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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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was this relationship? i knew people to the, the, the bonner's flags on flowers, north korea, welcome this russian president vladimir, put on his 1st visit to the neighboring country in 24 winters. the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century vladimir booting his touching down in pyongyang for a day of negotiation, documents, signing and even music with him. john lloyd, while the russian leader provide insight into what might be discussed with his north korean culture, part emphasizing the need for a coven pushed back against western functions on a new security framework in your region. all to a head on the program. china last is out of the u. s. for sending officials to engage with bethany spiritual leader. the dalai lama division considers a separate, says the document it from these with children, from rough,
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thoughtful victim to id of strikes on central gaza. while the us secretary of state assures israel or weapons or come in the day after poco midnight english tech and 9 pm here in the russian capital. welcome to the previous, our north korea is welcoming the russian president who has just touched on in p on young marking the 1st time in nearly 25 years. he has done the so it's a lot of our putting was met at the airport by his kind to part kim john. the leaders are to to sit down for talks and got a significantly boosting by las real relations. russian flags and portraits of the russian president are lining the streets of the capital of our content, treated him. it'll some score where
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a welcome ceremony will take place on wednesday. i do have meetings and events for the visiting. i'm the north green leaders will follow. the city has been prepared for by the mere persons arrivals with sites representing historic ties with russia and full this by the 1st time in nearly a quarter of a century. vladimir putin, this touching down in pyongyang for a day of negotiation, documents, signing and even music with tim john on the 2 leaders. and they're delegations are
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set to talk cooperation and all different fields from the economy and security to agriculture in energy. and last scale was ready in the air to make this all happen . today, as before, russia and the democratic people's republic of korea are actively developing a multi faceted partnership. i am firmly confident that through joint efforts we will be able to bring by lateral interaction to an even higher level, which will contribute to the development of mutually beneficial an equal cooperation between russia and the d. p. okay, strengthening our sovereignty deepening trade and economic ties. developing contacts in the humanitarian, spear, and ultimately improving the wellbeing of citizens of the 2 states. just last year, trade turn over between russia and the dpr. take root in nearly $35000000.00 worth . that's an over 9 fold increase from 2022. that's expected to rise even more with the upcoming signing of a new agreement on strategic partnership that's expected to take place on this trip
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. no doubt the dpr k is looking towards the future with optimizon, a meaningful ties in close colorado. the relationship between us, which will continue in the future, will further consolidate the turn on cornerstone of the purity of rusher relations in the new era. and on this basis, strongly promoted because of building bar formations into 2 countries and make a positive contribution to realizing global peace and security and general and international justice. only the victory and prosperity are always in store for the peoples of the 2 countries who affirmed was united with goldman aspirations and ideals over us sized. since i've made life difficult for a socialist korea, it's one of the main reasons why trade volume between young young and moscow had been so low for so long. and on top of that, you were essentially, so i've made the dpr k semi reliance on monetary in the $87000000.00 of which rush was sent to the country between 20202021. unfortunately, it's ford married people that stuff for the most by henry, north greece,
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economic development and the delivery of humanitarian aid sanctions have reversed. the gradual improvements that north korea had made in recovering from the arduous march thing to a national community must accept north korea sovereignty and provide support rather than isolate vilified or strong arm that most definitely the state of experts connecting upset the progressive franco 6 restaurant hunter stan southwest wiper, nice sanctions we cannot calmly watch one of these emergency measures turn into the indiscriminate weapon for punishing certain states in the context of the situation or on the korean peninsula. this is exactly what happened. it is clearly visible that unless sanctions are completely useless for shipping, the state of goals, but the to a financial and economic blockade of the entire state. with all the ensuing consequences for the population. for
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a tour of washington said it's going to be following good about speeding very closely. and they're definitely not the only one. the whole world is waiting in anticipation to see what developments are going to come out of business storage, speeding donald porter park. see young. yeah. right on the ground there for us. we also heard the thoughts of asia based financial consultant, angelo, juliana, who stays pollutants visit, suggests there's a new dynamic, but could offset the west power into which yeah, i would say there's a, there's probably a fuck which is created on the lines of uh they what we do not call it an alliance, but the partnership editors thought we would, you know, dpr key, a restaurant in china. so we see clearly here, russia in china, they're not going along with the collect. the west is as they were doing before, when they were put the sanctions on north korea because they were still weak. uh, now the gloves are off. i think at the stage those, you know, we've seen sections don't work. and uh it's uh they are just words,
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it's just rhetoric. in reality, nothing would happen. but of course, i think it's important just to it's a way of sol for putting to pressure on the collective west and show that they're not alone by meeting together. they, they, are, they sending us a clear signal that question each day. and if, if, if it's needed russia, we stepped up with china while you're in the right place for all the latest news regarding if let them are putting in north korea will make sure you're kept right up to date with the rest of us at the nato should self reflect, rather than are charlie senior, i'm a tech china now, what's the response of the countries following the 1st ministry? after the alliance, the secretary general took aim up aging for its grueling alignment with moscow or
