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tv   News  RT  June 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the, the russian defense ministry reports advance is on the front lines and you trade with key of losing the hundreds of troops. it comes on the day of so called peace summit to open events with the end of the moscow itself was left off the guest rocha's boarder, regence, the ukraine. once again comes on the fire with 5 killed and 6 injured as an apartment block, his head by kias forces are 2 reports from listing to see that the damage and we're being told to move out because there is a very high risk of this building collapsing in 5 more years 0, my poor 2nd 3 elected the south advocates president after his parties tried to deal
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with his main rival to form a coalition. the government of canada includes the comments on speaker people under me or after their project efforts to form an independence the raises on full the presidency in iran, in a stop election code after the previous incumbent was killed and it had to come to process last month the but this is our to, to national reaching you live from a new center in moscow. i a michael question now to the latest from the war in ukraine and russian forces. i said to be advancing on the front lines in dumbass as well as a fuck of region, and that's according to the defense ministry of the ministry. also reports of forces have gained more as to teaching positions. and as i photos the region,
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what do you see right now? your screen is a footage from there that you created last more than a 100 troops along with a spank in, in that area. while overall moscow reports of key of losing more than 2000 troops in just one to 24 hours. all this comes the same day a confidence to discuss the cranes demand for peace opens in switzerland. russia wasn't invited a time as refuse to participate while the us chose only to send the vice president instead of go by the end of the meeting comes a day after ukrainian and western politicians rejected the peace planned voice by russia allowed them to put inside on friday, the moscow will call a sci fi. as soon as you create withdraw us from the roches new regions and abandons attempts to join nato with a run through of the details here is archie is don't know, quarter the blood of your poor once again offers piece. and once again,
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the main question is, well, the west accept mcgill him, he should not be making another concrete real piece proposal if and key if and into wisdom capitals, they also refuse it as before. then in the end, it is their business and their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of luncheon. and the conditions for starting negotiations would be different. as a big bad russia calling for peace didn't make western propaganda look ridiculous enough. nato and the us are now calling for more war ahead of their piece summit to which moscow was not even invited. this is the piece proposal. this is a proposal of more aggression, more occupation. he is not in any position to dictate to ukraine what they must do to bring about a piece. the pulse is that the longer we plan, and the longer we commit to suit and ukraine kind of have peace, it looks like lot of your opponent hit the nail on the head by suggesting that the
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west is the only one. the benefits from the on ending flow of weapons to key a solution to come listen, who will need the shelves when the conflict in your brain ends? how can this ensure the military security of europe? it's unclear. no wonder stone and bergs gun ho on expanding nato's weapon shipments indefinitely while clinging to the illusion that it doesn't make the alliance a party to the conflict for its part t. f has no choice but to walk in lock step with orders from its western masters. the run known you bes, proposals from russia. entity person has a voice totally this stand at the aggressive set, which has been heard many times already. it's content is quite specific. holla, offensive to international law, and speaks absolutely eloquently bobbing capacity of the car into russian leadership to adequately assess realities. russia continues to hold out the olive branch. the west has thus far, refused it, but with significant euro, skeptical less, some victories in the parliaments and russian victories on the battlefield. the
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clock is ticking on ukraine's ability to fight. and the wes political will to continue to fan the flames of this conflict. none the less russia still has hope, the clear heads will prevail in the west place you on such and just really, really the president is very patient. whoever has the or is let them here wherever has brands will understand. i'm not sure that everything is in order with these organs of the human body there. so it's, but hope springs eternal sort of in a decision not to invite russia to the switzerland. the summit has drawn shop criticism and from the largest part in this with parliament. already i spoke to a leader of that parties, youth wing who questions if the gathering is genuinely an attempt to resolve the conflict in russia was never in whitish. however, russia has also made it clear that it does not wish to take part in the burden can stop conference. this refusal, as a consequence of the federal councils hasty partisanship following the outbreak of
