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tv   News  RT  June 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the, the south africa, relaxed federal ramos, those that as president thought that the, for the national congress strikes to deal with the may not position in the country to pull a unit take off. and then you can see that the damage and we're being told to move out because there is a very high risk off this building collapsing, 3 people killed the residential apartment, not partially, collapses, following the ukrainian or russian for the town most, cuz that's how everyone involved and strikes on its territory even made 2 offices will face off to that crime. we will give a proper response to all these aggressive actions. and all those involved in these crimes will be punished. ukraine should lead productions phone, you tired trains,
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the rule out joining nato on the west. you little sections or moscow. that's the latest. the sofa coming from russian president vladimir is really a big lives today. we're making another concrete real piece proposal in p. evan in the western capital, as they also refuse it, as before, and in the end, it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of much of the us defense 12 and a half been port cooking the books as its own. inspect the zip file, do the 8000000000 dollars was over, private care has been sent to p as in the last couple of years, the for myself and the whole team here at ortiz, h q. very, welcome back to the program. it's good to have you with us. what our top story this
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our serial ramos, those a has been re elected as the president of south africa. the votes are as follows. oh not a brute j. s my lemma. for the fall, floats the or not a move on other move m c. but i'm a pause, a 283 votes. well those results were made post by by the african national congress policy striking a coalition deal with its main rival,
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the democratic alliance to fully unity government and the just off the something stops with today. hey, fine, we're to 3 minutes of in teams to form a couple weeks of national unity with the african national congress. i believe that we will be taking and it's a government experience and expertise that local government also in the province of the waste on tape. and to put this towards assisting drug helps out there for 10 weeks. the treatment is mindful of the fact that they will be disagreeing amongst the political party during the 80 hours of the 1st c team of the national assembly reports came in suggesting that the applicant, national congress party has assigned a deal to form a coalition government with the main opposition to d, a l a c and d, a also industry to have worked until the 80 hours off this morning to i and all the speeches for that and how they who respond to in the disruption in the house today
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. unfortunately, the haven't been any disruptions in the house. so far, it is term to the government of national unity. i did marks a may just justice of african politics, which has been dominated by the is the since the end of a pa to, to the 2 years ago. it aligns the part 2 of the leads nelson mandela. what it's rival, white, did pro business democratic allies. the coalitions also include similar parties, i mean smaller parties like the in got to freedom party as well. d a d dot johnston is, and this often addressed the priest, calling the deals a new chapter. and so that's because history and notice that while the road ahead may be difficult people, i've also told them that a time for a new politics of collaboration and problem solving has arrived. and i guess this is what they are willing to give this big of the people of scholastic. and this is the same d a that has been quoting support from the anglo american establishment is with us
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so much so that not too long ago. in fact, before the missions they even reach out to the united states for special elect to besides what the move was condemned to by the amc as has the 6 election. which symbol is when decay? the free and fan motor's highly election observation by invite to observe us whichever number of a 120 often different countries, as well as organizations. to write such a laptop, particularly to countries that don't have ups of ation. and that have the situation rates in the election is rather surprising and that the meaning i shoot in statement about south africa and the people outside of that for now, even though this deal is vital to allow them to in see what's lost its majority in
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the mix and so remain in power. this is the same d a that said so that pick a must be saved from the n c. and this is why it's, but it's also say that, so that's a good spot in policy will be more, will be one rather of the pocketing points as the see engages various potential condition part is outside of the da's office. but in terms of reactions, many are things this partnership, some, those have come out appraising. listen to this of the day, much of the beginning of an u. e. right? we'll put our differences aside and unites where the benjamin's of all south africans will remain humble and continued to sit in the 7th administration selflessly. and despite those sentiments, the political parties which we, according to now, they've announced themselves as the progress of cool cause. and they said there was no government of national unity in the country to begin with. because the n c had already had the parties in place and the mind some in the cool cuz infected was the
