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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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seats that we're seeing being developed, maybe it's time the wes woke up. so the reality that makes any business with politics is not a great idea, at least when it comes to russia, something which vladimir puts and it has been talking about all along. but that is, of course, if you have your citizens best interest at heart for washington, it's all about strategy, not walk, make sense? obviously, we support you train not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interests. they're sitting on $10.00 to $12000.00 of critical minerals and, and you train, they could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into a share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12.00 trained dollars are critical mineral assets to be used by you train in the west, not given to put in china. that's what it all comes down to erase for minerals and
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geo political power. what i'd see here that's being dr. been so this and being made to look like a fool in the process. well, russia is still cash and in many thanks for joining us here. and i'll see international coming up next. rick sanchez with the latest episode of direct impact . and the other thought was more news. in fact, the power body. i'm rick sanchez, is a direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. i think, is the lensky is, may be the greatest salesman of any politician, the traveler. every time we come to our country, he walks you. it was $60000000000.00. well, he ain't wrong. donald trump says that many americans drink and the media fails to talk about. i'm rick sanchez. let's do it or the
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alright, let's get started. let's say what you want about donald trump and certainly there's plenty that could be said. one thing you can also say about him for certain is that he tends to have his finger on the pulse of what deep down americans think. and he will say what most politicians won't say, even when they know it's true. and so it is mr. trump's comment and once again this week at about an elected ukrainian strong man. here, let me play this for you again. here's mr. drop. talking about mr. zalinski. i think zalinski is maybe the greatest salesman, or of any politician the traveller. every time we come to our country, he walks you, it was $60000000000.00. by the way, he didn't even finish with just that. so let's drop those on to say. so now here, here's the beauty. these are his words. i'm doing the job for you. now here's the beauty, he says he just left 4 days ago. he's talking about the landscape with $60000000000.00
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. he gets home and he announces that any but another $60000000000.00. it's like it never. 6 ends, it never ends stop quote says mr. trump. so he kept talking about this thing for quite a long time and has gotten a lot of attention now mr. trump comets, interestingly enough, come as the so called ukraine, russia, p summit in switzerland, turned out to be a bit of a bust. haslett countries invited did not show up and many that did show up like india, mexico and saudi arabia and south africa and thailand. and the united they remember it's all voted against the for the final resolution. so most didn't go and those it didn't go, couldn't agree with arrest. meanwhile, mr. trump said over the weekend that he would have the russia and ukraine matter settled before he even moves under the white house. now, it's not like mr. trump to brag, but what, no matter what you think of him,
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he may be on to something here, like you once was with the wall. that's going to spark accord with many americans. i think manella, what do you 6? well, like you said, rick, here it wrong. while i mostly agree that zalinski is perhaps the greatest snake oil salesmen that ever lived. i have very little confidence that this big money laundering scheme was the brainchild of some b list after which zalinski is. he's an actor, let's not forget. he spent his whole adult life up until 2019 as a comedic tv actor, to say that a guy who made his money being a court jester to oligarchs dreamed up this intricate plan to procure billions of dollars from the west is absurd to me. i mean, rather, i see this guy as an actor once again, playing the role of, you know, fearless president or whatever of a war torn country. in fact,
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he's not even the president of ukraine anymore, as you alluded to his term expired in may, but there's been no election set up. he is just a day player in this theater of war. rick, when the real producers of this war, the us, when they're done with him, he's going to stop at the same state as all these other world leaders who have been tasked in this particular role before him like saddam hussein, hosni mubarak, osama bin lot and, and even to some degree, more gadhafi. yeah. and i think that the price is maybe in the put in or the lack of negotiation. putting in that the russian delegation, including russian president vladimir, put, and has on several occasions in the past. not so much now. been willing to sit down with him and then you create the inside and say, let's come up with a deal. let's see how we split this baby up and see what we can do. and every time it seems like zalinski kind of wanted to. but then somebody pep them on the shoulder and said no, no, no, no, no, you are not negotiating anything,
