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tv   News  RT  June 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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these are their illusions going underground can the need to consider is putting in some new killer, are still in a state of combat readiness, siding, a threat from russia. i'm china, most of the labels and move a quote. further escalation of the tension is south of the white, how it's done goals and link to a membership in front of you pray. but only if p if can win on the battlefield. pers, these really prime minister dissolve, says war cabinet. after a key coalition member calls equipped to move columns. as protesters, the government resigned and opposition, party, slum, and nations. you have select, nothing will remain of him. there will be no square named doctor. no schools, there will be no fonts enough, benjamin netanyahu the
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live from our international new center. this is our t good to help you with this on you to know me. a lot of america is preparing to embark on a 2 day state visit to north korea. his 1st trip there in over 2 decades, the russian president is expected to arrive in p on young. on tuesday, it will be his 1st visit to the east asian country since the year 2000 north korean leader kim, joan extended the invitation last year, during his trip to rushes. far east. mister putting a little bit and head to her noise at the invitation of the vietnamese general secretary, where he's expected to spend 2 days. also, officials from both countries we'll meet to discuss the deepening trade, scientific, and cultural talents in the mall in stilton berg has said, nato is discussing,
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bringing its nuclear weapons into come about readiness. the block chief said it's are still was being bolstered because of the suppose, the growing threat from russia and china your side pregnant spokesperson, dimitri pass golf, responded to those remarks what mr. stolt and byrne said clearly does not fit into the context of the same declaration. that was adopted on the eve, which was not signed by off, where to if i am not mistaken, it outlines the end admissibility of such rhetoric. this is nothing but another escalation of tension. the seriousness of souls about statements should really be dismissed all down. play this better because language is a very clear threat to what he sees is now you tell these folks, he said the member states are we told to deploy more nuclear weapons. that means taking the amount of storage, i'm placing them on stand by. he's cited a coming from from, from both russia. and it's showing that he describes nato as a new field alliance, which kind of undermines its claims to be an alliance for pays. but he didn't throw
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you into the exact details of nato's new commission. i won't go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and we should be storage. but we need to consult on these issues. that's exactly what we're doing. the u. s. is more than nice and they're gravity. bonds for the nuclear warheads they have in europe. and european allies are more than ice on the plains which are going to be dedicated to nato's nuclear emission. so stolen some but price uh, the $32.00 member sites all night tofal. that contribution to the detachment he singled out the netherlands for investigating fine to just capable of hosting us nuclear warheads. went on to defend plans to trump prove minutes the i to ukraine. of course, there's an election the presidential election on the way that and he says that if trump is successful and becomes the next president again, that the i to you kind of the weapons fight you crying was empty at dry. oh, it really is concerning. concerning all this rhetoric and, and there's increasing reports because of all this, suggesting that the world is now in
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a new nuclear arms race. can you give us some more details? yes, of course. this is incredibly alone being the still comb, international piece of research institute as it relates to report on monday, which says that the 9 nuclear sites, this is the not to states russia, the united kingdom fonts, china. india practiced on the democratic people's republic of korea and as well of all started modernizing the nuclear weapons programs. they're saying that the number of operational warheads, this is those that can be deployed and can be used against other countries. as in fact increased. they said, according to the report that the global inventory stands around to just over 12000 war heads in january 2024. while the global total of nuclear warheads continues to follow with coldwell era wetlands, a gradually dismantled progressively. we continued to see year on year increases and the number of operational needs a little heads. we're now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history. on
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seeing you to campaign is have boons. that's a nuclear arms race is underway, city has said that they've not seen nuclear weapons play such a prominent role in international relations since the cold war. now, the 9 nuclear states that we mentioned earlier have spent a whopping 91000000000 on then you clear all of those in 2023. that's according to a you report from the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. but the large majority of that spending as being by the united states. so steve was real effect, given all of this, do these international treaties that are put in place to prevent this kind of situation? what effect do they actually have a? well, that's a very easy question, and i'm somewhat say that those traits is on the side limits it. that is the international trade. see the new can nonproliferation treaty, which is supposed to bind the if the expansion of nuclear weapons in countries the
