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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the, the fire body, i'm rick sanchez and this is the week and review this sunday week into all high and we must end the war and ukraine and not escalated further. and further, this is minus if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of best business partner we ever dreamed of. well, one prominent european politician that you saw right there, says get out of ukraine while discussing us. politicians says, nope, we need ukraine's money. we gotta stay there. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it the
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. all right, let's get to a games all here. as a used to say the good old days, right. joining me now is my esteemed panel, where we promised for i should not one day and opinions the hose be critical, our on radio sputnik, garlan nixon and dr. wilmer lee on garland, by the way, we should mention, has just made ukraine's enemies list a distinction. he has worked all his life to achieve have started. some us, the nato countries are playing very dangerous game right now. it's a game of chicken really with russian president vladimir put and let me try to put it this way for you. if you want to make a nuclear superpower, really angry, tell him that you're going to attack his people with missiles, and then just watch and see what happens. you know, what happens. this happens mr. brewton is now saying, essentially, you attack my country. i had your country, we use the in the end,
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if we see that these countries become involved in a war against us, what they are doing makes them directly involved in a war against the russian federation. we reserve the right to act the same way. overall, it leads to some serious problems. it's less that we reserve the right to act the say quick. i mean, what else can he say? garlan was gonna say, you know, i think what we're seeing, there's an old saying about run a running is not a plan runs. what you do when a plan doesn't work, right. what we're seeing now is this, we're seeing what happens in the west when the plan doesn't work. the plan was simply to start this war to sanction russia. and then the russian economy was going to collapse and off the us with go to balkanized, russia. well, that plan failed disastrously, and now they're in a very dangerous spiral of trying to figure out how to deal with this, how to get out of it without a total humiliation. the problem is this. they face total total humiliation when they got into this conflict and there is no way for the west to get out of it
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without totally really ation. what we want to see is that we get out of it without costing all of us our lives. well, well said, by the way, there's another part to the story i wanna, i wanna show you now something that's going on in europe where really there's a lot of in fighting about this, the german, the left wing icon, sarah wagner, made some headlines this week. so what she says is, what western leaders like schultz and my crown and biden are doing is absolutely crazy. yeah. france and germany in the united states. those are the 3 that are really pushing for this war for some reason. i mean, why the, how would germany want to start a war with russia? you know, they've been there before and last but anyway, let's take a look. at some point, they will be a point where something happens. what does, because what happens then it's so terrible that you don't want to imagine it. and that's why we can only appeal to everyone who bears responsibility. and now countries and then other western countries to stop playing the fire. the
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cause of playing was fire. so, i mean, i mean i've been hearing all kinds of stuff this week. a lot of people are saying, this is crazy. this is absolute madness. this is insane. this is where hawking, what ever name you want to use to describe this. the idea that western countries like france and our country in particular the united states of america, which is which i believe american citizens should be infuriated about something like this. wilma, the idea that our country is saying it's okay to send missiles to kill russian citizens. our missiles pick it up, wilmer. well, 1st to the point about president food and his response, it's important to realize that that is being translated here as though potent is threatening the united states with nuclear missiles. folks you ever don't seem to
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understand the difference between a threat and responding to a threat. yes. and then and then rick, you also ask the question, why do the european leaders want to do this? i don't believe they really do, but vassals don't get the opportunity to make decisions on their own. they have to follow leadership all the way down. i was gonna say a rabbit whole, but there are no rabbits down here. there are wretched. this is a rat hole, and they don't really in the bombing of the nord stream to is the perfect example of that. yeah. sold off show and stood right next to joe biden, when joe biden said, we are not going to allow this to happen. and it's not even the united states pipeline. yeah. you know, it's, it's, it's a great point that you may get, and i think we should stop for a minute and have a quick conversation about this. look, i'm, i'm not here to be
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a supporter of russia or a fanatic of russia or to, you know, carry water for russia. i'm a journalist and i try to call them as i see him. but as i study this, and i think few americans have because unfortunately they don't get a chance to you just name, you know, one incident. i can name 4 or 5 other incidents. i can tell you. well, you know, in 2014, we fomented a crew to change the government of ukraine against russia so that they would hate the russians. i can tell your story after story where the russians have kind of been extremely tolerant. actually, a lot of other countries would have said the hell with you were tired of your interference. we're tired of your pointing miss those at us. we're tired of everything you've done and we're going to start fighting back. it's taking the russians almost 2 decades to finally say, you know what? we're tired of. you guys sending missiles and killing malware citizens, and we're going to consider sending some ships to cuba to show you that we want to do. we can, it was
