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tv   News  RT  June 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the the nato considers putting its new color are still in a state of cold and body readiness, signing a thread from russia and china. while most of the labels that move further escalation of tension was coming up in the program. the is really prime minister does all of his 6 person work out after a coalition member of politics quit. that's us. protestors. the mom, the government resigned an opposition party slump and even met him. you know? nothing remain of him. there will be no square name. no schools, there will be no pump enough. benjamin it's difficult to describe the bullying, motion, anticipation of and off to every good case. and as the russian army advanced its through the front line park called region roll operators from chest is mountain
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battalion. continue to play a crucial role in the plush correspondent watching unit the . this is your r t international. my name's unit o'neill on 30 minutes of using views. storage vladimir put in is preparing to embark on that 2 day state visit to north korea. the russian president is expected to arrive in pyongyang on tuesday, will be his 1st trip to the east asian country since the year 2000 north korean leader kim jonathan extended the invitation last year, during his visit to russia's far east. mister printing, well then had to annoy the invitation of the vietnam east general secretary, where he's expected to spend 2 days officials from both countries. we'll also meet
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to discuss deepening trade, scientific, and cultural types. i mean, last year the stalsen berg has coal for and they chose nuclear weapons to become bought, ready from ins, folks person dimitry pest golf colder remarks, another escalation of tensions. now, the nature chief said the block is romping up. it's neat. there are still because of this opposing growing threat from russia and china to what mister stolt and berg said, clearly does not fit into the context of the same declaration that was adopted on the eve, which was not signed by all. where to, if i am not mistaken, it outlines the end admissibility of such rhetoric. this is nothing but another escalation of tension. the seriousness of stoves in bag statement shouldn't really be dismissed or down play this better because language is a very clear threat to what he sees as needed. so his focus, he said the member states re told to deploy more nuclear weapons. that means taking
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the amount of storage, i'm placing them on stand by his side is a growing threat from both russia and shawn. and he describes nato as a new field alliance, which kind of undermines its claims to be an alliance for pains. but it didn't throw you into the exact details of nato's new emission. i won't go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and we should be storage. but we need to consult on these issues. that's exactly what we're doing. the u. s. is more than nice and they're gravity bonds for the nuclear warheads they have in europe and european allies, and more than ice on the plains which are going to be dedicated to nato's nuclear emission. so it's, don't somebody praise the, the 3rd thing when the sites of nighttime full that contribution to the detection. he singled out the netherlands for investigating fine to just capable of hosting us nuclear warheads. went on to defend plans to trump prove minutes the i to ukraine. of course, there's an election the presidential election on the way that and he says that if trump is successful, then becomes the next president again,
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that the i to the final, the weapons fight you cry and will simply at dry up. it really is concerning. concerning all this rhetoric and, and there's increasing reports because of all of this, suggesting that the world is now in a new nuclear arms race. can you give us some more details? yes, of course. this is incredibly alone being the still comb, international piece of research institute as it relates to a report on monday, which says that the 9 nucleus sites. this is the not to states russia, the united kingdom fonts, china. india practiced on the democratic people's republic of korea and as well have all started modernizing the nuclear weapons programs. they're saying that the number of operational warheads, this is those that can be deployed and can be used against other countries. as in fact increase, they said, according to the report that the global inventory stands around or just over 12000 war heads in january 2024. while the global total of nuclear warheads continues to
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full is coldwell ero athens that gradually dismantled progressively, we continued to see year on year increases in the number of operational needs a little heads. we're now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history. and seeing you click on pioneers have bones. that's a nuclear alms. rise is underway. cit pretty has said that they've not seen nuclear weapons play such a prominent role in international relations since the cold war. now, the 9 nuclear states that we mentioned earlier have spent a whopping 91000000000 on then you clear all of those in 2023. that's according to a you report from the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. but the large majority of that spending as being by the united states. so steve was real effect, given all of this, do these international treaties that are put in place to prevent this kind of situation? what effect do they actually have a? well, that's a very big question, and i'm somewhat say that those treaties are,
