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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  June 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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of the hello and welcome to wells a part in political science. the turnbull can, i say sion is used to describe the process of an awful, deliberate fragmentation of a country or territory into smaller an open house spelled parts when it comes to the ball comes today. how sole or the current border as well to discuss that i'm now joined by new i got a president of the republic, a subsequent. mr. president. thank you very much for your time and for visiting rusher this time. and thank you for taking the time to sit for an interview, i guess from europe i read today. thank you. that's what did you decide to come for a visit every now? what was the know? you're that i've been coming here for many years and i'm always glad to have this opportunity for all the 31st and i'm grateful to the organize that i'm president
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present for regular invitations. also with amend these are very difficult times the require real friendship pull casual proctor test is not only, not the technology itself, costco, say some traditional friendly relations are crumbling and disappearing because of what's in any case we from republic, a subs got a very committed to having friendly relations with the russian federation on normal content that we have many contacts with economic organizations and binds his personal as well as business people when people from the political sphere or other non global new photo mountain. this is one of the largest global forum seen, and so the very fact that there are over 20000 people from more than 100 countries here suggest that this is the place we should be today. and on the we'll put in st . petersburg has about this forum or something the development all forwarded. as far as you know, when talking about cooperation of to your victory in the elections of october 2022 we've, you know, to the republic. a sub sco will develop cooperation with russia, china, and the united states. while continuing its pus, you would like to the you,
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what's the stand value you as a to does this multi directional policy seem possible to you or has anything changed during this time? which one of those corner associates will be a city, europe in union is increasing the following into crisis. and i'm a, do your opinion is devoid of resources either because not oil and gas will be what is also devoid of leaders. not a european union is losing the valuable politicians with whom it presented itself to the will to control and then on some pretty the european policies in the use of try to use money to attract countries to join his community a no longer the same today of motion yeah, on obviously i'm somebody different, it's guessing or remedies office view and fewer opportunities that will be anything on the full on the police. because it's very important that we do know full hostage to failed policy or that was pursued in such a way that if you're not full me or you are against me, like the sunset was in the cases a demand to impose sanctions on russia,
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which we reject the put on our trust, there's absolutely does not allow for dialogue on an equal basis, but do they need subjects? nope, on is not showing us while relations with the russian federation on a completely different level, even model as i didn't know what the, how small the community we on the, you know, what's the house smaller and economy? we have uh, you know, the 19 which is going on the us we had to have done, we feel like partners and one of the most powerful economies in the world done today or so. we learned that the russian economy is the 4th largest in the world, but that is the only so it's also about, well that's a huge worry about how your partners treat. you told them all drama. here we have fully quality on envelopes. here we have respect on the side of europe and the western world, but with no point, we only have the obligation to be subjective. similar and on question we follow the policies. so at the end of may, the also as you saw for a public, a set up, sca announced the creation of a group to phone proposals for the peaceful division of boston. hudson governor prompted the republicans to take this step. the cisco republic, a subscript is
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a party to the dates and agreements of conflict of a miss which we both are tired treat well, it's because all political independence, the people and i'll power into a community called in bosnia and herzegovina whenever this was that. and so, questions though, it wasn't good to them, not on a trip that have close to the front of them from the very beginning. it was clear that we were forced to do this. so comment on that we did not want this cause now. so because of the way in which the western mercilessly completely on, justifiably punished a subs. oh, there was no other way, but to accept this option. however, it was clear from the very beginning that both you and had screen there was a failed project, was because of going to disregard. so it's impossible agreement state the only reported cassette sco duration, a signatures of the next 10 or can change disagreements at all. even while your memo brown, we, we have a legal basis for launching an initiative for peaceful separation because the current bosnia and herzegovina are going to have those now sees, not only this generation will also the prospects of future generations solution
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going around. there is no longer any will or strength to stay in this on successful communities. there's no, no skill sets. mission with the can. can somebody me see it to me? me is elijah mooney, those center which was conceived in distant offices across the world. uh huh. and i am, you know, that for you on your national, we believe that peaceful separation is in the interest of all signed with clearly defined, state says you can be good partners. when a good name is natalie, the associate of the houses. everything is the preservation of peace within the prevention of the violence and destruction we experienced in the ninety's. when you use the time piece full separation, how's that different from independence? camino doesn't change a peaceful separation means precisely that it will be based on a conversation on this issue or the conclusion of a joint agreement regarding it and thought, you know, what are some so, so you currently know to the emphasis on peaceful separation because everyone expects the separation. org center aging. this issue will mean chaos. i mean,
