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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 14, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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and to put an end to this conflict, once again, i would like to say that as soon as gave it agrees to this turn of events as we propose as a vein, and as soon as they be free. yeah. and then they shouldn't have to withdraw the trouble from that part. okay, so the reason sends the people's republic and we are ready to launch these dogs without any delay. our principal position, when you believe consists of the following and neutral immunity on the line. if it's status for a crane demilitarized, and then knocks a 5 year crane feeling so good. and overall everyone agreed with these provisions during the punch you punch you through your stumble docs. the military is this the simple opinion, and everything was clear on the militarize in your brain, all the numbers and tanks and, and so on. everything was agreed upon to seen those new which will of course, some visually, the west level, the intake, and we need to ensure the rise and the interest of the russian and speaking
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population in your train. we need to recognize the new territoriality of the status of a criminal excuse to invest, to follow the next couple of guns people to get in. the public service approach it and share some of the reasons as in the positive inside entities of the russian federation. all this must have the way to international treaties to this effect that all this implies that whole sanctions against russia most would be lifted 2nd street. the way this well for the horse is the way the real ending for the ordering ukraine. the server can turn this tragic possession page in our history and gradually started red building our human big and for us to a neighbor, literally relations between the russian you frame and then general across your interest. in some advice for settling the, you're paying the crisis center, they usually get awarded for the process for the seo and this is c, as with you ways, which has been making a meaningful contributions. disassembling,
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the ukraine pricing and quoting, we're kind of what it is and what kind of warranty with the western countries. and we are ready for dialogue and to promote all funds and mental executive of 318 and in the visible system of your rage and security. taken into consideration, the interest of all countries without exception to the visit, pressed the sticker to remove when you go in and of course we can over and turn it, we cannot return to the arrangements we put forward to be in december 2021 at your earliest and use, but the basic principles remain and change the restaurant. this stands of responsibility for international who go to the village and reaffirm it and read and us send it to us. and then we'd continue dialogue with all countries. but this should not to imitate who did you to go to do is ask you to use and they have to re
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or in process is this must be meaningful. conversation on all matters are related to international security colleagues. see i, you ready to answer them that all of you understand me, this k o d, e, and then when you have new paul for the task, so we'll face and that will have to do a lot, you know, for in the policy efforts. i wish you every success in ensuring our national interest and national security and the reinforcing, going to the national spending promoting integration of processes and bilateral relations with our partners to know the house of the diploma keeps williamson stage . well, a sub for the foreign ministry by the ticket and everyone involved in the rush, us foreign policy will provide our own supports to all a few things once again for your award for your patients. and for your attention for listening for what they said, i am certain that that will succeed in for our endeavors. thank you very much.
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within limits what so is, but she missed that important. thank you so much just because of some commercial or pricing or of course. so you should, we are doing everything we can do and we're trying our best suit. and we understand that this is vital for the destiny of our country and for the destiny of the entire world. in fact, the instructions, as soon as you just said before the phone, yet we will make sure you specially mr. gary out all these instructions and will work for the other agencies and, and in the context of the building, the new fair and indivisible security architecture based on the
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principles on these and press up all settings. that's a good way as well. a 6 to resolve specific process says you're where you're shown . so number 4 is that you've trained to try. so this is a major priority or for us. and your new initiative will guide us off of the course in all kinds of situations, including in terms of hospice and for us and bricks and s t o in our relations with china was latin american and african countries which have also come forward with that owens to initiatives, but so far should have cell was who for julio crane, haven't written in rejecting this proposal for we'll do our best. thank you so much . thank you. and good bye. so i a back when they here in the pseudo, i had thoughts internationally. mazda, now that was of course, say, gala rose, just for this, you know, that, but of course, the russian because of other inputs. and it was talking to the foreign ministers
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that we will give you the whole details throughout the day. but before we do, let me give you a quick summary. now they both told us about the importance of building a stronger multi photo world. this was number one. they also told us about the present because it reminded everybody why russia is doing is, is doing what it's doing with the conflict with the crane. it told about how it wants to liberate the people in the south east region. now it's interesting that he told us about the, the, the swiss summit. he went into detail that how it wasn't didn't mean anything, was just blustering puts and also talked about perhaps making more, getting that piece of discussion going because i didn't lose a the conflict. all he wants is the conflict to and now the farm is amazing. went on for just over an hour, like i said, it was very, very interesting. um, one of the top things that i so took away from it was that they were puts in rather