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signature used to it. but the 19 percent of the was type 22 more heads are owned by the united states and russian and a number of treaties did exist between these 2 countries, but they have since collapsed. um, washington has quite what really very recently signaled a shift from simply modernizing its needs to be a capacity to expanding it. or, you know, nato has labeled russia as a security threat. we keep hearing this from nato and, and his natal countries. what is moscow? his position when it comes to nuclear weapons and their use, well, russia has perhaps on the stand to be said, the number of other countries are increasingly concerned with this expansion of nuclear weapons on the washington strategy for expanding its new capacity as well. now. so as i said that this, the escalating rhetoric, the threat citing towards russia and china is particularly alarming. but moscow insist that it's not the one that is carried out. the sabre rattling with the noise emanating from washington on the west. now, speaking this in petersburg,
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international economic form recently have russian, president, vladimir pretty soon said that he was clear that russia was watching developments closely. but it wasn't the country that started the dangerous rhetoric on that. it has a clear, new, clear, don't say, what do you have and then when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it shouldn't be taken more seriously . and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. if we are not to anybody, that's the 1st thing. secondly, the use and non use of such weapons. we mean russia has a nuclear doctor and everything is written that they use as possible and an exceptional case in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country going. i do not believe that such a case has arisen with you too. but this doctrine is a living instrument for us, and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and around east west, on the west of media, continue to blame russia for the escalations, particularly when it comes to pricing. but most common says that it has no plans to
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use nuclear weapons against its neighbor, but the escalates reactions of both the united states and nato. mean the most go may be forced to own it's new to don't fit the road to peace is more weapons. that's the nature of the secretary general's hawkish message advocating to arm ukraine. further ahead of the block. 75th anniversary. some of the more credible our long term support the quick get most scope was realize it cannot wait till solved. and the sooner this water content the night seemed like the pat oaks, but the pos to peace is therefore more weapons for ukraine. that i discussed all that with retired us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. he says, it is clear of nature as a vested interest that keeping the green conflict going. nato is unwilling to accept the russian victory of the russian. the russian statement is predicated upon
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a russian victory. russia correctly says that within 2 or 3 months, once nato steps, in reference to you, praying that the world will it, but it ends in a rushing victory. nato has consistently said for the very beginning that a russian victory represents and its point of view. next to the central threat to nato, and therefore, nato has no choice but to continue to arm you. great. western officials haven't made any secrets about being content to use ukrainians against russia or russians. here's what he installs and break had to say about that. but allocating a small fraction of its defense budget, united states helps who claim to destroy the significant share it rushes offensive come, but could be this without printing a single american soldier in harm's way. so it seems like a win win for the wes scott, as long as their trip to are the ones doing the fighting and dying. so is it actually nato's interest to box realistic piece talks 100 percent?
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look, what stillberg isn't saying is that when russia started this special military operation did, so it's around $200000.00 troops. but today, the people believe that there are between 70900000 russian troops in the area, all of whom are trained equipped, and prepared to undertake offensive military operations. the longer this conflict goes on, the stronger rush it gets. this is something that general christopher cowboy, the commander of american forces in europe and the training of all middle ground forces, has acknowledged its nato that's getting weaker by the day by the moment this, this war drags on and the tragedy is, the, the, the weakness isn't because of the nato troops, i don't wish anybody to die, but had no self with the casualties. so that ukraine is suffering this. what would be over? because no natal country has the stomach for this level of losses. nato is allowing you, chris, the troops to be sacrificed, but along with ukrainian troops. this new equipment new i stripped its arsenal.
