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tv   News  RT  June 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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children, i've never felt safe for atlanta eye or lice, then living here the, the russian defense ministry reports and ponce's across the front lines in new cranium. conflict, as it's full says, dang, key positions and take out west and west as the so called ukraine of keith. somebody opens its tools in switzerland, nations around the world, boy called a gathering. they say that without russia at the table, it's a one sided. the revelations of law just the u. s. military reported me running a secret ration to undermine the chinese cuz the 19 seen as panic swept the world and this time on of 2020 also to come thousands of his res, take to the streets and telegraph to them on the government. find
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a way to end the war and bring the water on the top to make sure you never missed a story. this is all to international. thanks for joining us as our let's start with the latest from the war and ukraine. russian forces advanced on the front lines in don't boss, as well as the hall co reach. and i love to put into the defense ministry as also reported, the troops have gained more strategic positions and this up for russia region. this is a footage from there and 5 ukraine law school been a 100 sold to is along with a time in that area. well overall must go put ski itself isn't move in 2000 men and just 24 hours as well. this comes the same day a conference to discuss you claims demands. the peace has opened in switzerland. russia wasn't invited. i'm not actually from to the number of countries. take china,
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for example, to rule out any enforcement pointing out the sides must be represented. the us. meanwhile, chose to send only the vice president not to reply to the representative of the global south. you did attend to the full questioning how that can be any typical piece without must go to the table. and here it is essential to emphasize that any credible process will need russia's participation, gone to request the absence of the russian federation and the people's republic of china. at this, we saw many people there being more resolve oriented. if the other cross you to the conflict, the restaurant plus present in the room. well this is the normal way. it's so cold peace conference taking place in switzerland over the next 2 days. $101.00 heads of states, organizations and other representatives have gathered that to discuss a so called peace plan. now the opening site, once that we've heard happening somewhat predictable with the lensky open the
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conference. and he said is based around 3 points and they own nuclear security at the return of prisoners, including those from the minutes he. but he also, i've mentioned the return of children that are accused of being kidnapped f i rush i makes focusing again on food and energy security. now, he explained russia's mission. of course, russell wasn't invited to the peace commons. and he said simply that if russia really wanted peace, but it wouldn't have started a war, he said to another some it will be held to flash out the finer points, and then whatever comes are of that. the so called piece proposal would then be presented to the russian that we've heard from a number of the delegates attending the conference. the chief, a seat of on the line spoke a lot about the importance of respecting the un charlton. she complained about rising food and energy prices, which of course have been same across the you are paying union and across europe a she failed to mention of course,
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the north spring to pipeline to the united states. of course, they said the vice president come on, i was joe bought and is off elsewhere, a fundraiser for his fighting presidential campaign. and she said that a complete support she crying to preserve the colored load order and to benefit the united states, which of course remains the biggest on supply to you. great president, fighting and my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support your claim, not out of charity us, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest. what of course, the global south. um, as long as the absent from the piece comments a number of countries have indicated that they wouldn't attend now the columbia and president, gustavo petro, he said that he's not attending the conference, and this is a court. you said it's not a free for him to discuss the pol, to peace between russia and ukraine. and he said that this conference, or the outcome is pre determined that it's impossible for you to,
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to look for solutions at the conference. the setting of the switch form is not the free for them to discuss path for peace between russia and ukraine. it's conclusions are already pre determined. i suspend my trip to the medium in switzerland and i ask you up to discuss the ways to cease the war and not to extend it. china, of course, a, a big problem on the international saying, it's uh said that it would not participate in the peace conference that's being held in switzerland. of course, if you recall that china has already outlined its own piece proposal, which of course, a game was rejected by ukraine's a allies. and it said that it's not really a constructive way to move towards piece and then to the crate and conflict. puckett stone has also turned on the invitation, and the president, president ludo said that he's not going to be attending this. i mean a, the, despite please from ukraine. i'm here in jobs he wants to talk about. we cannot
