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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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as do what i mean, there's a push out the, the, the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. there's an se is lost, has any partnership agreement with the p all k includes mutual assistance in case of aggression against ivan, nascent hold off at the bottom of page in praise is shown yet. and suppose, suppose the most goes special, military operation in ukraine. a very colorful lands festival special ceremony welcoming the russian president took place in the hall to appear on young correspondent don't quote, it brings over details from the event. well, come on to milton square in the center of just come to an end that the people of
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the democratic republic of korea have organized for this. russian president vladimir calling arrival in the d p. i. k, the russian president was met by the nation's leader, giving him a very warm welcome. you may not be as comfortable as your own home in your own tongue, sweet. but since it is a process for residence, i hope you will feel at home and rest comfortably. thank you very much for your hospitality and your time. meanwhile, the us save every one that must be concerned about most goes deepening ties with pee on young. russia has advised washington to line this so latest news, the very well welcome to you. this is out to international with the lease, as well as news update is great to have you with us as always. so our top story this, our president booted in say, is russia's,
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a partnership agreement with the p r. k includes mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the nations following the historic agreements. the russian need to expand data on the deal, highlighting that the new partnership now entails a commitment to defend each other should one come on. the threats p. n young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability and show a national security and protected sovereignty. russia is ready to continue to make political and diplomatic efforts in the interests of eliminating the threat of a recurrence of conflict on the korean peninsula and forming architecture of long term peace and stability. the based on the principle of indivisible security is a comprehensive partnership agreement signed today, also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document is think of it the way i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries
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about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems, f. 16 aircraft, and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory. actually, this is not only a statement, it is already happening. and all these are gross violations of restrictions assumed by western countries within the framework of various international obligations. in this regard, the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the document sign today. that's fine, that long goes live now to a correspondent, donald cortez. he's been following the lot of my patients trip on the ground. don't get to see you. first of all, take us through flat to my postings address to the press as well to say that this is a meeting of serious historic significance would even be putting it lightly. this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century that vladimir potent,
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the russian president has touch down in pyongyang. and this meeting that he had with teams on was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr, k and all the different spears, including culture and education, economics and science. but the main one of course, is as we recently heard that of a military cooperation. this is what we heard talked about mainly at this press conference with vladimir putin and kim john. both leaders mentioned that they had signed a comprehensive agreement on strategic partnership, which essentially when they expanded on what, what this actually entails. it sounds a lot like an alliance. it means that both a signatories of this agreement are basically going to come to the others, aid in the case of aggression by a foreign force, or at least supply them with uh, with military technology. so this is a real huge step forward for relations between russia and the dpr k. and it has to
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do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west. as the russian president vladimir putin pointed out, that both sanction of both countries are under serious sanctions from the west. and they're essentially both in conflict with the west as well. russia fighting the ukraine, conflicts, finding the key ever seen that's mainly supplied and heavily weaponized by the west . while the korean war on the korean peninsula really has never ended, either, there was no harm is assigned, but the war still officially goes on with thousands of american troops on the peninsula. still, according to the uh, dpr k occupying south korea. so uh, really sanctions and this common western uh, this coming position in relation to west regression is uh, one of the main points in which the dpr k and russia on are lucky to unite and fight against. let's take a listen to what's the russian president said. i'm not sure if the increase
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consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple world or both russia and north korea, pursue independence and autonomous foreign policies. and reject the language of blackmail and take time. we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions and restrictions. these are legitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool of the west as a custom to using to maintain its had gemini in politics, economics, and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be reconsidered. now one other thing the russian president mentioned was the fact that the west is supplying long range weapons to the ukrainian military to strike targets deep within russian territory. and if we remember something that the former russian president,
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dimitri meant vege of. uh said recently, was that in response to this, moscow has the rights to the team up with any sort of, uh, uh, country or entity that the west of the united states specifically suffice to be their enemy. so perhaps this is an echo of that proposed policy that the former russian president put forward, but military cooperation was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different squares of cooperation. the russian present mentioned economics, the fact that in 2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth, that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow the russian president said that right now, $130.00 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expected to grow as well. uh, agriculture. re infrastructure,