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bear to arm your train. they beg for it to themselves, not just physically, but some would say morally, continue to supply you trade. in russia, on the other hand, is just getting stronger. day after day. the basic military math is a russia accumulates more military strength every day than they lose. your train loses far more military strikes every day than they accumulate. the longer this conflict goes on stronger rush, it gets the winter. ukraine gets more inevitable. a decisive russian victory becomes speaking in special then the us vice president said the western support for ukraine is quote, strategic. not charlotte simple. the white house is also clarified some seemingly unrealistic terms for kids dream of joining nato. we can take a listen together to what america's national security spokesman have to say about the president has said that he believes that nato is in ukraine's future. and there's, there's
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a lot of things that have to be done before they can join the alliance like any member has to do before they can join the alliance. but the president police firmly that nato is in ukraine's future. at some point it's absolutely clear and they and then it aligns issues that you create. the alliance as talked about in the united states. certainly talked about the 1st they got to win this war. they've got to win the war 1st car at being don golder. so key of has to win the war for safe john kirby. but 2 years in, as you point out, nobody seems to be seriously saying that ukraine can be russian, the pop of food. so what do you koreans actually spend the game from? all the? nothing, this is a vain hope on the part of you creating that by extending this conflict and not just extending this conflict, but expanding the scope and scale of their their activities targeting, rush, or proper in hopes of rush or over reaction summary of draws needed into the conflict that's ukraine's only chance is this. this conflict expands for being
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a needle conference using ukraine is a proxy versus russia to a natal conflict against russia. this is simply about ukraine being sacrificed on an altar of nito hubris. the ukraine will never be a member of nato. that is 100 percent certain, especially if the predicate does that ukraine has to win this for ukraine will not win this war. nato is the greatest threat to international peace and security. they say were defending ukraine against what they seek to strategically defeat russia. ukraine was a conflict that was promoted by nato members, for the purpose of creating a conflict which strategically weak in russia. that's the goal objective. this is not a peaceful entity, is a war margarine entity. and now we see that they've even turned their sites to the pacific in china. so the north atlantic treaty organization, now as a note at least in terms of their plan, the global reach. yeah,
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as mentioned there is so labeled p summit on ukraine was hosted by switzerland over the weekend were talks focus primarily on president zalinski proposed formula for ending the conflict. however, his bonds took some water of a don't with only $78.00 of the $92.00 states and attendance, signing the events, final declaration, a rock and jordan by the way, were 1st included in the list of those agreeing with the communicate button and then were removed signaling their discontent really with the documents summary thought, laugh 14 countries mostly from the global science including brazil, india, i'm sorry, feeling to bach the closing statement. well, let's take a look at what actually was in the communication at the end of those 2 days of talks in the search. it calls for the resolution of disputes trip peaceful means. yes, just the port type of the same time. washington approve more than $1500000000.00
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and military a to keep the declaration. also 6 direct involvement on dialogue between all parties. the russia wasn't even invited. here's what induce in foster to rush. i have to say about the event. can all of you on the, those options acceptable to both parties can lead to a binding piece in line with this approach, we have decided to avoid association with the joint communicate or any other document emerging from the summit. they didn't need to hold this conference in order to make any fresh initiative, which would be acceptable to the international community. the whole purpose was to get on board the global major global south countries, which is why the sweet spot, our minister traveled to india. uh the uh, the foreign minister of you can travel to india and did everything possible to uh,
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to make sure that we attended. so we do the big uh, the real magic search back that these countries having attended the conference in good faith and expecting that the final community would be much more status. and we'll take into consideration some of the basic needs of the situation, which is that any east ripple village would be acceptable to both sites. they simply cannot be initiated by one side and present it to the other side. that's something you have to accept, which is the reason why an india said, said he very clearly. and it said one that we cannot be a party to the joint communicate. just thing with this story, a ukrainian politician us take into social media at the point of the russian mothers to advance the negotiation process without even being present. take a look to despite the huge budgets invested in convincing us of the success of the
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swedes photo summit. this is a failure. first of all, because from the 1st sports of the speakers, they need to involve the russian federation in the peace process. sound it would turn the peaceful summit into what did we do? it was a meeting of friends to discuss what is already being discussed in turn, the russian federation, without even attending this meeting, issued recognition of the uncontested status of the negotiations, which is also present in a new tomato. and interesting view is that by the way, us president biden chose to off dollars of us submit to attending a campaign fundraiser in hollywood. instead, he appeared to have yet another loft still of the event and was pulled off stage by one of his predecessors. brock obama, a wide high spokes person called the video footage, a cheap fake claiming the american leader was just taking in the crowds applause the bach in switch. when we discussed the talks with veteran journalist john college who did attend the piece summit, he told us that some delegates express fatigue will be yet another. you've prayed centric events while their country's interest are being done. place i was able to
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interact with a good number of the delegations that different levels and also interact with some of the journalists covering the event. and from the delegation perspective, you can raise you there. i think overall the most for the kinds place looking at the performance either of the statements that they ran doing for the 2 days basically were written in advance. and there were no changing up minds. and the delegations basically said that, you know, we more, we know, we're not going to change any minds. this is an event. it's a spectacle which 2 is designed to show solidarity and unit indemnity, etc. lensky. but there was also vice president, a, an exhaustion part of it, which is probably menu. how much of this do we have to continue to go through?