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in fact limited. that is the international trade. see the new can nonproliferation treaty, which is supposed to bind the if the expansion of nuclear weapons in countries to a signature used to it. but the, the 90 percent of the was type $22.00 more heads are running by the united states and russian. and a number of treaties did exist between those 2 countries, but they have since collapsed. um, washington has quite what really very recently signaled a shift from simply modernizing its nuclear capacity to expanding it. you know, nato has labeled russia as a security threat, which keep hearing this from nato and, and his natal countries. what is moscow? his position when it comes to nuclear weapons and their use, well, russia has perhaps understandably said that a certain number of other countries are increasingly concerned with this expansion of nuclear weapons on the washington strategy for expanding its new capacity as
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well. now. so as i said that this, the escalating rectory, the threat saving towards russia and china is particularly alarming, but must go insist that it's not the one that is carried out. the sabre rattling with the noise emanating from washington on the west. now, speaking this in petersburg, international economic form recently have russian, president, vladimir pretty soon said that he was clear that russia was watching developments closely. but it wasn't the country that stalled to be dangerous. rhetoric found that it has a clear new, clear, don't say something when it comes to nuclear escalation. we never started this rhetoric, we simply said it should be taken more seriously. and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. you say familiar to me, but yeah, that's the 1st thing separately the use and on use of such weapons. so you mean you rush, it has a nuclear doctrine and everything is written that they use as possible. an exceptional case, in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country going, i do not believe that such a case has arisen with visiting. but this doctrine is a living instrument. but since we are closely watching what is happening in the
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world and around these, just by here's the west on the west of media, continue to blame russia for the escalations, particularly when it comes to the problem. but most going says that it has no plans to use nuclear weapons against its neighbor, but the escalates reactions of both the united states and nato. mean the most go may be forced to over to it's new to don't get big developments coming out of the middle east is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has this all the countries were cabinet following the resignation of former defense minister and rival benny guns. ortiz, middle east, correspond the research that takes up the story, a prime minister, and antonia who has dismantled the 6 member work cabinets early on monday. it has been officially confirmed to r t, but technically speaking, the word cabinet stopped existing after the departure of the chairman of the national unity policy benny guns hand to support the eyes and coat 10 days ago.
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that's withdrawal. ready then indicated serious disagreements within his regular leadership had now displayed just became public and more. office of course, guns criticized speed. his approach to the war in guy's arms, but claimed the lives of more than 37000 palestinians. according to guys, a health ministry and hundreds of israeli military but didn't make they announced goals of the operation. come true. gun slammed clinton. yeah. who's politic cane and hesitation, accused prime minister of not having a clear strategy regarding guys of war and so cold the day after whole. so guns was not happy with. and so yeah, was way of dealing with a hostage play. you remember 120 people still remaining contributing guys for more than 250 days. guns vowed to do the right thing at any political cost and to back america pushed hausten still proposal currency on the table while the $10.00. yeah, never, it clearly signaled any official support for the plan presented almost 3 weeks ago
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. guns case figure of as well as opposition also understood very clearly is really public growing discontent and cold for elections to meet people's demands. voice that unprecedented number of mess, the bank to government protest all across as well. the basically became a weekly reality and the last 8 months since the idea started moving. garza nathan? yeah. one to guns, to stay primarily understandably, to have the support all the vast parts of his rarely society following guns. this is the time for unity. now division must remain united among ourselves in the face of the great tasks before us, i call and ben against the not leave, the emergency government don't give up and unity. well, nathan, yeah. who knew that guns was considering that withdrawal has earlier in may, former defense minister had issued an ultimatum, turned it on yahoo! demanding to present and agreed upon the station for guys as opposed for governance by june 8th as into the whole failed guns left the thoughts as unfortunately the
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whole prevents us from progressing to the real victory, should we justifies that painful an ongoing price. okay, now that is why we are leaving the worst time cabinet like to insure a real victory. it is spinning that in the fall of the year of the disaster, we go to elections results and these stablish meant for government. that when faith in overcome challenges, coleman at yahoo to read to an election, they do not let our people be torn apart. while it is important to understand that the guns is now far from left out of political discussions of the country, strategic decisions. when americans secretary of state, visited israel again, just recently he met separate the 10. yeah. and then benny guns, who at that time was not deposited if they were cabinets already. and now the us special envoy is in israel to discuss the situation in the countries north time is really current crisis with his spa. he's also expected to meet the guns. what will happen to the 10? yeah, without support of guns and his people will earlier and now there are crucial
