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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 19, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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which between where we are now and that full fledged membership signals the steps, a bridge, anything but actual membership for the west, no sides. and they don't seem to be eager to embark on the full out war with russia, which leaves the crane added data. and now the question is, how long will it take for ukraine to realize that they are being used by people who don't even care if there was a country left of the end? the little nato should self reflect rather than arbitrarily smear and attack china. that was the response of the country's foreign affairs ministry. after the alliance's secretary general took aim of aging for its growing alignment with moscow, was looking on wages. the international community has its own opinion on the role played by nature as a product of the cold world and the world's largest military block in the ukraine crisis. what naples should do self reflect, then arbitrarily smear and attack china. and then john,
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also urge nato to stop shifting blame over the ukraine. crisis is reviewed, came after the blogs chief claim to china has been providing vital technology to rush them. that could add moscow in developing military equipment used in the ongoing that ukraine, that conflict. however, china has repeatedly denied the sending any such supplies according to against. don't divert though badging faces a decisive response from the west. it cannot continue in the way it is like it is today, which sign on it really tries to have a normal relationship with you to be in. and they do all of us at the same time, are enabling a restaurant to conduct a war of aggression against european countries. this has done about how, of, on this trying to change has its behavior. what kind of consequences should and this have a for a, for instance, our trade relations to are they to say. but it has to be an issue that we need to address because to continue to do today is not a viable
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r t contributor. carl and josh spoke on the program earlier. he says natal tries to impose its will, a lot of frustration because moscow in badging dare and are able to stand up to the bar. china and russia are one of the few truly solved, reinstate in the world right now. russia and china can say no to the united states . this is what natal alliance does not like me to not believing sovereignty of nation space. and they like to impose or will, and this what they mean when say, when they say they will impose a cost, they act like the whole world is their sandbox. yes, it's 6 hedge to get demonic virus that's on the brain of all the nasal bureaucrats . i think that's making the, then the enemy of most of the country in the global south. at this point, nato is not the only blog pointing fingers at bay. jang, recently the final declaration of the g 7 liter is some of the queues to china of supplying russia with weapons components. the countries foreign ministry
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spokesperson criticized the economic group and calling it a tool that's been used by a global minority that she would utilize. the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only account for 10 percent of the world's population year after year. they're sharing the global economy, has kept dropping. the g 7 has long, straight from its original purpose of coordinating for us to build a team to global economic environment, and has increasingly become a political tool to perpetuate us and wisdom supremacy. here again is our take contributor carl john, who's says the west cape's attempting to flex this might, in contrast to organizations like breaks, which is bringing nations together and gaining forward momentum. they still live in the past. g 7 has been explicit by the top mean, in the total aggregate g, d, p of rick's already. and that trend is just continuing when they try to dictate to china and russia. when the g 7 is own aggregate power has been declining. it's,
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it's, it's, it's, it's a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of the strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong, you 20 to flexion less those they have done so far aware that there they are belonging to the declining cap and they want it. they still want their last glory in the sun, but you know there's, they're, they're, they're errors passing. a bad thing has also blasted washington over meeting with the dalai lama considered a separate as politician by china. former democratic leader, congressman and nancy pelosi is leading and official us delegation for talks with the exiled a spiritual leader plan for wednesday. the chinese foreign ministry called on washington to re think the move. just as of the 14th daylight, lama is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in inside,
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trying the separatist activities. this guys does the really just figure where gravely concerned about the relevant of reports and urge the west to fully recognize the inside china. separate this nature of the dalai lama group on its commitments on the 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. you hi level bipartisan, you was done, a decent is the home shuttle. this is another stage of the module for the, the navigation to nancy below. see the former us how speak to somebody who was norm for her, the china style, somebody who's been very close to size china pharmacies, not the navigation is expected to meet with the july law and this visit to buy us delegation. of course, i've had a shop reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. the
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point that you have on charlotte is home to that. that's where he's been maybe a for several years now. but also this is where many divisions and anxiety maybe a 2 bedroom need to have is their offices. so this is a piece that nancy below c and the team has chosen for this particular i'm meeting a meeting that has a china video to point out here to discuss these off to the us exam. foster view, but oh, just re engage with the law. i law this need also some days before the end sells east sahu to the us isn't sometimes the 1st week of july. he's when day. oh for a medical treatment for he's nice but oh, we don't know if there will be official engagement with the us. be present data that, that is on the clear at this time of the day,