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s. if that says it will form parts of the savings administration, but not the one, including the race listed in paperless parts. he's referring to the d a know that a government of national unity should include many political parties, but in this case, it seems like it's v d a and in c. and that's why these other political partners is even said they are not the bridesmaid. c, b a, c, n, d, a reading. audio we have from electron nelson medina units last you saw the 2 parties will manage to overcome the differences of what has happened is in the last 40 days is that these parties have buried the hatchet and they've seen how they can work together. i, i, this is a huge, i do major issue between the democratic alliance and the agency because not only do they defy when it comes to domestic issues, but they also do fall in for
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a policy issues. but they present the main clause, the joint blocks of the political spectrum is on africa. and i think why would not used soon after this outcome was the kid. there was a change of tone on both sides of the democratic airlines and the agency which showed that they were going to explore working together to constitute a coalition. this was seen more as a mess, the, sorry, the whole and the by the democratic guidelines and, and see what is going to be of interest going forward. now that there has been an election offered a and says speed. and the votes of being counted for who's going to be a deputy speaker that comes from the da is how these boxes like when i went to get the time consummate the the button to publish the document that they share it earlier today. does show that to already they have come close to each other as far
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as the d minds and parties issues that they are committing themselves to. the 3 civilians have been killed in a ukrainian attack on a residential building in the russian border. town of should back know the local governance as the southern others wounded on 20 apartments destroyed. emergency walkers have so far rescued for people, but a number of others all said to still be trapped on to the rough uh tv course. donald risky services are in full swing of the operation. as you can see, the clearing of the rubble and off to the crane and forces of once again a hit, the small town of should picking up on the very border between russia and the height of region of ukraine. you can see that the damage and we're being told to move out because there is a very high risk of this building collapsing. and you can see, so apparently this being
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a drone sports is in the skies. so we're being told to get away. you can see that the pile of rubble is almost 3 stories high. now the we have heard voices of people screaming under the rubble. so rescue is somewhat optimistic that they will be able to retrieve some of the survivors here, a 0 i am. we're clear in the rubble, we hope to save someone. all the patriots of our town of should be can or here. we love our town very much. we have 200 people here for sure. i arrived when everything has already happened. my parents were in the flats. they had already been taken away saying, god, they're all right, right now the uh, those who live in this, in this house and uh, in the neighboring houses are being evacuated to know because the apartments have been damaged. but because of the damage to the communications, the inside, inside this house has been, well, the damage has been quite significant. you can see the construction of crane is
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helping the rescue is just helping brushing the rest of the services. clear out the debris. right now we're not being allowed to approach the sites any close has now this has yet to another attack by the ukrainian forces. they use something very, very heavy because i'm the high to region. this is the town of she back in a, it's a the closest town to the border on this on this, on this part of well, the front. so the high can region itself is that's way. so something flu, something very heavy. it probably was so far report suggest it was a tactical miss, so it hits the hit, the building from that side and it punched a hole through for through this house, it pushed right through it and well collapsing and everything and everything collapsed. you can see it's another posit parts of this building is being loaded onto know onto a truck. so again,
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we're not allowed any closer because there is still, there is still a high risk, is that the neighboring that the neighboring upon the entrance is that the, near the parts of the building adjacent to the one that has collapsed might fall down as well. so this is done for the safety of us doing this. in fact, even those who live in this, in this house, there are not allowed any close to novices yet. another attack by the ukrainian troops that resulted in a collapse of an entrance to an apartment building. he just last week, they hit the town of lou gone school where the same thing happened. and before that, the town of belgrade, which is the vis, regents capital, also get under the attack and that the pull out was truly kolosso. that was, that was a very deadly attack which shows that key proves that they make targets out of civilians. judging by the scale of the destruction,