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than put it on his team will be putting forward that piece 5 proposal. and this includes the withdrawal food from his eye for rosa harris on the glass and on best on boss regions. the guarantee that no nato are you credit is not a need to come see one spot said tool box. it will come and fix over everything. couldn't go back to sort of normal build relations to build size, but very, very interesting indeed. like i said, just over an hour, but we will bring you all the details, race it out in the latest episode of guy on the columbia university professor. and we now the economist jeffrey sachs says the west is do really any, we'll negotiations to end the grand cause i'm is instead of things i like to fight to the very last night about full interview will be at this site today. but for now,
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is a preview of what's in store. what do you make of these announcement of being able to target russia directly of arming the as of battalion as russian worship? dulcie nevada with hypersonic miss us. next, 1st of all, by the loser of all of this is the ukranian people, perhaps 500000 depths of ukrainians a to this point to the devastation of the so much of ukraine i. this is largely at the behest of the united states because when an agreement between russia and ukraine was tentatively breached in the anchor us in march 2022, based on one principle that will end this war ukraine's neutrality. the us swooped in boris johnson swooped in, said, don't take it. you don't win. well,
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this was a terrible, terrible advice, but a piece of advice, but it was also a dreadful awful miscalculation right. it's hard to do. i just pray for you. 600000 go hundreds of thousands killed because of us a several 100000 more debts in ukraine of ukrainians because of that decision without question. of course, it's a auto tragedy. ukraine is often losing more than a 1000 people to a dead and wounded every day. right now on the battlefield, i rushes military superiority of the air and artillery is very clear. it's, it's the us that keeps pushing them to, to fight to the last few crazy and as that's a dreadful ironic, good phrase. so puts it, but there's accuracy to it. it's the us don't take arms, can't fight and keep fighting, keep dying. the,
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the thing you can't drive is all of the us is looking for new ways to defend. this guy is a view, right? like simply its own allies of the ad defense capabilities. but poland has a refuse to send it to me to miss of this and the waiting thing, washington to find other means we have that story in detail on our website on t top. com that we are kind of like. so i did is i haven't seen russian sciences and saw the thing and disease in china, south africa, the u, a. e. and sort of here that washington insist auditing to most good china and condemned the maintenance as a hedge, a monic abuse of power, then to preserve us dillman as to the desolate of other nations may fall. you phone with us has been pouring weapons and ammunition into ukraine. well, also shifting the blame for undermining peace and dragging other countries into the
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crisis. it has even been using the crisis, has an opportunity to impose sanctions and suppress other countries that is extremely scheming, hypocritical, and hedge a monic. the us is abusing it's unilateral sanctions around the world, causing endless harm. seriously, undermining the sovereignty and security of other countries causing humanitarian tragedies and undermining the stability of production and supply chains. john, yes, i says, and no room got a surprise for russia walking to is the rob the up as was restrictions against the law school over the past 2 years. as one of the top listing rushes allies, the us, as insisted the measure, the ultimately design to weaken russian military. one is trying to make it difficult or impossible for russia to get the military equipment or the materials it needs to build its own military supplies. we want to make that as
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difficult as possible. and 2nd, we want to try to reduce forces revenue. now that we spoke with a 5 pounds, 10, the political analysts and co founder of the getting pilot institute in indonesia. he said the new us sang since package assembly does not make sense to us as the already mentioned, that they are putting $300.00 individuals from several other countries into it. there's a sort of backlist last, i think it is a 5 point less, i guess they will just so fine other guy had to do their intended business in himself. it fading. those sanctions, if uh, you guys have mistakes and especially that from the advisory themself, wants to expand and thinking back and stood china and then trying to a little bit hard thing. the chinese economy. because uh, as we all know,
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um china recently uh, adjusting their economy uh, activities by driving up more into the domestic consumption rather than export. we've done actually into that, you know, a deal, but i think that's good news. right. and then uh, yeah, again, it is really pipe less if the binding of the administration which they already know they, they only have like a couple of minds to, to rule out, to do have a whitening of sanctions pertaining to the engines to them. i believe i will, and a has been reported killed and a dozen other people wounded in these race like on a building in the southern level. the idea attack pulls a flyer and destroyed the building. the wounded was taken to a local hospital. the site came off of the liberties boot lawyers who missed calls
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and runs into northern is well targeting mid size is what i said it was. we how we are using the a fascination one of the theme. yes. come onto the war and garza has been raging for nearly 9 months and it seems there is no end in sight. the cove, it says raised grave concerns. it was a tremendous of an in depth of units. recently have a mass. why the outside in the is really parliament demanding. the government immediately agree to a cease, why policies, the middle east bureau to maria for the russian. now, as the story, thousands of is really studious across the country. have announced an national strike on the says they, they are north attending classes in protest of the government's failure to free. 120 hostages still held incomplete between garza hutton, to resolve them. happy march and a now have gathered. here are behind me in front of the massive as really problem
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and asking to try could deal with him as and to bring the captives back home. 120 people from is are, are still in guys the insane the dying there. we need them to come back home and we need our governments and we're seeing everything to bring them back home. we have come here to demand hostages and cop davis. they deal palmer here to and although to, to help create a new ways around and your government will please me to pressure the government to let them know that the public supports of deals. because right now they're they need to refresh or now from time to time, we hear them saying, oh wow, take shot. which means now in hebrew that protests continue for 8 months here with