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talk about it is, is not, it may appear tens piece proposal, but came in not sort of, mega speech, the foreign ministry on friday. i mean it q of basically not that as soon as it came out of the gate. i was the other thing that, that they did discuss if they're going to pick up on the top and not. well, i'm not sure that this is going to be up for discussion in the peace conference in switzerland, but not to move pretty soon. outlined a very clear plan, full piece and for a sea salt referred me to shape, seems to take place is not what he said. that would involve the withdrawal of youth . ukrainian faithfully moody incorporated, territories into in the russian federation. particularly at don't yet gotten a new guns the in the, the, the republics that joined off through a referendum there. and he said the of course the crime must uh see if it's a time to join 90. so now this was an out so me evil they so cold peace convinced, but he said if things plans were agreed, but there would be an immediate si, fi negotiation. but the person said as well that russia would have to negotiate the
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safe withdrawal of ukrainian troops. from these regions, but he will have gold, but they say if it's ignored, then the future terms will be very different before you wish. and perhaps the conditions for starting such a conversation. a simple ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donuts and little guns. people's republics. gibson ends up only a regents as soon as keep the class that it is ready for such a decision and begins a real withdrawal of troops from these regions and also officially notifies of the abandonment of plans to join nato. an order from our side will immediately follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. today we are making another concrete real piece proposal. if in key, if and in the wisdom capitals, they also refuse it. as before, then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of legit and the conditions for starting negotiations would be different. but protectively, this proposal was in somebody dismissed by ukraine on ex bikers. those gathered at
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the conference in switzerland. it's not the 1st time that such a proposal has been declined. of course we've spoken about china is piece planned area that was dismissed of how do we know the piece deal was on the table as early as april 2020 to the den bretzky's prime minister bowers don't. some famously made a trip to cab, spoke to the lighted ski and told him that he couldn't sign base piece. they also, we have the bizarre situation now where we have a peace conference is dismissing piece by piece conference is excluding russia. but the best whole continues to rise a tale, a move correspondent unfairly change. he believes that the summit won't pass fruit and the west was made to reality check. it's impossible to speak about be so both in negotiation without one of the main act or of this conflict that 2nd this conference, this plan is only for 2 days. which size of a nickel,
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tears from which type of discussed sounds can be make in 2 days. this conference is solely a windows are full for the not the companies for the west the for say, ok, we have our e, i the 4 piece. i think that extra, it's open to negotiate a piece which you create on the west box uh on the base on the base of reality. i don't know. i can be or at least stick in the next few to to me to have a nice conference. amazed at the, on the as to situation on the front line a box, i can see it's needed that the west begins to think about it to the floor. so the chances are on nothing and bought a show. well, that's how renowned economics professor jeffrey sachs has described the ongoing
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summit in switzerland. it's actually the latest guest on coming on the ground. and you can watch the full inch. feel that later right here on all to put that out. his a taste of wants to come. this was conference was a shambolic to begin with and its ship all it all the way through. it is meaningless. i. it was a show it sad age, sad to see switzerland be used this way. this article john list some websites to know a group of repeating this would unprovoked when it comes to russia. moving to save the questions in these, what do you do you just flinch? every time you hear this phrase unprovoked, which is used by, i don't flinch. i, i last i and i guess i do created you a little bit because 1st of all, this is a provoked war. second, the word on pro vote. use pro vote in the sense this is part of the talking points of all of these reporters. they wouldn't even come up with the same word,
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same exact word, repeated endlessly. we're not so following. so this is a war that had many prob occasions. it was a war that could easily have been avoided. when i say many prop occasions, it goes back to the us plan to expand may go to ukraine at georgia, back to the 19 ninety's. what do you make of these announcement of being able to target russia directly of arming the as of battalion, as russian worship talks in nevada with hypersonic miss a looks 1st of all died. the loser of all of this is the ukranian people, perhaps of 500000 deaths of ukrainians, a to this point to the devastation of so much of ukraine. i. this is largely at the behest of the united states. because when an agreement between russia and
