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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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it's a direct impact, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the spanish flag was know, 3 or 4 pass to welcome the russian president, vladimir pierson for his 1st visit to the country and pointing for did, swinging. he will, the lights were just arrived. i'm showing, you know, 3 east reading. the russian delegation with watson flags are also billboards highlights and differentiated between po 9 and most a while the russian lead it provides insight into what might be discussed with is know, we encountered emphasizing the need for a common 1st against western sanctions. and then the security framework can do it fine at last. she's out to the us, the standing officials to engage with tibetan spiritually to the de la la la la jane. since it is a separate living thing is red pace help,
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the military official was the western countries lives in best way across central and west africa. restoration as teams goes deeper than just for sharing the reality of the moment. there's really no strong also major depending on a person dad, as will be more difficult to have access to moments here the a very well welcome to you. this devonte international with the lights as world news out days as always is great to have you with is a top story this i'll of lot of it puts it and it said to sign a treaty, establishing a comprehensive, strategic partnership with north korea. the russian president state visit on june 18th and 19th. this is 1st trip that we're now over 2 decades. were russian flags and portraits of president page. then outlining the streets appear on young and concentrated. it came to ill sung square. a welcome ceremony will take place on
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wednesday, a day of meetings and events for the russian on north korean. it is will fall. i, as the city awaits vladimir putin arrival signs representing historic ties with russia on for this the we just arrived in north korea is great in the russian delegation with russian
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flags. there are also billboards highlights and the friendship between showing young and most co, north korea is meeting by them are put in with portrays and flags of fresh back and forth, which can be seen on almost all street. the cities, surprisingly beautiful and clean. there are also a lot of modern areas contribute to stereotypes. this the grandiose event celebrated on a grand scale. latimer putting was last here in 2000 on the eve, all of the trip, the russian president phrase most goes relationship with the d. p on k, highlighting the united stones on the international arena. a feeling young was and remains are staunch like minded supporter, ready to resolutely resist the desire of the collective west to prevent the formation of a multi point. a world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other's interests. had a visit, printing is highlighting the emergence of a new multi power in a world one which the west and in particular the united states seems to undermine.
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3 ferrying a loss of power. now this is a russian presence, 1st trip to pee on young in 24 years. this is usually significant. is a very high profile delegation, foreign minister. so guys, that role has joined the trip, as has defense minister by the use of now this follows kim's visit to russia in 2023. he went home to invite polluted, and to visit the democratic people's republic of korea. now in this wide ranging all school pollutant also assigns north korea for support for the special ministry operation. and they also praised the dpr k for fighting to defend this interest. despite this huge pressure from the united states, we highly appreciate the dpr k strong support for the russian special military operation in ukraine. it's solidarity with us on key international issues and its readiness to defend coming priorities and views of the united nations. it is gratifying that the korean friends, despite many years of economic pressure,
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publications, blackmail and military threats from the united states, are equally effective and defending their interests. we see with what strength, dignity encouraged, the people of the d, b, r k, are fighting for their freedom, sovereignty and national traditions came themselves. he's looking forward to consolidating the relationship between 2 powerful nations on strengthening peace and stability, the meaningful dice and close amicable report which would continue between us in the future will so that consolidate the total cornerstone of d b r k of russia. really, patients in the new era and on these basis strongly promoted because of the 2 countries building powerful nations and make it positive contribution to realizing the level of peace and security and genuine international justice on the victory and prosperity are always install for the peoples of the 2 countries who all certainly united with common aspirations and ideals, perhaps on surprisingly,