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this operation is set to continue well into the night. how many gets done and proposing from the town? if she picks it up? ok, see you questions? indiscriminate shutting of civilians was the top pick up the latest un security council meeting in new york watches um positives. the wellness pulled out kids patrons for that direct involvement. and the conflict highlighting the west and instruct is even select which targets on russian territory to strike, to see if the new, the booth failing on the battlefield to do training and on forces. cowardly con, civilian is destroy houses. kindergartens, schools and hospitals in western countries, instantly forgetting about the international humanitarian law, are doing their best to facilitate this me to meet. for example, the representative of the us state department, matthew miller went so low as to say that allegedly there are only military targets in belgrade, and there are no civilians. there are practically no civilians left. it is also no
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secret to us that from the very beginning of the conflict, a new crane, so called western instructors and mercenaries have been involved in it. they regularly suffer losses, which the western media prefers to keep silent about. i'm sure you're, we're also well aware that the western military is actually manually directing the process of the cleaning regimes using modern, high tech, high precision and long range weapons. whether it is the british storm shadow or the american attack them, or french missiles over there too. and then we know that the ukrainian military personnel on the ground are technologically unable to control these missiles and the flight mission. and it's loading the system are carried out by those who supply these weapons. they also, as it became known from the leagues negotiations of the bonus, where soldiers who were discussing plans to organize and attack on the crime in bridge determine the targets of these strikes. we will give
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a proper response to all these aggressive actions, and all those involved in these crimes will be punished as a pretty post of to the new greenville just before the russian and bosses took the flu. that human and labor, right fluids, new chronic waste concerns before the security council saying the west is risking a new world war with his amazons flow to ukraine. it's backing of new nazi units on the giving he of the green light to strike russian territory with its weapons. is mr. danielle corvalle? good afternoon, your excellency is mister president, president, thank you for having me. i am appearing as a executive committee member of the u. s. peace council today. and we are very alarmed with what appears to be the creek towards world war 3. because you now have president biden presenting russia with what is known as the
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reverse cuban missile crisis. saying that ukraine can feel free to use western arms, munitions miss house to attack russia deep within its territory. and i think the security council has to deal with that to maintain international peace and security and 2 of our a global comp conflagration. the next thing i want to talk about i, i was shocked that i would have to talk about this, and that is the very shortly, ironically, very shortly after the west, the celebrated di da, the by the ministration announced that it would start arming the ass off the child and you crap, which is a neo nazi organization. how to the west in the united states, in particular, talk about democracy and human rights. one is on the nazis and ukraine. again, i 3rd you, your excellencies in the interest of maintaining international peace and security
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to address this issue and office support for modern day, not using your thank you very much. i. he would join now by the amount of the hour himself human on labor right towards on product. very well. welcome to the program . i'm done. i mean, we listened to to your speech though. we listened also to depends yeah, i was really struck. maybe i'm reading into it, but by your straight should that the was a, there's a lack of rational food in the world at the moment. and this is risking, like you said, a thought, well, cool. what do you say is the main obstacle to piece right now? at the moment when it comes to cry, i think it is, and it has been the united states and nato. uh, this, this whole war we know could have been diverted. had the us been willing to deal
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with rushes very reasonable security concerns. which really included that you cannot be become part of nato. and also they, frankly, you can't just abide by them in school agreements which to the security council by the way you get in them is fully approved. and specifically that the ukraine stop targeting itself on the dog bass, and the us is unwilling to deal with those reasonable concerns and has been ever since. and frankly, when there was a peace deal that the clearly could have been agreed to, i guess was agreed to by zalinski in march of 2020 to the u. s. and u k. intervene to prevent that p steel from going through. so, and now as i mentioned, it's security council. the u. s. keeps up in the anti, the was, sorry, it's the to, to interrupt that. that's when you talk about up in the and see you tube goals about these long range missiles that now