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not with our present and whatnot, without our permission. and i think that's the point you're making and i think you're right. i mean, i, i think it's been clear up to now that that's been the case and he's acting the part, rick, i, i really believe that i don't think he's making the decisions here. he's the director is given the call and he's just acting it out. something really bizarre happened yesterday by the way that, that's kind of embarrassing to the, by the administration with, prides itself, pardon the pun here on diversity. so here's what happened. we've got some pictures to show your members of the l g. b t community tried to have a, a march to commemorate pride month there in cave, which you know how long it lasted before it had to be shut down. it's according to some reports less than 5 minutes. why? because ukrainian, neo, nazis showed up. oh wait. sure. nobody supposed to know that the country that we're giving hundreds of millions of dollars to is brimming with neo nazi. so
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whenever you do, don't let anybody know that you heard that because we're not supposed to know that here. anyway, they only thoughts they showed up, police became concerned that the so concerned they just shut the whole thing down for quote, security reasons, according to local media reports that are geared by the way, so much for supporting a country that supports your values. mr. president, echo no manila that'll thing sounds weird. a look it's, it's easy to blame those darn not fees, but it's not only them rec, i mean like it or not. most of the billions of the world are not on board with this american style support of alternative lifestyle. but their governments have to play ball with america if they wish to continue to receive american monetary a tape. for example, hungary, it's both an e u member. and a nato member, the prime minister victor or mon has taken a hard line approach to keeping the hon gary and culture less accidental,
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more traditional. he was furious when uh, last year i believe it was samantha power, president biden's, a pointed head of usa id made this unannounced trip to budapest, meeting with any be funded activist groups in other groups to outline american policy for receiving future grants to include having gay pride parades in their country, so usa id goes around all these different countries saying if you want to keep getting those sweet american greenbacks, you have to host pride parades under the guise of human rights, which is good. i mean, they should be able to host pride parade, and anybody who believes in anything in this world should have a right to march down their street and say, this is what i believe it. that's fine. but the fact that this country has neo nazis who shut up who showed up to take gone, the gay pride marchers is just so uniquely by
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mask at a time when we're giving this country money. because we think there are democracy just like us. they can even have a gay pride parade that last more than 5 minutes without neo nazis breaking it up. that picture in and of itself is worth at least a 1000 words. by the way we, we talk a lot here. you and i know a lot about of corporate media. well guess what? leave it to john, steward of all people to explain it perhaps better. why jon stewart, let me tell you what's happening here. so he recently quit apple media. they'd hired him to do some kind of pod cast. he was doing, he did it for about a year and a half or so. but he quit when he realized that they wanted to control what he said . and here's how he describes. uh, basically not just his situation with apple, but with all the media in the us. here it is. when you work for a corporate entity, that's part of the deal, like even a comedy central like the deal is i get to do what i want until they think it's
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going to hurt their beer sales or whatever it is that they want to sell. and that's, that's the deal we all make. nobody is owed a platform. and when you're in somebody's house and they want you to take your shoes off, we take shoes off. he go to somebody else's house. yeah. in his case he's talking about beer sales. here's another case though, where he's talking about corporate military money and their sales. here's jack huger, who i also know just like i know john stewart and i, we have a history together. jack cube are founded something called t y t. he reacts to stewart's comment by sharing what happened to him at the start of the rock floor when he worked for m s n b c. that was owned at the time by general electric here, his story. so g was a giant defense contractor. and when they arrived more started, they made billions on top of billions of dollars, not just for military contracts, but also a power contracts they got with the new iraqi government, etc. so before the rack more started,
