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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 17, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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sir, size reforms. so little a task, it is true that the reformers camp emerged went around times with western countries, very serious challenges and the reform is tried to resolve those challenges. however, this does not mean that they would not pursue engagement with other countries worldwide. therefore the reform is also prioritized. it runs national interest and seek to establish a balanced relationship with the eastern block, such as china and russia. there's this common misconception that the reformist anyone are pro western, whether or not they simply want to establish diplomatic ties with the west in order to address domestic challenges caused by western sanctions. the peak of this engagement was, during former president, has unable honeys administration, which resulted in the historic 2015 nuclear deal. only 2 of these crops by the us, 3 years later, while the president preceded, not actively seeks to revive video. many performance iranians believe it should still be a viable solution to help save everyone's economy. but on you to achieve all
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national meadow goals, it is crucial to engage and dignified dialogue with by the west on the east, in order to position our country and all great nation in the global community we whole heartedly welcome and support this initiative. one of our country's problems is economic issues, including a lack of investment, especially for an investment by engaging internationally and revising the nuclear deal. we can effectively navigate these challenges. i'm not saying the nuclear agreement can solve all the economic challenges, but it can mitigate data. we need to engage constructively with the world instead of adopting an aggressive approach. while the reformer scam still has of supporters, its foreign policy is not welcomed among different civilized, especially after the nuclear deal, dash tops of the west, being the panacea for iran problems unless process beyond introduces new and innovative policies. distinct from those of his fellow reformer the anything for
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the scales present in the race have the positive result of increasing border turn outside trying to the balance boxes those or previously disenchanted by the lack of representation. many, i believe he is a serious rival to heavy weight candidates like money, bob and to vote smart lead to a run of usability our to well, that is going to do for me for now. but do stay with us. my colleague nikki, earn, will be in next in less than half an hour. now with more of the, based on this story by the the
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hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered on people of male russian president vladimir, put in his late condition for ukraine. that he said would lead to an immediate cease fire. and ultimately an end to the conflict. unfortunately, the west is more interested in escalation in more war, rather than establishing peace to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guest, even guy, each in bel rate. he is a research associate at build rates institute for european studies. and here in moscow we cross do dmitri bobby cheese a political analyst at spoke nick, international, regional named cross type roles and effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start off with our guest in belgrade, which really quite curious as we speak. there is a so called peace conference going on in switzerland. it's been advertised for a long time. it's some kind of a silver bullet that there is a boot blueprint out there at all. we have to do is get the russians to agree to it, which of course as far as that goal, actually, even mainstream media is cast
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a lot of doubt on what's very interesting to both of you. is that what am i putting again for the 2nd time and as many months have basically said, you know, what needs to be done to get to a lease, the ceasefire, the association of possibilities, and to just start negotiations. just to remind your audience, there is basically 4 elements to that cube a remains neutral, not enjoying any kind of military blocks, remains of remains non aligned. that's not clear if that includes the you. that's open to question non nucular status, that is obviously clear in the lifting of sanctions. stephen, this is this starting point now in my mind and looking at how complex come to an end. so you have a starting point like we had the stem bull process. ok, essentially there we have um, seen this complet go on much longer than it needed to. again, we have a blueprint to start ending this conflict. they're talking about something
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completely different in switzerland right now. go ahead. yeah, exactly. ok. the problem is that russia doesn't have a serious negotiator on uh, on the other side. and what we see is that some kind of, i'd say, in front of the child premeditated murders. because a while arming your brain, basically, sending more and more ukranian boys to die. they are singing songs to all souls. and this, this reminds me, it is a happy birthday to you, you know, not found g 7. i now look at all the scandals that goes by is the, is doing a on, on every, basically occasionally the piece present on this. remind me ill of an interview by a famous musician of frank zappa from 1987 he gave it to see. and as the girl got across fire, he said, well,
