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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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of late but yeah. the the hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered. i'm peter le, about us secretary of state anthony blinking is an odd character. he says he longs for peace and justice for the people of gaza. but all a while he acts as israel's lawyer on the international stage. such a lawyer is merely an undertaker of the rules based order, the cross talking palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he's
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a legal and media analyst in tampa. we have larry johnson, he is a managing partner for burg associates, a former c i, a analyst, and us state department counterterrorism official. and in oklahoma city we across the joshua atlanta seas, the federal mackey chair and director of middle east studies at the university of oklahoma. or a gentleman comstock rolls in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated joshua, if i go to you 1st, what do you make of the us secretary of state, we had the us president at the end of last month. suddenly bizarrely announcing a potential ceasefire agreement that was came from israel came from the is re lease, but he is introducing it. and then we had the secretary of state and go on his a trip to the middle east. i don't know why you have to keep going. if you're not getting any success, why don't you keep going back? and he, i watched him during his press conferences. he seems to have him in his mind some kind of pre a piece process. but nobody else can understand. i mean,
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what do you make of this as well? i think it's really you have to understand american politics and bite and jumped in to this, this fray and the gaza, almost immediately on the side of israel saying that there is, there's no life between israel in america and i'm going to back israel completely instead of withholding american approval and trying to get a gauge on the conflict and bring both sides into negotiations. america has really has really for 2nd it's um, it's mediating position and now biden's isn't real trouble. i think he thought this would be a short affair that he could jump in on the side of israel. reap the rewards of that which are, which are very important in the united states. because we have to remember that most americans do sympathize with israel and certainly on, on the money side of things,
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which i think are extremely important here. pro is rarely, americans have tremendous, hasn't had much more money then, then the air of americans. and even though you might lose some air boats or air of american votes, you, the money will make up for the difference. and that's been by the strategy since he began campaigning in delaware many years ago. he's a died and what was the scientist? and i think that was the calculation he made and it was a good calculation. the trouble is that nothing yahoo has dragged us. we're on and set goals that are impossible to achieve. and by just trapped, he's trapped supporting somebody that he feels increasingly more uncomfortable supporting. but his entire machine is designed to, as he cannot abandon israel. and the republicans are taking us to the bank. they are there. they are according jewish votes, jewish money, and they're laughing at the democrats who are beginning to cave in front of this,
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this war that is so bloody, as turning international opinion against america and ruining, as you say, the rules based order that america, we're going to get very, we're going to dive in on that one in the 2nd part of the program with larry. so he the draft. yeah, well, it's a trap, obviously, larry, i mean, again, what we've seen if we look at what's been called the peace process in the middle east, which i think all of us would agree has been a sham from the get go. but the united states now is ever taking to for itself being the sole arbitrary, decide or of what this policy should be. it hasn't worked for 30 plus years. why do they think is going to work now? and on top of it, larry, with all of these meetings, they blanket has been going to 8 times. now, what do you bet my friend always talking about is normalizing relations between saudi arabian israel has nothing to do with god. so go ahead, larry. hey, of blankets trying to lead a parade, but the problem is there's no marching band behind him. so what,
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what it was transpired over the course of this uh, this war started on october 7th. and the, this coupled with what's going on in ukraine has led to the increased isolation of the united states. i look, us, us play book has become, it's got 3. it's well, you know, 3 things. either you do what we tell you to do, or we're going to impose the economic sanctions, or we're going to go to war with you, or we're going to run a cover colored revolution against you as well. those 3, the diplomacy is going out the door. yeah. you know, blinking is proved to be in my memory. and so, you know, i'm, i'm old enough that i go back about 70 years, all the singularly most incompetent secretary of state we've ever had it. because part part of being, you know, this leaving diplomat is to have some credibility of the world compare and contrast
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blake and with love for all, laughed ros is not only see a big man physically. but he literally as a giant's, in terms of diplomacy on the world stage, he's somebody that the other countries respect, they listen to him, but with blake and he just flat out lies. and the lies are not even there are artfully done. they are there crude and, and they're, i've seen and it's live is put on display with this latest raid claiming that the piece plan that israel came up with it. israel rejects what. okay. all right. yeah, i mean, i, you know, i've, i've often said on this program, you know, the saying is future historians may explain to us, but i think we're going to need psychologist to explain how some people been behaving in a line on the what are the things that i think you and i have noticed and you've been my wing man here all along since october, and i really appreciate that. but you know, every time we talked,
