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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  June 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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the station on the front of joseph land capella, go really asked me for our laws and that was the more you have to do should. so it means if you have would it be a way and we see that's one way to them. but some of the what the some will stay on the old stuff last time. i feel like very embarrassed, almost a little bit. see me is membership when you to i've got the i'm seeing, i don't know boys of the middle. it please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then can see, could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so who even needed somebody at the courses system with the multiple and yet that the deal to issue the
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every time i completed the building, i was pretty unhappy because you know those days the roads to a bad there was no water, there was no sewage, there was no water street lights. so the biggest challenge it, the next couple of years is really going to be not the possibility of getting employment, but being able to skills that people you're trying to see that the board is still port are taken care off. why the rest of the economy helps the policy boots up the object? this focus has to be in the next 5 years for hosting. sums shall be a little bit hello and welcome. i am on no problem can well the next hoffen odd. we will be talking all things in part of it. a very special guest is a billionaire business man ranked among the under the just indians by forbes
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magazine. yes. seen his real estate company go into it was business and, but let's start with how does with mr. that i'm done here on a 90 may come to the show. so i want her to be with you. i'm so happy you finally met in a studio and other than that, the airports and had a trucks. so happy to see, you know, more these did for taking a ride by train taking, going to look my chin. what prompted you to do that? well, i was to go to lots that go to photo my colleges, which i did. and i checked the google map to chose 2 hours printing minutes to reach there. and this was at the time where that was it, but why your office? and i said this is ridiculous. i mean, how can one big so long to go to lots? no. okay, and so how somebody is the, the, what about the train service? so they said that we could get the train a bed and from the curly, which is the notice to buy. and uh, somebody checked out and they said if i wanted to fostering it conditions,
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i would be able to catch it if i left within the next 2 minutes. so long and short of it. i liked it, but i have these 2 lots now. good. and one are 5 minutes on the bike campus, but i when is just across the really like it was opened. meantime the plus book, not uncomfortable. i thought you sent a strong message then people in the position of the day know for the dress for it. it makes a lot of difference to people's lives. i think what has happened is that even people who work for me and who have been given cars would not have got to treat me . so i think that started dime shit. a lot of people who would normally believe that poking it on should hit on a dynamics. gotcha. a little country. but for me, it was quite so simple calculation that you know, i will, i did the time and i wanted to go back speaking to colleges, come back on the way here. i actually got your flight to divide the evening late evening. how long did you actually sit down and, and open the tray and that was after on me as i did travel,
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i stood on so okay. but it was donated condition train from less than go to city and it was out of desperation because i thought i should once i leave for the meeting. and that was the last moment, but it was very uncomfortable. the younger days, my father was a 1st generation doctor and he had the specialist but ocean that but 3 award be not one of the famous cmt sergeants of india like combined hit on them dining and came up from object of poverty, brought us up it up in camp in schools at the college, my elder brother was also a doctor. people very hard, and i was young, i looked at them and i said, i'm not able to work so hard. so i wanted to easy be i'm or the easier way out. so i did the almost just out of the thinking that i won't have to work so hard of to be gone. my father persuaded me to do the job to the account and see which was a very difficult thing to do. but uh i, i loved to do, my job was based close to my father and he was very close to mr. 95 people are very
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famous lawyer. so between the 2 of them, the pointed me to do by charted account and see which i did. but my pop was always to get into the business of business. i don't, didn't quality on. i am don't in uh, sent you the most during my college days during the summer vacation. so i started with a big style unit. actually a small one. had gotten the ability to cope industrial estate. hyundai know they did, did the investment into real estate, lost money in both had to sell one. i couldn't decide which one to sell it, but i got a notice from the union in by fig style unit, which said that they wanted a 100 percent increase in be just that's a 100 percent. instead of mistake of a 0 me. so i finally decided to sell the fix di fox and jump into real estate, and then i didn't want to lose out in that because i couldn't be affiliated again. so i was very, very, very hard was a long day is 7 in the morning to maybe 10, 11 o'clock at night for many, many,
