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tv   News  RT  June 17, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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here we discuss the wheel in the incredible process. we need brushes, participation, john requests the absence of the lesson for the reason. our top story is on our team. 14 countries repairs to sign off on final declarations from the so called ukrainian p. some of in switzerland, the vast majority from the global south. we are on the very boards in between russia and ukraine's hock of region. these are the positions of russian view, a, the pilots, as the russian army advances to the hard top region. you are the operators from the off lot metalli and play a crucial role in the operations. and an idea of photos or the body of a palestinian man killed the during and there's rarely rate on the west bank. his mother speaks to archie. many young men were assassinated and no one can
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stop them west eating in the homes. why do they come to us? when you come to talk to me, i will defend myself. the i'm rachel ruble lived in moscow. you're watching r t international. we start with the outcome from the ukrainian paste summit hosted by switzerland. the talks are focused on examining it, zalinski is proposed a piece formula, only $78.00 out of the $92.00 states signed that the sum of the final declaration with the rock and jordan included in the list by mistake and subsequently excluded at the last moment. 14 countries mostly from the global south, including south africa, brazil, india, and saudi arabia did not agree on the documents to well, let's take a look at the communicate itself. where's the so called piece somebody came up with by the end of the 2 days of talks,
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the document calls for the resolution of disputes through peaceful means that at the same time, washington approve more than one point $5000000000.00 in me until that military, a took yeah, they communicate also calls for the direct involvement and dialogue between all parties. though not all participants were on board with the final declaration. here is what indian ambassador to rush up of on come for said during the meeting. can all of you on the, those options acceptable to both parties can lead to a binding piece in line with this approach, we have decided to avoid association with the joint communicate or any other document emerging from the summit. they didn't need to hold this conference in order to make any fresh initiative, which would be acceptable to the international community. the whole purpose was to get on board the global major global south countries, which is why and the sweet spot. i'm going to start travel to india. uh the, the,
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the foreign minister of you can travel to india and did everything possible to, to make sure that we attended. so we do the big the, the real magic setback, that these countries having attended the conference in good faith and expecting that the final communicate would be much more better and would take into consideration some of the basic needs solve the situation, which is that any east proposal should be acceptable to book sites. they simply cannot be initiated by one side and present it to the other side. that's something you have to accept, which is the reason why. and india said study very clearly. and it said one that we cannot be a party to the joint communicate as some of the participants who refuse to sign and communicate raised questions about the summons process, particularly russia's absence. it was an opportunity for western countries that
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have been using the conflict and ukraine as a free text to wash tax their cash into making weapons at home that particularly benefit military, industrial, complex profiteers and shareholders. to pretend for the folks at home that they're really just doing it all for peace. representatives of $92.00 countries attended this ukraine peace summit organized price with the officials at the request of ukraine, president bly mirror zalinski. but 12 of them, notably from the global south, refused to sign the summits final declaration, which really didn't have much in it beyond buzz words about ukrainian territorial integrity and meetings. you hanging out again soon and talking about peace again by the way, kosovo, and israel both did sign the declaration. do you think they might not want to go there when it comes to issues of territorial integrity? they might just want to back out of the room, but know the communicate also noted that piece quote requires dialogue between all parties. that's nice. do all parties also include russia yet, you know,
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all of you on the, those options acceptable to both parties can lead to a binding piece? is in line with this approach. we have decided to avoid association with the joint communicate or any other document emerging from the summit. yeah, it's like come on guys, who do we think we are to members of the global community are fighting and you team up with just one of done deliberately flew the other and think that you're actually going to get anywhere besides maybe further up your own back sides, so lock you, i use around these tables because we want to support every piece, initiatives, body, it is necessary to have old stakeholders involved in the process. and here it is a central to emphasize that any credible process will need russia's participation. gonna request the absence of the russian federation and the people's republic of china at this be so many people there being more resolve oriented. if the other