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and every meetings, g 7, g, 20 nato, you, when general assembly here, which all zalinski ukraine's zalinski ukraine. and there is a 15, and that's, i think if there's one word that describes what i heard most from delegations is their tires. and also there is a resentment that the russia, ukraine more is absorbing so much oxygen when they have issues with respect to their own countries that they feel or being pushed downward on the list or ignored because of the rush or you create a more yeah, allied to that are on the countries at the summit were nearly unanimous in rejecting the final declaration with the only cats for agreeing to sign on a different political science academic. i'm
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a good book for us to list the nations who refused to assign were challenging the west on balance approach. under attempts to determine if the dialog, most of the other countries are developing countries. so it goes to them saying that there are 4 to be credible for the surge rushes to solve globally. so towards a balance international relations in politics and seeing as sustainable development the, the, to, uh, kevin, to the balance western dominance. oh, but the economy and politics of the glue. one of the pillars and principles of any international negotiations is to have the 2 parties should be actively involved in expensive negotiations. but when you do not invite the other party in the conflict and have
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a dress that's for a new instance. uh they just sort of holding them changing anymore in the community . so what do you expect? german chancellor, olaf shaw says praise the u. s. president for having i quote, experience and wisdom, he also predicted that joe biden would likely win re election in november. that's the spike, recurring bloopers that raise yet more died. somebody biden's ability to serve another term, it is fitting to describe i thing joe biden is somebody who clearly knows what he's doing, especially when it comes to international politics. and i think it is very likely that the coverage she was present on you know, so when the election to finally get the. com can you tell us donald trump, for 1st of the felt as a political prisoner and blames you directly? what's your response to that service? the
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0 last 0, so long night the will us broadcast or on political commentator steve miles berg is of the view. americans have a full right to worry about the mental health of the elected leader. the 1st let me just say, god bless joe biden. he's 81 after the election in november. he'll be $82.00. i mean, you know, and we've all, if you're lucky enough to have relatives that lived that long, we've seen it in relatively seen symptoms. people slow down, people slow down differently, donald trump is 78, just turn 78. he's the almost a complete antithesis of joe biden, but you can not find him for who and what he is. look, i think anybody who watched the video could honestly say that he froze,
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but this is something he does all of the time. he looks like he's out of bed. he looks like he's staring. so did he actually freeze, or was he just being 81 year old joe biden and acting the way he acts almost all the time when we see him on a stage when we see him on a platform, especially when he's finished. he has to be led away. he has to be told where to go . he has to be directed. so i think it's open for debate whether or not he froze. i don't think it matters if he actually froze. it's what the optics are. however, however, it is legitimate, i believe, to question joe biden does, is he really capable of not only serving as president now, but for 4 more years? i would say that most people in this country and the polls show it most people in this country are extremely concerned with his age and his cognitive ability or lack thereof. and it's a, it's a big consideration going forward to them, at least,
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where is really premier benjamin netanyahu. hust is all of the countries war, tablets following the reservation of former defense minister unrivalled any guns. now it's a magic brewing public discontent over the governments. humbling of the war in gals uh, as well as issues on the home front. let's show you how that play the biggest hours after the is really war cabinet with scrub. thousands of pro testers rallied against mister netanyahu outside parliament in western. several people were reportedly injured, sports detained after flashes, arrested for miss ortiz, and at least bureau chief, reinforced the file. this report from the thousands, of course traded in greece really as have gathered in front of the countries. paul, i'm in the class of here in jerusalem. the money was resignation and they said there was a good number of reasons for that. first 120 hostages still remain captive and
