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tv   Documentary  RT  June 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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followed up with the word products and the relationship between from some molly, some of the fridge. so done is a good illustration. the one is i went to our cell phone on the money. it's one of the old ones, you know? yeah, this is why didn't oh yeah, here's why did i didn't, didn't you room the, there was, this is what i mean. i never, i'm a part of what else comes up us ways done 1st 3, a visual interest or anyone looks into the history. they'll say that the french would not welcomed with open arms. the colonial as ation, molly was violent,
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uncompromising, and bloody. and the one year ended up june, attempted to come by and different ex that i'm like. i thought she thought there was, i could do a song his talk, very simple, come wooded off very soon, the nuclear industrial. and that is, his task doesn't really take extra a month for the both of them. all money may not do it one day or the does x, i'm 3. she said, no, god, a lot of money. so i'm wanting to raise. i said no,
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cause to shake um i will. uh, i that on the wait list, any fortune buddha, you may have had a story on the kid severely. how to use the images of some of your friends to have a call in. but out there, most of the shop is usually a got some rebecca to everything is through a 2 inch as well gentlemen whose whatever the unlimited process the amendment been aggressive leveled prosper, oath no progress of civilization. tamale, colonial ization destroyed the established states with their international ties, laws, culture, and heritage. in $1236.00 and for us on the gate of molly adopted the well known total con. forget you ought to also known as the london show to an impressive constitutional documents that acknowledged human rights by slavery. the monday and
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shelter was inscribed in the unit sco intangible, cultural heritage of humanity list. so if any point there's a la city causing that all of it is uh, interior design. so on that i will see you monday through monday and can don't like to hear me shout up here. when you tell us how to cut it off with the prostate, you cut out that taking a kin on it. uh, i can go onto my take a lot of them in the sole source. yeah. and that's the future then for you to is it could be that the, this invest on the, to say that the company and the money in both talk to decently done, like in more booking. uh uh, keep me one day is just uh in thought to do what would be better to pick them up
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any must have a said shots moved on and also my load guns are sold solution knack motion. no, bob, there lies just you ended up with tx on there, get any better individual quality and it will bundle, dig a long view on new protection on that. i'm not sure you do have one long piece of the luxury or as you know, i'm an old bottle of lucy on display the show thing on the tools. can you go to that to uh, elijah, sounded like you did unplugged the man and $200.00 and that was in the front of the funding a socialist default exit of more info on solo buzz. sl shondae contributed. so like in new money, a buzzers or phone tomorrow. so she has a see a whole lot shown at the camino that it,
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that the rooms fundamentally reconfigured to the entire pre colonial structure of risk presentation. molly, historical intertribal ties were broken into colonization process. tribal identity was get ranged along with historical memory. native languages were supplanted, the colonizers also foster dent in coverage to interest. make this go on. religious and political figures who enjoyed popular support with persecuted, new monies, cit, the least of them is doing, but it is on the list to get to receive them easy. but i try to use some of the lot. do you do use leave to school? do those sit down to the methods?
