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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the, the, the, we highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for russian policy, including in the ukranian direction, prussia and the dpr, k sign, a treaty establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership that says why them are putting praises. sonya bags and pool support from moscow. special military operation, the new frame, a very colorful and festive official ceremony welcoming the russian president took place in the heart of feeling. yank, our correspondent, done. partner brings all the details from the event. friend neil's warm welcome on to milton square in the center of killing me. i have just come to an end that the people of the democratic republicans organized for this russian president vladimir, put upon put into arrival to the p. okay. the nation's leader,
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personal aim at the russian president, giving him a warm welcome. it may not be as comfortable as your own home in your own country, but since it is a process for residence, i hope you will feel at home and rest comfortably. thank you very much for your hospitality and your time. meanwhile, the us says everyone should be concerned about moscow's deepening ties with the killing game. russia has advised washington's mind, its own leaders move the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international bladder button had and came to noon, have signed a treaty, establishing a comprehensive, strategic partnership between the 2 countries. during the talks until yang put and expressed rushes, appreciation for north korea support of moscow's policies, including the struggle against a gemini and imperialism. it was now relations between our countries are entering
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the period of new dawn, which cannot be compared even with a period of careen. so these relations of the last century, and i'm sure that during this visit, the ardent friendship as well as the mood of the people so far 2 countries will so defy the government of the democratic people's republic of korea. highly appreciate the important nation and role of a strong russian federation in maintaining strategic stability in the world. and also expresses full support. and so there is it to the russian government and people on the issue of the special means to operation in ukraine to protect the sovereignty of the russians, secure it's of interest, as well as territorial integrity. your net a new foundational document has been prepared today, which will form the basis of our long term relations. the russian korean friendship was fortunate in the face of sylvia trials. the exploits of our freed assessors are a good basis for the development of our relations today. we highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for russian policy,
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including in the ukranian direction, bearing in mind or struggle against the hedge a monic policy imposed for decades. the imperialist policy on the part of the united states and its satellites towards the russian federation. earlier, the russian president was officially welcome that kim il sung square a large public and plaza located in the center of the capital. the russian national anthem played at the opening ceremony the named up to the countries of founding liter at host military, rage, mass rallies, and other significant state events. the ceremony saw thousands of people attending in the countries military hailing both leaders. this crowds of people flooded central pill yang, waving russian and their national flags welcoming the russian president to the north korean capital. the streets of the city are all decorated with big banners,
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stick flags as well as both leaders. portraits are twos, donald quarter filed this report from the scene, and you can see behind the ends of thousands of from the dpr say, has gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir mccain and john, the
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dignitary. well, come on to middletown square in the center, just come to an end that the people of the democratic republic of korea have organized for this. russian president vladimir put their 2 thousands of them on the square around 15000, all happy to warm, warm, warmly welcome. the russian friends here in po 9, were driving at 2 different location now. and so many people from the streets, we've been saying this whole time as any crowd of people down the road. 4 kilometers the kilometers. here you're welcome. the russian delegation and vladimir put in here. i mean, my aren't even getting tired of waving so much of the russian president touches down in the democratic people's republic of korea early wednesday morning,
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marking his 1st trip there and 24 years. kim john offered a warm welcome, rolling out the red carpet and greeting vladimir, put in personal am young, young airport. the fact may not be as comfortable as your own home in your own country, but since it is a prospect to a residence, i hope you will feel at home and rest comfortably. thank you very much for your hospitality and your time. the
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. we discussed to the russian president stripped to the dpr k and the close attention the west has given it with our correspond that steve sweeney in the us. a sound to the alarm and said the western countries should be extremely concerned about the growing and deepening of relations between the 2 nations, the us secretary of state, and the blinking has a game found to be alone. he's accused russia of desperation. he said that it's seeking support for what he describes as is war of aggression in ukraine. bleeding can use to have the, the kind of the boat define of ron. he mentioned the d p r k. and he said that he's keen to cut off the support. that's a countries like iran on the d, p r k, a providing to russia,
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russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression and it started against you. craig, north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia and other, and other weapons for using ukraine around has been providing when re, including drones that have been used against civilians is really an infrastructure . and we'll continue to do everything we can to cut off the support that countries like the ron and north 3 are providing not much is known about the d. p. okay. in the west, the west of media use. the reports uses terms like reclusive state home. it sites, it says that came is a brutal dictator, a pricing who's paid for it. and it comes out with all sorts of salubrious titles, the citizens of the t. v. okay. even forced to have kim jones and had cuts. now the west always goes into a collective meltdown. it seems, every time the deep y'all take tests, a ballistic missile,
