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tv   Documentary  RT  June 19, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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sponsible way, i think it's paging. we certainly want to encourage that. all right, professor and international center for advanced political studies, executive director joseph gregory at mahoney. great, thank you for your time. all right, so vladimir putin and his north tree and counterpart comes on new and have a set down for bilateral talks, as the russian leaders trip to the dpr k at the fair take dpr k continues. let's take a listen to you that was supposed to a selection, pretty glitching and pleasant isn't feeling good, grateful for this opportunity to visit in science and yet to the, to the products you think you're probably korea 100 or so to model you put your single come you know, i see you can do regression and the cpr k read. these are tied to by decades of close friendship percent done good neighborliness on print, choose one. you told me to deal with your voice and you know, they may just to make sure we still don't miss no, no,
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nothing to. i don't know what area the corporation between our countries is based on mutual respect, mutual consideration of interest, and the quality of not us. i have turned in some clock. what's on terms of attendance on the once you get kid. so how do we send you the person who doesn't want me to? didn't see me just the last 2 years. we just celebrated 75 years of intentional medic, relation, uh, you're conscious. so tell me, you know, you didn't thought so. thought you might just get out of the question simply submit through this year, and it was sort of rate $75.00 anniversary of the 1st 2 into states. treaty state agreement on economic and cultural corporation for not us. i had a terminal take of 10 outcomes to just meet my joke he'll take going on. so he'll tell me even that's what i've seen him, i just, i get them, you know, because we have some success any believe. but this in the it is known that would assume that agreement was signed with beautiful. yeah. i comrade kimball song
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during his 1st visit to moscow. just some new dream involved. helmand die seems to me sometimes because so a told us up on the hunt. i sent him to get to get this, you know, solution because what is it, this is, what's your last here? what i see the following, your visits. like we made a significant advances in developing our bilateral ties ton unit. we're going gentleman's a lot. so i'm going you who would need to not tie it up to them on the by to new us and you know, you see what you're doing and moving from doing today we have prepared a new cost knowing that fund a mental document that will be the foundation of the modem over lation below. okay . as long as you can get to the kind of a higher set on the committee. am i doing this? you know, and i see security is good. the believe we go into the, the russian co rheanna friendship or does bone do out of trials ca,
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so tired of this, you know, sort of get them to do in 1945. so we have soldiers, some 4th hand in hand with the korean patriots for the liberation of korea, from japanese invaders, select assessable net. so don't when you, to some have even use a lot, a t ok, go to call. you to see do i need to do and i did is asking you to make sure that you, because it was sure that you should get this. we will cover violets with you. so what we need to know were made up, you said, looks at the 10s of a chunk of a house and saw it was a flight. so it was somebody on site that mentioned seeing during the war of 51 to 53 minutes of total. you know, you see what, and that's what goes now, today was less, as far as i know, what i mean to these almost every lane so many categories and then on will be part of the program. i don't have a hunch and don't cds. and you that would you,
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you should celebrate the memory of calibration and korea and the hero, it feeds on, feel free to assess is, is a good phone. shouldn't really, for the development of our license the up, it'll already send us. i can get a bunch of i give you, i'm told you, when you go single, i see somebody, it looks like what's a good way to use me and we might here fi, appreciate the call center and wavering support. friends come by. the kentucky russian policies, including actual labels, all the training issue. yes. let's do. langley or fight against. do you mind just couple days or so? mean, did you monitor and policies of the peer release policies of the united states and the satellites which had been imposed against the russian federation? not to them new books again. so come yet and then uh you seem to be able to get into them typically uh, to do the funding. i give it to you so uh okay, not
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a ton of fun here. so let's jump to the just on the go. i will get you 200 the so if you cannot hugley some, you know, i'm going to live. but anyways, just to proofing the fees and studies for them they need is a government issued when ministries the go items are you are actively working to implement the agreements made during your visit. so down from 2019 says, and the other on the scene, i thought you'd origin uh, how do i do this all, would you to not to keep going until the d i t and little probably some, you know, when you but it was a 3 to a good a community, so say it was november 2023. okay. so then you have actually studies contents meeting of the russian korean into governmental commission on trade, economic and scientific and technical corporation was held and people go to the top also a jungle then comes in eco hot diesel,
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it the own tag. i assuming you guys and there is, you know, more to it with, with the features about this here. consumer meeting of the commission supporters, co chairs are to have the old hare was held in moscow beyond. and then suddenly me uh, uh, some of them us most quiet so, you know, just, you know, we just, the issue wouldn't just, you know, i'm actually pretty comfortable that i am confident. that's the 20th season of today will be productive as well. but are, you know, kind of sweet go down to the machine needs to be, to know, slow and actually with me to inclusion is, would you be interested in your thought i put in the system that is pretty the metal, the transformations of the stadium of your capital over the recent years is truly impressive. yeah. just let me know how to explain to me on your so it origin in canada on your car. i don't normally buy that to go on like some pretty sweet feature that it should be me. and if you have to keep coming on you,
