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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the to prison guards being held hostage in southern rushes, but all cell phones on half, not being fried with the 6 crisis linked terrorist holding them killed in a special forces range. 12 countries, including key players of the global side, refused to sign the final declaration of the so called a peace summit in switzerland, initiated by ukraine. and as long as the lensky reassures his commitment to western values, in lieu certain he is gay, pride parade ends up on the ground. as you print in new nazis, force them off the street
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the bringing you that top stories for the past 7 days on the right to alter the minute developments as well. welcome to the weekly on our to introduction. we begin in rushes, southern city for all stuff. we're special forces help successfully fried to prison guards who are taking a hostage by convicted isis members earlier on sunday. a warning you may find the following images disturbing. this video circulating online reportedly shows the bodies of the 6 terrace kills when the facility was stormed before the operation special forces had been attempting to negotiate the release of the hostages. that's according to russia's federal penitentiary service to confirm the eradication of the estimates. during the special operation to free hostages in the russian pre trial detention center in the roster fridge and the criminals for eliminated the
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employees were held hostage were released and were not injured. well ahead of the, after taking the hostages, the prisoners demanded free passage and linked themselves to ices. earlier my colleagues room on costs ramp and ritual roubles talk through the details so far, we know that so all of it service have been liquidated. we are receiving this news from russia, federal penitentiary service at the moment of those people they say, are killed. and so thankfully that hostages have been left on skate on the harm. what we know so far is that in the morning, the hostages were taken by 6 people that were in the rest of the prison. they were apparently getting ready to be shipped also penitentiary. and so they were in that temporary detainment at that point. in any case, it looks like, according to some inside sources, if you took the hostages several months to prepare this escape according to special services,
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they must have had help from the outside as well. and what they did was they loosened the grill over over. so and basically took it out, that's how they escaped into the, in the yard of the prison and eventually took the awards and, and the man in charge of the supervisor. we took them off as your service right away. they demanded weapons, they demanded a car. and demanded a safe passage to a foreign country. now thankfully there was a quick response from the police from the special services they were immediately on the scene. locals reported outages on social media. so that was taken care of as well. and we had to wide police there, the entire center of the city was cords, adults as well. now, in terms of what happened before, that's all of these prisoners, they were held in different cells of this temporary deception facility. but somehow they still managed to coordinate with that's what the law enforcement is looking at
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at the moment. try to figure out what actually happened there. now, the terrorists were posting videos of what they originally so they had access to uh, cell phones, smart phones that access to the internet initially that was later cut off. that was saying that such as this group was prepared by a lie himself. and so these for their legions to, uh, isis which is for illegal. so what can you tell us about these 6 terrorists who took the hostages and said what, what do we know about them? well, the, they already received a lot of sentences for some of them 18 years, some of them over 18 years. now. these man there from church and republic, uh, from uh, english shakia and other place in the, in north, other places north. so congress is now there was sentence for an attempt to blow up a supreme court in the north congress to republic of a kind of tribal circus. yet in prison, they were,
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they were already given characteristics. and this is what the federal penitentiary provided for us saying they were characterized as persons who study propagandized profess force, fred extremist, ideology and a pro into convincing a terrorist attacks the one that one of the people was also registered as a person from committing suicide. and a self harm. so these are the kind of the terrace we're looking at right now. we're all included on the list of terrorist and they see this here in russia. now, we also know from the special services that these people who are liquid liquidated . since a v o had to contact, so it was uh with medicines in syria, my various social media and uh, when you were plotting their terrorist attack in a rush and can i try what your case? yeah. they were operating uh,
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under instructions uh from the militants in the middle east. well, some reaction, belgian independent journalists look where they said the west and russia should work together to eliminate the threat of vices. congratulations on the special services in russia for having come there and did this hostage taking so well, of course doesn't happen every time like that on the paris here in the west, in, in 2015 and in brussels as well. we remember most go this year of call center crocus of all of a center on so and so badly sometimes. and in this case here in abreast of heavy handing. so, oh, but the problem is still there. the slot explained is, is everywhere the many. but they need to be, you advocate, and that's where russia and west should agree. i mean,
