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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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because i see, but this is danielle, that was put in the middle of the vantage. sykes and so i was new career proposed to welcome the russian president vladimir putin were supposed to visit the country. and 24 years of correspondent is bringing us all the latest on the trip the well, the russian leader give that insight into what might be discussed with his north korean towns of falls, emphasizing the need for a pullman pushed back against weston functions, as well as a new security framework in europe and losing good scripts, a top p u military official warrants, the western countries are losing the best way across central and west africa. that
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frustration it seems, goes data than just the security issue. the reality of the moment is we lost off till somebody just finally on a person. dad is will be more difficult to have access to here the this way, these class with police. and they've continued on say government rallies in jerusalem as cortez's and the benjamin netanyahu mounts that. he's handling the conflict in the a very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the very nice as well news update, as always is great to have you with us on top story. this now is not the web page and is set to sign a treaty establishing a comprehensive, strategic partnership with north korea. the russian presidents will be in the
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country for a state visit from the 18th to the 19th of june, his 1st trip that went over 2 decades. the streets of john young have been long ends with the rest of the slides. and who's in portraits? the head of the presidents visit, particularly around kim il sung square, located in the center of the capitol, where a welcome ceremony will take place on wednesday. june 19th will be a busy day, as many meetings and other events was scheduled for the russian on north korean latest correspond to installed course. that will be bringing you all the latest functions on. yeah, the, on the eve of the trip, the russian president praise most goes relationship with the d. p on k, highlighting the united stance on the international arena. young young was and remains are staunch like minded support to ready to resolutely resist the desire of
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the collective west to prevent the formation of a multi point. a world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other's interests. how does it visit, printing is highlighting the emergence of a new, multi polar world one which the west and in particular the united states seems to undermine ferrying a loss of power. now this is a russian presence. first trip to peel. i'm young in 24 years. this is usually significant. is a very high profile delegation, foreign minister. so guys, that role has joined the trip as has defense minister by the use of now this follows kim's visit to russia in 2023. he went on to invite, preaching, to visit the democratic people's republic of korea. now in this wide ranging all school pollutant also assignments north korea for support for the special ministry operation. and they also praised the dpr k for 5 thing to defend this interest.
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despite this huge pressure from the united states, we highly appreciate the dpr k strong support for the russian special military operation in ukraine. it's solidarity with us on key international issues and its readiness to defend coming priorities and views at the united nations. it is gratifying that the korean friends, despite many years of economic pressure, publications, blackmail and military threats from the united states, are equally effective and defending their interests. we see with what strength, dignity, and courage, the people of the deep b r k, are fighting for their freedom, sovereignty and national traditions came and says he's looking forward to consolidating the relationship between 2 powerful nations on strengthening peace and stability. the meaningful dice and close amicable report which would continue between us in the future will so that consolidate the total cornerstone of the p r k. a russian relations in the new era and on these basis strongly promoted because
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of the 2 countries building powerful nations and make it positive contribution to realizing the level of peace and security and genuine international justice in the victory and prosperity are always installed for the peoples of the 2 countries who are familiar, united with common aspirations and ideals, perhaps on surprisingly the west has been apoplectic, would range over the visit. i'm particularly the dean, putting relationship between the 2 nations. now, the west has constantly accused pyongyang of supplying russia with weapons to use and you find something which both nations have denied. career, of course, is placed on the very heavy sanctions. this has made me would like to to is weapons program on phase of the expansion over it's new to also now in mulch, russia veto to you and the security council resolution what you would have expanded the mandate of the panel of experts a tossed within forcing those sciences out of the west, of course,
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we know we watching very, very closely the western media as go into a title spin about the vision in washington says, what it say is the security on dependent to that, but also uh over the d for the relationship between russia and north korea, we're not concerned about the trip. well, we are concerned about trevor is the deepening relationship between these 2 countries. so not just because of the impact is going to have on the ukrainian people because we know north cream ballistic missiles are still being used to hit the crating targets. but because there could be some reciprocity here that could affect security on the korean peninsula. now, so has also expressed its concerns, it says that it doesn't want no relationship between north korea and russia to develop into some kind of ministry cooperation. now, little 3 or of course have strengthened its ministry. we've seen the westgate rick side to the re ballistic missile launch, but kevin says this is justifiable, and he's science. the us ministry, unable drill, was carried out with south korea and japan, which it sees as an escalation,
