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tv   News  RT  June 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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on the you can see that the damage and we're being told to move out because there is a very high risk of this building collapsing a residential apartment partially, collapses as ukrainians pull to the top of russian board. the town in the pilgrimage can reach at loudon mit search and says peace is possible. is ukraine. leave the russians form you regions, rules out joining nato on the west, and that's in the community a bit later today we are making another concrete and we will piece proposal taken care of and in the wisdom capitals, they also refuse it as before. and in the end it is their business,
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their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of legit. china's defense ministry wants us to stop provoking confrontation by supporting separate tests in taiwan, saying washington's common practice reveals its methods, tyranny the hello and a very well well cannot for how sensitive life tv and i go cool. fix my brows spoken to a teams national when live for almost a month. i got to have your company is that well starting us off a residential building has partially collapsed in the russian board. the town of shut back in or off to being hit by ukrainian, shutting the local governance has at least 5 people were wounded in 15 apartments have been destroyed. imagine sea well cars have so far rescued for people. a number of others, including children, are said to still be trapped in the rubble emergency services all watching at the scene of these corresponding eagles tunnels report you so so risky services are in
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full swing of the operation. as you can see, the clearing of the rubble and off to the ukranian forces have once again hit the small town of chicken on the very border between russia and the height of the region of ukraine. you can see that the damage and we're being told to move out because there is a very high risk of this building collapsing. and you can see, oh, probably leave as being a drone. sports isn't the skies. so we're being told to get away trust you as of right now in the process of clearing out the debris, when a sentence building collapsed in this apartment book building, you can see that the pile of rubble is almost 3 stories high. now the we have heard voices of people screaming under the rubble. so rescue is somewhat optimistic that they will be able to retrieve some of the survivors here
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right now. the, those who live in this, in this house and in the neighboring houses are being evacuated to know because the apartments have been damaged because the damage to the communications, the inside, inside this house has been well, the damage has been quite significant. you can see the construction crane is helping the rescue is just helping brushing rest the services clear out the debris . right now we're not being allowed to approach the sites any closer so far. at least 2 people have been already rescued from the top from the 5th floor. now this is yet another attack by the ukrainian forces. they use something very, very heavy because i'm the height of region. this is the town of she back and it's uh, the closest town to the border on this on this, on this part of well, the front. so the height of region itself is that's way. so something flu, something very heavy. i probably was so far fluid suggest it was
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a tactical myself. it hits the head, the building from that side, and it punched a hole through for through this house. it bunched right through it and well collapsing and everything and everything collapsed. you can see it's another positive parts of uh, this building is being loaded onto know onto a truck. so again, we're not allowed any closer because there is still, there is still a high risk because that the neighboring, that the neighboring at the entrance is that the, near the parts of the building adjacent to the one that has collapsed might fall down as well. so this is done for the safety of us journalists, in fact, even those who live in this, in this house, there are not allowed any close to now this is yet another attack by the ukrainian troops that resulted in a collapse of an entrance to an apartment building, he just last week,
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they hit the town of you've gone school where the same thing happened and before that the town of belgrade, which is vis, regents capital, also get under the attack and vad, the pull out was truly kolosso because this is a 5 story high building in belgrade the miss, so i have a 12 story high building or a 9 story high building. so that was, that was a very deadly attack which shows that keep proves that they make targets out of civilians. we will be standing by here and to bring you more in the hopes that eventually we will be allowed to get closer to the sites as well. wasa is ready to end the war in ukraine. that was the message from vladimir putin as he addressed rushes for ministry. with the president said, peace thoughts can only begin is key of withdrawals. its forces from the don't boss is up for osha and haas on regions. abandoned its plans to join nato on the west