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for these devices ation to, we want to say that it is possible to talk and then separate peacefully, the citizens coastal, at the museum will publish. and we see this in order the communities, it's something in families and marriages under the societal level. we will, you have no stone or bush and it goes, it goes now and hudson, levine is a completely unsuccessful, hopeless marriage. you don't the, in the sense that have been met this way, it is necessary to realize the futility of continuing on in the same spirit that the, if he wants to continue living this way, it means you want to dominate and subjugate while your own kind of collection is also quarter set, then of course it was the western world that promoted the values of dialogue. agreements and promoters. so they're understanding the law. expose them. uh, that doesn't mean right now, but i'll be over on this initiative for peaceful to solomon. it contains all of these elements that's, it's cool. it's funding mr. president, i'm sure you know,
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but as from the history of your region and the history of europe as a whole of know that such divorces are rarely civilized. especially when global politics meets local politics and concerns your region. do you have talks about it yourself and guiding strongly? what do you see is the greatest risks and opens units? he's the, one of the so called sort of peaceful separation can bring to your republican what of the machine. you know, the sort of course is global net global circumstances. it's difficult to put to know that the world isn't complete disarray and mobile at $200.00 degrees. we have a lot of open crises and because it seems that the states about times result a deadly threat to a civilization and the current of world or the owner of the one that was one sided and subordinated to america, obviously no longer exists on the vision today, it is clear that there is a multiple world course and multiple i can see it in the multiple this multiple world has not yet found its own organizations that can unite these interests and
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regulate their relations at the institutional phenomena, country level. and as for me, just from knowing us the role of cos a diagnosis and we do not benefit from this massive store. but see that you're given the issues forced upon those by the bosnian muslims in bosnia and herzegovina was think that's a go name. under the patronage of the mentors ventura, resorted on merrily. the united states, tanya, great and brittany in germany selectively. we simply realize that if we do not resist an exercise, all legitimate rights all and then we will lose somebody to go with the legend has been forwarded to interfere with tennis and nothing choose of canada to serbian people will be forced to leave this area or sarah, and then where they've lived for centuries, here for only one reason, somebody's in the show room, the great powers in the west does not allow those people to express that political will in the same way any other people express that will actually of course, the arc we're not going to as well as the full yugoslavia is collapse and so it'll
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be, the subs was scott, to throughout the country, both felt like they lived in one nation. yeah, cool. and now that's gone because of the, the most. and they tell us we must live as an equal minority in bosnia and herzegovina too. and i'm not sure, but this means they want to succeed. all right, some status that for them. so the, what i agree that it is not the most adventure to just time for conversation. there's never an ideal time for conversation when all circumstances are in place, new to the nature or corporate to single corner sticklers. i'll show you the, the full i was, we believe this initiative. she'll be launched at this time. yeah, exactly. so i would like to ask about the resolution, which was recently adopted by the un general assembly with heavy lobbying by western policies that or recognizes stripping it's as genocide and cause for a special day of remembrance to be created to perpetuate this interpretation of history. for restored n o goes are being pursued here,
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is that on the display of the done that is allowed so strongly high taylor won't because i'd say that because that it is only in the summer train. you only have to look the name of the fact that in germany introduced and salons of this illegal initiative on behalf of only one of the peoples of buckner with archie 3 peebles, and then, you know, they'll cut no decision was taken by the institutions of bosnia and herzegovina to launch this initiative funeral, which of course is a pre requisite and the work of the world organization called the un thinking to bring it off. and they put on germany appropriate to this illegal private initiative from bosnia and herzegovina. the phenomenon became, is initiate and main sponsor in an attempt to clear his history about the methodology, it must be understood, the top and coordinate the german power. shouldn't bother descendants of the semester offices. we should even come monday cities like kids during the soviet times with it's always close out of the quiz. so uh which, well don't know,
