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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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of said to live in as sun regions when the many patrons and stuff with their fits these guided bombs and then i'mma missiles 22 people died just a few days ago in hollis go. and a russian journalist was killed in another one by the recording and mtv camera man . his colleagues were injured. this was a targeted strike. we are disappointed by the fact that the un secretary, it did not find to find the courage to name deposit fold, nor to condemn this terrace to tech. it's also with mentioning the fact that the us has decided to lift the ban on supplies of weapons to the cranium. nationalist battalion as of and russia has been recognized as a terrorist organization in the us. they used to say that as of militants racist. the xena foods and the hold alter nationalistic views.
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no. have they given up their vile, intimate ideology? now, that is the, as of malicious. nonetheless, through recently, washington stopped noticing any human rights violations been committed by other fighters. kia is not finally committing crimes against russian citizens is also decimating its own population against the backdrop of stairs setbacks and losses on the battlefield. the u. a. f. i tried to plug holes using men who were mobilized by force this so convinced of their own impunity. that draft offices had proclaimed open season on such men. they're pulling them out of they've caused the catching them and public transport transport. whether it's a healthy or not, it doesn't matter. everyone gets medical clearance and a sense to the front it's. it's perfectly understandable, therefore, the fact that people a hiding to avoid the fate of fighting for the zalinski regime, those who cop pay off the draft offices have to hide. some do manage to cross the
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border and save themselves some do not. the korean meant a gradually bank mascot, ukraine's the industrial and every cultural base is being sold off at a low down price. there's no money to pay off the loans credit received from financial organizations. and this is a result of actions taken by the wisdom backers of the public regime and ukraine. once they've squeezed crane dry, they will cost to create off to the dustbin of history. and they will move on to imposing democracy in some other country. any country ready to believe in these kind of wisdom plants distinguished colleagues, we've said a number of occasions that we're ready to discuss how we can achieve less than pacing new credit in, in europe, based on the reality on the ground and given out security interest. we've been sweating the demonstrating and you might look at the minutes capacitor measures. you might look at the, the symbol agreements,
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which didn't come to fruition because of the actions of the west. we've been since the very outset put in for diplomatic solution to the crisis. the objective we're pursuing is not to freeze the conflicts, but to special it. and yet odom initiatives were cost aside the west and key of trying to impose defeat on russia. however, they have failed in their attempts, the president of the russian federation today put forward a very specific good proposal for peace and design depends by our principal position neutral a non block status for ukraine without the nuclear weapons. and neutrons commercialization, indeed. notification full the respect for the rights, freedoms and interest over speaking citizens in ukraine. the recognition of the territory realty, on the ground, that is the status of crimea festival significant against his own and surprise. you were condition of the status as constituent entities of their consideration. all of
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these proposals should then be enshrined as part of fundamental international agreements. of course, this implies that wisdom sanctions gets rest would be lifted. we understand that we bear responsibility for the ability and like to reach the rates that we send ready to engage in dialogue with all states. but there shouldn't be an invitation of a peace process. so as to so as to feel that some their interests like the one big and stuck, it should be a serious, substantive discussion on a whole host of issues related to international security. or if the west and keys turn down this piece proposal, then the political and more responsibility for the ongoing blood should, will be on them. it goes without saying that the reality on the ground on the contact line will continue to change and they will not be changing into saver. and at that point, the conditions for the started talks will be very different. thank you. i think the
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representative of russian federation for the statement, i know, keep the floors to representative of well that we have just a little bit from new york that was a un security council meeting requested and convened by russian. i'm just gonna pick up in a couple of things for those who are just joining us now. i'm really, it was all about uh, the west. continuing to provide me that tree aid to ukraine on the impact side as having on the ground. first up, we actually have some done cuz i like he is a right to the guest of all. as i spoke to him just a couple of months ago when he was here in boss of the election, he thought about fostering dialogue. and you could tell that she was very frustrated, he was talking about how the west is pushing world towards a new to the war. and he did remind the view as. a the u. s. has now supplied long range missiles of ukrainian armed forces, which all being used to strike civilians, john, unless indeed in russia's boot regions. very interesting,