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t of can use to strike wash and tired. you. what does the west have to gain from this escalation? well, it has what? the gain a what it's wanted all along and that is to use ukraine as a sarah get to attack russia. that's been the goal all long. that's been the goal. since 2014 and even before that were um years now it has and it really worked as, as the west is hoped it would. but certainly, the ukraine is a proxy against russia now that ukraine is losing it wants to do more provocative acts against russia. now that could lead clearly to world war 3. and again, that is where i think the security council and other parties are just whistling past the graveyard, as we say, pretending that this is not
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a real risk. what does the west tab by starting world war 3? now that is beyond my comprehension, i, i, you know, every president of the united states, post world war 2, president resuming up till by they've seen their main task, is to prevent space and recreate a nuclear warhead. would you, if, if they do nothing else, that's what they've seen as their task. now you have the buying administration, seemingly trying to court world war 3, so suite it's beyond my comprehension, why they would do that and what they seek to gain, but they clearly want a war with russia. that's very clear to me. i want to talk a little bit about this upcoming surface piece summit taking place in switzerland. the washing of boxes to you and the side western countries were pumping ukraine with weapons really called b party to piece making. but it's almost as if the west feels that this does have
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a monopoly on the photos and all kinds of global problems. i'm. is it time to bring in all the major pay is here, the african union, the, the global south. these people who have been neutral and who actually understand still what diplomacy looks like. well, absolutely, you know, in the us, you know, i would say that they don't see themselves. they claim to be going around the world, say say this, you know, i'm solving global problems. in fact, they seem to be going around the world and creating global problems. i mean, that's the truth of it. and they feel they can meddle anywhere they want. you know, they feel like the china see is they are see, the persian gulf is their goal. and that type of who versus leading us down the road that none of us want to go down. and it isn't solving problems, it's creating the possibility of war, major world war, and at least 3 different theaters in russia, ukraine, the middle east and china,
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taiwan, and the us seems to thrive on more. i think that that there's no other conclusion. one can draw from, from the us as actions, and on briefly, if i could just get your final thoughts on the russian president's piece plan that he spoke about today. basically, ukraine pronouncing the right to the phone, you territories, know nato neutral of the see crime it off the table. what do you make of that? do you think the west would advocate for something like that? i don't know. i 1st of all do think that's probably a reasonable piece proposal. i think ukraine's going to have to give up those territories. by the way, again, the deal i mentioned that apparently was possible in march of 2022 would've allowed ukraine to keep all of their territory. but, but what happens is that i think that's impossible. now from the west ever agreed
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to that. i mean, i don't know, i really, i really don't know under the current leadership in the united states in the u. k. in france, in germany, probably not. but, you know, i do think that the populations of those countries are waking up and deciding this is not their war. this is not the war they want to wage. and i hope, i hope, reasonable minds prevail here. well, fresh sofa, the un security council meeting. we didn't give you a chance to even have a break. we really appreciate you coming on sharing. we'll thoughts with off that was done. you provide acumen underlay but right story. thank you done. thank you. a while. like we were just talking about that. russia is ready to end the war in ukraine. that was the message from vladimir putin as he addressed rushes foreign ministry with the presidents of the peaceful community begin if key of withdrawals
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at full since from the don't boss. not products and house on regions abandons its plans to join nato and the west lift sanctions against mosca. the taking that here with the machine to use it in the meantime, the west ignores our interest. and at the same time prohibiting came from negotiating all the time. people critically calling us for some kind of negotiations. it just looks at the audit 1st. they would 1st to give them to come on to lift the band on negotiating with russia. and secondly, we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table even tomorrow. there are legitimate authorities that even in accordance with the constitution. and there is someone to negotiate with the police. we already have conditions for starting such a conversation. a simple ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the domestic and little guns people's republics. gibson ends up, but it was the regions as soon as key of the class that it is ready for such a decision. and begins a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notifies of the abandonment of plans to join nato. an order