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gather for more than 250 days, including women, children, and elderly people here cannot forgive them. blame the government, not doing an off. also have mass destroyed yet, not to the war and gaza. several battalions of sale in rockland in southern slaves . and the idea of say, they might need at least another month to finish with them people here and they, they cannot wait any longer. we have a horrible government essentially trying to pay for any centers for the fall area. the turning is well into different countries. and we would like to stay the same funds to be the 3 were near also, because as i said, they don't have any attention to stop the war. and you guys are in serving the survival of this government. pensions also continue in the north
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mains row with his idea of says the group logs 5000 drones and different me solving to israel since the beginning of the war and of silver and continues every day. it is really soon can north return home as the entire region remains dangerous hotels and for the people who are saying to you, nice the nation space that all that he has he has to meet now from time to time, we are peebles sound shop. that means now we now the has to meet the see people in our lean. they will continue after a year to 5 minutes is rather than to read through the bible people losing page same. it comes at a time when it became clear that there was in the unit to we've seen these really leadership either further on one day or dismantled the 6 member. more cabinets.
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basically, after the departure of the chairman of the national u. t. policy gone send. he's on the eyes in court 10 days ago. guns just like these people here. criticized babies approach the warring guys on the plane, the lives of move in city 7000 palestinians, according to god's officials as well as hundreds of it's really military. did we reach the goal, guns accused prime minister of not having a clear traffic regarding the warren. so cold the day off, also gone. suppose the nap was way of dealing with a hostage police all 3 weeks. now that has been an american back. awesome. still proposal on the table. the other things includes the release of all remaining garza and the permanency volume. wellness never signals a clear supposed full that long so far gone,
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steve feet are all these are all position also on the suit very well is really protest move when people here and cold elections to make public demand. the demands that have 3 boys as president and to government protests all across the room. i mean, something that's missing yahoo, i always strongly say to have 1st of all the support that last positive. it's randy society that is following the 1st team to say that it starts to unity. now what guns left the wood cabinet was the prerequisites of creating this national unity government was a prerequisite put in by member of connect that any guns with mister guns, leaving the government, there was no longer a need for the war cabinet and its duties will be taken over as mandated by the state to this route by the security cabinets together with the full capital johnson . * from altoff strategic discussion now when american secretary of state visit the
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day israel just recently again, he met separately and nothing. the apple and then john, who at that time was not part of the war cabinets already. on monday the us special envoy came to israel to discuss the invitation and the country is north and it's really the reason the confrontation with his baldwin meeting guns was also shad. your one will happen to depending on who was out, supposed so many guns and his people will earlier and now they're literally a lovely. it says that the days of patients are numbered, accusing prime minister of acting in his own and not national interest. yes. so let me say a moment and nothing will remain of him. there will be no square named after him. no schools, there will be no function of benjamin netanyahu. leave our lives already go go. after the withdrawal off to push to members is really prime minister had a choice to invite other political figures to join the war cabin. i'd like national
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security administer band. he requested to be part of the finance minister, small church as well as you know, off from a 3 right. we can with total weight and 2 pounds, a student approach calling for even more gas or bombardment. but we've been rejected that probably not willing to be more associated with this patient, controversial ministers. but even without that, there is a huge internal freshman is in the space and we can feel it right here. there is global criticism as well, including from age roles, p ally, washington. so the failure to keep the unity award cabinets will only add to business problems. then you will have to do something for that reflection to take us to the end of this news bulletins. but it is a trip to the going underground shoes with option b heads x that on the back of the top of all the big global news stories making headlines today. this is your, our seo.


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