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he did also talk about how joseph find it. and the american president has only recently lifted the bond on supplying weapons to the us off brigade. uh not from this battalion with very clear new not see audiology, which was recognized very publicly by the media for many, many years as have extreme misuse. but it has suddenly been decided that it didn't no longer has this ideology and so weapons. oh, now allow to be supplied to them. it is worth noting that it wasn't just the media that talks about this open to human rights watch. will say talked about, agree just abuse is not, was down, cause i like a human rights lawyer and quickly following up that was a varsity and events and he's watched his representative at the you an overarching it was all about how rushed his goals on the box and field will be completed. the west has hundreds of thousands of ukrainian sol just lot on that hands. the only
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way not is the military industrial complex, well, not just the ukrainians, but also europe is a big lose a politically and economically just reminded the us has provided around $17000000000.00 worth of weapons to ukraine. and now that providing long range missile, so it appears without secure to deal. that was also inc, yesterday, potentially for the next decade that has no intention of slowing down. so it was not very short wrap up of what we just had at the un security, not so hoping to get done because all are going to talk about it within a couple of hours. so searching for that. well, in the meantime, any of my colleagues, my goal, which i discussed patients, comments with all the correspondents were in a cluster, but she was outside the for a ministry ability. i'm talking specifically about purchase comments about a piece plan. his marina and redmond cost revel. so with all the details, well, 1st of all, let me mention that we're already getting
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a responses from the west side from key regarding let them air pollutants. the proposition will a key of had already responded that they are reject any kind of a p deal by russia because they did not consider it so real. meanwhile, the chief sofa, i need so against the sultan very got also said that's a rushes that condition to remove ukrainian army from the territories overall shy in order for the seas flyers that take place to mean that russia had achieved its military goals. one of the main, i'll top messages if you will, from, of letting me a booth. and in this meeting is that if for the collection west and the key, if, if they refuse this deal or which was proposed, then they will be the only ones responsible for any further bloodshed. now, according to the russian president, so these piece talk, so for ukraine have always been on the table, but unfortunately they have proceeded so with the various degrees of success or
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failure. or if they can listen to this example where of letting me have boots and explains well, a military and tactical need for russian troops in hers saw. and from the ration of the dentist republic, letting me approaching, suggested that sign in point just wanted you to it was the still possible for the origin here song to remain under ukrainian jurisdiction, but it never happened. and this is why she's got, i mean, after the russian army took control of the coast and ended up the regions. many wisdom politicians offered to mediate a peaceful, enter the conflict. one of them was on a working visit to moscow on 5 much 2022, and we accepted whose mediation efforts during the conversation our foreign guest asked if you are helping done by us. why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the carson ends up rose you regents? the answer was, this was the decision of the russian general stuff in finding the operation. then for him to call, you get it. will russian troops remain in the castle and ends up producing regions
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and what will happen to these regions once the objectives of this special military operation are a change to this, i replied that in general, i do not rule out the retention of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, but on the condition that russia will have a strong land link with crimea through the custom ends up always the regions. this is a crucial political decision. and of course, it would not be taken in his final version without consultations. and it would be taken after discussion with the citizens of our country and above all with the residents of the coast and ends up. where was the regions? at that point, in march 2022, the negotiating partner indicated that he was going to head to key of in the future to continue the conversation with colleagues. now, we welcome this. however, to green, as we later learned, did not accept the services of the western mediator, but instead accused him of taking pro russian positions. and so the russian presidents also spoke about the legitimacy of an official to hold a peaceful in negotiations with, of course of the needs to be elected or somehow otherwise
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a legitimate official for whom russell building peace talks with. now, the former exercise, the presidency, had already ended in may, but zalinski canceled the elections in the country regardless of the constitution. and at the moment it looks like the regime in key of is doing everything possible in order for the landscape to continue as verifying his power of letting me have foods in uh, stress that's according to creating constitution according to international law. and at the moments of the people to hold negotiation with regarding the peaceful talks on ukraine would be that you've prayed in parliament and nobody else, as, as the last he had lost all legitimacy of this moment. may i bring you in, marine? i have put in was speaking, you had all the so hold switched piece summit. what did he say about, or a lot of my food?
