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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the, the no place in israel will be bird stops the warning from the leader of his belie coming. as the adf said, it's prepared to invade lebanon, to attack the militant group following a series of mutual force strikes. newton's visit to north korea has wrapped up with the arcade leader kim jong in personally seeing him off of the airport. the russian president, not head to annoy where he scheduled to meet with, basically need a comprehensive partnership agreement signed today. but it also provides some of the provision of new to the venue in the event of the direction. again, one of the partners that's the russian president healing. and the new partnership
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agreement with young young that includes mutual assistance in case of military aggression against either nation was in the north korean capital to witness the wrong welcome of the rest of the president. their 1st less grandiose one. welcome on kim il sung square in the center of junior, i have just come to an end that the people of the democratic people's republic of korea have organized for the russian president vladimir the wherever you're catching a program from today across the world. welcome to moscow on the global news run on our top story today that has belie leader has warned israel stuff. there is no place which will be stirred from because the laws weapons in case a full blown war spreads that comes in response to is really threats to destroy the
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lebanese group. the way i was, i know, let me know if you have any of those. well, but we have prepared ourselves for the worse and up no place to be spared. no rock of israel must wait for us on land, but why seem not inviting there will not follow is the latest series of cross border strikes between the id from his beloved this wedding state. according to the it's really military, approximately 15. the projectile squared detected, which the idea for tale a to to by shelling the source of the launches inside the lab along. there's no words about any casualties on either side as yet. it follows a series of deadly or strikes as well by israel on southern 11, on or near the 2 sides had been exchanging cross border rocket attacks for months. these really military and
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honest on tuesday that it's ready to invade 11 on with quote, operational plans for an attack approved west jerusalem has threatened to acknowledge because belie militant, with base there. we are very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against hezbollah and they've been in all out or has will, i will be destroyed and level and will be severely hits. these really foreign ministers comments were in response to hezbollah. drone footage demonstrating its surveillance of multiple locations in israel, while the almost 10 minutes of video shows the is really port city of high for less than 30 kilometers from the lebanese border. but did time footage films both civilian and military areas, including an arms manufacturing complex with missile defense systems, indicated the head of his blot worn back in november that they were using surveillance problems over high for a senior us advisor in lebanon and tried to calm down in the escalating situation
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between cars, blind israel, during his recent visit to bare route. but let me be clear of the conflict along the blue line between is wrong because bella has gone on for long enough. innocent people are dying, property is damaged, families are shattered. and 11, these economy continues to decline. the country is suffering for no good reason. it's in everyone's interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically. we'll have to take a look at the capacities of both the idea because the law fighters, a major washington think tank see is the the militant grouping is able to montana effect of country attack against israeli forces. and the group is estimated to have $200000.00 rockets and ms. miles. i found it also both around $30000.00 active fighters. while the head of the i d. f recently reported
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a lock of soldiers in order to quote, fulfill its missions. we discussed the escalating conflict with ecuadorian journalist esteban creo, who believes israel doesn't have the capacity to fight on a 2nd front. and i would say era is a at this point, the settings smoke. this is a complete by dream is ro is not ready to open up a from again, since the ball out look at what's happening in the augusta street is being 8 months and the resistance continues to 5 day in the out. a is ready to accommodate her as an army. officials keeps saying that the policy and resistance has managed to replenish itself despite that they must, based on the cost in gaza. now considered as bala a for as much larger. don, how much, much better we much better train, much better positioned, and who has essentially blinded israel in the northeast as one of the reasons why we have these unprecedented food is of our reconnaissance drones flying over these
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really not showing facilities of sensitive um, maybe 30 facilities, you know, where they keep the submarines where they uh, you know, the raphael and the fans of factories is something that, or you could have never imagined just, you know, a year ago, march of it now today we see that of a distaste has completely changed so these are statements from, from these re, the army and from these early for him. and is there, you know, is just another of these ground, the low point uh eh, statements that they like to make to make themselves some thoughts despite the fact that we know now know that they are not ready to fight a war against hum us for use the smallest fraction within the axis overseas best. my firm belief that the moment israel decides to march 11 on is the moment that they will find out just how quickly their entire army can be on done. now it's not the way we're putting this visit to north korea has finished with a flourish on the president's plane is on route now to henry where he set to meet
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with the means. officials in the busy few days as it was the p r. k leader kept on doing so mister putting off personally and was driven to the airport and the impression that iris the visiting president. in fact give tennis as a gift offered during the trip. the 2 nations signs a new partnership agreement, which includes a mutual assistance for the russian leader expanded on the pac after it was signed, highlighting the partnership not entails or commitment to defend each other. should one come under the piano, young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability to ensure a national security design, protected silver and distributed into effect. the comprehensive bio ship agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual decision. yes. in the of a couple of questions which again, one of the population, there was no easy chair. think of it. and i would like for your attention state you went in. yeah, by the united states and other nato countries about