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was it what kind of ways you this is the international community has its own opinion on the role played by nature as a product of the cold world and the world's largest military blocking, do you queen crisis? yes. what naples should do self reflect then arbitrarily smear and attack china. j one form yet. then g m also urged nato to stop shifting blame over the ukraine crisis hits review, came off to the blogs chief claim. china has been providing by full of technology to russia, but could aid moscow in developing military equipment used in the ongoing ukrainian conflict. according to his mistress, those converts nation could face consequences unless it changes. course with did kinda continue in the way it is like yeah, it is today which china really tries to have a normal relationship with the european and they tell us that the same time are enabling a restaurant to conduct a board on aggression against you repeating countries this has done about how this
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trying of change has its, its behavior. what kind of consequences should and these have for, for instance, our trade relations to are they to say. but it has to be an issue that we need to address because to continue to do today is not a viable a r t contributor college are spoke to the program earlier, he believes nato tries to impose its welf. i the frustration because most school in beijing dare to and are able to stand up to the block in china and russia are one of the few truly sovereign states in the world right now. russia and china can say no to the united states. this is what natal alliance does not like me to not believing sovereignty of nation states and they like to impose or will. and this what they mean when say when they say they will impose a cos, the act like the whole world. is there a sandbox? yes. it's a kitchen monic virus that's on the brain of all the nasal bureaucrats. i think
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that's making the then the enemy of most of the country in the global south. at this point, a nato is not the only blog pointing fingers. that paging recently the g 7 liter is final. the declaration i choose china of supplying russia with weapon components. the countries of foreign ministry, spokes person criticize the economic roofing, calling in a to that's being used by a global minority cube. the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only account for 10 percent of the world's population year after year, they're sharing the global economy has kept dropping. g 7 has long straight from the original purpose of coordinating force. the buick team to global economic environment and has increasingly become a political tool to perpetuate your lesson wisdom supremacy. what are to contribute to call john again say's the west wants to live all glories from the past. while other organizations like bricks are getting forward momentum. still lived in the
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past g 7 has been useless by the indians. total aggregate gdp of bricks already and that trend is just continuing when they try to dictate to china and russia. when the g 7 is own aggregate power has been declining. it's, it's, it's, it's a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of the strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong, you 20 to flexion less those they and then so far aware that there they are belonging to the declining cap and they want to do they still want their last glory in the sun, but you know their, their, their era is passing. well, patient has also blasted washington over. i'm meeting with the deadline. lama considered a separate as politician by china, former democratic leader congress wilmont. nancy pelosi is leading an official us
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delegation for talks with the exile of spiritual leader planned for wednesday. the chinese foreign ministry called on washington to rethink them if just as an ally, the 14th di lama is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in anti, trying to separate this activities. this guys does the really just figure where gravely concerned about the relevant of reports and search the west to fully recognize the inside trying to separate this nature of the dalai lama group on its commitments on the 2 bed issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world and show way too high level bipartisan you was done edition is the car on sean. all this is in the number stage of the module for the, the navigation to nancy below. see the former us how speak to somebody who was norm for her, the china style, somebody who's been very good, we don't need to size china pharmacies. not the deb you should've expected to meet
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with the july lama sometime tomorrow morning in get off time and this visit to buy us delegation. of course, i've had a shop reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. the point of view, a shallow way is meeting when take face to model essentially is home to the ha, that's where he's been maybe a for a several years now. but this is where many divisions and they may have is their offices. so this is a piece that nancy pelosi and the team has chosen for this particular. i'm meeting a meeting that has a china video to point out here to discuss these off to the us exempted as foster buick. oh. just trying to re engage with the law i law. this meet also
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some days before the light on like himself, east sahu to the us. this is sometimes the 1st week of july. he's when day. oh, for him the seats meant for his knees, but a widow know they will be official engagement with the usb present date of that. that is on the clear at this time of the insisting the developments here. oh, so remember nancy for those the somebody who west of tihawn this is back in august 2022 and the lead had views of the have some. this was the 1st time that allowed me had so many views ever since about perhaps landed on the moon. this clearly was, was a, was a move that of china had us to reaction from china back that as well. and
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now back in this time of the india. oh really will be meeting the not the line i'm off. this is tomorrow was, this is a developing story. and you will be keeping a truck to the middle east for idea of strikes and gaza. took the lives of at least 17 palestinians overnight, according to local health officials. casualties were reported in the southern city of what alpha on the news to rock camp in the enclaves center. a warning, disturbing images, a head, the aftermath from a series of raids on the loss are reportedly left to homes destroyed by idea of working. among the victims are displaced families, children who have recently relocated from rough on its leave. more people remain trapped under the revel, unofficial, as expect, the number of casualties to increase the housing authority. you say the desk told in the strip since october, 7th, last. it's a $37300.00. the us secretary of state