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development and reconstruction efforts. these are all things that we're definitely going to see a deepening in terms of cooperation in the future between these 2 countries. yeah, truly has started trip indeed. and the other low pass. no, no, don't. i know it's your 1st visit to north korea and the tongue young and say you will feelings on what it's like the face. well, i have to say i traveled across much of the worlds with the, with the gremlins journalist full. and i have to say that a such a grandiose welcome like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before. and any other country. i mean, we talked to some of the koreans that were helping us around. and in the vehicles we are traveling around with, we have some, some questions about the preparations for this ceremony and everything. they said that the $50000.00 people that were on html song square in the center of young yang they were rehearsing for around 3 months. just for this moment so that they could
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give all of their energy and enthusiasm to welcoming the russian president on what they knew at that point was going to be a very, very historic occasion. and we got the chance to, uh, you know, uh it had a little small talk with some of the local koreans as well as we were leaving the html song square. everyone was really happy to see foreigners coming to the country, specifically russians. they were there, it just seems like there was an atmosphere of really big enthusiasm for the future when it comes to dark, a russian relations as a result of this visit 5 lot of mere putting one of our uh guides even said that this is the 1st time in a very long time that a for and dignitary at all had been welcomed with such a grandiose event. and earlier i was able to take some videos of what was going on there. i was in the press bleachers right in the middle of the action. i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young young. so let's
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take a listen. as you can see behind the hands of thousands of from the deep yard se has gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir mccain and john, the
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dignitary. well, come on to milton square in the centre. just come to an end that the people of the democratic republic of korea have organized for this visit. russian president vladimir putin. as you can see, there's thousands of them on the square around 15000, all happy to war. warmly welcome the russian president here in po 9. for the event we're driving at 2 different location now. and so many people from the streets we've been saying hi to them this whole time as any crowd of people down the road for kilometers and kilometers. here to welcome the russian delegation and here, i mean my aren't even getting tired of waving so much. welcome on all day. it's less close live to i guess alex reports of the canadian's logo and journalist who's
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based in china right now. many thanks for joining us. on the program, alex, it's good to see is of i'm so you think the clothes they follow and go to the events of the plasma page and strip and north korea and we know that most of them to them. yeah. and of now inc disagreement, which would include military co operation. what are your thoughts on this historic documented the trip? well, this is strategic partnership in the making and something unique here that i think the americans need to wake up and understand is that this is now a strategic triangle. the dpr, k, china and russia have now all bonded together to deal with what we think is possibly one of the most geo political times in modern day history. and once again, this is a very, very symbolic visit. you could see by the welcome from mr. brewton in dpr, k and p on yang and the hugs and the support. this is the 1st step of something
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very exciting for this region here in asia. and i think is quite predictable. what kind of reception um on a business going to receive in the west, but what do you expect? well, we saw some window dressing. we'll call it nancy pelosi decided to rattle the feathers again. here in china by her visit to to that. but that's not going to get the headlines anymore. the propaganda machine of the united states of america has actually failed dramatically here in the last few months, with some very key visit the put in russia, visit the russia. the rush of visit with china took headlines again and this one is definitely going to take the headlines and raised some eyebrows in washington saying, hm, how can we stop this? how can we counter this in this world? if you've tried year 16 and a half 1000 sanctions against russia that has worked us is out of options. the
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strategic triangle here in asia between the k china and russia, is now a bond that is pretty much on breakable. speaking at the joint press conference that a president present, emphasize that mosca will continue to oppose the webinar. thing of sanctions. do you think it's fair to say that the, the heaviest functions and history of to rule these 2 countries close that together? yes, and it will continue, there used to be so much focus on how the ruble created against the american dollar . but with most nations around the world, the, using the dollar eyes ation to distance themselves. because what they have seen, especially here with the americans, and how they wrap, put their raft upon countries to try to either sanction them into an oblivion or a bankrupt them. it failed in russia, and that is given confidence to other nations, like the arcadia say, wait a minute, we have been sanctioned for centuries here. let's try to see if we can get our
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economy working here. russia is the blueprint for success here in the last couple years with id strategic partner of china. and once again, this is your strategic, you're gonna hear this many time. this for teach at triangle happening in north korea is definitely going to benefit here in russia as well. and of course, president pacing will be heading to vietnam next. what do you think we can expect from his trip? the and another economic powerhouse story arrives to the news feeds viet nam, during and after the war with united states of america was an impoverished nation. well, in the last few years here, teaming up with its partners, china and of course russia now and to the gang, north korea, we're going to see another symbolic region, one by one by one. these regions are coming into line. this is going to really uh send uh, you know, eyebrows raising and head spinning in north america. this is an unstoppable, uh,