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from our side will immediately follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. today we are making another concrete real piece proposal in key if and in the wisdom capitals they also refuse it. as before, then in the end it is their business and their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of luncheon. and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different. let me emphasize the main thing. the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary truth or suspension of fire. as for example, the west, once this is not about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion. and i will say again, as soon as categories to a similar course of events proposed today, agrees to the complete withdrawal of its troops from the dpi or an l. p r, and the photos yet, and cast on regions. and really begins this process. we are ready to begin negotiations without delaying them. i repeat this is our principal position. neutral, non aligned nuclear,
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a free status of ukraine. it's the militarization and dns if acacia. new territorial realities have been recognized the status of crimea, sylvester, both i don't ask against people's republics. gas on ends up what it was you regions of subjects of the russian federation. naturally, this also presupposes the lifting of all the western sanctions against russia. i believe that russia is offering an option that will make it possible to actually end the war in ukraine sees i spoke with the address on chief of the finish and the left team media agency on us, the conan. he says that watson need to seriously consider this russian niece proposal at the upcoming summit in switzerland. i think that the whole strategy now from the most of the leadership is where was marked a game because they were not being blinded. so they gave a bodily play, something would you be distraught to seriously ins? retail that tomorrow. and i'm all, we all know what are the state,
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what do you see the state and these transparency, all the russian leadership is just great. oh no, we will see how the real deep state, the real play are seen in the west real the date of the stand up. i think that the, the, or the reaction will be like no, no, no, but now the way i something to discuss about, we will have a very close summer. we will have a day see the 2, but a routine will go to do the breaking pointing in november. and i think that we will see such kind of situation what we saw in guarantee that the to break down the total while. and then the euro as a serious, serious new situation to handle. and hopefully the way to lead or seeing you understand that these and know we, we did lose lose for,
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for the with. and finally, the us defense department has been called cooking the books as it pulls at tens of billions of weapons and supplies to ukraine. its own inspect, uh, founder, the $8000000000.00 was overpriced. you have been sent to kill them the last couple of years. the identification of an additional $1900000000.00, you know the value defense obstacles in our sample. on top of the previously announced $6200000000.00 shows that the d o d and its components failed to fully implemented. the updated policies associated with the d o d controllers, instructions in the spring of 2023. we also discovered instances where some d o d components involved in evaluation of defense off. it goes back to full understanding of the accounting principles in the d. o, the control this policy updates, and we're unable to implement these updates due to financial reporting material weaknesses of a year ago, the revelations began to a much softer. it was discovered that the pentagon has claimed it off the valuations on the weapons sent to kids with the department,
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essentially striving its accountants onto the boss for the so called ara. it's now also admitted to resorting to what's called a presidential troll down will forward to to get the um, shipped out. basically that just means that they've been side stepping the traditional purchase price. that's your i spoke with a retired us as well as a ton of connell concepts called sky, who revealed the main beneficiary for stuff that kind of guns never passed an audit. it's not only this past 6 years where they were required to do one, they refuse to conduct audits for decades. so the, the kind of got is unable. it's not structured to audit itself, it is unable to do it. and part of it is because it's a very large bureaucracy with a lot of different subsystems that don't talk to each other. so it's, it's almost too big to even be functional. who's the main beneficiary from the accounting era pentagon, overpriced what they gave, and they kept more back. they are reluctant to correct to the problem. you know,
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they've identified that the problem was worse than they thought, but they're reluctant to correct that problem because they're not sure that the cash that has promised them through the presidential drawdown will come to their agency. so it signifies an organization that looks after itself. only, well, actually talking about you quite in the situation is interesting. i was looking at us congressman warren. davidson said, no matter how big the weapon flores to ukraine, it can change anything on the battlefield without american forces joining the ukrainian side. what are your thoughts on that? he's right, he is correct in some ways, but the ukraine, as it is set up now, is not, no matter what you pour in there, there's not enough for ukrainians to fight. and i don't know if you koreans willing to fight and they don't even know what they're fighting for at this point. so that more is basically on life support. because partly because the american.


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