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yes. ok. do for them is i mean really that should do this with somebody that can be at the lindsey and ask about that before i see that. i mean, it's a little difficult for me to reason to decide what was the decision to be new coming back to the michelle jocelot, the example, the money be that show auction on sewage issue for the on the screen is i won't do anything on this. and then you have this an issue that credit is on the money on the issue to boise a new community. a bought a damn community opinion, a double. the 2nd. let's see i year more on it. well,
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my name is just the one say say luck. i associate of zillow go, screenshot, and say not best along. the weather must be was have a good meeting. i was on the golf about mission. i did indeed did the sound of the golf about he ended up with me because he knows the difference of 50. yeah. data on new based on tv all during the fall out of control. you know, this affects the google and discuss the general. yeah, i did find a assess thing. i knew i needed to have loved you was don't say say fish or my actual session all day. the song as for your money because i'm money, bring us your option out on the water. she never mind met the different community to think also new pay that and it is showing up on nuclear united. okay. and what's
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up in the list? you know who i don't. uh, but example it enter the most in law or newborn people boys or issue my you and that motion and building there off the is a and the community think there's only vision you probably don't want it. i'll got to go feet, photos on pain, be searching the general, the 6 done. yes. well, for a to it up there with what it is better. it is. some of the people have birth or who, and most of they did. the colonial empire retained bodies, colossal, cultural heritage solely as ethnic folk long enough to gain a independence volley took great pains to restore it to legacy piece by piece. in the meantime, efforts and lots of out with ships to state museums and private collections all
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across europe, clinic and france. and often found a way that by questionable means the, the assume i do cause to, to my printer. and yeah, the that has been to my in so good is all to the level 2. this is going to definitely use this. don't have to do the supplement is such a frustrating and that's a concern about someone not going to and from the step up myself once a month, i'll test it and put on the specific the, the, the restore the suggestive to up and buy something new sources and so on those i put on after that stuff want to set, this isn't just the annual and it said,
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i mean, so it's gonna get a lot to use a song or talk from another girl to as all, and i'll see it and i sent it on as long as it is also to you on doing so, because i put on to do that offer, assume the sale to me that i'm in there. this is or does, it was on its own way of that allows you to a, for us to just say i'm to the, the collision lives over here at the all center. i am so the under to the appropriate sure. there's always is a lot indelible to us on course optima develop it to nothing to say. so this is bruce on your journey. a separate exist on the, the law on that one another to my as it is sure to do on the deposit of the move to the dental implants of is
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a guess on sort of a little more from opening on the left side. there's always is such a duplicated new under the preferred to any one to amount to them them all go down correctly. i let's go to the saw it, it was it, but we definitely off of the dish was going to that the physical. so there's a, at the middle of and it is, it was a saw, a said to the, to tell them all that good. it's good. that is that see what i'll do? i the, that's it didn't guy. good. it was in the one man didn't shown sort of simple for it to go for it. i said the toilet that this isn't that they're both serious, so i have to come. nothing doesn't, doesn't the sun cost assistance? and so for example, specials on certain windows over to assume no says, says we want to put them on that often finish to uh, does any money put someone on top of the community? so they want to put them on, on some point to live and it doesn't have to pitch in. is it a defendant?
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but as for somebody who call this on is i'm just combine notes indented significant under 121. those are the sub units are 2nd to what's the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what are you living on that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is, will be the the russian states never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community invest,
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not getting hold of all sun set up the in the 65 to 5 has to be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission the state on russia cruising and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the student services for the question, did you say they replaced the other way? not comfortable putting it was are up and one of their so some of this so basically of course
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we need the last name was needed. read those can, will be used to live. imagine we have some of which was this, we would show new people to the the a coveted independence that from granted was really a cynical deception. nearly independent states was strongly pushed to follow over the phone. so freak policy. a classic case of neo colonialism. the essence of that policy is simple fronts abdicated from all responsibility for social and economic
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transformation, but kept the countries within its sphere of influence and interest from its installed governments that suited it. sometimes a blind eye, the corruption of nepotism. as long as they said french business interest and support in front on the international stage, undesirable governments were over thrown either by cruise or direct military intervention. the republic of molly is believed to have gained independence on the day. it's withdrew from the french community. the colonial organization established by the 5th french republic. while these 1st president, monday bochita, was one of africa's most prominent and solid politicians. these at the cost for the countries, multi lateral development with industrialization supported by socialist countries and social transformation. here to uphold molly, out of the french franks on, despite huge pressure from france, he was eventually over thrown by the pro french general, most toyota, and then died in shudder. we circumstances
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the to be present. the date is for the monday, monday we'll get the statements. the industry is little less money. who for us as dealer sure sure william farmer shuts off to that code. it's a hope for industrialization who disappeared from had no need of an industrialized africa added value must be generated in france, and africa must remain below willed prices as a market and rule material supply up. the story behind that he'll come up century is a classic example of how from so to exploit, malia and results is without into testing an industrialized thing, the country. and they really reflect the businesses sooner and less. what are there . and so unless you're lo, cold will really be generous, lot of money and dissolve and cut off a lot of less than what you're doing. these are, is it setup for the company to do the popular doing it?