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after what do the song that you would like to if you ever listen to, he said we are the world. i said it's, it's, it's a really remarkable how she got the point because in 2015 on the meeting of the heads of us has a foreign ministers of nato. they were all singing, we are the world as they were preparing to escalate the conflict arming you. great . i mean, let's remind everybody that the war actually started in 2016 and then it's like i called him childish in some dial pre emptive p inmate. that is murder speaks as a well, you know, the doing. what's really interesting. i know this. yeah, i'll throw this the demo right now. i mean, news reports of come out as they were convening in switzerland and i, i thought i found this from multiple sources, but just one. but it's essentially what they're really willing to negotiate is that i don't need a drum roll for this here. food in new killer safety. both are important. yep. i
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agree. a and prisoner exchange. this is what they're going to be talking about. so this is not a peace conference, it's essentially a way to isolate russia. i mean, what kind of have you ever heard of a of a conference and being a conflict where one of the belligerence is not there. i mean, this is beyond absurd. it's infant tile is stephen, is that go ahead demon. i agree with you. it seems on file of let's see things in progress. ok, there are 2 approaches to be settled. the 1st is to view it in complex and this is what profit goes to justin. this is actually importance of world trade. now, he said that if we agree, that full regents would, you're going to russia, we would remain rush including crime you. if we agree that you don't join nature, then we will resolve a bigger problem. the problem of the conflict between russia and the west and human sanctions may be well taking the long perspective,
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which one is not the youngest as the if there is a peace settlement and you grant it doesn't the means that you asked me was according to which sanctions but and what was the last you will be better tomorrow, but again, uh, we're going to wants to view it in congress. the ukrainian agent you in the beginning was the same by the, with the minus sign. like russia must be a role which forces rush a must be in fact the pitch weight. uh, you know, a pro russian, the citizens of your grange will be brought to justice. russian generals would be brought to justice. basically, this is andrea, at least so uh it became clear through the grading and simple there west and supports us before the conference. no one who called such a one. i mean, even india is not interested in coming to appropriate guarantee when that will require rush detroit, you know, so they decided to narrow the agenda to issues that are
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important to a bite. i'm sorry, can you just the, to the demo attempt to talk about those issues over resume call as well? that's the problem. you know, this was the only way the landscape would persuade a neutral countries, you know, congress of the global south, some of them to come to this conference. ok. everyone is interested in your safety . that is important. yeah. but the team didn't i don't, i don't think zalinski convinced anybody of anything. stephen, i think it was the us basically intimidating. a smaller country, smaller powers. you better show up and they get a sense. i'm kind of deputy assistant and things like that. i mean, this is what we've seen. this is even in western coverage of this, of this. we're big non event. but, you know, steven the, the issue is here. it's again, you know, with all of this money, an arm is from the west being poured into ukraine. it still has nothing to do with
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ukraine. it's all about focusing on russia. defeating russia strategically knocking it off the uh, the pantheon of great powers, and to isolate it, none of these things are going to happen, this conference highlights that's failure more than anything else. exactly, but the problem with the west is that it lives in some kind of 1990 is a 1000. so what they want, they want another federal republic of yugoslavia. they want a page say beautiful for putting and they all the generals and then they want to impact on their piece. and the sense of justice board are quote, this is ridiculous, of course. the west is actually being isolated and not even to talk about your credit, ukraine, even the object of international relations. it is not a subject, it is not deciding anything. it is being murdered by its friends. you know,
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there were friends of syria and now we have friends of your grades and what they are doing is they are treating them as a, as children. how old are they? are be heading in from dial as, as we saw, all these conferences thinking of the song, you know, songs. and at the same time it seems that they kind of get over. as i sat there drunk with the power that they have already lost. it is like a maybe it's comparable to a junkie that only have the supply of l drugs update has a memory of how it was. and that's what the worst is constantly doing. i mean, russia is trying to make a strategic deal. it is not talking about your brain only it is talking about the bigger problem. and the bigger problem with the security in europe is being, you know, where nato borders are going to be. what the nature of what they did is only expand it expanded in southeast europe. uh with the several. is that like the golden banana republics?