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insisting the developments here. also remember nancy for those the, somebody who west of tihawn this is back in august 2022 and the lead had the use of the have. so this is the 1st time that he had done. so need you is ever since last monday, the on the moon. this clearly was was a, was a move that of china had us to reaction from china back that as well. and now that abuse is back in this time of the india. oh really will be meeting the not the line i'm off. this is a developing story and you will be keeping accept the hold on to europe where they use newly elected problem at members. struggle to publicly name their picks for the blocks top offices on gary and prime minister
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victor or bon has left out at brussels saying is not taking the will of the european people into account in the will of the european people was ignore today in brussels. the result of the european election is clear, the right thing, bodies with strong to the left and the liberal sloth ground the europe and peoples buddy. on the other hand, instead of listening to their voters, finally seen, dealt with the socialists and the liberals. today they made it to you and divided itself, jobs of the you among themselves. they don't care about reality. they don't care about the results of the european elections, and they don't care about the will of the european people. we shouldn't be no youth, they will continue to support migration and send even more money and weapons to the rashid greenville. looks like things here in the you aren't making too much sense there for hon. gary and prime minister victor or bond. because while he's trying to do everything through the democratic lens that european leaders are always on about . so europe and leaders got together in the, at most of privacy,
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which absolutely just screens. democracy met up for a dinner on monday night to determine who gets to be in charge at the you now that the people have voted for the little guys at the you the part of it. and, well, what do you know? they're going to have to have even more dinners, courtesy of the european tax payers, probably who's voting well like for bonds suggests they're now trying to figure out how to gracefully just kind of circumvent without looking like the odder. perhaps they are just a decision. he goes to the right direction, i think, but there's no room in tonight stage for default printer roles. and he said that to report to a moment they meet the proposals. uh, everything decision to do is to come to look further into the decisions a team to move. so the next scheduled meeting a be your opinion leaders. this set for june, 27th and 28th. just a little reminder of how things actually work and the you in case anyone might have
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mistaken it for a democracy in the wake of recent parliamentary election is to elect people who really don't control very much at the you because they don't actually create the laws or the policy, the e u is a bureaucracy, not a democracy in the same sense that some countries are mark fees. and that's your offer, steve european commission, right. so, miles, well actually it's more of a bureaucratic monarchy. you could say in the european commissions president, queen, 1st of the vander line was her job primarily to factor and palace intrigue, among european leaders. like what's been going on over the past few days, and definitely not to any kind of pop your election. so will they, or won't they decide to hand pick her once again for parliamentary confirmation? that's the big question. the you leaders failed to back or solve under line for another term as you are being commission president tonight,
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despite the assurances from francis emanuel microns in durham, and he's all of sholtes in recent days that they were nearing. a deal turns out that henry's or bon for one would rather send cleaners to a packing and back home to germany to practice for actual profession. again, that would be guy in ecology. there are other top jobs up for head picking as well, like that of european council president and also for an affairs chief, currently held by jungle joseph burrell. the name being bandied about there is that of as tony and prime minister kaya calis, who reportedly has a bit of an optics problem for job that involves diplomacy, you know, dealing with people that you don't necessarily like or want to be dealing with since. well, she's just so overwhelmingly anti rushing even by use standards that it's kind of a bad look for the you and also some figure that is also part of bad that her global jungle would be even bigger than barrels. and that she also risk reducing
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his european garden to about the size of a postage stamp. id f is continuing attacks on the gaza strip with its latest attack overnight killing at least 17 palestinians. that's according to local health officials. that's or reported in the southern city of rasa and the news era at camp in the enclave center. a warning, disturbing images are a heads. the aftermath from a series of raids on the latter report of lee left 2 homes destroyed by idea 4 planes. among the victims are displaced families, children, and the elderly who had recently relocated from rafa. it's believed more people remain trapped under the rubble and officials expect the number of casualties to increase. doesn't authority stay the dust on this trip since october 7th now says that $37300.00 palestinians or the secretary of state says washington remains committed to arming israel. however,