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ukraine was tempted to believe, we're each did an anchor us in march 2022. based on one principle that will end this war, ukraine's neutrality. the us swooped in boys, johnson swooped in said, don't take it your own way in ukraine is often losing more than a 1000 people to were dead and wounded every day. right now on the battlefield. i rushes military superiority in the air and artillery is very clear. i it's, it's the us that keeps pushing them to, to fight to the last few crania knows that a dreadful ironic, good phrase. so puts it, but there's accuracy to it is the us don't take arms, can't fight and keep fighting, keep dying. the u. s. military for pull to go straight to the secret operation to undermine the chinese cuz of the time team vaccine in the philippines at the height of the price,
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as in the summer of 2021. according to a deep dive investigative report by the voices, news outlet, she's written culture as pulls us through it of providers that certainly made a bombshell discovery, claiming that the pentagon operate of the secret and c vaccine campaign against china in the philippines during the heights of they called in 19 pandemic in 202021 . he did not show reuters claims that the pentagon created an army of online bots that would bash china sign it back vaccine during the time that the us we're rolling out their own relations for this disease which is identified at least $300.00 accounts. so next fully to it, to that much description, shared by form a us military officials familiar with the philippines operation. almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and sent it on the slogan, past tax showing that i am virus to gone out for telling. there is the virus of to royce, is all takes about the accounts, the social media company, remove the profiles, determining they what parts of
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a cold and i to vote campaign based on activity patents and internal data. let's say social media accounts we're impersonating. busy cool residents of the philippines. so with voice their discontent over the quality of face mask test kids and trying to sign it back vaccine. now, according to reuters, the pentagon went beyond the philippines with their chinese vaccine bashing. as their bots went, as far as saying that the vac shots should be for been an under islamic tradition because they can contain port gelatin. now an important note here is the fact that if this is not the 1st time the us use clandestine means to undermine global competition. within 2019 the full cove, it surfaced in full force, been secretary of defense, small casper, selling the secret order that late to pay the way for the loan ship, the us military propaganda campaign. the older elevated, the pentagon is competition with china and russia to the priority of active come back, enabling commodities to sidestep the state department when conducting sipes against
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those adversaries. now a senior us defense department official has confirmed for white or is that a clandestine social media campaign against sign it back? did say place bites a decline to reveal any further details regarding the secret operation. routing in tennessee, if a 1000 has hit the streets and is rout demanding, the removal of netanyahu's governor's allies, pictures and cooling for an immediate hostage exchange. deal with him. us is reading john. this will be bowman reports from se the hey or in the night. there are more than 6060 protests around the country demanding for being his phone. listen to resign. the sales of it except to be the lead on. now here at the desk, this is the most extreme focus is the hard part. when these protests, when these features are over, the thousands of people will march towards the loan highway. behind the camera,
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there are there's, there are policeman on horseback. the policeman, a motorcycle, is there a huge shot to block the highway? the crowd will try to get to the island highway. the main are weird and shut it down. these people are angry for it is 50 the be done earlier today. square where i'm here is a hostages, this square, and i'm here to support this families the al serra, also just the said are still in gaza and time to play tween shaw so that our government didn't bring them a back here. every, whatever we'll take to bring the hostages home it is available for me. so it doesn't matter if it needs to, to make a deal, make a deal if you need to change the government, senior government, whatever it takes, like bring the hostages. it's not a question, it's
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a demand. it's something that should have happened a long time ago. the one that the government we gave us the one they want that all the people who we come back. i don't interesting in this. well, it's all from the beginning. i think that they've, from things that we had to do is to bring them home and not to fight to support. first of all, the kids not. i think that say we have a contract with the government. i mean the, the civilians that the government has has to protect us. sorry of this evening. i was at hospice square at another protest as events see events throughout the country tonight at hospice square. they had a 27 year old on very close love who was rescued in a daring rescue operation about a week ago. and we're seeing lots which is a refugee camp, a refugee camp, the dealer follow a region of gaza. he was very polite via video speaking to the crowd. very emotional, you could hear a pin drop even though there were tens of thousands of people. you can hear