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the west has been apoplectic, would range over the visit. i'm particularly the dean, putting relationship between the 2 nations. now, the west is constantly accused pyongyang of supplying russia with weapons to use and you find something which both nations have denied. career, of course, is placed on the very heavy sanctions. this has made me would like to, to uh, its weapons program on the face of the expansion over its new to also now in march, rush a veto to you and the security council resolution, what you would have expanded the mandate of the panel of experts, a task within forcing those sciences of the west. of course, we know we watching very, very closely the west and media as go into a title spin about the visit m. washington says, what it say is the security on the peninsula, but also uh over the d for the relationship between russia and north korea. we're not concerned about the trip. well, we are concerned about trevor is the deepening relationship between these 2 countries. not just because of the impact is going to have on the ukrainian people
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because we know north korean ballistic missiles are still being used to hit the printing targets. but because there could be some reciprocity here that could affect security on the korean peninsula now. so has also expressed its concerns, it says that it doesn't want the relationship between north korea and russia to develop into some kind of ministry cooperation. now, no 3 or of course have strengthened its ministry. we've seen the westgate over excited a re ballistic missile launch. but kevin says this is justifiable, and he's science, the us minutes. the naval trail was carried out with south korea and japan, which it sees as an escalation, that it is also a side to people because security part, which it says not only the stabilizes the region, but it probably is, is a direct threat to pay on young what we're going to cross live now to, i guess, sounds like really on a financial consultant to discuss this, but the many thanks for joining the program today. it's good to see. so this is
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president putin's funds that trip to know if the 1st visit in $24.00 is to north korea, focus through the significance of this trip for the 2 countries off of the region in general. and so it has been a long time since there was such a high level of contact between the 2 countries. i think we need to put this into the context of the especially mean is pushing me to abrasion, but it's still something extremely important, which is the patients in the south china sea. we see there's a fault which ease uh, which is created by an extension of the, i mean, the collective west, which is a all cause of true. yeah. you key in the us, we need a visual to that in the region. they have allies, you have south korea, you have japan, and now you have a city base which is actually using stays bump or mark cost that to power. busy they actually started being completed with the collective west. so we see the us is planning the same game over and over. the us wants to fight a,
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so try not to the last i what do you use to the last japanese to the last korea students, the last 15 people. right. and it's the same thing as we saw on the other side with ukraine. so here i would say there's a, there's probably a frog which is created on the line, so they will not call it an alliance, but the partnership editors thought we would, you know, dpr key a restaurant in china. so we see clearly here, russian, china, they're not going alone. we do collect the west is as they were doing before, when they put the sanctions on north korea, because the where is the week. uh no, the gloves are off. now they will re degree the north korea. they are finding ways to buy sanctions and on north korea. issue that north korea is a they a strategic piece if there was a, a caustic to, to, to written data config that because keep in mind that there's no single piece
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between north korea and south korea. this is the same is a, china and taiwan. it's and then fish and finish receiving war that was actually instigated by some how by big brother the way this is usual. give us an assign since that's one thing, the roster and snow squared to have in common. and at a un security council resolution in march rest of the toes that which would have extended those sanctions on throwing young for another year. what kind of actions it could be taken to work around trade restrictions? what, what are the, i mean the, how many acts the sanctions are, way the russia has? russian doesn't get any more we, we've seen over and over all those sanctions back fired the, they have actually no effect whatsoever. maybe china might have more pressure because they are not direct sanctions. i don't know. we see a trend of
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a what they call secondary uh sanctions is because they are starting to be in china on, on has been rushed out to bypass sanctions. but i think at this stage, those, you know, we've seen the sections don't work and it's uh, it, they are just words. it's just which will rage. in reality, nothing would happen. but of course, i think it's important just to it's a way of sol for putting to pressure on the collective west and show that they've got to know if there was to have a 2nd fall. because the probably be these death, it could be a 2nd phone, but then i would say it's a message to from booking to say what we shine, that would not be a no. there's dpi. okay. and these are so rushed out. they would actually might, they did, they don't say, but they might it by making together that this sending us clear cigna that why should i use that? and uh if, if, if it's needed rochelle,