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it's how the narrative has changed no way. right? where shifting, you know, the words the means the, the, you know, the emotions you know, of, or will you condemn her mouse, you know, is we'll have the right to defend itself. you know, we must condemn and tie some because it doesn't move the needle, it at all. and i think that's what makes the secretary of state and, and the people around to look like the food. i'm sorry, vinyl a good addition to the metix. now we have the troops in the trope, as you know, years ago there was a law professor mind what i said, that doesn't make any sense. and he says, no, you just don't understand. well, in this particular case, not only do i not understand, it makes no sense. i am trying desperately to figure out what is this particular plan. and why would i ask for anybody agree to their disillusion? i don't understand that that is not a point that makes any sense. in addition, you have this recently, i should say with andrea mitchell is the grand inquisitor the torque ramada. we're
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not exactly as if somebody known to be hostile towards the by an administrator. basically, just disassembled, blinking, who sounds in this timorous side style of prevarication? i've heard hostage videos that come across more certain if you're a diplomacy is based on an upcoming election. if what your doing and what you're telling the american people is dissatisfied. voter blacks and demographics versus actually trying to solve the situation. we're doomed. one final thing here in the 1st of all is we always thought the, the issues that absolutely activate the news as of this particular issue. or quote either pro, how much pro palestinian or anti semitic rabble rousers in subways. or people who have face homes or the activities of groups of people showing violence representing this collective drug by means of this pro palestinian anti semitic pro
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terrorist bunch of hooligans and, and uh, and we'll pull drones and, and that, that, that's what we're say. that's what we're talking about. so again, i'm in this desert island in this parallel universe, and i come on and speak with you once a week where i get my kind of just re injection of reality. but then i returned back to this world of does anybody know what's going on or when the answer is resoundingly, nope, well, you know, to show it talking about reality here. i mean, i, i how i can help but think that, you know, the by didn't ministration and, and, and it's a allies in europe in particular that what they really are irritated about is the perception. everyone can actually watch this in real time. that's what irritates them, i don't think it, they're particularly bothered by the atrocities that are being conducted here. it's just that they're all associated with it. that's what bothers them. it's not the fact that the genocide is actually happening. maybe i'm wrong, joshua,
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i know you're absolutely right the, the, the effort to turn the page in israel's effort to get al user out, to kill, to kill journalists, which is really been extraordinary. and to, to clamp down on the narrative and to set up all of these bots on twitter and other places to try to push out the as rarely narrative has been extraordinary effort and the united states has aided in this effort. we've seen it on the college campuses. we've seen major donors to both presidents say that they're going to switch parties if they, if they don't line up and continue to support in the united states that a separate and is real in its effort to destroy what is really a wholesale destruction of gaza. you know, as we know, every university has been destroyed and many schools, mosques, all the various hospitals and particularly the news agencies. so this is,
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this is effort to hurry, medically, seal, gaza is, has failed though, because i think the international community and particularly air of americans have woken up as a force and they're not intimidated and they are getting their story out. now of course it's reached mostly young people in the united states. we don't, we haven't seen older people really begin to turn against this policy. but increasingly, you are, and there's been a ton of intimidation on campuses, on uh, on the news shows. you look at wall street journal and you hardly see a photo of a dead palestinian. it's amazing how the contrast between something for joshua, how heavy have you also notice in the coverage of it, the, the use of, of the passive voice. people were killed. people weren't bombed, but you don't know who was doing the bombing. okay. or a place. you know,
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they don't even want to say the word palestine. they, they built the, they didn't nice, they make it, they make it a historical and it's very present to us. have you noticed that as well? well, i think that, you know, it's all over the social media. people are constantly pointing out the hypocrisy of these papers who that who, who generally decry passive voice, but here when it comes to headlines for the gaza, it's all passive voice. there's no subject doing anything to anybody, and everything is a big mistake. so this is, you know, big the, the, the, the, the edifice of the u. s. narrative is really narrow. all right? we've got you, i have to jump in here gentlemen, we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on palestine stay with our to the the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin new york state on the rush, excluding sports, the ortiz both next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say it's a request which is the pause acceptance and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new sho. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to
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make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say welcome back across stock where all the things are considered on peter le belcher manual discussing palestine. the . okay, let's go back to joshua. unfortunately, had to interrupt people to go to were break. now we're back. go ahead a night. well, you know, the speaking of the narrative, the international community has really begun to sally forth and put a lot of pressure on the united states and israel, isolating them. and there's been a steady drumbeat of efforts to push back on this, whether it's from the international court saying this is tantamount to genocide whether it's from 3 european countries, ireland, spain, i believe, norway, recognizing the palestinian entity in the un and,