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a supply of high precision long range within the system, junior f. 16 aircraft by sure. what are and other high tech weapons and equipment in the future for striking russian territory. in this regard to your, from the russian federation, it does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the documents signed to the people. surely this powerful agreement between the cpr. okay, involved. so he's nothing more than the jump to mind, so what kind of strong saving would be forward looking exclusively to school? what are the thoughts of the nature of the design support starts and just found that this basic interest on the people. so the 2 countries have no doubt that they will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi polar world for free from the rule of gemini and mileage relations between all countries have reason to the high level of large relations. a legal basis has been laid with the house of the way it has become possible. seems the crime shows cloud nobility the sip of 2 states and all peoples through lively
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protected peace and security of the region and the wells, and build strong states in accordance with the common names. first of all, take roughly on the truth or from walk him till noon, insisted that the treaty is peace. so i'm defensive in nature and accelerates the creation of a new multiple world order pressure. and north korea opposed to use of sanctions as a quote to, for the west to maintain that 2 weeks prior to this young young mister putting one that is a weapon supplied by western countries where used to strike russia, which has been done. moscow has a right to respond by providing military a to any country, even if those arms are then used against the same countries, not to add doubles on all those remarks today. let's take a mid you want them. we're thinking that if someone believes it is possible to supply such weapons, to a war zone, in order to strike our territories and create problems for us,
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then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the wind, where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric unless we think about this. and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations and undermine international security. ultimately, if we see those countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is the direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way all in all. this is a fact, a very serious problem. well, we want to live on a problem though. it, to me treat bob, it's political analyst, you know, it's me. internet media project says always you are most welcome to meet tree just to on the weapons. firstly, how significant is that in terms of defense capability? now for, for north korea, how pub, please, will be they be with the signing of this agreement or? well,
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it is clear that there are no exact fitness medicine. it just said that the roster reserves the right to have me to take out the ration with north korea month old. visibly. this is a new kind of a fact and you'll kind of aligns which would kind of narrow come about if they're not just stays. did not to pride for create assault on a shall need to we actually see how japan, south korea there tonight, the states by one called the building a kind of ation, nato, which very much mirror us the european nato. and which now is basically and then taking the long and long defensive for why it is clear that north korea, which is uh, let me remind you 2 times smaller than south korea. population wise is clear. there's no scary is not going to attack its neighbors. it's uh the united states
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and they realize their idol with j as in green with me. and i would say that's the whole picture kind of change in the yeah, the photos on 2014 1st came to the last career. it was also very polite, but there was no fault of both in the lines all very good relations because at the time everyone expects the south korea most career will move towards each other would be assigned or more or less peaceful, peaceful alliance, peaceful reintegration. unfortunately, that is not possible now before the last crest changed. now south korea has changed their address. it is very address. if north korea and safe korea, we will nice again, who feels themselves as 2nd rate seats as it is on this. so allow or visit the solution will be different. north korea, we'll develop it, we'll get our device relation. thanks to china. thanks to russia. thanks to all the concious, all the global cells. and this will be imagined,
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but the very end of them uh, what we saw in germany, germany, by the way, for one is not to be addressed if i gaze drive, so when q re re unite that and unfortunately, that is not the case. now germany is now behaving in a very, very cost. i don't mind. so the same thing will not happen in korea. that was the message i think, which boards, president clinton and present team sense. what do you think then the reception to this is going to be in the west to the new mutual assistance agreement, to level vis a. it will be very negative from the western media will try to present that this are our should be common, like north korea. there's nothing on this on going on. you leave here and you'll see that 12 is there. i say it is not in any way. legs not career, and if you read both ends article, which was published in north korea, newspaper adoption boone, you will see the things that article which in does not brace cormier and he isn't. he doesn't say that we're going to be the same. he says that we are here to protect
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the north korea's server into north koreans. right. to decide the fate. again, north koreans. right. which means that north koreans shouldn't be with their future themselves. or they should not be, they shall not be forced to court, be the american logo, or the soviet moto, or any on the forwarding mode of north korea's themselves will find a way for how they will get on to revise the ration, how they will develop their country as a quote in this country or some other uh, solutions they will find it. uh, you know, this is a message from briggs, this is why so many congress wants to join brakes because he will have the morning keys. officially quoting history, use democratic republics. anything, you know, every nation press to find its own way,