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and the balkans being basically added without any consent for their citizens without referendum when they saw it. this was possible there, they did it to freeland and, and sweden, i mean, nobody off the things are the sweets. i mean, they were told, right? so we heard about the polls, but we never saw a democratic process where these countries join nato. so the mesa and stephen cbs, i said to you, i think you would agree with me these the european elections that we saw as a, it least in direct ask for mason that the people would like to have the say. and the issues of peace and war, we, people are exhausted as of these a leads and a what is more and more obvious is that the european, the so called a leads. european governments are only vibes, all bots, of, of, of washington. don't have any c, h solve. they don't say a word about north stream being got bombed by the types of states being destroyed,
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but t, except the birthday wishes zillow, as if you're going to, i don't know if a get a happy meal or the, i mean this is, this is so it would have been extremely funny if we were not all home just. busy this situation where, where you can have a really dire consequences. well, in stephen and beam of the, the, the one of the most hoc, this part of the political parties in europe is, is germany's greens and look with the electorate gave them an election night. that's really quite external. you know, the, you know, team of the, is stevens absolutely right. they meet, you know, what's the most important issue here is not it, they call it a peace conference, but they're not talking about peace is matter of fact. i mean, i know the joe biden is a very busy man. i mean, he's got that fundraiser in, in a, in california who would miss that. okay, but i mean, this is brain child. these people created this catastrophe paper for ukraine and he to it, they can even deign to show up. ok, maybe he'll be looking for
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a chair. i don't know. but do you know, do you mean this is not about trying to bring peace back to europe. stevens obviously, right, how you can text realize it is bringing peace back to the continent. that's not what's an issue here in switzerland, bhima to the right. uh, and i think the agent chose this time to make the statement, of course, in order to foreshadow show that in significance, all these confidence in switzerland because what, you know, suggestions are very concrete. and, and, and they really thought you want issues that are, that are important. the interest that we want to ask you have to go into details, you know, full euclid of security. and you can have security talk was, he has suggestions that's a little bit under, at least, you know, deal back when you play a power station to that. ukrainian speaking is the machine which is moving, you know, cynthia is referenced, you just left to the border, which is that they can strategic objects jeep inside russia, which is the,
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presumably, even in fact the array just ation, which was supposed to provide security digging euclid that's the even the nuclear power stations do any responsible review. of course that's spelled went to crap. but i agree with stephen. i really want to say more of the west is much don't you don't just about banking 9 just for the about 19 seventies. when g 7, the learning g, the manual corner uses the world, so they all speak in that same way or the world. leave any of the 7? well, you know, the same, i have to jump in here. we have to go to a break, but you know, it's thinking we are the world when you think of the g 7, all the great western colonial powers. that's kind of an interesting comparison to the limit i'm going to jump in here. really go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our dispatcher, then some illness. stay with archie. the
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look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter to conflict with the 1st flaw show your eye then justification. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. as the point obviously is to makes a truck rather than fit the job. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the, in the a robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis the,
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the welcome back across sack, were all things are considered. i'm peter, let's remind you were discussing some real news. you know, steven, how you brought up probably the most salient point of the, of this whole issue this about the non issue of this conference in switzerland. and what vladimir putin is announced again. i mean it's all you have to go to the tucker carlson interview. i mean, there's plenty of places to go to the kremlin website. i mean, there's play, it's, it's all, it's, it's very frustrating for me is, you know, what do the russians want,
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what do they just listen to what they have to say. you can disagree with that have, that's what i have no problem with that. but that, that their position is very, very clear, far more clear than ukraine's western allies. the point you brought up that i think is really important. visits. let's go back to december 2021. when russia said, look, we want to send to, you know, an agreement, a draft treaty and ultimatum, whatever you want to call. it's fine with me to the united states and to nato. what are you bet, bye friend. that's still the basis of how this conflict is going to be result in you, but it hasn't changed. go ahead. exactly. instead of actually negotiating well up to your bmw, leaders are doing is they are literally putting you are up at risk they, i mean it's going to be burned to land if this continues like that. if they continue singing tyler songs and actually arming nothing. and i'm going to say fueling the conflict because nothing but the police has changed apart from more man