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they fired everyone who was against the rack war that was on there. so they fired phil donahue, jesse ventura, they moved ashley banfield office into a closet. so because g e made so much more money from those defense contracts than they did from the good ratings of phil donahue. got, you know, i wanted you to hear these guys, you know, why i want you to hear guys like this, or to smart guys by the way, you may agree or disagree with their political opinions, left, right, whatever. but nonetheless, because often we hear i myself, i'm guilty of this, i always throw out the term, corporate media or main stream media and figuring everybody knows what we mean, what we're talking about too often. a lot of people don't understand when we use that term. what we're actually talking about, it's a term we see and we know because we live this every day in this business. but a lot of you sitting there watching me right now. you don't know that you don't know that
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a lot of the people you watch on television or actually sharing an opinion with you . they have to, to keep their job. because the corporation that either influences their company or owns their company makes them do it. interestingly enough is, did i explain that right? no, yeah, i think that's pretty fair and sustained. i mean, we get it. you and i both have been there. we've worked for what is commonly referred to as mainstream media, but perhaps i think it is more accurate to say it's, it's corporate media and, and that's just the truth coming from jon stewart. that's what the industry is. and not only do on our talent know at this point, rick, and understand this, but now the cat is out of the bag and even the audience understands that that's why we are seeing this huge growth in people seeking news from independent sources from journalists who are crowd funded or, or by other means i mean respected names like matt how you be or chris hedges, media giants like even tucker carlson. haven't got corporate media and ventured out
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on their own. and the audience is following corporate media. i say is it's death spiral and gasping. it's last breath, as far as i can tell it, let me give you some advice by the way, those of you who are listening to this conversation between us right now, whenever you hear corporate media tell you that somebody who isn't them is quote, propaganda to remember propaganda is in the eye of the beholder. so i mean, i have a deep pocket threat, but expect more often than not the guy saying like we're manila die or propaganda. those are the propagandists more often than not. all right, thanks. get a see it a bit. when we come back at her go, she pardon me, co road. one of the greatest nonconformist books of all time, which was turned into one of the greatest documentaries of all time. professor peter couldn't, director of the nuclear studies institute at american university very is surrounded
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by all the books he's rather written. when we come back to stay right there, the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to which let me let me on that have fairly quick propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're
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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better the answer is will be the high welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. so the book and the documentary that i just told you about a little while ago, which i am a big fan of, obviously, is called the on told history of the united states. now if you haven't read it, if you haven't watched it, you're sure. i mean, you're really sure it's that good did, it will change how you see the world. and i would argue if you read this book or watch this documentary, which i last i'd check, i think it was on amazon. uh, you'll be smarter. you just, well, you'll be smart. joining me now is uh the co writer of that book or the co offer, i guess, you know, when you're ready to book, you become an author who go beyond the writer level. i guess professor peter goods
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that good enough to join us professor, how are you sir? i'm pretty good, rick. thanks. busy the world is not doing so well right now. i'm really ok. what do you think of uh, what do you think of donald trump coming out and saying what he said? so, you know, i don't know if you agree with me, but i said at the beginning of this newscast, i said he's saying not only what he thinks is the pulse of the american public thinking. but also what most politicians and members of the media are afraid to say, even though they know it's true to that you say what? and i say in between the jibberish allies gobbledygook, fascist the rhetoric every once in a while they hits on said truth. that doesn't make them any less dangerous. yeah. but, but in this particular case, i mean, why is it, why does it take donald trump? to say something that was so obvious, but it literally does seem like every time this guy knocked on the door,
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the white house, they say here, $60000000000.00 here. $60000000000.00 here. $60000000000.00. and then he says, we're not enough money. here's another $60000000.00. that's crazy. it's crazy and the ukranian people are the biggest victims of this. that's the sad truth about this, that we look at a 2 months from now a year from now, 2 years from now. it's ukraine is going to suffer more than any other country. so it's not really large. yes. this is really money that we're giving them to fight and die for a cause that a handful of leaders are supporting in the west. well, the, i'm going to hold on, i want to stop here. i want to stop here because there's a lot of people listening to the sound of your voice right now and there, and there, wondering, wait a minute. that doesn't make sense what the professor just said. how can you continually give somebody a country, $16000000000.00, which is more than most countries in the world have period,
