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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the the, the, the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. president vladimir 210 sage russians. new partnership agreement with the dpr k include for mutual assistance, in the case of a correction against the only thing nation. so the praises shown young's bowls the porch, but most goes is special military operation in here, craig, a colorful and festive official ceremony welcoming the russian president took place in the house of peel yang, a correspondent, the code that brings over the tenants from the event. welcome on to newtown square in the center of come to an end that the people of the democratic republic of organized russian president,
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vladimir. we won't let us say that everyone must be concerned about most goes deepening tide with people. young. russia has advised washington to mind it suddenly this week, the a very warm welcome. this is on the international with the late as well as news update is great to have you with us as always on top story president pacing, say is russia's new partnership agreement with the d. p. okay. includes mutual assistance in the case of aggression against one of the nations, a following the historical grievance. the russian liter expanded on the deal, highlighting that the partnership, not one tells a commitment to defend each other, should one come on the threats. the 10 still young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability and show a national security and protected southern passivity due to the comprehensive
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partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems. that's 16 aircraft, and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory. in this regard, the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the documents, signed to the people, surely this powerful agreement between the dpi, okay, involve choice, nothing more than the document until the constructive forward looking exclusively peaceful and defensive nature designed to protect and defend the basic interest of the peoplesoft. the 2 countries have no doubt that it will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi pull the world free from the rule of had gemini and my legs. relations
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between all countries have reason to a new high level of allied relations. a legal basis has been laid with the help of which it has become possible to put them on the ground g o supply and the leadership of 2 states and all peoples to reliably protect peace and security of the region and the wells, and build strong states in accordance with the culminates, 1st of the dpi. okay. and brought show, this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century, the vladimir potent, the russian president, has touch down in pyongyang. and this meeting that he had with him, john was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr, k and all the different spears, including culture and education, economics and in science. but the main one of course, is as we recently heard that of a military cooperation and it has to do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west. as the russian president vladimir
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putin pointed out that both sanction of both countries are under serious sanctions from the west and are essentially both in conflict with the west as well as really sanctions. and this common western, this coming position in relation to western regression is one of the main points in which the dpr, k and russia are looking to unite and fight against. let's take a listen to what's the russian president set not listed on the part of the increase, consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple world or both russia and north korea pursue independent and autonomous foreign policies and reject the language of blackmail and dig type, we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions and restrictions . these are legitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool. the west is a custom to using to maintain its head gemini, in politics,
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economics, and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be reconsidered. military cooperation was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different spheres of cooperation. the russian present mentioned economics. the fact that in 2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth, that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow. the russian president said that right now, 130 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expect to grow as well. a such a grandiose welcome, like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before in any other country. i mean,
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we talked to some of the koreans that were helping us around and in the vehicles we were traveling around with, we have some, some questions about the preparations for this ceremony and everything. they said that the $50000.00 people that were on kim il sung square in the center of young yang. they were pur, uh, rehearsing for around 3 months just for this moment so that they could give all of their energy and enthusiasm to welcoming the russian president on what they knew at that point was going to be a very, very historic occasion. and we got the chance to, uh, you know, uh it had a little small talk with some of the local koreans as well as we were leaving the cable song square. everyone was really happy to see foreigners coming to the country. specifically russians. they were there, it just seems like there's an atmosphere of really big enthusiasm for the future when it comes to dpr to a russian relations as a result of this visit 5, let them here put in one of our guides even said that this is the 1st time and
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a very long time that a 4 and dignitary at all had been welcomed with such a grandiose event. and earlier i was able to take some videos of what was going on there. i was in the press bleachers right in the middle of the action. i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young yang. so let's take a listen. as you can see behind me, tens of thousands of people from the dpr k have gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir pool mccain, john the in the, [000:00:00;00]
