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tv   News  RT  June 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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on the international stage, such a lawyer is merely an undertaker of the rules based on the so to want to negotiate a peaceful solution to the conflict in ukraine. the way to get there is to provide mentor support to ukraine. just ahead of the says, how does it in the summer for you by name to it. so the only way to resolve because it is a ronald problem to move to the game. so here is designed to, this is a previous as it committed, praying that by giving away weapons. so you claim we hear from a full, a slab top of fish and says, documents through the years and just divide aged kids on now suddenly loss. now nobody go to find base the so called the energy. so now
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we have no entire system. flush is what you see. it is hold a massive, i'm feet government protests outside the national parliament demonte the routing code. they shouldn't make a deal with how much to end the war with pressure the government to let them know that the public supports of deals. they have come here to demand hostages and captives. they deal the live almost the same money as well. and so to me is renews is starting now. so just ahead of, of the pay summit in switzerland to focus on the thing calling for joe barton is calling for an escalation by re, it's always in his stalls that falls is may fly at long range weapons into russia.
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about 2 weeks ago you changed course to allow ukraine to fire us weapons into russia, given the reported successes, would you consider further expanding the parameters on us weapons into russia? even despite your concerns about escalation is clear that the near broad meaning just across the lines of the, the border with russia and ukraine. that it makes a lot of sense for ukraine to be able to take out or combat what is coming across the board. in terms of long, long range weapons, longer range weapons into the interior of russia. as a 70 is agree on a prior to send $15000000000.00 for them. see lots of assets to you. great. washington a. m p. they've signed a security deal for the next 10 years. it also sees the us supply of ink when i was
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weaponry and other equipment, as well as providing training to boost keys. 4th is washington is also to consider more ways to use confiscated russian assets to support you claim. the u. s. has also reaffirmed that you plan will have a future in nature. this all comes as switzerland is about to host a. so cold peace summit for the queen colgate, the conference is intended to create a proposal based on positions in those slides that i'd ski about. 19 countries have confirmed they will attend, but out of a 160 that were invited that russia has not been allowed to participate. that begs the question. is this somebody, it's really about piece that may well the head of nathan says that resolve in the conference may only be possible by main keys.
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so if it wants to negotiate a peaceful solution to the conflict in ukraine, that ensures that your claim can continue. so democratic, a southern nation in europe, the way to get there is to provide mentor support to ukraine. my proposal and that's not yet agreed among allies, is that we should agree a minimum of $40000000000.00 per year. but the cost of the optimal, at least sustained the level of med tech support we have provided so far. sadie ray, but i have great. so i move including china as well as many of those have said a piece proposal would be futile without include in law says input. well, it says the form is insisted, it will not touch and any such forms are based on an old. so made them push fluid visor. lensky, i'll take the saw it into the ski as the details a,
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let's talk about peace, peace between russia and ukraine. that's what this weekend somebody in switzerland is supposed to be about. but before it's even kicked off, they're all more than a few issues. first, they russia, isn't that? so it's a bit difficult to come to an agreement when it's not at the table. most good wasn't even invited. but given the agenda is all based on kids idea what piece looks like. so says it would have turned down any invitation anyway. and it's not the only one showing now has been clear without russia. this is nothing more than a tool can shop pm, how you doing things on your own to arrangements for the meetings still fall far short of china's requests and the general expectations of international community, making it difficult for china to participate in china has always insisted that an international peace conference should have 3 important elements be endorsed by both
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russia and ukraine with the equal participation of all parties. and the all piece proposals should be discussed in a fair and equal manner. otherwise, it will be difficult for it to play a substantial role in restoring peace on me, but the call for a full dialogue. think too much, but she has the savanski hit fax, suggesting china's acting is russia's poodle. is 2 inches deep. unfortunately, using china's influence in the region rush, he's doing everything using chinese diploma as well. to disrupt the the summit. it is, unfortunately, it's such a large, independent country as bo, fullest china. easy to and put in tons. well, south africa has confirmed it will send to delegate it to is concerned and nothing decent can result from it. we would like to see the 2 in the room and we increasingly working at persuading that that should be a meeting in which ukraine and russia present what concern. but they have been many
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way. it is only ukraine and other countries that i invited our own advice was that it may be beta to have a meeting at the officials level between russia and ukraine and then subsequent to that, move on to a bigger conference, but before deliberations between the 2, even if it's such a inception stage, we felt this wasn't really a good step to take because it took me p at a rather than a real focus on achieving a cessation, or indeed the appropriate piece, a negotiation. but even those who say they support this tool can shop clearly on that convinced that it will buy fruit to bind and will be just across the board in italy for g 7 meeting. but he is not bothering to turn up his excuse. he needs to campaign back in the us instead, lensky will have to make due with biden's b, p,