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a video and that's kind of what's going on now. and the idea that american media is reporting this is look at this bully with threatening america. it's just wrong, completely. you're right. i don't know, you guys pick this up, but if you want to or, or add to your point, wilma, it's, yeah, well, you're absolutely right into your point about other countries. the united states is one of those countries. it was called the cuban missile crisis. yeah. last i checked in, oh, by the by, when was the last time the united states actually won a conflict? yeah, i think it was called world war 2. well, i got one for you. garland i want you to watch this. okay. i, you guys probably have friends who fought in iraq and afghanistan. i do too. so i'll just, maybe i'll start this way. i've got a lot of friends who fall in a rock and when i sit and talk with them or invite them over to my house or i go over to their house or we set up by the pool and we have an adult beverage from time to time not that i have many, but every once in a while i do it and they feel comfortable enough to say things to me. they don't
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normally say in public. they'll admit to be the reason they'll say to me, you know why i was in a rock, i wasn't a rock because my country needed the oil from iraq. we weren't iraq for oil. that's what they say to me. the only reason i'm saying that is because i just heard south carolina senator or as he's called by his good friends, lady lindsey, explaining why we why we must continue our takeover of ukraine. i can't believe he said this, but i want you to listen to lindsey graham, explaining why we're in ukraine on cbs here. it is there sitting on $10.00 to $123.00 in dollars of critical minerals and, and you train, they could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into share with china if we help ukraine. now they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of. yeah. business partner, business partners,
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where do you go in and you take somebody stuff and then you say it's mine, but it's yours but not really because it's really mine. but anyway, while we were told it was about democracy, we were told it was about the bridge building. we were told it was about controlling russia. we were told it was about stopping a bully. we were told so many things and then literally just comes out. it says no, forget all or crap. you know, it is about, they got a lot of money and we want it. oh my goodness, garland to you sir. all right, here's my position. you know, recently joe biden, his are due to the working class. this is going to benefit you because there will be jobs. you'll be able to build new build bonds that are going to kill lots of people. it's gonna work out for you. you're going to get jobs, right? i think what lindsey graham now is doing is now they're getting pushed back from the ruling a lead or saying, hey, we don't want to die in a nuclear war. we're hearing that from the law. and most other people who are just, you know, from people who are getting cold feet about nuclear contradictions. i think now
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what means the graham is doing it the same thing? hey, rich people, you'll get something out of this task. there's billions there trillions. i think it's now that he's just, he's reaching out to another demographic to give them there's a life for everybody. anybody who says, i don't, what do you, you'll get a girlfriend, you'll get food, you'll get anybody who comes towards them and says, i don't like it. they're going to have another lie as to how it benefits that particular group. but those of us who have half a brain and have done even just a minute amount of leading about a history, know that what he's describing more for money is what we did in panama. what we did in columbia, what we did in a ron, what we did in water model, what we did in chile, what we did in vietnam, and i didn't go on and on and on, and we wouldn't be here all them day. so the idea that the united states goes in the countries and the reason that we fight these wars is because we want to take a country's resources. i mean, as my kids would say, when i was young, when, when they were younger, the dad, i say, to you, wilbert doe,
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it is called imperialism. and the united states is a failing imperialist hedge. lamont, that's what imperial is. do they go to other countries? they steal their resources and they usually do it at the barrel of a gun. mm hm. is interesting. i think when you were here, when you hear lindsey graham, remember, lindsey graham is a donald trump surrogate. yeah. and what are the, what are the things that people despise about donald trump is she tells the tails out of school. he speaks the truth in many instances, in many instances, not oh, but he speaks the ugly truth. that the imperialist always tried to of the scale, always try to hide. so as a you, when you listen, lindsey graham, you're listening to donald trump. yeah. and the way i want to share something with
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the, i don't know, tens of millions of people who are watching us right now all over the world. when you hear garland and wilmer and myself talk about the united states, please understand the 3 of us love this country. we live here and we love this place and we loved for our family to love this place and, and, and, and we're dads and we're brothers. and everything else in this country, we're referring to the people who are leading this country. we're referring to a group of people who are running away with this thing. who mean to be stop? it's not the country americans are a great people in the united states is a great country, but the people who are now running this country are really, really bad. people doing some really bad things. and that's the focus of our discussions. i know you didn't think that, but just in case you are, i wanted to make sure we cleared that up. we're going to take a break and when we come back, we're going to tell you about some of the other things that are taking place right now. in the world that have a lot to do with defiance. and these defy attacks in particular are taking place
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pretty much flashy as i say in law. in other words, they're taking place right in front of the face of the president of the united states. i'm gonna show it to you. don't go with the, what is part of it that the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the a one year deduction attempt to collect as if the exit amount apache sat there for the show and then it will be