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the big area. welcome on to middletown square, and the center. just come to an end that the people of the democratic republic of korea have organized for this. russian president vladimir, put thousands of them on the square run, $50000.00, all happy to war. warmly welcome the russian president here in po 9 for the 6th. we're driving at 2 different location now,
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and so many people from the streets. we've been saying this whole time as any crowd of people down the road for kilometers and kilometers. here to welcome the russian delegation and vladimir from here, i mean my arms even getting tired of waving so much by following the joint statement, maternity just decided to hit the road in front of it pretends russian made orest. mister booting took the driver's seat on conjunction doing to him upfront on the passenger side, but 2 to can be rolling scenery along the road near the come see sun state guest house web meetings will help area. we spoke with the associate professor of finance smart, come for you, jen are about the latest agreements likely to boost the economy of the 2 nations and probably as well as to which stands the pressure of western sanctions. you know, at the moment it looks like this is going to be more of a defense civilized rather than a aggressive pact of any kind. which this of extent is going to show up relationships between the 2 countries and then pay the way to greater economic collaboration,
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essentially have to some extent made it more difficult for russia entity p k to trade with many big traditional trading partners, which has required them to look elsewhere, broadening out the trade space is going to be really helpful to russia, including the dpi. okay, but it was a vietnam, which is the next stop on the trip. first one would look at the impact of sanctions or just to use actually exploiting quite a lot of crude oil. busy oil a quite a lot of gas. it's quite a lot of these commodities. maybe not quite as much as it was before the sanctions, but somebody has to be able to manage its way through. and daughter leaves g d p growth as still being quite positive relative to other states, a g d p growth in europe, similar with dpi, cader already sanctions. so the to route to impose additional sanctions is a little bit limited. in addition to this one, to those a one to the a, b, b, k is getting more technological, development and trade with russia. the one that we hope the d, p, okays relationships more generally with additional costs and it needs economy. one
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would actually wonder whether that would make ease, perhaps more stable for the eyes of many other western countries usually might enhance its relationships as economic development takes up. the russian president touches down in the democratic people's republic of korea early wednesday morning, mocking his 1st trip there in 24 years. come, john gooden offered a warm welcome, rolling out the red carpets on greasing vladimir putin personally. i've shown young gaff pause. the site may not be as comfortable as your own home in your own country, but since it is a process for residence, i hope you will feel at home and rest comfortably. thank you very much for your hospitality and your time.
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the . we discussed the russian presidents trip to the depot. okay. and the close attention the west has given us with our corresponding steve sweeney in the us. a sound of the alarm and said the western countries should be extremely concerned about the growing and deepening of relations between the 2 nations. the us secretary of state on the printing has a game found to be alone. he's accused russia of desperation. he said that it's seeking support for what he describes as is war of aggression in ukraine. bleeding can use the, you know, the,
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the kind of the bogeyman of ron. he mentions of the date k. and he said that he's keen to cut off the support that countries like around on the t p. r k, a providing to russia, russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against to crate. north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia and other, and other weapons for using ukraine around has been providing with 3, including drones that have been used against civilians is really an infrastructure and will continue to do everything we can to cut off the support that countries like the ron and north 3 are providing not much is known about the d. p. okay. in the west, the west of media use, the reports uses terms like reclusive state home. it sites. it says that came is a brutal dictator. a pricing who's paying for it,
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and it comes out with all sorts of salubrious titles. the citizens of the day be okay. or even forced to have came john and had cuts. now the west always goes into a collective meltdown. it seems. every time the deep y'all take tests, a ballistic missile, and the reports in the west impress uh over this visit, a no less hysterical. washington is watching this meeting between vladimir putin and kim joan on a match made in heaven between these 2 parias space. certainly is concerned from the west about this phase. it's a few of america's fiercest adversary is, together on north korean soil fits his 1st visit in 24 years. the trip is raising plenty of concerns to the united states army timelines. prussian president vladimir putin as a north korea for a meeting with its leader. and it is a meeting the us officials are watching closely for ministry, spoke to them. there is a how has said that perhaps the west of its media would be better focused on the u . s. president job i didn't,
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she spoke about or raised concerns about his mental capacity, especially given that he's in control of the world's largest needs are also there's one thing that worries everyone is biden's condition, both physical considering that he leads the nuclear power and freezes up more and more often and financial due to the criminal nature of its appearance associated with ukrainian corruption scams installed to merge and they say chief has a game. he's expressed his concerns about the potential support that russia will provide to the d. p. k for its weapons program. and it's a nuclear capacity, and he sounded that the alarm he's mentioned to support china is given to what he described as rough as war economy. and he's got one eye on the forthcoming nato summit, which is taking place in washington next month. and he said that, of course, the relations between russia and the t p. okay, are going to be central to those discussions. and for nato, it will be looking to springs and it's relations with his regional allies. we are
