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tv   Documentary  RT  June 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

6:30 am
for more years, i would say that most people in this country and the polls show it, most people in this country are extremely concerned with his age and his cognitive ability or lack there of. and it's a, it's a big consideration going forward. all right, well that's going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague nick aaron will be in next in about half an hour with more of the day stuff. new stories by the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so short or is it conflict with the 1st law? show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes a truck rather than to the area. i mean with the
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artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the demon the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the to some from uh his you're welcome to see on continue conversations. so look at that sort of prescription of them all on that. are pretty much, you know, all set i last thoughts look, see, don't keep on the list. securities equal minus, those you missing do something about going to need much of in my just because your music has to be too, too much in the blood. do you have 16 to remind you that they're free? i learned a little more to remind you to say today, i'll call number if i'm welcome menu. so the composite kind of what it is that the kind you sound like a small level of entity. it and then and then focusing on it and gum. come on, but
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a typical control process i'm afraid of met the deductible to know the, the, the, the, the casino system to set the money under the fix the system correct. cover it up. i said to let be, i think i know some of the amendment or some on most law on boost by a be stuck on a or self was so glad the or some falls it up a brush on old months. so coming for the views here, cuz i'm going to deliver it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate, nice. somebody visited me, i click the database, isn't there, they try to go to the bottom. that is, i'm in a meeting for the board. okay. well, to ask you the name, let, let me data to see why they ask you to say, my name is cynthia geneva to do any fossa. it's
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a book i would really want to get totally good on. these hopefully can is all i mentioned the process. i said to some of them on it on, on as of documents you posted, you don't say say that could've additional to said, i mean shows google says that show can was on page duty for she's going to set up the shock in was, i'm president, information came to most on page do what? um there is a copper chef, middle updates on that inc. i'm point nichols our best himself to you know, sit back to such a don't political room is the social security question right now. what we know this we've got to remember is a minute to make up what to do with to deprive
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a country of summer to use to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about to, to use the, the circle level going through the not to be gone was that you on call it on the one done is good or the day. so i'll make a point. news news i'm you know, say again, as i've noticed himself seeking more on, i think on the plane, it was on the phone, they found a month, the associated aspect. you're dividing this, they have on file on the volume associate, the things up in it. it will so it will fill out id routine in your system and you've got a hunk lesaine my router. would you give me a order for the box? nobody entity what? lot to choose the key on the corner, gonna be uh,
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i'll read it out of the she lost the money. that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better me boss. 3 day nissan said it was on into it. i'm on eastern this on soon phone, but you can let me set it up as the power adults, french school children joined demonstrations coming down with friends, blackouts, frances colonial cliche turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture. and to an open, remotely from system to associated with google and some experience with, with macro on poland under the, on the culture of science have been replaced by on principles neo colonial demagogy . they say it's time for friends to leave. there's somebody for you when to describe d uh, 16 to on. so you can set it off the law offices about getting into a new job and also wanted to speak with mr. hall. and frances is, you know, monday, the soonest date that's due to
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a lot of them is policies. if i don't know when she is looking is i think i found you up on the go through just yourself that gives you a dimple declared, it can affect it, and they won't see the teacher. so she'll be able to make initial setup. is there something it's going to open and it's on the point where your name is sort of looking for something like the font you sony. so i love to buy it through the school, not billable. then you might have to put it on hold for just 2nd. i'm gonna buy it from set before. no, it's gonna speak very softer, get a no money for him on a commission to dream. so it looks like i mean it all over, is it, did it still settings it because of course i kind of point them out the most. okay . it is in the engineering school for sure. that's that the missile faucet and blah, blah, blah, for that long because your boss, i think it is. and in that off, i mean, send a technician out of the law, the bell, and the end of the line went down and assess, gets worse. and i'm seeing was that the song dollars that going to fill out to more than i thought on the phone that long cushion. right. so finally kicked lenny
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instead of the cussing languages. although we are very, the only for boy on the sun was on me this take all the thousands on and then bring them in. california is this all phenomenon? you know, son, i'm in canada as it might be, the falls on his own c side, they put on the noses. so need to, to decide is all to, to complete set up
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the, the represents the most of the fun stuff that nothing new for me set up in beautiful. that's the plus the pretty house in most i let them nick off the rest of let me let you now some grew up is it didn't have enough at the board on monday, tuesday not for the substitute drugs a right and the to the most recent page in molly's history is operation sort of our for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the countries thing total. it's a simple trick. the on the ration was pretty bad in advance and wasted for to our
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in groups incidentally with french health to get from libya tomatti. the operation has several symbols, handing a subjective, a french military contingent to enter the country. legitimizing the pro french government of the toner x were put in that place, the little guy, the to the b. c. s plus out the exact same way and keep going team so far as the glass of each there the 2 brand easy. let me pull the data, said to the box in the complex, she gave me deference. it didn't. why that's blue show c v like big letters from the new glass, giving it up. can you see what the buttons use of the view w?