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a job to left for the cause of a dish. uh, international stuff is the template for supplement is setup button and the printer doesn't want to do lives. it has to be like that. if i see the media, i love people. there's only 2 reasons to just say with the city video country, the b service can be presented as forwarded through money order work, the don. stimulus the industry. is it a less money? proof of concept really left? so should william farmer shots might give us? so we have got cash door to go, what decision did my lab and what was that man was, what was that ridiculous funds? i put in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set up and shows. those are pretty sharp journals on patient data for she's getting those are the best do what i mean? there's a push out the
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hello and welcome to the cross stuff boulevard. here we discussed some real in the hi. welcome back. i'm rick sanchez and i want to do she to a group of guys you can listen to on the critical hour on sputnik radio picking up . it's a great radio show. it's dr. wilmer leon and garlic nixon and they are the host of the show and you see them right there there. hand some faces up and they joined me once a week to really pick apart all the topics or what we think has been important in our world over the last week there i talked a little while ago about defiance and how important i think defiance is i think it's one of the best words. i love that word because every once in a while we need to be defiant. and i get kudos to those or prompts as my kid say to
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people who are from time to time courageously, the defiant. here's an anti war activist who got into a bite and event just in the last couple of days. and let me tell you something that's hard to do. the person united states right now there's do binding is more protected then. then then hitler 1932. they are so afraid that someone's going to say something to them or ask them the wrong question or embarrass them or worse. obviously, we don't want any harm to come to our president, but nonetheless, it's really hard to get into these events nowadays. these bite and events, they're very few also, but this guy somehow paid or pretended to be a donor or something, and he got in any. and then he stands up and he gets in the president's face. now remember, the people around people are given money to the democratic party. they're all like true believers, right? see, this guy gets up. he calls them genocide joe, to his face. he's accused easy accuses them of killing thousands of people and gaza
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. it's hard to hear. so i'm going to play it for you twice. here it is the. 6 the for more years, i mean, i'm sorry, it sounds mean and i shouldn't say this, i'm a catholic, but i think god for but there's, there's shouting at the guy the guys being carried out. unfortunately, he's telling the truth, this president has been responsible for the deaths of as many as 15000 children in gaza and at, and he's telling it like it is. and these people are bullying him. the whole,
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the whole thing, as i often say, it looks like a fully movie to me, garland pick it up. we see here, one of the things that the democrats have to do right now, and i've talked to people who been involved in it. they have to cure at the audiences because $83.00 roughly a poll, so that 83 percent of the democrats and wants to end the conflict in gaza. 94 percent of americans are in favor of a, a negotiated into the ukraine conflict. so what we have now is the democratic party that is completely abandoned. it is people, it's a bit a band and the anti war nature of its constituency. and now they're out of war. there is war with the people in their own. um, they're the, a philosophical war and an ideological war with the people in their own party. and then there's the other side of the story, the bull crap that we're constantly told about how big or how much bigger and women
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bigger this price. so the, as that is good, it's just that we don't get to see that, but behind the scenes, oh, this guy's doing push ups and sit ups and, you know, he's running the place and he is a supreme, uh, commander, etc, etc. where is that for these people to be thinking that we really can outlast this guy for 4 years? i'm sorry, i spoke too much, wilmer, take it a well, a couple of things. one, you're talking about the management of optics and they are so so concerned about buy it and going off script that they've got to controlled optics. and what we just saw at this event yeah, is eerily remedy. busy a what happened a couple of months ago and mother re manual, which was a campaign event. yes. for the targeting the african american community. and people stood up and started protesting. and they threw them out, you know,
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excuse me for confusing you with the facts for how i apologize. but, you know, the reality here is, and i'll be very, very surprised. 2 things. one, if there is a debate, because i don't think either side really wants to be on, stays going toe to toe. and i've been saying this for the last year and a half or so. i don't think at the end of the democrats convention that joe biden is going to be there nominate, you know, i have said the same thing and people have told me i'm full of it and the other for you got it from you. yeah, i did a whole segment on it once and i'm kind of sticking to that. i think post convention after he accepts it, he might turn it over to somebody else, but we'll wait and see. let's talk a little bit about tucker carlson. he's been doing some pretty interesting work. i know he's got this goofy laugh, but whatever. we'll get over that. he just posted an interview on his website with thomas massey. he's a us congressman from kentucky,
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which you guys know very well. massey is one of the few us politicians who does not take money or allow themselves to be controlled by impact, the lobby that represents the interest of ease. we'll not jewish americans is real big difference by the way, because of that a pack has targeted him and attempted to take him out. here's how he describes how his colleagues in congress say they feel bad for him because of what a pack is doing to them. or to him, i should say. and here's a he described for us what the conversations are like with them when they hear about what they're doing, the here. here it is. why have republicans who come to me on the floor and say, i wish i could vote with you today. yours is the right so, but i would just take too much flak back home. and i have republicans who come to me and say, that's wrong. what a pack is doing to you. let me talk to my a pack person. by the way, every party by me has an a pack person like that,