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kamala harris, a woman who used to hope by now his progress from her elementary school understanding of ukraine in conflict. so ukraine is a country in europe exist next to another country called russia. russia is a bigger country, russia is a powerful country. russian decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. so basically that's wrong, harris instead of bided. it's being hard to sit and ski to hide his disappointment, e. i wish i should present by them. i thing to be some of these present bite and other leaders need him. they are looking at the reaction of the united states of america. if he is not the put in will applaud, putting himself will give us that innovation, which and i meant to be really clear while you were being leaders like my colon sholtes are attending,
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given the trans thing that policies both just received in the e. u. elections, these guys don't have much power to wield. schultz, for his part seemed to think he might be attending l for the co full conference. this peace conference in switzerland is the basis for the next step. therefore, this is the plant we are watering now, which we hope as many people as possible will help to water so that it will become a well developing garden, which will then create the possibility for peaceful development. schultz is who we are. anyone in the you that is obsessed with tending to he's gotten yes you to is that law then we have built a golden habit. if he works the rest so there will most of the rest of the goal. it's a jungle and the jungle could be made, the goddess and the gardeners should they gave it while i'm sure, show sign bar, i'll have reading. the thing is, the boot zalinski is prospects of getting his garden growing all foss diminishing
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things, as we know, are not looking. what was the for you frame on the battlefield? so well have has it's 10 point plans of peace. it doesn't have the means, the backing, know the ability to pull this off. so let's see, could once again find that is western back as a simply leading him down the garden pulse, cambodia, passage attitude and invitation to attend the source of it saying peace can only be achieved by bringing both russia and ukraine. so, negotiating table we had for them to come boat in the royal academy palsy honest, don't to assign a suit. and he said his country does not expect it's a good outcome from the summit. i therefore chose to opt out a completed we have been so so that was available and we need to go for longer times and in the dispute it up kimball the uh, the,
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the new that in the really wanting me to sort of process and bless. all connected property being wanted to join this cost. we do show that that is the that is the experience of cambodia as well. and that is also the englishman of kimball, the lead us our former. but i missed the sign and also me, i believe that it is just a kind of a but wasting time to go in and enjoy. because what would be to expect that the outcome that you expect from this? i mean, nothing that we have more up to season, but as for us, yeah, i mean, upset us, i mean they, they, they have the state to an excuse for us a russia this way, and that's with the vaccine. but that is not the solution. so full cambodia and the mattress and that kimball in kimball,
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they decided not to join because we've done this. but the good outcome that we'll have, penn from the somebody, campbell, with the support of peace and stability. and it was then easy to send me the tokenized by the united nation. maybe the somebody is quoting digits by the united nation through a couple of weeks joint. because to cambodia, support peace and stability in the world. but because in this case it is where the defense wild and a 3rd to 5 coal to make a to t mandatory for all the members. so this husband is a kid is, is pretty just as of treason for sending 5 to so you claim and it says he's filed a criminal complaints with alaska, which he given. he said for running, pulled up. the ministry of defense will fall a criminal complaint for several facts that would violate it did not matter. i
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think that there is no longer any reason to tolerate any lies that some politicians show here weakening the armed forces in this way. country to the constitution cannot be described and not political dictionary is anything other than fries and there is no other word for it. i don't know if it legally constitutes a crime, but he is a person who betrayed national values for most of it goes. so it was yeah, honda, the 13. so this arrow flight of jesse ray last year on the basis of an integral rental agreement, signed in to and to talking to the previous defines what is a, has the treason claim saying, oh, nasal considerations had been taken into account before agreeing to the deal with queue when his successor took office and i'm so the loss is okay. i said it was a note on this. i don't see a claim from his own ministry also. but a former slovak pm believes that the eczema says defense might not be as bullet proof, as he thinks of the deadlines. yeah,
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those are not the saturday day, or do you guys in the systems do 1000000000. busy as a member of the. busy of the very mean of the government after the collapse of your former government. so like yeah. and therefore these do both additional slovakia, such as the government cannot do the seizures involved in, you know, and for your policy and sending to complete the resources that most of the economy to do wednesday for the gentry. in this case, you gain, of course it is a cdls or to meta. so at the end of the minister of me. so for defense d d, a,