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and vast majority of the international community, i've now recognized um the palestinians as a national entity. so, so this is the product and there's been widespread demonstrations across europe and it, and this is beginning to take a toll on america step, standing in the international community. yeah, well, you know, larry and this administration like touted, you know, the rules based order. i'm, i've done programs honored outcome quizzing everyone. what does it actually mean because it never is explained. it's just understood. but larry, you know, i have um, mockingly on this program called blink and the undertaker. and he's the undertaker of the rules based order. you cannot, you cannot back a genocide of a people and say that this is part of the rules based order. i mean, this is the us has turned into a mockery around the world. the reason is that joshua just explained,
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go ahead. larry is to try and understand u. s. foreign policy. you need to be wearing a neck brace because your head, so it'd be spinning in both directions. you know, you're gonna have to call some uh, a lawyer to go get you some compensation. but the narrative breakdown on all across the, the front number one, united states, all we support international law. but we're going to punish the international court of criminal court for daring to issue a warrant against these writings. the other part of this, so is this kind of consistent lie that how moss is a major terrorist group? the facts of the matter are this, these facts are drawn from the of the website or the is really foreign ministry. from the year 2000 september of 2000 until april of 2024, april 26. the foreign ministry publishes the facts of attacks against israelis,
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by palestinians or foreigners, by palestinians. during that entire period, 618 attacks. 1552 debts on the part of his release are foreigners to compare that with a 45000 palestinians that are dead. and you're telling me how mazda is the major terrorist organization in the middle east? no, it is real. well, the original era body count that all of us know with larry, you know, it's never said in western media that you know, made it clear. i'm speaking the obvious. i'm sorry, i have to say to my own program. these are occupied people. this is occupied land, they are a resistance group that is. so you actually were to say that then it would people say, oh, resisting what they're resisting an occupation. i mean, if you, if you, if you cast it that way, then it starts to make sense. you know, because everything didn't start on october 7th, a little, let me, let me go to you. um, joshua has already mentioned it and we, we,
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it gets that unfortunately is what determines what side of genocide you are as money apparently with donors and all of this. but you're looking at the election here. that's why bite and came out and was such an awkward speech in an awkward moment and he made the undertake or under um to pursue it in the middle least on the ground. but then we have to admit that among some voters, genocide is on the ballot and that is something they will not compromise. and you know, it again, you're saying you're in the bubble here. that's 2345 percent of the democratic voting population that can turn an election line on we always reference this and i think you gentlemen will agree. you know, when i 1st started in, in talk radio was 1988 and this, this was the time of in a rush, limbaugh and am radio. and there was this, this article of faith that you never did. one of 2 things. you never dropped the f
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bomb and you never, ever, straight anything regarding is real. it was just for both and, and, and it wasn't, it wasn't even said it was a narrative. and frankly, it was perpetuated and promoted and promulgated not out of any kind of zion this theory, but we just didn't know about it really didn't know better. now what i am seeing is a proliferation in absolute so nami, of opinions and platforms. and i am able to pick up my phone and tap into the world and realize my god, i had no idea. and there are so many people right now who are so shocked there. but when they feel like they've been misled number 2, they're not worried about definitions of genocide versus ethnic cleansing versus apartheid. and now we're finding out that narratives case, uppercase narratives as to the most in conceivable sam pectin. paul,
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our room shows are being disputed and, and being and we're having relatively same media organizations. they know that did not happen. so now we're saying what is happening. so a lot of people may not know their voting. as you say, peter, they may not be aware of it, but for some reason they are awake. it's this woke iteration is something nobody ever inter, we're a week in the world is, well, can't use the same troops that you used to use 10 years ago. well, i mean, why know, and we started doing this, the 1st thing you said to me everything has changed. and now i will look at the term being woken, a very different light. i have to admit, not sure how we just solve been played. i mean, this whole shirad about, you know, israel's piece plan and all that. and now at the end of the day, i'm awesome. can't say yes. i mean, have we been played with this all the theater? joshua? well, it is in clark theater because the united states has failed to push on the 2 state
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solution for 30 years now. and, and we're, we're paying a paper for it right now. we thought we could brush the policy any issue under the rug and, and as we saw with our statement saying the middle east is that it's most stable point before the prize attack. and um, and believing that the abraham accords with go, it would go forward without any any problems. and now that is all a crumbles. and we're seeing that not pushing forward the 2 state solution, allowing israel to really take the westbank and turn the west bank into what is going to become gaza is just set the series of type loans in front of american foreign policy in the middle east. where we're, we're losing our allies, we're losing any goodwill. and it is going to leave america very isolated and we're