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the bar in ukraine and the consequence of switzerland unreserved acceptance of use actions. the federal council has given name to international pressure. this is yet another sign of weakness at anything but neutral. and i personally very much regret this. however, it recently became known as our for administer explained to the press conference that there was also a 2nd component to russia's non participation. the 2nd was ukraine did not want russia to be part of the c o our, of the peace process. switzerland is therefore allowing ukraine to dictate who may or may not be invited to this conference. and it is allowing it to turn into a live savanski show from the outset with many and significant important figures and show why major powers such as china, india, brazil, and indonesia are not taking part. and that is why we have resolutely advocated
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that the federal council should do everything and its power to ensure that the russian side also takes part in the boat and starts conference. but now we are in danger, and it's a great danger of switzerland allowing itself to be drawn into a world war. how productive video saying this be some a could be without russian involvement to. well, the conference will achieve nothing. the whole thing is an absolute farce. and, and, and balance the end of an embarrassment for our country. it is obvious that 2 sides, 2 sides are always needed for both war and peace. so however, if you only in white one sides to peace negotiations, it's no wonder that no substantive results will emerge. it is clear to me that if the peace process has got a cartridge and that is to have a chance of making peace. so our federal council has a responsibility to ensure that the burden stop conference does not lead to further
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escalation and ultimately destroys with neutrality. share with us, in your opinion, and what do you think is the actual purpose of the space summit? as you can see, only one working party is taking part ukraine. presidents the landscape declares that he wants to get more money and weapon stare. so the supposed peace conference because a war a conference and switzerland is once again maneuvered into a dangerous position. this part of some event means that russia increasingly see switzerland as a party to the war of the site, a few crane, but the citizens of switzerland don't want that at all. only our politicians wants to give up our neutrality, our independence, and ultimately also our direct democracy in order to gain more power for themselves . all ukraine responded to president, put in peace proposals,
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not only with slot out rejection, but also afresh attacks and russian territories. drones try calling the village of cross dia in the belgrade region, the result and then to a civilian casualties fall into town to shoot back. you know, 5 people were killed and 6 injured with an apartment building, being punctually destroyed. after being hit, our dc goes, donald reports the great influences of once again a hit, the small town of should picking up on the very border between russia and the height of region of ukraine. you can see that the damage underwear being told to move out because there is a very high risk of this building collapsing. and you can see, oh, apparently there's being a drone sports in the skies. so we're being told to get away. you can see that the pile of rubble is almost 3 stories high. a 0 i'm. we're clear in the rubble. we hope to save someone. all the patriots of our town of
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should be can over here. we love our town very much. we have 200 people here for sure. i arrived when everything has already happened. my parents were in the flats . they had already been taken away. thank god, they're all right. those who live in this, in this house and in the neighboring houses are being evacuated. just know because the apartments have been damaged. but because of the damage to the communications, the inside, inside this house have been, well, the damage has been quite significant. you can see the construction crane is helping the rescue as is helping brushing the rest the services clear out the debris. this is yet another attack by the ukrainian forces and they use something very, very heavy because of the high to regions. this is the town of shoot back and it's uh, the closest town to the board on this, on this, on this part of well, the front. so the high can region itself is that's way. so something flew something
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very heavy. i hit the building from that side and it punched a hole through for through this house, they pushed right through it and well collapsing and everything and everything collapsed. you can see it's another positive parts of this building is being loaded onto now onto a truck. so, so again, we're not allowed any closer because there is still, there is still a high risk, is that the neighboring that the neighboring at the entrance is that the, near the parts of the building adjacent to the one that has collapsed might fall down as well. so this is done for the safety of us doing this. in fact, even those who live in this, in this house, there are not allowed any close to now this is yet another attack by the ukrainian troops that resulted in a collapse of an entrance to an apartment building. he just last week. uh, they hit the town of lou gone school where the same thing happened and before that