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saves washington remains committed to arming israel. however, anthony blinking, confirm the delivery of one specific batch of american bones suspended by the pentagon. last month is still up in the air, as we, as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president bible has talked about with regard to 2000 pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in a desperate populated area. blank for off of that remains other under review. but everything else is moving as it normally wouldn't move. and again, with the perspective of making sure that is israel has what it needs to defend itself against this multiplicity of challenges. while we have heard that the washington is ready to face of the event committees and provide israel with m a new weapon to continue the war in job to deserve his phone law. and the address for us is ro,
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is currently facing these people here. just want this whole nightmare. israel has been leaving here in the last 8 months to and they blame the 10. yeah. wonderful. that this is the 3rd day in the row. that is really the protests and across the country. demanding prime minister and the step down. i'm calling for an election has to be here from time to time, the crowd trying to pay all that salvage means election now in front of the mass of his rarely poem. and now sizes he is he can see have gather here, but. 2 other places also protests, so rob, to demonstrate or is habit endangered. we believe burning. fire isn't locked in the road. several people have already been arrested. public is divided. people are losing patience. there is a place and we think this is really leadership on monday. as you know, the country board cabinet was dismantled up to 2 of his 6 members, including guns, key, or position cedar, who decided to support the ruling called mission of israel face october 7th,
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friday. last emergency cabinet. done as well as people here waiting list on yahoo, prime minister haines, that's the lack of tools and support here that prevents a israel from getting the job done here is isn't yeah, well just earlier asking for even more assistance from the secretary was recently here we are kind of the conversation. i said i deeply appreciate that the support to us is given is the beginning of the war. but also said something else. i said it's and can see that in the past few months, ministration has been with the whole weapons, and ammunition is the americans closest allies cited for its life, finding the against the wrong and our other commentaries. secretary clinton showed me that the district and was working day and how to remove these bars. so i certainly hope that's the case. it should be the case during world war 2,
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church will till the united states give us the tools, we'll do the job. and i say give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot faster to remember it as a massive brand to government protests, have been shaking these relevant before the guys a war. but this were some conflict between israel and her mom and the ways really, their shape has been dealing with people here say just provided x a reasons for them to be frustrated and angry. none of the goals of these really milton operation in the palace teen and in place has been achieved. 120 is really hostages. as you remember, i still have some way you guys are probably in underground tunnels. in dire condition. we don't yahoo! alternate harvey to back america, post austin to do a proposal that has been on the table for more than 3 weeks already. and this whole once they go to main israel have relations with
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relations with wisteria raise it. and these people are asking, they understand that you will be able to finish the war with her and that all the trouble of israel in south reef, in motion to in jerusalem will tell us to be an activist and commentator dimitris de leon. a says there's plenty of figures in the us who would like to see the gal, so we're continuing. as you have done just then i will circle works when it comes to the weapons money and the political pressure. well, you have the, in this case we have the industrial complex weapons and the carpets, major weapons companies, the biggest in the world. at the same time you have is really lobby, mainly a back. and then you have the politicians, regardless, democrats, republicans,
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white house congress, that whatever it is now you will have the industrial complex has an interest in selling what it's so along with the big rush or the congress to approve. and the white house and the politicians in general and deals do is those deals and it's the ram and that these are made by the same companies that pressured for b. s decision in the us government. so you'll have everybody in space that the benefit be the white house, or the politicians by receiving donations of money from a back to the complex by serving the interest of the state of israel even does contradicting just some united states of america. i am big, big weapons companies. the industrial companies are making money. so everybody
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benefits who pays for it? you have the american taxpayer, it's their money paying for this and you have the receiving again bouncing. you familiar? oh, and children and women especially, you are being gone. so this money circle is very well know pretty well actually invest in the u. k. have stormed a factory in kent that manufacturers targeting equipment for each valve on line footage shows the group named the sign action is mashing anything, you know, a recent trade dates uh shows originally. so next government in terms of cruise, more than a 100 export deals with israel since november, all these houses are for new. it for you related products on the west includes equipment that could be used by is really forces not pro palestinian pro testers in the french capital have again taken to the streets to condemn the countries arms dealers supplying is real,