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he said that europe is basically treading on thin ice and not because of the process pundents in phase of course, which is something that they've been talking about quite a lot in the last couple of years. but also for many years before that, even as we've seen this. and so i rushed to a town page, but 3rd, flooded on saying eyes because of their own actions. the last 2 years have shown that edu leaders to not work independently, which is why a lot of air pollutants says that a new model of security is needed primarily for the region itself. usually use in order to promote the idea of a ration security system. it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organizations already working in the region. i am referring primarily to the union state, the collective security treaty organization and the ration economic union. we believe that the time has come to begin a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security and
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your ratio. ultimately, we believe that it is up to the countries and regional structures of your asia themselves to identify specific areas of corporation for joint security. the west has not only undermine the military and political stability in the world through its actions with sanctions and trade. was it has also discredited, then we can see market institutions. ultimately, the ego ism and arrogance of western countries have led to the current, extremely dangerous state of affairs. we have come unacceptably close to a point of no return calls for the strategic defeat of russia, which possesses the world's largest estimate of nuclear weapons, demonstrate nebraska adventure ism of western politicians. they either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves suppose, or are simply obsessed with their own belief in that impunity and exceptionalism. and this in here on the line to the model of security has clearly shown that the minutes consciously makes a decision that the west doesn't like that will be punished. also, at the same time, we'll see of the leaders like upset,
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not making independent decisions and making decisions that please washington, but at the expense of their own citizens. for example, we're seeing now your opinions paid a higher gas prices. we're seeing them having to make more weapons. why more weapons supply more weapons, it's never ending. mostly, the danger to europe does not come from russia. the main threat to europeans is the critical and ever increasing homeless total dependence on the united states and the military, political, technological, ideological, and information spheres. europe is increasingly being pushed through the fringes of global economic development. it is being plunged into the chaos of migration and other acute problems it is being deprived of its international subjectivity and cultural identity. sometimes it seems that the ruling european politicians and representatives of the european bureaucracy, a more afraid of falling into washington's dis, favor of losing the trust of their own people, their own citizens. the recent election for the european parliament shows this
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european politicians and just their own humiliation, boyishness and scandals with surveillance of european leaders. and the us simply uses them and its own interests, and a lot of our booth and did add that he is willing to accept any country that wants to join this you ration model of security, including of course you appear in countries once they wake up and realize the consequences of their actions and are willing to act independently. right. marino, let me stay with you on this, the much talk about multiply to you. what does the president say about that or multiple are, it's a seems to be the words all the last year, if not more, because the political landscape has changed and we're seeing each power houses and much so naturally, there are more needs that need to be addressed not only the needs of the glass, which is why there is a need for this new model or security model that we're seeing. and also we've seen the what we've had so far is only working to serve the very seas. and right now it
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system is needed that is based on mutual respect as a lot of outputs and says, wants to get and that is mutually mutually beneficial, which is why we're seeing more organizations, of course being built. and in particular right now, the emphasis seems to be on breaks to move sugar. so there's more and more nations of striving to strengthen their sovereignty. self sufficiency, national and cultural identity. the countries of the global south and the east are coming to the forefront. and the role of africa and latin america is growing. it is on the basis of the new political and economic reality that the contours of a multi polar and multi lateral world order are being formed today. such an image of the future is in tune with the aspirations of the absolute majority of countries in the world. and we see this among other things by the growing interest in the work of such a universal association as the brakes based on a special culture of trusting dialog, silver and equality of participants and respect for each other. in general, i believe that the potential of the brakes will allow it to eventually become one
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of the core regulatory institutions of the multiple world order. and a lot of my boots in the ask the foreign ministry to work in that aspect. to work on the building breaks. it's worth on expanding bridge, subtracting, more partnerships, working on existing relationships, making them more fruitful, so that this is a force to be reckoned with. and so the countries truly have options so that they don't feel tied to the lesson obligated to play by the their rules. and according to the lot of my preaching, that is a true sovereignty of my colleagues, michael, could you again spoke with independent political research of work simons. he talks us through what pushing kids away from finding a real settlement on the list is the one to the uh, delusion that somehow uh uh, that best board was not to play the last at least both times or november uh for the us presidential elections. but of course, um zillow security,
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i mean he comes to the safe spot. busy they. busy vice wasn't gonna spice before. then, like i said, that leads let me give you a little string them up so i will tell them if he makes such a deal. the nato secretary general notes that the conflict can only be resolved on the battlefield urging members to increase military support the crane. why doesn't nato see a negotiated solution to the conflict? because the other learned every thing, i mean the site and nonsense. busy which. busy was the guy shouldn't be a man. i mean, the us one, every single bathroom about last the lizard place. uh, yeah, the most, even winning the battles that losing the battles you pain is in the process of a total military delay. so when the military glances over political plants as well, but they just not want to save us. i mean to pull the ostrich is and drawing the
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face of the flyers and we definitely make life well, let's finish up in south africa where the african national congress policy has struck a coalition deal with its main rival, the democratic alliance, to form a unity government of the, just off of the something started today. hey, fine, would contribute to visual unity with the african national congress. i believe that we will be taking and it's a government experience and expertise that local government, but also in the province of the waste on tape. and to put this towards assisting drug helps out there for 10. the treatment is mindful of the fact that the will be disagreement amongst the political blocks during the 80 hours of the 1st c team of the national assembly reports came in suggesting that the applicant,