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russian proposed it several times and some governments in west responded on uh to, to do russian requests. you know, that must be something like 5 to 10000 maximal in russia. very dangerous, as long as it is on the east, on a terrorist. so, but we have more than 2000 controls. we have more than a 1000 in germany, 500 the bouncing. so we have the same interest. we should collaborate. now not all participants were on board with the final declaration following the so called ukrainian p summit in switzerland, key global psych players including saudi arabia, india. so how forget and brazil will raise questions about the process. 12 states and total refused to sign off on the communicate from an event key of have pushed for on switch to authorities. organize or to correspondence these sweeney joint nicky are and then this you do to summarize development the 12 countries of course, that they've refused to sign the final communicate. these are companies made me
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from the bible south, including saudi arabia tied on india, mexico to south africa, brazil. now the indian represents, they've made a very, very strongly wooded declaration on behalf of his delegation. and he said not only with a refusing to sign up to the final declaration, but anything that came out of the conference a toll can all of you on the, those options acceptable to bolts bodies can lead to a binding piece is in line with this approach we have decided to avoid association with the joint communicate or any other document emerging from the summit. now some of those countries were reticent about joining the conference, so totally an express regret that russia hadn't been invited to attend the mistakes . it was something that was absolutely crucial for any serious discussions around peace. so lock you, i use around this table because we want to support every piece initiatives, body,
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it is necessary to have old stakeholders involved in the process. and here it is a central to emphasize the end you credible process will need russia's participation. gonna request the absence of the russian federation and the people's republic of china at this be so many people there being more resolve oriented. if the out across you to the conflict the restaurant plus present in the room, how many countries had simply refused to attend the conference at toll puckett stone was one of them, but perhaps most important, the china who, of course, had outlined its own piece proposal, which was rejected by ukraine on his allies. now the columbia and president, gustavo, petro, made a particularly diving statement saying that he wouldn't attend. he said that the outcome was pre determined, but he said the dialogue between russia and ukraine was absolutely crucial in any peace negotiations. the most important, though, we have found in relation to the peace conference in quotation marks in switzerland
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is that it is basically an alignment to the side of war. and we do not agree with that. so that is why i have decided to suspend my visit. we are willing to participate in the conferences that are freely dedicated to seeking the pods to piece and not to building blocks for us when it comes to the actual text of the community that it has been published times and it could you break it down for us, well, this communicate revolves around 3 main points. now the 1st one is, is nuclear security. i mentioned say is that for us, you a nuclear power plant and it says that it must come on the ukraine control. but what if i was to mention is that ukraine has subjected the facility to constant shedding. if i also mentioned the attack on the co good time, which of course is crucial for the coolant for that we act as in that plan. it also talks about food security and it mentions the ships in the black and the as also used for the game. it says, odds of food shouldn't be what the buys, but it fails to mention
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a game that is russia that is provided tons of free grains african nations and some of the poorest and most valuable countries i'm finally mentioned is the release of prisoners. and i was talking about these alleged kid not children, but it mentions of soldiers and members of the armed forces. but again, if i was to mention is russia have presented a list very recently of around 500 prisoners, but that ukraine had up to, to any, take a handful of those which we may need as a fighters. but then again, the statement says, we believe p region piece requires involvement entitled between a policies, but of course, russia wasn't invited to attend. the conference express is respect for the you and job to. one of the points express is, was about respecting territorial integrity. but as all the, perhaps signing up to that's what is well on cost of a so without any hints of ivan is so, so there's nothing waiting, you know, think but the groundbreaking in the,