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but it's these people who've ultimately been trying to change history for a long time. however, the problem is that 30 is and everything without hindrance is that me so of sort of the modern look over the much in the episode, see that they will, the substance report on auto more than half of which the same germans killed during 2. what was the monday or the last century? i'm bummed again, best put on in the, or the ninety's under a false pretext. and the nato intervention sort of bip on, on to accept the germans and occupies over as i'm at the said. and they wants to achieve this revenge, drew a resolution for that. there's somebody resolution does not enjoy a majority. and there's always, you know, not gonna be good or really beautiful compose socialist, the rules and regulations of the united nations general assembly. it does state that i don't know how the resolution is like this, which reflect threats to basic civilizational values on i should generally, or may be dealt with by consensus and, or whether or not cause or the so that's,
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it is or looked at those others or if the consensus is not possible, then 2 thirds are needed. uh, cuz we are talking about of their or important civilizational issue here, which concerns us on the 20th. and it, you know, said i'll do well, move on to color, the good thing, the initiative, sponsors and those influential people who are clearly losing that primacy in the world agreed to consider this an insignificant technical point. so now i draw it there, 100 square feet, and uh you and those, and then visit. they provided a system in which only full in sign a gainsville. so accounts it academic dishonor. so stand with them. and when you consider the essence of the democratic process, start, the new will see that 109 countries did not vote for this resolution last summer was that i don't need 84 countries did. some doesn't transfer them. but this is the collapse of american history money on here. uh, yeah. as far as i know that the us represents defense that are, i have uh stated that the succession of republic a subs go would not be an independence in. will the end of both stand hudson gulf
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enough? can you give it to gary knowledge, but only the end of republicans subs? got the how do you interpret this is even a, it's a bit kitchenette instead of potato is in the world and you woke up from globalization and well in it. and it's the end of it is somebody came done a lot for so project because you know what the most from the very beginning it was known, the bosnian has covina that was formed in 1995 for me is a consensus of the american political leads in portage county of what the moment all right and modeling old right was promotes and the dates and concepts easier to talk with you. so that was also a significant politician in the state department at that time. but going to go to the secretary of homeland security becca, you put in lago, propose dividing bosnia and herzegovina into independent countries on the sort of clean. and then they said on the whole list of the 1st option because it's never too late for the 2nd. uh, english as well. and so we came to the conclusion that we've been living in this unsuccessful experiment for 30 years. could they make it in
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a little economic and noble lord eva hundreds? yeah, they're the only right to from the bulk is to receive the noble prize and literature . we will not chose bosnia and herzegovina as the theme for all these works with them, of course, and get to the on the t or the mice expressed an impulse, some historical truth. and one phrase in order to when your answer bosnians are through most of the logic ends. so in order the cause of the under is of so is in terms of under it and the most, cuz we described the rain of thomas in circus times up. so it is today when it comes to the level there's, there's no logic for bus and it has convenient to live on for it to continue to exist when you're sending our son for the c peoples to feelings such as fights and also true. and the other one is 3 to bush on the positive people and i'll be the name of those. they like the hedge of many that would make them feel happy or sort of things that would, i just wasn't in boston, and that's convenient as synonymous with them. helping us, they're gonna say no names. i know it just seemed most it wasn't and that's convenient isn't on. this was failure. it wasn't even as convenient, isn't proof. they'll come to the west and the false is considered the peoples of
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the balkans con, call you know, even as well as so many other places. let them at least 3 and one worthy of deciding their own fates. no low transfer. i saw a mini bus level here and they wanted to pull their own features and wishes into it . uh, you know, to, it's impossible to transfer the way of life of some distant place to another space . because nations have their own history for the own present. and future not will do you might as why you started in most ways others in this ultimate everything. so it's a good program. it's almost impossible to impose a model that does not enjoy popular support and has screen. it does not enjoy the populace apart and then for the well, mr. president, we have to take a very short break, but we will be back in just a few moments statement the
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the, the the, the the
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welcome back to wells, a part to ask know that i'm going to be president of the republic a set up. scott was put in place. i know that you met the russian president today. and i mean, are you going to, or did you already ask for russia's help for public a subs phillips game, want to come and do you see a situation in the future when republican service come, might need rushes, help, you know, familiar, which at both number of biggest support, there is one big stable off of our show on a gig. and a global giant that sees republic accepts go a much smaller community and what is a bottom um, all right, i'll do the deal in terms of values. we show exactly that which is most important for russian and the russian people at the board. but the struggle for the people