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many years at the cost of my husband that time. but i was fortunate, i came to this it in, in 81. there was no, no formula. there was no but way. the total thing that you have been how much the whole business of realistic change in the last so many years, to be honest with you, my big step was broken rather complex. you named it and i've been living buildings over there like i had, but need to buy one clocked at that time or 11 buildings. and i bought a block sorted. it visited spartley, then bought the 2nd product and so on and so forth. so i did live in buildings there, and before that i did something ballade. a little bit below and the little bit didn't fall off and all sorts were still locked in the beach. read this started one, what go they call the beach plastic, but the everytime i completed the building, especially in the controller complex, i was pretty unhappy because you know those base the roads to a bad. there was no water. there was no shortage. there was no water street lights and i formed an association along with mr. look. and while line,
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mr. while i was there, and i formed it association which basically infrastructure all for looking while a complex along with everybody. i said i was the secretary, so i decided that the biggest time i do a project, i would like to have a place where everything is done by me, whether it was the rewards for the the schools, but that was the hospitality, but there was the gardens everything should be done by me, and that's how the dream of the light came up. and i thought into that it was no man's land except the picnic spot people. one told me that you should make only bungalows and belies bad, maybe some people from bollywood, but buy it, and it was some industrialist. otherwise, you know, it was no man's land. but fortunately for me, the things changed. the city grew outwards and of course said though, those times though, let me tell you i story flats in my way. at 450 and 552 piece of port, i believe the building very famous building and my wife called lake 1000 me,
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which i could barely sell over to yours or a 1000 rupees, or for the resale value of that building is only $42000.00 a piece of wood to day. i'm so happy that the people who really bought flats from us. i really made a lot of money, but besides a lot of money, they're happy. so what's your driving force? one is as an indian, and one is as a businessman, i was asked a question though, recently by somebody that the, you know, what's your, what i said, i don't know because we have not listed how much. 10015000 cross been. yes. you know, the can, what do you want to do in the future? i said, i want, the girl said, you want more money. mm said, i never said i want more money. i said, i want to go. so he said, i don't understand what you're saying. good to me, it's been more money, so i said it's not exactly like that. growth is necessary because i'm a human being, i aspire to grow all the time and i want to do better. i want to learn new things
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and all that. but it's not full money. so he said, i don't believe you. so i said, let me explain you how i ping. let's see. i'm what the housing process. when i die, i leave back housing cross. if i'm going to 1000 cross and i diary i need to start causing course me, 3, just minding the country will leave it like course. so there's no question of really going for the sake of money, but i want to grow. i want to build hospitals. schools, real estate, we do data centers and other things like that, but growth is not for of making money. money is a part of the mississippi, which of this, this is all about that. so it's not actually the end. so you have to have a minimum amount of money. once you have that minimum amount of money, money is in 4th and skits diluted. so when i started life money was simple, supreme important. i mean, i promise you, i mean,
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it was all the time thinking can i make more money because i have to establish buy something to do i have solutions to your money. i mean, i don't want to compete with mister will come by me. i don't want to compete with any of them, as long as i'm happy with what i have in mind. we need self 45th. everything has its own limit. so i would keep that 25 years ago. but if you don't have the minimum amount of money to pick, therefore your family education has, of course, the focus will be only monday night, courtesy. i'm saying it an indian denial process that we just need to house of out on. that's a expedition offer. um no, i mean there's lots me to the plastic and then did that help you in building your past? yeah, sure. think apply more time. that's the 1st session housing policy which we drafted during mister bunch. by this time i was a part of the company to me, and mister warranty is picking the forward, the prime minister's advice you and you're not his so done one point to grow our