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that it is also assigned to people because security part, which it says not only the stabilizes the region, but it probably is, is a i rex, right to appear on young malaysia is on his way to becoming a brick, samantha, according to the country's prime minister, and why abraham elaborated on the new direction, malaysia res, taking pledging last year to ditch us toilet dependency. we have made our policy clear and we have made our decision. we will start the formal process soon. as far as the global south is concerned, we are fully supportive. i have worked very well with president lula on the expansion of the membership. we're waiting for the final result and the feedback from the south african government. this is the western narrative. you see, this is the problem with the west. they want to control the discourse, but we can no longer accept it because they are no longer a colonial power. and independent countries should be free to express themselves at the head off malaysia's international trade ministry. so usually
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a ton. so what would the breaks will be? it can normally can be beneficial. meanwhile, thailand has also applied to become a new member of the block. the time for him in his distress, the importance of co operation among countries of the global south on the sidelines, at the brakes for a ministers dialogue with developing countries. and the russians. if you have new to the north could all last week alongside the brakes. members, 12 of the major developing countries with strong regional influence took part in the summit city, a research fellow at the new center academy forced with teach it was such in malaysia as me has done. so is that the bricks and lions takes the interests of age and space into a towns on like the west and sense like my m, f and g 7th on for the institution such as a i may have been conditioned a month to find for example, or g 7, making the position based on the i can trust west commission trust the devil of additional prep. sorry, good. awesome nation feedback is not fair because i know the bottom of it. i think
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that's the reason why breaks or says deposition. and that's another reason why i'm grateful. i think it's very popular. i'm all awesome nations in thailand and lucy joining. i think this will be the 1st from the us, young and organization. and we have to remember a member of oscar and which is the nature i think is a very be the pollution and also gdp id. so i think it would be a very accepting pools due to offset the other offset nation to joint breaks. in this case, if we are on to cut the stuff to join the i can do be a snowball, all of the nations that see that come in, do article as you can only factor that is very, very unfair to them to join. so i think it is a very bright future for breaks to expand further so that they can be a horse. all right, give me a, the western countries are being pushed out of western central africa or is of the
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world. so you've gain influence that of the message from the military staff director general, who's raised concerns are the you are potentially losing access to the continents. was office we are more or less pushed off. many uh, western countries including us from these. yeah, from ali uh, from working off also from from other countries. and this will cause folders for the future if we don't act. so we are thinking about an integrated approach to step of our efforts in africa to and especially this approach will be that we will support them in a way that day off for instead of bringing them good, like we did in the past. so we're working hard on that one, but the reality of the moment is we lost grounds. we saw there are more more actors, actors in africa. and i mentioned already migration, but it's also major when we're on a present data that will be more difficult to have access to the materials. plus the heating several receipts, trying to restores historic chases to form
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a kind of nice downsizing minutes. the princes and striking times also on the continent fonts is africa, stretches each seems at a num, costs, and particularly in francophone countries. you would remember that at some point from over africa, thousands from the west to the east of africa, all in the name of counter terrorism. a cruise in half a dozen full, my friends colonies in width and central africa over 3 years. including 2, we can use it and combine the pump soul searching about what exactly went wrong and how if possible to put the long standing donations and ins was back on track. i'm trying, but it was a bit to nate with those questions and those strategies because process and really facing increasing opposition from local governments over is continued really to present in several of its former colonies and was forced to do a hundreds of tubes from my, the central african republic. i'm booking
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a festival by 23 to 2 and 20 to 23 fonts. that's full, $5000.00 soldiers spaces and various spaces to all the pods in it. but the economy, political, and environmental crises, the, that's the hangings face are immense because the front, but as protestants have made key, as many people want to face those crises without frances soldiers. and i guess that this is what it has come to a 100 troops in some parts of the continent. as those graphics, the new information is 7900 troops and barnes in central africa down from 350 a 100 in signal. go another 110 ivory coast down from 600 to even inside where it had a 1000 troops slow next to with um 300 to 50. so as far as has received it to you is moved to full of the vacuum. but any questions with a stephen that would succeed on the african continent? the developments would from some marked a holdings offer you is relations as well,
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with many african countries. but the us did not take it. so it doesn't. it is just forging ahead with this diplomat visits and twigs when he was full of general mancha land, his trip, which will likely reinforce counter terrorism cooperation with the need and cost of why including utilities and sharing and some sort of additional military equipment . but this feed to a pro, from the, the, the general highlights washington's dispensation. some would even say sufficient to rapidly secure a drone based in west africa following it's before departure from the z. as given, been in and caught of was concerned that these, the house was name security environment could destabilize which the northern regions united states appeared to likely come very close to those countries as the cure. a broad base in one of the 2 countries. but in all of this, one can help us think what the you is don to come to. i'm tourism in africa. we all