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in that time it was in february or march. last year he solved in the d. v. a paper and the dog that he has it is a reading of the eyes that he goes to do it by denial. nobody can find this. the so called legal enterprises. and he go to the former minister, so definitely installed the lafayette. that is, we are sending, they said this just that we just, es 3, have 300 system harassing the system because we really get you're a better system from the rest. everybody good bye to but we did not get. so now we have no end dial me. so system. and we
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have a we had to get money for this. s 300. send it today as sites do you gain by the didn't get anything, but i think it is the lowest damage you got it and then the other guy. 1 the graham columbia, to the supervisor and renounce economists. jeffrey sikes says the west is derailing any real negotiations and the client calls a i'm is instead pushing as i lie to flight to the very last mine the phone interview will be at this as a but for now, here's a quick preview. what do you make of these announcement of being able to target russia directly of arming the as of battalion as russian worship talks in nevada with hypersonic miss us next. first of all,
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by the news or of all of this is the ukrainian people, perhaps 500000 deaths of ukrainians a to this point to the devastation of so much of ukraine. i. this is largely at the behest of the united states. because when an agreement between russia and ukraine was tentatively reached in and growth in march 2022, based on one principle that will end this war, ukraine's neutrality. the us swooped in, boris johnson swooped in, said, don't take it. you don't win. well, this was a terrible, terrible advice, but a piece of advice, but it was also a dreadful awful miscalculate. i'm sorry you would just pay for your 600000 killed hundreds of thousands killed because of this a several 100000 more debts in ukraine of ukrainians. because of that
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decision without question, of course, it's a auto tragedy. ukraine is often losing more than a 1000 people to a dead and wounded every day. right now on the battlefield. i rushes military superiority of the air and artillery is very clear. it's, it's the us that keeps pushing them to, to fight, to the last few crazy and those that a dreadful ironic that frayza puts it, but there's accuracy to it. it's the us now take arms can't fight and keep fighting, keep dying the, the inquiry and drives all the us is looking for new ways to defend. the sky is a vision plan by serving its own eyes of their ad defense capabilities. photon has, with these assigned is painful missile system to claim st. washington can find other means we have about story in detail on
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a website up to the call. but i said, i think it was out to the middle east. a woman that has been reported killed and, and doesn't of all the people wounded in and is raised like a lab on the building in southern lebanon. now the idea of attack cause of fly, i'm, is destroyed, the building, the wounded was taken to a local hospital, the site and came also the lebanese group as what a launch missiles, i'm drones and to know that as well targeting movie sites, isabella, i'd say it was really highly anything for the assassination of one of the senior come on to the door. and god has we ranging foot and 89 months i've it seems there is no end inside the conference has raised grave concerns over the tremendous civilian deaths. so students recently held
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a mass riley outside these really palm and dom logged in the government immediately agreeing to a cease. why? oh, there is a middle east of here issue for you for not sure. now, robots, the thousands of is really studious across the country. have announced a national strike on the says they, they are north attending classes in protest of the government's failure to free 120 hostages still held incomplete between garza, hundreds of them have been marching and now have gathered here behind me in front of the massive as rarely problem into asking to strike a deal with him as and to bring the captives back home. 120 people from is a are still in guys the in pain, the dying there. we need them to come back home and we need our government's. we're seeing everything to bring them back home. we have come here to demand hostages and
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captives. they deal. i'm here to and although to uh, to help create a new ways around. and you'll government with please me to pressure the government to let them know that the public supports of deals. because right now they're they need to refresh or now from time to time, we hear them saying, oh wow, take shot. which means now in hebrew, that protests continue for 8 months here with people, different backgrounds and views taken to this, teresa express their anger and frustration. now it comes with a time of crucial political disagreements. we think these really leadership earlier, a national unity leader and former is really defense minister announced he's parties long and dissipated withdrawal from the emergency government. the coalition school has the majority, but that is a serious step indicating the fleet many gone. slend within yeah,
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was politic king and hesitation. vows to back hostage still proposal and do the right thing at any political costs organized is off today is rarely to say to part of those 50 days down the line is too much. they raise a bill right now on the table and then press the government to go ahead with this plan. they also accused prime minister and yahoo playing games political games and wasting time. that's the captive is actually did not have their in gaza give in dire condition. they are currently capped in and of may just to remind you, american president present to the 3 phase. these fire a deal that includes the release of all is rarely hostages and exchange for palestinian prisoners. currently, housing is rarely presents complete the withdrawal of israeli army from gaza, a cheap gradually step by step within several months, and a permanent truce as well as a plan for him to work as