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opposition leader he a to the page says that the days open to 10, yahoo politician are numbered accusing prime minister, acting in his own and not national interest. yes. so let me say no, no, nothing will remain of him. there will be no square named after him. that's no schools. there will be no function of benjamin netanyahu. leave our lives already. go go after the withdrawal of to a crucial member or is there 10? yeah, home actually had a choice to invite other political figures to join the war cabinet. national security administer band. we are requested to be part of it. finance minister smotts, which as well both as you know are over the stream, right. use we strongly and to palestinian position both calling for more guides and bombardment. but it's really asperger's and media now saying that they were the reason why we chose to dissolve the cabinets. he didn't want to be associated with the hawkish and controversial elements. so phase government,
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given the rise and internal dissatisfaction again and to government protests, continue bringing together thousands of israelis, as well as criticism from israel's foreign partners, especially washington, the work cabinet tours established 5 days after his rel launched its operation. guys, in response to how mazda is deadly attacked on southern israel and october. now the cabinet is no longer active between here that's prime minister will still continue holding consultations with its former members like israel's national advisor, minister of strategic affairs. and also for the defense minister, but again, it shows dramatic flags of unity and will definitely mean even more pressure on front of us there. and it's on the phone. i'm just saying with this story, paula spinning, active, as done, commented are you off a file way? police prime minister netanyahu was under the control of hard liners, despite denying them a place on the war cabinet. what it is clearly is it's
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a government is very much this good. the good and bad st. john's. the goals are certainly written down at the moment because it was difficult. they said nothing that actually changes or gone back to s. nicole dogwill on this and they asked me to become clear and clear that phase i down and cannot make any type of victoria. and this law is the go on, you know, the know to be filed of the federal government. actually let them know has no oxygen for the sea and those but the g to just on to the ongoing 0 . and the key is on the right side. here's the captain at, in his own government in the hands of the explained provided 3 bank via smoke punch . but he want, you don't want to show it to 0. how much is cost?
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if to this x i missed. so he is the whole company name. you know, do not do i go to the side to one step to 0. ok. but it doesn't change anything. because anyway, here he is comparative by the side of science because the kids are going to attempt to solve their government. romero goes a lot even went and it was a long company mentions over all of that. all right, you didn't dare to do any decision, resolves the mission. and the other story to bring you today, russia has withdrawn from a dispute of the un aviation con, so over the malaysia airlines flight m 817 tragedy. the passenger plane was shocked on overdone, boss, during the ukrainian civil war in july 2014 or 298 people on board lost their lives. moscow stays the case, brought against russia by
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a strictly on the netherlands. of the international civil aviation organization is biased on on for a v i. c. i o consul refused to conduct and independent investigation of incident under the auspices of the i c a o. and the console now has on his desk one of the results of a skewed investigation update by one of the parties through the proceedings. in such circumstances, it is impossible to speak of an unbiased establishment of this fact, let alone if that judgement, the console is not the right place to search for the truth. it makes no sense for us to remain at bought of a spectacle that is being played all that of some background in july 2014 kia was military was cracking down and on the done yes, the people's republic that voted to secede from ukraine during the my down could now, despite the civil war, kia failed to close the computer, a space for international airliners, flights and 817 on route from ups or down to quality. lumper will shut down,
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overdone, boss, with a surface to air missile t of on the west were quick to blame that done yet, separatists, as well as russia, even before the plains smouldering, wreckage could be inspected. moscow insisted that camp was responsible for allowing a passenger plane to fly over a zone where the ukrainian military was on the offensive will following the deadly crush of so called joint investigations. he must set up in the netherlands. it also included authorities from australia, belgium, malaysia, and ukraine, but not russia, which was barred from the pro in 2018 the g i t concluded that image 17 was shop done by a russian maid book. miss sol operated by don bos rebels. however, the russian defense ministry said the rock, it had been permanently stationed in ukraine since 1986 and could only help being fired by keeps forces. in march 2022 astrology and the netherlands took the case to