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dying on both sides, particularly under ukrainian side. and the is this, it but, but the thing is that they still think that this is a saved game, that they can walk this from the distance. whereas russia has repeatedly said that, for instance, if an f 16 plane flies from an 8, the country that the the, the airfield will be bumped for startrek at the same time. what we hear occurred from c knock from my throne is that uh ukraine. so even from by that, that ukraine should be able to bomb ross up proper territory, right? with the weapons provide. i mean, this is ridiculous. it i and, and i don't really see what is their point. do me, baby. they are some kind of a, i know satanic calls that wants to the destruction of the world because i come find a normal rational, a solution. what we really need to let me, let me propose this to you is something i've been pondering, okay. you in the west,
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in nato land, they have the vaunted article 5. that's like their, their, their secret sauce. that's their, their, they're a great already, you know, that's their shields, you know, and they go on and on and on about it, cuz he, you brought it up, you know, what, let's say there's an air, a nato air field in romania and poland. okay. and f sixteens take off there, it's unclear what they're, what kind of emulation they have here is that new killer tips, we don't know, okay, there, i'm certainly not going to communicate that. but then and then on the other side, is there any other issues this like well, i mean article fives important to you. well, okay, well who are we to say otherwise? but those planes in poland and romania they are killing our people. i mean, you can talk about your article 5 all you want, but you know, we have, we have the right to self defense as well. and that is something that, you know, i don't know, stephen, this is what makes it so dangerous. but they really, me think they can bluff the russians. do think that they, they, they feel that,
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you know, after everything that's been said and done, absolute failure every step of the way of their calculation of this conflict here. they think they're going to bluff their way to victory stephen. i think they, they will try to and they've been trying to block their weight because they have this race. it's just the assumption that ross and somehow will see the white gauze in the, in the west and out of courtesy it won't respond. i think that there is a bit strange, a psychological game going over here. and actually, jeffrey sachs, you just mentioned puklich also because you had a really remarkable interview, a disaster. and he said that he said that they thing that they will block their weight, but they don't get it. they don't get that. russia is a completely different society. they don't get that they have actually awake and i was in the balls of fire, the drops i have the they have really
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a wake and it's indian in many ways the and that the old mind games, the old tricks are never going to work. and these are the old colonial tricks. and the thing is that now we are in a problem because these people, they live in a completely separate reality as a, as if they're gonna bill 50. that's the main problem. and the main problem is that you don't rush, are you sending the message? but i guess it is sending the message to 90 percent of the world actually that is listening to it. uh so that everybody knows what's going on. uh, we have a lunatic basic i'd say they've made though is a collective going to take that uh, hold it citizens as hostages, and then the rest of the world is lost as to because what they can pro big approval damage, but they will never a certain global power, like this was in the, in the ninety's, and that is the, uh, that is the whole issue that we are facing now. you know, you know, d,
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my own in the hey, i was just reading some poll numbers of russians are afraid of the possibility of a 3rd world war, which would be obviously a new killer war. i don't see the same people asking um the hostages of stephen calls them in western europe the same question. but we do know with, you know, and i don't want to, you know, but the read too much into election result in the european union because, you know, there's so many other either is immigration going on. there's problems with the inflate. there's a lot of problems. okay. but there's also the issue of being very aggressive when it comes to russia talking about conscription. i thought of, i don't know any of your bands. i want to join the army and fight russians and ukraine. i think that's delusional here. but i mean russians take this very seriously and stevens right, this country, it and maybe you agree or disagree with me deem it, but it's changed in the last 2 and a half years. personally, i think for the better team. well, you are right. so thanks,
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changed the entity for the world change. i agree with steve, you know, of the absence of the peace movement in europe is stunning and always needed. these people do believe that we have sold the cargo called. i'm not going to shipped. uh, you know, the white boards, uh well, you right. you said the, do you sell them to these out for my colonial boss? do you in japan? where's the one who also get your best be she in china and to rear? you may do so. it is like a colonial power, like a typical westdale colonial power, you know, subjugated people, uh, cheating them. look at history, japanese themselves exploded. uh, but the point is that uh, everything is done in such a way that there would be no weight. but i mean, like i just spoke to the general tech, your major was saying natal congress are obliged to buy f 35 spicy goods
