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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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stretching past, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the palace flags the as flowers. north korea has to welcome the russian president vladimir putin 1st, 1st visit to the country in 24. yes, we're bringing do all the nicest on the trip. we just arrived in north korea is great in the russian delegation with washer and flags. there are also billboards highlights and differentiated between shown young and most common. well, the washer leader provide insight into what might be discussed with a little korean counter emphasizing the need for a common push back against weston sanctions. and the new security framework in duration the china launch is out to the us specific officials to engage with the, to invest in spiritual lead to this deadline loan law,
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who they think that is a separate, evacuated families with children from ross, a full victim to the idea of supply from central garza and the us proposed to be approved major on sales. 2 is the very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the very latest wells. news updates, as always is great. so happy with us on the top story, the cell is not the man who is it is set to sign a treaty, establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership with north korea. the washington president state visit on june 18th, on the 19th. it's his 1st trip. there were never 2 decades, less than slang signs, portraits off president position, and outlining the streets of p on young. and i concentrated as kim il sung squad where a welcome ceremony will take place on wednesday. and they have meetings and events for the russian or north korean latest move folders associated wait slides. we have
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postings arrival sites representing historic ties with russia. our full display, the we just arrived in north korea is reading the russian delegation with watching the flags start. most of the view boards highlight to be friendship between showing young and most north korea is meetings. let them are put in with sports, raise
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a flag. so for us back and forth, those can be seen on almost all street. the city, surprisingly beautiful and clean. there are also a lot of modern areas contribute to stereotypes. is the grandiose event celebrated on a grand scale. when we're putting was lost here in 2000. on the eve of the trip, the russian president praised little squares relationship with the d. p. k, highlighting the united stone. so the international arena i don't, young was and remains are staunch like minded supporter, ready to resolutely resist the desire of the collective west to prevent the formation of a multi point. a world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other's interests. how does it visit, printing is highlighting the emergence of a new, multi polar world one which the west and in particular the united states seems to undermine ferrying a loss of power. now this is a russian presence. first trip to peel. i'm young in 24 years. this is usually
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significant. is a very high profile delegation, foreign minister, so guy leverage has joined the trip, as has defense minister by the use of now this follows kim's visit to russia in 2023. he went on to invite food team to visit the democratic people's republic of korea. now in this wide ranging all school pollutant also assigns north korea for support for the special ministry operation. and they also praised the dpr k for 5 seeking to defend this interest. despite the huge pressure from the united states, we highly appreciate the dpr k strong support for the russian special military operation in ukraine. it's solidarity with us on key international issues and its readiness to defend coming priorities and views of the united nations. it is gratifying that the korean friends, despite many years of economic pressure, publications, blackmail and military threats from the united states, are equally effective and defending their interests. we see with what strength,
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dignity, and courage, the people of the d, b, r k, are fighting for their freedom sovereignty and national traditions came and says he's looking forward to consolidating the relationship between 2 powerful nations on strengthening peace and stability. the meaningful dice and close amicable report which would continue between us in the future will so that consolidate the total cornerstone of d b r k, a russia, really patients in the new era and on this basis strongly promoted because of the 2 countries building powerful nations and make it positive contribution to realizing the level of peace and security and genuine international justice on the victory and prosperity are always install for the peoples of the 2 countries across the united with common aspirations and ideals. perhaps on surprisingly, the west has been apoplectic. would range over the visit. i'm particularly the dean, putting relationship between the 2 nations. now,
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the west has constantly accused pyongyang of supplying russia with weapons to use and you find something which both nations have denied. career, of course, is placed on the very heavy sanctions. this is mainly would like to to uh, its weapons program and phase of the expansion over its new to also now in mulch, russia veto to you and the security council resolution what you would have expanded the mandate of the panel of experts, a task with enforcing those sciences of the west, of course, we know we watching very, very closely the western media as going to a title spent about the visit m. washington says, what it say is the security on dependent to that, but also uh over the d for the relationship between russia and north korea. we're not concerned about the trip. well, we are concerned about trevor is the deepening relationship between these 2 countries. not just because of the impact is going to have on the ukrainian people because we know north cream ballistic missiles are still being used to hit the
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crating targets. but because there could be some reciprocity here that could affect security on the korean peninsula. now. so has also expressed its concerns, it says that it doesn't want no relationship between north korea and russia to develop into some kind of ministry cooperation. now, no 3 or of course have strengthened its military. we seen the westgate rick side to the re ballistic missile launch, but kevin says this is justifiable and he's science these us minute see, i'm naval drill was carried out with south korea and japan, which it sees as an escalation that it was, it was i saw 2 people cuz security part which it says not only the stabilizes the region, but it probably is, is a direct threat to pay on young. that's caused the live now to your james elements . hara political analyst on north korea experts. many thanks for joining us on the program today. so this is a lot of opinions. first visit's in your career in 24 years. what do you think is