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slits when it sanctions against moscow. i was able to thinking that even with the machine to use it in the meantime, the west ignores our interest. and at the same time, prohibiting kia from negotiating all the time, people critically calling us for some kind of negotiations. it just looks at the arctic 1st. they would 1st to give you have to come on to lift the ban on negotiating with russia. and secondly, we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table even tomorrow. there are legitimate authorities that even in accordance with the constitution. and there is someone to negotiate with the police. we already have conditions for starting such a conversation. a simple ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the domestic and la guns people's republics. gibson ends up, but it was the regions as soon as can have declared that it is ready for such a decision. and begins a real withdrawal of troops from these regions. and also officially notifies of the abandonment of plans to join nato. an order from our side will immediately follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. today we are making another concrete real
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piece proposal in kiff and into western capitalism. they also refuse it as before, then in the end it is their business and their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of luncheon. and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different. let me emphasize the main thing. the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary truth or suspension of fire, as for example, the west, once this is not about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion. and i will say again, as soon as give agrees to a similar course of events, propose today agrees to the complete withdrawal of its troops from the dp out, and l p r. and the zip photos yet, and cas on regions and really begins this process. we are ready to begin negotiations without delaying them. i repeat this is our principal position. neutral, non aligned, nuclear, a free status of ukraine. it's the militarization and the ness if acacia. new territorial realities have been recognized the status of crimea. sylvester,
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both still nets against people's republics guess on ends up only a regions of subjects of the russian federation. naturally, this also presupposes the lifting of all the western sanctions against russia. i believe that russia is offering an option that will make it possible to actually end the war in ukraine who would cease putting the flood in my calling. michael quarter discuss pritchens comments without a correspondence. bring a closer but she was outside the for a ministry building as well as with room on cost rep. he was almost well 1st of all, let me mention that we're already getting a responses from the west side from key regarding let them air pollutants. the proposition will a key of had already responded that they are reject any kind of a p deal by russia because they did not consider it so real. meanwhile, the chief of a nature against the sultan. very good also said that's a russia's a condition to remove ukrainian army from the territories overall shy in order for
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the seas flyers that take place who means that russia had achieved its military goal. one of the main i will felt messages if you will, from of letting me a booth. and in this meeting is that if for the collection west and the key, if, if they refuse this deal, which was proposed, then they will be the only ones responsible for any further bloodshed. now, according to the russian president. so these beast talks. so for ukraine have always been on the table, but unfortunately they have proceeded so with various degrees of success or failure . or if they can listen to this example where of letting me have boots and explains well, a military and tactical need for russian troops in her stall and from the ration of the dentist republic, let them are approaching, suggested that sign in point just wanted you to it was still possible for us upper washington here, san to remain under ukrainian jurisdiction,
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but it's never happened. and this is why she's got, i mean, after the russian army took control of the coast and ended up the regions. many wisdom politicians often to mediate a peaceful, enter the conflict. one of them was on a working visit to moscow on 5 months, 2022. and we accepted whose mediation efforts during the conversation our foreign guest asked if you are helping to invest. why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the car? some ends up rose you regents? the answer was, this was the decision of the russian general stuff and planning the operation. then for him to call you get it. will russian troops remain in the castle and ends up producing regions and what will happen to these regions once the objectives of the special military operation are a change to this i replied that in general, i do not rule out the retention of ukrainians. so i'm going to go over these territories, but on the condition that russia will have a strong alarm link with crimea through the car, some ends up, we're always here regions. this is a crucial political decision. and of course, it would not be taken in his final version without consultations. and it would be
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taken after discussion with the citizens of our country and above all with the residents of the coast and ends up. where was the regions? at that point, in march 2022, the negotiating partner indicated that he was going to head to key of in the future to continue the conversation with colleagues. now, we welcome this. however, to green as relate to learn to do not accept the services of the western mediators, but instead of accused him of taking pro russian positions. and so the russian presidents also spoke about the legitimacy of an official to hold a peaceful in negotiations with, of course today needs to be elected or somehow otherwise the legitimate official for whom russell building peace talks with. now, the former exercise, the presidency, had already ended in may, but as the lensky cancel the elections in the country, regardless of the constitution. and at the moment it looks like the regime in key