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so the young has a really golf when you look they so keep who comes on the email and potentially choose somebody mean we will pay that issue. we see 2 different types of 3rd grade changes since my last visit 10 year, 2010 unit can i? i'm tom, it my name to how to plus literally a so my tears and the credit is going the other things to legal garcia, committed efforts by the korean people into your leadership that the city has become. sometimes you get unlimited, such on the great and pleasant sights, a little present and i'm scared about all come young a i do want to get who do i get to not there is, you know, i'm not sure who is this, you know? 3 happy 11 up, you get this old and then you have this meetings and introduce just the other issue,
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but i just, i see my screen and i hope that's our next meeting will take place in russia and most of them was quiet. so i'm not good. so total that i guess i see was listening to and i thank you for the invitation. let me get of the right. that was uh, just the, the latest video that were receiving from young young were the russian president vladimir putin and kim john noon, have wrapped up their meeting in showing him yang. that's a meeting taking place that comes to sun palace of the sun, to some key takeaways from that meeting we heard from the russian president saying that russia appreciates the dpr k support for russia's policy, including his policy on ukraine. he said that russia is fighting against that gauge of impose us imperialist policies. he said that the interaction between russia and north tree is based on a quality and mutual respect saying a new foundational document that will regulate the ties between the nations has
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already been prepared. like were put in called the exploits of the previous generations. a good basis for the development of relations between russia and the dpr k today and said he is confident that negotiations with conduct moon will be productive and expressed hope that the next meeting with the leader of the dpr k will take place in moscow. and also admired sonya is transformation over the past 24 years. of course this has put in this 2nd visit to north korea, the 1st taken place in the year 2000. so just a shortly after the russian president was inaugurated for the 1st time we heard earlier as well from kim john saying relations between russia and the people that are care entering a new period of prosperity. him don't know that the role of russia and maintaining the strategic balance in the world and expressed support for russia. special military operation, any crane hymns on you. it also said that the p r k intends to strengthen the strategic cooperation with russia. so it sounds like a quite
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a positive meeting between the 2 leaders taking place. just moments ago it comes to sun palace of the size of the sun in the north 3 and it capital phone game. we're looking here at images of the welcoming ceremony that takes the place earlier this morning in the north korea, new capital. my colleagues, steve sweeney, is here with me in the studio. save you were listening to those comments as well, from the russian president latter of it and certainly sounded like it was a positive meeting. he had some very positive things to say about north korea. what were some of the key takeaways that you got from his comments? yeah, well i think again the, uh it was a very positive contribution from brother webpage and he was talking about the relations between russia and the d. p. k. he said he gave a little bit of a historical details. he said last year was 75 years since the like 1st. so the 1st time, the open diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. he said that that relationship about building budgeting, relationship is built on mutual respect on the quality that i think that was
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a very important that he's treating up young young as an equal. he spoke about again the, the deep history between the 2 countries, particularly around the, the 2nd world war. he said the soviet forces false alongside korean compact is against the japanese invaders and the getting. he said that a the russian forces flew tens of thousands of flights again in the korean war between 1951 and 53. and he said that, paul, today's program that will be a re flying from the ceremony to respect state that pre just has now he can't even say, but he's trying to kim, for koreans, with the case constant, an unwavering support for the conflict in ukraine and the special ministry operation and he said that this was a fight against had. busy had jim on it and pay with this police ease of the united
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states on the west. and of course, again, this is leaning towards the balls would of motif elaborate. so he said to the lead as well now, and the heads of the ministries were working to implement some of those agreements struck in 2019 and again the 20 twenty's rates right above that. so trade agreements, he said again at the end, when he was wrapping up in conclusion, and he praised young young, he said it's changed quite significantly since his loss is in 2000. so it would 25 years. he said that the transform ation of the capital was incredibly impressive, and he sent to the korean people for the efforts with that. but he said he was very happy. he said that he hopes that the meeting between the 2 nations will be very productive. but he said also that he's looking forward to welcoming kim for the next meeting in moscow. yeah, that'll be interesting to see. i know 10 to noon likes to travel by train, so it'll be quite a long train ride. but i did it myself from us. go to the a couple months ago. it wasn't bad. so maybe we'll see the next meeting between
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russian president put and then the cpr k later comes on here and taking place in moscow. um in due time listing. all right, so you think you all right, you are in the right place for all the latest news on latimer put in strip the phone. yeah. and we'll make sure to make, make sure to your kept right up to date with the visit and all the big news lines emerging from the landmarks. the nato should itself reflect rather than arbitrarily smear and attacked china. that was the response of the countries foreign affairs ministry. after the lions, the secretary general took aim at they jang, for its growing alignment with moscow was you're looking for ways you. this is the international community, has its own opinion on the role played by nature as a product of the cold world and the world's largest military block in the ukraine crisis. what naples should do self reflect, then arbitrarily smear and attack china. j. it was on the late john,