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density is the right thing. language, traditions, history and the country in the email and prowling the true, we have the right to freely dispose of countries resources included with no one from the outside interfering in our internal affairs, if the owner, so i'm, this is what united so significant k. no, not so nearly how big some countries all how small others are which are uh and this is we the biggest support they received from the russian federation press that they put in their prison. pretend this is one cut out of the great statesman and not with money doubtfully a people's lead to it. but you'll see that she's also the lead of the whole for you wells on your to the computer. the shows up. he's a minus piece. who is the wes tries to do to him? well they did to the subs in the late 20th century and then prepare when they arrange special tribunals and try to blame and try that for everything done. not the dose arising a negative history the uh order. so not on the coast. oh,
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they broke the teeth on russia and we got a so i'm show that russia is protect thing, not only is own national and state interest is also the interest of the whole for you. well, i thought, and this is demonstrated by the fact that the child with a significant number of countries world organizations, we do not see i'm the united nations, have not followed the past to the west and imposing sanctions. uh you have to submit that out on and of course they send us the westlaw. do they want to take over rushes resources enough to engulf oil gas and you know, the special and red metals onto available in europe. and entre so could, i don't do this in order to take over these resources. they've begun to ok by ukraine system installed in the nato system. and ukraine itself, furniture and threatening to do the same as rush it in the next step with the message. and that the overall police come russian president vladimir putin is policy which recognize these intentions center definitely makes him not only starting to take it for the russian people and the russian state electronic also
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national treasure of russian. i don't on the russian people, nowhere on all internal. it's cool. not your normal ga store. you'll see it your school not. what does you've seen in politics for several decades and the oldest time you have a pose ghost in hudson, governess membership in nato to forgetting that was not the know off of nato in 20102024 got a very different organizations with different strategies, enemies, degrees of applies ation and plans for what does data represent to you? at this stage, a coach remove enough to it's obvious to nato as described in the documents. a nato, such as it conducts itself a completely different rather the owners to go through a single i screw. i've got the not to nato's astounding arc state that it's so defensive of lines instead of and tell me on a so that if you engage in 2 interventions, it goes to sub so which contradicts these acts dot demonstrate to enough to
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defensive a line. so put some of the talking lines in mobile need that i showed you a line, the 2 brothers set about only villains could call the operation in case the subset them on the civil angel neuron blog. don't think depleted uranium at the same time for all new and they did this to us about the last thing. the reason is that the west doesn't want to hear from anyone. and so i was wondering with them as the supplement and there's only the training on the west would prefer to make decisions on russia without asking anyone a rush or about anything on that's how it works in the balkans restorative school. so it's how we know face starts with resistance to flight such efforts. they've got no story. i know it was not true this though, but this means you'll be occupied for a long time. is up on the clay, you're not. or the west. nato used ukraine to enter into direct conflict with russia. uh, on uh, to enter into the. the concern for ukraine is false in a scorpio, so they don't care about the people in ukraine. technically,
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somebody go could and it allows you to go can and security with the amount of posting the, when you, who oppose this home. but it goes a good though. they only concerned about how to make this reason this before as a possible facility. so they can then appear save us for several and bipolar resources the natural wealth cheaply x on the road. this is our main concern with meditation by then, and they've tried to do this. and the presidential family in america biden has been very active in ukraine in the past decade side, which side of costs to the collapse of the end from this higher democratic system in ukraine itself. there is you run your insubordination of these processes to american. i'm only got kick in public school and family, interesting sort of the shipment that it's the same on with those still today. you know, i mean, we have a situation where america, by the lead, by, by done to suit your son was the main trader. all businessman ukraine businesses will contain mobilizing nato against russia. you will see you start, but always this is the real truth. leo tripler. now the rest of the successes in
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the special military operation were not that ought to obviously confirmed the failure of nato. this is lucio started with palmer groceries taking steps towards his ultimate goal, named legal or the vision showed the freedom and rights of the russian. people in ukraine to decide where they will live, or do you put all of the elementary means to get you those right off the door. you might, though you're not, or these are some of your other nations are able to do this on the con, there were some people, and that reddish, if somebody is to us, i ministration can intervene for the sake of one american, wherever they are in the us. and them, and then of course, and i don't know russia has the right to protect the millions of instances living in ukraine and decided mister president, how i would also like to ask about the situation in the balkans because there was an opinion that one's ministry intervention in your region rusher is interested in creating k or since that mosca always blames others full well, it does itself studio in some categories. how do you assess the secuity of the