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cross you to the conflict to russia plus present in the room, a bunch of countries were invited but flat out even refused to make the trip for, since it seemed like a long way to go, i guess, to basically just hang out the setting of the switch form is not the free for them to discuss path for peace between russia and ukraine. it's conclusions are already pre determined. i suspend my trip to the medium in switzerland and i ask you up to discuss the ways to cease the war and not to extend your pray, reacted to the final declaration saying that it was. busy balance and that all of its positions were taking into account. yeah. balance in the sense that they just acted as to nar refers all these countries for ukraine's demands. then they merely alluded to the fact that there's a whole other sides of the conflict being russia. yeah. that's super balanced. it's not like russian president vladimir putin didn't literally layout russia's own
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peace proposal the day before this summit, which the by administration dismissed out. right. because having to actually have wrote real peace would a tough probably that's a hard thing to do and it would also reapply that their big virtue signaling show and splits and then it didn't take long after the crumbs offer was back handed for it spokesman to weigh in with the reality check that every time poor and speaks of peace initiatives and when attempts are made to enter the political diplomatic channel. there are certain conditions on the ground because each time they get worse for ukraine, you may make the current dynamics of the situation at the front clearly demonstrates to us that it will only get worse for ukrainians. but probably a politician who puts the interest of the mother land above his own and even above his master's would think about such a proposal. let's see what happens. i repeat once again, this is not an ultimatum. here. this is precisely
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a peaceful initiative which is made taking into account the realities on the ground put in does not reject anything. he does not reject the possibility of negotiations . oh, come on now. why actually hammer out real peace when you can just be pretending to meet about peace. so basically a bunch of western leaders got off at this meeting. italian prime minister, george i maloney served up some philosophically abstract word, solid about piece not being confused with the concept of taking control german chancellor. all actual said the person's idea of you prayed, abandoning the 4 provinces that rushing out planes along with its nita emissions was just meant to take attention away from the conference that shots himself get out early and failed. french president, evaluating back home, said that more countries should be involved in peace meetings like this. just start russia. i guess. us president joe biden didn't even make fee of that. but vice
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president cromwell harris was there to say, how much you pray means to him, president biden. and my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support you claim not out of charity us, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest, just apparently not as much of a quote, strategic interest as a hollywood fundraiser with obama and a bunch of celebrities which is where biting was instead of being in attendance at this particular joke or rodeo, president biden chose to opt out of this summit instead and visit a fundraising events in hollywood for his re election campaign. as the clock was ticking, mister biden stood still needing to be pulled off stage by one of his predecessors for rock obama. us president, was apparently focused on something, so no reports that emerged as to what caught his gaze. and what was his latest high profile lapse? we discussed the piece summit with john campbell at senior editor for the issue,
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insight publication, who i'm like, fighting was at the peace of mind in switzerland. he talked to some delegates and told us they've expressed their fatigue over yet another ukraine centric a bad while their national interests are being down tight. i was able to interact with a good number of the delegations that different levels and also interact with some of the journalists covering the event. and from the delegation perspective, you can raise you there. i think overall the most for the kinds place looking at the performance of the statements that they read over the 2 days basically were written in advance and there were no changing of minds. and the delegations basically said that, you know, we, we know we're not going to change any minds. this is an event, it's a spectacle which 2 is designed to show solidarity in unit indemnity,
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etc. but there was also vice president, a, an exhaustion part of it, which is fine. you know, how much of this do we have to continue to go through an every meeting, g 7, g, 20 nato, you, when general assembly, your, which all zalinski ukraine's zalinski ukraine and the original 15. and that's, i think if there's one word that describes what i heard most from delegations is they're tired. and also, there is a resentment that the russia, ukraine more is absorbing so much oxygen when they have issues with respect to their own countries that they feel or being push downward on the list or ignored because of the rush or you create more weights, lots of ether gal,
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chair, professor at sergio university. he says bottom resilience keisha deal with the cranes internal affairs rather than blaming china for not attending the swift pace summit. thomas position, not only on the wall between russia and ukraine, but also on this so called a peace conference. i well know china has made its case very clearly. no, i would say for the president of ukraine to have all the acetate to accuse china. i think he should really do his homework. you should know that china has played a very constructive role from the very beginning to our actual ceasefire. and that is the only right seat for ukraine and for russia to achieve. i hope prizes uminski will really do ball pilots, rather than being pushed up more and more onto the bandwagon. not for the on demand, the interest of the people being ukraine for other countries, because there are countries which don't have all the loss of civilian lives in