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a pin drop, people were crying and reaping listening to him. it's a very emotional time, not to mention the fact they're just today. 8 more soldiers were killed. an explosion and gaza. it's very emotional. people are demanding. all the offices is be released, and osh it's square, that was a very moving experience for 2 years at cap and the sleep mode test, it gets a little bit more violence and the violence we're expecting in about a half hour from now. this is robbie berman reporting some television although his support might be phoning at home, i meant those growing pools for a cease by the we just hard benjamin messen y'all's who has plenty to continue. the was mission, police fight the heavy and staggering cost we money. i think to the goals of the war, destroying the military and governmental capabilities of the mouse and turning all our hostages about making sure that guys are, will no longer poses a threat to ease available and returning a residence to their homes in the north end. but simply in the south,
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almost 9 months of birds who have left many parts of garza unrecognizable whole cities and towns that once thrown with life now night and off to ruin. the head of a local office will be you and released and what walks agency describes the catastrophic situation. this is gauze assist you yesterday. remnants of a life once lived, nothing quite per pads. you, especially if you knew her before, these are people's homes favorite, cafe step hawks, the schools gone, destruction everywhere of life, a place a time, a culture from the inside out aside from the death and destruction within 200 days, a full levels of votes about a 100, the crisis, the world health organization says more than 8000 children under the age of 5 current yourself from all nutrition that are also severe water shortages. you as well in the house of causes and ty, populations, that's about 1000000 people are risk of salvation to monetary and walk us. harris
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fremont claims hung has long been used as a weapon by as well. starvation is amongst the oldest weapons of war. you know, from the roman times to modern voice and conflicts have been created and hunger has been capitalized for strategic purposes, right? if we look at has us specifically it's 200 test days into israel's ministry from baldwin and the siege of casa, we are witnessing a man made an entirely preventable 7. this is not as a result of, you know, drying, land, craft stuff, drying agriculture issues. because the is going through a catastrophic humanitarian crisis at the moment. that is see its entire population being displaced. um, you know, in addition to having massive ministry action taking place in the region intensive who pays this responsibility?
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first and foremost, the is wrong government. i would say 2nd to that is the us government, as they uh, the biggest ally and funded to israel and then all governments that fund israel with money and reference. i think we all know that it is evident. is ralph the claims to have the most sophisticated within an intelligence weapon system in the world? way they say they can do targeted, you know, killings targeted findings. and they can limit the destruction. they've gone and carpet bombed an entire you know, territory. this is about secular colonialism. this is about taking the, the land. this is about eradicating the nation. it is evidence based it high. now one avenue to potentially alleviate the crisis is going to be dismantled again. the us central kalonde is planning to temporarily remove the humanitarian pay off the
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coast of casa and tow it to and his rating port apparently due to high seas. well, for more or less and that's across live now too long to base protest and you on this and on this adult buyout one, i'll tell you are very welcome to the program. i'm the 1st thing i have to to ask you. i mean, this pay i was billed as a humanitarian lifeline. it was going to get the stopping people of golf at the food, but they desperately need it. didn't live up to the hype. a lot of the scandalous, to be honest, uh, you know, there's supposed to be that solution for the boat that across a what, which, where close completely by that is it a so we were hoping that this kind of the then the repair when sold the problem and we'll put an end to starvation time and, and garza, but now for the 2nd time, it is response to the, you know,
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the transfer to as do an is right. and so why they asked me why they take it? that the question is that is the american, i'll say, you know, because the high seas highest, these actually the, you know, this month to, or i just need to move part of this up here. but i, i was born and throwing up and gowns though. i've got the atlantic, you know, the, that they see there is the plans that, you know, ocean is very quiet especially in summer. so why the america are doing this? i don't know. i think the main reason is the one to solve the people in gaza. yeah . so i'm in is spending that people out of die because the model nutrition. so why the america is the and they said they said it's been $350000000.00 to build this beer. what happens button, what kind of money is best and but the better if it's just one wave actually,
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as i said, it's completely out of its place to betsy to the sure that's, that's somebody's base. it's really the 1st 3 executed the screws from the american government. i'm really sorry for the people that because now they wouldn't be starving. and i believe in 23 based i, you know, maybe hundreds of children will die because of, of the lack of pulled back up with human aids. i'll tell you that mentioned around $320000000.00 was spent on this path. and if it didn't, it serves its purpose. what was the point? was it for a photo opportunity? was it made? was it all to make washington seem like it's, you know, extending this humanitarian hand? i think, you know, uh there is this, there's a, there's a seizure which nobody can tell, you know, this or that there is a hidden agenda, the american auto apply uh for that. so based on 300 unplugged or 350000000 in