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anthony blank and confirmed at the delivery of one specific batch of american bombs suspended by the pentagon. last month is still up in the air, as we, as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president bible has talked about with regard to 2000 pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in definitely populated area blank for off of that remains other under review, but everything else is moving as it normally would move. and again, with the perspective of making sure that is israel has what it needs to defend itself against this multiplicity of challenges. while we just heard that the washington will continue to support and to ally on all levels, including providing these ro, with even more weapons, to continue to warn guys that to deter his bonaza threats. his role is currently facing these people here in jerusalem. and others protested in other parts of the country. just want this whole nightmare. israel has been living in,
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in the last 8 months too. and they say their country might need the arms to protect itself. but what they believe is really, really needs now is political changes and other governments capable of fixing things, agreement with the enemy to bring their hostages home, rather than more bombs. my wife, i lost all my those to us. we had been doing bad the season is one of the busy season is going thing with the wall. mary. bed the season. let's lie well on here. on the free we do. we uh we like it. they are against the people in the band with their rules, with their behavior and we don't, we cannot leave anymore anymore. we cannot think about this every few years and we
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have a more we have and we have people who are dying of both sides. i think maybe i'm not like, oh, dear the some of the stuff tomorrow. we need the agreement agreement to be trading people. he's the rober reading direct to build the anybody that this is the day in a row that is really the protests and across the country. demanding prime minister and yeah. step down, i'm calling for elections to be here from time to time, the crowd pay all which means a lot. now in front of the mass of israeli problem and now sizes he is he can
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see have given here, but. 2 other places also protest, so rob, to demonstrate or is habit endangered, with felicia burning fires and was locked in the. 8 rows several people have already been arrested, public is divided. people are losing patience. 3 this place and we think this is really leadership on monday. as you know, the country board cabinet was dismantled after 2 of its 6 members, including guns, t, or position cedar, who decided to support the ruling called mission of israel faced october 7th, friday, last emergency cabinet. done as well as people here waiting to turn the apple prime minister haines. that's the lack of tools and support from america that prevents a israel from getting the job done. here's the thing. yeah. well, just earlier asking for even more assistance from it was the it was
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recently here we are kind of the conversation. i said, i deeply appreciate that the support to us is given is over from the beginning of the war. but it also said something else. i said it's been consumed that in the past few months, instruction has been with the whole web simulations to the americans closest allies cited for its life, finding the good see wrong and our other commonalities century link and show me that the, the destruction is working today and how to remove these bars. i certainly hope that's the case. it should be the case. during world war 2, the church to the united states, give us the tools, we'll do the job. and i say give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot faster. none of the goals of these really military operation in the palace teen and in place has been achieved. 100. 20 is really hostages. as you remember, i still have some where you guys are probably underground tunnel, the dia condition. we don't. yeah. who is the hard to back america,
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post austin to do a proposal that has been on the table for more than 3 weeks already. once they go to main israel at the arena, relations with the people that you will be able to finish and return the chrome takes all the troubles. israel palestinian activist and commentator dmitri billy on a says there were plenty of figures in the us who would like to see the gaza war continue. if you have done this, then i would circle works when it comes to the weapons money and the political pressure. well, you have be, in this case we have industrial,
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complex weapons, industrial, complex, major weapons companies, the biggest in the world. at the same time you have bait is really lobby, mainly a pack. and then you have the politicians, regardless, democrats, republicans, white house, congress center, whatever it is. now you will have the industrial complex has an interest in selling, whether it's so along with the 8 back big rush or the congress to approve. and the white house of the politicians in general to arms deals to israel. israel will seize those arms deals and it's the ram and that these are made by the same companies that pressured for b s decision in the us government. so you'll have, everybody is basically benefiting the white house or the politicians by receiving donations of money from a back end being done through the complex
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a back by serving the interest of the speed of israel even does contradict the interest of the united states of america i am the big weapon scope. these industrial companies are making money. so everybody benefits who pays for it? you have the american taxpayer that it's their money paying for these workers and you have to receive again about the new familiar use. oh, and children and women especially, you are be bob boxes. so this money circle is very well known. i mean, lots of us and that you can storm to factory intent. that manufacturer is targeting equipment for israel online, but it shows the group named palestine action smashing everything in their way. recent trade data shows issues. so next government has approved more than 100 export deals with israel since november, almost half are for military related products and the rest into the equipment that could be used by is rarely forces across the channel pro palestinian protesters and