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ukraine. i see it is time to call on president, so to speak, to really think about nothing else. but i found the level of interest of the ukrainian people to make peace rather than continuing to make war. because that's the wrong thing for the ukrainian people. and don't allow any country to find a tool that allows to ukraine is pending. because that's not good for the ukrainian people, it's not good for ukraine as a country. the fact that he didn't invite a restaurant to attend this no surprising, because i suspect the real intention is not to achieve a ceasefire at all. because if they don't bring russia on to the same table with ukraine, to negotiate, to do to promising the best form, there will not be. she's fine the way and start and burns call to bring nato's nuclear weapons to a state of combat. readiness is another escalation of tensions. that's the comments given by comments books. person dmitri pest golf,
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as the nato chief announces that the block is ramping up its nuclear arsenal. citing the growing threat from russia and china. all right, let's cross. now it's my colleagues, steve sweeney, who joins me here in the studio. so steve, and they know to coming up with some strong words there about the need for the lions to ramp up. it's nuclear weapons. can they tell us more about that? well, yes, the seriousness of still was a big statement, shouldn't really be dismissed or down play this better because language is a very clear threat to what he sees as night. so he's focus, he was speaking to the british newspaper, the technical off, when he said the member states read tools to deploy more nuclear weapons. that means taking the amount of storage, i'm placing them on stand by. he's cited a growing threat from both russia and china, which now you so identified as a security challenge. back in 2022. he described nato as a nuclear lions, which kind of on the minds it's claims to be in alliance for pays,
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but it didn't go into the exact details of negatives nuclear emissions weapon 3. the, i won't go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and we should be storage. but we need to consult on these issues. that's exactly what we're doing. the u. s. is more than nice and they're gravity balance for the nuclear warheads. they have in europe, in european allies and more than i than the planes which are going to be dedicated to nato's nuclear emission so stolen by price uh, the $32.00 member states of nato, for that contribution to the detachment. he singled out the netherlands for investigating find to judge, capable of hosting us nuclear warheads. now this was a wide ranging mc. he went home to defend ponds, to trump, proof ministry i to ukraine. of course, there's an election the presidential election on the way that and he says that if trump is successful and becomes the next president again, that the i to you crying to the weapons flight to your crime was empty at dry up now the us presidential candidate robot kennedy junior said the stapleton books,
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a stipend effectively means that the supply weapons to ukraine would become mandatory for now. you to remember states. now, he also spoke about the election in britain. he said that so kissed alma, the policy leader, who is suppose it to be believed is by likely to become the next prime minister. he said, is a staunch ally of a nato. and of course, one of the key questions failed it by the british media during the election is to the to potential prime ministers is the willingness to press the so called red bottom is i guarantee nuclear annihilation is key to electro success. it really is concerning concerning all this rhetoric and, and there's increasing reports because of all this, suggesting that the world is now in a new nuclear arms race. can you give us some more details? yes, of course. this is incredibly alarming. the still comb, international piece of research institute as it relates to a report on monday,
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which says that the 9 nuclear states, this is the united states, russia, the united kingdom fonts, china, india, pakistan, the democratic people's republic of korea as well. have all started modernizing the nuclear weapons programs. they're saying that the number of operational warheads, this is those that can be deployed and can be used against other countries has in fact increased. they said, according to the report that the global inventory stands around, or just over 12000 warheads in january 20, 24, and 9, and a whole 1000 of that stopped. paul is ready for potential use. while the global total of nuclear warheads continues to full is coldwell ero athens that gradually dismantled progressively, we continued to see year on year increases in the number of operational needs. they will head. we're now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history. so i'm seeing you to campaign is have ones that's a nuclear arms race is underway. cit pretty has said that they've not seen nuclear
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weapons play such a prominent role in international relations since the cold war. now, the 9 nuclear sites that we mentioned earlier, i have spent a whopping 91000000000 on the new, clear all those in 2023. that's according to a new report from the international campaign to a position nuclear weapons. but the large majority of that spending as being by the united states. so steve was real effect, given all of this, do these international treaties that are put in place to prevent this kind of situation? what effect do they actually have a? well, that's a very big question, and i'm somewhat say that those treaties on the side limited that is the international treaty the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, which is supposed to bind the if the expansion of nuclear weapons in countries to a signature used to it. but the, the 90 percent of the world's total nuclear warheads are owned by the united states