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they're also urged nato to stop shifting blame over the ukraine. crisis has rebuke came after the blogs. the chief claims of china has been providing bio technology to rush. so that could aid moscow in developing military equipment used in the ongoing ukraine complex. whoever china has repeatedly denied sending any such supplies according to insult and burned the badging taste as a decisive response from the west. it cannot continue in the way it is like, uh it is today which china, it really tries to have a normal relationship with you to be in. and they do all of us at the same time, are enabling a restaurant to conduct a more risk against you being country. this is done about how i'm just trying to change is it's, it's behavioral what kind of consequences should. and this have a for, for instance, our trade relations to are they to say. but it has to be an issue that we need to address because to continue to do today is not
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a viable or take contributor carl john spoke on the program earlier. he says, nato tries to impose its will, a lot of frustration because moscow in badging, their end are able to stand up to the blog in china and russia are one of the few truly sovereign states in the world right now. russia and china can say no to the united states. this is what natal alliance does not like me to not believing sovereignty of nation states, and they like to impose or will. and this, what they mean when say, when they say they, what we impose a cause, the act like the whole world. is there a sandbox? yes. it's a huge demonic virus. that's all in the brain of all the nasal bureaucrats. i think that's making the them the enemy of most of the country in the global south at this point. and nato is not the only blog pointing fingers that they jang. recently the final declaration of the g 7 liter, some of the queues china of supplying russia with weapons components. the countries
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foreign ministry spokesperson criticize the economic group and calling it a tool that's being used by a global minority. she would you find the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only accounts for 10 percent of the world's population year after year. they're sharing the global economy, has kept dropping. the g 7 has long, straight from its original purpose of coordinating for us to build a team to global economic environment. and has increasingly become a political tool to pitch with us. and wisdom supremacy. here again is our take contributor carl john saying that the west cape's attempting to flex it's might in contrast to organizations like bricks which is bringing nations together and gaining forward momentum. i still live in the past. g 7 has been split by the time being in the total aggregate g d, p of ricks already. and that trend is just continuing when they try to dictate to china and russia. when the g 7 is own aggregate power has been declining. it's,
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uh, it's, it's, it's a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of the strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong. you told me to flexion less those they and then so far aware that there they are belonging to the declining cap and they want it. they still want their last glory in the sun. but you know, there's their, their era is passing. well, they jane has lost it in washington. over meeting with the dalai lama considered a separate as to politician by china. former democrat leader, congressman nancy pelosi is leading an official us delegation for talks with the exiled spiritual leader planned for wednesday. the chinese foreign ministry called on washington to rethink the move just as an ally, the 14th die law might, is not simply a religious figure, but
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a political exile engaging in inside, trying to separate this activities. this guys does the really just figure where gravely concerned about the relevant of reports and search the us to fully recognize the inside china. separate this nature of the dalai lama group on its commitments on the 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world, show way too high level bipartisan usda vision is the kind of showing all this is a number, stays all the modules for the the navigation do not see below. see the former us house speaker to somebody who was norm for her, the china style, somebody who's been very good, we don't need to size china pharmacies, not the data you should've expected to meet with the july lama, and this visit to buy us delegation. of course, i've had a shop reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. the
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point of view, i shall be home to the 9 mamma. that's where he's been maybe a for several years now. but also this is where many 2 bedrooms and a maybe a 2 bedroom need to have is their offices. so this is a piece that nancy below c and the team has shown before this particular meeting to a meeting that has a china. let me also point out here, other discounts. these off to the us exempt either the foster bill or just re engage with this need also sounds days before the end, sells eastern sahu to the us. this is sometimes the 1st week of july. he's when big oh for a medical treatment for his knees, but oh, we don't know if there will be official in age manage with the us. be present data that that is on the clear at this time of the day,
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insisting the developments here. also remember nancy for those the somebody who west of tihawn this is back in august 2022 and her lien had views of perhaps um this was the 1st time that we had so many views ever since about perhaps landed on the moon. this clearly was, was, was that of china had us to reaction from china by that as well. and now that of using this back in this time of the india. oh, really will be meeting the line nom up. this is a developing story and you will be keeping the heading over to europe now or the use newly elected problem at members struggle to publicly name their pecks for the blocks top offices and gary and prime minister