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know that to me because 20 plus years of content tourism supported in these regions has not resulted in bits of security. terrace groups have risen menu is trained african offices i have attempted to teach 98 of which was very successful. and in that 20 as well report seduce back to the pentagon, new a fundamental floor as me to is military operations. if you call in and i forgot, but heading on the lease, forge ahead and failed to address those problem is evidenced into this. there is no useful shed conception of the conflict. the instruments of a national power and balanced which results again, excessive reliance on the military instrument. there isn't balance within the military instrument as well. all the us troops, all the arms and advisors given to african countries in the name of counter terrorism. on the last 20 years has only resulted in more combs, more vitamins and more terrorism. even the
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a former us diplomat to the web to somebody else has become one of the few us officials to recognize that the problems that existed at the beginning of the invasion still exists even today. i've known these problems have persisted throughout my career with the u. s government, but i didn't quite expect that this has been thoroughly studied by the department of defense with these issues conclusively identified and yet not addressed for 2 decades now. and to make things with this from table was a monastic. i have skyrocketed more than a 100000 percent to doing these, you is more on tier rocks. these find was contradict claims by asked to come, that he is preventing terrorism on the continent in promoting security and stability. and over the past few years, the testing says, showed that these are the how these in, on the phone has experience a significant increase in the number of children in texas and for utilities that compared to how the security office, the how was why the before the into vincent had,
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is now the if the center of global terrorism, begging the question, would it have been bits of a front or do you is not interviewed or from a nigerian presidential candidate. adante galvez says, decades of west influenza and pro no growth to africa with the concept now building mutually beneficial ties with of the global plants to do some mission, grocery, visual net, probably financial as many as possible for up for comes to realize that partnership with the west, especially from western europe, a neutral countries including united sort of america, has always been. it's close to the gentleman of the development on, quote, off on of what guns are not in newport, michigan from to all, with china and russia. if you look at what china and russia, i mean, you have to disclose with a couple of times, but do, do really in sort of jump to on the,
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for the same kinds of ways for the past, somebody to use your book for the, for the last section, there was news to the principals the like except maybe 20 to the point you sent to me show. so i was coming back to do the 13 that the, what you did, what color comes with a pinch of salt because also it goes with nothing to once or twice a day. so didn't tear off what you say. you know, we don't one friends on his wife's from since the about waiting for this is not that the youth is, is that also does a lot of interest and defend the finance and do one frank job thousands of people it's, it's a mystery. solved jerusalem to the mountains, these really plumbing as it quits off the heat dissolves, the countries will cabinets. the move came 10 days off the resignation of the former defense, minnesota ons and that's and yahoo arrival by the guns. furious protest as well as
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outside the country's parliament flashing with police the the . 6 the thousands of course traded in greece really is have gathered in front of the countries. paul, i'm in the class of hearing jerusalem demanded with resignation and may say there is a good number of reasons for that. first 120 hostages, they'll remain captive and gather for more than 250 days, including women and children, and elderly people here cannot forgive them. blame the government, not doing an off. also have mass destroyed yet, not to the war and gaza. several battalions of fill in rough, plugged in southern slaves and the idea that they might need at least another month
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to administer with them. people who are saying they cannot wait any longer. we have a horrible government essentially trying to table any sanders waterfall area. the toner is well into a different country. and we would like to stay the same problem to be that we were . we're also because our as the dying pensions also continue in the north albany is row with his id up says the group launch 5000 drones and different me solve into israel since the beginning of the war and a full barn and continues every day. thousands of evacuated as really soon cannot return home as the entire region remains dangerous. from time to time, we are able to shop that. now the state has to leave the office for one day and dismantled the 6 member war cabinets. basically,
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due to after the departure of the chairman of the national youtube policy, john said he's hard to eyes in court 10 days ago. guns just like these people here, criticized previous approach. the warning guys are gone accused from and of having a clearance regarding the warren so told the de also gone way of dealing with hostage police all 3 weeks. now that has been an american back austin to do a proposal on the table. the other things includes the release of all remaining hostages garza and the permanency buyer, welding signals the clearance of hold hold on long so far gone to a teacher discussion. now when american secretary of state visits today's real, just recently again, he met separately nothing. the apple and then john, who at that time was not part of the war cabinets already. on monday, the us special envoy came to israel to discuss the invitation in the countries
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north. and it's really a recent confrontation with his baldwin meeting guns was also chad. you want to happen to defend the apple without supposed so many guns and he's people will earlier and another crucial opposition later. a lovely it says that the days of the patients number or the accusing prime minister of acting in his own and not national interest. yes, so let me say nothing will remain of him. there will be no square named after him. no schools, there will be no fountain of benjamin netanyahu. leave our lives already. go, go after the droll off to show matter. it is really prime minister had a choice to invite other political figures to join the war cabinet like national security minister band v. and he requested to be part of the finance minister, small church as well as you know, offer on the 3 rights we can with strongly anti power steering approach. calling