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and the reports in the western press over this visit a no less hysterical. washington is watching this meeting between vladimir putin and kim joan on a match made in heaven between these 2 parias stays. so it needs concern from the west about this phase. it's a few of america's fiercest adversary is together on north korean soil fits his 1st visit in 24 years. the trip is raising plenty of concerns to the united states army, to highlight preston, president vladimir putin as a north korea for a meeting with its leader. and it is a meeting the us officials are watching closely for ministry, spoke to them. there is a how of a headset that perhaps the west of its media would be better focused on the u. s. president job i didn't, she spoke about or raised concerns about his mental capacity, especially given that he's in control of the world's largest new care also. and there's one thing that worries everyone is biden's condition, both physical considering that he leads the nuclear power and freezes up more and
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more often and financial due to the criminal nature of its appearance associated with ukraine and corruption, scams installed to merge. and next, our chief has a game, he's expressed his concerns about the potential support that russia will provide to the d p. k for its weapons program. and it's a nuclear capacity. and he sounded that the alarm he's mentioned to support china is given to what he described as rough as war economy. and he's got one eye on the full is coming nato summit, which is taking place in washington next month. and he said that, of course, the relations between russia and the t p. okay, are going to be central to those discussions. and for nato, it will be looking to springs and it's relations with his regional allies. we are of course, also concerned about the potential support that the restaurant provides a to north korea when it comes to supporting their nissan new care
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programs. we see how much metro support rashaw gets from north korea, but also from there on, on how china is popping up. there were economy um, but this is also one of the reasons why of nato and i the need to some head and washing next mon spills for this thing. some our partnership with all the parts destination pacific region, australia. let's see. down south korea and japan also to address the fact that the challenges they see, we see in, in a shot and issue a pacific dollar thing to the challenges we face in your start with somebody that mention china, which of course it in 2022 nights i've labeled a security challenge for the very 1st time, but what he failed to mention was the 2021 ok security pack between australia puts in the united states, which was condemned by china at the time it won't of cold war mentality with the
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pack. so you will be around bringing you clear submarines into the region and uh, off the official intelligence share. and he also didn't mention the potential for a nice hate to open an unofficial headquarters or a base in japan, of course up young young. but would see this as a scratch? no, it would be to itself, but it was tied to regional stability and then there's a 5 eyes security uh, security. oh, i guess kind of a more of a spine ring. ready? and uh, this is a volt south korea and japan as well. so of course we haven't mentioned the but it treat bikes is which are the us military bases surrounding the region. so when it comes to the real threats, it's questionable as to who poses the greatest threats to regional stability. all right, let's discuss this further now with tigers santos,
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the president of indonesia, dpr k friendship association who joins us live from jakarta. a good to have you on with us talks between the russian and north korean leaders, wrapped up with both emphasizing a new era of bilateral relations. can you give us your thoughts on what this means for both countries and for the region at large? right. yeah, i see the local. yeah. of the less generally of good kim. don't go as i guess the country truly flies. it's a monday man. so it starts. citizens are related to the verification of the code and been in july. i think it is. it is a new approach, a by not go there to build a, let's say, a new, a new era for them to be fill up the country using oil company that they have, including france, i'm old friends like last year. and of course, if a south go to out if united states in big groups,
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they will do about this of course, because they still maintain the cold war mentality with them. and they think that it is only them who has arrived to make like a military or population military conference and the political position a to, to, to place the other countries. but i think it is a variety of any companies in this world, including local area, including russia, to maintain their own friendship with a other companies that they are. k openly expressed support for rushes, special military operation. what do you think kim jong noon specifically mentioned that the conflict in ukraine? i think because not cool. yeah. they are really realize that they are actually the 16th of this sun balance and a bias of global politics. done by the uh us and uh they groups so they, they, they know that uh okay and for example, each kind of project done by uh, this little position groups to play so out of control just like before. just like
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in the uh, coldwell area, i think it was uh can jump on the right to seize the oh we have to build uh like a this was so i mean this is not only you who can do this, but that is of the what they also can a so some of the action and what he's expecting, it's not like a book that it was according to me. but, you know, try to be everyone on the table to talk a good us. like, what do we see in 2018 in 2019 when i don't know from what's in probably us. so this is like this, this is like a symbolic, uh, uh, like uh, symbolic position. a problem can jump good at the us, secretary of state anthony blanket has said that washington will do anything. it can to cut the dpr case a legit, military support to russia, which both sides have denied. but even so,
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what measures could washington possibly resort to, especially considering both russia and the dpr k are already so heavily sanctioned by the west? well, i think they have to say it is they of course they cannot keep silent looking. everything's happening today in bill. yeah, they have to say something in the something minutes that they have to say that again, the same language is the same. you know, the same. this is just like default to i don't think that it can have they, they, they can't do anything to do anything, you know, because they, they also have their own problems and their problems not getting smaller, but get the bigger, you're facing an election this. yeah. so, so i think this is jessica originally, uh, you know, literally uh, guess of the us but any, and i think this will be it's, this will be okay for everyone. we also saw the western media widely condemn president, put in this trip even before it began. why is this visit raising so much alarm in the west? do you think of the problem with mr. media?