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we stepped up with china. many thanks for speaking to us today. it's great to get your take on the situation. we've been spoken to angela judy on a financial consultant. thank you. a or this a certain dies way when you will. the latest news on the russian presidency knows that korean that visits the well staying in the region, nato should self were flags rather than arbitrarily smith and the 10th china. that's the response of the countries for when it says ministries folks posted as the nato secretary general schools paging for its growing alignment with most government, the ukrainian conflicts. but what kind of way do this is the international community has its own opinion on the role played by nature as a product of the cold world and the world's largest military block in the ukraine crisis. what naples should do self reflect, then arbitrarily smear and attack china. j. it was on the public,
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their presence. she has tried to create the impression that she's taking a back seat in this conflict to avoid sanctions antique trade the following. but the yellow thing is that china's shooting the largest on conflict in europe since world war 2 at the same time, it wants to maintain good relations with the west. well, the badging kind of have it both ways. at some point on, unless china changed his course, allies need to impulse the cost growing alignment between russia and it's both that attorney and friends in a shop makes it even more important that we work closely with our friends. and the end of us, if we have some of the contributes, i called earlier these days, nato twice to impose as well as a frustration because china and russia can stand up to the block in china. and russia are one of the few truly sovereign states in the world right now. russia and
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china can say no to the united states. this is what nato alliance does, not like me to not believing in sovereignty of nation states. and they like to impose or will, and this what they mean when say when they say that what we impose a cause the act like the whole world. is there a sandbox? yes. it's a huge hit demonic virus. that's all in the brain of all the nasal bureaucrats. i think that's making the them the enemy of most of the country in the global south at this point today. so it's not the only blog pointing thing is a china d 7 leaders of feed high thing up trying to relate to they susan trump, i think the so called chinese, or the capacity beijing's for a ministry spokes person has criticized the alliance, noting how it has become a political tool left the u. s. and west. she would use the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only accounts for 10 percent of the world's
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population year after year, they're sharing the global economy has kept dropping. the g 7 has long, straight from its original purpose of coordinating for us to build a team to global economic environment and has increasingly become a political tool to perpetuate us in wisdom supremacy. i'll call. josh again says that the west still lives in the post. well, other organizations like breaks on gaining momentum, so they still lived in the past. g 7 has been useless by the indians. total aggregate g d p of ricks already. and that trend is just continuing when they try to dictate to china and russia, when the g 7 is own aggregate power has been declining. it's it's, it's, it's a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong. you want me to flexion
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less those they and then so far aware that there they are belonging to the declining cap and they want it. they still want their last glory in the sun, but you know, there's, there, there areas passing. aging has also blasted washington. i've re plans meeting with the deadline, lama considered a set portez politician on the exiles from china for like democrats liter congresswoman nancy pelosi legend official us allegation for troops with the spiritual leader they things for our ministry quote on washington to rethink the moon just as an ally the 14th daylight lama is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in anti trying to separate respect duties disguised as the religious figure, where gravely concerned about the relevant of reports and search the west to fully recognize the inside china separate this nature of the dalai lama group on its commitments on the 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them,
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and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. show way too high level by boxes on u, as in addition to the cart i'm showing all this is another stage of the module for the, the navigation to nancy below. see the former us house speaker to somebody was norm for her. the china style. somebody who's been very good, we don't, we need to size china's pharmacies, not the navigation is expected to meet with the mom sometime tomorrow morning in the time and this visit to by you aesthetic emotional support. i've had a shop reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. the point of view, a shallow way is meeting when take face to model essentially is home to the no, that's where he's been maybe a for a several years now. but this is where many, many many attempts have is their offices. so
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this is a piece that nancy pelosi and the team has chosen for this particular meeting . that is china to point out here are the discounts these off to the us exempt either the foster bill or just child re engage with the law i law. this need also funds days before the line on like himself, eastern sahu to the us isn't sometimes the 1st week of july. he's when day. oh, for him, a good seats meant for his knees, but a widow, an off there will be a fish o engagement with the us be presenting to that. that is on the clear at this time of the insisting the developments here. also remember nancy for those the somebody who west of tihawn this is back in august 2022 and her