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. and russian. and a number of treaties did exist between those 2 countries. but they have since collapse the 99 today, 27, i in all a treaty between gorbachev and reagan was one of them. this was an intermediate new to me, sol treaty a fine, effectively on weapons. how to range between 500 kilometers and 5000 kilometers, which effectively remove them from uh, from the, from your back in 2019 under the trump administration. the united states unit last 3. withdrew from uh that tracy of course, at the time. uh that was great. warnings that this was a very, very dangerous move, and i moved towards further instability. then in february 2023, the new start treaty. this was the last remaining, i'd say, to controlling a limiting almost between russia and the united states. now, by collapse russia pulled out of that treaty and it said that of course,
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that the united states was abiding by it. so the united states also responded by refusing to share information and, and data under the terms of that treaty. now they tell you, of course, has been criticized for the deployment of nuclear policies, be $6112.00 and they took vices across europe as a campaign for new to, to solve and all them, and as being she's the critical upon this to deploy the needs of all heads to already f, like and he's in, in suffering that britain has around 260 well hedges by the government that has said that it's not refusing to publicly display as any, for the information of the number of nuclear weapons. it has deployed missiles or weapons. washington has quite what really very recently signaled shift from simply modernizing its nuclear capacity to expanding its nato has labeled russia as a security threat. we keep hearing this from nato and,
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and these natal countries. what does moscow is positioned when it comes to nuclear weapons and their use? well, russia has perhaps on the stand to be said, the number of other countries are increasingly concerned with this expansion of nuclear weapons on the washington strategy for expanding its nuclear capacity as well. now it, so as i said that this, the escalating rhetoric, the threat saving towards russia and china is particularly alarming, but must go insist that it's not the one that is carried out the saber rattling with all the noise emanating from washington on the west. now, speaking this in petersburg, international economic form, recently, russian president vladimir pretty soon said he was clear that russia was watching developments closely. but it wasn't the country that started the dangerous rhetoric and that it has a clear nuclear don't train people do things. and then when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric, we simply said it shouldn't be taken more seriously. and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not,
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that's the 1st thing. secondly, on the use and non use of such weapons, russia has a nuclear doctrine and everything is written that they use as possible in an exceptional case, in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. i do not believe that such a case has arisen, but this doctrine is a living instrument and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and around us is. now despite this, the west on the west of media continue to blame russia for the escalations, particularly when it comes to you crime. but most common says, but it has no plans to use nuclear weapons against its neighbor, but the escalates reactions of both the united states and nato. mean the most go may be forced to own it's nuclear. don't think it's caustic story is not the threats from the west over and over and over, and then they blame russia. alright, sweetie, thank you. alright, well countries at the switzerland summit tried to resolve the ukrainian conflict
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without moscow, russian army units continue to carry out their offensive in the hard top region. there you are. the operators play a crucial role and provide vital support for combat units involved in the fighting r t. correspond to either stand off, brings us more. we are on the very border between russia and ukraine's hock of region. these are the positions of russian. you a v pilots with the much special forces. these guys pretty much the eyes for everyone here from tillery to the grunts in the trenches. 3 lines, waiting in the wind, almost intention below you into the full sense of tranquillity. both russia and ukraine use fixed some of vegetation to conceal troops and equipment for the person for this position is a power line. construction in the middle of the field was humans or on tennis to transmit us on it. we have seen ukraine on the bus now here, most likely, vast ation on the concrete slab onto the construction work here begins with the 1st
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rays of sun, a unit, so kindly causing dro no prices has no shortage of targets. the motives and how it has seized the opportunity over surveillance drone in the sky and add their own beat to this deputy percussion. opal look, look visual. well, how could i see we? well, it's difficult to describe the really motion in anticipation of and off to every good hit. this is where you realize that for the boys here,