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the significance for the 2 countries on, for the region in general? what well for example, i think there's an input in this now uh having uh, some kind of a feeling on his uh, frame policy. uh, interest and foreign policy. um, it's called focus. uh, 1st of all, it's something not on the x looks off, but most of itself is going to us up uh, south south country is the building relationship with something countries, for example, a very close neighbor which is the dpr k. uh, since uh for 34 years. uh, for example, that hasn't visited the dpi gate, but now the president put them visits the dirt data to deepen relationship. and i think it will be a win win corporation agree, opportunity for more, for both the back gate and russia. when it comes to sanctions, we no rush or poses sanctions on sonya and can veto the un security council
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resolution in march that would have extended them for another year. what kind of boxes could be taken to your think to work a rounds trade restrictions? and i think the russia is both of both of, uh, uh, great border is uh that they have a data for the uh, in the northwest corner. yeah. and then in the far east of russia, and i think you fresher and korea decided to expand that plate, but it's nothing that you book and physically do to stop it. and i think section, the general use of mapping. why? because uh, section of course, uh once before, uh, to start to make the lives of the people in such a country difficult to circle based on the life of the patient in their own country . but knowing koreans, uh, i think the korea, uh no. and you have thoughts or uh,
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clip trends one to be okay as well. knowing the results, it's impossible to change any of their policy intersections. but of course, as insurance i didn't score yet is math because if we will make the people's life difficult, but it won't be so unbearable because the government has done everything they come to the product. the interest is people in the interests country. i believe that the easing or function uh is uh rough thought piece. i think there's several agreements as well as in the past uh, between uh, going to do john and other uh, leaders to use uh they've been trying to e sanctions that past. okay. the uh, several difficulties where the people, but the uh, some countries are of use this uh, deals and that it doesn't happen. but i think if russia decided to ease the sanctions because they did get into the both the barricade, then if we bring
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a great prosperity and we, we a solution and cooperation between the gate and auction. mm. so how do you looking ahead, how do you see a ties between the 2 sides growing uh, what kind of areas could they develop that cooperation? i think there's a lot of area. cobra innovation. for example, i work in uh for a travel agency. uh, the high speed people to people can be of course expensive uh, rates in love, i can only and social cultural areas can be expensive. and i believe that since they are born with each other, there, there must be. well, that's what meant for the eastern side, the fresher and is not the bulk of the 30. first of all, thanks for speaking to us today is really good to hear your thoughts on the situation. james live on tara political on the less tons. north korea x, but thank you. thank you. what do you stay with us as we continue to bring you?
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the latest news on the russian president knows that korean visit the hosting in the region, nato. it showed itself where sleggs rather than arbitrarily smith at the top, china. that's the response of the countries for an offense, ministry, spokes person as the nato secretary general school is paging for it's growing alignments with most guy was you're looking at ways you. this is the international community, has its own opinion on the role played by nature as a product of the cold world into words. largest military block into ukraine. crisis with naples should do self reflect, then arbitrarily smear and attack china. j. it was on the public that person she has tried to create the impression that she's taking a back seat in this conflict to avoid sanctions, antique trade flowing. but the yellow thing is that china's shooting the largest on
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conflict in europe since world war 2. so at the same time it wants to maintain good relations with the west. well, the badging kind of have it both ways at some point on unless trying to change this course. allies need to impulse the cost growing alignment between russia and it's all for the tardy. i'm friends in a shop makes it even more important that we work closely with our friends and the end of us if we have some multi contributes a college shot area who says nato tries to impose its will answer frustration because china and russia can stand up to the blog, china and russia are one of the few truly sovereign states in the world right now. russia and china can say no to the united states. this is what natal alliance does not like me to not believing sovereignty of nation states. and they like to impose
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or will, and this is what they mean when say when they say they, what we impose a cause, the act like the whole world. is there a sandbox? yes. it's a huge demonic virus. that's on the brain of all the nasal bureaucrats. i think that's making then, then the enemy of most of the country in the global south at this point on today. so he's not the only blog pointing fingers of aging recently. the g 7 lead us communicate. so came as some china related issues, countries, farm industries, folks pose, increase the size, the economic grouping core and get a tool that's being used by a global minority. she would you find the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only account for 10 percent of the world's population year after year they're sharing the global economy has kept dropping. the g 7 has long straight from its original purpose of coordinating force, the buick team to global economic environment and has increasingly become
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a political tool to perpetuate us in wisdom supremacy a console. again say that the west still lives in the pos. well, other organizations like brakes are gaining momentum. they still live in the past. g 7 has been replaced by the indians. total aggregate g d p of bricks already. and that trend is just continuing when they try to dictate to china and russia, when the g 7 is own aggregate power has been declining. it's it's, it's, it's a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong, you 20 to flexion less those they and then so far aware that there, they are belonging to the declining cap and they want it, they still want their last glory in the song. but you know, there's that,