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in this communicate. and we have to say that the confidence appears. so things, something of a false, remember just over 100 is the 170 invitees actually attended the conference in the 1st place and it was a conference that came a huge cost with around 11000000 us dollars spend on just security, a low it sounds like a very expensive p r a has happened to me. and just before the stomach kicks off on saturday, the day before the russian pro isn't actually spoken, proposed another pace, initials to is that ukraine on his allies promptly reject it and tell us more about that. well, yes, that's why on the eve of the conference, russian president vladimir putin outlined a piece proposal that would lead to a see saw. now he said the ukranian troops must withdrawal from the territories new to incorporated into the russian federation. a bunch of particularly don't yet new guns can he said that like that ukraine must've off his plans to join night. so now
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he offered foot to facilitate the safe withdrawal. all the troops from those areas, but he also wound if those terms when accepted next time. the offer would be very, very different. now of course, this was instantly dismissed by you frame and it's back isn't like the light is coming from the american national security advisor dykes sullivan, who on sunday said that uh, signing this deal with the crime dissolved. it would leave it vulnerable and it defies common sense, but the kremlin specified price spikes. when debates you press, golf said that it was a new kinds, best interest to sign the deal with the situation on. the problem was sitting as good as cutting down put every time poor and speaks of peace initiatives. and when attempts are made to enter the political diplomatic channel, there are certain conditions on the ground. each time they get worse for ukraine, you may make the current dynamics of the situation at the front, clearly demonstrates to us that it will only get worse for ukrainians. but probably
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a politician who puts the interest of the mother land above his own. and even above his master's and would think about such a proposal. let's see what happens. i repeat once again, this is not an ultimatum. here. this is precisely a peaceful initiative which is made taking into account the realities on the ground on put in does not reject anything. he does not reject the possibility of negotiations. now the other responses were perhaps sadie predict to the german child. so the overall show said that the proposal was woman as a distraction from the piece cumbersome. he said that they weren't even discussed at the g 7 liter summit company taking place at the same time. it would be a problem the he didn't even stay till the end of the peace conference. he slipped away us president job. i didn't attend the to he preferred to attend a hollywood fundraiser with lots of george clooney and julia roberts preferring those actors over another. but the vice president come, all i have is did attendance, he was clear,
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the extending the conflict in ukraine was in the best interest of the us. president biden. and my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support your claim, not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest. so here we have the absurdity of a peace conference dismissing a piece proposal. i piece conference without russia on a piece confidence that fail to attain any sense of security. now, at the end of the proceedings that lexie announced a 2nd conference where the funded details are going to be flushed out and then proposed to rush up. in the meantime, the psalms will continue to flow on the death toll will continue to rise. a little earlier i spoke with former ford and secretary of india accounting. while civil, he said the declaration from the swiss conference demonstrates that western
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attempts to gain support from the global side hospital in short. they didn't need to go to this conference in order to make any fresh initiative, which would be acceptable to the international community. the whole purpose was to get on board as the global major global south countries, which is why and the sweet spot in minnesota travel to india. uh, the uh, the, the foreign minister of you can travel to india and did everything possible to, to make sure that we attended. so we do the big a diplomatic setbacks that these countries having attended the conference in good faith and, and expecting that the final communicate would be much more balanced and would take into consideration some of the basic needs solve the situation, which is why that's and wants any, any of these proposals which would be acceptable to both sites if they simply cannot be initiated by one side and presented to the other side. that's something
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the big sir, which is the reason why an india said, said he, very clearly, in his statement that we cannot be a party to the joint communicate in terms of the text of the communique itself. in what way do you think it advances a peaceful resolution to the conflict? does it the fact that the board in came up with a very clear of these proposals on this side, which would us unblock some of the inbox and create the situation for an immediate cease fire. and i think it was different magically. a very clever move. if i enjoyed that was by it, i shot to confront the, the summit with walk version bottom lines through them and made the people attending the conference so bad that this is the adoption position. and even if under percent of it is not met, at least as substantial box on one of the shots once in terms of a security,