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we develop it. so that's the message from president. one of the other side though, from, from the east, because we've seen in the past the, over the past year or so. chinese influence in central asia, for instance, which russia has, of course, a long standing ties with rushes. no. and the thing is, ties with north korea. what? well china is reaction be here. will they be looking on more than this? interestingly as well may be chiron that has the reservations about uh the scandal for a brush long. this been russian north korea. but the game trainees, diplomats polite enough. not to do it the american way. i'm sorry. americans used to be with people less not anymore. so what i'm going to see are from china, the same kind of language way, use the syrian from the united states and from the european union. if china has
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programs, they will approach rations and north koreans. they will say, here's what we want to know. here's what's back inside of the about how some, how the program will result. right now there is no safe link between congress or the briggs contest that want to develop in different ways. there will be conflicts inside the west and the winds because the very i deal with joe that the winds down to liberalism. uh, global is, is an address if i, i don't just, that's why is it american society so much please between the support us of why the from. uh, that's why we southerly see conflicts that will not be imagined just a few years ago. there's no voltage between russians and ukrainians, west still the same people call and terminated starting today. there is a conflict between the idol with joe, the west, and the rest of the world. okay, was the west and i don't, you know, is that the area? it doesn't, it doesn't, uh, toner, raise any kind of
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a position. and it's probably the size of service in sports offs. media history. we have seen it in the soviet union now in a group for in a new form. we saved from the united states, into your opinion. thanks so much for coming into the program at ensuring your tech on that and good to see you to dmitri dmitri, bob edge political have a list of the, you know, speed, internet media project, a lot of cultural highlights. all a lot of air pollutants visit was a mass concert featuring performances in both korean and russian. artic correspondent the old quarter was there and told us the size of the welcome was something he'd never seen before. this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century, the vladimir potent, the russian president, has touch down in pyongyang. and this meeting that he had with teams on was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr. k and all the different spears,
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including culture and education, economics and science. but the main one of course is as we recently heard that of a military cooperation. and it has to do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west sanctions. and this common western, this coming position in relation to western regression is uh, one of the main points in which the dpr k and russia are looking to unite and fight against. i'm not sure if the increase consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple a will order. both russia and north korea pursue independence and autonomous foreign policies and reject the language of blackmail and the post the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions. and restrictions, these illegitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool, the west is a custom to using to maintain its had gemini, in politics, economics,
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and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be reconsidered. military cooperation was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different spheres of cooperation. the russian present mentioned economic as the facts that in 2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth. that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow. the russian president said that right now, 130 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expected to grow as well as such a grandiose welcome like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before in any other country. in 10, earlier i was able to take some uh,
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videos of what was going on there. i was in the press bleachers right in the middle of the action. i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young yang. so let's take a listen. as you can see behind the scenes of thousands of people from the dpr k have gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir mccain. john, the
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dignitary. well, come on to middletown square in the center. just come to an end that the people of the democrats supposed to publish a free and have organized for this visit, the russian president vladimir putin. as you can see, there's thousands of them on the square around 15000, all happy to warm, warm, warmly welcome. the russian president here in town, errands and historic events. we're driving at 2 different location now and so many people throughout the streets. we've been saying hi to them this whole time as any crowd of people down the road for kilometers and kilometers. here to welcome the russian delegation and here, i mean my aren't even getting tired of waving so much. no,
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it's annoying prepares to welcome flooding or putting the senior v. and it means the official has said, the russian leaders visit confirms the southeast asian nations course towards an independent unfriendly foreign policy focused on self reliance and cooperation and anticipation of the mirror put in the visit. the vietnamese capital has been decorated with russian flags lining the streets of halloway for the top ranking delegation. expectations are high that new agreements will be signed to expand strategic cooperation between the countries. getting these people who are living busy prefers to welcome the russian president and have been expressing their delight really about the warm relations between the 2 nations. i'm very happy that the leader of the republic of vietnam, invited, present, put in to visit the country to discuss cooperation. yet none of these people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very long and strong friendship. i also hope that the charges between the 2
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countries will grow day by day is the most. we love brushing people very much. the people of russia very kind of, they have supported o'con should so many years. we're grateful to russian people and presidents. what's in that, you know, in a tense world situation like this, russia in vietnam should strengthen the relationship because there are many threats to the, secure, totally a. well, we spoke to a political activist whose also the ground, the selling of the 1st secretary general of the vietnamese communist party. visa is the upcoming visit, is a marker on how ties between vietnam and rush have strengthened, especially in the security and economics pierce laws to put it has to be the vietnam 4 or 5 times since he became president. this upcoming visit is also mugs held relations between vietnam and russia. have grown in many areas such as security, cooperation, energy corporation, economic cooperation, cultural educational cooperation,