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there's the era is passing of aging is also bloss at washington. i for me, thing with the dental i. lama considered a set portez pulsation and exiled from china. well, my democratic congresswoman, nancy pelosi is leading an official us delegation for talks with the spiritual leader plans for wednesday, aging sparkman history quote on washington. so we think the just as an ally, the 14th die law might, is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in anti, trying to separate this activities. this guys does the really just figure where gravely concerned about the relevant of reports and search the west to fully recognize the inside trying to separate this nature of the dalai lama group on its commitments on the 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. show way too high level bipartisan you as an addition is the kind of showing all this is a number. stays all the module for the,
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the navigation to nancy below. see the former us how speak to somebody was norm for her. the china style, somebody who's been very close to size china pharmacies. not the deb you should have expected to meet with the july lama sometime. tomorrow morning in the off time and this visit to buy us delegation. of course, i've had a shop reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. the point of view of shallow way is meeting when take face to model essentially is home to that's where he's been maybe a for a 7 years now. but this is where many, many many attempts have their offices. so this is a piece that nancy pelosi and that team has chosen for this particular meeting
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that has china to point out here to discuss these off to the us exempted as foster buick. oh. just trying to re engage with the law. i law. this need also some days before the law i law law himself east sahu to the us isn't sometimes the 1st week of july he's when day. oh for him. medical treatment for his knees, but a widow know they will be a little fish engagement with the us be present data that that is on the clear at this time of the insisting the developments here. uh also remember nancy pelosi, somebody who west tihawn this is back in august 2022 and her lien had video views of a have. so this was the 1st time that he had so many views ever since about
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perhaps mandated on the moon. this clearly was was a way of showing off how this to reaction from china by that as well. and now that abuse is back in this time of the india. oh really will be meeting the not the line i'm off. this is tomorrow was, this is a developing story, and you will be keeping a track the idea of flex on gaza took the lives of at least 17 palestinians overnight is the death toll since october, the 7th close to 37300 casualties. have been reported in the southern city of rasa on the news around us. counts in the enclave center. a warning, the disturbing images a has the off them off from a series of ways left to homes destroyed by an idea of small planes. according to local media reports among the victims are displaced families, children on the elderly who had recently relocated from rossa report,
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say that more than that more remained tracked down to the level under officials expects a number of casualties to increase the smells and concerns over the desk holding goals, i have no stop to us democrats who were posted, they approved a major on sale to as well under pressure from the buying to the administration. but one of the very democrats who signed off on the latest sale had previously voice concerns over the potential civilian casualties. i say it is enough of the indiscriminate bombing. i don't want the kinds of weapons that we've got. israel has to be utilized the, you know, have more death. i want to make sure that you mandatory in a gets in, i don't want people stopping to death, and i want her mazda police, the hostages, the 5 years out, the $1500.00, and i will make that determination. once i see what those assurance is off, well, this is the 1st incidence of talking last month for us that it has post a bomb shipment to israel science and concerns. i have
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a civilian casualties in rossa, based solely off to the white house informed congress. it was planning to send more than $1000000000.00 in new weapons to tel aviv on the latest report. so saying that he was secretary of state promised to list any restrictions on on supplies during his recent visit to as well. well that's as prime minister netanyahu complains the weapons form is closest ally, hasn't been enough. the secretary lincoln was recently here to do. we had a kind of conversation. i said, i deeply appreciate that the support the us is given is over from the beginning of the war, but also said somebody else. i said, it's inconceivable that in the past few months, administration has been holding weapons and ammunition stores. israel americans closest allied by the report, slide findings against the wrong and our other commonalities. the secretary lincoln showed me that the district and was working day and night to remove these boards. i
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certainly hope that's the case. it should be the case during world war 2, churchill told the united states give us the tools, we'll do the job. and i say, give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot faster. palestinian fonts a reformist, democratic functions spokesman. dmitri giuliani told us as plenty of little b as in the us who have a vested interest in keeping the gauze and will going as you have done just then i would circle works when it comes to the weapons money and the political pressure. well, you have be, in this case we have the industrial complex weapons, industrial, complex, major weapons companies, the biggest in the world. at the same time. yeah. bait is really lobby, mainly a pack. and then you have the politicians, regardless, democrats, republicans, whitehouse, congress, center,
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whatever it is. now you will have the industrial complex has an interest in selling, whether it's so along with the 8 back big rush or the congress to approve. and the white house and the politicians in general to arms deals to israel. israel was these, those are was deals and it's the ram and the use on me by the same companies that pressured for b s decision in the us government. so you'll have, everybody is basically benefiting the white house or the politicians by receiving donations of money from a back end being done to the complex a back by serving the interest of the state of israel even does contradict the interest of the united states of america i am the big weapons companies, the industrial companies, so are making money. so everybody benefits who pays for it?