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seeing already iran becoming much stronger because of this war. russia is becoming stronger despite ukraine and so forth. and is establishing relations with china with jessica iran announcing that they're going to have a new, a new trade route with india for russian goods coming back and forth between india and, and, and so forth. and so all these alliances are building and the goals and saudi arabia are going to make off like bandits because of this because the united states is so worried about losing them to china. that is willing to just sort of cast in front of them, a weapon systems that they wouldn't use to sell and dis, defense of agreement. and america is becoming desperate to, to try to show up its position in the middle here. but it, but joshua, what joshua, let me throw it over to larry. i mean, i always point to bring up with larry, how is all of these things in america's interest for a little tiny apartheid state halfway around the world,
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they're willing to do lose all of this of goodwill and geo political influence. i mean, it's extraordinary, isn't it? as well? yes, but it is, underscore is how corrupting the money that's in the political process has become, i mean, he's rarely american is really by public affairs committee. k pack has been so powerful in buying off the members of congress and trying to punish them there's, there's been very, very few that have tried to stand up against that pressure. and so it is completely skewed. the american political process, you know what, we're really hostage to what i call the exodus name. if you remember the movie exodus leon, which i betrayed you know, or little care blog. karen, you know, this is deadline. a delicate danish girl who gets murdered by those evil arabs at the end of the movie. and as he is riley's march off, you know,
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determinedly to stop, you know, to have frida and the music swells. that's, they've been to the theme of american politics for the last, you know, since that movie came out 60 years ago. and it started to change though, because there is growing dissatisfaction. go, i growing opposition in the united states to say, and with that we have to support israel or whatever price. and then on top of the, as riley's or the, the, the consummate of, i guess the self destructive personality there, there, there's that all of the tree is leading them to do things that literally draw comparisons with how the nazis treated. the jews in the warsaw ghetto and the lot schedule and they get those that sprung up throughout poland. and the only the only thing the is really is are not doing or are loading the palestinians up on trains and taking them to death camps. they prefer to keep them a place in kill. yeah, well, you know, line we have one little one minute left, you know, they were now we're in the stage of pre bunking may and just silencing people for
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expressing or if citing facts, even facts. okay. and, and, you know, we've seen so many personalities now have their career exchange because they spoke truth, some power light all but 40 seconds as well. we're going to be finding out that there's going to be a kind of a, a red badge of courage that, that a mark of truth. you know, there's an old adage that you only take flak when you're over the target. and people in the old days of being debunked as a crackpot are now basically say you must be saying the truth. and interestingly enough, for this new platform of digital media, we now listen to them even more so by virtue of the fact that they've been expelled from the public conversation. so it's having a reverse effect, right? correct? yeah. well, well certainly, i think it'll be a badge of honor and, and, and that i think for all of us and i'm thinking about, uh, our legacies here. where were you, when you saw all of these things happening and did you say anything about it? and i think it's very important even to, you know, pretty thinking about your own humanity. anyway gentlemen,
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that's all the time we have a fascinating discussion. i want to take my guess in new york, tampa, and in oklahoma city. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc and next time remember prospect the the for more than 200 years before moscow was the seat of power. saint petersburg was at least blended the capital of the russian empire. and it was here that the roman, our family established a tradition of luxury high end items like imperial porcelain and establishes the
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pope wanted to come here since i was 12. when my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long and i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me. but then i came. and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier in life than i am here in lester. the i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here. like jay who worked as a chef and now raises gods and makes cheese in the countryside series. like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i . us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safe or land tire life then living here the
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the and hello again everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. and it could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into share with china. so very to know, forget democracy. he's talking about ukraine by the way, forget democracy. forget the destruction of ukraine for get the thousands of people who are dead or dying. senator lindsey graham explains the real reason for this country, america's involvement in ukraine. and the reason is that a lot of money have rick sanchez, let's do it the, you know, it's always been known even by some of the friends that i have who went and fucked
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in iraq. and a lot of them came back and we became buddies. these are like, you know, who hob military guys, and they always said, you know what, the real reason that we went over there. the real reason that we were in the rock, it had to do with the fact that a rock was a country that was so which and resources and brimming with oil fields versus what the guys went over there. and fox came back and told me as a reporter when we talk, or even just as friends. but now i asked myself, and i'm sure you probably asked yourselves to the same thing be said of our current involvement in ukraine. well, victor or bon seems to think so. i want you to listen to how boldly he tells it. well, tells it like, it is essentially calling out his nato member colleagues. here's what he says. he says, and i'm gonna quote, right. he says the fact that the western war mongering leaders wanted to feed russia.


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