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lead had millions of views of perhaps um this was the 1st time that i had so many views ever since about perhaps landed on the moon. this clearly was, was a way of showing off how this to reaction from china back that as well. and now that edition is back in this time of the india. oh, really will be meeting the line mom up. this is tomorrow. of course, this is the developing story and you will be keeping across the western countries are being pushed out of west and central africa was other well today is gain influence that that's the message from the use military. soft, directed general, who's raised concerns are the you are potentially losing access to the continence was office. we are more or less pushed on many and western countries, including us from these yeah, from ali, uh,
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from building off also from from other countries. and this will cause folders for the future if we don't act. so we are thinking about an integrated approach to step of our efforts in africa to and especially this approach will be that we will support them in a way that day off for instead of bringing them good, like we did in the past. so we're working hard on that one, but the reality of the moment is we lost grounds. we saw there are more more actors, actors in africa. and i mentioned already migration, but it also means that when we are present data that will be more difficult to have access to all materials. most a huge you several receipts trying to restores historic chases to form a kind of nice downsizing minutes. the princes and watching times also on the continent fonts, is actually constructed each seems at a num, costs, and particularly in francophone countries. you what you mean by that, at some point from to so over africa,
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thousands from the width to the east of africa, all in the name of counter terrorism. in half a dozen of for my friends colonies and wasted central africa over 3 guys, including to even use it and combine the pump soul searching about what exactly went wrong and how it's possible to put the long standing donations an interest back contract. i'm time, but it was a bit unique for those places and those strategies. and because the process of really facing increasing opposition from local governments over is continued really to present in several of its former colonies and was forced to do a 100 some items from my, the central african republic. i'm booking a festival by 23 to 2. and 20 to 23 fonts, that's full, 5000. so which is the space and various spaces to all the parts of it. but the economy, political, and environmental crises, the, that's the hangings face are made because the front. but as protestants have made cash, many people want to face those crises without frances soldiers. and
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a guest of this is what it has come to a 100 troops in some parts of the continent as those graphics and new information is setting up a 100 troops and barn in central africa down from 3 150100 in signal. go another 110 ivory coast down from 600 troops, even in chide with it, had a 1000 troops small mixed up with um 350. so is farms has received it to you is moved to phones, the vacuum. but any questions with us, even that was a succeed on the african continent, the developments of what funds marked a holdings offer you is relations as well, with many african countries. but the us did not k, it still doesn't. it is just forging ahead with this diplomat visits and twigs within the soul of general mancha land. his trip, which will likely reinforce counterterrorism cooperation with the need and cost of
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why including utilities and sharing and some sort of additional military equipment . but this fee to a pro, from the, the, the general highlights washington's distribution. some would even say it's a business to rapidly secure its own based in west africa. following it's force departure from the z as given, been in and caught of was concerned that these, the house was name security environment could destabilize which the laws and visions of the not that states appears to likely come very close to those countries of a secure, a broad base in one of the 2 countries, but in all of this one kind of help us think what the you is to have done to counter i'm to bridge the master costs. we will know that to me because 20 plus years of content tourism supported in these regions has not resulted and beat to security. terrace groups have risen menu is trade african. i'm office as a, as a team to the, to east 98 of which was very successful. and in that 20 as well reports reduce that
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to the pentagon, new a fundamental flores with you. it's military operations. if you pull in of africa, but has not the least forged ahead and failed to address those problem is evidence of to this. there is no useful shed conception of the conflict. the instruments of a national power and balanced which results again, excessive reliance on the military instrument, the risk and balance within the military instrument as well. all the us troops, all the arms and advise, was given to african countries and the name of counter terrorism on the last 20 years has only resulted in more more violence and more terrorism. even the a former us diplomat to the web to somebody else has become one of the few of us officials to recognize that the problems that existed at the beginning of the invasion still exist even today. i've known these problems have persisted throughout my career with the u. s. government, but i didn't quite expect that this has been thoroughly studied by the department