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the french capital have again taken to the streets, to condemn the countries arms dealers supplying israel, the world's largest international defense and security. trade show us taking place in paris this week and the is really prime minister. as decry the decision by the idea of to implement daily humanitarian pauses and fighting to allow a to reach the billions and the southern gaza. they break down that class plus there's more in depth coverage and analysis of the ongoing war at r t dot com. check it out when you can and do stay with r t international. as we continue to bring you coverage of russian president putin's visit to north korea, there was a welcome ceremony held just a short while ago in the heart of kiln yang at kim il sung square. i understand the 2 leaders are now holding at tocs as it comes to sun palace of the sun, also taking place in feeling and will be bringing you the very latest on that as we get the up to date information. so do stay with us for more, we're going to take
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a short break. i'll be back in just a few minutes. the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something then so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del
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daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying, this is where the buildings are exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the
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because they already gosh, they cps because they kept us through a desire to then use their email fuel just of the degree to offend them to the urals. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an access to all the patients, 14 concentration cams. so the full prisoner of war labor comes to in prisons really well, you know, thing to do is choose them union venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest, the leading enrollment i could have looked into. i'm assuming people's going to be in approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go of finished. um, so according to officials, he goes to his move, stuck dumbly leveled the if the ship did utility and i gave you my id and not sure
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it's just the snyder stuff. so the youngest that, i mean, yeah. what the famine disease forced labor torture by the world. and so for me was what was the last it also need you to do was to take it to you that, that it's a deep variable. human off. what does he put in his name? push that syncs up the give you a few on the do it because he doesn't do those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, one or 2. so do you to speak at 90 in the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do it, but it was being yet that was put in the middle of the of the every spring and summer. the melting optics move reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels,
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and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move so as a customer both of us for someone from your doors at the post the beach and as an issue to us from clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land, occupied the go really asked me for i was my bush or more you have to do should. so it means if you wouldn't be able to easily see, that's one way and then put some of the what the some will stay on. the old stuff was so much you feel like you are a mess. almost a little more. see me membership when you to i've got to read on serial. no boys, the middle of please join me instead of the optic plan is main objective was to explore and comcast these harsh lance they had no time to think about waste management now and, and i guess they could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice to fill out pretty at the course you system is the most upon your scope of the team could have to deal with the official
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the one year to do that, to attempt to become active, to fix that amount. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job to las negotiated. all of it is uh, international for the defense. i see the supplemented assistant button and not to mention in person. once. did you lose? you'd ask that if i said the media and let it be focused on the 2 reasons, did you say was inclusive if you knew country tempe? michelle? just, what does this work? monday. wonder what the dog stimulates the industry. is it what's money for our sales dealer? sure, sure, william farmer shots, my goodness, we have court guy started over or decisions in my lab. and what was that man was
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the one was, i mean digging up on the best one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm showing total suspect. pretty sure jimmy was on page duty for. she's kim. those are the best do what i mean? there's a, there's a problem pressure the, the what else they just don't have to shape house the constant and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground. the the thing that would inform you took with them for the gifts for through the state
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of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to give it up through the new year for g like each. so i know for me teaching people how is that? sure. so, so and you have to do this, i'm going to last, i look forward to you with that though, especially if it's a washing machine and when you're moving let's move. i'm oh no, i'm really starting from 1st month to month for the amount of water to move. let me look into that. i will just, i did, i used one for so the lowest quality and i wanted someone to study to the progressive rock and you say the shortest finish. this is just to just quoted you a few. i'm a section of 20th. i'm going to do friday, use the material, ordering the power of people for the fisher and shoot me an the temperature of intention to some of this. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the letter opinion has announced a new document as a basis for ties between russia and north korea. the rest and later got a cordial reception and tone yang ahead of talks with kim jong. welcome on to middletown square, and the center of down the line is just come to an end. upon buttons arrival to the d. b r k, the nation's leader personally met the russian president, giving him a warm welcome size may not be as comfortable as your own home in your own country, but since it is a process of residence,


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