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world's largest international defense and security trade show is taking place in par us. this week. we won't be as really prime minister has the cry, the decision by the idea to implement the least humanitarian pause is in fighting to a lot a to reach civilians and southern gals that we break down. not plus plus more in depth coverage and analysis of the ongoing war at r t dot com. check it out when you come okay, i know the interesting news line to bring, you know, for the 1st time in 2 years, russian gas applies to europe. hops are past the was from the us. that's despite the use the termination to cut its dependency on moscow in the wake of the premium company. it's striking to see the market share of russian gas and l. n. g entire in europe. after all, we have been through and all the efforts made to decouple under risk energy supplies. russian pipeline gas and l n g continued to be supplied to
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e u. countries as well as to the united kingdom, switzerland, serbia, bosnia and herzegovina, northern macedonia, europe deliberately exempted impulse of russian energy from sanctions, which it needs for heat and electricity transport in industry, and cannot get any other way. well, with an in depth lift now that how europeans are paying ever more for their energy due to the political stance of continental leads. here's ortiz, marine, the customer in europe as frustrated as it finds itself going around in circles with more data revealing about the consummate tens, caught its ties to roster. and what's more, it's growing in use dependency. but more than that, a little bit later before we begin, let's just take a few seconds to remind ourselves of the west determination and confidence that they can survive without crossing resources cheaply to which one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to
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almost 0 o work of the last month really pays off. because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas. since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent only let me russian gas will have cost for you or put us not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint is going to put us on a much stronger strategic foot secret ross. so use this energy i said use a supporter to the full anymore. i think we have some of that today for a scenario where we have to do without the boss and gas sold together because that scenario is an officer, red disabled. well, they've been trying and failing miserably, and once again as their own expense, this was a great business opportunity for they did was not so much for the europeans who have to pay more now. but they've also been convinced that they need to develop
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allergy infrastructure, which many experts say is a total waste of time and money. this is the world's most expensive, and then this is the re insurance policy. europe must carefully balances gus and ellen, jew systems and avoid seeping the scale from reliability. and so we've done and see boston gibson and g infrastructure will not necessarily increase reliability. there was tangible risk that says could becomes transit all this and they're still in ports of allergies from russia. moscow in fact, the accounts as for over 16 percent of the confidence allergy supply sold for this year. and that is an increase from the year before. if europe is still importing l n g from russia, it is because there is a need with our other main suppliers such as norway, operating at maximum capacity. it will be hard to completely stop the flow of russian l n g. we are still not completely out of the crisis,
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friends and boards at the most, in the 1st half of this year in different russia, over 600000000 euros. well maybe that is why present macro and has been so angry lately. russia also controls nearly half of the world's and rich do radium capacity, which is of course another problem for the wes douglas present. just signed the lots of band and ports from russia box starting from whence each $28.00. so it's all looking good visits. even then the forecast is up because of these restrictions, prices will rise and once again, you know, who will end up paying for it. the structure of the international supply chain largely includes russia, not only the us here in europe. there are many water powered reactors that depend on russian fuel and services needed for further maintenance. i'm talking about the countries of eastern europe, where the percentage of nuclear energy use is very high. 3040 percent. and these
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countries simply need their reactors to work properly. of russia is also responsible for supplying a substantial amounts of fertilizer to the confidence with exports we to record levels in the last 2 years. there was a real risk for europe to become a junkie of russian cheap uria fertilizer. from the perspective of european food security, it's terrible. europe is not reacting to this new dependency that we're seeing being developed. it's time the wes woke up. so the reality that makes a business with politics is not a great idea, at least when it comes to russia, something which latimer foods and it has been talking about all along. but that is, of course, if you have your citizens best interest at heart for washington, it's all about strategy, not walk. make sense? obviously, we support. you may not out of charity us,
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but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest, they're setting on $10.00 to $12000.00 of critical minerals and, and ukraine. they could be the richest country in all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into a share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12.00 trained dollars are critical mineral assets to be used by you train in the west, not given to put in china. that's what it all comes down to a race for minerals and geo political power. what i'd see here that's being dr. been so this and being made to look like a fool in the process. well, russia is still cash, and in the spring you 2 weeks now, africa and kenya were hundreds, flocked to the streets earlier this tuesday to protest a finance bill that would see several of the taxes raised. elise fired tear gas to
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disperse the angry crowd. more than $200.00 rich people, including during the square arrest adults, according to a local human rights route. following the on risk, the government decided to scrap some of the proposed tax hikes, including a 16 percent levy on bread. the. all right, now i want to bring you some of the latest pictures we have received from po young . whereas on the way of putting it has arrived on his 1st visit to north korea in almost a quarter of a century. as you can see, he landed in the wee hours in darkness, but he was personally welcomed off the reports by his con to part kim jones and not a pump on ceremony there as well. as you can see, the 2 leaders are expected to sit down for talks on the attend series of events on wednesday, including the signing.


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