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meaning they pack person. it's like your babysitter, you're a pack babysitter who is always talking to you for a pack there. probably a constituent in your district. what they are, you know, firmly embedded in a pack it's, it's in it, have you seen any other country do anything like this? like russia? russia obviously determines the outcome of our elections. we keep hearing that. does anyone have a put in guy that they talk to? not only do they not have a parent and guy, but they don't, they, they don't have a britain guy. they don't have an australian guy. then you know, they don't have a germany dude. the only country in the world, but lobbies on behalf of that country, not american citizens in the united states. and by the way, they give more money to our members of congress that grew that lobbying organization than any other lobbying organization. the united states,
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including sugar and manufacturing and everything else. and by the way, and let me say this again, i think this is important because jewish americans, united states are wonderful people. they are all of our friends. israel as a country is a wonderful place, a pack is there to represent the interest of israel's foreign policies, not as real, nor are they there to represent the interest of jewish, the average jewish american there. i set it up garland to you and you know, i can even make this argument. apec is not there to represent on the interest of this real just for this reason, looking at, you know, right now it's a basket case. it's asked or you're right. it is a smoking pile of rubble. the people are in the street angry at their leadership. the people in the yahoo is in power because the us keeps them in power. and even the israel is believed that he is the worst leader that they've ever had. so if you look at the israel is on the street, if you look at their data a lot,
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if you look at the security of the country, it is a disaster. so the so called leadership of 8 pack, but leadership of joe by the leadership of the people that are so called pro israel . well, let me tell you something. if those people were pro garland and my life was, is miserable in a health scape like israel is. i look for a new leaders and supporters, and that's a fascinating point that you make and it's a damn good one. let me tell you something out. i believe that a pac with what it's pushing is causing more pain for is real and will for many jews around the world for decades and does decades to come and up. and that's not a good thing. so their failing is the point you make. well said uh, wilmer picked that up for us, if you would, well, what's your articulating is the difference between judaism and zionism and a pack is not pro israel a pack is pro zion, it's me. and unfortunately, what a lot of scientists have been able to do is they've been able to confuse and
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combine and make people believe that if you're anti zionist, you're anti jewish. and those 2 things couldn't be further from the truth. if you understand joe, but not all the zionists are jews and not old users. i it is. joe biden is in admitting, sy, it is which is a racist white supremacist audiology. and it was reported in a number of mainstream papers in this country. a pack has committed $100000000.00 to the 2024 campaign while to ensure that anti siam is yeah. that it's yeah. assume that get elected on with the we side of the aisle where are again, excuse me for confusion. you with the truths. yeah. and, and i think the main point on it is, i think it's really an important point is we as americans,
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should reserve the right to criticize the forward policy of our country. and certainly that of another country without being called or without being called names for doing so, which is too often what happens uh, by the way, next week we're going to be talking about the g 7. but i'm thinking about maybe even not talking about it because you know what? i'm starting to think the g 7 just doesn't matter. so much as it appears to in the past, you can talk about bricks, who exactly twist. i was gonna say there's a ton of news, has been coming out of briggs and very little news that i think will come out of the g 7, but will be, will play fair and take a good look at both. hey guys, thanks a lot. enjoy your weekend have a great time, and as usual, thanks for joining us. it's a pleasure, that's our show. remember, always, always, always look for your own box. be, don't be afraid to look outside of your box. i think that's what i met the 2nd trust. don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez,
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and we'll see you next time the the,
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to take a fresh look around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures. design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground can as a how are they a cps? because they can go for ideas and then use their email futures.
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great if and then to the roles, the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style, 4 years of creating an ss all the place, and 14 concentration cams. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to in prisons. city well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment i could have looked into. i'm assuming people's gonna send me an approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff suddenly level. if the shift did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just uh, it's not the rest of the youngest. i mean yeah. what the famine disease forced labor to achieve by the world. so formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you that, that it's the tivo moves. you're off with those who put his name,
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push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look on here, you know, wanted to do this be a good idea. yeah. for the good i see it are really supplements they decided to do . just got to do, please don't you can just you because i the protests being yes i was booked at the law the as to some of the is what co c on continue comes on. so look at this of prescription of them, all of that are pretty much it all set. i last thoughts look, see though you run the list securities equal minus those you miss. you do something about going to need much of in my just because your logic, i stipulated to remind you that the plug the rest. if you, to remind you that the free i learn a little more, to remind you to say today i'll call number. if i'm welcome menu, so because it kind of what it is that the kind of easy is.


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