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a reconstruction is any prime minister in intern, yahoo seems to publicly distance himself from this bill, probably under pressure from extreme rights coalition, members opposing any fees while you're in asking for even more military pressure, saying repeatedly that he will not preston to mass and its infrastructure. he's destroyed completely, sir. there is actually no indication from these really side of the country is right now, ready for any ceasefire, any veil with her mouth. and this is what people who have gathered here strongly disagree with that we go. so i'm gonna say to the all this on all for a cost is a member of the. is there any harmon from the left when, how this policy, the hey, what is the, is what the government will never within me. and the war in the government to see is there any gen the name that you always buck equal out? i'm not interested in, sees bio, let alone him in the they will use this
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a sort of gods as an instrument for their own believe because to bite, but they don't give a damn about the security of people in the let that load it by the way, of being of the but a spin. yes. the only get about themselves that, that we are always afraid of pleasing because the sweet charges against him. so he wants to cling to the by main street. he knows that's the only way that the u. b. stay out of prison and the is because the, because of all the, the, you know, like smoked each band you. unfortunately it's not only the 2 that there are many, are those between these lunatic legacy coalition and government interest that meaning in continuation of this war. and are interested also in world against liberal because the did the 20 believe with the dots, the bus full a and bringing back the messiah. i mean the that from that the end that insane because she sold it because of that download the interest at the ending of
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the what were the only way to point to the wall is a storm. she's not violating bridge up against the induct, must come as a combination of a domestic bridge of an international question. otherwise they will continue because they don't care about the blood shifts. they don't care about that immensely matters next door, or in a sense to vmc aids, excuse me. and once he does a, then don't even care about the light of the most of which is. these are any hostages in dance or comments, and the don't care about the even the lives of these. i saw just the only get about themselves. so i do not see any prospects enabled for ending they will releasing those pages, stopping at the blood ship, unless there is a strong the pressure on this government was very slowly got. here's a heart warming story about a russian midwife with 8 children over own who's been visiting african but says he
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was such a local store of and resolve some of the challenges they face. i did with the 1st video about childbirth that i watched on the internet was the video from an african hospital. i was so horrified at the time because the woman was giving birth on dirty rags, and the midwife was squeezing the baby out from above. jumping on her, i thought my god was shooting doing. does she know how to deliver babies? i wish right then that i could go to africa and teach those midwives how to deliver babies properly. the nicer would initially didn't. we have been on for trips to africa,
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to cameron gone dot com, go and us to the north of you gone to to remote villages. when they heard what we were teaching them for the 1st time. they were shocked. they applauded, sang songs of gratitude to us, hugged and kissed us and backed us to come again because this knowledge saved lives the what's the me issue? i'm in preparing for this mission for a whole year. it consisted on me as a midwife and a very famous substitution gynecologist, as well as my son, an interpreter. we bought humanitarian aid to switzer infections and sterile kids, the middle of winter and come around. we saved 6 lives in 2 days. there was a baby who was born prematurely and they left him to dine because they didn't know what to do with him. they do not know how to care out intensive care. there's no
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specialist equipment, not a single pediatric doctor. we were assessing stated him, and the newborn survived the, the, the, what you're doing, you're doing extra, most of which is particularly true. people don't have the money to pay for a trip to the doctor and we would open the doors at 7 in the morning and there wouldn't be already a huge q. we're in opposite attrition and gynecologist, but we have to be very attrition. dentists therapist, trauma to all the just pulmonologist. we help people as best as we could. and we're now actively working with african countries, giving them important knowledge and saving lives the while the rows of this new, the very top of your company here with us on all to international people live bella, don't cross the next. and we'll be back in about
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the hello and welcome to cross stock. we're all things are considered. i'm peter le, about us secretary of state anthony blinking is an odd character. he says he longs for peace and justice for the people of gaza. but all the while he acts as israel's lawyer on the international stage, such a lawyer is merely an undertaker of the rules based order, the
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process in palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he's a legal and media analyst in tampa. we have larry johnson, he is a managing partner for burg associates, a former c i a analyst, and us state department counterterrorism official and in oklahoma city requested joshua atlantis. he is the federal mackey chair and director of middle east studies at the university of oklahoma or a gentleman comstock rolls in effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate joshua if i go to you 1st, what do you make of the us secretary of state? we had the u. s. president at the end of last month, suddenly bizarrely announcing a potential ceasefire agreement that was came from israel came from the is re lease, but he is introducing it. and then we had the secretary of state go on his 8th trip to the middle east. i don't know why you have to keep going. if you're not getting any success, why don't you keep.


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