clear. there's also another, another sort of ad snippet of news that he mentioned is about the well binding, which is not really a good friend of ross is, has, has taste. it says it's due to the full cost. again, that was 1.3 percent growth for russia. it's now that outside between 2.3 to 2.9 percent. so really, these, these seconds is a completely and effective ross on for the animal x, but
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a member all the prosperity on the all the council on for and in defense policy, alexander los of says, of the west, west own actions of cost to dump cloud over the data, the, i'm going to start working currently we see that many companies are attempting to offload dollars from their accounts, which is contributing to the strengthening of the ruble. the dollar is becoming toxic and everyone understands that the current package of sanctions may not be the last. the us treasury could even force american banks to completely close corresponding the counts per russian banks. in such a scenario, everything held in the corresponding accounts of russian and american banks could be frozen for a very long time. consequently, both dollars in yours are becoming very toxic. if we also consider the current efforts to confiscate the central banks assets, this could seriously impact all international finances in the system of central banks. what are international reserves?
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their reserves created by central banks and major settlement currencies to balance the domestic foreign exchange market and the balance of payments and trade balances . and if the countries in whose currencies these reserves are created and violate international law and try to confiscate the assets of a central bank, this is a very alarming signal for all other central banks in the world. this means that relying on major currencies for international settlements becomes impossible. therefore, it's necessary to transition to some digital platforms with new currencies, specifically central bank digital current seats. it's necessary to move to mutual settlements and national courtesies and develop new information, financial systems analogous to swift. this will of course, significantly fragment, the global market creating the mosaic of various sectors and regions interacting with each other. this is detrimental to the world economy, as it will reduce cross border capital flows. however, it provides a tremendous opportunity for many regions to pursue sovereign development. there's
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no rush to about, maintain market stability and savvy was modeling retaliation measures. a number of chinese entities have also been added to the new us options list of aging condemned to move bribing it to legal a football team would use old china never accepts any illegal unilateral sanctions. the normal economic and trade cooperation between china and russia is not subject to any 3rd party sabotage or interference of air pennsylvania new sanctions had been mitigated by moscow's k. t new move away from the dollar and euro in trading. and that's according to the russian central bank. over the past 2 years, the role of the us still and euro and the russian market has consistently decline. this is the results of the redirection of trade flows to the east and the change in the currency of sacraments to roubles you on and of the currencies of friendly
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countries, beset. i'll see you on a most scary exchange. trade in may was 50 percent. the us, you on, has already become the main currency and exchange trading you on rouble exchange rates will set the trajectory for all the currency bias and will become a guideline for market participants. we have to wait and see what changes to all the boxes we will decide. uh oh, they are not usually fast to make up their minds. yeah. somebody will need some time. but if you on space and will be trained to hold off on the products market, it will be a beast of allies. in fact, um, for both all foreign exchange rates and fort starting communication. and yes, what, any single dollar? what am i supposed to forward exchanging on the most good focus check with you on you on as being sofa and ease and will be the major. 1 sate externally without a wall full of majority or fashion and takes photos and import us and the to begin
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to play more and more important role for. busy car capital flows, dogs much. that's all for example, now after decision all for chinese counterpart is the one will also be moved from uh, most of the stock exchange. and the does not mean that you are who become less important for the community, for the external communication across from the non trading links. uh full time type . no, but i don't see all the options that you are saying to me just for scott on 6 of the major uh, external breach. without a wall try small. the lot is supposed to be the height of summer here in russia, but to rest. so storms over the last few days means a moscow more closely resembled the venice. really lions where in on day to the, with a lot of what does that, that to rational ratings on wins that to the russian capital,
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roads where touch to rivers with cause and bosses left abandoned. and people almost having to swim to get around web a forecast as vo say, light is on the horizon with such a weather on the way of the for that's all for me now, my colleagues. hi, scott taylor will be with you at the top of the uh, with more stories and updates by now the, the the,
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