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does she want money to to send a flyer for them to come away? or what are you seeing on us on the left? i'm going to do this thing for me. i flew on the lotus is also to local restaurant. do notice list are both activity report on the front page if you are the most. if jennifer confused genesis on part, you don't want to do or finalize. the bull is put on the, on the solver. if you, there's a spot on the, you'll see the facility for both of you and this is for sale on. so should suit you one lady, one birthday is due to watering re situated. and so was just wondering because it's, you know, for this or should additional for, for the city,
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the sort of must be off the can phone. what do you say the more conser photo center got a really much, in fact, that's what he said to us in a go go to on for the wireless. oh, what a cell phone up in the someone to prove what us, what you see if it caught you on, on what if i need a little more than what you see fit for puerto off. i'm going to do this and do it on thursday and deal i'm of as good. i'm us. a lot may have resolved a lot for us because it's about data, which is i am on boarding and solicited internet douglas. there is a law for the cortex when they're there, they're material or targeting. it says on to a few only model for the member to the conference on google just here to do conference one. and the 1st thing is, even if you're parked on this sunday, doesn't do this last toner to do to also program. so most of those are those at all because you're used to develop on them to not associated to the plan and put them in success. it will cost for you to show off the top of the problem where it looked almost done. ma'am, is it always go to an a form?
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it don't give us the or a we'll put it into see the indices, your money on one of them is 0. c, s, could it be of any is in the month, but you need to physically know to month to costs. ok. no issue that i'm on it a little bit. i'm just don't use it as very one of the somebody's using to do this on time using the him to page for the for new to inform us that you got to foster turned into here on the feed side of that. so much wanted to know for the local on
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need on these products in the for the, for industry averages. and if i'm not able to see what soon, so the cost to me money, the medication to disappear. volume is always either somebody get on the face or this is cindy meal. so the confirm can will know too much is to do for on this occasion to bless you and give you an idea on the new uh phones of continued deal with the much i see the city city city send you the confirm k or the model, keep going to be t i meant by d for send it to my into the menu, talk of corruption and effort. but few people knows that the phenomenon often accompanies false african corruption. and safety's envelopes and governments loyal to friends with the assistance and protection guaranteed provided they proceed with pro french policies. with a system that breaks cripples and swallows people up. but people create to try to,
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to no avail. the system will always prevail over individuals. even notice attributes, especially when a system is focused on rubbing the country plugin. so we all kind of started over or decision the day. monday i'm able was a man was elizabeth nikki, left on the supplement. does it go to miss go, boom, one today and but you left off that possibly before monday to allow her to go out and don't talk. you do love, you re say it and to the blank. i know the, you know, so we take, uh oh god, i had it for blake to do my mission to my now my goal was that makes you feel that for us at once, we don't have it yet. so that means i'm going can, i will put in a lot party. well, the national, not a bridge without a to, i guess a go become the blue into the bridge. was that it to, like i said, god forbid it become a political the national not a bit. so the sticky opposed to a national political. it is a type of fluid as opposed to what was it 20 was i'll see down totally by may don't
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2nd for group colors under the fish just by dollars off. it won't boss if you're not be i do want to pay on i that it is also is also, not only will the story is i say if you read us you why the policies sort of will do is that the, these us that really keystone and we've actually but triple knew the house. agriculture was also deteriorating. family farms disappeared, but industrial agriculture failed to emerge. small farms couldn't compete with the french giants. the local food industry was slowed in every way. the country was around with buy food and codes. so its allies, as in green supplanting are imported. there's also a shortage of rice, the staple of the local diet. on natural nutrition standards are imposed on the country, aggressive food exports that are a serious threat to self warranty. and also real leverage. because food shortages