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and many other areas. since it's sylvia theater viewed them and rush had comprehensive cooperation with each other. this visit is not a very important element, and we just say to the whole world that we're still friends. each visited by lighting and put in was signified by documents of corporation and development. and i believe that in the future, only serious will develop further, especially corporation in energy and defense, energy corporation between russia and vietnam has been very long standing. it is the most powerful speed of cooperation between the 2 countries, especially in the modern context of climate change in global warming, groceries, the country with a lot of experience in innovating or strengthening renewable energy. and is useful not only for vietnam, but also russia in other countries as well. now, a new survey carried out by the university of warsaw house revealed up the polish peoples of it you towards you printing and refugees has changed drastically. the
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results show 95 percent of post believe that social benefits for ukrainian asylum seekers should be drastically reduced while only 17 percent would welcome to refugees. if asked to do so. that's a less than half of the number, who responded positively 2 years ago on the 5th of respondents think the polish government should stop ating, ukraine completely and need brings ukraine. men are fleeing a new construction law that came into effect. loss of footage emerges daily on social media of people being forcibly taken away by draft officers. a bbc interview entailed how key of executes the new mobilization policy. so these wedding, it wasn't just the weather. they didn't go to plan houses the guess didn't show up . going out in public is now too risky to men who don't want to enlist. are you afraid that you might be cool?
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20 percent. yeah. yeah. we don't know when it's of, but i don't to walk outside at all now, unless i'm with my daughter, and that is because they don't take people with the children recruitment post as knowing the streets of a desa the message together to victory. but ukraine is now divided between those who are prepared to fight and those who would rather run full height . would you, physical level, as martin j says your opinions are tired of the refugee issue, then ukrainian men are resisting, being sent to what locally is called the meat grinder. the ukraine has been run now, so long along very, very backward what's across it lines, you know, the shut down of any opposition media and an optician policies and everything that we would associate as a normal function to box has been stripped away from it. you know, there is a massive amount of people in new creative don't believe the thoughts of the window
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. and they see moving towards the front line and as a conscript soldiers. and it's just a, a suicide. took it one way to get to, to being able to write to many europeans, particularly in countries that immediately affected by a well having a change of heart. you know, there is a, a shift in the, in the war itself. russia is getting more ground by the day, and many polls and many europeans now starting to actually wake up and smell the coffee. they are getting tired of it. they are getting tired of the wisdom of late some nights. there's narrative because they don't see anything positive coming out from a lot of interest. and this next door, a suspected is law makes state. terrorist have infiltrated europe, apparently by mingling with the millions of refugees have entered the you from ukraine. that's according to the chief of germany, federal domestic intelligence agents, a c, e has been cut off. kizusky has also managed to bring supporters to western europe
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and possibly through a wave of written ease from ukraine for now, staying here and on various west sincerely countries, bits of security or searches across europe. us are working very closely together on this issue as well. in the report on terrorist activity in the year, the german agency concluded that the ices k groups currently poses the greatest threat to public safety coming as the discipline medical for major terror attacks. several suspects have already be interested in western europe position fairly and saves the all enter the u via in the cranes. let's stop by when sit on july 6th, 2023, called in the search measures with canada. out of various locations in los saxony, no fraud was fall, and the middle, once again, suspected supporters of the terrorist organization is let me state some people who are arrested. there is a suspect on national, some very central eastern states that of germany from ukraine almost single time easily in the spring of some 1022. they are suspected of having joint forces deform,
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etc, is group with the aim of carrying out high profile attacks in germany. incidentally, just as a head about revelation berlin and said, well for support for you, creating and refugees in germany is going to be maintained as it currently is. now the federal government rejected the liberal parties proposal of treating a new printing asylum seekers the same as refugees from other countries that is not issuing the monthly payments. well, we got reaction from german politician and former european parliament member, gunner beck, or in a sense, it's not all too surprising what the domestic intelligence services, our apologies, have revealed that if millions of refugees from ukraine are flooding into jeopardy at without any serious folder checks then it's inevitable in all sorts of people. and susie has refugees
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and orthodontic protection to germany. so what speed revealed is really in addition to all the, all these difficult to enter somewhere. you know, i, the enters who, who made the tray in or through ukraine since 2010 the germany has made to round out a 1000000 refugees from around the world including the ukrainians. most of them are coming from the lease of africa. the overall cost of the side in migration to job and the, at this point, sends that to rod the minimum of arrived to take the $100.00, the 10, the, the euro. every yeah. obviously the country which is in economic difficulty such as job and he cannot afford it's such
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a yeah.


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