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i would call it, you know, it's just an amazing thing to happen in, in 2024 year. after most these nations had a very difficult time during the pandemic coming out of it, there, aligning themselves with allies that can put geo political issues aside and just get down to doing business money back because we can do it today. it's good to hear from you. i like supposed to say trying to base the blog and to on the list. thank you. thank you. well, the russian president touch down in the democratic people's republic of korea early on wednesday morning, mocking his 1st trip there in 24 years. comes on going to also they will welcome rolling out. the red cough is increasing. vladimir putin personally as shown young apples of the size may not be as comfortable as your own home in your own country. but since it is a process for residence, i hope you will feel at home and rest comfortably. thank you very much for your hospitality and your time
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the . we discussed the original president's trip to the p. okay. um, because attention, the west has given it without correspondence. steve sweeney. the us assigned to the alarm and said the western countries should be extremely concerned about the
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growing and deepening of relations between the 2 nations. the us secretary of state and city clinton has a game that sounded the alarm. he's accused russia of desperation. he said that it's seeking support for what he describes as is war of aggression in ukraine. clinton used to be the kind of the boat, the mine of ron. he mentioned the dpi. okay. and he said that he's keen to cut off the support. that's a countries like iran on the t p r k, a providing to russia, russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression and it started against you. craig, north korea is providing significant munitions to, uh, to russia and other, and other weapons for using ukraine around has been providing with 3, including drones that have been used against civilians and civilian infrastructure and will continue to do everything we can to cut off the support that countries
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like the rod at the north 3 are providing not much is known about the d. p. okay. in the west, the west of media use. the reports uses terms like reclusive state home. it sites, it says that came is a bruce would dictate to a pricing who's paying for it. and it comes out with all sorts of salubrious titles that the citizens of the day be okay. or even forced to have came john and had cuts . now the west always goes into a collective meltdown. it seems, every time the deep k tests, a ballistic missile and the reports in the western press over this visit a no less hysterical. washington is watching this meeting between vladimir putin and came joan on a match rate and haven't between these 2 prior space. so it needs concern from the west about the space. it's a few of america's fiercest adversaries together on north korean soil fits his 1st visit in 24 years. the trip is raising plenty of concerns to the united states army
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allies. preston, president vladimir putin as a north korea for a meeting with its leader. and it is a meeting the us officials are watching closely for ministry, spoke to them. there is a have a headset that perhaps the west of ex media. it would be best to focus on the us president job. i didn't, she spoke about race concerns about his mental capacity, especially given that he's in control of the world's largest needs are also there's one thing that worries everyone is biden's condition. both physical considering that he leads the nuclear power and freezes up more and more often and financial due to the criminal nature of its appearance associated with ukraine and corruption scams installed to move the next how the chief has a guy and he's expressed his concerns about the potential support that russia will provide to the dpr k for each weapons program and it's a nuclear capacity. and he's sounded that the alarm he's mentioned to support china is given to what he described as rough as war economy. and he's got one eye on the
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full is coming nato summit, which is taking place in washington next month. and he said that of course, the relations between russia and the t p. okay, are going to be central to those discussions. and for nato, it will be looking to spring so in its relations with his regional allies. we are all squares also concerned about the potential support that the rashaw provides a to the north korea when it comes to supporting their nissan on nuclear programs. we see how much mutual support rashaw gets from north korea, but also from there on, on how trying this popping up. there were economy. um, this is also one of the reasons why of nato, and that the nato summit, head and washing next month. we will further strengthen our partnership with all the part there's a nation pacific region was fairly honest. see done,
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south korea and japan also to address the fact that the challenges they see, we see in, in a shot and they should pacific dollar to the, to the challenges we face in your start with somebody that mentioned china, which of course in 2022 nato labeled a security challenge for the very 1st time. but what he failed to mention was the 2021 ok security pack between australia puts in the united states, which was condemned by china at the time. it's one of cold war mentality with the pack. so you will be around bringing you to submarines into the region and all the official intelligent shavings. but he also didn't mention the potential for a nice height to open an unofficial headquarters or a base in japan. of course, up young young. but would say this as a sweats? no, it would be to itself, but it was a 2 regional stability. and then the 5 eyes,
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uh, security uh to uh, security or i guess kind of a, uh more of a spy ring. ready. and uh, this is a volt south korea and japan as well. so, and of course, we haven't mentioned the military bases, which are the us military bases surrounding the region. so when it comes to the real threats, it's questionable as to who poses the greatest threats to regional stability. what you want most definitely in the right place for the latest news on vladimir putin, this trip tape young young. and we'll make sure you'll catch rights up to date with the visits and all the big news lines emerging from the landmarks. 12 stay with us . the . it's a europe now where the use newly elected parliament mabis struggle to publicly name that picks for the blocks talk offices on gary and prime minister fix to open his