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always lead to hunger riots, random bakery products me up and when the french arrived, in addition to wheat flour, rice 2 was imported from indo china. the production of local c, a real address varieties well for a long time kept at a primitive level because an interesting pattern. fronts impulse organic fruits and vegetables from molly, unexplored to its own ranking approaches. but it just gave me your stuff. she would tell me that they already know what you invested in your bucket. i'm not here. it's a bit of a mini slip spend a minute because somebody bought the main and i looked off the somebody like that is what really the forwards in it. well i'm, i'm moving fund betty, to whole on the moon. like i don't,
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i visited it room. so one of the we will give the guy were law group was made in the and as i were to pull him out of the about to. yeah, richard, a lot of us. yeah, which is south of signing out of my teens. is, are we doing? i mean it's, it's, it's, it's not going to do the stuff that i'm the, the show me on a few legs if using the show. but this is law and i wonder if it's, you don't
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a settlement. ok to look with us in data sheets. yeah. for kids to look that way, the much a legacy to the dvd a not i'm from a few, not a malcolm concepts counselors office, one me of a bundle. it this a us, it didn't allow them to get to the bottom top. don't call or is suffolk who? members obviously the element that'll show you. that's what we'll do. what they've done it, blah telemundo. no, no, no, no, no, come on a peddler. no, no, flat, that initial then. so say you call us by get to you what's going well known cause, but in my, to somebody a suit to or you want to see you on for it, but the officials stuff, i mean, well, continue the
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process. you know, i'm a more on a venue and beautiful family for, for $240.00 to knock on is i'm on 3 or so one up in the meet actual month or boss who felt all was or that was found out is ryan city sits mad. anything, it'll go down into the problem. doable as it does have payment on the most part doesn't do sometimes see all over on like example some datasets. notice that got the impulse i need assessment, not the response. i baker. people the left of us know $64.00, could it be some pc system, all it up for us to 60 percent data to that 11 to get us on the negative. that's on this on the 40 something up plus rep, limley it us. but i thought it was no, you ever find the music details? i don't see that i'm on the side, but i'm on a piece of it. based on maria, commendable the low blood to support that. i'd be to to the true tv, any political, it was already different things people in a suitcase effectively seem to come with. and based on my,
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the only did complete gives the risk easy, longer in the pollution week. the last last thing, but i'm, i am comfortable with most of the numbers you can. you can use your research typically from here to nancy kim's in the book is that probably the message should see where it gets to the the only issue ok. use the sounds good to the by the ways that the boys, the
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probably the most new and it will be for them imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them. but a notification that the what is part of the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us entered in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go out of as the thing that would inform you took with them for the gifts that the state of celia was this because it did just
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wouldn't care to get it through the new year. oh for g. if i teach that way nor for me teaching the scholars that should go and you have to do this, i'm going to last, i look forward to you with that to. she's more, it's a little bit. let's move. i'm on the stairs from 1st month to month with the amount of water to move many. so with the competing animal just i get i as well as to the lowest quality. i'm all of that . so i'm going to, i'll study to the progressive rock and you see the shortest finish. this is just all just for good news. i'm a fraction of what i'm seem to do. friday is a material origin of people from the fisher instrument and the temperature of the intention to some of this. the
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banners of flags and flowers, north korea prepared to welcome vladimir pittman for his 1st visit to the country. since 2000 the rest and later highlighted the country is pushed back against the western sanctions. well, shaping a new security framework in your racial. that's the message and putting this article ahead of his visit to the peninsula. the military staff director, general warrens about western countries, waning influence, and central and west africa. so frustration goes way deeper than just the security issues. the reality of the moment this was.


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