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you have the american taxpayer that it's their money paying for resources and you have to receive again about the new facilities and children and women especially, you are be bob minus. so this is not money. circle is very well. no. they won't let me you. k active is still under factory intense bids. manufacturers targeting equipment for as well online video shows the group from palestine actions lashing every thing in the way, according to recent states or wishes do not stuff methods, given the green lights and more than 100 x 4 deals with as well. and the last 8 months, almost half of military use on the resting please equipment that could be used by his way. the forces, meanwhile, profile the city and protested in france took to the streets to condemn french on the status of the supplying is row. a major defense on security trade show is taking place in paris this week.
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the, for the 1st time in 2 years, russian gas applies to europe. have supposed those from the us that despite a use be used to determination to cut this dependency on most go in the wake of the a cranium conflicts. it's striking to see the market share of russian gas and l n. g entire in europe. after all, we have been through and all the efforts made to the couple under risk energy supplies. russian pipeline gas and l n g continued to be supply d u countries as well as to the united kingdom, switzerland, serbia, bosnia and herzegovina, and northern macedonia. europe deliberately withdrew energy supplies from russia, from sanctions. it is necessary for heat and electricity supply, transport in industry, and cannot be provided in any other way. with an in depth look and do up struggles to escape its energy shackles his unties marina caused in europe as frustrated as
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it finds itself going around in circles with more data revealing about the consummate tens caught its ties to roster. and what's more, it's growing in use dependency, but more than that a little bit later before we begin, let's just take a few seconds to remind ourselves of the west determination and confidence that they can survive without ross and resources cheaply to which one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0 o work of the last month. really pays off. because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas. since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent. only let me russian gas will have cost for you or but it's not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint, is going to put us on a much stronger strategic foot rush. so use this energy has
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a to use as fluid as of what's on the floor. i think we have to prepare today for a scenario where we'd have to g without boss and gas sold together. because that scenario is mostly a radical, well, they've been trying and failing miserably. and once again as their own expense, this was a great business opportunity for they did was not so much for the europeans who have to pay more now. but they've also been convinced that they need to develop allergy infrastructure, which many experts say is a total waste of time and money. this is the world's most expensive, and then this is the re insurance policy. europe must carefully balanced discussing ellen g systems and avoid seeping the scale from reliability. and so with them and see boston give up southern g infrastructure. well, not necessarily increase reliability. there was tangible risk that says could becomes transit all this and they're still in ports of allergies from russia.
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moscow. in fact, the accounts of for over 16 percent of the confidence allergy supply sold for this year. and that is an increase from the year before. if europe is still importing l n g from russia, it is because there is a need with our other main suppliers such as norway, operating at maximum capacity. it will be hard to completely stop the flow of russian l n g. we are still not completely out of the crisis. friends and ports is the most in the 1st half of this year, different russia over 600000000 euro. so maybe that is why present mccolan has been so angry lately. russia also controls nearly half of the world's and rich do radium capacity, which is of course another problem for the wes douglas present. just signed the lots of band and ports from russia box starting from whence each $28.00. so it's all looking good visits. even then the forecast is up because of these restrictions,
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prices will rise and once again, you know, who will end up paying for it. the structure of the international supply chain largely includes russia, not only the us here in europe. there are many water powered reactors that depend on russian fuel and services needed for further maintenance. i'm talking about the countries of eastern europe, where the percentage of nuclear energy use is very high. 3040 percent. and these countries simply need their reactors to work properly. of russia is also responsible for supplying a substantial amounts of fertilizer to the confidence with exports we to record levels in the last 2 years. there was a real risk for europe to become a junkie of russian cheap uria fertilizer. from the perspective of european food security, it's terrible. europe is not reacting to this new dependency that we're seeing
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being developed. it's time the wes woke up. so the reality that makes the business with politics is not a great idea, at least when it comes to russia, something which vladimir approved, and it has been talking about all along. but that is, of course, if you have your citizens best interest at heart for washington, it's all about strategy. not walk. make sense? obviously, we support you claim not out of charity. but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest, they're setting on $10.00 to $12000.00 of critical minerals and, and ukraine. they could be the richest country in all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into a share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12.00 trained dollars are critical mineral assets to be used by you train in the west not given to put in china. that's what it.


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