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the town of belgrade, which is the vis, regents capital, also get under the attack and that the pull out was truly kolosso. does that was that was a very deadly attack, which shows that keep proves that they make targets out of civilians. how it gets done and proposing from the town of should pick it up. ok. see a massive fire has been extinguished after explosion. the car, that's a gas pipeline in the city of our top and central russia. a local official, a set of the blast was caused by depressurize ation of the pipeline. emergency services are still working at the scene and no casualties have been reported. heading to solve ethic analysis or a my post i will remain of the presidential helped me in south africa. and he was re elected to the post despite his a n c party. having to strike a correlation,
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deal with its main rival to stay in government following last month's election. i say to once again be a privilege and a pleasure to serve this great nation in the position of president. and i wish to thank or lead us for your congratulation messages delivered here at this for them as your messages. other key claudia and call for working together after a week. so can chase discussion decision making so that because the presence that i'm opposed to has been re elected this follows the issue of releasing a government of national unity with the democratic allies, the country sticking large party as to the agreement, the d a supported. lemme pull says re election and it is the speak of parliament to talk with the diesel exchange for the deputy speaker position, and the doctor, you know, to add confusion to the governance arrangements. some call it
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a tentative government, not to g u, a corporate mission, but the formation arrangement is controversial among many. so that's because with the main, i'm quite a bit to about to be a part of it. but even those involved in ending a potted a particularly unhappy seeing that this situation could potentially lead to significant political stand off in the south africa because of the many disagreements between the d h and the in c. but we know that internal conflicts within the amc, but typically between president pulled up his the jacob zoom and cutting president as the policy has significantly impacted the election results that zoom as um, support for the mt potty, which getting the substantial back king was a critical misstep the ship is the government. this left the issue with the challenging task of forming a government to requiring a coalition o, a government of national unity. now the m k part, you rejected
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a condition with the is the demanding a recount. and i'm a posts of resignation. none of those things have happened so far. it's good and i'm opposed to has been violated and reinstated judas, my name is economy, freedom fighters also refused to join the new coalition, citing racial tensions between the black majority and the predominance white's be seen as aligned would be a particular game, but to smaller parties a thought geoffrey deposit was initially was created to work against the parties and the put to optic allies, which advocates for the dissertation of illegal immigrants have agreed to join the governments off a national unity. many at this point appear to deny these realities and want to perceive the easy find the result before. but the da says it is looking forward to working and serving people off the country and building it bit to future negotiations. given the very short time frame of the 2 weeks that's provided for the constitution is getting sufficient to draft a full blown coalition agreement,
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which is odd. this is a statement of intent. this is a new chapter full, so that protects me. but again, all the time the dean will meet the needs, see a majority, parks he didn't government experts say it seems highly impossible that it will involve the repeal of in the off the is these big items such as the minute the, the, the minimum wage, the black economy can power limits or even the national health insurance, but a move in that direction could be a political suicide for the is the end of both. this coalition is controversial, some view it as a promising idea for the country's economy, but it remains to be seen how this new government will affect the country, the continent, or even the international community, seeing that to them oppose the and the is seats. i've been at the forefront of many international affairs and to the middle east now home was 9 months of brutal war have left many pods of guys on recognizable, the whole cities and towns,
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the ones drunk with live. now laying onto a ruling they had all the local office of the you and relief and works agency describe the catastrophic situation. this is gauze assist you yesterday. remnants of a life once lived, nothing quite per pads. you, especially if you knew her before, these are people's homes favorite, half a step hawks, the schools gone, destruction everywhere of life, a place a time, a culture from the inside out. aside from the death and destruction, more than $200.00 days of war have also brought about a hunger prices of the world. health organization says a more than a 1000 children under the age of 5. commonly software from malnutrition, to that they're also says that we want to shortages un has one that half of gather the entire population. about 1000000 people is at risk of starvation many to and