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of defense with these issues conclusively identified and yet not addressed for 2 decades. now, to make things with this from table resume in africa have skyrocketed more than a 100000 percent during v. you is more on to rush. these find was confident claims by asked to come, that he is preventing terrorism on the continent in promoting security and stability. and over the past few years, the testing says showed that the, for the whole reason on its own has experience a significant increase in the number of children in texas. and for utilities, it's compared to how the security office, the how it was was before we begin to vincent. so how is now the empty center of global terrorism? begging the question, would it have been bits of a front of you is not interviewed by the strikes on gaza. took the lives of at least 17 palestinians overnight. at the death toll since october, the 7th close to $37300.00 casualties have been reported in the southern city of
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rafa on the news arrived counts in the enclaves sensor. a warning there are disturbing images ahead. the awesome assets from east series of ways left to homes destroyed final ideas, small planes, according to local media reports among the big things on display families, children and the elderly who has recently relocated from rafa. report say that will remain shop to under the rubble and the officials expect the number of casualties to increase mountain concerns over the death toll in gaza. has no stop to us democrats from improving a major on sale to as well, or possibly under pressure from the find administration. but one of the very democrats who approve the latest sale had previously voice concerns over the potential civilian casualties. i say it is enough of the indiscriminate bombing. i don't want the kinds of weapons that we've got. israel has to be
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utilized to, you know, have more death. i want to make sure that you mandatory in a gets in. i don't want people stopping to death, and i want her mazda police, the hostages, the 5 years out of $1500.00, and i will make that determination. once i see what those assurances are. well, this is the 5 incidence of that tracking last month. the us said it has post saved zone shipments, it as well. so i think concerns i have a civilian casualties in rossa facility. also the white house informed congress. it was sunday to send more than $1000000000.00 a new weapons to tell a vase on the latest before the saying the us secretary of state has promised to lift any restrictions on, on supplies to as well. without joins live by dimitris, any on a sponsors, reformist democratic functions to expose. and many thanks for joining goes on the program today. so the by did administration has pressure democrats to approve the major um,
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so to israel was supposedly including at 15 south us despite washington's frequent condemnation of the killing of civilians and dogs. that what do you think of this country diction? well actually it's, it's very simple because we're money. it's all you have done just that. i was directly works when it comes to the weapons money and the political pressure. well, you have be, in this case we have the industrial complex weapons, industrial, complex, major weapons companies, the biggest in the world. at the same time you have bait is really lobby, mainly a pack. and then you have the politicians, regardless, democrats, republicans, whitehouse, congress, center, whatever it is. now you have the industrial complex has an interest in selling what it's so along with the 8 back they brush or the congress to approve. and the white
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house of the politicians in general to arms deals to israel is he receives those all his deals and it's in the air, the ram and that these on we bought the companies that pressured for b s decision in the us government. so you'll have, everybody is basically benefiting the white house or the politicians by receiving donations money from a back end. the complex a back by serving the interest of the state of israel even does contradict the interest of the united states of america. i am big, big weapons companies, the industrial carpet. so are making money. so everybody benefits who pays for it? you have the american taxpayer that it's their money paying for resources and you have to receive again about simian simple use. oh and children and women especially,
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you are be bob minus. so this money circle is very well know and yeah, also do realize that agency is like a bad. it's not even registered as a board and it says it's unbelievable that it's famous. it does serve the purpose and the benefit of this data is real and has been registered as a board agent until today. and the it'd be, be industrial complex have worked so hard, so good, so many years to the point that the new cons b. o. on both sides of the alley in, in washington they do work for me. yeah. like, wow. i mean, in other, even like mediately, she's not in government right now, but she's one of the tories video cons. now, these the what, what do you have also, at the level.


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