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people, different backgrounds and views taken to this, teresa express their anger and frustration. now tom is at the time of crucial political disagreements. we think these really leadership earlier national unity leader and former is really defense minister, announced he's parties long and dissipated withdrawal from the emergency government . the coalition school has the majority, but that is a serious step indicating the plate many gone plans and yet was politic. king and hesitation vows to back hostage still proposal and do the right thing of any political costs. organize is off today is rarely to say $250.00 days down. the line is too much. they raise a deal right now on the table and bade press the government to go ahead with this plan. they also accuse prime minister and yahoo playing games political games and wasting time. that's the captives actually did not have their in gaza given dire condition. they are currently capped in and of may just to remind you,
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american president present to the 3 phase, these fire a deal that includes the release of all is really hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners. currently, housing is rarely present is complete withdrawal of israeli army from jazz a cheap gradually step by step within several months. and a permanent truce, as well as a plan for him to work as a reconstruction is really prime minister, an intern yahoo seems to publicly distance himself from this bill. probably under pressure from extreme rights coalition members opposing any fees, volume, and asking for even more military pressure, saying repeatedly that he will not preston to mass and its infrastructure is destroyed completely. so there is actually no indication from these really side that the country is right now, ready for any ceasefire, any detail with her mouth. and this is what people who have gathered here strongly disagree with. we got some of the site to on all this from ofa cas, if he's
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a member of the is what he paul about from the last thing. how that file name it is of the is there any government will never, willingly. and the war in the government to see if any gen the name it them yeah, we bought the cloud. i'm not interested in, sees bio, let alone in the they will use these sort of gods as an instrument for their own. what do you think of so by but they don't give a damn about the security of people it, these are the lift is all about the way of being of the spin. yes. the only kid about themselves. and then you know, he's afraid to please him because the sweet charges against him. so he wants to cling to the 5 main street. knows that's the only way that the u. b. stay out of prison. and the is because the, because of all the, the, you know, like smoked each band you but that unfortunately it's not only the do that the many
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are those between these lunatic legacy coalition and got the advantage of the interest that evening in continuation of this war. and are interested also in world against liberal because the did the 20 believe with the dots, the boss for a and bringing back the messiah. i mean the that from that the, and that's insane though. it because of that, download the interest that the name because what we're the only way to point to the will is a song non violent bridge of against the induct must come as a combination of a domestic bridge of an international question. otherwise they will continue because they don't care about the blood shifts. they don't care about that immensely matters from depths store or email sent to bmc. excuse me, of logs in gaza then don't even care about the live on 2 of the most of the just these are and the also just be the comments and the don't care about the even the
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lives of these i saw just the own again about themselves so i do not see any prospects any hold for anything they will releasing those pages, stopping at the bloodshed, unless there is a strong pressure on this government onto my soul from me for the why is it sorry to have your company here on us here? international i calling michael courts, it will be with the view at the top of the hour. just 10 minutes from now. so i bid you o a x ray a russian state never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community.
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most all sense enough in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls. question about this, even though the while live i pay. yeah. ross info and this is a level it also gives me an address on the joint conferences. i'm able minutes listening, ella 3 and i'll make another 2, but it is in the math. it's thinking about security, but the decides been put in sound that you're atlantic model of security is a thing of the past. now and disregard that. we'd like to say that we are now part of this solve the soviet union cease to exist. and so using the last 4 years of the existence of the soviet union, we were with randy and the president reminded about that we were rated to call to rate for that waiver rated to cooperate in such a manner. sad with this would ensure equality and the balance of interest. and the
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last decided that won the cold war days, due to the course of dominates everywhere and an average thing or 2 across a little salute. you feel the queue but head you receiving then in those little to go through last year, the previous sense for you, we were plenty shifting inside the structures that were your atlantic the in the character as russia need to cancel that was found in the late ninety's ninety's and naturally emerges associated with neck and these move our calculation with the europeans region, but had a lot of branches to animal assignments for join and space is a lot of joins roderick. and of course, the organization for the operation and security, and you're able to do him despise of serious names. it was also born. and as far as of the euro atlantic authorities that i mentioned, i'm security only for organizations that were in one way or another. this was sand
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hurts on the your atlantic region. they proved unreliable because as i said, the united states for those, the policy to undermine have everything and everyone's to know your zip stuck loop us up, take them to, to the wells. and europe has become one of the victims of this policy. the last states independence and then these center, the security is something that should be able to obtain levels. and that's bullshit . next in the way, your atlantic context is that seem to be not relevant to last anymore. as the president said, we want to ensure a security and duration, which makes more sense because we share the same content. then there are no oceans . there are no lack of continuing choose your channels. that would divide is virginia. we already have integration roles and organizations that take care of security. among other things. i'm in c s d o c i. as sean high cooperation, organization and assad take a nomic organization says that you're raising the economic union us and all these