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work as the heroes to my claims. a honda has long been used as a weapon by useful starvation is amongst the oldest weapons of war. you know, from the roman times to modern was a conflict has been created and hunger has been kept lies the strategic purposes, right? if we look at has us specifically it's 200 test days into israel's ministry from baldwin and the siege of casa, we are witnessing a man made an entirely preventable 7. this is not as a result of, you know, drying land crops don't dry agriculture issues. because that is going through a catastrophic humanitarian crisis at the moment. that is see its entire population being displaced. um, you know, in addition to having massive military action taking place in the region, in terms of who pays this responsibility. first and foremost the is wrong
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government. i would say stick them to that is the us government as they are the biggest ally and funded to israel. and then all governments that fund israel with money and weapons. i think we all know that it is evident israel, who claims to have the most sophisticated within an intelligence within the system in the world. way they say they can do targeted, you know, killings targeted fundings, and they can limit the destruction. they've gone and carpet fund an entire you know, territory. this is about secular colonialism. this is about taking the, the lang, this is about eradicating the nation. it is evidence they've stated that i met the k all then com age. those who flash their lives to helping others selflessly continue the work. now this for that shows ambulance crews,
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from the policy and in red crescent, carefully picking their way through the rubble of the northern gas in order to reach those in need. but the spot considerable risk to themselves of the team's help to ferry the dead and wounded to the indonesian hospital on a daily basis. on the spot, the un security council this week adopting a us backed piece proposal in gaza and then to the finding still seems out to reach these roles insisting on the nation the mass and the return of hostages. while a mass on the other hand is denied in a permanency fire and the complete independence in pa, this times decision making. and that's what the senior member of the group told r t in an exclusive interview of the despite all the international resolutions, including those from the international court of justice, the international criminal court, the un general assembly and the un security council regarding a cease fire and gaza these really leadership,
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especially netanyahu so craves more and blood shed. some conditions have been changed. the situation, a raw farm and his surroundings were included that was previously absent because is really aggression did not affect rafa. additionally, some of israel's conditions related to prison or exchange were altered those directly linked to the exchange itself. america mobilizes countries worldwide, and excerpts pressure on them, even attempting to use un resolutions and the un security council to achieve specific goals by proposing resolution projects. despite ongoing, in direct negotiations in the region, they aimed to put him off in an awkward position. with homeless accepted the us deal. they immediately change their stance. all exerted pressures always favor the us previously and 1999 they propose to cut tar host the home us leadership,
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which guitar accepted. and we thank them for it. does to us applies double standards and ships its position based on its interest. as i mentioned, those who came here from jordan might return yet those pushing for the homeless leadership to leave could tar, will raise their voices again. because they do not want it to be in jordan, external interventions, especially from the us. and israel continued to exert pressure, hence the primary condition for a palestinian cease fire is the freedom for palestinians to make decisions without outside interference, which imposes this division within palestinian society. a significant life is the american temporary doc. they supposedly built called for delivering humanitarian aid with no aid has been provided through the stock except for 60 trucks, which amounts to practically nothing. on the contrary, this doc was used to transport prisoners and to help israel when it's storm the new
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side red refugee camp and kills people there. until you run now where the country goes to the polls in just 2 weeks. and this not best with the actual election. it was brought to bob, bobby untimely demise of abraham. right. you see who was killed and they had a couple of price last month. 6 candidates have thrown the hots into the ring vine . and for the both i tease use of july the has been looking at the rod as in right is after the sudden death, otherwise lake presidents, abraham bracy, who lost his life and have a comfortable crash. the nation is preparing for us now to let you scheduled for june 28th to 6 final hopefuls have been campaigning for several days. the lineup is dominated by candidates known for the unwavering commitment to the principles of these while the group of what was only one rival, expressing the softer stance towards the western world. notable candidates on the list includes the income and call them and speaker mohammed, moreover volleyball,