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last style to brussels, saying it's not taking the will to europe, young people into account in the will of the european people was ignored today in brussels. the result of the european election is clear, the right thing, bodies good, strong to the left and the liberal sloth, ground european people, spotty on the other hand, instead of listening to their voters. finally, it seemed dealt with the socialists and the liberals. today they made it to you and divided itself, jobs of the you among themselves. they don't care about reality. they don't care about the results of the european elections, and they don't care about the will of the european people. we shouldn't be naive, they will continue to support migration and send even more money in weapons that washy greenville looks like. things here in the you aren't making too much sense there for hon. gary and prime minister victor irvine. because while he's trying to do everything through the democratic lens that european leaders are always on about
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. so european leaders got together in the, at most of privacy, which absolutely just screens democracy met up for a dinner on monday night to determine who gets to be in charge at the you now that the people have voted for the little guys, i'd be you the part of it and, well, what do you know? they're going to have to have even more dinners, courtesy of the european tax payers. probably who's voting well like for bonds suggests they're now trying to figure out how to gracefully just kind of circumvent without looking like the audit. perhaps they are just a decision drawers to the right direction. i think there's north agreements of tonight that mistake the point default is offering to roll and he said that children, so feel free to a moment. they meet the proposals uh, able to do tutoring, introduce to come to look further into preset decisions. it seems to me so the next scheduled meeting of these european leaders is set for june, 27th and 28th. just
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a little reminder of how things actually work and the you in case anyone might have mistaken it for a democracy in the wake of recent parliamentary election is to elect people who really don't control very much at the you because they don't actually create the laws or the policy, the e u is a bureaucracy, not a democracy in the same sense that some countries are monarchies. and that's your office, easier paying commission rights to miles? well actually it's more of a bureaucratic monarchy. you could say, in the european commissions president, queen, 1st of the vander line, oh is her job primarily to factor in palace, intrigue among european leaders. like what's been going on over the past few days, and definitely not to any kind of pop here election. so will there won't they decide to hand pick her once again for parliamentary confirmation? that's the big question. you leaders failed to back or solve under line for another
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term as you are being commission president tonight, despite the assurances from francis emanuel microns in durham, and he's all of sholtes in recent days that they were nearing. a deal turns out that henry's or bon for one would rather send cleaners to a packing and back home to germany to practice her actual profession. again, that would be guy in ecology. there are other top jobs up for him picking as well, like that of european council president and also for an affairs chief, currently held by jungle joseph burrell. the name being bandied about there is that of as tony and prime minister kaya calis, who reportedly has a bit of an optics problem for job that involves diplomacy, you know, dealing with people that you don't necessarily like or want to be dealing with since. well, she's just so overwhelmingly anti rushing even by use standards that it's kind of a bad look for the you and also some figure that is also part of bad that her
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global jungle would be even bigger than barrels. and that she also risks reducing his european garden to about the size of a postage stamp. islamic state terrace could have been sold tray to the european union via ukraine while opposing to as asylum seekers. the bones of revelation from the chief of germany's federal domestic intelligence agency, a, c e has been kind of kizusky, has also managed to bring supporters to western europe, possibly through a wave of refugees from ukraine for now, staying here in various western european countries, security authorities across europe are working very closely together on this issue . but german agency has on file this latest report on terrorist activity in the u. s. that he's the only says k group currently poses the greatest threat to public safety. with the, as the misquoting for major terror attacks, several suspects hop already being arrested in western europe. germany claims they
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had to lend to the you via ukraine. we sits on july 6th, 2023, called in the search measures with canada out of various locations in los saxony. no fried was fall in the netherlands again. suspected supporters of the terrace organization is let me state. so when people are arrested, there is a suspect, have nationals on various central eastern states that of germany from ukraine almost simultaneously in the spring of some 1022. they are suspected of having joined forces to form etc, is group with the aim of carrying out high profile attacks in germany or just days ahead. all that announcement built in and announced the continuation of wells that support for you, crazy and refugees. the federal government rejected the liberal policies proposal of treason, ukrainian asylum. seek is the same as refugees from other countries that is not issuing the monthly payments we discussed. i'm, if we're gonna back a gym and politician informed me, he repeating parliament men, but who told us that refugees entering the country without proper checks and
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germany calls afford to spend funds? this should be used to modernize the country, or what is the continuation of the longstanding policies the germany has admitted? watch how many are on the calculations on this? not too long ago, 2 months ago since 2010, germany has admitted a round about $8000000.00 refugees from around the world, including the ukrainians. most of them are coming from the middle east and africa. each of those refugees on average, according to several recent studies on the cost of migration cost, the german techs pay off around $625000.00 euro is over their lifetime of the as me.


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