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national congress part to you has assigned a deal to form a coalition government with the main opposition, d h, c, and d, a also industry to have worked until the 80 hours off this morning to i and all the speaking with that and how they respond to in the disruptions in the house today. unfortunately, the haven't been any disruptions in the house so far, but the deal with the d. h a paul to which oh no. has traditionally been physically critical of the in see is expected to keep has been sort of, i'm a pull stuff in power. it is term to the government of national unity. i did marks a major sift is of african politics, which has been, i'm dominated by the, is the since the end of a pa to, to the, to years ago. it aligns the part 2 of the leads nelson mandela would it's rival, a white bid pro business democratic allies. the coalition also include similar parties, i mean smaller parties like the and got to feed them party as well. d a d dot johnston is and this often addressed the priest, calling the deals
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a new chapter. and so that's because history and noting that while the road ahead may be difficult. but people have also told them that a time for a new politics of collaboration and problem solving has arrived. and i guess this is what they are willing to give this because the people are that's attached. and this is the same d, a that has been quoting support from the annual american establishment suite. yes. so much so that well too long ago, in fact, before the nations, they even reached out to the united states for special electoral besides. but the move was condemned to by the amc has has the 6 election, which is when decay, the free and fan motor's hyperlinks. and the observation by invite to the opposite of us, whichever number of a 120 also in different countries,
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as well as organizations to write such a laptop, particularly to countries that don't have ups of asia. and that have very low what the situation rates in the these are all the surprising and the demeaning execute and statement of on solve africa. and the people are not, even though this deal is vital to allow them to in see what's lost, its majority in the next is to remain in power. this is the same d a that said so that pick a must be saved from the n c. and this is why experts also say that, so that's a good spot in policy will be more, will be one rather of the pocketing points as the see engages various potential for this in part is outside of the da's office. but in terms of reactions, many retains this partnership. some those have come out appraising. listen to this of the day marks the beginning of n u e, right. when we put our differences aside and unites where the benjamin's of all
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south africans will remain humble and continued to sit in the 7th administration selflessly. and despite those sentiments, the political parties which we, according to now, they've announced themselves as the progress of cool cause. and they said there was no government of national unity in the country to begin with. because the n c had already had the parties in place and the mind some in the cool cuz infected was the is if that says it will form parts of the statement that ministration, but not the one, including the race. assuming paperless parties are referring to the d, a know that a government of national unity should include many political parties. but in this case, it seems like it's the d a and in c. and that's why these other political partners is even said they are not the bridesmaids in the a c, n d, a waiting on a we have from electra and nelson, montana university. hope it's not,
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the 2 parties will manage to overcome that difference. what has happened is in the last 40 days, is that these parties that have buried the hatchet, and they've seen how they can work together. i, i, this is a huge, i do major issue between the democratic alliance and the agency because not only do they defy when it comes to domestic issues, but they also do fall in for a policy issues. but the present, the main close, the joint blocks of the political spectrum is on africa. and i think why would not used soon after this outcome was the kid. there was a change of tone on both sides from the democratic airlines and the agency which showed that they were going to have small working together to close teacher to coalition. this was seen more as a mess, the sorry, the whole,
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the by the democratic guidelines and, and see what is going to be of interest going forward. now that there has been an election offered, amc speaker, and the votes of being counted, $44.00 is going to be a deputy speaker that comes from the da is how these boxes are gone. i went to get the document, the, the button to publish the document that they share it earlier today. does show that to already they have come close to each other as far as the d minds and parties issues that they are committing themselves to. the very bottom you must go, it is a good 5 bucks with just spell 4 and a half minutes can see it took down the the
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water is part of the blog post that isn't a deep su, wasn't that in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present to that stop without pieces. that stuff out of of the afghanistan has a drag with conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province,
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trying to protect the independence, the mere of a dentist in the us little homage turned for help the russia raise. the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus is deli. they slaughtered all i have gained man who had reached adulthood and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims to 1841. a general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone left couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british position. we in general about the defeat of the royal army, caused a norm is damaged to the prestige of the british empire. throughout the world. the
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victory of the afghan people became the most important events in the history of the arrest people's resistance to the colonialist. it just failed the racist smith of the european invincibility. the the water was 3. i mean, we thought on, i mean i was trying to meet you was i your ship was traveling since the mid august, a hair dresser, a bus driver, a sales person. anyone could become a victim that's how private negotiators, faster pen looking for the best assist you know,
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pretty much pretty much them and for to see we started this summer. ok no, no no no. ready yes, that's the reason why you will be up by the name on that on those over those. and i mean, it is, you won't be feasible missing. i'm from the yes to the studies boys took over the serious me he does. he has a little that they say quiz just in the luminous equipment the more than 200 years before moscow was the seat of power. saint petersburg was larissa, london's capital of the russian empire. and it was here that the romanoff family established a tradition of luxury high end items like imperial porcelain and establishes
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the you can see that the damage and we're being told to move out because there is a very high risk of this building collapsing at least 2 people uh, killed us a residential apartment. the call should be collapses, following a new premium to attack on a russian board, a town flat in my purse and says piece is possible if the ukraine leaves rushes for new regions, rolls out. joining nato on the west. let's go songs unless you have in the papers today we are making another concrete real piece proposal given in the wisdom capitals they also refuse it as before. then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of legit and south africa is amc part.


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