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and the mayor of the result was on their pledge, encouraging to receive efforts to form a independence from the west. well, the miners, biggest part of selves as well. we just failed the engagement was it was from law including the 2015 here deal. 2 the principal, as candidates, is the most closely aligned with what you see in 2021 here with the presidential race in favor of tracy between change his role in his administration leading song to refer to him as the architects of the printer as politics, geraghty seal key positions either one's political sphere, including as the secretary of the supreme national security council, however, is best known for his role as it was tough to clear negotiator during and by the insurance presidency in the early 20 ten's background, his team failed to reach an agreement with the west to remove nuclear related sanctions, only one which deepened the rift between to one and the west. following gracie's
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successful eastern oriented policy, judy now intends to pursue a similar agenda, emphasizing that the world is not limited to the west to get back. so i let one of the misconceptions and the political spheres that some politicians consider a few western countries to represent the entire world. that's why we saw our country in limbo for 8 years during real honeys, presidency. they called it engagement with the world, but what happened? it resulted in a significant increase and sanctioned send a 10 fold. verizon foreign exchange rates. why? because we were waiting for a few countries. what we are saying is that the world consists of $200.00 countries engaging with the world is beneficial, but it should be a constructive engagement with the entire world. the election season unfolds image economic challenges and one in society, attributed by many to a stringent western sanctions. that have led to unprecedented inflation and declining national currency that we all, while somebody that work insulation with the west is essential to address that
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versus think they can amik challenges. others ers, the next president to uphold. where is these policies viewing it as it were? authentic pass cetera, so it's really to wait or use it after the policy taken by mr. a. see how the 100 percent tangible impact on our lives. unfortunately, the enemy's media propaganda 6 to promoted the idea that we honeys previous policies and expanding tides with the west, a more fruitful than the approach adopted by right. you see, however, in all lives us iranian citizens, we've with us the successful efforts of president, very easy to engage with other countries. he did not focus solely on the us and his approach yielded positive results. i hope the next president will continue on this part. this is what we expect for message slowly as he a mr. ray, you see she had the same stones mode and then we'll know how far around 8 years ago there were honey administration tethered everything to the west. everything was dependent on the nuclear deal. but the americans tore up the very agreement they had signed with iran. that's what trump due to this landmark republic. they should
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serve as a lesson for people. they should elect the president to boost our friends authority . indignant to receive face criticism by the reformers for closing gulf prospect. so improving ties with the west over some experts argue that his policies have yielded promising results, including get rebound in oil sales. despite that us letting vargo by increasing domestic production. and it was extension to the brooks group of nations and other major multinational coalitions. they say these factors need to be built upon to achieve resilience economy capable for standing western pressure. when racy was elected by popular vote, some wrongly warns that we would no longer be able to sell our petroleum. but president, right, you see initiated a movement that led to the us admitting that the maximum pressure policy against iran was a blatant failure. this is the authority of uranium nation. this is what the radian nation should choose, as all eyes on june 28th. that will define the trajectory over on the policy, some of the servers to address the volleyball been coming, solomon speaker,
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to be the likely one or while others advocate for a reform is kind of days like muscle. physically on to once again open off to the west. with 2 weeks to go until election day, it's too soon to tell who holds the best chance to replace raising. what's one thing is certain western leaders will not favor a principal as far as warner usability or from the city of home. while our t dot com is where you can get all the details of what the stories were following this out, i'll see you again the top of the out. by now the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd
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world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what are you living on? we have a very good propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the what is part of the the employee would post that isn't the deepest 2 of us entered in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of the
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the all important incoming retard, maybe focus looking at that. i want to see, you know, me, you're right on my like us on this. it will do that your most in place. i work with the most fucking guy. totally so you know, this place the pm waters, most of them in the thought on the side of major side to sit. what's that the cheapest? let me just quote them was now then the, the 2nd man, that's what i see the tall case. so i'm kind of quote the most of these are the most seen the most human why she, i mean maybe she ended up as one of the formulas for steve and i really. ringback there's one.


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