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of is doing everything possible in order for the landscape to continue observing his power, letting mere foods in stress that's according to you creating constitution according to international law. and at the moments of the people to hold negotiation with regarding the peaceful thoughts on ukraine would be that you've prayed in parliament and nobody else, as, as the last key had lost all legitimacy of this moment. may i bring you in, marine? i have put in was speaking, you had all the so called swiss p summit. why did he say about, or a lot of my food? he said that europe is basically treading on thin ice and not because of russia as pundents in fate, of course, which is something that they've been talking about quite a lot in the last couple of years. but also for many years before that, even as we've seen this. and so i rushed to a town page, but 3rd, flooded on saying eyes because of their own actions. the last 2 years have shown that edu leaders to not work independently, which is why vladimir putin says that
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a new model of security is needed primarily for the region itself. usually use in order to promote the idea of a ration security system. it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organizations already working in the region. i am referring primarily to the union state, the collective security treaty organization and the ration economic union. we believe that the time has come to begin a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security and your ratio. ultimately, we believe that it is up to the countries and regional structures of your age and themselves to identify specific areas of corporation for joint security. the west has not only undermine the military and political stability in the world through its actions with sanctions and trade was it has also discredited, then we can see market institutions. ultimately, the goal is them. an arrogance of western countries have led to the current,
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extremely dangerous state of affairs. we have come unacceptably close to a point of no return calls for the strategic defeat of russia, which possesses the world's largest estimate of nuclear weapons, demonstrate nebraska adventure ism of western politicians. they either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves suppose, or are simply obsessed with their own belief in that impunity and exceptionalism. and this in here. all right? so the model of security has clearly shown that the minutes consciously makes a decision that the west doesn't like it will be punished. also at the same time, we'll see of the leaders like upset not making independent decisions and making decisions that please washington. but at the expense of their own citizens. for example, we're seeing now your opinions paid a higher gas prices. we're seeing them having to make more weapons. why more weapon supply more weapons? it's never ending. mostly you. the danger to europe does not come from russia. the
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main threat to europeans is the critical and ever increasing homeless total dependence on the united states and the military, political, technological, ideological, and information spheres. europe is increasingly being pushed through the fringes of global economic development. it is being plunged into the chaos of migration and other acute problems it is being deprived of its international subjectivity and cultural identity. sometimes it seems that the ruling european politicians and representatives of the european bureaucracy, a more afraid of falling into washington's dis, favor of losing the trust of their own people, their own citizens. the recent election for the european parliament shows this european politicians and just their own humiliation, boyishness and scandals with surveillance of european leaders. and the us simply uses them and its own interests and a lot of our booth and did add that he is willing to accept any country that wants to join this. you ration model of security, including of course, your pin countries. once they wake up and realize the consequences of their actions
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and are willing to act independently, right moreno, let me stay with you on this, the much talk about multiply to you. what does the president say about that or multiple are, it's a seems to be the words all the last year, if not more, because the political landscape has changed and we're seeing each power houses and much so naturally, there are more needs that need to be addressed not only the needs of the glass, which is why there is a need for this new model or security model that we're seeing. and also we've seen the what we've had so far is only important to serve the very few. and right now it system is needed that is based on mutual respect as a lot of outputs and says, wants to get. and that is mutually mutually beneficial, which is why we're seeing more organizations, of course being built. and in particular right now, the emphasis seems to be on breaks to move sugar. so there's more and more nations of striving to strengthen their sovereignty. self sufficiency,
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national and cultural identity, the countries of the global south and the east are coming to the forefront. and the role of africa and latin america is growing. it is on the basis of the new political and economic reality that the contours of a multi polar and multi lateral world order are being formed today. such an image of the future is in tune with the aspirations of the absolute majority of countries in the world. and we see this among other things by the growing interest in the work of such a universal association as the brakes based on a special culture of trusting dialog, silver and equality of participants and respect for each other. in general, i believe that the potential of the brakes will allow it to eventually become one of the core regulatory institutions of the multiple world order. and a lot of my boots in the ask the foreign ministry to work in that aspect. to work on the building breaks. it's worth on expanding bridge, subtracting, more partnerships, working on existing relationships, making them more fruitful, so that this is a force to be reckoned with. and so the countries truly have options so that they