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victor or bon has lashed out at brussels, saying it's not taking the will of the european people into account of the will of the european people was ignored to jane brussels. the result of the european election is clear, right? being bodies good strong to the left and the liberal, slowest ground european people's party on the other hand, instead of listening to their voters. finally, it seemed dealt with the socialists and the liberals. today they made it to you and divided itself, jobs of the you among themselves. they don't care about reality. they don't care about the results of the european elections, and they don't care about the will of the european people. we shouldn't be naive, they will continue to support migration and send even more money and weapons to the rashid greenville. looks like things here in the you aren't making too much sense there for hon. gary and prime minister victor or bond. because while he's trying to do everything through the democratic lens that european leaders are always on about . so european leaders got together in the, at most of privacy,
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which absolutely just screens democracy met up for a dinner on monday night to determine who gets to be in charge at the you. now that the people have voted for the little guys at the you, the part of it. and, well, what do you know? they're going to have to have even more dinners, courtesy of the european tax payers. probably who's voting well like for bonds suggests they're now trying to figure out how to gracefully just kind of circumvent without looking like the odder. perhaps they are just a good decision. it goes to the right direction. i think there's north agreements of tonight that mistake the point default is offering to roles and he said that children, so feel free to a moment. uh they moved to the proposals. uh it would have decision to do is to come to work further into the decisions it seems to me. so the next scheduled meeting of easier opinion leaders is set for june, 27th and 28th. just
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a little reminder of how things actually work and the you in case anyone might have mistaken it for a democracy in the wake of recent parliamentary election is to elect people who really don't control very much as a you because they don't actually create the laws or the policy b, e, u is a bureaucracy, not a democracy in the same sense that some countries are mark fees. and that's your office, easier paying commission rights to laws? well actually it's more of a bureaucratic monarchy. you could say in the european commissions president, queen, 1st of the fonder line was her job primarily to factor in palace, intrigue among european leaders. like what's been going on over the past few days and definitely not to any kind of pop your election. so will there won't they decide to hand pick her once again for parliamentary confirmation? that's the big question. you leaders failed to back or sort of underline for
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another term as you are being commission president. tonight, despite the assurances from francis emmanuel, i'm a crohn in germany's all of sholtes in recent days that they were nearing. a deal turns out that henry's or bon for one would rather send cleaners to a packing and back home to germany to practice her actual profession. again, that would be guy in ecology. there are other top jobs up for hand picking as well, like that of european council president and also for an affairs chief, currently held by jungle joseph burrell. the name being bandied about there is data as tony and prime minister tie a callous who report really has a bit of an optics problem for a job that involves diplomacy. you know, dealing with people that you don't necessarily like or want to be dealing with since. well, she's just so overwhelmingly anti rushing even by use standards that it's kind of a bad look for the you and also some figure that is also part of bad that her global general would be even bigger than barrels. and that she also risk reducing
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his european garden to about the size of a postage stamp. alright, just stay with our to international. i'll be back in just a few minutes with more cover. busy of russian president clinton's visit to north korea. the, after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically having driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers flood france did not want to lose the rich colony, and decided to beat the opposition by force. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the main bay 3 arctic organization led by
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o g men inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in rage. according to western historians of the $250000.00 lives of these will be it and these were on their contents. the colonial is widely used, the practice of mass rape of vietnamese women. as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being food, almost 12000 french soldiers and officers, including the commander, general de categories. and his command staff were captured, that ca, visualization of a huge garrison at a demoralizing effect in europe. the french lat vietnam. but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the american hard times were awaiting
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vietnam again the one year to do that to them. and the next to the month i see that there is i shall have any poor village of love for the cause of a dish. uh, excuse us, for the defense of the supplement is such a button and that the printer doesn't want did you lose? it asked who i think, if i see the media, i love you focused on you to reason could you say when you see the video camera can piece of us to be presented. it was working monday morning to work it down. stimulus the industry on, is it or what's money? will funnel says really left? so should william farmer shots might give us who we have got a store to go and what decision did my name and what was that?
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that was what was that ridiculous on the what are the best of them one today and but you left off. i've also left for an additional to settlement shows. those are pretty sure can was on page did it for she's getting those are the best do what i mean, there's a rapper. this accomplish half the
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the number you need use visa deployed. you see it to nancy, click comes into both the message should see that the only showcase is use the so i'm just going to the boys at the boys, the what would be the most name that'll be for them. i'm not sure if this slaughter doesn't want that extra them put the notes up under that
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the be highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for russian policy, including in the ukranian direction. with talks wrapped up, blood were putting, announces a new foundational document as a basis for ties between russia and north korea. pricing hung in full support for moscow. special military operation, the new crane, the, as you saw there, the rest of later got quite a cordele reception in film yang. ahead of talks with kim jong in the brand new.


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