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of course, also concerned about the potential support that the restaurant provides a to north korea when it comes to supporting their me solid on new care programs. we see how much major support rashaw gets from north korea, but also from there on, on how china's popping up. there were economy, and this is also one of the reasons why of nato and i have to naples on the head and watching the next mon us, we will for this thing. so our partnership with all the parts, destination, pacific region, australia and a seat on south korea and japan also to address the fact that the challenges they see, we see in, in a short initial pacific dollar to think to the challenges we face in your start with somebody that mentioned china, which of course in 2022 nights are labeled
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a security challenge for the very 1st time. but what he failed to mention was the 2021 ok. security pack between australia puts in the united states, which was condemned by china at the time it won't of cold war mentality with the pack. so you will be around bringing nuclear submarines into the region and uh, off the official intelligence share. and he also didn't mention the potential for a nice site to open an unofficial headquarters or advice in japan, of course, up young young. but would see this as a stretch? no, it would be to itself, but it was a 2 regional stability. and then there's a 5 eyes security to uh, security or, i guess kind of a more of aspiring ready. and this is a volt south korea and japan as well. so, and of course we haven't mentioned the but it
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t bases which are the us military bases surrounding the region. so when it comes to the real threats, it's questionable as to who poses the greatest threats to regional stability. we are in the right place for the latest news on the fly, the web page in this trip to appear on. yeah, we're making sure you kept right up to date with all the latest updates on the month folks. i do stay with us by the 2 of these now on to south africa where incumbent president, several of i'm oppose that has been a local rated for a 2nd time getting to that goal was not assessed. and it said when the poses african national congress policy has lost, is called a meant to be majority for the 1st time in 30 years with only 40 percent votes. the amc has formed in alliance with full other policies, including the off position to remain in power. i'm opposed to address the new power balance in his speech,
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pulling on the coalition to put aside the differences to the benefits of the south african p. for ukraine to join nato. it needs to completely overcome russia on the battlefields. that condition came for the us national security council spokes person during the white house news briefing. the 1st i got as when this war i got a window more 1st. and so number one, we're doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. they don't, it was over no matter what it looks like. they're still going to have a long border with russia and legitimate security threat to the great people. while they work on unnecessary things. they have to do, like any member of the alliance has to work on versus on corruption before they can apply for nato membership. the crash time says of joining nato. a looking, slimmer and slim or as the watch list of prerequisites continues to grow, now they won't do crating since the feet rush up 1st and they're ready to help them achieve that goal. though. again, it's unclear how consider and it's been
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a disaster so far and that's with their help. but fear not. so they say keep going . well, they continued suzanne, goal, the nato, and e, you tired without taking any actual steps towards making it a reality piece. looks like making sure russia never occupies ukraine. and it doesn't mean nato, that they are part of nato. who means we have a relationship with them, like we do with other countries, where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future. so as keeps tossing out crumbs like that 10 years security agreement between t of and washington, which could prove to be totally useless for the past will not allow us forces to enter your pride in the case of an invasion. and 2nd, it could all be scrap one. the next us present comes to power, but keep going ukraine. another year goes by and still no invitation only. and c
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promises and demands that they somehow miraculously defeats russia. certainly, i expect all of us to agree, storm language or membership. we need to ensure that you came to the base, that's a ups minimum for you can to become a member of the, at the alliance watermark fluids. and it has always maintained that you could as a neutral status is key. it's a key requirements and the conflict. he's been saying that for decades. but clearly the west is an interesting because they will nato on the process door step something which russia will never allow. and they know that. so where does that leave us? ukraine is losing people. the was losing money and weapons that they are determined to keep going, encouraging everyone to invest in the suicide the mission. as for the summit this summer, i do not expect the ally ends to issue an invitation at
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this juncture. i do anticipate that the allies will be able to signal that the alliance continues to move closer to the ukraine, and that we are taking concrete steps to serve as a bridge between where we are now. and that full fledged membership signals the steps, a bridge, anything but actual membership for the west, no sides. and they don't seem to be eager to embark on the full out war with russia, which leaves the crane at a dead end. now the question is, how long will it take for ukraine? so realize that they are being used by people who don't even care if there was a country left of the end. the little islamic state terrorists could have infiltrated the european union via ukraine. well, posing as a, so i live a see, cuz that's the boom. so revelation from the chief of germany's federal domestic intelligence agency. this is, is because i, she's gay,