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the international civil aviation organization, also known as the u. n. a. be ition ton. so not russia said the i c a o has no jurisdiction in the matter, but must go, did agree to cooperate with the dispute, which it has now withdrawn from also in november 2022. i hate court fund 3 people, 2 russians under ukrainian guilty. and a potential of shooting down the plane. the suspects have not appeared in court and did not make any pleads, but that's the across 2 independent journalists. sonya von then in day at for her take on this, sonya always good to see you want deed. do you make of rushes reasoning for quitting the dispute at the you any additional time? so most goes call the case a spectacle not holding, but that isn't actually seeking to establish the truth. a man, i think they are right. i called it's a many times a show process and also it was clear from the beginning when the playing was shut
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down, that's a straight away rush. i was to blame without the instigation that time. so they throw, they did some investigation without the russia. so it's a clear case, and also when i was 7, was in $29.00 team. that was a documentary made of coal for just as it was called people in the documentary, they actually went to the place in the don't us to see and have a new also they spoke with many residents who yeah, yeah, they told me quite a different story than the original version from the courts from digit team. so yeah, i mean it's, it's, it's not, it's, it's a one sided case. and like many cases for russia, these also, again, russia wants to blame and it's quite unfair. and also the evidence was quite me. good because they did some telephone testing and in this the same way you could
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hear actually nothing cuz it was just because is ation between uh fingers soldier with his girlfriends and allegedly the soldier was behind the boot. taylor . so yeah, that's why it's crazy. i think this is not it really in any course they would reject such an evidence. also, it was quite clear that in the whole process that it was to show process because you know, the perpetrators to imagine perpetrators. they weren't out there. nobody. well, only a few from the media were allowed to enter. it was in high present or high for to yeah, it was health this program process in this hastening it. it's in this at the deceased side. so. yeah, it was all. no, it was not a fair process and the whole evidence was mika very meager. and yeah, okay, well shell has nothing. 5 to go, yeah, just something goes, well, most schools said that all of its input into the case has been ignored by the you,
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any of the ition codes. so it's, it's hard to make sense to stop because the length of this pro, you would think that trying to get to the bottom of things you would want all possible information from all parties to this case. yes, of course. and also it was clear, there was some settling images from the us and they were not given to the court straight away. and they're all, they will ever give them, but maybe later wrong. so all these things, you know, and i'm russia, it was no beloved even to come to the crest site. i mean, the chris size is closer to russia than most winters australia, because they're, you know, they've also in the just seen many or the netherlands. so as soon as it's crushed, it also cleans, and then after a while, i think a few weeks afterwards them but all of a sudden uh, the ones from the netherlands came of belgium and the russians were not allowed to come even to decrease side. so yeah, and also what i want to emphasize is that,
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you know, this book taylor, s. s you said it was from sophia signs. i mean, i love the book tellers, honest and associates. i was patients in ukraine or other for myself. yes. republics. and well, maybe they used them and the only ones who could use them, what do you create noon on you that time? and also as a note like there was no no fly zone. and usually in face of war, there is a no fly zone. so that's all things counting up it's um, yeah it's, it's, it's a rush. there was nothing full and nothing good. the yeah, international civil aviation organization itself. sonya, can you give us a sense perhaps of, of the sort of jurisdiction it holes and what, what can i do with this case as well? i think not much because, you know, if the case is now nearly 10 years old, so they can only, perhaps support uh, russia and say, okay, you know,
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you are right. you should be insult because it's a, its own ukranian soil. that's okay. yeah. and it's, it's difficult because it's just watch that time because of course you crazy and so, and the don't pass those now officially, what it is now part of russia. so i think i don't know is that it only came up with, like i said, with this book story. so i don't know if russia should actually be involved in the whole thing because russia was not there. but the west is trying to emphasize this worship was there, but they were not there. they were not even like they were now in was didn't special military information. so actually they have to sorted out with ukraine because when you look at it that way and also the civilization when you look at it, definitely it was you, craig, and it wasn't as russia. so, i mean, yeah, it. so does that mean very strange case actually, when you think deeply about it as i think the law, it's yeah, it's,