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houses in the last 6 years and gave subsidy for the affordable housing scheme and i was had the good fortune of being a part of the initiative program that the prime minister initiated the choice there and a today. and for instance, i think a, we have achieved the road in a couple out all day to day. but we have not done shelter, so 50 percent of people living in ba bye live in gilbert, but the yeah. so there's still got to be needs to be done. the best part is that in the next 5 to 10 years brick can achieve it. yes, you've been talking but and we're getting its lovely little bye bye. i was part of the company deal by the side for the purposes of signing for the policy which is created for some people might belong with this job. is that because then that you've secondary, the point is very simple. we prime minister more, the one thing is certain. if he focuses on it and says, i would do it, it's done. you can really believe him in doing. let's look at one by since we both
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have been by when the mr. defend the fact that we speak of the cheapest though, we were had discussions on the infrastructure of them by me. and at that point of time, uh, we discussed about mitchell. we talk about the cross hub page, we talked about the coastal drawer. we talked about the really and up into the project. the total cost of all these projects was $3.00, like cross p black roads on the back of the discussion was how will it happen? it does happen in the next 2 years, one by we have 300 kilometers of metro completed with the next 2 years. we will have new airport. the prime minister has already in that building did the c h s a. we have the posters reward, which is getting completed by a couple of months which would reach to backdrop and then afterward storage. so why? and then to they said, when all these discussions took place, this was a back cut out. what's the back to the been the last 65 years centered and state
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governments have spent 13000 closing 65 years for them based infrastructure. and now we were talking about 3 like the drawers. so we thought you just starting the whole got a big will happen in 50 and 50. yes, everybody talked like that, but it has happened. and this is where the government's a bit be focused on what we are doing is making a tremendous difference. so what is behind this, is this political of is uh, is it doing something for the country or do you think mr. more of these philosophy about this is getting things done? i think he's a nationalist is focused if he picks up something, it means that, but i think now he's becoming an internationally started. so focusing with the balance between russia and america. when we got the petroleum about $70.00, when the whole thing was $100.00 plus during the difficult times, they'd be daily faced. they should have bought them. but i show you pain war, look at the kind of difference that we have made in the last couple of years. we
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started with infrastructure of the country. this, we talked about one by region. you know, making 25 can will be those of national highway for d. we will have the largest airport in asia in java, reopened at the airport. that i owed you. that taught the more airports opening and you'll be just one state. you will see all the ports are opening and so many new ones are taking place. all logistics, boston india, which was close to 12 feet, 13 percent. every item you bought, you bought the top 12 percent of that cost plus the logistics cost in china. it's $5.00 and $6.00. so now this grow, 13 percent cost is going to come down to 567. once it comes to 7, every item becomes cheaper by 4 to 5 percent. so we'd be coming to nationally, competitor to be what does happened is the foreman sort of education is not sufficient enough to give employment, let's say, pick the example of real estate for any 5 years. a go over it. i wanted 100 skilled
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workers, a couple of those been pillows, any, any type of numbers. so whatever i would did $500.00 me to day man, i want 100 to skill labels and i don't get good because this is the amount of work which has gone up. it's so much. yeah. and the people who are unemployed on not skewed. so the biggest challenge and the next couple of years is really going to be not the possibility of getting employment, but being able to scale into people. we are the fastest growing nation in the but we have without any good people from object forward be into north object probably, but they're not up. so they have to move from that level to many tasks that are still the people who've visited the specially the agriculture sector. we still act 40 percent of by population working on agriculture. this we've come down in the next 10 to 15 years to 15 percent. these people will get skills and get other jobs
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because they, they are either unemployed. well, under employee, it's going to have one break up which party takes care of this issue. so what is going to happen in the next couple of years is because the g d p is going to grow, they're going to be more employment and more demand for these people. these people, what and skilled we have to get skills in order to get that employment and improve the quality of life and the book at the time company to grow. so the target in the next couple of years as the prime minister decided to see that the economies morning close it, that's why the board has to pull up. people get gas. the board is still people get direction. the board is still poor. people get set up, coming up to the village. the board is still people get, walk that home. when you do that, what are you doing? you're trying to see that the board is still port are taken care off. why the rest of the economy helps to pull the boots up the object. so we're doing a combination of 3 peaks. seeing that the investment comes in from overseas,