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they always squarely what i always say as a form. if, if lens, they things that in the, in the situation where they have, uh, uh, 2 or more than 2 years apart this uh, you know, uh, have been discussing nancy composition. uh lets say something that they say that it has to be, this will be like a, it says to be in the uh, with the one with conflict. so this is the mentality. so seems like there is no way there is no other way to solve problems, you know, but, but, but i believe that before me. oh, we take it off. uh, the, the, the, uh, the format this lens uh from oh uh, maybe uh, in west of the another bottle do it. then i think we can solve the problems. so this is not the boss. everyone wants to want somebody just about everyone actually wants to go fees, but they, they, they just want to say that, no, you're not the only one who has this kind of buy. we also have you sell no power.
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and actually we have tried to uh, you know, uh, a conflict of update this like what we, we had before. yeah. it is. all right, we're gonna leave it there to go santo said the president of the indonesia dpr k friendship association. thank you. thank you for you are in the right place for all the latest news on vladimir, put in the trip to feeling gang will make sure you're kept right up to date with the visit. and all the big news lines emerging from the land market talks to stay with us, the ukraine to join nato. it needs to completely overcome russia on the battlefield that came from the us national security council spokesperson during a white house news briefing. the 1st i got as with this war, i got a window more 1st and so number one, we're doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. they don't, it was over, no matter what it looks like. they're still going to have a long border with russia and legitimate security threat to the great people while
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they work on unnecessary things. they have to do, like any member of the alliance has to work on, for instance, on corruption before they can apply for nato membership, decrease time says of joining nato. a looking, slimmer and slim or as the watch list of prerequisites continues to grow, now they won't do. for instance, the feed rush up 1st and they're ready to help them achieve that goal. though, again, it's on the clear how consider and it's been a disaster. so far, and that's with their help, but fear not. so they say keep going. well, they continued suzanne, goal, the nato, and e, you tired without taking any actual steps towards making it a reality piece. looks like making sure russia never occupies ukraine. and it doesn't mean nato, that they are part of nato to means. we have a relationship with them, like we do with other countries where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future. so as scapes tossing out crumbs like that 10 years
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secuity agreements between t of and washington, which could prove to be totally useless for the past will not allow us forces to enter your pride in the case of an invasion. and 2nd, it could all be scrap one. the next us present comes to power, but keep going ukraine. another here goes by and still no invitation only. and c promises and demands that they somehow miraculously, this feeds russia. certainly, i expect all of us to agree, the storm language or membership. we need to ensure that you came to the base, that's a ups minimum for you can to become a member of the, at the alliance watermark fluids. and it has always maintained that you could as a neutral status is key. it's a key requirements and the conflict. he's been saying that for decades. but clearly the west is an interesting because they will nato on the process doorstep, something which russia will never allow. and they know that so where does that
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leave us? ukraine is losing people. the west is losing money and weapons that they are determined to keep going. encouraging everyone to invest in the suicide the mission . as for the summit this summer, i do not expect the ally ends to issue an invitation at this juncture. i do anticipate that the allies will be able to signal that the alliance continues to move closer to the ukraine, and that we are taking concrete steps to serve as a bridge between where we are now. and that full fledged membership signals the steps, a bridge, anything but actual membership for the west knows that. and they don't seem to be eager to embark on the full out war with russia, which leaves the crane added data. and now the question is,
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how long will it take for ukraine to realize that they are being used by people who don't even care if there was a country left of the end? the little variety f is continuing attacks on the guys this trip with its latest attack over night killing at least 17 palestinians, according to local health officials that were reported in the southern city of rossa. and the news era at camp and the enclave center. a warning, disturbing images, or had of the aftermath from a series of raids on the latter repugnant left 2 homes destroyed by idea. 4 planes among the victims are displaced families, children, and the elderly who had recently relocated from rafa. it's believed more people were main trapped under the rubble and officials expect a number of casualties to increase as an authority state, the dust on the strip since october 7th. now it sits at $37300.00 palestinians. the secretary of state says washington remains committed to arming is relevant.