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for organizations. once again, the operate on one shared single your asian continent. and with that and blended on sunday, 19, and saw to see in putting a 915 in san to the president and suggested that the russians this policy and something for him to think about the integration of all these processes to establish as you move like one great, you're raising partnership, but other than the organization that i've mentioned, there are other just integration of bodies in southern asia, in persian gulf, the council of cooperation. i know they are at the stage and the league on they are in the states. largely your cupboards is part of the region continent as well. and is we're by sure you mean surprises included today. that is great for your ration. partnership is paid for the summer focused on establishing economic, which transfers financial stuff to change on this stuff to free regardless of the,
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dictated by the united states. and there is said lights that will help them to establish maturity, the social and economic system foundation material. the foundation for the security system that we want to build an open system, which he emphasized an open system for an old account rates and older organizations so that your agent comes in and with no exceptions. what did you use? got the you and you for the door is open for you or for those european countries and the address votes. finally understand that they need to lead their destiny is with the implementation of the deep rooted interest of their people not serving to the united states and fads. as i've mentioned before, subjugated thing probably collects the west to very well. so the goal that we were sapped with is concerns. first of all, the pre ation, all the concept detailed concepts, the greater your asian partner, shape and all the raisins, security, figuration,
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and security and all each time mentions military, political, economic, human need, terry. and i'm not sure i'm continuing, as you know, empower and continental in response to the attempts of the west to user international supports international culture, drug already and number. if there is already number of events that is tested, would be labovic. it helps the manager, the assistant, not only as your ration, restrictive, and but the global event, the games of the future, the briggs games that were open 10 kits and games of friendships. instead of you junior, the international songs, competition for vision, as part of the initiative for the president of catholics done president a guy of the bottles and international organization and russian language, whether stablish, which is going to serve as an important element to bring together an old account re somebody your agent, constance, where a lot of people, it's for a lot of nations, love russian culture, the love russian language. this, as for ukraine,
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i've got nothing to add in this regard except president police to all those just the global, which asters. goodwill gesture is just me stating if there's a sitting anthem, you will stop and go to me for the thing. you mean we've elements, all the seating certain things that we don't work on yet taking on sustain some items seems to the time. so i do for team numerous staff. sure that to me. but what i see and i shall emphasize constructive approach. why rashandra our willingness to preserve the ukrainian states at the same time by ensuring good, so friendly character towards odds? average themes was rejected consistently in a harsh fashion in the kitchen, very goal of class, and then now we have up to you come to the situation where it is notice to mr. president, once again cold, the opponent, everyone to heed to why is because we every time one to west rejected over you sure . who all the proposal was that we made nothing good. came out of it. now i'm ready
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to state your question until until it needs gauge best to administer lobrado sign here for me, which with us. so if you knew who the comedian president, booting for unrelated, clear conditions for it, facilitates negotiations on the train and the for administrator. you, how do you plan to implement them in practice? can we expect some conflicts, especially considering the legitimacy status of the current? the 3rd is in ukraine was, was the president still talks about legitimacy in detail? it's not the 1st time his bates about that everything is clear in that respect more than that you can use for president when he speaks about this topic. he says that even with all these conclusions that any lawyer can make after reading the training constitution, with all these conclusions drawn, the final decision must be made within the political and legal framework is ukraine, the visa master, which has not been heard by anyone. we should have most of those should always. so
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then once again, we are disappointed in our western partners. and as for the role played by the foreign ministry, we are not going to chaise anyone to try to tell them things. our investors are going to send over the tax of this speech finance for transit ent and just to make some additional explanations about which they are going to give additional explanations about the background of this situation. and then we'll, we'll share at the point to expect some reaction. i'm sure that the most of the countries are well aware of this thing. so i spoke to assurance to a lot of them. as recently we spoke at the feel free to break splost for me, it was like a foreign ministers to you and everyone is perfectly aware of what's happening as about the decision maker as they are now. and easily had the jew 7 summits and was against you for that. as often as the landscape is walking somewhere. there are 2
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tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. i don't know who is going to participate in that event in switzerland. but hopefully the speech by president clinton will read them some food for thought of. as you know, there will be election in friends in a few weeks. and can you tell us how you are monitoring the situation? why do you expect what you are hoping for to me at the point along these couple of the cd to use um you know that piece. give me a little bit in the still the new, the way when you put on the to the you translated that randomly. well, i mean, we subsidize your full political developments in countries where we have invested there. i swear because then this is the reports about the domestic and international agenda for given country just like french.


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