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it's funny say you are the and the part of the input that if i'm allowed that i saw it and that they do put everything they've got into it brings the victory closer. but the commander of this detachment to going under the cool sign hayes tells me he trains his men to keep a keen mind it will fail. there's always room for positive emotions which you feel when you get the job done well. the guys are happy when the drone or artillery hits the target, or they see a good stipe or shot. the main thing is that these motions should not be allowed by blood. last one should not lose one's self to blood madness. it should feel like happiness for success in your job, not happiness for killing another ukrainian. we're just happy to hit the enemy. that's it. a motion should be controlled. if we fail to do that, we are no better than animals. and this meant to ship seems to work, need for them, but we can not behave like some creatures. well, i won't call them animals as i don't want to offend them. even after all the people
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i've met with good things i've seen. so sometimes you feel an inhuman rage and wish to destroy your enemy with as much power as possible. but deep inside you realize that they are human beings. after all, we get it and somehow you want to solve everything in a human way and reach peace. but if our enemy is being brainwashed with the idea that only sub humans live in russia, some must divide to must be destroyed. despite all that, we should still act humanely and give you cranium soldiers. the opportunity to surrender fights as hey, a balance on a razor's edge. there warriors who have refused to let blind rage and madness of war paint. there are, so i'm a goose done of reporting from the russia ukraine board to see the other ice for the raining and presidency is heating up. one of the 6 candidates vine for the top job is masoud possessed can, who became the surprise choice on the list released by the guardian council. the
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body which approves all presidential nominations. failing from the reformers can possess, scan re ignited the long standing rivalry between the conservatives and the conformists . our t correspondent use of july brings us up to speed as the pivotal june 28th presidential race approaches must possess keion halley from the reformer scamp has re ignited the longstanding rivalry between the principal host and reformist challenging the dominance of the conservative contenders on the list will have held sway anyone's political sphere during the brief tenure of the late president racing divisions of the soul reformers, candidates are totally different from those of the 5 other rivals. as specifically on is speaking about, we do dialogue with the west language that's been absent from the political discourse and for some time how much we need to learn how to communicate with our neighbors and the rest of the world. just as we know how to engage in dialogue domestically, we cannot afford to be in conflict with every country we should not show aggression or hostility towards the western countries. currently serving as member of the last
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parliament must we possess can may not be a well known figure under reform, a spectrum which he has been an influential politician within the reformers camp for nearly 3 decades. the 69 year old surgeon served as the health minister in the early 2, thousands and the cabinets of president mohammed contact me, known as the father of reforms. and the 1st it won't even president, we spoke about to approach mom with the west in the previous electronic 2021. the guardian council responsible for candidate bidding board senior reform is leaving the scene open for 1st of all, most of the summit over many believe that the council would disqualify reformers again, this time with a surprising conclusion. offers keion in the line off has shifted the dynamics, motivating many previously a specific performance motors to turn out without their initially planning to boycott. the election position has invited permanent economists from a country individuals who played a significant role in fostering economic growth during the could. tommy
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administration possess can, has pledge to that we can rest assured he will bring about an economic leap and deliver all the positive developments in this area. you know, your party's experience in parliament as a representative of the people demons trace that he's sincere. and he's was this alliance with a plan orientation approach indicating that he makes promises that he can fulfill rather than just expressing wishful thinking skills. rhetoric is a bit different from his fellow reformist politicians and the says, but he also tries to win the backend of pro principal as direct, right. he says, well, here pulses factions, traditional perspective, he will not overlook, raise these achievements, and engaging with the global sales and seeking new opportunities beyond western types. the more 1st step is that we will pursue the direction taken by the previous administration. we need to execute their plans accurately and promptly if upon our assessments we find out that those plans for the entities to run the meet to be changed, then we will exercise reforms total task. it is true that the reform is camp,
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emerged when it runs times with western countries face serious challenges and the reform is tried to resolve those challenges. however, this does not mean that they would not pursue engagement with other countries worldwide. therefore the reform is also prioritized. it runs national interest and seek to establish a balanced relationship with the eastern block, such as china and russia. it's all, there is this common misconception and that's reformist anyone are pro western. whether or not they simply want to establish diplomatic ties with the way in order to address domestic challenges caused by western sanctions. the peak of this engagement was, during former president, has several honeys administration, which resulted in the historic 2015 nuclear deal only to these crops by the us. 3 years later, while the lease president preceded, not actively seeks to revive video. many performance iranians believe it should still be a viable solutions.


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