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i said we use it, do you have the symptoms then the say to go to, i mean for us of them cut for the for going was seen by the, the lead me see. so i think that the or not so that they can, but that keep this on for your team to do most indeed what, when the glen men can produce, even with the next operation of hun, allowed friends to take control of the whole region from senegal. so, so done, most of the curious path and the terrorist threat to continue to grow can be ariel risk. the terrorist activity expanded 12 french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly, but for a french trade interest. frances, i made to accompany independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position.
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and molly, the bulky bias, found many malia and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about that. phrase the girl front has no friends, only its own interests. the history of relations between friends and its former colonies should serve as an example to defense treaty with france to deal with the devil. so no, uh uh, people do or is that down to the popular? so monday i'm going to say that i'm going to donald notifies who the l. uh, reset the reset that p the false, the phone says oh for somebody in blue, they go to the left is on the audi event, a laptop to loot the, the, the photos of my, my them onto the stuff that next suitcase and the popular. so monday nobody
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concludes su developer on the list that i saw a back on the t david, instead of any of that is on all of the p. also a new cons. good. a lot of new concepts, a new study. and you know, i'll listen to the 2 of us clip when i pick them up, or something did pay for. at the end of the men, rashid in the us, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the scenes, the beginning of its history. the united states of america has officially declared this driving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colon is tested for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the content in american indians were deprived of their land. local residents
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were driven into reservations given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by wide colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of vice of native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughtered the bivens and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. the only good india is a dead indian. the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been a majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3
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percent of the us population today. the world to the loan for elizabeth i saw in front of my lease a little easier to do the to the diesel, the not to month need at the bus 2. this is a but i saw nobody on the was i found a nipple, less of sort of plastic to the to is the please also look use of force at the most of my or my late don't or now i live. do my long speak. don't cause they do that to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to not to as fast as a new it is in that box. so one of the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me. i don't know to put it that i talk a new pull out the upon those who look long. i it is
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a memo. do the event go to the the blizzard for not ended up in a little could be that i should let you know that i saw it is i'm going to done to sort of us value the desk on the agenda that i felt a set list. auntie too is uh another plus the best on the so i don't know if a need to know don't accept photograph. uh, usually deals with the, the data on the, on the disk disease that this the 2nd week of the pain. i'm not alone with the the whole fucking area that pacified them. i have a lot of lucy in there. they have to sign a lot going on to the i love the more, the less you house, the good, the military them of the home 3 for the month for a boosted so 2 days and one of the not to be for the corporate. i saw i work a lot of the see soon include,
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but i so putting this on don't well send that back in corporate. so i do that office for less than that but includes that i saw a lot of things in spent moses on the i love the vision, the level that i submitted to a collaborative sheet to include that i saw on the young guy now. so he said a tablet down the civic to that aspect. there's a, there's a, there's a good i so keep them at the bottom. april 1st is our new model in of it issue, does it kick mall cpg on that amount to a lot of the folks that i'm in my, in on the monte. i'm to so the alex that and this is jim and
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children. i'm the diesel, the of the 2 times we learned actually it was, you know, to be performed on the funding to get to get it, which is which of the key decided to us i'm saying some of the some way it is she to use only so somebody said then you to, to be the cecilia allowed them to affect if it is, if you see them in environments inconvenient for the meeting activities in the building, see something listed in the interest sheets or simply ask them if you show the same thing to
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me before saturday, my name is and let's see to so i'm piece collision so also for them in some of the home products. so done by the way. he says best on weight, the other parts of the city totally please enter the bar. the lender was under the news for the and that's the reason that zone. so kind of there's a, b, c, d, c, open lever. sure. is it the search best on the front end of it? being 2 different buses, which are cert, silversmith, south end and set really infinity interpreters to be the do, but the stuff on their lessons to empty destructive on this site to see that s. but it isn't that it didn't make any
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decisions, quasi. i didn't use it so you might still have to remember the lesson. what is your b plus the incidence? or think you left that i sent you to task literally is compare to the menu on the home page and you guys are on cheeky. so on g b button, there was no one predict comedy instead of just so i don't even begin to change. my email i have on the internet says, you know, same bus and the tip toilet seat on me. i have to get rid of the same price or can be 2 months that on the puppies ended and good things, you know, because of what the dental does, it for me please, and as long as it was done, can we do? give me a list of what was that mileage. i see below that you guys have the what and