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would need to be accepted if the piece of the visa proposal is to move forward to in that sense base to the space conference by mind became, which is the meaning of this list. allows that ukranian delegation headed by flooding. there is a landscape boston supports heaped on by key of patrons. in the swift resort back home conscription officers, they're busy, rounding up men to send them to the front. in the block c city of o desa, it took a group of 10 to wrangle a single residence whose honors were locked behind his back and assign. he wasn't going voluntarily. the young man was reportedly heard calling for a lawyer while he was dragged away for here from social media in the west of ukraine, another person who was dropped off the streets by conscription officer hood rudolph in an unmarked car. local officials noted it was the 3rd time the month has been
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brought to mobilization, center, european history scholar, stuff in guide. see steve printing and officials will stop nothing to run the new troops to keep the conflict go. i think that by now everything is being justified and not by ukrainian. i'm sorry these but by made so which is literally executing ukrainian man with globalization. and it is usually the new recruits coming from the streets of ukraine. the people who are being hunted and sent away ukraine became a prison where old man are astonished to leave in a death row waiting in line for being sent to the front. it is not only tragic, it is cynical because so let's see. here it is constant, the words of supports from the west, but what are they doing? they are supporting the extermination of manual population of ukraine. and
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i think that the only relation of these country can get to them through this big. busy man are trying to do everything they can to escape because there are no chances of winning this war. but still, they are being sent one by one in hundreds and thousands as countered folder while, while so called western values under pin the normative the flooding or is the lensky echoed at the swiss resort. kias 1st gave me pride marching a number of years was stopped in its tracks by you premium neo nazis. the spies riots police protection. soon after the rainbow flag led the parade in the nation's capital. hundreds of those rallying were redirected underground to the nearest metro station. after a larger groups appeared, waving extreme dislikes and signifying their opposition with what was being held us to the glow. listen documentary filmmaker,
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sean still says it appears that western inclusiveness, the key of a striving for does not exclude neo nazi sentiments. i think that the point is the west, as we know, is, is spending money to support and promote these agendas of, of, you know, transgender is um, the gender studies almost sexuality. i mean there's a lot of money that we know that the west is pouring into these programs all over the all over the world. not just the new grand. i mean, i remember seeing things like enough ghana stand, you know, they're spending millions of dollars on gender studies and probably, i mean, probably also, you know, l g, b, t, q agendas and things education, things like this. so none of that surprises. it's just, it's like you're basically trying to do to liberalize, let's say a culture that at the same time is, is, is becoming more right wing. but i mean, how can you, how can you condemn it when, as you said, you, you need these right wing guys, you need these hard and, you know, the neo nazi types are far right types who, you know,
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basically taking on the role of a vendor and company that were obviously with working with the nazis against the russians at the time that russia was communist. right. so it's like it's drawing upon that right wing idiology when you want to be inclusive. well, it's inclusive of, of all, you know, of, of the race, of, of religion, of, you know, of, of, almost actuality and transgender isn't. but does that include somebody else into this nazi, is that apparently ok, switching gears a little know this sunday, the philippine embassy in moscow. welcome gas to celebrate its national independence. they, with the courage and unity, the filipino people, the events, the it was 126 years ago that the nation broke from spanish were a turning point in the history for the side east asian country in the nation's capital. manila celebrations were held on
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a grand scale while here in most to its embassy mark view occasion with traditional performances and calling re deluxe. that's where the countries in boston are highlighted, the developing partnership between the philippines. i'm russia in an interview to our, as i said. so i think that the, it's not us congress, not us colonizers, because friends. and we remember that despite the power of history, but diplomatic relations between always the countries where that is published until 1976. in other words, it 2 years from now, we're going to have the 50th anniversary that i have been a child in jest side. there had been down opportunity to increase the relationship . but i think people to people's relationships. in terms of cultural cooperation, there are russian orthodox churches are beating set, boffa, innovative piece, majestic, the capital money that but all seem to be size inside martin the bottom. oh i that also in ad that vote. so during that, they're asking them to see it in money, let indefinitely be an embassy here we must go,
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have been cooperating with the rest of the 5 piece. define avenue, swipe operation on new terms of culture in terms of the wrist and ad, best wireless in other fields. so far you cannot be cooperate on the russia has so many assets, not to mention the russian people of course, which would be for the benefit of file for the philippines. and for we check operation is very important and for definitive insight as well. there is an interest amongst light, so there are challenges right now, but be addressing issues of air worthiness. we are addressing issues of double registration while we are addressing that issue as of payments on the, on that one on how are the side financial flow as could take place between philippine and ross and the risk. so there is an interest in the part of the local government in fact and eat. and that's what the government is quite that. because i think the russians ones are probably definitely abusing philip in a tories. also,