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region and especially considering possible ethnic conflicts, conflicts of a charge. me a piece of this amount of piece there's over there. so the folks, regardless of what the west is trying public under wise of the owner of is known to the west, always results to a distorted logic or tends to negative to present all the vs intentions. and then allow me uh, for example, to know whether in, i've known person for many years as really the countless conversations with him as well. we've had room to just this. yeah. i think the by the end of the year we will have the opportunity to talk again and i knew the interest to never ask for anything that could to stabilize the region for the next 10 years. he's never us to anything you never promised to support the subs and doing something destructive in bosnia and herzegovina. been watching over was figured so going that route and he's always demanded the instructional agreements, photos, and special on human relations. be respected them as you go through this and pushed
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through the tenants that are on the under the territorial integrity of boston and has the green and peace to be respected. and so he's still doing that today. he's on us. luckily i touched on proposed on the west and propaganda the talks about versus intentions to destabilize the bulk and says complete life: cable growth partner and update the toner inputs on a nation that there's just a public on the technique for daily or shots on use intended to draw attention to the region, class coupe with the audio track record, but the or national but the 1st, the condos. and though we really socially, whatever. and there are lots of values in stereotypes and quite as i truth positive as to now, i'm not going to under cause a lot of truth in the game today. i don't see what it is, but i'm convinced that rushers pursuing the correct policy and protecting is people's right to exist. nobody and that's as well as a ride to preserve the identity and traditional values. and so resistance and i'm not going to speak about it yourself, wondering about the so to add to in the west when you have a situation where if you want to joins european union, you must be a 2 on a certain day. the same address preschool boys in women's coats,
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not so boot and goes in men's clothes and the nails issue and discharged. so some will destroy the difference between the sexes will show it to the corners, cannot cool. what is the commission following up on the other? say, those are things so western body, you say the following or somebody. if you do not accept what we say, you are not saying the cold with the civilized world. this is a trick that clearly lives at the heart of all of today's misunderstandings. you can ask for those and i'll put it on a single slave mister president, while we are choking the clock. struck midnight and approximately i have one last question for you. if possible, so i see many russians on this now seriously discussing the prospect of a said will war or guns because there was some countries that of providing weapons and other ministry assistance to ukraine was what could i refuse to recognize their role in the conflict civic yep, and this is creating the possibility for escalation, lot say, do you agree that this conflict could go beyond ukraine and affect the situation
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that is developing today? is that the deal about movie the models and you've got the response to assess each us. um you all know them more to do. i do. don't believe in theories about world war 3. he's gonna know plan. i'm gonna even, you club won't tell me that on, on the funny one reason for the 2 most important, namely, because there's one person with reason, because empathy for all people, there's only regardless of the nation or religion. i'm not positive about demand puritan wisdom. propaganda is aimed at creating stereotypes, the own internal needs us to do much input to the trash and that's a book. and there's other show this will continue until all these fictional stories surrounding european elections and do better since this liberal, less store. right. and i don't know what it is anymore, but mostly hoax. i go show the is really sure, trying to mobilize people by increasing the background of theater of russia, which is an absolute life noticed in a, as a reset on or under the onto the motors. one truth has been ignored to know is good name, even of the gym. these economic might was based on cheap resources and what else to
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be energy resources that it received from russia. one of the other, oh no. you can see how important that was going to, what they'll do is i'll train and then they'll be able to put the school through and they are buying expensive energy resources. on the other side, at 3 times the price of the i'm already american ones. they have to pay for it with our economy service, of course, they remain strong. what is not the country we saw before? therefore, i do not believe an extreme explanation in the sense of global conflict on a physical, again, or one reason or the i believe the automated person will not allow this as well. if you ask them the west subject, but now they would have been inside very long ago, but that's not possible. well, mister president, we have to leave it there. but thank you very much for being so gracious with your time color. thank you. thank you for watching pope this, sir. again, was a part of the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer
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is will be the the 2 hostages being held in southern rushes. we'll start that's now being free for the 6 i siblings. terrorist holding their prison gone around for the happy neutralize 12 countries, including key players of the global southwest use to sign the final declaration of the so called peace summits in switzerland. initiated by you frank and washington green lights on deliveries to find things for most of all photography. and this find it suddenly legislation previously findings to something they are not feeling the


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