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however, anthony blank and confirmed that the delivery of one specific batch of american bombs suspended by the pentagon last month is still up in the air. as we, as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president bible has talked about with regard to 2000 pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in definitely populated area blank for off of that remains other under review. but everything else is moving as it normally would move. and again, with the perspective of making sure that is israel has what it needs to defend itself against this multiplicity of challenges. while we just heard that the washington will continue to support and to ally on all levels, including providing these ro would have been more weapons to continue to warn guys that to deter hezbollah. not as far as his role is currently facing these people here in jerusalem and others protested in other parts of the country. just want
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this whole nightmare. israel has been living in, in the last 8 months too, and they say the country might need arms to protect itself, but what they believe is really, really needs now is political changes. and now that governments capable of fixing things, agreement with the enemy to bring their hostages home, rather than more bombs, more if i lost all my those to us we had been doing man the season is one of the read this vision is going thing was the wall mary, bed the season. let's why it will on here. on the free we do. we, uh we like it. they are against the people in the band with their role, with their behaviors. we don't, we cannot leave anymore anymore. we cannot think of all this every few years. we
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have a more we have and we have people who are dying of both sides. i'd say maybe i'm not like, oh dear i the some of the law they want stuff tomorrow we need the agreement. the agreement for days i guarantee it apologies for not bringing you the rest of that story, but we're getting some new images in now from north korea, we're better putting and it comes on moon, have assigned a comprehensive strategic partnership between the 2 countries. now during that talks until yang, but an expressed at rushes, appreciation for north korea support of moscow's policies, including the struggle against, had gemini and imperialism. he also thinks the north korean leader for his warm welcome. so these are the latest images and from much young yang were seen um,
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put in in conjunction with the signing of treaty, establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership between north korea and the rest of the 2 leaders mets earlier in the day meeting for about an hour and a half for their 1st meeting in about 9 months. of course. um kim jong boone was in rush about 99 months ago in 2023 to meet with the russian president back then. this was, is their 3rd meeting since 2019 question. president clinton's 2nd trip to north korea, but in his 1st, in 24 years, he 1st visited north korea in the year, 2000 just 2 months after being inoculated as president of russia for the 1st time. so that we see the 2 leaders signing. that's that agreement there. after meeting in the north korean, that capital feeling in quite a warm welcome into the capital of the dpr k,
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which we saw earlier in the day of the russian president arriving around 3. i'm local time after this visit. he'll be heading on to vietnam. well, he'll be, you know, be, i'm visiting that country as well. i'm glad referenced visit to north korea has attracted significant international and regional intention. it says, 2nd visit, as i mentioned. but the 1st being in 2000 when he met with kim jong il, the current visit occurs amid high and c, a political attentions aiming to strengthen russia's strategic ties and east asia pavement has a tight agenda during his trip and is expected to discuss economic cooperation military collaboration and cultural exchanges with kids on in the west has largely criticized and visit. many western nations are concerned about the deepening of russia. north korea ties, especially given the complex, the new crane and the dpr, kay's nuclear ambitions, russia and were 3. i have had varying diplomatic relations over the decades during the cold war. the soviet union was a key ally of north korea,
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offering economic ends, military support relation, so cool. the after the soviet union collapsed, would have improved under pollutants, leadership, russian who is north korea as a counter balance to us influence and a partner, and it's broader. geopolitical and strategy is expected to, to our 2 sites in killing yang. western media is highlighting the symbolic nature of fitness visit, seen it as defiance against western policies. russia is growing. engagement with north korea is viewed as part of its pivot toward asia med strained western relations. is underscore as the shifting dynamics in global politics, where traditional alliances are being tested and new partnerships are emerging as the world watches closely. the outcomes of this visit will likely have long term implications for regional stability and international relations. those leaders have signal that their intent to build on this momentum, suggesting that plus or russian or 3 of ties are poised to shape the geopolitical
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landscape in the years to come. and there receive video from earlier in the day of that's welcoming ceremony taking place and tell him yang to kim il sung square are quite a warm walk. and a lot of people coming out to read the russian presidents and they stay with our to international be back with much more coverage of russian president putin's visit to north korea in about half an hour. bye for now. the, the time scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del bailey. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people. for
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the course of the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying, this is where the buildings are exploding so.


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