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what's the experience of the beauty, the hospitality of russia, and therefore, is the people want to travel between our times. but it's been government that they should be able to find ways to be able to. um, assume that the only thing a, something in life is change without change. there is no allies and definitely the philippines. same the filipino side. think i tried their best buy like russians to adjust, but that will be the, you know, big changes through history or small changes in their lives. i think filipinos like russians also as long as there is life. we have to fight and we have to fight for what we believe is the right for our content for 5 minutes. i think my time for us had experience. some of it bad. some of it good through our colonial history, which i think the eclipse us to um, navigate through. i besides defense evidence as not without difficulties, but he'd resilience, as long as we have the veteran isaac on the site and find the outcome of solutions
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. the common problem is, i think i'd be this, any issue with that we have to look at is what is easy to our national interest. all countries, how the national interests. russia certainly has. and the philippine certainly has . and of course, the americans of the chinese hub, but what we do us diplomats and diploma cities to navigate through these different national interests. i think i the philippine site is able to, uh, be applied there. uh for other countries to uh, 5 bytes storage space. you know, way that would be for the benefit, not only a lower national interest, but about a week. all my interest of humanity now reports are emerging, not the idea may have abundant planet tucked. a co pay was after the is really prime minister, criticized the decision. the army, how to nights, the establishment of a daily 11 hour, she monitoring kara door to a lot, a deliveries along the main road. in southern galsen,
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i propose polls follow an idea of a tuck on the rough side that resulted in the death of a of its own soldiers following an armored vehicle explosion on of late to palestinians are also reportedly killed and several others wounded during not offensive. as really jets, truck and neighborhood the shelters, hundreds of thousands displaced by the war. leave oppenheimer, a member of the peace, non movement in tel aviv took aim. after nothing, yahoo government for the latest fatalities. it's only because a decision to allow you me to, and trucks going on one wrong in guys that you know the to allow the human if they're in a inside guys, immediately after the announcement. is there any right to him? that typically is when the government, the timing is the end of me about being to soft. we define this thing and then given just chose through the palestinians. therefore we know that then you all know that it's something. so the 1st type b,
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immediately we acted in and now this is cancer and it was not, it called him to his policy. but this is the policy that is well, totally except the company and you know, the to avoid your name and the causes say really monitoring prices and depression from the outside, including from the to measure of just the score. we, we, we do see the continuous. ready conflict between the political event and the and the minister 11 started the on october 7th. and behind the scenes you can see the status, the tension, and then reading this of the politicians to slow all the blame on them. this is wes smith and now he's government the info, immediately after the ethics to say that it's the fault and the politicians. they know that to avoid the criticism, therefore for the politicians, including at the now it's a very good day regarding david says, i can assure that the eventually is when we have no choice but without the aid him
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to gaza. the problem is that the drive to the drive is of the tracks our way to get to because they know that sometimes these are the armies that thank you districts because they've suspects defeats from us people and not just the mean time and people squaring off in berlin, rival supporters in the gals and war took to the streets of the german capital this weekend. paula standing on, there's really flags where we have high tensions, rose to the police coming between the functions to try and keep the peace demonstrators supporting the as really side claim the pro palestinian at protesters attractive and shudder themselves as the day progress. law enforcement done right here with the crowds brewing in the
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hold up the rally. hum, falls of palestinian supporters were detained, well placed, the leasing here, popping down a line of suspects against me. there's be no official numbers, however, released on just how many were brought into custody. i want to be charged the next we put america is long. this for in focus, but from the perspective of the vietnamese, in particular at 6 veal calling veterans who recall the 20 year a conflict in the country, including an informant for the us. it's really intriguing how far that begins the


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