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don't feel tied to the wife and obligated to play by the their rules and equipment supply them. and that is a true sovereignty. subbing m. p on its, on the public says the russia has shown throughout the world, up to 2. negotiations has always been open. and it's the west that has repeatedly slammed his chops and russia has been ready to negotiate. it's clear to everyone who, who, who, it all has access to free media. so this is nothing really new, but it's important that russia get, keeps reiterating its willingness to negotiate, even after all this time. even at last, after all, the broken promises broken agreements, lies propaganda. sets and is satan ization of russia, so insults, uh, from uh, binding directed against the russian president, even after all, the time rushes to extending an open hand, you know, to,
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to negotiate. again the ball is in western court. but once again, the actors are still the same, the same actors would have not been interested in any sort of negotiation. or obviously using ukraine as an instrument to weaken russia, to even, to even uh, carry out, resume, change there's to dreaming of that in moscow. so that's, you know, unfortunately that's, that's the situation realistically. well, just ahead of this weekend's, nato of fact you quite and summit in switzerland, president boynton has been talking escalation by reiterating his stones. the kids full says can 5 long range weapons into russia. about 2 weeks ago you changed course to allow ukraine to fire us weapons into russia, given the reported successes, would you consider further expanding the parameters on us weapons into russia even
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despite your concerns about escalation? it was clear that the near broad meaning and just across the line of a border with russia and ukraine, that it makes a lot of sense for ukraine to be able to take out or combat what is coming across that board in terms of long, long range weapons, longer range, weapons into the interior of russia. meanwhile, g 70 does have agreed upon to send $15000000000.00 of seized russian assets to ukraine. washington and t of also signed a secure to the over the next 10 years. now it so sees the us supplying here with weaponry and other equipment, as well as providing training to boost it keeps forces. americans also modeling all the ways to use confiscated russian assets to support and satellite and re if um, that the country does have a future in nature. and while the head of the line says, resolving the conflict will learn if the possible by all means keep even more
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so if it wants to negotiate a peaceful solution to the conflict in ukraine, that ensures that your pain can continue. so democratic, a southern nation in europe, the way to get there is to provide mentors support to ukraine. why am i calling my hope, which i spoke with the editor of international issue of when quads i'm hanging out smoking fernandez. he believes that the g 7 meeting really demonstrates the goals, but now is this between the leaders and the people they're calling this like the losers conference, right. did you 7 now because some of the lead this was just humiliated, defeated. uh, in, in the elections for the parliament, european parliament like like sure it's like my crone snack is already about to leave a new way. so i think this is the 1st thing. second thing is that i don't know if
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you saw, but last week there was a survey published by the the, the agent did for global affairs. it's a big survey to deed in your west france, germany and u. k. and the vast majority of the people in this 4 countries, they want to stop war now they want a solution for this war. so again, while we are see, is this split between the will of the majority of the people and the will of have for those in our leaders. that, of course, are there to another interested that is not the seats in the interest. you put it in said beds that the war will end on. russia is ready to end this conflict right now. if you crane withdrawals, it's uh, soldiers from the front lines and also commit to the fact that there would never be a part of nature. what do you make of that? well, it's hard that that would be the ideal solution. but at this point,
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what i'm afraid is that, i mean, you know, how much money natal already put in this war. there is also a very recent article in the 1000 for an relations scene. that is more than $300000000000.00 already. of course, the vast majority of this money just go straight to the u. s. a industry. exactly. but, but guess what, mike? think about this is insane. like, you know, b, r i, the chinese belt enrolled in the ship. i mean, they promoted a resolution infrastructure in africa for the latin american, our continental, ours, and also the nation of the whole project in 10 years to mobilize. one, treat in dollars the needle mean in 2 years. they already spent almost a 3rd of be a ride for what, for hundreds of thousands of, of great and people killed. also, russians, i mean, the economy of europe now is,