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for even more gas or bombardment, leverage jackson sash, probably not willing to be more associated with this patient, controversial ministers. but even without that, there is a huge internal pressure facing. and we can feel it right here. there is global criticism as well, including from a key ally, washington to the failure to keep the unit you ward cabinets will only add 2 different problems. then you will have to do something for that. but a city, an activist on commentary, so you'll have high fall, we say it's permanent. so that's and you all who was under the control of hard line is despite denying them a place in the wall cabinets. that is what it is clearly is it's a government is very much this good. the good and bad st. john's a go actually went out of the government because it was this because they said nothing that actually changes or gone back to s new old dog owners. and they asked
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me to become clear and clear. and that phase idea on and cannot make any type of victoria is as long as they've actually gone, you know, the know to be part of the federal government actually let them know has no octave or do you see and those thought the g, the just trying to log on 0 in the keys on the right side, he's a cop, do it in his own government in the hands of the explain provided the reading, the bank 0 smoke pitch about the want. you don't want to show it to 0, and i don't know how to scottsdale, cuz this x i missed. so he bought the whole company. you know the notes, do i go to the side to once this to 0. ok. but it doesn't change anything because anyway he, he has cost advisory psych sinus because
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a heads are kids. so he's going to attempt to solve the government. remember, those are not even went and it was a long company mentions over all of their own property made you do there to do any decision, resolves of omission, inquiry and forces have lost and estimated 1700 soldiers in the past 24 hours, according to the russian defense ministry bounce as most goes, troops take more advantageous positions in the hall called on zap photos. the regions with staff will ukrainian altura units destroyed by cancer back to refinance or teasing or stone off has more a ukrainian loss, as they seem to only be a factor in the reports of the russian defense ministry, while creative and its allies, they have been into and trying to push their own agenda into mass. now the latest such attempts came in switzerland during a gathering that they called a peace summit, a, an events rather shallow into a nature which was reflected in the final communicate,
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also very timid and unsubstantial. and that failed to get unanimous approval, even among those who participated in this summit. so to moscow that ukraine and its allies have been trying to make bold statements like this sort of thing says, since prudent, once russian soldiers to die on mass and ukraine, everything must be done to ensure that these expectations of mister prudent are fulfilled. that is, for russia to fail in ukraine, that the russians by killing their own soldiers should lead the nation to finally rebel and say it will not fight an aggressive, brutal war. so they've been trying to draw attention away as much as possible in that sense, from ukraine's empty streets, from the scale in the eyes of ukrainian men and women, because they will have the loved ones who don't want to fight. and zalinski is more essentially that ukraine has continued to try and replenish its diminishing reserves on the front lines to match mobilization. as these attempts,
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they get ports on camera time and time again with people's that in ukraine still show by the means and methods used by the dropped offices by them using a north arise and the unrestricted force. uh, so all of that has to be making has been essentially growing and nurturing the public this content in ukraine. lasers polls show that less than half of ukrainian population support the new mobilization, lose the new mobilization legislation which has on ties the hands of these conscription, the office is also approval pools, or polls show that approval ratings of the landscape of la demarus lensky, have been plummeting since the fall of last year, in fact, the dire situation in the streets, the dire situation and to die, the rather gloomy mood among the ukrainian population. it has been reflected in the reports of those media outlets. that sofa haven't been sense in you frame like in
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this bbc reports, are you afraid he might be courting incense myself? i know it's not in order to put in. i don't to walk outside at all now unless i'm with my daughter. and that is because they don't take people with the children recruitment posters, knowing the streets of odessa the message together to victory. but ukraine is now divided between those who are prepared to fight and those who would rather run full time. no rush right into and has time and time as once again reiterates is that the only part for with the only part towards piece is through the piece initiative that has been presented by the russian president loud. i'm approved lately, all of that really crashes. again, something that the united states have just said, they have just confirm that for you praying to be able to join nato. they will have to defeat russia on the battlefield. even a tactical advance is already
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a big unreachable deal for ukraine. so when they took, when the united states took about defeating russia, that is simply not even on the table right now. that is not an option for you. praying as things stand as of now, so full hopes for peace. they seem to be shattering against a, the spouse of the united states, discounts of washington and be ukraine's this manual desire to become part of nato to the direct. so all the nucleus studies institute at the american university pays a cousin except his bleak predictions for the future of new trans people. his kias western back is continued to support a due course, coming up often bishop, where you can watch his full interview with direct impact toes. rick sanchez. and what was that was more nice. best to minutes. see you then the
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the, what is part of the is it that the employee would post good isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without felicia, is that spelled out of the russian states? never as one of the most sense be the best english i'll send, send up the in the 6595
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must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz food net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the power body? i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about, i think, is the lensky is, may be the greatest salesman of any politician, the traveler, every time he comes.


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