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rather than doing 1st start your industrial business body award. every segment is getting a new investment. we're seeing how much more employment we can do, for example, manufacturing today. how do you need employment? we made 5000 cars. are you reward employee 5000 finder bookers today. uh how familiar guys? 5. like todd rick was less than $75.00 to $100.00. the what, but this is fully automatic. we have to do so this industrial, we have to do how see we have to do infrastructure. then our growth is going to be a double g, d p growth in the next couple of, you know, you spoke about the slum strategy and good and then one baseline pretty. how do you plan to do that? base simplest. this whole is sums. all right, me and i really house this slumped in taught the percent of the area by making douglas and the rest of the line becomes empty. one in one 4th of the
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area, one 4th of the 80, i do public paints gardens the rewards the public. so this is hospitalized school is etc. this i said, so for every it goes that either will i phone 500 drawers, a profit after doing free hosting for the well. so i do 3, i'll see i get towards for infrastructure for whatever we are doing. and we make on that hosting for the public, but the commercial residential review. i see everything can be done. so if you can do with every a code, orlando bloom by me, can you imagine with the how much money you will be? so in reality, it's financially possible for us to do this be developing. luckily for us, a part of it is being done by mr. donnie in that abi and hopefully governments of the day will do it for the last one. but what do you think about this? remind decided ation of slums and oh india. let's go and get into this. indeed it
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of the we see the 1st thing is you could get past sedated by a movie. you could get fi sedated by that op. you can get fascinated by me, stop by means house, but then tell us that fascination is on the site and what be really need is to be able to get billed for the portal. log by those shots these time. re said delmont n b improve dot defense, and we sort the with that the begging bullet that we had was eliminated in perpetuity. we've never had to beg again. once you focus on what you want to do with that, it is back on with it. it is for bethany this transport, whether it is infrastructure, whether it is by you would, whether it is or 50, whether it is digitalization of the economy, that b a c. now, under you and other things, once your focus on, you know, he had well this, i'm wondering if you will not he, hey, so my belief is so that this focus has to be in the next 5 years for hosting
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sums shall be limited, and the hosting port affordable segment shot it happened once you focus on it. there is nothing that the new york and on to the highway is which i've been back and then you'll be unbelievable. yes, of course i have the easy it's, it's just something build. and it was a backward state, the 9th of employment, that is the new industrial which are coming up. i promise you big 5 years, we will be the tourism capital of the was mid the all the destination with all the airports with all the other things including locks with the in. yeah, we just get it done. introspect, how do you relax? last year? i said in life, i am already 73 and i wanted to do something new. i'm sorry to tell you that. so i'm not, i'm using the oriented person man, i don't seeing any songs. and once i part a song next time, i mean i country cause been working. so if it never me. so i decided to learn
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a senior. wow, i got a teacher. and today, a keys been in the songs one day i can sing for you so far and i know how to play an organ with 2 hands. for odd be today. let's have the do all this. and the thing with, you know, the i promise. no, no, no, i not the telling me the words didn't beat. yeah. you got to let's do it. i haven't started deducing it from the big guy might be able, the dying a. got a bull lau. and last year i never, it was sun life song except one the gen and whatnot. domestic deep. so what i'm trying to share with you is that i did joy in doing new things, new buildings, new idea. somebody asked me, which is your best building. i said the next one, what do you think is the future of and yet, but it is listed as content. where do you see india in 2047 and then we complete
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100 years of independence. so you will have housing for all. okay. there will be no dropping the 141 by me, not one. you will see a difference that could be the quality of life for me for me would be amazing. you will see skills 6 reading. we will be the suppliers of skills to the what is doctors, nurses taking goes see yours. we will be the suppliers to the what in terms of so the system we really need to send the piece off world economy. agriculture will be on the top most. we will not have to worry about 14 rivers, not have to worry about anything and we will be having such sufficiency in every aspect of life that we do independent. i'm really supply goodness through the rest of the work that's mostly with beach be but what this piece and what is, how many we will be able to tell people what has happened this. because today you