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and make them capable of carrying nuclear weapons. what other means? it means that f sixteens, which will be replaced by f 35, can be given to great, so we make sure there will be a disaster. there will be no wait back door, a large 20. i don't know. d by mean steven, of 35. not a military expert, but i, i know it f 35 is a better, more modern plane in the f. 16 f sixteens. i came into service when i was in high school, everyone. and that was on time and that was a long time ago. hey, hang on, do you mind i, you know, these f a 35 steven, they'll burn like any other western nato plane. okay. and i, and i, and i think that's one of the hesitations. you know, they, they, the united states, you know, doesn't export many interesting things anymore outside of arms and watch those burning over this guy. so it'd be a crane. i don't think so. i think it's again, a lot of a blustering bluff. go ahead. oh yeah, they will be the big ball as a fire, as jerry lewis,
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the one suspect about it. but the problem is you just mentioned the, the, the european elections. what i see is the back to fussy ization of europe. so instead of getting, let's say, solving is a bar these who have we used to have a completely different attitude towards russia. what do we see is melanie's ation the process of, you know, what georgia bologna initially did? because at the beginning she was, you could even argue that she was pro russian in a sense. and now she's a champion of, of nato. she went to kia, giving support, constantly and so on. so at the same time, it seems that the americans are living. do you know, the kind of elusive, whatever it starts with a new crane, but now it's spreading through europe. yeah. but instead of these, uh, barbies a being, i guess, they so, and actually afford deliberation of european countries from the talking for washington's occupation. what is happening is they're a,
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they're letting them have the same ideology, but with the different content related to faces like of genetically modified by system that they gain or function gain a function. especially the letter, whether european rectified the war maybe not at this point. but i think that's what the, what the americans want is not the americans, the military industrial complex. not even like what i would say. but really the, the, the, the, the industry they want to do to, you know, uh, fashion size europe, to brutalize europe. so that it can and get the words you know, that the point is here. it's really interesting is what you're listening to these failing european leaders and just about everybody, every single one of them was crushed out electoral in the last election here. but demons, it's, it's very interesting. you know, stilton berg is, you know, he's general secretary of nato. i mean, it basically formally a bureaucratic job,
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but now he's talking a like a bunch of land. i mean, he's like somebody of, of power. he's never been elected by anyone in the european union and that by nato countries. ok. but what, what is being pushed right now, because neo liberalism is utterly failing all across the western world is you need a war economy. they say the russians are on the war. a couple of no rush. it is a, not a war economy, but they want to do that. it crushes dissent. it picks political and financial winners. okay. and, and what do you can do is you can start a closing down any kind of open discussion about what policies should be. you know, cobra was kind of an interesting prototype of this. go ahead demo us. well, i will say something that will make a lot of west the angry no, but i think we have to say, uh, you know, no one played a bigger role in rehabilitation of spot in russia than the west of governments
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which are in the fall without you know spot in gold, german social democrats, social, fascist, i'm saying because they also stop with on the paper and, and it was a mistake. but when i looked at the social democrats today, you know, these people who signed the weapons to do with the key of the g. uh, who will say absolutely awful things about russia and china by the way. these are social pets and implant what type of now s g was absolutely right. we have and you edit you to uh, sofa, fascist, bought this in your instead of fighting them, i am turned over to get to understand the amount of time with them just do it with the system. i run out of time, but i'm going to have a compromise with both what you just said. it's called the crating ization of the west. that's what was that gentleman. i want to thank my guest in belgrade and here in moscow. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us. here are the see you next time. remember, process rules. the
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and you credible process will need russia's participation gonna request the absence of the russian federation. the top stories on all the international 14 countries were fused to sign off on the final declarations from the circles, ukrainians paid summit in switzerland. the vast majority from the global found we are on the very border between russia and ukraine's hock of region. these are the positions of russian u. a v pilots. the russian army advanced is through the hall called region you a vi operates is from the outcome of fatality and the crucial role. and the operation, the kind, an idea folders a done to the body of a palestinian mon kilts during these.


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