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order to build this yeah. why they build it? is they are going to dismantle it. and they said this is, you know where i'm thinking of taking it. so i don't think thoroughly is the permanent place, but the people love this now. so they put, they put them open already open that both are pressing over. i thought, for example, where about, you know, in the 60 or 80 percent of the human is we're coming. why the america did not actually pose bases are easy, and the agent to open it until full of 300 bands, at least full of but, you know, or phone 500 events full of human a. why should they the bill, these the old business actually get and the see that the, this month that i don't know the secret i can see that sees there is a conspiracy to apply to actually the start of the people and god. the other point as this, as a disappear was used by the, is there any, a coupon, those when they
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a fact i'm gonna say that the area and, or the release for us to just i believe the american with it's really cool. but i think with that is really put me on the, the so when they to a nice, you know, sort of 200 and signal before a civilian and also about 700 would and just and disagree. well, that's actually what i wanted to ask about the reports and the pay was used in that range and we'll just to save those for hostages like he said, $270.00 for palestinian lives taken. now the pentagon has denied these reports, but would it surprise you? and so it sort of surprises you because they're like all the time, the ally of the say, the thing at all that's been done and said, you know, did it was a military base near that ip yet. so what the military base is that is use water is, is that what, how they use that? why they allow them allow this to be to be,
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be of the appear. so the question marks here, and we'll know also that tool, but the only thing which is very clear that is that i really, i keep coming every day between 40 or 50 or sometimes a 100. so give you an on the whole or displace people and guys on that's, that's stuck with the fact that on the ground there. so now i'm going to kind of hiding the thing and outside the window is that easy? and despite down to say, well honest, broke of, well trying to read some sort of estimate, where is the system? that's why you are taking this actually appear to, uh, as to why you would play. you don't open the, the boat, the crossing. why it's out of the question here. i believe the american are really taking it as a new side. they are trying to actually pull to that. is there a to program to evacuate people from gaza? it seems it sees the we are well, you know what? wait to see all of them, you know, shops and from the american side, i mean, i have to unplug the. i do have to all came because we've got this rodney coming on
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in tennessee right now. i mean thousands of his res have take him to the streets they want and that's and you all here to resign. they want to meet you at a ceasefire, a hostage exchange deal with him. us, why isn't? that's and you all who listening does he need this rule for his political supply from the socket? this is all about. and he's not listening because he, you know, gain a full support by the americans. yeah, there is no audio to push out a bit as though it, he and moves by from the americas or from the m. the da says that a busy at the old authorities, some sort of a settlement to release those hostages, hama, as accepted that you know, that the whole, the, and visit about willing to corporate, but nothing. yeah, i'll actually be is that i to stay as long as he can install because he knows if he does, he needs to fall off. they will go to prison. this one, the 2nd thing now that you know that on us, on the other end is just as will with the open ocean inside. got the i, those will,
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that was back is this, can i take today? as you said, then you'll probably put, you know, about, is there any, is there any soul just where actually band to that and you know, off and i'll tell you yes. so it seems that you know, the people in, in, in the be, are really very wanted because the, to the soul, just a tentative garza, and also the us back on is that they all paid to achieve any of his age, his age actually fast. they will, he could not put at least that a hosted by p killed at least 6 of them and potentially play out as they call it. and also because above, the smashed destroyed hung up and it is the room and god. so why he is launching this war and now they know the situation and, and south river is escalating and this would be or any time. and then this little more is going to take place. it is the whole of the amenities will be actually and
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i said well, well well let us hope that is one thing that does and does not happen. we appreciate you inside and i can hear you say, hearing that feel from la garza, i hope sorry much, but any loved ones and friends that you have on the safe. i was not a lie lost. i'm a 6 do nothing now as well. that is an incredibly tragic uh, piece of information. i'm incredibly sorry. i feel nauseous that was launching based palestinian on list and john is up till by at 11 of us hoping for peace. i see a lot is a rock but just for the south coast will be back at the top 2 on those tours anymore. then of course check out all to to come with caesar the .


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