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see that able to produce pricing with is i show you green one or cause i, i, china put single over here. so in these by thing and i get into the other parts of motion. we don't need to do that. if you save the money off all the wars, you would have enough food, clothing, charges, bill for the whole world population. and that should be our targets. and i think mr . body works towards back toward these people who make this index of f. b. s. nation. and read the protest and the end of that list are basic nature is a that we accept it certain needs. i wouldn't need the we accept we are, we accept of it. we can achieve much more than what we have done in the last couple of years, and if that explanation, warranties can change, which is happening now, the mix been use that happened this and next week i'm automatically we need to
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balance. the growth of that too, is one of them. it deep into emotional portions for the population. there is too much of focus only on g d. p growth today because we don't have adequate g to be we have adequate g depending emotional questions will become important. we have new care families that are people who give different names for the purposes of money. people who don't look after their parents, who fight between siblings for some small amount of money or land today you don't call your cousin number. i don't know it's, it's, it's, it's a cousin, you know, a 2nd cousin, some of that. yeah. so i think that the prince has to come. so why india is g, d p is growing in diaz. emotional portion has to, mattie would that, if you will do that, you may not be the happiest from the one who would be the support happiest of the. what you said, your work makes you happy singing. that's a new thing, but you run a lot. yeah, i do, i do i just around the recent team for life. well yeah,
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and i need to run that that the also and you also took a positive for the things i want to do. but you also say age is just a number. see, i tell you it's god's today's that did that 52. i thought that was going to die of the problem and like in the i survived and no i'm, i'm ok. so for me everything off to $52.00 is bonus every day is a bonus. so i believe that's why i am a spiting to do more in terms of growth, as i've explained to you. i also believe that i have to get back to society. would you like to share with me what happened at 52? i had that thing called panic attacks, but it was so bad that they couldn't really treated and uh, i was uh, maybe 20 times and then i see you every time trying to control my blood pressure and it would come down to 128 and then i was discharge in maybe 2 hours, and then again, after a couple of days and weeks i was back in the i see you. and fortunately, we could get the treatment done and i will pick you all right after that, after that i see every day is a bonus. so for me it's
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a bonus. we think it today. same here. absolutely, and thank you so much. it's been a great experience, a great learning experience for me to be talking to you spoke about so many topics with so much a fashion and maybe next time me and you don't need my prompting to for you to sing a song for me. thank you. so my, my really have signed it and so i think that's the. yeah, thank you for being with us. join me next week for another instrument, finalization and more insight into india that stopped part of i'm of them. it was got the
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a one year deduction attempt to collect the x amount apache sat there for the show and then it will have to fluff when it goes in and out of it is uh, international stuff is defensive to supplement the setup button and not to printer benefits and wants to do an easy task like that. if i see that it is a little difficult for me to reason to do say the b service is gonna be presented. it was working monday morning to work. it
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stimulates the industry on. is it a less money proof of concept really left? so should william farmer shots, monuments who have got cash door to door or decision? they might not have it. what was that man was the ones that ridiculous friends, the best of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm showing total suspect. pretty sure can was, i'm patient did it for she's getting those are best do what i mean. there's a push out the acceptance that i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to
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make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the other way not to be right. so is the cause of border brother, printer, what was the route that was correct there. so sounds good. just so basically it was with me. your last name was name is reed. i was given where we used to live you much and we have some more for someone who was this we which i knew people to the
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the the i'm action or something. so you're welcome back to going underground rule cussing all around the world from the middle east, where in gaza, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been massacred by u. s. u k. u armed israel. the survivors of direct attacks is suffering from disease, need dodge and medical treatment, and or risk dying from starvation. and with hundreds of thousands of schools, universities, mosques, churches, hospitals, and houses destroyed. they have no way to go. joining me now from chicago is ali. i'm the name of the founder and director of the electronic intifada. he's the author of the battle for justice in palestine. ali thank so much for coming on going underground. you know, the electronic intifada is being such a resource.


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