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and then you say that we're being unfair to them and we're hurting them. how. how can you be unfair to somebody here, giving them $60000000000.00 professor of giving them $60000000000.00 to fight against russia? because neither states has had this hostility to russia that goes back to russell todd street, that he had pulled russia out of world war while it goes back to the rest of the revolution. back in 1917. and then, then with the end of the cold war, you would think that us enmity hostility toward russia would end. but that never happened. now. anyways, it looked about nato expansion. with george kennan the architect to the cold war said, was that this makes no sense to build up this military block against a country that's our friend. and so we, we, did we expanded date out expense. we made a deal in 1990 is you know,
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with garbage of which we said if you allow the unification of germany where the nato will not expand one inch to the east. gorbachev never got that in writing. and they began planning that same year and 1990 for nato expansion. it doesn't finally a kirk until 1998 when the checks of vakio and hungry and poland are admitted. but now it's, it's a bit up to rushes doorstep rush, it was not our intimate during that time. in fact, we had american advisers effectively tele yeltsin. what to do. and it was the advice that they were giving, the shock therapy that destroyed the russian economy in the 19 ninety's food and gets into power. and the times it perfectly cuz energy prices are going up and they the beginning of pollutants rain. there was a period of relative prosperity when they were bouncing back from the heart of the
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19 ninety's. you know, the average life expectancy dropped from 6 the 6 target for years at the end of the soviet period down to 57 years, the economy strength of the size of the netherlands. russia was a basket case who oversaw the period of russian growth and rebound. but the united states did not like that. and we pulled out of the abm treaty in 2002. and that's a rush. it began as nuclear modernization. why? why don't, why have me mounted states like that? i don't under what i hear this all the time and, and i know what happened since obviously reading books by you and others. i've come to realize what happened in 2014, which is essentially a full meant to cool by us. but you're going even further back helped me and others understand what,
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what triggered for the united states. the need to have russia as an enemy rather than a friend. why is it the neo cons for the most part in 1991 is a leading d o con your wrist. charles krauthammer said the now what the collapse of the soviet union. this is, america is unipolar moment. we are the world's hedge amount of power. nobody to challenge us anywhere and nobody should be allowed to emerge. who can challenge us even in any specific regions. and 1998 is that this unit problem i'll move of last maybe 30 or 40 years. and then we begin the defense planning guidance and these ideas that are going to lead in 1997 to the project for a new american center. yes. and, and they were concerned that without an enemy, we were not spending enough on our military. and the people who all went in with
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george w bush and all the top positions and the george w bush administration. and then in 2002, after the us invades afghanistan, krauthammer says no, i was wrong in 1990. this is not america's you to pause a moment. this is the unipolar era, and it's going to last indefinitely. maybe even hundreds of years that nobody anywhere can challenge the united states. and then we invade iraq. yeah, he'd be, that you look at the sunday new york times magazine section, january, 5th, 2003. they had cut headlines, america, american empire get used to it. and at that point, all the leading neo cons started to come out of the woodwork and say, yes, we are empire where the biggest empire the world has ever seen, and we're proud of it. and then you had the pentagon, say we have
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a hit list of 7 countries, is going to be syria and, you know, iraq, iran and libya, i mean, they went through them. yeah. and we slipped all these countries. and these, the u. s. has got to put it in print on everything that was happening in the world and, and the kind of part of it is everything you can just describe. you can literally read if you go to the documents written by the project for the new american century of which the bushes, the chinese rumsfeld, crowd amr, and a lot of these people are a part of. and it's funny because none of that was ever public. this is not something that was discussed publicly. this is not something that was discussed in congress or in the us senate, or in some committee hearing. these are all secret meetings of people, essentially planning to take over the, the world. we've had that over a over again, and sometimes they're very public. you know, they don't really hide this stuff. they say what their plans are and people go