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is, is the, as i stated, tremendous like, i just saw a new that last year, more than 5000 companies in germany went bankrupt. so this is what i mean. this is what they are uh create, and there's no, they're not creating, not only did not create alternatives to the global self, but they are not create alternatives to their own countries. germany is about to collapse economically. so what's the point? taiwan independence means rule, and that's the message from china is defense, ministry is it won't the us to so provoking district by supporting such protests, a classic move. it says in washington, this paper taiwan belongs to china. how to solve the taiwan issue is a massive some of the $1400000.00 and chinese people know for an interference is allowed to must be pointed out that taiwan independence and piecing the taiwan
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strait inseparable. taiwan independence means both ways. we urge the us to recognize the ambitions and dangers of the separate his forces advocating for taiwan, independence, cringing hike, enemies and provoking group compensation, a common practices in the united states. this also reveals that rooted coldwell thinkings and tyranny the sweet or china has to be very clear, a fall where it's red line is and this red line is tie. one declares formal independence. i wouldn't necessitate a war because china, best and time. and again, emphasize is holding out for peaceful re unification. but if time went to work to declare formal independence that's of foreclose on the passive piece or you read it for cation. the only conclude consequences wouldn't be united space is currently waiting economic war against china by right, slacking on sanctions office,
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sanction dotted, sanctioning china for housing and troops. normal tre, relationship with russia. now all the use asia neighborhood is affected because china outside the us economy is the largest in the neighborhood all the that there has been. so to really integration with the chinese economy over the last 2030 years. we've china catching calls, the. ready neighborhood will get a fluid, so it's in the interest of not in east asia to have a, a, a training or was trying to between china and united states. because that, that means that every country, well, uh, these asian will be caught in the middle and they will be negatively affected. this is something that none of the people use asia wants to see. this is why they're, they're working closely with china right now to, to alleviate the negative effects of the us,
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ations the high court. and as i have lifted the immunity of the states deposed, president mohammed presume, well, this really pains the way for father proceedings against him, he stands accused of high treason, and on to mining national security in the west african state. what to get more on this, let's go now to local jobs and not jerry attends sylvia's here. i mean, timothy, it seems like this is quite a significant move by the hi. cool. could you really just to go through the details and the implications? yes, it is. indeed, the high point made that announcement um today, friday and um, what it square from about announcement is that the military government in new jersey has always had it in the plan. you know, just the trip press the home and presume off his immunity, probably up to see if it was that. um, i can, you know, uh, just checking off his immunity which opens the opportunity for him to be possibly
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try for. i'd squeezing, as you've mentioned earlier, and um as well as, um you know, uh, undermining national security. now this is, these are based on what you know, what. ready proceeds to be his questionable, to be, uh, you know, from his questionable relations with colonial power products. and it is not just, i'm something about the military essential and thought the military service alone is because he's also listed by that of said, you know, across, you know, of these at least during, you know, during the early pop hall problem during the early stages of the cool took place in july last year and the price of the bathroom was for withdrawn. you know, in the cool, and it saves energy and his family has been, uh, you know, on the, on the house arrest fort worth seeing that um from our closure power brands. and um, the un as well as the regional block request, a quote for, you know, history,
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lease, and reinstatement that goes into what you know, the price prices for mr. mack, homes, comments, and he's unceasing. if it's in favor of an invasion of needs, you can get perpetuating a neo colonial operation against the new jerry and people to ask for nothing more than to decide that destiny for themselves. now um that comic from um that the comment from the fridge of bodies is something about the spokesperson of the nice as national committee for the 2nd part of the homeland pulling out a module, a drum and describe as you know, prices my crumbs constituents in sort of lessons and a fair and i'm seeing these as i'm domestic affairs now before i quote took place in the summer of last year. and the share was, you know, the last a security pop now or based, you know, it's part of western nations where i'm conscious live for us. you know,
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i have these a military base, you know, where the carried out stop lance operations, you know, in the how regent supplemental operations again on the topic hours of operations in the cell region. basically, we do not know what could happen in the coming days, but what is quiet is that, you know, the court decision has been made. and what is also quiet is that it is something that the military government of the jet had always um, you know, i had always, you know, tried to push the, like i said earlier this year that was, that can, you know, to get a point to lead to your uh, strip price and presume off his um immunity, timothy of yes or no, which on this joining us from a bu set that thank you timothy and find me. the palestine liberation organization must be rebuilt on a national unity government for.


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