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simon m y do more literacy to dealer and you ready to get through is talk to listen to my 2nd amending bundle on this policy. the what you gave it to the old place for the new car that but i do sets every time done by the end of the above the district. but seeing that finding when i see the intent, so give me newport that will let you know sometimes the same that i gave you. so let me pull that in 11 then. yep. that'd be good. a sense of the delivery. so business us at least the tv for even of to being ousted from molly from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions, and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population, not just in money,
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but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin . some friends has already started to lose freedom enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in molly . but fronts content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also a method of direct colonial influence. the law, the use of software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and equal relations. it has the right to choose the, the walk or the song but so we need to get him to put him on getting k, you know, a minute, for example, tom sick, a listing and ready to explain to him. that's what that means when you buy through a diesel. i've also been very cheerful, but now you can just check it out, but it might be, uh,
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the money bring us. the only thing is block problem. money. bring us throwing that info unless you own somebody disorganized, i'll create that. i don't even want to put it to the simple blog best and that emotions about it to me to separate again, let me see what i can do. nothing i need to do to people is on the bus. can use your popcorn peters to supplement one, mister casual or to 2nd. the money is performed a lot of the sheets list of it into some po for the a lot of the shape of it. i don't say say by doing his blogs to buy song, but you'll find him he didn't mean you don't. wall. so kind of a no longer water quality of the bottom line or in a device else. no may 10001000 years. we've been watching us all dog and all those and display new points here. lots, you know,
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the only difference so can do then a song vishal. the really don't know why that is all just to say, does that prove? can nobody seen take? it was a new money. i don't understand what the invalid auction or the money on find a new but to you. so. so do you suppose to case you don't want to do things all check able to just take it, taking a board or the single wire through now from the else looks you don't enrollment on this is showing the money. say boss, good. the money on this indeed, the problem i may look for me make us feel a lot. look, we're only pulling the cash on some people getting on the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line. we will follow along on the road. s nicole and it shows up in a little panel is your bundle legs on the phone, but i mean as on demand of equity. so like i've only been, i think it's like i can just wanting to i think let me know. they put
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a lot of data on the money in money. does that mean the same money? uh, device. 100 new visa should be last week. total of putting your 4 last 4. see it the same. mm hm. yeah. not a nice short move. its best phone. boot this song, no hello, is this a shipping is a side config goods and these are the painted the 1st all separately level for those phones aren't under locked point. you need to save this for tim deluxe. the show and go to the the show april. great to she does,
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i live in the bundles with a symbol that's and that's in there we go. suddenly she'll so would it be wise and what is the test to use? good candidates in? wouldn't that i showed you a new list to me function to, to each to the screen so that the more money fair and then we'll say should go left off a look. see them all complete. can go to the pro on vehicle. they're not to shoot the chevy. no, to clean. the last not even though serves to notice you was because that's what i'm seeing under there. let me, i'll save you the remodel. wonderful. because then you have to keep your me
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a. so i'll freak out 4 digits of my last super shoot, the, the, the,
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the part of our executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new shelves. seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say as they already. gosh, they see here because they kept the scroll, so i did that and then use their email. you're just going to send them to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of committee, and it says,
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all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes 10 prisons pretty well. you know, thing to do is go level, she's them union venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest really to get a moment. i agree, livingston, i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the audio kind of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level. if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snyder the stuff. so the youngest that, i mean, yeah. what the famine disease forced labor to achieve by the was simple use. what was the last it also need? you know, what's the tape it to you that it's a terrible human off? what does he put his name, push these things up to give you what you want to do because he doesn't do those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals doesn't move and you've got here, you know, wanted to do to speeds 90 and the did i tell you?
7:00 am
yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do, please don't keep the potatoes. danielle was put in the middle of the it's the advantage slacks and flowers move, career paths to welcome the russian president vladimir putin were supposed to visit the country in 24 hours of correspondent is bringing us all the latest on the trip the well, the russian leader give that insight into what might be discussed with his north korean towns of oss emphasizing the need for a pullman pushed back against weston functions. as well as a new security framework in europe and losing good scripts,


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