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along with it. i know that we don't you go back to the trilateral commission which is more benign. yeah, or the committee on the present danger during the reagan period. i mean, you've got these various groupings, mostly what roads, ben roads clause, the blog. so foreign policy establishment. people whose vision in goal is to establish american dominance throughout the world and you find them by the way, i just had to say this. i know i've, i've interrupted you twice. now. i apologize. i see these people, you're talking about on fox and on nbc and on cnn. and on m as nbc and on ebc. very experts based on what people are calling to say. what do we need to do next in this world to make sure we can handle the situation x or b, these guys have lost everything they've attempted to do. i mean, there are guys who choreographing iraq war and they're, and they're called like
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a queen. she but please tell me. oh, why is one what i'm supposed to? that's crazy. that they, that still happens. i see it every day. i oh, yeah. yeah, it made it. it is jacking these people who got a horrible track record. yeah. and the were, i were lucky that they're so incompetent because most of their plans and vision are worse now than what we're getting. however, now they are on a rampage. and that's was so dangerous right now that these same people have been planning u. s. foreign policy for decades to the cold war and then the post cold war. now see this as their opportunity to destroy russia once and for all. yeah, after after after the store, i mean, would they screwed up the not, they screwed up vietnam. they screwed up a afghanistan, syria, libya, iraq. i mean, the only thing they got right, i think was grenada an island with cheap. and now they're kind of doing the same
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thing and they're in ukraine. it seems to me the upper ration urgent flower urgency already in grenada was not nearly as successful as they want to make it out to pay . and this comes on the heels of the bombing and 11 on which was a $243.00 marines were killed. right. and reagan is looking for distraction and they uses, excuse me, about the american medical students who were a threatened in grenada. yeah. and then they go in there and they're ready to try to rescue the students for 3 more days. and the students did a poll and they said they didn't feel threatened. they don't want us to intervene. and they go in there and we confront a couple 1000 cuban construction workers who were building an airport run way. yeah . and we lot of the american troops, it was that even that was the difficult but, but we've been key less than we learned the lesson to vietnam. and they didn't that the media in the us spends the media or in doha and other places outside of
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good data. yeah. and one of the last, which was that we're back to where you're said before they have to roll the media. i was i a, by the way, as we conclude this because we're out of time, i must say, i was one of those members of the media. i was a correspondent at the time for nbc, and i flew down there and i spent most of my time and guadalupe. they did not let us get into grenada. we had to cover it from afar from another country, another island. and all we can see was some of the howitzers being brought in from time to time and fired from there. so amazing story, professor, always a pleasure to talk to you. thank so much for giving us your time. we appreciate it . my pleasure. at any time, peter cosmic and that's our show. remember, always look outside your own box when you're looking for truth, because true. as we like to say, they don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez, and we'll see you next time the
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the, the one you did not to attempt to collect as
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extra a month. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job to bluff. it goes in and out of it is uh, international stuff is the template for supper, for the setup button and not to printer. and i thought someone did you lose it? ask you. i think if i see the media, i love people, there's only 2 reasons to do, say, with the city, the new country from the service and they're going to be present the day before the work it done stimulates the industry on. is it what's money in the front of sales dealer? sure, sure. william farmer shots, monuments who we have got a guy started or, or decision did my name. and what was that man was the ones that ridiculous friends, the best of them one today and but you know, so that's what the additional to set. i mean shows those are pretty sharp journals on page data for she's getting those are the best. do what i mean?
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there's a, there's a problem, push out the, the spanish flags and flowers knowles career paths to welcome the russian president vladimir pacing phase 1st visit to the country in 20 full years. we're pointing to overlay to it's still not true. we just arrived in north korea is reading the russian delegation with washer and flags are also billboards highlights and differentiated between showing young that most co well, the question later provides insight into what might be discussed with his new korean towns about emphasizing the need for a common pushed back against western sanctions and the new security framework came during china lashes out to the us for sending officials to engage with dates invested in spiritual needed. the deadline law, licensed aging, citizen.


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