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has also managed to bring supporters to western europe, possibly through a wave of refugees from ukraine for now, staying here on various western european countries, security, or searches across europe are working very closely together on this issue. a german agency hasn't felt the slightest report on terrorist activity in the you say, you say i says pay group hardly poses the greatest threat to public safety with the is the best quoting from major terror attacks. several suspects have already been arrested in west has been here of germany claims they had will and to the u via ukraine. we sit on july 6th, 2023, called any search measures with canada out of various locations in low saxony. no fraud was file in the netherlands again, just biggest supporters of the terrorist organization is lubbock state. so when people are arrested, there is a suspect to nationals on various central eastern states that of germany from ukraine almost single time use the in the spring of 2022. they are suspected of having joint forces deform,
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etc. is group with the aim of carrying out high profile attacks in germany. just days ahead of that announcement building said that wells that support for ukrainian refugees will continue the federal government, reject states, the liberal policies proposal of tracing ukrainian asylum. seek is the same as refugees from other countries that is not issuing the monthly payments. we discussed to be with go back a gym and pull that session on for me. your pin paula mac number, who told us that refugees are registering the country without proper checks and germany cannot afford to spend funds, but should be used on law. the nice thing, the country. what is a continuation of a longstanding policy? the germany has admitted the germany. i found the calculations on this not too long ago, 2 months ago since 2010, the germany has admitted
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a round about 8000000 refugees from around the world, including the ukrainians. most of them are coming from the middle east and africa. each of those refugees on average, according to several reasons, a tough a studies on the cost of migration costs the government takes pay uh, around $625000.00 euro is over their lifetime. obviously, the country which is in economic difficulty, such as job and he cannot afford such a dental ways of spending its money money. that should be going into modernizing the economy and subsidizing households as part of this job and industry for much huh. cost of energy as a result of the interruption of the plentiful and the deductible, and cost
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a and a cheap supplies from russia. the idea of fish continue a tax on the go, gaza strip where they slate to the talk of the night candidate, the 17 palestinians, according to local health officials. that's what reported in the southern city of rasa and the news to our company enclaves. sensor, a warning, disturbing images i had the off the mouth from a series of rates on the last a report to be left to homes destroyed. fine idea was names among the victims are displaced. families of children on the elderly who had recently relocated from rafa . is believed small people remain trapped onto the russell and officials expects the number of casualties to increase gosnell authority state. the death told in this trip since october the 7th. now since the $37300.00 palestinians, the us secretary of state says washington remains committed to amik israel. however, onto the plane can confirm that the delivery of one specific batch of american
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bones, suspended by the pentagon, last month is still up in the as we, as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president bible has talked about with regard to 2000 pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in that's the populated area. blank for off of that remains other under review. but everything else is moving as it normally would move. and again, with the perspective of making sure that is israel has what it needs to defend itself against this multiplicity of challenges. while we just heard that in washington will continue supporting a to ally on all levels, including providing these role with even more weapons to continue the war and guys to deter, has been ranada threats. israel is currently facing these people here in jerusalem . and others protested in other parts of the country. just want this whole nightmare. israel has been living in, in the last 8 months too. and they say their country might need arms to protect
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itself. but what they believe is really, really needs now is political changes. and other governments capable of fixing things, agreement with the enemy to bring their hostages home rather than more bombs website . and was the small in my, those 2 of those we had been gone moment the during bad the season is one of the bed. this season is going thing with the wall mary. bed the season. let's why it will on here on the free we do. we uh we like it, they are against the people the, with the road, with their behaviors. we don't, we cannot leave anymore. and the more we can think of all this every few years, we have a more we have and we have people who are dying of both sides. i think maybe i'm not like,
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oh dear i the some of the law. there was stuff tomorrow. we need the agreement, the agreement is going to be trading. it's people. he's the rober ring directly to build on anybody that you this is this day in a row that is really the protests and across the country to month in crime. and as soon as the step down i'm calling for an election, we hear from time to time the crowd trying to pay all which means a lot. now in front of the mass, it is rarely call them and now size is as easy as you can see have gather here. but . 2 other places also protests,
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so rob to demonstrators have been endangered. we believe burning fires and locking the roads. several people have already been arrested. public is divided. people are losing patience. there is a place and we think this is really leadership on monday. as you know, the country board cabinet was dismantled up to 2 of his 6 members, including guns, p, or position cedar, who decided to support the ruling called mission of israel face october 7th, friday, left the emergency cabinet. done as well as people here waiting list on yahoo, prime minister haines, that's the lack of tools and support from america that prevents a israel from getting the job done. here's the thing you will just earlier asking for even more assistance from the secretary was recently here we are kind of the conversation. i said i deeply appreciate that the support to us


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