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it's like for us or international law all day. it's not the russia who was involved, but they want to put it this way that the version is in go on. sometimes in cases like this, when it gets so political, we can sometimes forget that there are families waiting for the truth to know about the, the death of their loved ones. just what happened. but just to recap, what you're saying. key is on the west of tribute a blame for the tragedy before the bodies of the dead could be recovered in july 2014. so with all that in mind, ton, we expect any court based in the west, a cardiologist, a truly on biased investigation. you know, because we see now the situation, the whole situation is escalate to the west and russia. i mean, we like them to bring the whole war. so i mean, no, maybe in many, many years maybe refined the least find out. the truth really has been very much at
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the moment. no, i what you said, it's very, very technical for the people, especially in the netherlands, because there are a lot of the victims from the netherlands and the plane because it goes going from comes to go. so yeah, it's very, very terrible for them. and also my point is that when i was there in the netherlands, the government straight away said through these people, you know, version of the, the, so these people was very terrible because these people a morning that they're, that's, you know, their parents, the daughter's, their son so whatever, and okay, there's 3 devices. okay. yeah, russian of it is, you know, in dr. united, you can say they were and this is very, i blame the desktop. is very, pretty much for doing this because you cannot do this. you need an independent investigation before doing that. that's really death is very terrible for the yeah . for the people now. this a happened to decade a go. so people may not have been at totally fay with the details until you you
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brought them up again. sonya and one of them, i think that that people maybe would have something or, or their eyes would be open with the fact you mentioned that the fact that he refused to close the earth space of ukraine in 2014, despite a raging civil war in the boss at that time, what was your reaction to that? well, i think it's efficient, but i still think those are very, very strange, because in every case, when there is a war, they straight away close the asset base. we know that we know that from the middle east, when the war was raging in syria, in the rack of highland stone, they close the space. that's the 1st thing they are doing. and why not in new credit? why not into doing both? i mean, it's dangerous. we will know that everything can happen. i mean, it's not only a book that's who can do it, but the can be applied to just everything. everything is possible. so it's very strange for me and this makes the whole case suspicious. i cannot blame one party
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or another frontier. of course that is something what should be meant to be done really in the court in the real fast for the most saying that's the one we hit we saw in the netherlands. so, i mean, but it's, this is the most strange point. and the other strange point for me is that this is the most people going through the don't boss investigating their speaking with residents. and none of these residents, ethan went to 4 or was right in the courts internet. and so i mean that's, that says something they should have been harassed and they didn't. so yeah it's, it's thinks a little bit the case has been. sonya, thank you so much for coming on. a briefing done. all is out recurring. what's happened? those, those fate full days of almost 10 years ago now it's hard to believe, but thank you so much for sending us an independent duster list. sonya vanden and day. thank you. nice evening. i know just returning to uh,
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what happened up the weekend you had come freeze at a swiss at summit, which was brought on by ukraine attempting to bring peace to the conflict. but it happened without moscow. and russian army units are continuing to carry out their offensive in the heart, cough, reaching their drilling operators their crucial role and provide vital support for combat units involved in the fighting r t corresponding degree. sit down, watch, then up close. we are on the very border between russia and ukraine's heart of region. these are the positions of russian you a v pilots with the much special forces. these guys pretty much the eyes for everyone here from tillery to the grunting the trenches. 3 lines, waiting in the wind almost intention below you into the full sense of tranquillity . both russia and ukraine use fixed some of vegetation to conceal troops and
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equipment for the, for the waste position is a power line construction and i made a lot of field. was humans are on tennis to transmit us on it? we have seen ukraine on the bus now here for most likely, for the vast station on the concrete slab onto the construction for the work. here begins with the 1st rays of sun, a units of kind of causing dro, now prices has no shortage of targets. the motors in the house has seized the opportunity of
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a surveillance of drone in the sky and add their own beat to this deadly percussion . awful look, look beautiful. well, how could i see we? well, it's difficult to describe the rule in motion in anticipation of and off to every good hit. this is where you realize that for the boys here, it's funny. say you are the in the, the, if i'm allowed that i saw it and that they do put everything they've got into it brings the victory closer. but the commander of this detachment to going under the cool sign, the haze tells me he prays his men to keep a keen mind, it will fail. there's always room for positive emotions which you feel when you get the job done well. the guys are happy when the drone or artillery hits the target, or they see a good stipe or shot. the main thing is that these motion should not be allowed by blood. last one should not lose one's self to blood madness. it should feel like happiness for success.


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